Exemplo n.º 1
    SimulatorReport SimulatorBase<Implementation>::run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
                                                       ReservoirState& state)
        WellState prev_well_state;

        // Create timers and file for writing timing info.
        Opm::time::StopWatch solver_timer;
        double stime = 0.0;
        Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer;
        Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer;
        std::string tstep_filename = output_writer_.outputDirectory() + "/step_timing.txt";
        std::ofstream tstep_os(tstep_filename.c_str());

        // adaptive time stepping
        std::unique_ptr< AdaptiveTimeStepping > adaptiveTimeStepping;
        if( param_.getDefault("timestep.adaptive", true ) )
            adaptiveTimeStepping.reset( new AdaptiveTimeStepping( param_, solver_.parallelInformation() ) );

        // init output writer
        output_writer_.writeInit( timer );

        std::string restorefilename = param_.getDefault("restorefile", std::string("") );
        if( ! restorefilename.empty() )
            // -1 means that we'll take the last report step that was written
            const int desiredRestoreStep = param_.getDefault("restorestep", int(-1) );
            output_writer_.restore( timer, state, prev_well_state, restorefilename, desiredRestoreStep );

        unsigned int totalNewtonIterations = 0;
        unsigned int totalLinearIterations = 0;

        // Main simulation loop.
        while (!timer.done()) {
            // Report timestep.
            if ( terminal_output_ )

            // Create wells and well state.
            WellsManager wells_manager(eclipse_state_,
            const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells();
            WellState well_state;
            well_state.init(wells, state, prev_well_state);

            // give the polymer and surfactant simulators the chance to do their stuff
            asImpl().handleAdditionalWellInflow(timer, wells_manager, well_state, wells);

            // write simulation state at the report stage
            output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, well_state );

            // Max oil saturation (for VPPARS), hysteresis update.
            props_.updateSatHyst(state.saturation(), allcells_);

            // Compute reservoir volumes for RESV controls.
            asImpl().computeRESV(timer.currentStepNum(), wells, state, well_state);

            // Run a multiple steps of the solver depending on the time step control.

            auto solver = asImpl().createSolver(wells);

            // If sub stepping is enabled allow the solver to sub cycle
            // in case the report steps are too large for the solver to converge
            // \Note: The report steps are met in any case
            // \Note: The sub stepping will require a copy of the state variables
            if( adaptiveTimeStepping ) {
                adaptiveTimeStepping->step( timer, *solver, state, well_state,  output_writer_ );
            else {
                // solve for complete report step
                solver->step(timer.currentStepLength(), state, well_state);

            // take time that was used to solve system for this reportStep

            // accumulate the number of Newton and Linear Iterations
            totalNewtonIterations += solver->newtonIterations();
            totalLinearIterations += solver->linearIterations();

            // Report timing.
            const double st = solver_timer.secsSinceStart();

            if ( terminal_output_ )
                std::cout << "Fully implicit solver took: " << st << " seconds." << std::endl;

            stime += st;
            if ( output_writer_.output() ) {
                SimulatorReport step_report;
                step_report.pressure_time = st;
                step_report.total_time =  step_timer.secsSinceStart();

            // Increment timer, remember well state.
            prev_well_state = well_state;

        // Write final simulation state.
        output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, prev_well_state );

        // Stop timer and create timing report
        SimulatorReport report;
        report.pressure_time = stime;
        report.transport_time = 0.0;
        report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart();
        report.total_newton_iterations = totalNewtonIterations;
        report.total_linear_iterations = totalLinearIterations;
        return report;
Exemplo n.º 2
    SimulatorReport SimulatorBase<Implementation>::run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
                                                       ReservoirState& state)
        WellState prev_well_state;

		if (output_writer_.isRestart()) {
			// This is a restart, populate WellState and ReservoirState state objects from restart file
			output_writer_.initFromRestartFile(props_.phaseUsage(), props_.permeability(), grid_, state, prev_well_state);

        // Create timers and file for writing timing info.
        Opm::time::StopWatch solver_timer;
        double stime = 0.0;
        Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer;
        Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer;
        std::string tstep_filename = output_writer_.outputDirectory() + "/step_timing.txt";
        std::ofstream tstep_os(tstep_filename.c_str());

        const auto& schedule = eclipse_state_->getSchedule();
        const auto& events = schedule->getEvents();

        // adaptive time stepping
        std::unique_ptr< AdaptiveTimeStepping > adaptiveTimeStepping;
        if( param_.getDefault("timestep.adaptive", true ) )
            adaptiveTimeStepping.reset( new AdaptiveTimeStepping( param_, terminal_output_ ) );

        // init output writer
        output_writer_.writeInit( timer );

        std::string restorefilename = param_.getDefault("restorefile", std::string("") );
        if( ! restorefilename.empty() )
            // -1 means that we'll take the last report step that was written
            const int desiredRestoreStep = param_.getDefault("restorestep", int(-1) );
            output_writer_.restore( timer, state, prev_well_state, restorefilename, desiredRestoreStep );

        unsigned int totalNonlinearIterations = 0;
        unsigned int totalLinearIterations = 0;
        bool is_well_potentials_computed = param_.getDefault("compute_well_potentials", false );
        std::vector<double> well_potentials;

        // Main simulation loop.
        while (!timer.done()) {
            // Report timestep.
            if ( terminal_output_ )

            // Create wells and well state.
            WellsManager wells_manager(eclipse_state_,
            const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells();
            WellState well_state;
            well_state.init(wells, state, prev_well_state);

            // give the polymer and surfactant simulators the chance to do their stuff
            asImpl().handleAdditionalWellInflow(timer, wells_manager, well_state, wells);

            // write simulation state at the report stage
            output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, well_state );

            // Max oil saturation (for VPPARS), hysteresis update.
            props_.updateSatHyst(state.saturation(), allcells_);

            // Compute reservoir volumes for RESV controls.
            asImpl().computeRESV(timer.currentStepNum(), wells, state, well_state);

            // Run a multiple steps of the solver depending on the time step control.

            auto solver = asImpl().createSolver(wells);

            // If sub stepping is enabled allow the solver to sub cycle
            // in case the report steps are too large for the solver to converge
            // \Note: The report steps are met in any case
            // \Note: The sub stepping will require a copy of the state variables
            if( adaptiveTimeStepping ) {
                adaptiveTimeStepping->step( timer, *solver, state, well_state,  output_writer_ );
            else {
                // solve for complete report step
                solver->step(timer.currentStepLength(), state, well_state);

            // update the derived geology (transmissibilities, pore volumes, etc) if the
            // has geology changed for the next report step
            const int nextTimeStepIdx = timer.currentStepNum() + 1;
            if (nextTimeStepIdx < timer.numSteps()
                && events.hasEvent(ScheduleEvents::GEO_MODIFIER, nextTimeStepIdx)) {
                // bring the contents of the keywords to the current state of the SCHEDULE
                // section
                // TODO (?): handle the parallel case (maybe this works out of the box)
                DeckConstPtr miniDeck = schedule->getModifierDeck(nextTimeStepIdx);
                geo_.update(grid_, props_, eclipse_state_, gravity_);

            // take time that was used to solve system for this reportStep

            // accumulate the number of nonlinear and linear Iterations
            totalNonlinearIterations += solver->nonlinearIterations();
            totalLinearIterations += solver->linearIterations();

            // Report timing.
            const double st = solver_timer.secsSinceStart();

            // accumulate total time
            stime += st;

            if ( terminal_output_ )
                std::cout << "Fully implicit solver took: " << st << " seconds. Total solver time taken: " << stime << " seconds." << std::endl;

            if ( output_writer_.output() ) {
                SimulatorReport step_report;
                step_report.pressure_time = st;
                step_report.total_time =  step_timer.secsSinceStart();

            // Increment timer, remember well state.
            prev_well_state = well_state;
            // The well potentials are only computed if they are needed
            // For now thay are only used to determine default guide rates for group controlled wells
            if ( is_well_potentials_computed ) {
                asImpl().computeWellPotentials(wells, well_state, well_potentials);

        // Write final simulation state.
        output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, prev_well_state );

        // Stop timer and create timing report
        SimulatorReport report;
        report.pressure_time = stime;
        report.transport_time = 0.0;
        report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart();
        report.total_newton_iterations = totalNonlinearIterations;
        report.total_linear_iterations = totalLinearIterations;
        return report;