Exemplo n.º 1
wxString &OCPNPlatform::GetSharedDataDir()
        //      Establish a "shared data" location
        /*  From the wxWidgets documentation...
         *     wxStandardPaths::GetDataDir
         *     wxString GetDataDir() const
         *     Return the location of the applications global, i.e. not user-specific, data files.
         * Unix: prefix/share/appname
         * Windows: the directory where the executable file is located
         * Mac: appname.app/Contents/SharedSupport bundle subdirectory
        wxStandardPaths& std_path = GetStdPaths();
        m_SData_Dir = std_path.GetDataDir();
        appendOSDirSlash( &m_SData_Dir );
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        wxFileName fdir = wxFileName::DirName(std_path.GetUserConfigDir());
        m_SData_Dir = fdir.GetPath();
        m_SData_Dir += _T("/cache/");
        if( g_bportable )
            m_SData_Dir = GetHomeDir();
    return m_SData_Dir;
Exemplo n.º 2
wxString &OCPNPlatform::GetPrivateDataDir()
        //      Establish the prefix of the location of user specific data files
        wxStandardPaths& std_path = GetStdPaths();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        m_PrivateDataDir = GetHomeDir();                     // should be {Documents and Settings}\......
#elif defined __WXOSX__
        m_PrivateDataDir = std_path.GetUserConfigDir();     // should be ~/Library/Preferences
        m_PrivateDataDir = std_path.GetUserDataDir();       // should be ~/.opencpn
        if( g_bportable )
            m_PrivateDataDir = GetHomeDir();
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        m_PrivateDataDir = androidGetPrivateDir();
    return m_PrivateDataDir;
Exemplo n.º 3
wxString &OCPNPlatform::GetHomeDir()

        //      Establish a "home" location
 //       wxStandardPaths& std_path = *dynamic_cast<wxStandardPaths*>(&wxApp::GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths());
        wxStandardPaths& std_path = GetStdPaths();
        //        wxStandardPaths &std_path = ( wxStandardPaths) wxGetApp().GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths();
        //TODO  Why is the following preferred?  Will not compile with gcc...
//    wxStandardPaths& std_path = wxApp::GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths();

#ifdef __unix__
        std_path.SetInstallPrefix(wxString(PREFIX, wxConvUTF8));

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        m_homeDir =  std_path.GetConfigDir();   // on w98, produces "/windows/Application Data"
        m_homeDir = std_path.GetUserConfigDir();

//  On android, make the private data dir on the sdcard, if it exists.
//  This make debugging easier, as it is not deleted whenever the APK is re-deployed.
//  This behaviour should go away at Release.
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        if( wxDirExists(_T("/mnt/sdcard")) ){
            m_homeDir =  _T("/mnt/sdcard/.opencpn");

        if( g_bportable ) 
            m_homeDir = GetExePath();
#ifdef  __WXOSX__

        appendOSDirSlash( &m_homeDir );
    return m_homeDir;
Exemplo n.º 4
wxString &OCPNPlatform::GetConfigFileName()
        //      Establish the location of the config file
        wxStandardPaths& std_path = GetStdPaths();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        m_config_file_name = _T("opencpn.ini");
        m_config_file_name.Prepend( GetHomeDir() );
#elif defined __WXOSX__
        m_config_file_name = std_path.GetUserConfigDir(); // should be ~/Library/Preferences
        m_config_file_name = std_path.GetUserDataDir(); // should be ~/.opencpn
        if( g_bportable ) {
            m_config_file_name = GetHomeDir();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            m_config_file_name += _T("opencpn.ini");
#elif defined __WXOSX__
            m_config_file_name +=_T("opencpn.ini");
            m_config_file_name += _T("opencpn.conf");
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        m_config_file_name = androidGetPrivateDir();
        m_config_file_name += _T("opencpn.conf");
    return m_config_file_name;
Exemplo n.º 5
wxString &OCPNPlatform::GetHomeDir()

        //      Establish a "home" location
 //       wxStandardPaths& std_path = *dynamic_cast<wxStandardPaths*>(&wxApp::GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths());
        wxStandardPaths& std_path = GetStdPaths();
        //        wxStandardPaths &std_path = ( wxStandardPaths) wxGetApp().GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths();
        //TODO  Why is the following preferred?  Will not compile with gcc...
//    wxStandardPaths& std_path = wxApp::GetTraits()->GetStandardPaths();

#ifdef __unix__
        std_path.SetInstallPrefix(wxString(PREFIX, wxConvUTF8));

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        m_homeDir =  std_path.GetConfigDir();   // on w98, produces "/windows/Application Data"
        m_homeDir = std_path.GetUserConfigDir();

#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        m_homeDir =  androidGetHomeDir();

		if( g_bportable ) {
			wxFileName path(GetExePath());
			m_homeDir = path.GetPath();
#ifdef  __WXOSX__

        appendOSDirSlash( &m_homeDir );
    return m_homeDir;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool OCPNPlatform::InitializeLogFile( void )
    //      Establish Log File location
    mlog_file = GetHomeDir();
#ifdef  __WXOSX__
    wxFileName LibPref(mlog_file);          // starts like "~/Library/Preferences"
    LibPref.RemoveLastDir();// takes off "Preferences"
    mlog_file = LibPref.GetFullPath();
    mlog_file.Append(_T("Logs/"));// so, on OS X, opencpn.log ends up in ~/Library/Logs
                                   // which makes it accessible to Applications/Utilities/Console....
    // create the opencpn "home" directory if we need to
    wxFileName wxHomeFiledir( GetHomeDir() );
    if( true != wxHomeFiledir.DirExists( wxHomeFiledir.GetPath() ) )
        if( !wxHomeFiledir.Mkdir( wxHomeFiledir.GetPath() ) ) {
            wxASSERT_MSG(false,_T("Cannot create opencpn home directory"));
            return false;
        // create the opencpn "log" directory if we need to
    wxFileName wxLogFiledir( mlog_file );
    if( true != wxLogFiledir.DirExists( wxLogFiledir.GetPath() ) ) {
        if( !wxLogFiledir.Mkdir( wxLogFiledir.GetPath() ) ) {
            wxASSERT_MSG(false,_T("Cannot create opencpn log directory"));
            return false;
    mlog_file.Append( _T("opencpn.log") );
    wxString logit = mlog_file;
        //  Constrain the size of the log file
    if( ::wxFileExists( mlog_file ) ) {
            if( wxFileName::GetSize( mlog_file ) > 1000000 ) {
                wxString oldlog = mlog_file;
                oldlog.Append( _T(".log") );
                //  Defer the showing of this messagebox until the system locale is established.
                large_log_message = ( _("Old log will be moved to opencpn.log.log") );
                ::wxRenameFile( mlog_file, oldlog );
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        //  Force new logfile for each instance
        // TODO Remove this behaviour on Release
    if( ::wxFileExists( mlog_file ) ){
        ::wxRemoveFile( mlog_file );
    flog = fopen( mlog_file.mb_str(), "a" );
    g_logger = new wxLogStderr( flog );
#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
        //  Trouble printing timestamp
    g_logger->SetTimestamp((const char *)NULL);
#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXOSX__)
    g_logger->SetTimestamp(_T("%H:%M:%S %Z"));
    m_Oldlogger = wxLog::SetActiveTarget( g_logger );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
//  Called from MyApp() immediately upon entry to MyApp::OnInit()
void OCPNPlatform::Initialize_1( void )
#ifndef _DEBUG
    // Install Windows crash reporting
    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO));
    info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO);
    info.pszAppName = _T("OpenCPN");
    wxString version_crash = str_version_major + _T(".") + str_version_minor + _T(".") + str_version_patch;
    info.pszAppVersion = version_crash.c_str();
    int type = MiniDumpWithDataSegs;  // Include the data sections from all loaded modules.
    // This results in the inclusion of global variables
    type |=  MiniDumpNormal;// | MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory;
    info.uMiniDumpType = (MINIDUMP_TYPE)type;
    // Install all available exception handlers....
    //  Except memory allocation failures
    //  Allow user to attach files
    //  Allow user to add more info
    // URL for sending error reports over HTTP.
        info.pszEmailTo = _T("*****@*****.**");
        info.pszSmtpProxy = _T("mail.bigdumboat.com:587");
        info.pszUrl = _T("http://bigdumboat.com/crashrpt/ocpn_crashrpt.php");
        info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = 1;  // First try send report over HTTP
        info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT;
        info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY;       // don't send at all
    info.uPriorities[CR_SMTP] = CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY;  // Second try send report over SMTP
    info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY; //1; // Third try send report over Simple MAPI
    wxStandardPaths& crash_std_path = g_Platform->GetStdPaths();
    wxString crash_rpt_save_locn = crash_std_path.GetConfigDir();
    if( g_bportable ) {
        wxFileName exec_path_crash( crash_std_path.GetExecutablePath() );
        crash_rpt_save_locn = exec_path_crash.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR );
    wxString locn = crash_rpt_save_locn + _T("\\CrashReports");
    if(!wxDirExists( locn ) )
        wxMkdir( locn );
    if(wxDirExists( locn ) ){
        wxCharBuffer buf = locn.ToUTF8();
        wchar_t wlocn[256];
        if(buf && (locn.Length() < sizeof(wlocn)) ){
            MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0, buf.data(), -1, wlocn, sizeof(wlocn)-1);
            info.pszErrorReportSaveDir = (LPCWSTR)wlocn;
    // Provide privacy policy URL
    wxFileName exec_path_crash( crash_std_path.GetExecutablePath() );
    wxString policy_file =  exec_path_crash.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR );
    policy_file += _T("PrivacyPolicy.txt");
    info.pszPrivacyPolicyURL = policy_file.c_str();;
    int nResult = crInstall(&info);
    if(nResult!=0) {
        TCHAR buff[256];
        crGetLastErrorMsg(buff, 256);
        MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("crInstall error, Crash Reporting disabled."), MB_OK);
    // Establish the crash callback function
    crSetCrashCallback( CrashCallback, NULL );
    // Take screenshot of the app window at the moment of crash
    //  Mark some files to add to the crash report
    wxString home_data_crash = crash_std_path.GetConfigDir();
    if( g_bportable ) {
        wxFileName f( crash_std_path.GetExecutablePath() );
        home_data_crash = f.GetPath();
    appendOSDirSlash( &home_data_crash );
    wxString config_crash = _T("opencpn.ini");
    config_crash.Prepend( home_data_crash );
    crAddFile2( config_crash.c_str(), NULL, NULL, CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK | CR_AF_ALLOW_DELETE );
    wxString log_crash = _T("opencpn.log");
    log_crash.Prepend( home_data_crash );
    crAddFile2( log_crash.c_str(), NULL, NULL, CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK | CR_AF_ALLOW_DELETE );

    // fatal exceptions handling
    wxHandleFatalExceptions (true);

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    //  Invoke my own handler for failures of malloc/new
    _set_new_handler( MyNewHandler );
    //  configure malloc to call the New failure handler on failure
    //    On MSW, force the entire process to run on one CPU core only
    //    This resolves some difficulty with wxThread syncronization
#if 0
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    //Gets the current process handle
    HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
    DWORD procMask;
    DWORD sysMask;
    HANDLE hDup;
    DuplicateHandle( hProc, hProc, hProc, &hDup, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
    //Gets the current process affinity mask
    GetProcessAffinityMask( hDup, &procMask, &sysMask );
    // Take a simple approach, and assume up to 4 processors
    DWORD newMask;
    if( ( procMask & 1 ) == 1 ) newMask = 1;
        if( ( procMask & 2 ) == 2 ) newMask = 2;
            if( ( procMask & 4 ) == 4 ) newMask = 4;
                if( ( procMask & 8 ) == 8 ) newMask = 8;
                //Set te affinity mask for the process
                BOOL res = SetProcessAffinityMask( hDup, (DWORD_PTR) newMask );
            if( res == 0 ) {
                //Error setting affinity mask!!
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            //    Handle any Floating Point Exceptions which may leak thru from other
            //    processes.  The exception filter is in cutil.c
            //    Seems to only happen for W98
            wxPlatformInfo Platform;
            if( Platform.GetOperatingSystemId() == wxOS_WINDOWS_9X ) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (&MyUnhandledExceptionFilter);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            //     _CrtSetBreakAlloc(25503);

#ifndef __WXMSW__
            //      Setup Linux SIGNAL handling, for external program control
            //      Build the sigaction structure
            sa_all.sa_handler = catch_signals;// point to my handler
            sigemptyset(&sa_all.sa_mask);// make the blocking set
            // empty, so that all
            // other signals will be
            // unblocked during my handler
            sa_all.sa_flags = 0;
            sigaction(SIGUSR1, NULL, &sa_all_old);// save existing action for this signal
            //      Register my request for some signals
            sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa_all, NULL);
            sigaction(SIGUSR1, NULL, &sa_all_old);// inspect existing action for this signal
            sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa_all, NULL);
            sigaction(SIGTERM, NULL, &sa_all_old);