int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char password[DISCUZ_PASSWD_LENGTH]; int salt; int i; char md5password[MD5LEN]; char md5hexpasswd[DISCUZ_PASSWD_LENGTH+1]; // 32 is defined in discuz and add \0 at the end if(argc != 3) { printf("Usage: discuzgenpasswd <salt> <input_password>\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(password, argv[2]); salt = atoi(argv[1]); genpasswd(md5password, salt, password); if(ascii2hex(md5password, md5hexpasswd) == -1) { printf("convert password error \n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<DISCUZ_PASSWD_LENGTH; i++) printf("%c",md5hexpasswd[i]); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned char value[0x100], mask[0x100]; short len = 0; short e = 0; char *h = NULL; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <hex> [<path> [...]]\n", *argv); e = 1; } else { h = argv[1]; int v0, v1; while(e == 0 && *h && len < 0x100) { if(*h != '.') { while(*h == ' ') h++; if((v0 = ascii2hex(h++)) > -1) { while(*h == ' ') h++; if((v1 = ascii2hex(h++)) > -1) { value[len] = (v0 << 4) | v1; mask[len++] = 0xFF; } else e = 2; } else e = 2; } else { value[len] = mask[len] = 0; len++; h += 1; } } } if(e == 0) { if (argc < 3) searchfile("stdin", 0, value, mask, len); else { int c = 2; while(c < argc) recurse(argv[c++], value, mask, len); } } else { if(!len) e = 2; else if(len % 2 == 1) e = 3; else if(*h) e = 4; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", errors[e-1]); } return e; }
uint32_t ascii2int(uint8_t *SourceBuffer, uint8_t size) { uint32_t val = 0; volatile uint32_t ind = 0; volatile int ret = 0; uint32_t mul = 1; while (ret != -1) { ret = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[ind++]); } ind--; while (ind) { ind--; ret = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[ind]); val = val + (ret * mul); mul *= 10; } return val; }
quint32 ascii2int(quint8 *SourceBuffer, quint8 size){ quint32 val = 0; quint8 ind=0; int ret = 0; quint32 mul=1; while(ret != -1){ ret = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[ind++]); } ind--; while(ind){ ind--; ret = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[ind]); val = val + (ret*mul); mul*=10; } return val; }
quint32 ascii2ID_Rev(quint8 *SourceBuffer, quint8 idCount){ quint32 idTmp=0; quint8 tmp=0,i=0; for(i=0;i<idCount;i++){ tmp=ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if(tmp!=-1){ idTmp=idTmp<<4; idTmp |= tmp; } } return idTmp; }
uint32_t ascii2MASK(uint8_t *SourceBuffer, uint8_t Spec) { uint32_t maskTmp = 0,i = 0; uint8_t tmp = 0; if (Spec == 'A') { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if (tmp != -1) { maskTmp = maskTmp << 4; maskTmp |= tmp; } } } else if (Spec == 'B') { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmp = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if (tmp != -1) { maskTmp = maskTmp << 4; maskTmp |= tmp; } } } return maskTmp; }
uint32_t ascii2ID_Rev(uint8_t *SourceBuffer, uint8_t idCount) { uint32_t idTmp = 0,i = 0; uint8_t tmp = 0; for (i = 0; i < idCount; i++) { tmp = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if (tmp != -1) { idTmp = idTmp << 4; idTmp |= tmp; } } return idTmp; }
uint32_t ascii2ID(uint8_t *SourceBuffer, uint8_t Spec) { uint32_t idTmp = 0,i = 0; uint8_t tmp = 0; if (Spec == 'A') { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if (tmp != -1) { idTmp = idTmp << 4; idTmp |= tmp; } } } else if (Spec == 'B') { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmp = ascii2hex(SourceBuffer[i]); if (tmp != -1) { idTmp = idTmp << 4; idTmp |= tmp; } } } return idTmp; }
char * dvalue(char *ptr) { char *modv, *str, *sb; int len; /* if cleartext return NULL (error!) */ if (TRUE == is_cleartext(ptr)) return (NULL); sb = strchr(ptr, '}'); sb++; len = strlen(sb); str = ascii2hex(sb, &len); modv = modvalue(str, len, NULL); free(str); str = NULL; return (modv); }
int srec_read(const char *filename, void *code, unsigned int code_len, void *data, unsigned int data_len) { FILE *pfile; char line[512]; int rc = SREC_NO_ERROR; pfile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (NULL == pfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file \"%s\"\n", filename); return SREC_IO_ERROR; } rewind(pfile); while (!feof(pfile)) { if (NULL == fgets(line, sizeof line, pfile)) { if (ferror(pfile)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file \"%s\"\n", filename); rc = SREC_IO_ERROR; } break; } const size_t len = strlen(line); if (0 == len || '\n' != line[len - 1]) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse file: line is too long\n"); rc = SREC_IO_ERROR; } if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("srec: %s\n", line); } if ('S' != line[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "File format error (\"%s\")\n", line); rc = SREC_FORMAT_ERROR; break; } // Ignore non-data frames const unsigned int record_type = ascii2hex(&line[1], 1); if (1 != record_type && 2 != record_type && 3 != record_type) { if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("Record with no data (S%u)\n", record_type); } continue; } const int address_length = (record_type + 1) * 2; // in symbols unsigned int address = ascii2hex(&line[4], address_length); const int data_length = ascii2hex(&line[2], 2) - address_length / 2 - 1; // in bytes const char *data_p = line + 4 + address_length; unsigned char *memory; if ((CODE_OFFSET + code_len) >= (address + data_length)) { if (NULL == code) { continue; } memory = (unsigned char*)code; address -= CODE_OFFSET; if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("srec_code (%06X) : ", address); } } else if (DATA_OFFSET <= address && (DATA_OFFSET + data_len) >= (address + data_length)) { if (NULL == data) { continue; } memory = (unsigned char*)data; address -= DATA_OFFSET; if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("srec_data (%06X) : ", address); } } else { rc = SREC_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } unsigned int i = data_length; for(; 0 < i; --i) { memory[address] = ascii2hex(data_p, 2); if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("%02X ", memory[address]); } ++address; data_p += 2; } if (4 <= verbose_level) { printf("\n"); } } fclose(pfile); return rc; }
int usart_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cli(); local::system_init(); usart0_init(57600UL); usart1_init(57600UL); sei(); PORTD = 0xFF; _delay_ms(100); PORTD = 0x00; while (1) { if (!usart0_is_empty()) { /* #if 0 uint8_t hex = usart0_top_char(); usart0_pop_char(); #else uint8_t ascii = usart0_top_char(); usart0_pop_char(); uint8_t hex = ascii2hex(ascii); #endif uint16_t num = 0xABCD; usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 12) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 8) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 4) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii(num & 0x0F)); */ uint8_t ascii = usart0_top_char(); usart0_pop_char(); uint8_t hex = ascii2hex(ascii); PORTA = hex; usart0_push_char(ascii); } if (!usart1_is_empty()) { /* #if 0 uint8_t hex = usart1_top_char(); usart1_pop_char(); #else uint8_t ascii = usart1_top_char(); usart1_pop_char(); uint8_t hex = ascii2hex(ascii); #endif uint16_t num = 0xABCD; usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 12) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 8) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii((num >> 4) & 0x0F)); usart1_push_char(hex2ascii(num & 0x0F)); */ uint8_t ascii = usart1_top_char(); usart1_pop_char(); uint8_t hex = ascii2hex(ascii); PORTA = hex; usart1_push_char(ascii); } //sleep_mode(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // stir depth and nonce length ub4 dep, sdep = MAXM, lnce = NLEN; ub4 rounds = 7; #ifdef MOTE-REPO enum CSPRNG rng = MOTE8; enum CSPRNG hasher = BB512; #else #ifdef BB-REPO enum CSPRNG rng = BB128; enum CSPRNG hasher = MOTE32; #else enum CSPRNG rng = MOTE32; enum CSPRNG hasher = BB512; #endif #endif enum ciphermode cmode = cmNone; enum ciphertype ctype = ctNone; enum outputform oform = ofASC; // input: message & key-phrase char msg[MAXM] = ""; char key[MAXM] = ""; // ciphertext & plaintext char ctx[MAXM], ptx[MAXM]; // derived & stretched key char kdf[MAXK] = ""; // IV/nonce char nce[MAXK] = ""; // check the command line if (argc >= 5) { if ((argc>=2) && strlen(argv[1])<MAXM) strcpy(msg,argv[1]); if ((argc>=3) && strlen(argv[1])<MAXK) strcpy(key,argv[2]); if (argc>=4) if ((strcmp(argv[3],"d")==0) || (strcmp(argv[3],"D")==0)) cmode = cmDecipher; else if ((strcmp(argv[3],"e")==0) || (strcmp(argv[3],"E")==0)) cmode = cmEncipher; else cmode = cmNone; if (argc>=5) #ifdef NEVER if ((strcmp(argv[4],"v")==0) || (strcmp(argv[4],"V")==0)) ctype = ctVernam; else #endif if ((strcmp(argv[4],"c")==0) || (strcmp(argv[4],"C")==0)) ctype = ctCaesar; else if ((strcmp(argv[4],"m")==0) || (strcmp(argv[4],"M")==0)) ctype = ctCaesarM; else ctype = ctNone; if (argc>=6) if ((strcmp(argv[5],"a")==0) || (strcmp(argv[5],"A")==0)) oform = ofASC; else oform = ofHEX; if (argc>=7) rng = (enum CSPRNG)(atoi(argv[6]) % 7); } // sanity checks if (TRUE) { if ((strlen(msg)<MINM) || (strlen(key)<MINK)) { info(); exit(0); } if ((cmode==cmNone) || (ctype==ctNone)) { info(); exit(0); } // only hex output available for Vernam if (ctype==ctVernam) oform=ofHEX; // output mode MOD 26? (not possible with Vernam) if ((oform==ofASC) && (ctype!=ctVernam)) { MOD=26; START='A'; } // no nonce scrambling or mixing available with hex output if (oform==ofHEX) SCRAMBLER=NONCE=MIX=FALSE; } // B E G I N P R E P A R A T I O N // preliminary seeding rSeedAll(key,rounds); if (SCRAMBLER) { sdep = SetDepth(rng,strlen(key)); #ifdef LOG char tmp[12]=""; sprintf(tmp,"%d",sdep); log_add("RNG",rName(rng)); log_add("HSH",rName(hasher)); log_add("DEP",tmp); #endif } if (NONCE) { // obtain nonce/IV hash of fixed or random length strcpy(nce,rNonce(hasher,FALSE)); // note nonce length for later lnce = strlen(nce); } // Key-derivation starts: if (TRUE) { // 1) seed MOTE with a key-derived hash strcpy(kdf,rHash(hasher,key,rStateSize(rng)*4)); rSeed(rng,kdf,rounds); // 2) calculate stir-depth dep = rDepth(rng,kdf); // 3) warm up MOTE with <dep> rounds rStir(rng,dep); } #ifdef TEST #ifdef LOG log_add("DKY",leftstr(kdf,LINE)); #endif #endif // Key-derivation ends. if (SCRAMBLER) { // prepare scrambler's random pool RandPool_Fill(rng); } // E N D P R E P A R A T I O N. // B E G I N M A I N C I P H E R S E Q U E N C E // Mode: Encipher if (cmode==cmEncipher) { // pre-process message if output is mod 26 if (oform==ofASC) strcpy(msg, PreProcessText(msg)); #ifdef LOG if (oform==ofASC) log_add("MSG",msg); #endif // Encrypt: Vernam XOR if (ctype==ctVernam) strcpy(ctx, Vernam(rng,msg)); // Encrypt: Caesar MOD if (ctype==ctCaesar) strcpy(ctx, rCaesarStr(rng, cmEncipher, msg, MOD, START)); // Encrypt: Caesar MIX if (ctype==ctCaesarM) strcpy(ctx, rmCaesarStr(rng, cmEncipher, msg, MOD, START)); // convert to hexadecimal as appropriate if (oform==ofHEX) strcpy(ctx,ascii2hex(ctx)); #ifdef LOG log_add(" CT",ctx); #endif if (MIX) { // Mix: Vigenere-cipher the ciphertext on the nonce strcpy(ctx,Vig(rng,cmode,ctx,nce,MOD,START,FALSE)); #ifdef LOG log_add("NCE",nce); log_add("VCT",ctx); #endif } if (NONCE) { // append ciphertext to nonce strcat(nce,ctx); strcpy(ctx,nce); #ifdef LOG log_add("NCT",ctx); #endif } if (SCRAMBLER) { // prepare scrambler context & scramble ciphertext InitRandPairs(rng,sdep,strlen(ctx)); strcpy(ctx,Scrambled(ctx,sdep)); #ifdef LOG log_add("SCT",ctx); #endif } } // Mode: Decipher if (cmode==cmDecipher) { // Convert hexadecimal ciphertext to ASCII (not in mod 26) if (oform==ofHEX) strcpy(ctx, hex2ascii(msg)); else strcpy(ctx, msg); if (SCRAMBLER) { #ifdef LOG log_add("SCT",ctx); #endif // prepare scrambler context & unscramble ciphertext InitRandPairs(rng,sdep,strlen(ctx)); strcpy(ctx,unScrambled(ctx,sdep)); #ifdef LOG log_add("UST",ctx); #endif } if (NONCE) { // detach ciphertext from nonce strcpy(nce,leftstr(ctx,lnce)); strcpy(ctx,rightstr(ctx,strlen(msg)-lnce)); #ifdef LOG log_add("VCT",ctx); log_add("NCE",nce); #endif } if (MIX) { // Un-mix: Vigenere-decipher the ciphertext on the nonce strcpy(ctx,Vig(rng,cmode,ctx,nce,MOD,START,FALSE)); #ifdef LOG log_add("UVC",ctx); #endif } // Decrypt: Vernam XOR if (ctype==ctVernam) strcpy(ptx, Vernam(rng,ctx)); // Decrypt: Caesar MOD if (ctype==ctCaesar) strcpy(ptx, rCaesarStr(rng, cmDecipher, ctx, MOD, START)); // Decrypt: Caesar MIX if (ctype==ctCaesarM) strcpy(ptx, rmCaesarStr(rng, cmDecipher,ctx, MOD, START)); // post-process plaintext if output is mod 26 if (oform==ofASC) strcpy(ptx, PostProcessText(ptx)); } // E N D M A I N C I P H E R S E Q U E N C E . #ifdef LOG log_show (); log_clear(); #endif // P R O G R A M O U T P U T if ((strcmp(ptx,"") != 0) || (strcmp(ctx,"") != 0)) { // Mode: Encipher if (cmode==cmEncipher) puts(ctx); // Mode: Decipher if (cmode==cmDecipher) puts(ptx); // belt'n'braces memory wipe if (TRUE) { rResetAll(); rResetAll(); memset(msg,0,sizeof(msg));memset(msg,0xFF,sizeof(msg));memset(msg,0,sizeof(msg)); memset(key,0,sizeof(key));memset(key,0xFF,sizeof(key));memset(key,0,sizeof(key)); memset(kdf,0,sizeof(kdf));memset(kdf,0xFF,sizeof(kdf));memset(kdf,0,sizeof(kdf)); memset(ctx,0,sizeof(ctx));memset(ctx,0xFF,sizeof(ctx));memset(ctx,0,sizeof(ctx)); memset(ptx,0,sizeof(ptx));memset(ptx,0xFF,sizeof(ptx));memset(ptx,0,sizeof(ctx)); dep=0; } } else info(); return 0; }
static void send_pass_through_command_text_reply ( const int fd, const char * const text ) { const std::string text_hex = ascii2hex( text ); put_str_packet( fd, &text_hex ); }
uint32_t SetCANTxBuffer(uint8_t *ch, uint32_t size) { uint32_t ind = 0; uint32_t idCount; uint32_t idTmp = 0; uint8_t IDTMP[8]; uint32_t i; uint8_t tmp; uint8_t dataTmp = 0; tx_tmp_msg.mode_id = 0; if(ch[ind] == STD_DAT){ tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_STD; tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_DAT; idCount = 3; }else if(ch[ind] == STD_RET){ tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_STD; tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_RTR; idCount = 3; }else if(ch[ind] == EXT_DAT){ tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_EXT; tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_DAT; idCount = 8; }else if(ch[ind] == EXT_RET){ tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_EXT; tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= CAN_MSGOBJ_RTR; idCount = 8; }else{ return 0; } for (i = 1; i <= idCount; i++) { IDTMP[i - 1] = ch[i]; ind++; } idTmp = ascii2ID_Rev(IDTMP, idCount); tx_tmp_msg.mode_id |= idTmp; ind = idCount+1; tmp = ascii2hex(ch[ind++]); if (tmp != -1) tx_tmp_msg.dlc = tmp; else return 0; if (!(tx_tmp_msg.mode_id & CAN_MSGOBJ_RTR)) { for (i = 0; i < (tmp * 2); i++) { if (i % 2) { dataTmp |= ascii2hex(ch[(i + ind)]);[i / 2] = dataTmp; } else { dataTmp = ascii2hex(ch[i + ind]); dataTmp = dataTmp << 4; } } } tx_tmp_msg.mask = 0x0UL; tx_tmp_msg.msgobj = (tx_can_count % MAX_CAN_TX_MESSAGEOBJECT)+24; //tx_tmp_msg.msgobj =0; tx_can_msg[TX_CAN_BUFFER_POINT] = tx_tmp_msg; tx_can_count++; return 1; }
TEST(UTIL, ascii2hex) { EXPECT_EQ(0x0, ascii2hex('0')); EXPECT_EQ(0x9, ascii2hex('9')); EXPECT_EQ(0xA, ascii2hex('A')); EXPECT_EQ(0xF, ascii2hex('F')); }
/******************************************************************* * FUNCTION: CommandParse * AUTHOR = TRAMPAS STERN * FILE = command.c * DATE = 1/25/2004 4:03:03 PM * * PARAMETERS: Takes the command line string * * DESCRIPTION: parses the command line and returns Command ID * * RETURNS: Command ID, and * * *******************************************************************/ UINT CommandParse(CHAR *str) { CHAR *ptr; CHAR *ptr2; UINT i; CHAR cmd[MAX_STRING]; CHAR buff[MAX_CMD_LENGTH]; CHAR argv[MAX_ARGS][MAX_ARG_LENGTH]; //CHAR *ptrArgv[MAX_ARGS]; UINT numArgs; //first we need find command and arguments ptr=strchr(str,' '); //find first char if (ptr==0) { //we have two options, frist whole thing is command //second bad command if(strlen(str)>0) ptr=str+strlen(str); else return 0; //bad command } //copy string to command buffer. i=0; ptr2=str; while(ptr!=0 && ptr!=ptr2 && i<(MAX_CMD_LENGTH-1)) { buff[i++]=*ptr2++; } buff[i]=0; //now buff contains the command let's get the args numArgs=0; while(*ptr!=0 && *ptr==' ') ptr++; //increment pointer past ' ' if (*ptr!=0) { ptr2=strchr(ptr,' '); if (ptr2==0) { //we have two options, frist whole thing is command //second bad command if(strlen(ptr)>0) ptr2=ptr+strlen(ptr); } while(ptr2!=0 && numArgs<MAX_ARGS) { int j; j=0; while (ptr2!=ptr && j<(MAX_ARG_LENGTH-1)) { argv[numArgs][j++]=*ptr++; } argv[numArgs][j++]=0; numArgs++; ptr2=0; if (*ptr!=0) { while(*ptr!=0 && *ptr==' ') ptr++; //increment pointer past ' ' ptr2=strchr(ptr,' '); if (ptr2==0) { //we have two options, frist whole thing is command //second bad command if(strlen(ptr)>0) ptr2=ptr+strlen(ptr); } } } } /* for(i=0; i<MAX_ARGS; i++) { ptrArgv[i]=argv[i]; } //now let's parse the command for(i=1; i<NUM_COMMANDS; i++) { if (strcmp((const char *)buff,(const char *)strCommands[i])==0) return (*ptrCommands[i])(numArgs,ptrArgv); } */ sprintf(cmd,"exit"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { CommandExit=1; } sprintf(cmd,"ver"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { printf("software v%d.%02d",VER_MAJOR,VER_MINOR); } sprintf(cmd,"hwver"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { printf("hardware v%d",HW_VER); } sprintf(cmd,"logb"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { datalog_bin(); } sprintf(cmd,"vpwmon"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { vpw_montior(); } sprintf(cmd,"log"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { datalog(); } sprintf(cmd,"pwmhigh"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { output_high(PIN_F5); } sprintf(cmd,"pwmlow"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { output_low(PIN_F5); } sprintf(cmd,"pwmmon"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { pwm_monitor(); } sprintf(cmd,"pwmread"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { while(!kbhit()) { printf("PWM bus=%d\n\r",PWM_IN); } getch2(); } sprintf(cmd,"5baud"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE keys[2]; printf("%lu ",iso_5baud(keys,2,0x33)); printf("%X %X\n\r",keys[0],keys[1]); } sprintf(cmd,"crc"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[20]; UBYTE temp; for (i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { //we need to parse ASCII temp=ascii2hex(argv[i]); data[i]=temp; } for (temp=0; temp<numArgs; temp++) { printf("%X ",data[temp]); } printf("\n\r"); fprintf(STDIN,"CRC %X\n\r",crc(data,numArgs)); } sprintf(cmd,"csum"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[20]; UBYTE temp; for (i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { //we need to parse ASCII temp=ascii2hex(argv[i]); data[i]=temp; } for (temp=0; temp<numArgs; temp++) { printf("%X ",data[temp]); } printf("\n\r"); fprintf(STDIN,"CheckSum %X\n\r",checksum(data,numArgs)); } sprintf(cmd, "vagcom"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //we need to monitor the serial port // when port goes high drive k-line accordingly } sprintf(cmd, "vag"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[60]; UBYTE resp[20]; UBYTE ret; UBYTE i; UBYTE block; //first lets init communications ret=iso_5baud(data,2,0x01); data[2]=0; while(data[2]!=0x09) { //get block from ECM ret=vagGetBlock(data,60); for(i=0; i<ret; i++) { printf("%X ",data[i]); } printf("\n\r"); //now build ack block=data[1]+1; resp[0]=data[1]+1; resp[1]=0x09; vagPutBlock(resp,2); block++; } ret=vagGetBlock(data,60); for(i=0; i<ret; i++) { printf("%X ",data[i]); } printf("\n\r"); block=data[1]+1; printf("Test block "); for(i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { resp[i+1]=ascii2hex(argv[i]); printf("%X ",resp[i+1]); } printf("\n\r"); //now lets see what happens if we send a block request for block 02 resp[0]=block; //resp[1]=code; vagPutBlock(resp,numArgs+1); data[2]=0; while(data[2]!=0x09) { //get block from ECM ret=vagGetBlock(data,60); for(i=0; i<ret; i++) { printf("%X ",data[i]); } printf("\n\r"); //now build ack block=data[1]+1; resp[0]=data[1]+1; resp[1]=0x09; vagPutBlock(resp,2); block++; } } sprintf(cmd,"isosend"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[60]; UBYTE resp[20]; UBYTE i; UBYTE temp; printf("hit key to stop\n\r"); //we need to copy args to data for (i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { //we need to parse ASCII temp=ascii2hex(argv[i]); data[i]=temp; } //printf("\n\r"); while(!kbhit()) { temp=iso_send(resp, 60, data, numArgs,0x33); printf("response %u\n\r",temp); for (i=0; i<temp; i++) { printf("%X ",resp[i]); } printf("\n\r"); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); } sprintf(cmd,"pwmsend"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[60]; UBYTE resp[20]; UBYTE i; UBYTE temp; printf("hit key to stop\n\r"); //we need to copy args to data for (i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { //we need to parse ASCII temp=ascii2hex(argv[i]); data[i]=temp; //printf("args %x %s\n\r",temp,argv[i]); } //printf("\n\r"); while(!kbhit()) { temp=pwm_send(resp, 60, data, numArgs); printf("response %u\n\r",temp); for (i=0; i<temp; i++) { printf("%X ",resp[i]); } printf("\n\r"); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); } /* sprintf(cmd,"flashread"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UDWORD addr; addr=atoi32(argv[0]); printf("*%lu=%X\n\r",addr,flash_read(addr)); } sprintf(cmd,"flashbufread"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UDWORD addr; addr=atoi32(argv[0]); printf("*%lu=%X\n\r",addr,flash_buf_read(addr)); } */ sprintf(cmd,"flasherase"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { flash_erase(); printf("Done\n\r"); } /* sprintf(cmd,"flashput"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UDWORD addr; UBYTE data; addr=atoi32(argv[0]); data=atoi(argv[1]); printf("Putting *%lu=%X\n\r",addr,data); data=flash_put(addr,data); printf("returned %x\n\r",data); } */ sprintf(cmd,"vpwsend"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE data[60]; UBYTE resp[20]; UBYTE i; UBYTE temp; printf("hit key to stop\n\r"); //we need to copy args to data for (i=0; i<numArgs; i++) { //we need to parse ASCII temp=ascii2hex(argv[i]); data[i]=temp; } //printf("\n\r"); while(!kbhit()) { temp=vpw_send(resp, 60, data, numArgs); printf("response %u\n\r",temp); for (i=0; i<temp; i++) { printf("%X ",resp[i]); } printf("\n\r"); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); } sprintf(cmd,"isomon"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { while (!kbhit()) iso_monitor(); while(kbhit()) getch2(); } sprintf(cmd,"isoput"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE temp; printf("ISO Put test\n\r"); printf("press any key to stop\n\r"); temp=0x03; while (!kbhit()) iso_put(&temp,1,20); while(kbhit()) getch2(); } sprintf(cmd,"vpwhigh"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE temp; printf("VPW high test\n\r"); printf("press any key to stop\n\r"); temp=0x03; output_high(VPW_OUT); while (!kbhit()){ printf("VPW_IN=%u\n\r",VPW_IN); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); output_low(VPW_OUT); } sprintf(cmd,"isohigh"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE temp; printf("ISO high test\n\r"); printf("press any key to stop\n\r"); temp=0x03; K_HIGH; while (!kbhit()){ printf("ISO_IN=%u\n\r",K_IN); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); K_LOW; } sprintf(cmd,"isolow"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE temp; printf("ISO low test\n\r"); printf("press any key to stop\n\r"); temp=0x03; K_LOW; while (!kbhit()){ printf("ISO_IN=%u\n\r",K_IN); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); K_HIGH; } sprintf(cmd,"vpwlow"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UBYTE temp; printf("VPW low test\n\r"); printf("press any key to stop\n\r"); temp=0x03; output_low(VPW_OUT); while (!kbhit()){ printf("VPW_IN=%u\n\r",VPW_IN); } while(kbhit()) getch2(); output_low(VPW_OUT); } sprintf(cmd,"flashpgm"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //UBYTE ret; printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of flash"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(0); } sprintf(cmd,"flashpcodes"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //UBYTE ret; printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of P codes"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(PCODE_FLASH_START); } sprintf(cmd,"flashccodes"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //UBYTE ret; printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of C codes"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(CCODE_FLASH_START); } sprintf(cmd,"flashbcodes"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //UBYTE ret; printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of B codes"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(BCODE_FLASH_START); } sprintf(cmd,"flashucodes"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { //UBYTE ret; printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of U codes"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(UCODE_FLASH_START); } sprintf(cmd,"flashfirm"); if (strcmp(buff,cmd)==0) { UWORD i; printf("Erasing Firmware\n\r"); for(i=(FIRM_FLASH_START>>8); i<(FLASH_MAX_PAGES>>8); i++) { //sprintf(temp,"%lu",i); //LCD_print2(temp,2); //printf("Erasing Page %lu\n\r",i); if (flash_erase_page(i)!=0) return 1; } printf("Start Xmodem download to unit of Firmware"); delay_ms(250); Flash_serial_program(FIRM_FLASH_START); delay_ms(250); printf("Checking Firmware\n\r"); if (FirmwareCheck(FIRM_FLASH_START)==0) { printf("Updating Firmware\n\r"); FirmwareUpdate(FIRM_FLASH_START); }else { printf("Firmware not correct, try reloading\n\r"); } }
TEST(UTIL, ascii2hex_out_of_range) { EXPECT_EQ(0x0, ascii2hex('*')); }