Exemplo n.º 1
Region::Shape::Shape(const IntRect& rect)
Exemplo n.º 2
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::insertLineBreak()
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: insertLineBreak\n"));

	UT_UCSChar ucs = UCS_LF;
Exemplo n.º 3
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::insertSpace()
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: insertSpace\n"));

	UT_UCS4Char ucs = UCS_SPACE;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Region::Shape::appendSpan(int y, SegmentIterator begin, SegmentIterator end)
    if (canCoalesce(begin, end))

    m_segments.appendRange(begin, end);
Exemplo n.º 5
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::insertText(const librevenge::RVNGString &text)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	if (text.len())
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: insertText\n"));
		UT_UCS4String ucs4(text.cstr());
		X_CheckDocumentError(appendSpan(ucs4.ucs4_str(), ucs4.length()));
Exemplo n.º 6
bool DocumentColorizer::project(Ref<Token> token, int i0, int i1)
	while (true)
		if (i0 < k1_) {
			int j1 = i1;
			if (i1 > k1_) j1 = k1_ - 1;
			int s0 = i0 - k0_, sn = j1 - i0; // index range of span
			int nl = k1_ - k0_ - 1; // text_.length(); // line length
			if (s0 + sn > nl) --sn; // strip newline
			if ((sn > 0) && (s0 < nl)) { // omit empty matches
				/*Ref<LanguageProvider> provider = languageManager_->languageProvider(token->definitionId());
				Ref<pte::Style> style = provider->style(token->rule());*/
				Ref<pte::Style> style;
				for (Ref<Token> candidate = token; (!style) && (candidate); candidate = candidate->parent()) {
					style = languageManager_->layerByDefinitionId(candidate->definition())->style(candidate->rule());
					// qDebug() << "up";
				if (!style) style = document_->defaultStyle();
				appendSpan(s0, sn, style, token);
				/*qDebug() << "token->countChildren() =" << token->countChildren();
				qDebug() << "appendSpan("
					<< languageManager_->layerByDefinitionId(token->definition())->syntax()->name()
					<< languageManager_->layerByDefinitionId(token->definition())->syntax()->numRules()
					<< token->rule() << y_ << i0 << i1 << text().mid(s0, sn) << style.get() << (style == document_->defaultStyle() )<< ")";*/
			/*else {
				Ref<LanguageProvider> provider = languageManager_->languageProvider(token->definition());
				Ref<pte::Style> style = provider->style(token->rule());
				// qDebug() << "dropSpan(" << token->ruleName() << y_ << i0 << i1 << text().mid(s0, sn) << style.get() << ")";
			if (k1_ < i1) {
				i0 = k1_;
		else {
			if (!singleLine_) { // implicit logic HACK, needs improvment
				if (highlighter_)
					if (!highlighter_->synchronise()) {
						// print("\n-- yielded --\n");
						return false;
			// if (stayOnLine_)
			//	qDebug() << "nextLine(" << text_ <<  y_  << k0_ << k1_ << ")";
			if (nextLine()) {
				// print("\n%%:", y_);
	return true;
UT_Error IE_Imp_Hancom::_loadFile(GsfInput * input) {
  mDoc = GSF_INFILE(gsf_infile_msole_new (input, NULL));

  if (!mDoc)

  GsfInput *textStream = gsf_infile_child_by_name(mDoc, "/PrvText");
  if (!textStream)

  size_t len = gsf_input_size(textStream);

  UT_DEBUGMSG(("HANCOM: Text length = %zd bytes\n", len));
  unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[len];

  if (!buf) {
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (textStream));
    return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

  gsf_input_read(textStream, len, buf);
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (textStream));

  UT_uint32 length;
  UT_UCS4Char* text = reinterpret_cast<UT_UCS4Char*>(UT_convert((const char *)buf, len, "UCS-2LE", 
								UCS_INTERNAL, NULL, &length));
  delete[] buf;
  if (!text)
    return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

  UT_DEBUGMSG(("HANCOM: Text successfully converted.\n"));

  if (!appendStrux(PTX_Section, NULL)) {
    return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;
  if (!appendStrux(PTX_Block, NULL)) {
    return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;
  if (!appendSpan(text, length/4)) {
    return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

  return UT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 8
std::pair< PT_DocPosition, PT_DocPosition >
IE_Imp_RDF::insertTextWithXMLID( const std::string& textconst,
                                 const std::string& xmlid )
    std::string text = " " + textconst + " ";
    PT_DocPosition startpos = getDocPos();
    /*bool bRes =*/ appendSpan( text );
    PT_DocPosition endpos = getDocPos();
    XAP_Frame* lff = XAP_App::getApp()->getLastFocussedFrame();
        FV_View * pView = static_cast<FV_View*>( lff->getCurrentView() );
        pView->selectRange( startpos, endpos );
        pView->cmdInsertXMLID( xmlid );

    return std::make_pair( startpos, endpos );    
UT_Error IE_Imp_PalmDoc::_parseFile(GsfInput * pdfp)
	UT_GrowBuf gbBlock(1024);
	bool bEatLF = false;
	bool bEmptyFile = true;
	UT_UCSChar c;
	UT_UCS4Char wc;

	pdb_header	header;
	doc_record0	rec0;
	bool		bCompressed = false;
	int		num_records, rec_num;
	DWord		file_size, offset;

	gsf_input_read( pdfp, PDB_HEADER_SIZE, (guint8*)&header);
	if (strncmp( header.type,    DOC_TYPE,    sizeof(header.type) ) ||
	    strncmp( header.creator, DOC_CREATOR, sizeof(header.creator) ))
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("This is not a DOC file!\n"));

		// Create an empty paragraph.
		X_ReturnNoMemIfError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, NULL));
		return UT_OK;

	num_records = _swap_Word( header.numRecords ) - 1;

	gsf_input_seek( pdfp, PDB_HEADER_SIZE, G_SEEK_SET );
	GET_DWord( pdfp, offset );
	gsf_input_seek( pdfp, offset, G_SEEK_SET );
	gsf_input_read( pdfp, sizeof(rec0), (guint8*)&rec0);

	if ( _swap_Word( rec0.version ) == 2 )
		bCompressed = true;

	gsf_input_seek( pdfp, 0, G_SEEK_END );
	file_size = gsf_input_tell( pdfp );

	for (rec_num = 1; rec_num <= num_records; ++rec_num )
		DWord next_offset;

		gsf_input_seek( pdfp, PDB_HEADER_SIZE + PDB_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE * rec_num, G_SEEK_SET);
		GET_DWord( pdfp, offset );
		if( rec_num < num_records )
			gsf_input_seek( pdfp, PDB_HEADER_SIZE + PDB_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE * (rec_num + 1), G_SEEK_SET);
			GET_DWord( pdfp, next_offset );
			next_offset = file_size;

		gsf_input_seek( pdfp, offset, G_SEEK_SET );

		// be overly cautious here
		_zero_fill (m_buf->buf, BUFFER_SIZE);
		gsf_input_read(pdfp, next_offset - offset, m_buf->buf);
		m_buf->position = next_offset - offset;

		if ( bCompressed )
			_uncompress( m_buf );

		m_buf->position = 0;

		while ( (m_buf->position) < (m_buf->len) )
		  // don't copy over null chars
		        if (m_buf->buf[m_buf->position] == '\0')
			if( !m_Mbtowc.mbtowc( wc, m_buf->buf[m_buf->position] ) )
			c = static_cast<UT_UCSChar>(wc);
			switch (c)
			case static_cast<UT_UCSChar>('\r'):
			case static_cast<UT_UCSChar>('\n'):
				if ((c == static_cast<UT_UCSChar>('\n')) && bEatLF)
					bEatLF = false;

				if (c == static_cast<UT_UCSChar>('\r'))
					bEatLF = true;
				// we interprete either CRLF, CR, or LF as a paragraph break.
				// start a paragraph and emit any text that we
				// have accumulated.
				X_ReturnNoMemIfError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, NULL));
				bEmptyFile = false;
				if (gbBlock.getLength() > 0)
					X_ReturnNoMemIfError(appendSpan(reinterpret_cast<const UT_UCSChar*>(gbBlock.getPointer(0)), gbBlock.getLength()));

				bEatLF = false;
				X_ReturnNoMemIfError(gbBlock.ins(gbBlock.getLength(),reinterpret_cast<const UT_GrowBufElement *>(&c),1));


	if (gbBlock.getLength() > 0 || bEmptyFile)
		// if we have text left over (without final CR/LF),
		// or if we read an empty file,
		// create a paragraph and emit the text now.
		X_ReturnNoMemIfError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, NULL));
		if (gbBlock.getLength() > 0)
			X_ReturnNoMemIfError(appendSpan(reinterpret_cast<const UT_UCSChar *>(gbBlock.getPointer(0)), gbBlock.getLength()));

	return UT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 10
// ASSUMPTION: We assume that unordered lists will always pass a number of "0". unpredictable behaviour
// may result otherwise
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::openListElement(const librevenge::RVNGPropertyList &propList)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: openListElement\n"));
	UT_ASSERT(m_pCurrentListDefinition); // FIXME: ABI_LISTS_IMPORT throw an exception back to libwpd, if this fails
	// Paragraph properties for our list element
	UT_String szListID;
	UT_String szParentID;
	UT_String szLevel;
	if (m_iCurrentListLevel > 1) 
		UT_String_sprintf(szParentID,"%d", m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListID((m_iCurrentListLevel-1)));
	UT_String_sprintf(szLevel,"%d", m_iCurrentListLevel);
	const gchar* listAttribs[PT_MAX_ATTRIBUTES*2 + 1];
	UT_uint32 attribsCount=0;
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = PT_LISTID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = szListID.c_str();
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = PT_PARENTID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = szParentID.c_str();
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = PT_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = szLevel.c_str();
	// Now handle the Abi List properties
	UT_String propBuffer;
	UT_String tempBuffer;
	UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer,"list-style:%i;", m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListType(m_iCurrentListLevel));
	propBuffer += tempBuffer;

#if 0
	// FIXME: writing the list delimiter is kind of tricky and silly (because wordperfect wants to define
	// it within the document, while abi wants to (sensibly probably) define it in the list definition)
	// (we reset it each time but only for numbered lists)
	if (listDefinition->isLevelNumbered(m_iCurrentListLevel)) 
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("WordPerfect: Appending this list delim: %s\n", m_rightListDelim.c_str()));
		listDefinition->setListRightDelimText(m_iCurrentListLevel, m_rightListDelim.c_str());
		X_CheckWordPerfectError(_updateDocumentListDefinition(listDefinition, m_iCurrentListLevel));

	if (m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListType(m_iCurrentListLevel) == BULLETED_LIST)
		UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer, "field-font:Symbol; ");
		UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer, "field-font:NULL; ");
	propBuffer += tempBuffer;
	UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer, "start-value:%i; ", 1);
	propBuffer += tempBuffer;

	UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer, "margin-left:%.4fin; ", m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListLeftOffset(m_iCurrentListLevel)
					+ m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListMinLabelWidth(m_iCurrentListLevel)
					- (propList["fo:text-indent"] ? propList["fo:text-indent"]->getDouble() : 0.0f));
	propBuffer += tempBuffer;
	UT_String_sprintf(tempBuffer, "text-indent:%.4fin", - m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListMinLabelWidth(m_iCurrentListLevel)
					+ (propList["fo:text-indent"] ? propList["fo:text-indent"]->getDouble() : 0.0f));
	propBuffer += tempBuffer;

	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = PT_PROPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = propBuffer.c_str();
	listAttribs[attribsCount++] = NULL;

	X_CheckDocumentError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, PP_std_copyProps(listAttribs)));
	m_bRequireBlock = false;

	// hang text off of a list label
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("WordPerfect: LISTS - Appended a list tag def'n (character props)\n"));

	// append a list field label
	PP_PropertyVector fielddef = {
		"type", "list_label"
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("WordPerfect: LISTS - Appended a field def'n\n"));

	// insert a tab
	UT_UCS4Char ucs = UCS_TAB;
Exemplo n.º 11
void IE_Imp_XML::charData(const gchar *s, int len)
	// TODO gchar is defined in the xml parser
	// TODO as a 'char' not as a 'unsigned char'.
	// TODO does this cause any problems ??

	xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("In IE_Imp_XML::charDat, len = %d parsestate %d \n",len,m_parseState));
	if(!s || !len)

	X_EatIfAlreadyError();	// xml parser keeps running until buffer consumed

	switch (m_parseState)
		case _PS_Block:
		case _PS_IgnoredWordsItem:
		case _PS_Meta:
		case _PS_Revision:
				UT_UCS4String buf(s,static_cast<size_t>(len),!m_bWhiteSignificant);
				xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("In IE_Imp_XML::charData buf.size %d \n",buf.size()));
				// flush out the buffer
				if (buf.size() == 0)
				switch (m_parseState)
					case _PS_Block:
						if (!m_bWhiteSignificant && m_bStripLeading && (buf[0] == UCS_SPACE))
							if (buf.size () > 1)
								X_CheckError(appendSpan (buf.ucs4_str()+1, buf.size()-1));
								m_iCharCount += buf.size () - 1;
							X_CheckError(appendSpan (buf.ucs4_str(), buf.size()));
							m_iCharCount += buf.size ();
						m_bStripLeading = (buf[buf.size()-1] == UCS_SPACE);
					case _PS_IgnoredWordsItem:
					case _PS_Meta:
							UT_UTF8String data(s,len);
							getDoc()->setMetaDataProp(m_currentMetaDataName, data);
					case _PS_Revision:

						// 0 is not a valid revision Id
							UT_DEBUGMSG(("Doing revision \n"));

							// we need to reset the revision Id in order
							// to be able to handle the case when there is
							// no character data present in our
							// endofelement handler
							m_currentRevisionId = 0;
		case _PS_Field:
				// discard contents of the field - force recalculation
				// this gives us a higher chance of correcting fields
				// with the wrong values
		case _PS_DataItem:
				XAP_ResourceManager & RM = getDoc()->resourceManager ();
				XAP_Resource * resource = RM.current ();
				if (resource == 0) break;
				if (!resource->bInternal) break;
				XAP_InternalResource * ri = dynamic_cast<XAP_InternalResource *>(resource);
				if (m_currentDataItemEncoded) // base64-encoded data
						ri->buffer (s, len, true);
				else // old file-format keeping MathML & SVG in CDATA section :-(
						/* since SVG import was only ever a DEBUG option, and is currently disabled (why?),
						 * since MathML was never supported except in principle, and since this CDATA stuff
						 * (unencoded) is pretty unsafe anyway, I'm going to postpone import support
						 * indefinitely...                                              - fjf Aug. 19th '02
#define MyIsWhite(c)			(((c)==' ') || ((c)=='\t') || ((c)=='\n') || ((c)=='\r'))
				if (m_currentDataItemEncoded)
						// DataItem data consists of Base64 encoded data with
						// white space added for readability.  strip out any
						// white space and put the rest in the ByteBuf.
						UT_return_if_fail ((sizeof(gchar) == sizeof(UT_Byte)));
						UT_uint32 actualLen = m_currentDataItem.getLength();
						m_currentDataItem.ins(actualLen, len); // allocate all the possibly needed memory at once
						const UT_Byte * ss = reinterpret_cast<const UT_Byte *>(s);
						const UT_Byte * ssEnd = ss + len;
						while (ss < ssEnd)
								while ((ss < ssEnd) && MyIsWhite(*ss))
								UT_uint32 k=0;
								while ((ss+k < ssEnd) && ( ! MyIsWhite(ss[k])))
								if (k > 0)
									m_currentDataItem.overwrite(actualLen, ss, k);
									actualLen += k;
								ss += k;
							m_currentDataItem.truncate(actualLen); // chop off the mem we don't need after all
						m_currentDataItem.append(reinterpret_cast<const UT_Byte*>(s), len);
#undef MyIsWhite
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("ie_imp_XML::charData Default just return \n"));
Exemplo n.º 12
void Region::Shape::appendSpans(const Shape& shape, SpanIterator begin, SpanIterator end)
    for (SpanIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
        appendSpan(it->y, shape.segmentsBegin(it), shape.segmentsEnd(it));
Exemplo n.º 13
UT_Error IE_Imp_StarOffice::_loadFile(GsfInput * input)
	try {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Starting import\n"));
		mOle = GSF_INFILE (gsf_infile_msole_new(input, NULL));
		if (!mOle)

		// firstly, load metadata
		SDWDocInfo::load(mOle, getDoc());

		mDocStream = gsf_infile_child_by_name(mOle, "StarWriterDocument");
		if (!mDocStream)

		gsf_off_t size = gsf_input_size(mDocStream);

		if (!appendStrux(PTX_Section, PP_NOPROPS))
			return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Attempting to load DocHdr...\n"));
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...success\n"));

		// Ask for and verify the password
		if (mDocHdr.cryptor) {
			if (!mDocHdr.cryptor->SetPassword(GetPassword().c_str())) {
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Wrong password\n"));
				return UT_IE_PROTECTED;

		// do the actual reading
		char type;
		bool done = false;
		UT_uint32 recSize;
		while (!done) {
			if (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) == size)
			readChar(mDocStream, type);
			gsf_off_t eor;
			readRecSize(mDocStream, recSize, &eor);

			switch (type) {
				case SWG_CONTENTS: {
					gsf_off_t flagsEnd = 0;
					UT_uint32 nNodes;
					// sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3sectn.cxx#L129
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LAYFRAMES) {
						UT_uint8 flags;
						readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &flagsEnd);
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LONGIDX)
						streamRead(mDocStream, nNodes);
					else {
						if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LAYFRAMES) {
							UT_uint16 sectidDummy;
							streamRead(mDocStream, sectidDummy);
						UT_uint16 nodes16;
						streamRead(mDocStream, nodes16);
						nNodes = (UT_uint32)nodes16;
					if (flagsEnd) {
						UT_ASSERT(flagsEnd >= gsf_input_tell(mDocStream));
						if (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) != flagsEnd) {
							UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: have not read all flags\n"));
							if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, flagsEnd, G_SEEK_SET))
								return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
					bool done2 = false;
					UT_uint32 size2;
					while (!done2) {
						readChar(mDocStream, type);
						gsf_off_t eor2;
						readRecSize(mDocStream, size2, &eor2);

						switch (type) {
							case SWG_TEXTNODE: { // sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3nodes.cxx#L788
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Found Textnode! (start at 0x%08llX end at 0x%08llX)\n", 
											 (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream), 
											 (long long)eor2));
								UT_uint8 flags;
								gsf_off_t newPos;
								readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &newPos);
								// XXX check flags
								if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, newPos, G_SEEK_SET))
									return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;

								// Read the actual text
								UT_UCS4Char* str;
								readByteString(mDocStream, str);
								UT_UCS4String textNode(str);
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...length=%zu contents are: |%s|\n", textNode.length(), textNode.utf8_str()));

								// now get the attributes
								UT_String attrs;
								UT_String pAttrs;
								UT_Vector charAttributes;
								while (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) < eor2) {
									char attVal;
									streamRead(mDocStream, attVal);
									UT_uint32 attSize;
									gsf_off_t eoa; // end of attribute
									readRecSize(mDocStream, attSize, &eoa);
									if (attVal == SWG_ATTRIBUTE) {
										TextAttr* a = new TextAttr;
										streamRead(mDocStream, *a, eoa);
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...found text-sub-node, which=0x%x, ver=0x%x, start=%u, end=%u - data:%s len:%llu data is:",
													 a->which, a->ver, a->start,
													 a->end, a->data?"Yes":"No",
													 (long long unsigned)a->dataLen));
#ifdef DEBUG
										hexdump(a->data, a->dataLen);
                    putc('\n', stderr);
									else if (attVal == SWG_ATTRSET) {
									  // bah, yet another loop
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...paragraph attributes found\n"));
										while (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) < eoa) {
											// reusing attVal and attSize
											streamRead(mDocStream, attVal);
											gsf_off_t eoa2; // end of attribute
											readRecSize(mDocStream, attSize, &eoa2);
											if (attVal == SWG_ATTRIBUTE) {
												TextAttr a;
												streamRead(mDocStream, a, eoa2);
                        if (!a.attrVal.empty()) {
  												if (a.isPara)
	  												UT_String_setProperty(pAttrs, a.attrName, a.attrVal);
			  										UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a.attrName, a.attrVal);
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ......found paragraph attr, which=0x%x, ver=0x%x, start=%u, end=%u (string now %s) Data:%s Len=%lld Data:", a.which, a.ver, (a.startSet?a.start:0), (a.endSet?a.end:0), attrs.c_str(), (a.data ? "Yes" : "No"), (long long)a.dataLen));
#ifdef DEBUG
												hexdump(a.data, a.dataLen);
                        putc('\n', stderr);
											if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eoa2, G_SEEK_SET))
												return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
									else {
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...unknown attribute '%c' found (start=%" GSF_OFF_T_FORMAT " end=%" GSF_OFF_T_FORMAT ")\n", attVal, gsf_input_tell(mDocStream), eoa));
									if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eoa, G_SEEK_SET))
										return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;

								PP_PropertyVector attributes = {
								// first, insert the paragraph
								if (!appendStrux(PTX_Block, attributes))
									return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

								UT_String pca(attrs); // character attributes for the whole paragraph
								// now insert the spans of text
								UT_uint32 len = textNode.length();
								UT_uint32 lastInsPos = 0;
								for (UT_uint32 i = 1; i < len; i++) {
									bool doInsert = false; // whether there was an attribute change
									for (UT_sint32 j = 0; j < charAttributes.getItemCount(); j++) {
										const TextAttr* a = reinterpret_cast<const TextAttr*>(charAttributes[j]);
										// clear the last attribute, if set
										if (a->endSet && a->end == (i - 1)) {
											if (a->isOff) {
												UT_String propval = UT_String_getPropVal(pca, a->attrName);
												UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a->attrName, propval);
												UT_String_removeProperty(attrs, a->attrName);

										// now set new attribute, if needed
										if (a->startSet && a->start == (i - 1)) {
											if (a->isPara)
												UT_String_setProperty(pAttrs, a->attrName, a->attrVal);
											else if (a->isOff)
												UT_String_removeProperty(attrs, a->attrName);
												UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a->attrName, a->attrVal);

										// insert if this is the last character, or if there was a format change
										if ((a->endSet && a->end == i) || (a->startSet && a->start == i))
											doInsert = true;
									if (doInsert || i == (len - 1)) {
										attributes[1] = attrs.c_str();
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Going to appendFmt with %s\n", attributes[1].c_str()));
										if (!appendFmt(attributes))
											return UT_IE_NOMEMORY; /* leave cast alone! */
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: About to insert %u-%u\n", lastInsPos, i));
										size_t spanLen = i - lastInsPos;
										if (i == (len - 1)) spanLen++;
										UT_UCS4String span = textNode.substr(lastInsPos, spanLen);
										appendSpan(span.ucs4_str(), spanLen);
										lastInsPos = i;

								UT_VECTOR_PURGEALL(TextAttr*, charAttributes);

							case SWG_JOBSETUP: {
								// flags are apparently unused here. no idea why they are there.
								gsf_off_t newpos;
								UT_uint8 flags;
								readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &newpos);
								if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, newpos, G_SEEK_SET))
									return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
								UT_uint16 len, system;
								streamRead(mDocStream, len);
								streamRead(mDocStream, system);
								char printerName[64];
								streamRead(mDocStream, printerName, 64);
								char deviceName[32], portName[32], driverName[32];
								streamRead(mDocStream, deviceName, 32);
								streamRead(mDocStream, portName, 32);
								streamRead(mDocStream, driverName, 32);
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Jobsetup: len %u sys 0x%x printer |%.64s| device |%.32s| port |%.32s| driver |%.32s|\n", len, system, printerName, deviceName, portName, driverName));

								if (system == JOBSET_FILE364_SYSTEM || system == JOBSET_FILE605_SYSTEM) {
									UT_uint16 len2, system2;
									streamRead(mDocStream, len2);
									streamRead(mDocStream, system2);
									UT_uint32 ddl; // driver data length
									streamRead(mDocStream, ddl);
									// now the interesting data
									UT_uint16 orient; // 0=portrait 1=landscape
									streamRead(mDocStream, orient);
									UT_uint16 paperBin;
									streamRead(mDocStream, paperBin);
									UT_uint16 paperFormat;
									streamRead(mDocStream, paperFormat);
									UT_uint32 width, height;
									streamRead(mDocStream, width);
									streamRead(mDocStream, height);
									UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: orient %u bin %u format %u width %u height %u\n", orient, paperBin, paperFormat, width, height));
									// rest of the data is ignored, seems to be printer specific anyway.
									// Use A4, Portrait by default
									PP_PropertyVector attributes = {
										"pagetype", "a4", // A4/Letter/...
										"orientation", "portrait",
										"width", "210",
										"height", "297",
										"units", "mm"
									const char* sdwPaperToAbi[] = {
									if (paperFormat < sizeof(sdwPaperToAbi)/sizeof(*sdwPaperToAbi)) {
										attributes[1] = sdwPaperToAbi[paperFormat];
									const char* sdwOrientToAbi[] = {
									if (orient < sizeof(sdwOrientToAbi)/sizeof(*sdwOrientToAbi)) {
										attributes[3] = sdwOrientToAbi[orient];
									attributes[5] = UT_std_string_sprintf("%f", static_cast<double>(width)/100);
									attributes[7] = UT_std_string_sprintf("%f", static_cast<double>(height)/100);


							case SWG_EOF:
								done2 = true;
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: SWG_CONTENT: Skipping %u bytes for record type '%c' (starting at 0x%08llX)\n",
											 size2, type,
											 (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream)));
						if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eor2, G_SEEK_SET))
							return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion <= SWG_POOLIDS) {
					UT_uint8 encoding;
					streamRead(mDocStream, encoding);
					UT_iconv_t cd = findConverter(encoding);
					if (!UT_iconv_isValid(cd))
						throw UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
					UT_uint16 count;
					streamRead(mDocStream, count);
					while (count--) {
						UT_uint16 id;
						streamRead(mDocStream, id);
						char* str;
						UT_uint16 len;
						::readByteString(mDocStream, str, &len);
						if (id == IDX_NOCONV_FF) {
						// FIXME: find a way to not have to copy and free 
						// the result of UT_convert_cd.... --hub
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: StringPool: found 0x%04x <-> %.*s\n", id, len, str));
						UT_UCS4Char* convertedString = reinterpret_cast<UT_UCS4Char*>(UT_convert_cd(str, len + 1, cd, NULL, NULL));
						mStringPool.insert(stringpool_map::value_type(id, convertedString));
                        delete [] str;
				case SWG_COMMENT: // skip over comments
				case SWG_EOF:
					done = true;
					UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Skipping %u bytes for record type '%c' (starting at 0x%08llX)\n", recSize, type, (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream)));
			// Seek to the end of the record, in case it wasn't read completely
			if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eor, G_SEEK_SET))

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Done\n"));

		return UT_OK;
	catch(UT_Error e) {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: error %d\n", e));
		return e;
	catch(...) {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Unknown error\n"));
  Insert a span of text into the document
 \param b Buffer containing UCS text to insert

 Uses appropriate function for clipboard or file
bool IE_Imp_Text::_insertSpan(UT_GrowBuf &b)
	UT_uint32 iLength = b.getLength();
	const UT_UCS4Char * pData = (const UT_UCS4Char *)b.getPointer(0);

	// handle block direction if needed ...
	if(pData && m_bBlockDirectionPending)
		const UT_UCS4Char * p = pData;

		// we look for the first strong character
		for(UT_uint32 i = 0; i < iLength; i++, p++)
			UT_BidiCharType type = UT_bidiGetCharType(*p);

				m_bBlockDirectionPending = false;

				// set 'dom-dir' property of the block ...
				const gchar * propsArray[3];
				propsArray[0] = "props";
				propsArray[1] = NULL;
				propsArray[2] = NULL;

				UT_String props("dom-dir:");
					props += "rtl;text-align:right";
					props += "ltr;text-align:left";

				propsArray[1] = props.c_str();
				// we need to modify the existing formatting ...
				if(m_pBlock == NULL)
					PL_StruxDocHandle sdh = NULL;
					if(getDoc()->getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(getDocPos(), PTX_Block,&sdh))
						m_pBlock = static_cast<pf_Frag_Strux *>(const_cast<void *>(sdh));
				appendStruxFmt(m_pBlock, static_cast<const gchar **>(&propsArray[0]));
				// if this is the first data in the block and the first
				// character is LRM or RLM followed by a strong character,
				// then we will remove it
				if(m_bFirstBlockData && i==0 && iLength > 1 && (*p == UCS_LRM || *p == UCS_RLM))
					UT_BidiCharType next_type = UT_bidiGetCharType(*(p+1));
	bool bRes = appendSpan (pData, iLength);
	m_bFirstBlockData = false;
	return bRes;
bool IE_Imp_MSWrite::read_txt (int from, int to)
	static const char *currcp;
	int fcMac, pnChar, fcFirst, cfod, fc, fcLim;
	unsigned char page[0x80];
	UT_String properties, tmp;
	int dataLen = static_cast<UT_sint32>(mData.getLength());

	UT_DEBUGMSG(("    TXT:\n"));
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("     from = %d\n", from));
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("     to   = %d\n", to));

	fcMac = wri_struct_value(wri_file_header, "fcMac");
	pnChar = (fcMac + 127) / 128;

	fcFirst = 0x80;

	while (true)
		gsf_input_seek(mFile, pnChar++ * 0x80, G_SEEK_SET);
		gsf_input_read(mFile, 0x80, page);

		fc = READ_DWORD(page);
		cfod = page[0x7f];

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("      fcFirst = %d\n", fc));
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("      cfod    = %d\n", cfod));

		if (fc != fcFirst) UT_WARNINGMSG(("read_txt: fcFirst wrong.\n"));

		// read all FODs (format descriptors)
		for (int fod = 0; fod < cfod; fod++)
			int bfprop, cch, ftc, hps, fBold, fItalic, fUline, hpsPos;

			UT_DEBUGMSG(("       CHP-FOD #%02d:\n", fod + 1));

			// read a FOD (format descriptor)
			fcLim = READ_DWORD(page + 4 + fod * 6);
			bfprop = READ_WORD(page + 8 + fod * 6);

			UT_DEBUGMSG(("        fcLim  = %d\n", fcLim));
			UT_DEBUGMSG((bfprop == 0xffff ? "        bfprop = 0x%04X\n" : "        bfprop = %d\n", bfprop));

			// default CHP values
			ftc = 0;
			hps = 24;
			fBold = fItalic = fUline = hpsPos = 0;

			// if the CHP FPROPs (formatting properties) differ from the defaults, get them
			if (bfprop != 0xffff && bfprop + (cch = page[bfprop + 4]) < 0x80)
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("         cch = %d\n", cch));

				if (cch >= 2) ftc = page[bfprop + 6] >> 2;
				if (cch >= 5) ftc |= (page[bfprop + 9] & 3) << 6;
				if (cch >= 3) hps = page[bfprop + 7];
				if (cch >= 2) fBold = page[bfprop + 6] & 1;
				if (cch >= 2) fItalic = page[bfprop + 6] & 2;
				if (cch >= 4) fUline = page[bfprop + 8] & 1;
				if (cch >= 6) hpsPos = page[bfprop + 10];

			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         ftc           = %d\n", ftc));
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         hps           = %d\n", hps));
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         fBold         = %d\n", fBold));
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         fItalic       = %d\n", fItalic));
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         fUline        = %d\n", fUline));
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("         hpsPos        = %d\n", hpsPos));

			if (ftc >= wri_fonts_count)
				UT_WARNINGMSG(("read_txt: Wrong font code.\n"));
				ftc = wri_fonts_count - 1;

			if (from < fcLim && to >= fcFirst)
				UT_LocaleTransactor lt(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
				UT_String_sprintf(properties, "font-weight:%s",
				                              fBold ? "bold" : "normal");

				if (hps != 24)
					UT_String_sprintf(tmp, "; font-size:%dpt", hps / 2);
					properties += tmp;

				if (fItalic) properties += "; font-style:italic";
				if (fUline) properties += "; text-decoration:underline";

				if (hpsPos)
					UT_String_sprintf(tmp, "; text-position:%s",
					                       hpsPos < 128 ? "superscript" : "subscript");
					properties += tmp;

				if (wri_fonts_count)
					UT_String_sprintf(tmp, "; font-family:%s", wri_fonts[ftc].name);
					properties += tmp;

				if (wri_fonts[ftc].codepage != currcp /*sic!*/)
					currcp = wri_fonts[ftc].codepage;

				UT_DEBUGMSG(("         Text: "));

				while (fcFirst <= from && from < fcLim && from <= to && from - 0x80 < dataLen)
					translate_char(*mData.getPointer(from++ - 0x80), mText);


				// new attributes, only if there was text
				if (mText.size() > 0)
					const gchar *attributes[5];
					const UT_UCS4Char *text = mText.ucs4_str(), *p = text;
					size_t txtLen;

					UT_DEBUGMSG(("         Conv: %s\n", mText.utf8_str()));

					attributes[0] = PT_PROPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
					attributes[1] = properties.c_str();
					attributes[2] = NULL;


					// check for page number (should only be in header or footer)
					while (*p && *p != (UT_UCS4Char) 0x01) p++;

					if (*p)
						if (p - text) appendSpan(text, p - text);

						attributes[2] = PT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
						attributes[3] = "page_number";
						attributes[4] = NULL;

						appendObject(PTO_Field, attributes);

						txtLen = mText.size() - (p - text) - 1;
						txtLen = mText.size();
						p = text;

					if (txtLen) appendSpan(p, txtLen);

			fcFirst = fcLim;

			if (fcLim >= fcMac || fcFirst > to)
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("       CHP-FODs end, fcLim (%d) >= fcMac (%d) or fcFirst (%d) > to (%d)\n", fcLim, fcMac, fcFirst, to));
				return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Read all Psion paragraphs and add them to the document.
UT_Error IE_Imp_Psion::readParagraphs(const psiconv_text_and_layout psiontext,
                                      const psiconv_word_styles_section style_sec)
//                                      psiconv_list embobjlst)
	unsigned int i,inline_nr;
	int loc;
	psiconv_paragraph paragraph;
	psiconv_in_line_layout in_line;
	UT_UCS4String text;
	psiconv_word_style style;
	const gchar *stylename;
	UT_Error res;

	// Iterate through all paragraphs
	for (i=0; i < psiconv_list_length(psiontext); i++) {

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("PSION: Importing paragraph %d\n",i));
		if (!(paragraph = (psiconv_paragraph) psiconv_list_get(psiontext,i))) {
			// Something is really wrong...
			UT_ASSERT(paragraph != NULL);
		// Determine the style name; set it to Normal if it is not available
		if (!style_sec ||
		    !(style = psiconv_get_style(style_sec,paragraph->base_style)) ||
			(!style->name) || 
		  	!(stylename = prepare_style_name(style->name)))
			stylename = (const gchar *) strdup("Normal");
		if (!stylename)
			return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("PSION: paragraph %d: style %s\n",i,stylename));
		// Add all paragraph attributes to the document
		if ((res = applyParagraphAttributes(paragraph->base_paragraph,stylename)))
			return res;
		// Iterate through all Psion inlines. These contain the character
		// layout information, together with the number of characters they
		// apply to.
		loc = 0;
		for(inline_nr=0; inline_nr < psiconv_list_length(paragraph->in_lines);
		    inline_nr++) {
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Psion: paragraph %d inline %d\n",i,inline_nr));
			if (!(in_line = (psiconv_in_line_layout) psiconv_list_get(paragraph->in_lines,inline_nr))) {
				// Something is really wrong...
				UT_ASSERT(in_line != NULL);
			// This may be an object, which needs special handling.
		 	// Objects have layout associated with them, but we will ignore
			// it. I am not sure how it would apply anyway. We will also ignore
			// all text. It should just be a single character \016, which is the
			// object marker.
			if (in_line->object) { 
				if ((res = insertObject(in_line)))
					return res;
			} else {		
				// Put all characters belonging to the current inline into text
				if ((res = prepareCharacters(paragraph->text + loc,in_line->length,
					return res;
				// Yes, text may be empty!
				if (text.length()) {
					// Add the character layout and the text itself to the document
					if ((res = applyCharacterAttributes(in_line->layout)))
						return res;
					if (!(appendSpan((text.ucs4_str()),text.length())))
						return UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
			loc += in_line->length;

		// There may be text left after iterating through all inlines.
		// This remaining text gets the paragraph base_character layout.
		if (loc < psiconv_unicode_strlen(paragraph->text)) {
			// Get the remaining characters into text
			if ((res = prepareCharacters(paragraph->text+loc,
			                       psiconv_unicode_strlen(paragraph->text - loc),text)))
				return res;

			// Yes, text may be empty!
			if (text.length()) {
				// Add the character layout and the text itself to the document.

				if ((res = applyCharacterAttributes(paragraph->base_character)))
					return res;

				if (!appendSpan(text.ucs4_str(),text.length()))
					return UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
	return UT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Get all paragraph-related attributes and add them to the document.
 * It does an appendStrux setting the current paragraph attributes and opening
 * a new paragraph. Several special cases are handled here too, mostly for
 * bullets.
UT_Error IE_Imp_Psion::applyParagraphAttributes(const psiconv_paragraph_layout layout,
                      const gchar *stylename)
	UT_return_val_if_fail(layout != NULL, true /* perhaps should be false, but we want loading to proceed */);

	UT_UTF8String props;
	UT_Error res;

	// Get all attributes into prop
	if ((res = getParagraphAttributes(layout,props)))

	// HACK: Handle bullets
	// This is really, really ugly.
	// We can not really select the bullet symbol to use, so we do not even
	// try and just use always the plain round bullet.
	// Indent magic is done in getParagraphAttributes.
	if (layout->bullet->on) {
		props += ";list-style:Bullet List;field-font:Symbol";
		// We need to generate the list once, but only if we actually
		// have a bullet somewhere. Nasty. The attributes are mostly
		// black magickish...
		if (!list) {
			list = true;
			const PP_PropertyVector propsArray = {
				"id", global_listid,
				"parentid",	"0",
				"type",	"5",
				"start-value", "0",
				"list-delim", "%L",
				"list-decimal",	"NULL"

	// Prepare the properties for this paragraph strux
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("PSION: Paragraph: %s\n",props.utf8_str()));
	PP_PropertyVector propsArray = {
		"props", props.utf8_str(),
		"style", stylename

	// Bullets need the listid too.
	if (layout->bullet->on) {

	if (!(appendStrux(PTX_Block, propsArray))) {

	// HACK: there is no real setting to do this. Yet.
	if (layout->on_next_page) {
		UT_UCSChar ucs = UCS_FF;
		if (!(appendSpan(&ucs,1)))

	// We need to append a field and some other stuff...
	if (layout->bullet->on) {

		if (!(appendObject(PTO_Field,propsArray)))

		// In some cases, but not in all, we need a tab after the bullet.
		// See the Psiconv docs for the (ugly) details.
		if ((!layout->bullet->indent && (layout->indent_first > 0)) || 
			layout->bullet->indent) {
			UT_UCSChar uc = (UT_UCSChar) UCS_TAB;
			if (!(appendSpan(&uc,1)))
	return UT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 18
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::openParagraph(const librevenge::RVNGPropertyList &propList)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: openParagraph()\n"));
	// for now, we always append these options
	float marginTop = 0.0f, marginBottom = 0.0f;
	float marginLeft = 0.0f, marginRight = 0.0f, textIndent = 0.0f;
	if (propList["fo:margin-top"])
	    marginTop = propList["fo:margin-top"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["fo:margin-bottom"])
	    marginBottom = propList["fo:margin-bottom"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["fo:margin-left"])
	    marginLeft = propList["fo:margin-left"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["fo:margin-right"])
	    marginRight = propList["fo:margin-right"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["fo:text-indent"])
	    textIndent = propList["fo:text-indent"]->getDouble();

	m_topMargin = marginTop;
	m_bottomMargin = marginBottom;
	m_leftMarginOffset = marginLeft;
	m_rightMarginOffset = marginRight;
	m_textIndent = textIndent;

	UT_String propBuffer;
	propBuffer += "text-align:";
	if (propList["fo:text-align"])
		// AbiWord follows xsl:fo, except here, for some reason..
		if (propList["fo:text-align"]->getStr() == "end")
			propBuffer += "right";
			propBuffer += propList["fo:text-align"]->getStr().cstr();
		propBuffer += "left";

	float lineSpacing = 1.0f;
	if (propList["fo:line-height"])
		lineSpacing = propList["fo:line-height"]->getDouble();
	UT_String tmpBuffer;
	UT_String_sprintf(tmpBuffer, "; margin-top:%dpt; margin-bottom:%dpt; margin-left:%.4fin; margin-right:%.4fin; text-indent:%.4fin; line-height:%.4f",
		(int)(m_topMargin*72), (int)(m_bottomMargin*72), m_leftMarginOffset, m_rightMarginOffset, m_textIndent, lineSpacing);
	propBuffer += tmpBuffer;
	const librevenge::RVNGPropertyListVector *tabStops = propList.child("style:tab-stops");
	if (tabStops && tabStops->count()) // Append the tabstop information
		propBuffer += "; tabstops:";
		tmpBuffer = "";
		librevenge::RVNGPropertyListVector::Iter i(*tabStops);
		for (i.rewind(); i.next();)
			propBuffer += tmpBuffer;
			if (i()["style:position"])
				UT_String_sprintf(tmpBuffer, "%.4fin", i()["style:position"]->getDouble());
				propBuffer += tmpBuffer;

			if (i()["style:type"])
				if (i()["style:type"]->getStr() == "right")
					propBuffer += "/R";
				else if (i()["style:type"]->getStr() == "center")
					propBuffer += "/C";
				else if (i()["style:type"]->getStr() == "char")
					propBuffer += "/D";
					propBuffer += "/L";
			else // Left aligned is default
				propBuffer += "/L";

			if (i()["style:leader-text"])
				if (i()["style:leader-text"]->getStr() == "-")
					propBuffer += "2";
				else if (i()["style:leader-text"]->getStr() == "_")
					propBuffer += "3";
				else // default to dot leader if the given leader is dot or is not supported by AbiWord
					propBuffer += "1";
				propBuffer += "0";

			tmpBuffer = ",";

	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: Appending paragraph properties: %s\n", propBuffer.c_str()));
	const PP_PropertyVector propsArray = {
		"props", propBuffer.c_str()
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, propsArray));
	m_bRequireBlock = false;

	if (propList["fo:break-before"])
		if (strcmp(propList["fo:break-before"]->getStr().cstr(), "page") == 0)
			UT_UCS4Char ucs = UCS_FF;
		else if (strcmp(propList["fo:break-before"]->getStr().cstr(), "column") == 0)
			UT_UCS4Char ucs = UCS_VTAB;