Exemplo n.º 1
int WEB_LISTENSOCKET(int weblisten)
	//return values:

	int len, websocket;
	struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;

	len = sizeof(cli_addr);
	if ((websocket = accept(weblisten, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, &len)) < 0)
		libc_printf(HEADER" error system call accept\n");
		return -1;

	apply_block(websocket, SOCKETBLOCK);

	apply_block(websocket, SOCKNONBLOCK);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int alloc_disk_blockno(INODE *pinode, uint32_t file_blockst, uint32_t nr_block)
	int i, count = 0;
	int level[128] = {0};
	uint32_t addr[128] = {0}, stno[128] = {0};
	uint32_t p = 0, q = 0;
	uint32_t ll[4] = {L1_ST, L2_ST, L3_ST, L4_ST};
	uint32_t lp[4] = {1, L2_ST - L1_ST, L3_ST - L2_ST, L4_ST - L3_ST};
	uint32_t tbuf[BLOCKSZ / sizeof(uint32_t)];

	if(nr_block > 64)
		return 0;

	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		if(i >= file_blockst && i < file_blockst + nr_block)
			level[q] = 0;
			stno[q] = i;
			if(pinode->nr_block[i] == INVALID_BLOCKNO)
				pinode->nr_block[i] = apply_block();
			addr[q++] = pinode->nr_block[i];

	for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if(max(ll[i], file_blockst) < min(ll[i + 1], file_blockst + nr_block))
			level[q] = i + 1;
			stno[q] = ll[i];
			if(pinode->nr_block[10 + i] == INVALID_BLOCKNO)
				pinode->nr_block[10 + i] = apply_block();
				clear_block(pinode->nr_block[10 + i]);
			addr[q++] = pinode->nr_block[10 + i];

	if(q == 0)
		return 0;

	while(p < q)
		if(level[p] > 0)
			uint32_t disk_off = FILE_ST + addr[p] * BLOCKSZ;
			read_disk(tbuf, disk_off, sizeof(tbuf));
			for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tbuf)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++)
				level[q] = level[p] - 1;
				stno[q] = stno[p] + i * lp[level[q]];
				stno[q + 1] = stno[p] + (i + 1) * lp[level[q]];
				if(max(stno[q], file_blockst) < min(stno[q + 1], file_blockst + nr_block))
					if(tbuf[i] == INVALID_BLOCKNO)
						tbuf[i] = apply_block();
						if(level[q] > 0)
					addr[q] = tbuf[i];
			p ++;
			write_disk(tbuf, disk_off, sizeof(tbuf));
			assert(p < 128 && q < 128);
			assert(p < 128 && q < 128);
			count ++;
			if(count >= nr_block)
				return count;
	printk("%d, %d, %d\n", file_blockst, nr_block, count);
	return count;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool database::_push_block(const signed_block& new_block)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;
   if( !(skip&skip_fork_db) )
      /// TODO: if the block is greater than the head block and before the next maitenance interval
      // verify that the block signer is in the current set of active witnesses.

      shared_ptr<fork_item> new_head = _fork_db.push_block(new_block);
      //If the head block from the longest chain does not build off of the current head, we need to switch forks.
      if( new_head->data.previous != head_block_id() )
         //If the newly pushed block is the same height as head, we get head back in new_head
         //Only switch forks if new_head is actually higher than head
         if( new_head->data.block_num() > head_block_num() )
            wlog( "Switching to fork: ${id}", ("id",new_head->data.id()) );
            auto branches = _fork_db.fetch_branch_from(new_head->data.id(), head_block_id());

            // pop blocks until we hit the forked block
            while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

            // push all blocks on the new fork
            for( auto ritr = branches.first.rbegin(); ritr != branches.first.rend(); ++ritr )
                ilog( "pushing blocks from fork ${n} ${id}", ("n",(*ritr)->data.block_num())("id",(*ritr)->data.id()) );
                optional<fc::exception> except;
                try {
                   undo_database::session session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                   apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
                   _block_id_to_block.store( (*ritr)->id, (*ritr)->data );
                catch ( const fc::exception& e ) { except = e; }
                if( except )
                   wlog( "exception thrown while switching forks ${e}", ("e",except->to_detail_string() ) );
                   // remove the rest of branches.first from the fork_db, those blocks are invalid
                   while( ritr != branches.first.rend() )
                      _fork_db.remove( (*ritr)->data.id() );
                   _fork_db.set_head( branches.second.front() );

                   // pop all blocks from the bad fork
                   while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

                   // restore all blocks from the good fork
                   for( auto ritr = branches.second.rbegin(); ritr != branches.second.rend(); ++ritr )
                      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                      apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
                      _block_id_to_block.store( new_block.id(), (*ritr)->data );
                   throw *except;
            return true;
         else return false;

   try {
      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
      apply_block(new_block, skip);
      _block_id_to_block.store(new_block.id(), new_block);
   } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
      elog("Failed to push new block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));

   return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (new_block) ) }