Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    char c, msg[1000];
    int colnames = 'y',
        rownames = 0,
        tab_exists_check = 0;
    char **field_names = NULL;
    apop_data *field_name_data, *field_name_data_t;

	sprintf(msg, "%s [-d delimiters] text_file table_name dbname\n"
                "e.g.: %s -d\",|\" infile.txt a_table info.db\n"
"If the input text file name is a single dash, -, then read from STDIN.\n"
"Input must be plain ASCII or UTF-8.\n"
"-d\t\tThe single-character delimiters to use, e.g., -d \" ,\" or -d \"\\t\" (which you \n"
"\t\t\twill almost certainly have to write as -d \"\\\\t\"). Default: \"| ,\\t\", meaning \n"
"\t\t\tthat any of a pipe, space, comma, or tab will delimit separate entries\n"
"-nc\t\tData does not include column names\n"
"-n regex\t\tCase-insensitive regular expression indicating Null values. Default: NaN \n"
"-m\t\tUse a mysql database (default: SQLite)\n"
"-f\t\tfixed width field ends: -f\"3,8,12,17\" (first char is one, not zero)\n"
"-u\t\tmysql username\n"
"-p\t\tmysql password\n"
"-r\t\tData includes row names\n"
"-N\t\tA comma-separated list of column names: -N\"apple,banana,carrot,durian\"\n"
"-O\t\tIf table exists, erase it and write from scratch (i.e., Overwrite)\n"
"-h\t\tPrint this help\n\n"
, argv[0], argv[0]); 
    int * field_list = NULL;

		printf("%s", msg);
		return 0;
	while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "n:d:f:hmp:ru:vN:O")) != -1)
        if (c=='n') {
              if (optarg[0]=='c')
                strcpy(apop_opts.db_nan, optarg);
		else if (c=='N') {
            apop_regex(optarg, " *([^,]*[^ ]) *(,|$) *", &field_name_data);
            field_name_data_t = apop_data_transpose(field_name_data);
            field_names = field_name_data_t->text[0];
        else if (c=='d') strcpy(apop_opts.input_delimiters, optarg);
		else if (c=='f') field_list = break_down(optarg);
		else if (c=='h') printf("%s", msg);
		else if (c=='m') apop_opts.db_engine = 'm';
		else if (c=='u') strcpy(apop_opts.db_user, optarg);
		else if (c=='p') strcpy(apop_opts.db_pass, optarg);
		else if (c=='r') rownames++;
		else if (c=='v') apop_opts.verbose=2;
		else if (c=='O') tab_exists_check++;
	apop_db_open(argv[optind + 2]);
    if (tab_exists_check) apop_table_exists(argv[optind+1],1);
	apop_text_to_db(argv[optind], argv[optind+1], rownames, colnames, field_names, .field_ends=field_list);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    int c;
    char *msg;
    int colnames = 'y',
        rownames = 0,
        tab_exists_check = 0;
    char **field_names = NULL;

	Asprintf(&msg, "Usage: %s [-d delimiters] text_file table_name dbname\n"
"If the input text file name is a single dash, -, then read from STDIN.\n"
"Input must be plain ASCII or UTF-8.\n"
" -d\t\tthe single-character delimiters to use, e.g., -d \" ,\" or -d \"\\t\" (which you \n"
  " \t\t\twill almost certainly have to write as -d \"\\\\t\") (default: \"|,\\t\", meaning \n"
  " \t\t\tthat any of a pipe, comma, or tab will delimit separate entries)\n"
" -nc\t\tdata does not include column names\n"
" -n regex\t\tcase-insensitive regular expression indicating Null values (default: NaN)\n"
" -m\t\tuse a MySQL database (default: SQLite)\n"
" -f\t\tfixed width field ends: -f\"3,8,12,17\" (first char is one, not zero)\n"
" -u\t\tmysql username\n"
" -p\t\tmysql password\n"
" -r\t\tdata includes row names\n"
" -v\t\tverbosity\n"
" -N\t\ta comma-separated list of column names: -N\"apple,banana,carrot,durian\"\n"
" -en\t\tif table exists, do nothing and exit\n"
" -ed\t\tif table exists, retain the table, delete all data, refill with the new data (i.e., call 'delete * from your_table')\n"
" -eo\t\tif table exists, overwrite the table from scratch (deleting the previous table entirely)\n"
" -ea\t\tif table exists, append new data to the existing table\n"
" -h\t\tdisplay this help and exit\n"
, argv[0]);
    int * field_list = NULL;
    char if_exists = 'n';

		printf("%s", msg);
		return 0;
	while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "n:d:e:f:hmp:ru:vN:O")) != -1)
        if (c=='n') {
              if (optarg[0]=='c') colnames='n';
              else                apop_opts.nan_string = optarg;
		else if (c=='N') {
            apop_data *field_name_data;
            apop_regex(optarg, " *([^,]*[^ ]) *(,|$) *", &field_name_data);
            Apop_stopif(!field_name_data, return 1, 0, "'%s' should be a "
                    "comma-delimited list of field names, but I had trouble "
                    "parsing it as such.", optarg);
            field_names = field_name_data->text[0];
Exemplo n.º 3
void test_regex(){
    char string1[] = "Hello. I am a string.";
    assert(apop_regex(string1, "hell"));
    apop_data *subs;
    apop_regex(string1, "(e).*I.*(xxx)*(am)", .substrings = &subs);
    assert(!strcmp(subs->text[0][0], "e"));
    assert(!strcmp(subs->text[0][2], "am"));

    //Split a comma-delimited list, throwing out white space.
    //Notice that the regex includes only one instance of a non-comma blob 
    //ending in a non-space followed by a comma, but the function keeps 
    //applying it until the end of string.
    char string2[] = " one, two , three ,four";
    apop_regex(string2, " *([^,]*[^ ]) *(,|$) *", &subs);
    assert(!strcmp(*subs->text[0], "one"));
    assert(!strcmp(*subs->text[1], "two"));
    assert(!strcmp(*subs->text[2], "three"));
    assert(!strcmp(*subs->text[3], "four"));