Exemplo n.º 1
void _wrap_appendLayer() {
    unsigned int *arg1 = (unsigned int *) 0 ;
    unsigned int *arg2 = (unsigned int *) 0 ;
    int arg3 ;
    int arg4 ;
    bool arg5 ;

        AS3_GetScalarFromVar(arg1, pixels);
        AS3_GetScalarFromVar(arg2, colorPixels);
        AS3_GetScalarFromVar(arg3, width);
        AS3_GetScalarFromVar(arg4, height);
        AS3_GetScalarFromVar(arg5, flip);

Exemplo n.º 2
MIPControl::MIPControl( presets::MIPStage& mip, QWidget* parent )
    : VolumeRenderingControl( mip, parent )
    , pimpl( new Details( *this ) )
    , mip( mip )
    QVBoxLayout* const layout = new QVBoxLayout();
    /* Add 'sample rate' configurator.
    QFormLayout* const general = new QFormLayout();
    general->addRow( "Sample Rate:", sbSampleRate );
    layout->addLayout( general );
    /* Add layers list.
    QPushButton* const buAddChannel = new QPushButton( "&Add Layer" );
    connect( buAddChannel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( appendLayer() ) );
    layout->addWidget( buAddChannel );

    layout->addLayout( pimpl->layers );
    layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    pimpl->layers->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    QHBoxLayout* const bottom_buttons = new QHBoxLayout();
    QPushButton* const buSaveColorConfig = new QPushButton( "Save" );
    QPushButton* const buLoadColorConfig = new QPushButton( "Load" );
    bottom_buttons->addWidget( buSaveColorConfig );
    bottom_buttons->addWidget( buLoadColorConfig );
    bottom_buttons->addStretch( 1 );

    QVBoxLayout* master = new QVBoxLayout();
    master->addLayout( layout );
    master->addLayout( bottom_buttons );

    connect( buSaveColorConfig, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveColorConfig() ) );
    connect( buLoadColorConfig, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( loadColorConfig() ) );

    this->setLayout( master );

    /* Initialize layers list.
    for( std::size_t layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < mip.layersCount(); ++layerIdx )
        presets::MIPLayer& layer = mip.layer( layerIdx );
        pimpl->appendControl( layer );
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Class constructor.
TopologyWidget::TopologyWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::TopologyWidget), model(NULL){

    //creates and adds newt param widget to layout
	npw = new NetParamWidget(this);

	//connects signal slots
	connect(ui->appendButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(appendLayer()));
	connect(ui->removeButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(removeSelected()));
	connect(ui->duplicateButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(duplicateSelected()));
	connect(ui->closeButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(closeBtnPressed()));

	//adds layout to layer editor
	layerEditLayout = new QVBoxLayout(ui->layerScrollAreaContent);
	layerEditLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
Exemplo n.º 4
void MIPControl::appendLayer()
    const base::Color color = pimpl->nextColor++;
    presets::MIPLayer* const newLayer = new presets::MIPLayer( -1024, 3071, color );
    appendLayer( newLayer );
Exemplo n.º 5
// Function				:	appendPyramid
// Description			:	Append an image pyramid into an image file
//							the reduction gives the amount of reduction in the image size at each step
// Return Value			:
// Comments				:
template <class T> static	void	appendPyramid(TIFF *out,int &dstart,int numSamples,int bitsperpixel,int tileSize,int width,int height,T *data) {
	T		*currentLevel;
	int		currentWidth,currentHeight,nextWidth,nextHeight;
	float	*fnextLevel;

	// Append the base layer

	// Append the remaining layers
	currentWidth	=	width;
	currentHeight	=	height;
	currentLevel	=	data;

	fnextLevel		=	(float *)	ralloc(width*height*numSamples*sizeof(float),CRenderer::globalMemory);

	int numLevels	=	tiffNumLevels(width,height);
	int	i;

	for (i=1;i<numLevels;i++) {
		int			x,y,yo;
		int			s;

		nextWidth	=	currentWidth >> 1;
		nextHeight	=	currentHeight >> 1;

		for (y=0,yo=0;y<nextHeight;y++,yo+=2) {
			T		*src	=	&currentLevel[yo*currentWidth*numSamples];
			float	*dest	=	&fnextLevel[y*nextWidth*numSamples];
			int		n;

			for (x=0;x<nextWidth;x++) {
				for (n=0;n<numSamples;n++) {
					dest[n]		=	src[n];
					dest[n]		+=	src[numSamples+n];
				dest	+=	numSamples;
				src		+=	2*numSamples;

			src		=	&currentLevel[(yo+1)*currentWidth*numSamples];
			dest	=	&fnextLevel[y*nextWidth*numSamples];

			for (x=0;x<nextWidth;x++) {
				for (n=0;n<numSamples;n++) {
					dest[n]		+=	src[n];
					dest[n]		+=	src[numSamples+n];
				dest	+=	numSamples;
				src		+=	2*numSamples;

			dest	=	&fnextLevel[y*nextWidth*numSamples];

			for (x=0;x<nextWidth*numSamples;x++) {
				*dest++	*=	1/(float) 4;
		for (s=0;s<nextWidth*nextHeight*numSamples;s++) {
			currentLevel[s]	=	(T) fnextLevel[s];

		currentWidth	=	nextWidth;
		currentHeight	=	nextHeight;
