bool I420ColorConverterHelper::ensureLoaded() { { RWLock::AutoRLock arl(mLock); // Check whether the library has been loaded or not. if (loadedLocked()) { return true; } } { RWLock::AutoWLock awl(mLock); // Check whether the library has been loaded or not on other threads. if (loadedLocked()) { return true; } // Reload the library unloadLocked(); if (loadLocked()) { return true; } // Reset the library unloadLocked(); } return false; }
void Request::load(std::istream &is) { AsyncRequestLoader arl(this); while(is.good()) { char buf[1024];, 1024); if (is.gcount()) { // did we actually read anything is.clear(); if (arl.feed(std::string(buf, is.gcount())) == true) return; // completed } } };
int I420ColorConverterHelper::getEncoderInputFormat() { if (!ensureLoaded()) { return -1; } RWLock::AutoRLock arl(mLock); if (mConverter.getEncoderInputFormat != nullptr) { return mConverter.getEncoderInputFormat(); } return -1; }
int I420ColorConverterHelper::convertDecoderOutputToI420( void* decoderBits, int decoderWidth, int decoderHeight, ARect decoderRect, void* dstBits) { if (!ensureLoaded()) { return -1; } RWLock::AutoRLock arl(mLock); if (mConverter.convertDecoderOutputToI420 != nullptr) { return mConverter.convertDecoderOutputToI420(decoderBits, decoderWidth, decoderHeight, decoderRect, dstBits); } return -1; }
int I420ColorConverterHelper::getEncoderInputBufferInfo(int aSrcWidth, int aSrcHeight, int* aEncoderWidth, int* aEncoderHeight, ARect* aEncoderRect, int* aEncoderBufferSize) { if (!ensureLoaded()) { return -1; } RWLock::AutoRLock arl(mLock); if (mConverter.getEncoderInputBufferInfo != nullptr) { return mConverter.getEncoderInputBufferInfo(aSrcWidth, aSrcHeight, aEncoderWidth, aEncoderHeight, aEncoderRect, aEncoderBufferSize); } return -1; }
int I420ColorConverterHelper::convertI420ToEncoderInput(void* aSrcBits, int aSrcWidth, int aSrcHeight, int aEncoderWidth, int aEncoderHeight, ARect aEncoderRect, void* aEncoderBits) { if (!ensureLoaded()) { return -1; } RWLock::AutoRLock arl(mLock); if (mConverter.convertI420ToEncoderInput != nullptr) { return mConverter.convertI420ToEncoderInput(aSrcBits, aSrcWidth, aSrcHeight, aEncoderWidth, aEncoderHeight, aEncoderRect, aEncoderBits); } return -1; }