inline Col<typename T1::pod_type> eig_sym ( const Base<typename T1::elem_type,T1>& X, const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); Col<typename T1::pod_type> out; const bool status = auxlib::eig_sym(out, X); if(status == false) { out.reset(); arma_bad("eig_sym(): failed to converge"); } return out; }
inline bool princomp ( Mat<typename T1::elem_type>& coeff_out, const Base<typename T1::elem_type,T1>& X, const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); const bool status = op_princomp::direct_princomp(coeff_out, X); if(status == false) { coeff_out.reset(); arma_bad("princomp(): failed to converge", false); } return status; }
inline void op_princomp::apply ( Mat<typename T1::elem_type>& out, const Op<T1,op_princomp>& in ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename T1::elem_type eT; const unwrap_check<T1> tmp(in.m, out); const Mat<eT>& A = tmp.M; const bool status = op_princomp::direct_princomp(out, A); if(status == false) { out.reset(); arma_bad("princomp(): failed to converge"); } }
inline bool svd ( Col<typename T1::pod_type>& S, const Base<typename T1::elem_type,T1>& X, const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); // it doesn't matter if X is an alias of S, as auxlib::svd() makes a copy of X const bool status = auxlib::svd(S, X); if(status == false) { S.reset(); arma_bad("svd(): failed to converge", false); } return status; }
inline bool eig_pair ( Col< std::complex<eT> >& eigval, Mat< std::complex<eT> >& eigvec, const Base< eT, T1 >& A, const Base< eT, T2 >& B, const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); arma_debug_check( ( ((void*)(&eigval)) == ((void*)(&eigvec)) ), "eig_pair(): eigval is an alias of eigvec" ); Mat<eT> dummy_eigvec; Mat<eT> tmp_eigvec; const bool status = auxlib::eig_pair(eigval, dummy_eigvec, tmp_eigvec, A, B, 'r'); if(status == false) { eigval.reset(); eigvec.reset(); arma_bad("eig_pair(): failed to converge", false); } else { const uword n = eigval.n_elem; eigvec.set_size(n,n); if(n > 0) { // from LAPACK docs: // If the j-th and (j+1)-th eigenvalues form a complex conjugate pair, then // v(j) = VR(:,j)+i*VR(:,j+1) and v(j+1) = VR(:,j)-i*VR(:,j+1). for(uword j=0; j<n; ++j) { if( (j < n-1) && (eigval[j] == std::conj(eigval[j+1])) ) { // eigvec.col(j) = Mat< std::complex<eT> >( tmp_eigvec.col(j), tmp_eigvec.col(j+1) ); // eigvec.col(j+1) = Mat< std::complex<eT> >( tmp_eigvec.col(j), -tmp_eigvec.col(j+1) ); for(uword i=0; i<n; ++i) {,j) = std::complex<eT>(,j),,j+1) );,j+1) = std::complex<eT>(,j),,j+1) ); } ++j; } else { // eigvec.col(i) = tmp_eigvec.col(i); for(uword i=0; i<n; ++i) {,j) = std::complex<eT>(,j), eT(0)); } } } } } return status; }
inline void op_pinv::apply(Mat<typename T1::elem_type>& out, const Op<T1,op_pinv>& in) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename T1::elem_type eT; typedef typename get_pod_type<eT>::result T; const bool use_divide_and_conquer = (in.aux_uword_a == 1); T tol = access::tmp_real(in.aux); arma_debug_check((tol < T(0)), "pinv(): tolerance must be >= 0"); const Proxy<T1> P(in.m); const uword n_rows = P.get_n_rows(); const uword n_cols = P.get_n_cols(); if( (n_rows*n_cols) == 0 ) { out.set_size(n_cols,n_rows); return; } // economical SVD decomposition Mat<eT> U; Col< T> s; Mat<eT> V; bool status = false; if(use_divide_and_conquer) { status = (n_cols > n_rows) ? auxlib::svd_dc_econ(U, s, V, trans(P.Q)) : auxlib::svd_dc_econ(U, s, V, P.Q); } else { status = (n_cols > n_rows) ? auxlib::svd_econ(U, s, V, trans(P.Q), 'b') : auxlib::svd_econ(U, s, V, P.Q, 'b'); } if(status == false) { out.reset(); arma_bad("pinv(): svd failed"); return; } const uword s_n_elem = s.n_elem; const T* s_mem = s.memptr(); // set tolerance to default if it hasn't been specified if( (tol == T(0)) && (s_n_elem > 0) ) { tol = (std::max)(n_rows, n_cols) * s_mem[0] * std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon(); } uword count = 0; for(uword i = 0; i < s_n_elem; ++i) { count += (s_mem[i] >= tol) ? uword(1) : uword(0); } if(count > 0) { Col<T> s2(count); T* s2_mem = s2.memptr(); uword count2 = 0; for(uword i=0; i < s_n_elem; ++i) { const T val = s_mem[i]; if(val >= tol) { s2_mem[count2] = T(1) / val; ++count2; } } if(n_rows >= n_cols) { out = ( (V.n_cols > count) ? V.cols(0,count-1) : V ) * diagmat(s2) * trans( (U.n_cols > count) ? U.cols(0,count-1) : U ); } else { out = ( (U.n_cols > count) ? U.cols(0,count-1) : U ) * diagmat(s2) * trans( (V.n_cols > count) ? V.cols(0,count-1) : V ); } } else { out.zeros(n_cols, n_rows); } }
inline bool eig_gen ( Col< std::complex<eT> >& eigval, Mat< std::complex<eT> >& eigvec, const Base<eT, T1>& X, const char side = 'r', const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); //std::cout << "real" << std::endl; arma_debug_check( ( ((void*)(&eigval)) == ((void*)(&eigvec)) ), "eig_gen(): eigval is an alias of eigvec" ); Mat<eT> dummy_eigvec; Mat<eT> tmp_eigvec; bool status; switch(side) { case 'r': status = auxlib::eig_gen(eigval, dummy_eigvec, tmp_eigvec, X, side); break; case 'l': status = auxlib::eig_gen(eigval, tmp_eigvec, dummy_eigvec, X, side); break; default: arma_stop("eig_gen(): parameter 'side' is invalid"); status = false; } if(status == false) { eigval.reset(); eigvec.reset(); arma_bad("eig_gen(): failed to converge", false); } else { const uword n = eigval.n_elem; if(n > 0) { eigvec.set_size(n,n); for(uword j=0; j<n; ++j) { if( (j < n-1) && (eigval[j] == std::conj(eigval[j+1])) ) { // eigvec.col(j) = Mat< std::complex<eT> >( tmp_eigvec.col(j), tmp_eigvec.col(j+1) ); // eigvec.col(j+1) = Mat< std::complex<eT> >( tmp_eigvec.col(j), -tmp_eigvec.col(j+1) ); for(uword i=0; i<n; ++i) {,j) = std::complex<eT>(,j),,j+1) );,j+1) = std::complex<eT>(,j),,j+1) ); } ++j; } else { // eigvec.col(i) = tmp_eigvec.col(i); for(uword i=0; i<n; ++i) {,j) = std::complex<eT>(,j), eT(0)); } } } } } return status; }
inline void op_pinv::direct_pinv(Mat<eT>& out, const Mat<eT>& A, const eT in_tol) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename get_pod_type<eT>::result T; T tol = access::tmp_real(in_tol); arma_debug_check((tol < T(0)), "pinv(): tolerance must be >= 0"); const uword n_rows = A.n_rows; const uword n_cols = A.n_cols; // economical SVD decomposition Mat<eT> U; Col< T> s; Mat<eT> V; const bool status = (n_cols > n_rows) ? auxlib::svd_econ(U,s,V,trans(A),'b') : auxlib::svd_econ(U,s,V,A,'b'); if(status == false) { out.reset(); arma_bad("pinv(): svd failed"); return; } const uword s_n_elem = s.n_elem; const T* s_mem = s.memptr(); // set tolerance to default if it hasn't been specified as an argument if( (tol == T(0)) && (s_n_elem > 0) ) { tol = (std::max)(n_rows, n_cols) * eop_aux::direct_eps( op_max::direct_max(s_mem, s_n_elem) ); } // count non zero valued elements in s uword count = 0; for(uword i = 0; i < s_n_elem; ++i) { if(s_mem[i] > tol) { ++count; } } if(count != 0) { Col<T> s2(count); T* s2_mem = s2.memptr(); uword count2 = 0; for(uword i=0; i < s_n_elem; ++i) { const T val = s_mem[i]; if(val > tol) { s2_mem[count2] = T(1) / val; ++count2; } } if(n_rows >= n_cols) { out = ( V.n_cols > count ? V.cols(0,count-1) : V ) * diagmat(s2) * trans( U.n_cols > count ? U.cols(0,count-1) : U ); } else { out = ( U.n_cols > count ? U.cols(0,count-1) : U ) * diagmat(s2) * trans( V.n_cols > count ? V.cols(0,count-1) : V ); } } else { out.zeros(n_cols, n_rows); } }