Exemplo n.º 1
/** DialogControl::getTextSizeDlg()
 *  Gets the size (width and height) in dialog units for any given string.
 *  Since dialog units only have meaning for a specific dialog, normally the
 *  dialog units are calculated using the font of the dialog.  Optionally, this
 *  method will calculate the dialog units using a specified font.
 *  @param  text         The string whose size is needed.
 *  @param  fontName     Optional. If specified, use this font to calculate the
 *                       size.  The default is to use the font of the owner
 *                       dialog of the dialog control.  This would be the normal
 *                       usage.
 *  @param  fontSize     Optional. If specified, use this font size with
 *                       fontName to calculate the size.  The default if omitted
 *                       is 8.  This arg is ignored if fontName is omitted.
 *  @param  hwndFontSrc  Optional. Use this window's font to calculate the size.
 *                       This arg is always ignored if fontName is specified.
 *  @return  A .Size object representing the area (width and height,) in dialog
 *           units, needed for the specified string.
 *  @note  This method, mapped to a dialog control object, does not really make
 *         sense.  It, and its convoluted optional arguments, are maintained
 *         only for backward compatibility.  Its use should be strongly
 *         discouraged.
RexxMethod5(RexxObjectPtr, dlgctrl_getTextSizeDlg, CSTRING, text, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, fontName,
            OPTIONAL_uint32_t, fontSize, OPTIONAL_POINTERSTRING, hwndFontSrc, CSELF, pCSelf)
    HWND hwndSrc = NULL;
    if ( argumentExists(2) )
        if ( argumentOmitted(3) )
            fontSize = DEFAULT_FONTSIZE;
    else if ( argumentExists(4) )
        hwndSrc = (HWND)hwndFontSrc;
        if ( hwndFontSrc == NULL )
            nullObjectException(context->threadContext, "window handle", 4);
            return NULLOBJECT;

    SIZE textSize = {0};
    if ( getTextSize(context, textT, fontNameT, fontSize, hwndSrc, getDCownerDlg(pCSelf), &textSize) )
        return rxNewSize(context, textSize.cx, textSize.cy);
    return NULLOBJECT;
Exemplo n.º 2
RexxMethod2(logical_t, dlgctrl_hasKeyPressConnection, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, methodName, CSELF, pCSelf)
    if ( ComCtl32Version <  COMCTL32_6_0 )
        return FALSE;

    pCDialogControl pcdc = (pCDialogControl)pCSelf;

    if ( ! GetWindowSubclass(pcdc->hCtrl, KeyPressSubclassProc, pcdc->id, (DWORD_PTR *)&pData) )
        return FALSE;
    if ( pData == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    if ( argumentOmitted(1) )
        return TRUE;

    char *tmpName = strdupupr(methodName);
    if ( tmpName == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    BOOL exists = (seekKeyPressMethod((KEYPRESSDATA *)pData->pData, tmpName) > 0);
    return exists;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** DialogControl::setColor()
 *  DialogControl::setSysColor
RexxMethod4(logical_t, dlgctrl_setColor, int32_t, bkColor, OPTIONAL_int32_t, fgColor, NAME, method, CSELF, pCSelf)
    pCDialogControl pcdc = validateDCCSelf(context, pCSelf);
    if ( pcdc == NULL )
        return 0;
    return oodColorTable(context, dlgToCSelf(context, pcdc->oDlg), pcdc->id, bkColor,
                         argumentOmitted(2) ? -1 : fgColor, method[3] == 'S');
Exemplo n.º 4
/** DialogControl::init()
 *  The base init() for all dialog control objects.
 *  Initializes the WindowBase and sets the 3 attributes: id, hDlg, and oDlg.
 *  These attributes are 'get' only attributes and can not be changed.
RexxMethod2(uint32_t, dlgctrl_init, OPTIONAL_POINTER, args, OSELF, self)
    RexxMethodContext *c = context;
    uint32_t result = 1;

    if ( argumentOmitted(1) || args == NULL )
        goto done_out;

    // Set up for the DialogControl CSelf.
    RexxBufferObject cdcBuf = c->NewBuffer(sizeof(CDialogControl));
    if ( cdcBuf == NULLOBJECT )
        goto done_out;

    // Do the WindowBase initialization.
    pCWindowBase wbCSelf;
    if ( ! initWindowBase(context, params->hwnd, self, &wbCSelf) )
        goto done_out;

    if ( ! initWindowExtensions(context, self, params->hwnd, wbCSelf, NULL) )
        goto done_out;

    pCDialogControl cdcCSelf = (pCDialogControl)c->BufferData(cdcBuf);
    memset(cdcCSelf, 0, sizeof(CDialogControl));

    cdcCSelf->controlType = params->controlType;
    cdcCSelf->lastItem = -1;
    cdcCSelf->wndBase = wbCSelf;
    cdcCSelf->rexxSelf = self;
    cdcCSelf->hCtrl = params->hwnd;
    cdcCSelf->id = params->id;
    cdcCSelf->hDlg = params->hwndDlg;
    cdcCSelf->oDlg = params->parentDlg;
    cdcCSelf->isInCategoryDlg = params->isCatDlg;

    context->SetObjectVariable("CSELF", cdcBuf);

    context->SetObjectVariable("ID", c->UnsignedInt32(params->id));
    context->SetObjectVariable("HDLG", pointer2string(context, params->hwndDlg));
    context->SetObjectVariable("ODLG", params->parentDlg);
    result = 0;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
/** playSoundFile()
RexxRoutine3(RexxObjectPtr, play_rtn, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, fileName, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, modifier, NAME, routineName)
    bool isStopRoutine = strcmp("STOPSOUNDFILE", routineName) == 0;

    if ( (! isStopRoutine && argumentOmitted(1)) || isStopRoutine )
        return (sndPlaySound(NULL, SND_SYNC | SND_NODEFAULT) ? TheZeroObj : TheOneObj);

    char *fullFileName = searchSoundPath(fileName, context);
    if ( fullFileName == NULL )
        return TheOneObj;

    uint32_t opts = SND_NODEFAULT;
    if ( strcmp("PLAYSOUNDFILE", routineName) == 0 )
        opts |= isYes(modifier) ? SND_ASYNC : SND_SYNC;
    else if ( strcmp("PLAYSOUNDFILEINLOOP", routineName) == 0 )
        opts |= SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP;
        // Must be Play()
        if ( argumentExists(2) )
            if ( stricmp("LOOP", modifier) == 0 )
                opts |= SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP;
                opts |= isYes(modifier) ? SND_ASYNC : SND_SYNC;
            opts |= SND_SYNC;

    RexxObjectPtr result = sndPlaySound(fullFileName, opts) ? TheZeroObj : TheOneObj;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
/** DialogControl::new()
RexxMethod3(RexxObjectPtr, dlgctrl_new_cls, OPTIONAL_RexxObjectPtr, args, OSELF, self, SUPER, superClass)
    RexxMethodContext *c = context;
    RexxObjectPtr control = TheNilObj;

    if ( argumentOmitted(1) || ! c->IsPointer(args) )
        goto done_out;

    // Forwarding this message to the super class will also invoke the init()
    // method of the control instance object.
    control = c->ForwardMessage(NULLOBJECT, NULL, superClass, NULL);
    if ( control == NULLOBJECT )
        control = TheNilObj;

    return control;
Exemplo n.º 7
/** DialogControl::tabstop()
 *  DialogControl::group()
RexxMethod3(RexxObjectPtr, dlgctrl_tabGroup, OPTIONAL_logical_t, addStyle, NAME, method, CSELF, pCSelf)

    pCDialogControl pcdc = (pCDialogControl)pCSelf;
    if ( argumentOmitted(1) )
        addStyle = TRUE;
    uint32_t style = GetWindowLong(pcdc->hCtrl, GWL_STYLE);

    if ( *method == 'T' )
        style = (addStyle ? (style | WS_TABSTOP) : (style & ~WS_TABSTOP));
        style = (addStyle ? (style | WS_GROUP) : (style & ~WS_GROUP));
    return setWindowStyle(context, pcdc->hCtrl, style);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * gethostbyaddr()
RexxRoutine3(int, SockGetHostByAddr, CSTRING, addrArg, RexxObjectPtr, stemSource, OPTIONAL_int, domain)
    struct hostent *pHostEnt;
    in_addr addr;

    StemManager stem(context);

    if (!stem.resolveStem(stemSource))
        return 0;

    addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addrArg);

    if (argumentOmitted(3))
        domain = AF_INET;

     * call function
    pHostEnt = gethostbyaddr((char*)&addr, sizeof(addr), domain);
    // set the errno information

    if (!pHostEnt)
        return 0;
        hostEntToStem(context, pHostEnt, stem);
        return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
 *  select()
RexxRoutine4(int, SockSelect, OPTIONAL_RexxObjectPtr, array1, OPTIONAL_RexxObjectPtr, array2, OPTIONAL_RexxObjectPtr, array3, OPTIONAL_int, timeout)
    struct timeval  timeOutS;
    struct timeval *timeOutP;
    int             rCount = 0;
    int             wCount = 0;
    int             eCount = 0;
    int            *rArray = NULL;
    int            *wArray = NULL;
    int            *eArray = NULL;
    int             i;
    int             j;
    int             rc;
#if defined(OPSYS_LINUX)
    fd_set   rSetS, *rSet = &rSetS;
    fd_set   wSetS, *wSet = &wSetS;
    fd_set   eSetS, *eSet = &eSetS;
    struct fd_set   rSetS, *rSet = &rSetS;
    struct fd_set   wSetS, *wSet = &wSetS;
    struct fd_set   eSetS, *eSet = &eSetS;
    int             max;

     * get timeout value
    if (argumentOmitted(4))
        timeOutP = NULL;
        if (timeout < 0)
            timeout = 0;

        timeOutS.tv_sec  = timeout;
        timeOutS.tv_usec = 0;
        timeOutP = &timeOutS;

     * get arrays of sockets
    stemToIntArray(context, array1, rCount, rArray);
    stemToIntArray(context, array2, wCount, wArray);
    stemToIntArray(context, array3, eCount, eArray);

 * unix-specific stuff
     * fill in fd_set's

    for (i=0; i<rCount; i++)
    for (i=0; i<wCount; i++)
    for (i=0; i<eCount; i++)

     * get max number
    max = 0;
    for (i=0; i<rCount; i++)
        if (rArray[i] > max)
            max = rArray[i];

    for (i=0; i<wCount; i++)
        if (wArray[i] > max)
            max = wArray[i];

    for (i=0; i<eCount; i++)
        if (eArray[i] > max)
            max = eArray[i];

         * make the call
    rc = select(max+1,rSet,wSet,eSet,timeOutP);

    // set the errno information

     * fix up the socket arrays
    if (rc != 0)
        j = 0;
        for (i=0; i<rCount; i++)
            if (FD_ISSET(rArray[i],rSet))
                rArray[j] = rArray[i];
        rCount = j;

        j = 0;
        for (i=0; i<wCount; i++)
            if (FD_ISSET(wArray[i],wSet))
                wArray[j] = wArray[i];
        wCount = j;

        j = 0;
        for (i=0; i<eCount; i++)
            if (FD_ISSET(eArray[i],eSet))
                eArray[j] = eArray[i];
        eCount = j;

     * reset the stem variables
    if (rArray)
        intArrayToStem(context, array1, rCount, rArray);
    if (wArray)
        intArrayToStem(context, array2, wCount, wArray);
    if (eArray)
        intArrayToStem(context, array3, eCount, eArray);

     * free arrays
    if (rArray)
    if (wArray)
    if (eArray)

     * set return code
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 10
/** MessageDialog()
 *  @param  text
 *  @param  hwnd  Handle of owner window.  If the user specifies 0 we do not use
 *                an owner window.  If the user omits hwnd, then we try the to
 *                find and use the topmost dialog.
 *  @note  Sets the .SystemErrorCode.
RexxRoutine6(int, messageDialog_rtn, CSTRING, text, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, hwnd, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, _title,
             OPTIONAL_CSTRING, button, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, icon, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, miscStyles)

    int result = -1;

    char *uprButton = NULL;
    char *uprIcon = NULL;
    char *uprMiscStyles = NULL;

    HWND hwndOwner = (HWND)string2pointer(hwnd);
    if ( hwndOwner == NULL )
        if ( argumentOmitted(2) && TopDlg != NULL && TopDlg->onTheTop )
            hwndOwner = TopDlg->hDlg;

    CSTRING title = "ooDialog Application Message";
    if ( argumentExists(3) )
        title = _title;

    // Defaults.  These values are all 0.
    uint32_t flags = MB_OK | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_APPLMODAL;

    uint32_t flag;
    if ( argumentExists(4) )
        uprButton = strdupupr(button);
        if ( uprButton == NULL )
            goto done_out;

        flag = winKeyword2ID(uprButton, context->threadContext, 4, "MessageDialog button keyword");
        if ( flag == (int)-1 )
            goto done_out;
        flags |= flag;

    // There is no default for the icon, if omitted there is no icon.
    if ( argumentExists(5) )
        uprIcon = strdupupr(icon);
        if ( uprIcon == NULL )
            goto done_out;

        flag = winKeyword2ID(uprIcon, context->threadContext, 5, "MessageDialog icon keyword");
        if ( flag == (int)-1 )
            goto done_out;
        flags |= flag;

    if ( argumentExists(6) )
        uprMiscStyles = strdupupr(miscStyles);
        if ( uprMiscStyles == NULL )
            goto done_out;

        flag = getMiscMBStyle(uprMiscStyles, context, 6, "MessageDialog style keyword");
        if ( flag == (int)-1 )
            goto done_out;
        flags |= flag;

    result = MessageBox(hwndOwner, text, title, flags);
    if ( result == 0 )


    return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
RexxMethod2(int32_t, dlgctrl_disconnectKeyPress, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, methodName, CSELF, pCSelf)
    char *tmpName = NULL;
    keyPressErr_t result = winAPIErr;

    if ( ! requiredComCtl32Version(context, context->GetMessageName(), COMCTL32_6_0) )
        goto done_out;

    pCDialogControl pcdc = (pCDialogControl)pCSelf;

    SUBCLASSDATA *pSubclassData = NULL;
    GetWindowSubclass(pcdc->hCtrl, KeyPressSubclassProc, pcdc->id, (DWORD_PTR *)&pSubclassData);

    // If pSubclassData is not null, the subclass is still installed, otherwise
    // the subclass has already been removed, (or never existed.)
    if ( pSubclassData != NULL )
        // If no method name, remove the whole thing.
        if ( argumentOmitted(1) )
            result = (removeKeyPressSubclass(pSubclassData, pcdc->hDlg, pcdc->id) ? noErr : winAPIErr);
            goto done_out;

        // Have a method name, just remove that method from the mapping.
        tmpName = strdupupr(methodName);
        if ( tmpName == NULL )
            result = memoryErr;
            goto done_out;

        KEYPRESSDATA *pKeyPressData = (KEYPRESSDATA *)pSubclassData->pData;

        uint32_t index = seekKeyPressMethod(pKeyPressData, tmpName);
        if ( index == 0 )
            result = nameErr;
            goto done_out;

        // If only 1 method left, remove the subclass entirely.  Otherwise,
        // remove the subclass, fix up the subclass data block, then reinstall
        // the subclass.
        BOOL success = FALSE;
        if ( pKeyPressData->usedMethods == 1 )
            success = removeKeyPressSubclass(pSubclassData, pcdc->hDlg, pcdc->id);
            if ( SendMessage(pcdc->hDlg, WM_USER_SUBCLASS_REMOVE, (WPARAM)KeyPressSubclassProc, (LPARAM)pcdc->id) )
                removeKeyPressMethod(pKeyPressData, index);
                success = (BOOL)SendMessage(pcdc->hDlg, WM_USER_SUBCLASS, (WPARAM)KeyPressSubclassProc, (LPARAM)pSubclassData);

                // If not success, then the subclass procedure is no longer
                // installed, (even though it was originally,) and the memory
                // will never be cleaned up, so clean it up now.
                if ( ! success )
        result = (success ? noErr : winAPIErr);

    return -(int32_t)result;