Exemplo n.º 1
void OutputWindowPlainTextEdit::appendLinesWithStyle(QString const& s, enum VcsOutputWindow::MessageStyle style, const QString &repository)

    if (style == VcsOutputWindow::Command) {
        const QString timeStamp = QTime::currentTime().toString(QLatin1String("\nHH:mm "));
        appendLines(timeStamp + s, repository);
    else {
        appendLines(s, repository);

// Append command with new line and log time stamp
void OutputWindowPlainTextEdit::appendCommand(const QString &text)
    const QString timeStamp = QTime::currentTime().toString(QLatin1String("\nHH:mm "));
    appendLines(timeStamp + text);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CustomBuildJob::start()
    if( type == CustomBuildSystemTool::Undefined ) {
        setError( UndefinedBuildType );
        setErrorText( i18n( "Undefined Build type" ) );
    } else if( cmd.isEmpty() ) {
        setError( NoCommand );
        setErrorText( i18n( "No command given" ) );
    } else if( !enabled ) {
        setError( ToolDisabled );
        setErrorText( i18n( "This command is disabled" ) );
    } else {
        KShell::Errors err;
        QStringList strargs = KShell::splitArgs( arguments, KShell::AbortOnMeta, &err );
        if( err != KShell::NoError ) {
            setError( WrongArgs );
            setErrorText( i18n( "The given arguments would need a real shell, this is not supported currently." ) );
        setStandardToolView( KDevelop::IOutputView::BuildView );
        setBehaviours( KDevelop::IOutputView::AllowUserClose | KDevelop::IOutputView::AutoScroll );
        KDevelop::OutputModel* model = new KDevelop::OutputModel( builddir );
        model->setFilteringStrategy( KDevelop::OutputModel::CompilerFilter );
        setModel( model );


        exec = new KDevelop::CommandExecutor( cmd, this );

        exec->setArguments( strargs );
        exec->setEnvironment( KDevelop::EnvironmentGroupList( KGlobal::config() ).createEnvironment( environment, KProcess::systemEnvironment() ) );
        exec->setWorkingDirectory( builddir );

        connect( exec, SIGNAL(completed(int)), SLOT(procFinished(int)) );
        connect( exec, SIGNAL(failed( QProcess::ProcessError )), SLOT(procError( QProcess::ProcessError )) );

        connect( exec, SIGNAL(receivedStandardError(QStringList)), model, SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) );
        connect( exec, SIGNAL(receivedStandardOutput(QStringList)), model, SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) );

        model->appendLine( QString("%1>%2 %3").arg( builddir ).arg( cmd ).arg( arguments ) );
void OutputWindowPlainTextEdit::appendWarning(const QString &text)
void OutputWindowPlainTextEdit::appendMessage(const QString &text)
Exemplo n.º 6
void OutputExecuteJob::start()
    Q_ASSERT( d->m_status == JobNotStarted );
    d->m_status = JobRunning;

    const bool isBuilder = d->m_properties.testFlag( IsBuilderHint );

    const KUrl effectiveWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory();
    if( effectiveWorkingDirectory.isEmpty() ) {
        if( d->m_properties.testFlag( NeedWorkingDirectory ) ) {
            // A directory is not given, but we need it.
            setError( InvalidWorkingDirectoryError );
            if( isBuilder ) {
                setErrorText( i18n( "No build directory specified for a builder job." ) );
            } else {
                setErrorText( i18n( "No working directory specified for a process." ) );
            return emitResult();

        setModel( new OutputModel );
    } else {
        // Basic sanity checks.
        if( !effectiveWorkingDirectory.isValid() ) {
            setError( InvalidWorkingDirectoryError );
            if( isBuilder ) {
                setErrorText( i18n( "Invalid build directory '%1'", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
            } else {
                setErrorText( i18n( "Invalid working directory '%1'", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
            return emitResult();
        } else if( !effectiveWorkingDirectory.isLocalFile() ) {
            setError( InvalidWorkingDirectoryError );
            if( isBuilder ) {
                setErrorText( i18n( "Build directory '%1' is not a local path", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
            } else {
                setErrorText( i18n( "Working directory '%1' is not a local path", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
            return emitResult();

        QFileInfo workingDirInfo( effectiveWorkingDirectory.toLocalFile() );
        if( !workingDirInfo.isDir() ) {
            // If a working directory does not actually exist, either bail out or create it empty,
            // depending on what we need by properties.
            // We use a dedicated bool variable since !isDir() may also mean that it exists,
            // but is not a directory, or a symlink to an inexistent object.
            bool successfullyCreated = false;
            if( !d->m_properties.testFlag( CheckWorkingDirectory ) ) {
                successfullyCreated = QDir( effectiveWorkingDirectory.directory() ).mkdir( effectiveWorkingDirectory.fileName() );
            if( !successfullyCreated ) {
                setError( InvalidWorkingDirectoryError );
                if( isBuilder ) {
                    setErrorText( i18n( "Build directory '%1' does not exist or is not a directory", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
                } else {
                    setErrorText( i18n( "Working directory '%1' does not exist or is not a directory", effectiveWorkingDirectory.prettyUrl() ) );
                return emitResult();

        setModel( new OutputModel( effectiveWorkingDirectory ) );
    Q_ASSERT( model() );

    model()->setFilteringStrategy( d->m_filteringStrategy );
    setDelegate( new OutputDelegate );

    // Slots hasRawStdout() and hasRawStderr() are responsible
    // for feeding raw data to the line maker; so property-based channel filtering is implemented there.
    if( d->m_properties.testFlag( PostProcessOutput ) ) {
        connect( d->m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStdoutLines(QStringList)),
                 SLOT(postProcessStdout(QStringList)) );
        connect( d->m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStderrLines(QStringList)),
                 SLOT(postProcessStderr(QStringList)) );
    } else {
        connect( d->m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStdoutLines(QStringList)), model(),
                 SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) );
        connect( d->m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStderrLines(QStringList)), model(),
                 SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) );

    if( !d->m_properties.testFlag( NoSilentOutput ) || verbosity() != Silent ) {
        d->m_outputStarted = true;

    const QString joinedCommandLine = d->joinCommandLine();
    QString headerLine;
    if( !effectiveWorkingDirectory.isEmpty() ) {
        headerLine = effectiveWorkingDirectory.toLocalFile( KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash ) + "> " + joinedCommandLine;
    } else {
        headerLine = joinedCommandLine;
    model()->appendLine( headerLine );

    if( !effectiveWorkingDirectory.isEmpty() ) {
        d->m_process->setWorkingDirectory( effectiveWorkingDirectory.toLocalFile() );
    d->m_process->setProcessEnvironment( d->effectiveEnvironment() );
    d->m_process->setProgram( d->effectiveCommandLine() );