Exemplo n.º 1
void iosocket_destroy (io_desc *ciod)
	io_log_name	**lpp, *lp;	/* logical name pointers */
	d_socket_struct	*dsocketptr;
	assertpro(ciod->type == gtmsocket);
	assertpro(ciod->state == dev_closed);
	dsocketptr = (d_socket_struct *) ciod->dev_sp;
	assertpro(dsocketptr != NULL);
	for (lpp = &io_root_log_name, lp = *lpp; lp; lp = *lpp)
		if (lp->iod->pair.in == ciod)
			/* The only device that may be "split" is the principal device. Since it is permanently open,
			 * it will never get here.
			assert(lp->iod == ciod);
			assert(lp->iod->pair.out == ciod);
			*lpp = (*lpp)->next;
			lpp = &lp->next;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Halt the process similar to op_halt but allow a return code to be specified. If no return code
 * is specified, return code 0 is used as a default (making it identical to op_halt).
int m_zhalt(void)
	triple	*triptr;
	oprtype ot;
	int	status;

	/* Let m_halt() handle the case of the missing return code */
	if ((TK_SPACE == TREF(window_token)) || (TK_EOL == TREF(window_token)))
		return m_halt();
	switch (status = expr(&ot, MUMPS_NUM))		/* NOTE assignment */
		case EXPR_FAIL:
			return FALSE;
		case EXPR_GOOD:
			triptr = newtriple(OC_ZHALT);
			triptr->operand[0] = ot;
			return TRUE;
		case EXPR_INDR:
			make_commarg(&ot, indir_zhalt);
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE; /* This should never get executed, added to make compiler happy */
Exemplo n.º 3
int fd_ioready(int sock_fd, int poll_direction, int timeout)
	int		save_errno, status, EAGAIN_cnt = 0;
#	ifdef USE_POLL
	struct pollfd	fds;
#	else
	fd_set		fds, *readfds, *writefds;
	struct timeval	timeout_spec;
#	endif

	assert(timeout < MILLISECS_IN_SEC);
	SELECT_ONLY(timeout = timeout * 1000);		/* Convert to microseconds (~ 1sec) */
	assert((timeout >= 0) && (timeout < POLL_ONLY(MILLISECS_IN_SEC) SELECT_ONLY(MICROSEC_IN_SEC)));
#	ifdef USE_POLL
	fds.fd = sock_fd;
	fds.events = (REPL_POLLIN == poll_direction) ? POLLIN : POLLOUT;
#	else
	readfds = writefds = NULL;
	timeout_spec.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout_spec.tv_usec = timeout;
	assertpro(FD_SETSIZE > sock_fd);
	FD_SET(sock_fd, &fds);
	writefds = (REPL_POLLOUT == poll_direction) ? &fds : NULL;
	readfds = (REPL_POLLIN == poll_direction) ? &fds : NULL;
#	endif
	POLL_ONLY(while (-1 == (status = poll(&fds, 1, timeout))))
	SELECT_ONLY(while (-1 == (status = select(sock_fd + 1, readfds, writefds, NULL, &timeout_spec))))
		save_errno = ERRNO;
		if (EINTR == save_errno)
		{	/* Give it another shot. But, halve the timeout so we don't keep doing this forever. */
			timeout = timeout >> 1;
		} else if (EAGAIN == save_errno)
Exemplo n.º 4
static char *encode_os()
	unsigned char	*p;
	int		count, osidx;

	count = 0;
	p = (unsigned char *)gtm_release_name;
	/* third arg in release name string */
	while (*p && count < 2)
		if (*p == ' ')
	if (count == 2)
		for (osidx = 0; osidx < SIZEOF(gtcm_proto_os_info)/SIZEOF(gtcm_proto_os_info_t) - 1; osidx++)
			if (0 == memcmp(p, gtcm_proto_os_info[osidx].os_in_rel_str,
				return gtcm_proto_os_info[osidx].proto_os;
	assertpro(FALSE && "os match");
	return NULL; /* Added to make compiler happy and not throw warning */
Exemplo n.º 5
static char *encode_cpu()
	unsigned char	*p;
	int		count, cpuidx;

	count = 0;
	p = (unsigned char *)gtm_release_name;
	/* fourth arg in release name string */
	while (*p && count < 3)
		if (*p == ' ')
	if (count == 3)
		for (cpuidx = 0; cpuidx < SIZEOF(gtcm_proto_cpu_info)/SIZEOF(gtcm_proto_cpu_info_t) - 1; cpuidx++)
			if (0 == memcmp(p, gtcm_proto_cpu_info[cpuidx].cpu_in_rel_str,
				return gtcm_proto_cpu_info[cpuidx].proto_cpu;
	assertpro(FALSE && "cpu match");
	return NULL; /* Added to make compiler happy and not throw warning */
Exemplo n.º 6
void mubexpfilnam(char *dirname, unsigned int dirlen, backup_reg_list *list)
	char	*c1;
	mstr	file;
	char	tmp_mstr_addr[MAX_FN_LEN];

	file.len = MAX_FN_LEN;
	file.addr = tmp_mstr_addr;
	if (list != mu_repl_inst_reg_list)
	{	/* Database region */
		if (!mupfndfil(list->reg, &file, LOG_ERROR_TRUE))
			util_out_print("Backup not finished because of the above error.", TRUE);
			error_mupip = TRUE;
	} else
	{	/* Replication instance region */
		if (!repl_inst_get_name(file.addr, (unsigned int *)&file.len, MAX_FN_LEN, issue_rts_error))
			assertpro(FALSE);	/* rts_error should have been issued by repl_inst_get_name */
	for (c1 = file.addr + file.len; (*c1 != '/') && (c1 != file.addr); c1--)
	list->backup_file.len = INTCAST(dirlen + (file.len - (c1 - file.addr)));
	list->backup_file.addr = (char *)malloc(list->backup_file.len + 1);
	memcpy(list->backup_file.addr, dirname, dirlen);
	memcpy(list->backup_file.addr + dirlen, c1, (file.len - (c1 - file.addr)));
	list->backup_file.addr[list->backup_file.len] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 7
unsigned char i386_reg(unsigned char vax_reg)
	unsigned char	reg;

	switch (vax_reg & 0xf)	/* mask out VAX register mode field */
	case 0:
		reg = I386_REG_EAX;
	case 1:
		reg = I386_REG_EDX;
	case 8:
		reg = I386_REG_ESI;
	case 9:
		reg = I386_REG_EDI;
	case 11:
		reg = I386_REG_EBX;
		assertpro(FALSE && (vax_reg & 0xf));

	return reg;
/* This routine finds the position of a region in the global directory which we use to index arrays of region information  */
int find_reg_hash_idx(gd_region *reg)
	gd_region *regl;
	int index;

	for (index = gd_header->n_regions-1, regl = gd_header->regions + index; reg != regl; regl--, index--)
		assertpro(0 <= index);
	return index;
Exemplo n.º 9
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Perform action corresponding to the first async event that
 * was logged.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
void async_action(bool lnfetch_or_start)
	/* Double-check that we should be here: */
	assert(0 < num_deferred);

		case (outofband_event):
			/* This function can be invoked only by a op_*intrrpt* transfer table function. Those transfer table
			 * functions should be active only for a short duration between the occurrence of an outofband event
			 * and the handling of it at a logical boundary (next M-line). We dont expect to be running with
			 * those transfer table functions for more than one M-line. If "outofband" is set to 0, the call to
			 * "outofband_action" below will do nothing and we will end up running with the op_*intrrpt* transfer
			 * table functions indefinitely. In this case M-FOR loops are known to return incorrect results which
			 * might lead to application integrity issues. It is therefore considered safer to GTMASSERT as we
			 * will at least have the core for analysis.
			assertpro(0 != outofband);
		case (tt_write_error_event):
#			ifdef UNIX
#			endif
			/* VMS tt error processing is done in op_*intrrpt */
		case (network_error_event):
			/* -------------------------------------------------------
			 * Network error not implemented here yet. Need to move
			 * from mdb_condition_handler after review.
			 * -------------------------------------------------------
		case (zstp_or_zbrk_event):
			/* -------------------------------------------------------
			 * ZStep/Zbreak events not implemented here yet. Need to
			 * move here after review.
			 * -------------------------------------------------------
			assertpro(FALSE);	/* see above assertpro() for comment as to why this is needed */
int trigger_fill_xecute_buffer(gv_trigger_t *trigdsc)
	int	src_fetch_status;

	assert(!dollar_tlevel || (tstart_trigger_depth <= gtm_trigger_depth));
	/* We have 3 cases to consider - all of which REQUIRE a TP fence to already be in effect. The reason for this is, if we
	 * detect a restartable condition, we are going to cause this region's triggers to be unloaded which destroys the block
	 * our parameter is pointing to so the restart logic MUST take place outside of this routine.
	 *   1. We have an active transaction due to an IMPLICIT TSTART done by trigger handling but the trigger level has not yet
	 *	been created. We don't need another TP wrapper in this case but we do need a condition handler to trap the thrown
	 *	retry to again prevent C stack unwind and return to the caller in the same shape that gtm_trigger would return.
	 *   2. We have an active transaction due to an EXPLICIT M-code TSTART command. For this case, the trigger loads proceed
	 *   	as normal with restarts handled in the regular automatic fashion. Note this case also covers the tp restarts done
	 *	by both the update process and mupip recover forward since those functions have their own way of intercepting and
	 *	dealing with restarts. To cover those cases, tp->implicit_tstart can be TRUE but tp_implicit_trigger MUST be
	 *	FALSE.
	 *   3. We have an active transaction due to an IMPLICIT TSTART done by trigger handling and one or more triggers are
	 *	running. This becomes like case 2 since the restart will be handled by gtm_trigger and the proper thing will
	 *	be done.
	 * An extra note about case 3. Case 3 can be the identified case if in a nested trigger we are in trigger-no-mans-land
	 * with a base frame for the nested trigger (having driven one of a set of parallel nested triggers) but no actual trigger
	 * execution frame yet exists. This is really a case 1 situation with a nested trigger but it turns out that dealing with
	 * like case 3 does the right thing because if/when mdb_condition_handler catches a thrown TPRETRY error, mdb_condition
	 * handler will peal the nested trigger frame off before doing the restart which works for us and avoids issues of
	 * multi-level implicit restarts we would otherwise have to handle.
	 * Note, this routine is for loading trigger source when the trigger is to be driven. The trigger_source_read_andor_verify()
	 * routine should be used when fetching trigger source for reasons other than driving the triggers. This routine is lighter
	 * weight but has a dependence on the restartability of the trigger-drive logic for getting the triggers reloaded as
	 * necessary.
	assertpro(0 < dollar_tlevel);
	if (!tp_pointer->implicit_trigger		/* Case 2 */
		|| (tp_pointer->implicit_tstart && tp_pointer->implicit_trigger
		&& (tstart_trigger_depth != gtm_trigger_depth)))	/* Case 3 */
	{	/* Test for Case 3/4 where we get to do very little: */
		DBGTRIGR((stderr, "trigger_fill_xecute_buffer: Case 2/3\n"));
		assert((!tp_pointer->implicit_trigger) || (0 < gtm_trigger_depth));
	} else
	{	/* Test for Case 1 where we only need a condition handler */
		DBGTRIGR((stderr, "trigger_fill_xecute_buffer: Case 1\n"));
		assert(tp_pointer->implicit_tstart && tp_pointer->implicit_trigger);
		assert(tstart_trigger_depth == gtm_trigger_depth);
		ESTABLISH_RET(trigger_fill_xecute_buffer_ch, SIGNAL);
	/* return our bounty to caller */
	trigdsc->xecute_str.mvtype = MV_STR;
	return 0;	/* Could return ERR_TPRETRY if return is via our condition handler */
Exemplo n.º 11
boolean_t op_gvqueryget(mval *key, mval *val)
	boolean_t 	gotit;
	gv_key		*save_key;
	gvnh_reg_t	*gvnh_reg;

	if (TREF(gv_last_subsc_null) && NEVER == gv_cur_region->null_subs)
	switch (REG_ACC_METH(gv_cur_region))
	case dba_bg:
	case dba_mm:
		gvnh_reg = TREF(gd_targ_gvnh_reg);
		if (NULL == gvnh_reg)
			gotit = ((0 != gv_target->root) ? gvcst_queryget(val) : FALSE); /* global does not exist if root is 0 */
			INVOKE_GVCST_SPR_XXX(gvnh_reg, gotit = gvcst_spr_queryget(val));
	case dba_cm:
		gotit = gvcmx_query(val);
	case dba_usr:
		save_key = gv_currkey;
		gv_currkey = gv_altkey;
		/* We rely on the fact that *gv_altkey area is not modified by gvusr_queryget, and don't change gv_altkey.
		 * If and when *gv_altkey area is modified by gvusr_queryget, we have to set up a spare key area
		 * (apart from gv_altkey and gv_currkey), and make gv_altkey point the spare area before calling gvusr_queryget */
		memcpy(gv_currkey, save_key, SIZEOF(*save_key) + save_key->end);
		gotit = gvusr_queryget(val);
		gv_altkey = gv_currkey;
		gv_currkey = save_key;
		assertpro(FALSE && REG_ACC_METH(gv_cur_region));
	if (gotit)
		key->mvtype = MV_STR;
		key->str.addr = (char *)gv_altkey->base;
		key->str.len = gv_altkey->end + 1;
	} else
		*key = literal_null;
		*val = literal_null;
	return gotit;
Exemplo n.º 12
void print_destination_operand()
		case undefined_class :
		case register_class :
			assert(instruction.destination_operand_reg != NULL);
			*obpt++ = '%';
			*obpt++ = instruction.reg_prefix;
			SET_OBPT_STR(instruction.destination_operand_reg, STRLEN(instruction.destination_operand_reg));
		case memory_class :
			assert(instruction.source_operand_class != memory_class);
			if (instruction.destination_operand_reg != NULL)
				*obpt++ = '(';
				*obpt++ = '%';
				*obpt++ = instruction.reg_prefix;
				SET_OBPT_STR(instruction.destination_operand_reg, STRLEN(instruction.destination_operand_reg));
				*obpt++ = ')';
			} else
		case immediate_class :
			*obpt++ = '0';
			*obpt++ = 'x';
		default :
Exemplo n.º 13
void print_instruction()
	obpt = &outbuf[0];
	memset(obpt, SP, ASM_OUT_BUFF);
	obpt += 10;
	i2hex((curr_addr - PTEXT_OFFSET), obpt, 8);
	curr_addr += (instidx - prev_idx);
	obpt += 10;
	for( ;  prev_idx < instidx; prev_idx++)
		i2hex(code_buf[prev_idx], obpt, 2);
		obpt += 2;
	obpt += 10;
	*obpt++ = '\n';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	assert( instruction.opcode_mnemonic != NULL );
	SET_OBPT_STR(instruction.opcode_mnemonic, STRLEN(instruction.opcode_mnemonic));
	*obpt++ = instruction.opcode_suffix;
	*obpt++ = '\t';
	instruction.num_operands = (instruction.num_operands > grp_prefix)
		? (instruction.num_operands - grp_prefix) : instruction.num_operands;
	switch (instruction.num_operands)
		case 0 :
		case 1 :
			/* single operand assumed to be in the source operand only.. */
			assert(instruction.destination_operand_class == undefined_class);
		case 2 :
			*obpt++ = ',';
		default :
	/*  Now reset the instruction structure  */
Exemplo n.º 14
int gtmrecv_helpers_init(int n_readers, int n_writers)
{ /* Receiver server interface to start n_readers and n_writers helper processes */
	upd_helper_ctl_ptr_t	upd_helper_ctl;
	upd_helper_entry_ptr_t	helper, helper_top;
	int			reader_count, writer_count, error_count, avail_slots, status;

	assert(0 != n_readers || 0 != n_writers);
	upd_helper_ctl = recvpool.upd_helper_ctl;
	for (avail_slots = 0, helper = upd_helper_ctl->helper_list, helper_top = helper + MAX_UPD_HELPERS;
		helper < helper_top; helper++)
		if (0 == helper->helper_pid)
	if (n_readers + n_writers > avail_slots)
	{ /* adjust reader/writer count for available slots according to the percentage specified by user */
		n_writers = (int)(((float)n_writers/(n_readers + n_writers)) * (float)avail_slots); /* may round down */
		n_readers = avail_slots - n_writers; /* preference to readers, writer count may round down */
	/* Start helpers, readers first */
	for (helper = upd_helper_ctl->helper_list, helper_top = helper + MAX_UPD_HELPERS,
		reader_count = 0, writer_count = 0, error_count = 0;
		(reader_count + writer_count + error_count) < (n_readers + n_writers); )
		for (; 0 != helper->helper_pid && helper < helper_top; helper++) /* find next vacant slot */
		assertpro(helper != helper_top);
		status = helper_init(helper, ((reader_count + error_count) < n_readers) ? UPD_HELPER_READER : UPD_HELPER_WRITER);
		if (UPDPROC_STARTED == status)
			if ((reader_count + error_count) < n_readers)
		} else /* UPDPROC_START_ERR == status */
			if ((EREPL_UPDSTART_BADPATH == repl_errno) /* receiver server lost gtm_dist environment, bad situation */
					|| (EREPL_UPDSTART_EXEC == repl_errno)) /* in forked child, could not exec, should exit */
	upd_helper_ctl->start_n_readers = reader_count;
	upd_helper_ctl->start_n_writers = writer_count;
	upd_helper_ctl->start_helpers = FALSE;
	return ((0 == error_count) ? NORMAL_SHUTDOWN : ABNORMAL_SHUTDOWN);
Exemplo n.º 15
void set_memory_reg()
	instruction.reg_prefix = 'r';
	if (instruction.source_operand_class == memory_class)
		instruction.source_operand_reg = (char *)register_list[modrm_byte.modrm.r_m + 8 * rex_prefix.Base];
	else if (instruction.destination_operand_class == memory_class)
		instruction.destination_operand_reg = (char *)register_list[modrm_byte.modrm.r_m + 8 * rex_prefix.Base];
	/* Printing of RIP has to be handled differently	*/
 	if (instruction.reg_rip)
		if (instruction.source_operand_class == memory_class)
			instruction.source_operand_reg = (char *)register_list[REG_RIP];
		else if (instruction.destination_operand_class == memory_class)
			instruction.destination_operand_reg = (char *)register_list[REG_RIP];
Exemplo n.º 16
/* The routine that does the actual work of determining the length and responding appropriately in the event an invalid
 * UTF8 character is detected.
STATICFNDEF int utf8_len_real(utf8_err_type err_type, mstr* str)
	int		charlen, bytelen;
	char		*ptrtop, *ptr;
	boolean_t	err_raised;

	ptr = str->addr;
	ptrtop = ptr + str->len;
	charlen = 0;
	err_raised = FALSE;
	if (!badchar_inhibit)
		for (; ptr < ptrtop; charlen++, ptr += bytelen)
			if (!UTF8_VALID(ptr, ptrtop, bytelen))
					case err_rts:
						UTF8_BADCHAR(0, ptr, ptrtop, 0, NULL);
						break;			/* Never get here but keeps compiler happy */
					case err_stx:
						UTF8_BADCHAR_STX(0, ptr, ptrtop, 0, NULL);
						return -1;
					case err_dec:
						if (!err_raised)
							UTF8_BADCHAR_DEC(0, ptr, ptrtop, 0, NULL);
							err_raised = TRUE;
						bytelen = 1;		/* Assume only one char is broken */
						assertpro(FALSE /* Invalid error type */);
	} else
		for (; ptr < ptrtop; charlen++)
			ptr = (char *)UTF8_MBNEXT(ptr, ptrtop);
	assert(ptr == ptrtop);
	str->char_len = charlen;
	return charlen;
Exemplo n.º 17
void	op_gvincr(mval *increment, mval *result)
	unsigned char	buff[MAX_ZWR_KEY_SZ], *end;

	/* If specified var name is global ^%Y*, the name is illegal to use in a SET or KILL command, only GETs are allowed */
	if ((RESERVED_NAMESPACE_LEN <= gv_currkey->end) && (0 == MEMCMP_LIT(gv_currkey->base, RESERVED_NAMESPACE)))
	if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBPRIVERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	if ((TREF(gv_last_subsc_null) || TREF(gv_some_subsc_null)) && (ALWAYS != gv_cur_region->null_subs))
	assert(gv_currkey->end + 1 <= gv_cur_region->max_key_size);
	switch (gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
		case dba_bg:
		case dba_mm:
			gvcst_incr(increment, result);
		case dba_cm:
			gvcmx_increment(increment, result);
		case dba_usr:
			/* $INCR not supported for DDP/USR access method */
			if (0 == (end = format_targ_key(buff, MAX_ZWR_KEY_SZ, gv_currkey, TRUE)))
				end = &buff[MAX_ZWR_KEY_SZ - 1];
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(10) ERR_UNIMPLOP, 0,
				      ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("GTCM DDP server does not support $INCREMENT"),
				      ERR_GVIS, 2, end - buff, buff,
				      ERR_TEXT, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
Exemplo n.º 18
void job_addr(mstr *rtn, mstr *label, int4 offset, char **hdr, char **labaddr)
	rhdtyp		*rt_hdr;
	int4		*lp;
	mval		rt;

	if (NULL == (rt_hdr = find_rtn_hdr(rtn)))
		rt.mvtype = MV_STR;
		rt.str = *rtn;
		op_zlink(&rt, NULL);
		assertpro(NULL != (rt_hdr = find_rtn_hdr(rtn)));
	lp = NULL;
	if ((rt_hdr->compiler_qlf & CQ_LINE_ENTRY) || (0 == offset))
		/* Label offset with routine compiled with NOLINE_ENTRY should cause error. */
		lp = find_line_addr(rt_hdr, label, offset, NULL);
	if (!lp)
	/* Set the pointer to address / offset for line number entry storage in lab_proxy. */
	USHBIN_ONLY((TREF(lab_proxy)).lnr_adr = lp;)
Exemplo n.º 19
int	x86_64_arg_reg(int indx)
		case 0:
			return I386_REG_RDI;
		case 1:
			return I386_REG_RSI;
		case 2:
			return I386_REG_RDX;
		case 3:
			return I386_REG_RCX;
		case 4:
			return I386_REG_R8;
		case 5:
			return I386_REG_R9;
			break ;
	/* Control will never reach here */
	return -1 ;
Exemplo n.º 20
void op_zut(mval *s)
	struct timeval	tv;
	gtm_int8	microseconds, msectmp;
	int		numdigs;
	int4		pwr;

	assertpro(-1 != gettimeofday(&tv, NULL));
	microseconds = (1LL * MICROSEC_IN_SEC * tv.tv_sec) + tv.tv_usec;
	if ((microseconds < 0) && (microseconds > E_18))
	if (microseconds < E_6)
		s->m[1] = ((int4)microseconds * 1000);
		s->mvtype = MV_INT | MV_NM;
	} else
		msectmp = microseconds;
		/* Count the number of digits */
		for (numdigs = 0; msectmp; numdigs++, msectmp /= 10);
		if (numdigs <= NUM_DEC_DG_1L)
			s->m[0] = 0;
			s->m[1] = (int4)microseconds * ten_pwr[NUM_DEC_DG_1L - numdigs];
		} else
			pwr = ten_pwr[numdigs - NUM_DEC_DG_1L];
			s->m[0] = (microseconds % pwr) * ten_pwr[NUM_DEC_DG_2L - numdigs];
			s->m[1] = microseconds / pwr;
		s->mvtype = MV_NM;
		s->e = MV_XBIAS + numdigs;
	s->sgn = 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
void	tp_unwind(uint4 newlevel, enum tp_unwind_invocation invocation_type, int *tprestart_rc)
	mlk_pvtblk	**prior, *mlkp;
	mlk_tp		*oldlock, *nextlock;
	int		tl;
	lv_val		*save_lv, *curr_lv, *lv;
	tp_var		*restore_ent;
	mv_stent	*mvc;
	boolean_t	restore_lv, rollback_locks;
	lvscan_blk	*lvscan, *lvscan_next, first_lvscan;
	int		elemindx, rc;
	lvTree		*lvt_child;

	/* We are about to clean up structures. Defer MUPIP STOP/signal handling until function end. */
	/* Unwind the requested TP levels */
#	if defined(DEBUG_REFCNT) || defined(DEBUG_ERRHND)
	DBGFPF((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Beginning TP unwind process\n"));
#	endif
	restore_lv = (RESTART_INVOCATION == invocation_type);
	lvscan = &first_lvscan;
	lvscan->next = NULL;
	lvscan->elemcnt = 0;
	assert((tp_sp <= tpstackbase) && (tp_sp > tpstacktop));
	assert((tp_pointer <= (tp_frame *)tpstackbase) && (tp_pointer > (tp_frame *)tpstacktop));
	for (tl = dollar_tlevel;  tl > newlevel;  --tl)
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Unwinding level %d -- tp_pointer: 0x"lvaddr"\n", tl, tp_pointer));
		assertpro(NULL != tp_pointer);
		for (restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars;  NULL != restore_ent;  restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars)
			/* TP_VAR_CLONE sets the var_cloned flag, showing that the tree has been cloned  */
			/* If var_cloned is not set, it shows that curr_lv and save_lv are still sharing */
			/* the tree, so it should not be killed.                                         */
			curr_lv = restore_ent->current_value;
			save_lv = restore_ent->save_value;
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			assert(curr_lv->tp_var == restore_ent);
			/* In order to restart sub-transactions, this would have to maintain
			 * the chain that currently is not built by op_tstart()
			if (restore_lv)
				rc = tp_unwind_restlv(curr_lv, save_lv, restore_ent, NULL, tprestart_rc);
#				ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
				if (0 != rc)
					dollar_tlevel = tl;			/* Record fact if we unwound some tp_frames */
					ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND); /* drive any MUPIP STOP/signals deferred
										 * while in this function */
					TPUNWND_WBOX_TEST;			/* Debug-only wbox-test to simulate SIGTERM */
#				endif
			} else if (restore_ent->var_cloned)
			{	/* curr_lv has been cloned.
				 * Note: LV_CHILD(save_lv) can be non-NULL only if restore_ent->var_cloned is TRUE
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Not restoring curr_lv and is cloned\n"));
				lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(save_lv);
				if (NULL != lvt_child)
				{	/* If subtree exists, we have to blow away the cloned tree */
					DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: save_lv has children\n"));
					DBGRFCT((stderr,"\ntp_unwind: For lv_val 0x"lvaddr": Deleting saved lv_val 0x"lvaddr"\n",
						 curr_lv, save_lv));
					assert(LVT_PARENT(lvt_child) == (lvTreeNode *)save_lv);
					lv_kill(save_lv, DOTPSAVE_FALSE, DO_SUBTREE_TRUE);
				restore_ent->var_cloned = FALSE;
			} else
			{	/* If not cloned, we still have to reduce the reference counts of any
				 * container vars in the untouched tree that were added to keep anything
				 * they referenced from disappearing.
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Not restoring curr_lv and is NOT cloned\n"));
				lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(curr_lv);
				if (NULL != lvt_child)
					DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: curr_lv has children and so reducing ref counts\n"));
			/* Not easy to predict what the trefcnt will be except that it should be greater than zero. In
			 * most cases, it will have its own hash table ref plus the extras we added but it is also
			 * possible that the entry has been kill *'d in which case the ONLY ref that will be left is
			 * our own increment but there is no [quick] way to distinguish this case so we just
			 * test for > 0.
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.crefcnt);
			DECR_CREFCNT(curr_lv);	/* Remove the copy refcnt we added in in op_tstart() or lv_newname() */
			curr_lv->tp_var = NULL;
			tp_pointer->vars = restore_ent->next;
		if ((tp_pointer->fp == frame_pointer) && (MVST_TPHOLD == mv_chain->mv_st_type)
		    && (msp == (unsigned char *)mv_chain))
		if (NULL == tp_pointer->old_tp_frame)
			tp_sp = tpstackbase;
			tp_sp = (unsigned char *)tp_pointer->old_tp_frame;
		if (tp_sp > tpstackbase)
		if (tp_pointer->tp_save_all_flg)
		if ((NULL != (tp_pointer = tp_pointer->old_tp_frame))	/* Note assignment */
		    && ((tp_pointer < (tp_frame *)tp_sp) || (tp_pointer > (tp_frame *)tpstackbase)
			|| (tp_pointer < (tp_frame *)tpstacktop)))
	if ((0 != newlevel) && restore_lv)
	{	/* Restore current context (without releasing) */
		assertpro(NULL != tp_pointer);
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\n\n** tp_unwind: Newlevel (%d) != 0 loop processing\n", newlevel));
		for (restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars;  NULL != restore_ent;  restore_ent = restore_ent->next)
			curr_lv = restore_ent->current_value;
			save_lv = restore_ent->save_value;
			assert(curr_lv->tp_var == restore_ent);
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			rc = tp_unwind_restlv(curr_lv, save_lv, restore_ent, &lvscan, tprestart_rc);
#			ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
			if (0 != rc)
				dollar_tlevel = tl;			/* Record fact if we unwound some levels */
				ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND);	/* drive any MUPIP STOP/signals deferred while
									 * in this function */
				TPUNWND_WBOX_TEST;			/* Debug-only wbox-test to simulate SIGTERM */
#			endif
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);	/* Should have its own hash table ref plus the extras we added */
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.crefcnt);
		/* If we have any lv_vals queued up to be scanned for container vars, do that now */
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Starting deferred rescan of lv trees needing refcnt processing\n"));
		while (0 < lvscan->elemcnt)
			assert(ARY_SCNCNTNR_DIM >= lvscan->elemcnt);
			for (elemindx = 0; lvscan->elemcnt > elemindx; ++elemindx)
				lv = lvscan->ary_scncntnr[elemindx];
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\n**tp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Deferred processing lv 0x"lvaddr"\n", lv));
				/* This is the final level being restored so redo the counters on these vars */
			/* If we allocated any secondary blocks, we are done with them now so release them. Only the
			 * very last block on the chain is the original block that was automatically allocated which
			 * should not be freed in this fashion.
			lvscan_next = lvscan->next;
			if (NULL != lvscan_next)
			{	/* There is another block on the chain so this one can be freed */
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Freeing lvscan array\n"));
				lvscan = lvscan_next;
			} else
			{	/* Since this is the original block allocated on the C stack which we may reuse,
				 * zero the element count.
				lvscan->elemcnt = 0;
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Setting elemcnt to 0 in original "
					 "lvscan block\n"));
				assert(lvscan == &first_lvscan);
	assert(0 == lvscan->elemcnt);	/* verify no elements queued that were not scanned */
	rollback_locks = (COMMIT_INVOCATION != invocation_type);
	for (prior = &mlk_pvt_root, mlkp = *prior;  NULL != mlkp;  mlkp = *prior)
		if (mlkp->granted)
		{	/* This was a pre-existing lock */
			for (oldlock = mlkp->tp;  (NULL != oldlock) && ((int)oldlock->tplevel > newlevel);  oldlock = nextlock)
			{	/* Remove references to the lock from levels being unwound */
				nextlock = oldlock->next;
			if (rollback_locks)
				if (NULL == oldlock)
				{	/* Lock did not exist at the tp level being unwound to */
				} else
				{	/* Lock still exists but restore lock state as it was when the transaction started. */
					mlkp->level = oldlock->level;
					mlkp->zalloc = oldlock->zalloc;
			if ((NULL != oldlock) && (oldlock->tplevel == newlevel))
			{	/* Remove lock reference from level being unwound to,
				 * now that any {level,zalloc} state information has been restored.
				assert((NULL == oldlock->next) || (oldlock->next->tplevel < newlevel));
				mlkp->tp = oldlock->next;	/* update root reference pointer */
			} else
				mlkp->tp = oldlock;	/* update root reference pointer */
			prior = &mlkp->next;
		} else
	DBGRFCT((stderr, "tp_unwind: Processing complete\n"));
	dollar_tlevel = newlevel;
	ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND);	/* check if any MUPIP STOP/signals were deferred while in this function */
Exemplo n.º 22
/* Restore given local variable from supplied TP restore entry into given symval. Note lvscan_anchor will only be non-NULL
 * for the final level we are restoring (but not unwinding). We don't need to restore counters for any vars except the
 * very last level.
 * The return code is only used when unrolling the M stack runs into a trigger base frame which must be unrolled
 * by gtm_trigger. A non-zero return code signals to tp_unwind() that it needs to rethrow the tprestart error.
int tp_unwind_restlv(lv_val *curr_lv, lv_val *save_lv, tp_var *restore_ent, lvscan_blk **lvscan_anchor, int *tprestart_rc)
	ht_ent_mname	*tabent;
	lv_val		*inuse_lv;
	int		elemindx;
	mv_stent	*mvc;
	lvscan_blk	*lvscan, *newlvscan;
	lvTree		*lvt_child;
	boolean_t	var_cloned;

	DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: Entered for varname: '%.*s' curr_lv: 0x"lvaddr"  save_lv: 0x"lvaddr"\n",
		 restore_ent->key.var_name.len, restore_ent->key.var_name.addr, curr_lv, save_lv));
	DBGRFCT((stderr, "tp_unwind_restlv: tp_pointer/current: fp: 0x"lvaddr"/0x"lvaddr" mvc: 0x"lvaddr"/0x"lvaddr
		 " symval: 0x"lvaddr"/0x"lvaddr"\n",
		 tp_pointer->fp, frame_pointer, tp_pointer->mvc, mv_chain, tp_pointer->sym, curr_symval));

	/* First get the stack in the position where we can actually process this entry. Need to make sure we are processing
	 * the symbol table we need to be processing so unwind enough stuff to get there.
	if (curr_symval != tp_pointer->sym)
	{	/* Unwind as many stackframes as are necessary up to the max */
		while((curr_symval != tp_pointer->sym) && (frame_pointer < tp_pointer->fp))
#			ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
			if (SFT_TRIGR & frame_pointer->type)
			{	/* We have encountered a trigger base frame. We cannot unroll it because there are C frames
				 * associated with it so we must interrupt this tp_restart and return to gtm_trigger() so
				 * it can unroll the base frame and rethrow the error to properly unroll the C stack.
				*tprestart_rc = ERR_TPRETRY;
				tprestart_state = TPRESTART_STATE_TPUNW;
				DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_unwind: Encountered trigger base frame during M-stack unwind - "
				return -1;
#			endif
		if (curr_symval != tp_pointer->sym)
		{	/* Unwind as many mv_stents as are necessary up to the max */
			mvc = mv_chain;
			while((curr_symval != tp_pointer->sym) && (mvc < tp_pointer->mvc))
				mvc = (mv_stent *)(mvc->mv_st_next + (char *)mvc);
			mv_chain = mvc;
			/* Final check */
			assertpro(curr_symval == tp_pointer->sym);
	var_cloned = curr_lv->tp_var->var_cloned;
	if (var_cloned)
	{	/* Var/tree has been copied (and modified) -- see about restoring it */
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: curr_lv was modified and cloned -- needs restoration\n"));
		if (NULL != restore_ent->key.var_name.addr)
		{	/* Restore data into a named variable (hash table entry)
			 * Step 1 -- find its hash table address to see what lv_val is there now.
			tabent = lookup_hashtab_mname(&((tp_pointer->sym)->h_symtab), &restore_ent->key);
			/* Step 2 -- If lv_val is NOT the same as it was, then we must replace the lv_val
			 * currently in use. Decrement its use count (which will delete it and the tree if
			 * it is no longer used) and replace with desired previous lv_val whose use count
			 * was incremented when it was saved.
			if (curr_lv != (inuse_lv = (lv_val *)tabent->value))	/* Note assignment */
				if (inuse_lv)
					DECR_BASE_REF_RQ(tabent, inuse_lv, FALSE);
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "tp_unwind: hte 0x"lvaddr" being reset from 0x"lvaddr" to 0x"lvaddr"\n",
					 tabent, tabent->value, curr_lv));
				tabent->value = (void *)curr_lv;
				INCR_TREFCNT(curr_lv);			/* Back in the hash table, bump its reference */
		} /* Else, if restoring orphaned data, just prune the old var and copy in the saved tree (if one existed) */
		/* Step 3 -- We have the correct lv_val in the hash table now but it has the wrong value.
		 * Get rid of its current tree if any.
		if (lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(curr_lv))	/* Note assignment */
			DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: Killing children of curr_lv 0x"lvaddr"\n", curr_lv));
			assert((lvTreeNode *)curr_lv == LVT_PARENT(lvt_child));
			LV_CHILD(curr_lv) = NULL;	/* prevent recursion due to alias containers */
			lv_killarray(lvt_child, FALSE);
		/* Step 4:  Copy in the needed fields from the saved flavor lv_val back to curr_lv.
		 * Preserve the ref counts of the current var since the copy's ref counts have not been kept up to date.
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: Restoring value of lv 0x"lvaddr" back into lv 0x"lvaddr"\n",
			save_lv, curr_lv));
		/* The following is optimized to do the initialization of just the needed structure members. For that it assumes a
		 * particular "lv_val" structure layout. The assumed layout is asserted so any changes to the layout will
		 * automatically show an issue here and cause the below initialization to be accordingly reworked.
		assert(0 == OFFSETOF(lv_val, v));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, v) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->v) == OFFSETOF(lv_val, ptrs));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, ptrs) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->ptrs) == OFFSETOF(lv_val, stats));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, stats) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->stats) == OFFSETOF(lv_val, has_aliascont));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, has_aliascont) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->has_aliascont) == OFFSETOF(lv_val, lvmon_mark));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, lvmon_mark) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->lvmon_mark) == OFFSETOF(lv_val, tp_var));
		assert(OFFSETOF(lv_val, tp_var) + SIZEOF(curr_lv->tp_var) == SIZEOF(lv_val));
		/* save_lv -> curr_lv Copy begin */
		curr_lv->v = save_lv->v;
		curr_lv->ptrs = save_lv->ptrs;
		assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);	/* No need to copy "stats" as curr_lv is more uptodate */
		assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.crefcnt);
		assert(8 == (OFFSETOF(lv_val, tp_var) - OFFSETOF(lv_val, has_aliascont)));
		curr_lv->has_aliascont = save_lv->has_aliascont;
		DBGALS_ONLY(curr_lv->lvmon_mark = save_lv->has_aliascont);
		assert(save_lv->tp_var == curr_lv->tp_var);	/* no need to copy this field */
		/* save_lv -> curr_lv Copy done */
		/* Some fixup may need to be done if the variable was cloned (and thus moved around) */
		curr_lv->tp_var->var_cloned = FALSE;
		if (lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(curr_lv))
		{	/* Some pointer fix up needs to be done since the owner of the restored tree changed */
			assert(LVT_PARENT(lvt_child) == ((lvTreeNode *)curr_lv->tp_var->save_value));
			LV_CHILD(save_lv) = NULL;	/* now that curr_lv->tp_var->var_cloned has been reset */
			LVT_PARENT(lvt_child) = (lvTreeNode *)curr_lv;
			if (curr_lv->has_aliascont && (NULL != lvscan_anchor))
			{	/* Some ref counts need to be restored for arrays this tree points to -- but only if the
				 * array contains pointers (alias containers).
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: Putting lv 0x:"lvaddr" on the lvscan list\n", curr_lv));
				/* This array needs to have container pointer target reference counts reestablished. Record
				 * the lv so this can happen after all vars are restored.
				lvscan = *lvscan_anchor;
				elemindx = lvscan->elemcnt++;	/* Note post increment so elemindx has minus-one value */
				if (ARY_SCNCNTNR_MAX < elemindx)
				{	/* Present block is full so allocate a new one and chain it on */
					lvscan->elemcnt--;		/* New element ended up not being in that block.. */
					newlvscan = (lvscan_blk *)malloc(SIZEOF(lvscan_blk));
					newlvscan->next = lvscan;
					newlvscan->elemcnt = 1;		/* Going to use first one *now* */
					elemindx = 0;
					*lvscan_anchor = newlvscan;
					lvscan = newlvscan;
				assert((ARY_SCNCNTNR_MAX >= elemindx) && (0 <= elemindx));
				lvscan->ary_scncntnr[elemindx] = curr_lv;
	} else
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_restlv: curr_lv was NOT modified or cloned\n"));
		assert(NULL == LV_CHILD(save_lv));
		/* We know that the subscript array underneath curr_lv did not change since saving it into save_lv. But the
		 * unsubscripted lv could have changed (have no way of checking if that is the case) so restore it unconditionally.
		curr_lv->v = save_lv->v;
		/* No need to copy "save_lv->ptrs" as "ptrs" contains 2 fields both of which are already correct in "curr_lv" */
		assert(save_lv->ptrs.val_ent.parent.sym == curr_lv->ptrs.val_ent.parent.sym);
		assert(NULL == save_lv->ptrs.val_ent.children);
		/* No need to copy "save_lv->stats" as "curr_lv->stats" is more uptodate */
		assert(save_lv->has_aliascont == curr_lv->has_aliascont);	/* no need to copy this field */
		assert(save_lv->lvmon_mark == curr_lv->lvmon_mark);	/* no need to copy this field */
		assert(save_lv->tp_var == curr_lv->tp_var);	/* no need to copy this field */
	if (NULL == lvscan_anchor)
		/* Means this is completely unwinding a nested level so we need to reset the tstartcycle in this
		 * lvval so it gets handled correctly when this lv is encountered again after the restart completes.
		curr_lv->stats.tstartcycle = 0;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
void bx_boollit_tail(triple *t, boolean_t jmp_type_one, boolean_t jmp_to_next, boolean_t sense, oprtype *addr)
/* search the Boolean in t (recursively) for literal leaves; the logic is similar to bx_tail
 * the rest of the arguments parallel those in bx_boolop and used primarily handling basic Boolean operations (ON, NOR, AND, NAND)
 * to get the jump target and sense right for the left-hand operand of the operation
 * jmp_type_one gives the sense of the jump associated with the first operand
 * jmp_to_next gives whether we need a second jump to complete the operation
 * sense gives the sense of the requested operation
 * *addr points the operand for the jump and is eventually used by logic back in the invocation stack to fill in a target location
	boolean_t	sin[ARRAYSIZE(t->operand)], tv[ARRAYSIZE(t->operand)];
	int		com, comval, dummy, j, neg, num, tvr;
	mval		*mv, *v[ARRAYSIZE(t->operand)];
	opctype		c;
	oprtype		*i, *p;
	triple		*cob[ARRAYSIZE(t->operand)], *ref0, *tl[ARRAYSIZE(t->operand)];

	assert(OCT_BOOL & oc_tab[t->opcode].octype);
	assert(TRIP_REF == t->operand[0].oprclass);
	assert((OC_COBOOL != t->opcode) && (OC_COM != t->opcode) || (TRIP_REF == t->operand[1].oprclass));
	for (i = t->operand, j = 0; i < ARRAYTOP(t->operand); i++, j++)
	{	/* checkout an operand to see if we can simplify it */
		p = i;
		com = 0;
		for (tl[j] = i->oprval.tref; OCT_UNARY & oc_tab[(c = tl[j]->opcode)].octype; tl[j] = p->oprval.tref)
		{	/* find the real object of affection; WARNING assignment above */
			assert((TRIP_REF == tl[j]->operand[0].oprclass) && (NO_REF == tl[j]->operand[1].oprclass));
			com ^= (OC_COM == c);	/* if we make a recursive call below, COM matters, but NEG and FORCENUM don't */
			p = &tl[j]->operand[0];
		if (OCT_ARITH & oc_tab[c].octype)
			ex_tail(p);								/* chained arithmetic */
		else if (OCT_BOOL & oc_tab[c].octype)
		{	/* recursively check an operand */
			sin[j] = sense;
			p = addr;
			if (!j && !(OCT_REL & oc_tab[t->opcode].octype))
			{	/* left hand operand of parent */
				sin[j] = jmp_type_one;
				if (jmp_to_next)
				{	/* left operands need extra attention to decide between jump next or to the end */
					p = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype));
					*p = put_tjmp(t);
			bx_boollit(tl[j], sin[j] ^ com, p);
		if ((OC_JMPTRUE != tl[j]->opcode) && (OC_JMPFALSE != tl[j]->opcode) && (OC_LIT != tl[j]->opcode))
			return;									/* this operation doesn't qualify */
		com = comval = neg = num = 0;
		cob[j] = NULL;
		for (ref0 = i->oprval.tref; OCT_UNARY & oc_tab[(c = ref0->opcode)].octype; ref0 = ref0->operand[0].oprval.tref)
		{       /* we may be able to clean up this operand; WARNING assignment above */
			assert((TRIP_REF == ref0->operand[0].oprclass) && (NO_REF == ref0->operand[1].oprclass));
			num += (OC_FORCENUM == c);
			com += (OC_COM == c);
			if (!com)								/* "outside" com renders neg mute */
				neg ^= (OC_NEG == c);
			if (!comval && (NULL == cob[j]))
				if (comval = (OC_COMVAL == c))					/* WARNING assignment */
					if (ref0 != t->operand[j].oprval.tref)
						dqdel(t->operand[j].oprval.tref, exorder);
					t->operand[j].oprval.tref = tl[j];			/* need mval: no COBOOL needed */
				else if (OC_COBOOL == c)
				{	/* the operand needs a COBOOL in case its operator remains unresolved */
					cob[j] = t->operand[j].oprval.tref;
					if (ref0 == cob[j])
						continue;					/* already where it belongs */
					cob[j]->opcode = OC_COBOOL;
					cob[j]->operand[0].oprval.tref = tl[j];
				} else if (ref0 == t->operand[j].oprval.tref)
			dqdel(ref0, exorder);
		assert(ref0 == tl[j]);
		if (!comval && (NULL == cob[j]) && (tl[j] != t->operand[j].oprval.tref))
		{	/* left room for a COBOOL, but there's no need */
			dqdel(t->operand[j].oprval.tref, exorder);
			t->operand[j].oprval.tref = tl[j];
		if ((OC_JMPTRUE == ref0->opcode) || (OC_JMPFALSE == ref0->opcode))
		{	/* switch to a literal representation of TRUE / FALSE */
			assert(INDR_REF == ref0->operand[0].oprclass);
			ref0->operand[1] = ref0->operand[0];					/* track info as we switch opcode */
			PUT_LITERAL_TRUTH((sin[j] ? OC_JMPFALSE : OC_JMPTRUE) == ref0->opcode, ref0);
			ref0->opcode = OC_LIT;
			com = 0;								/* already accounted for by sin */
		assert((OC_LIT == ref0->opcode) && (MLIT_REF == ref0->operand[0].oprclass));
		v[j] = &ref0->operand[0].oprval.mlit->v;
		if (com)
		{       /* any complement reduces the literal value to [unsigned] 1 or 0 */
			tv[j] = (0 == v[j]->m[1]);
			assert(ref0 == tl[j]);
			PUT_LITERAL_TRUTH(tv[j], ref0);
			v[j] = &ref0->operand[0].oprval.mlit->v;
			num = 0;								/* any complement trumps num */
		if (neg || num)
		{	/* get literal into uniform state */
			mv = (mval *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(mval));
			*mv = *v[j];
			if (neg)
				if (MV_INT & mv->mvtype)
					if (0 != mv->m[1])
						mv->m[1] = -mv->m[1];
						mv->sgn = 0;
				} else if (MV_NM & mv->mvtype)
					mv->sgn = !mv->sgn;
			} else
			v[j] = mv;
			assert(ref0 == tl[j]);
			put_lit_s(v[j], ref0);
	assert(tl[0] != tl[1]);									/* start processing a live one */
	for (tvr = j, j = 0;  j < tvr; j++)
	{	/* both arguments are literals, so do the operation at compile time */
		if (NULL != cob[j])
			dqdel(cob[j], exorder);
		v[j] = &tl[j]->operand[0].oprval.mlit->v;
		tv[j] = (0 != v[j]->m[1]);
		tl[j]->opcode = OC_NOOP;
		tl[j]->operand[0].oprclass = NO_REF;
	t->operand[1].oprclass = NO_REF;
	switch (c = t->opcode)									/* WARNING assignment */
	{	/* optimize the Boolean operations here */
		case OC_NAND:
		case OC_AND:
			tvr = (tv[0] && tv[1]);
		case OC_NOR:
		case OC_OR:
			tvr = (tv[0] || tv[1]);
		case OC_CONTAIN:
			tvr = 1;
			(void)matchc(v[1]->str.len, (unsigned char *)v[1]->str.addr, v[0]->str.len,
				(unsigned char *)v[0]->str.addr, &dummy, &tvr);
			tvr ^= 1;
		case OC_NEQU:
		case OC_EQU:
			tvr = is_equ(v[0], v[1]);
		case OC_NFOLLOW:
		case OC_FOLLOW:
			tvr = 0 < memvcmp(v[0]->str.addr, v[0]->str.len, v[1]->str.addr, v[1]->str.len);
		case OC_NGT:
		case OC_GT:
			tvr = 0 < numcmp(v[0], v[1]);
		case OC_NLT:
		case OC_LT:
			tvr = 0 > numcmp(v[0], v[1]);
		case OC_PATTERN:
			tvr = !(*(uint4 *)v[1]->str.addr) ? do_pattern(v[0], v[1]) : do_patfixed(v[0], v[1]);
			tvr = 0 < sorts_after(v[0], v[1]);
	tvr ^= !sense;
	t->operand[0] = put_indr(addr);
	t->opcode = tvr ? OC_JMPFALSE : OC_JMPTRUE;
Exemplo n.º 24
uint4	 gdsfilext(uint4 blocks, uint4 filesize, boolean_t trans_in_prog)
	sm_uc_ptr_t		old_base[2], mmap_retaddr;
	boolean_t		was_crit, is_mm;
	int			result, save_errno, status;
	DEBUG_ONLY(int		first_save_errno);
	uint4			new_bit_maps, bplmap, map, new_blocks, new_total, max_tot_blks, old_total;
	uint4			jnl_status;
	gtm_uint64_t		avail_blocks, mmap_sz;
	off_t			new_eof, new_size;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	inctn_opcode_t		save_inctn_opcode;
	int4			prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	cache_rec_ptr_t         cr;

	assert((cs_addrs->nl == NULL) || (process_id != cs_addrs->nl->trunc_pid)); /* mu_truncate shouldn't extend file... */
	DEBUG_ONLY(old_base[0] = old_base[1] = NULL);
	udi = FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region);
	is_mm = (dba_mm == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth);
#	if !defined(MM_FILE_EXT_OK)
	if (!udi->grabbed_access_sem && is_mm)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not allowed ? */
#	endif
	/* Both blocks and total blocks are unsigned ints so make sure we aren't asking for huge numbers that will
	   overflow and end up doing silly things.
	assert((blocks <= (MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data) - cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks)) || WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_FILE_EXTEND_ERROR));
#	if defined(__sun) || defined(__hpux)
	cs_data->defer_allocate = TRUE;
#	endif
	if (!blocks && (cs_data->defer_allocate || (TRANS_IN_PROG_TRUE == trans_in_prog)))
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not enabled ? */
	bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
	/* New total of non-bitmap blocks will be number of current, non-bitmap blocks, plus new blocks desired
	 * There are (bplmap - 1) non-bitmap blocks per bitmap, so add (bplmap - 2) to number of non-bitmap blocks
	 *      and divide by (bplmap - 1) to get total number of bitmaps for expanded database. (must round up in this
	 *      manner as every non-bitmap block must have an associated bitmap)
	 * Current number of bitmaps is (total number of current blocks + bplmap - 1) / bplmap.
	 * Subtract current number of bitmaps from number needed for expanded database to get number of new bitmaps needed.
	new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap) + blocks, bplmap - 1)
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap);
	new_blocks = blocks + new_bit_maps;
	assert((0 < (int)new_blocks) || (!cs_data->defer_allocate && (0 == new_blocks)));
	if (new_blocks + cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks > MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TOTALBLKMAX);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	if (0 != (save_errno = disk_block_available(udi->fd, &avail_blocks, FALSE)))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
	} else
		if (!(gtmDebugLevel & GDL_IgnoreAvailSpace))
		{	/* Bypass this space check if debug flag above is on. Allows us to create a large sparce DB
			 * in space it could never fit it if wasn't sparse. Needed for some tests.
			avail_blocks = avail_blocks / (cs_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
			if ((blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (blocks > (uint4)avail_blocks)
					if (!INST_FREEZE_ON_NOSPC_ENABLED(cs_addrs))
						return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) MAKE_MSG_WARNING(ERR_NOSPACEEXT), 4,
							DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), new_blocks, (uint4)avail_blocks);
				} else
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW, 3, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						 (uint4)(avail_blocks - ((new_blocks <= avail_blocks) ? new_blocks : 0)));
#	ifdef DEBUG
	if (WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_MM_CONCURRENT_FILE_EXTEND) && dollar_tlevel && !MEMCMP_LIT(gv_cur_region->rname, "DEFAULT"))
		SYSTEM("$gtm_dist/mumps -run $gtm_wbox_mrtn");
		assert(1 == cs_addrs->nl->wbox_test_seq_num);	/* should have been set by mubfilcpy */
		cs_addrs->nl->wbox_test_seq_num = 2;	/* signal mupip backup to stop sleeping in mubfilcpy */
#	endif
	/* From here on, we need to use GDSFILEXT_CLNUP before returning to the caller */
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit || was_crit);
	/* If we are coming from mupip_extend (which gets crit itself) we better have waited for any unfreezes to occur.
	 * If we are coming from online rollback (when that feature is available), we will come in holding crit and in
	 * 	the final retry. In that case too, we expect to have waited for unfreezes to occur in the caller itself.
	 * Therefore if we are coming in holding crit from MUPIP, we expect the db to be unfrozen so no need to wait for
	 * freeze.
	 * If we are coming from GT.M and final retry (in which case we come in holding crit) we expect to have waited
	 * 	for any unfreezes (by invoking tp_crit_all_regions) to occur (TP or non-TP) before coming into this
	 *	function. However, there is one exception. In the final retry, if tp_crit_all_regions notices that
	 *	at least one of the participating regions did ONLY READs, it will not wait for any freeze on THAT region
	 *	to complete before grabbing crit. Later, in the final retry, if THAT region did an update which caused
	 *	op_tcommit to invoke bm_getfree->gdsfilext, then we would have come here with a frozen region on which
	 *	we hold crit.
	assert(!was_crit || !FROZEN_HARD(cs_data) || (dollar_tlevel && (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)));
	 * If we are in the final retry and already hold crit, it is possible that csa->nl->wc_blocked is also set to TRUE
	 * (by a concurrent process in phase2 which encountered an error in the midst of commit and secshr_db_clnup
	 * finished the job for it). In this case we do NOT want to invoke wcs_recover as that will update the "bt"
	 * transaction numbers without correspondingly updating the history transaction numbers (effectively causing
	 * a cdb_sc_blkmod type of restart). Therefore do NOT call grab_crit (which unconditionally invokes wcs_recover)
	 * if we already hold crit.
	if (!was_crit)
		for ( ; ; )
			if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data))
				DO_CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(cs_addrs, cs_data);
			if (!FROZEN(cs_data) && !IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
			while (FROZEN(cs_data) || IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
				if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data) && CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(cs_data))
	} else if (FROZEN_HARD(cs_data) && dollar_tlevel)
	{	/* We don't want to continue with file extension as explained above. Hence return with an error code which
		 * op_tcommit will recognize (as a cdb_sc_needcrit/cdb_sc_instancefreeze type of restart) and restart accordingly.
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_FREEZE_PROG;
	} else
		WAIT_FOR_REGION_TO_UNCHILL(cs_addrs, cs_data);
	if (IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN && trans_in_prog)
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_INST_FREEZE;
	assert(cs_addrs->ti->total_blks == cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks);
	old_total = cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
	if (old_total != filesize)
	{	/* Somebody else has already extended it, since we are in crit, this is trust-worthy. However, in case of MM,
		 * we still need to remap the database
		assert((old_total > filesize) || !is_mm);
		/* For BG, someone else could have truncated or extended - we have no idea */
		return (SS_NORMAL);
	if (trans_in_prog && SUSPICIOUS_EXTEND)
		if (!was_crit)
			return (uint4)(EXTEND_SUSPECT);
		/* If free_blocks counter is not ok, then correct it. Do the check again. If still fails, then it means we held
		 * crit through bm_getfree into gdsfilext and still didn't get it right.
		assertpro(!is_free_blks_ctr_ok() && !SUSPICIOUS_EXTEND);
	if (JNL_ENABLED(cs_data))
		if (!jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time)
			SET_GBL_JREC_TIME;	/* needed before jnl_ensure_open as that can write jnl records */
		jpc = cs_addrs->jnl;
		jbp = jpc->jnl_buff;
		/* Before writing to jnlfile, adjust jgbl.gbl_jrec_time if needed to maintain time order
		 * of jnl records. This needs to be done BEFORE the jnl_ensure_open as that could write
		 * journal records (if it decides to switch to a new journal file).
		ADJUST_GBL_JREC_TIME(jgbl, jbp);
		jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (jnl_status)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(cs_data), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);	/* should have better return status */
	if (is_mm)
		cs_addrs->nl->mm_extender_pid = process_id;
		status = wcs_wtstart(gv_cur_region, 0, NULL, NULL);
		cs_addrs->nl->mm_extender_pid = 0;
		assertpro(SS_NORMAL == status);
		old_base[0] = cs_addrs->db_addrs[0];
		old_base[1] = cs_addrs->db_addrs[1];
		cs_addrs->db_addrs[0] = NULL; /* don't rely on it until the mmap below */
#		ifdef _AIX
		status = shmdt(old_base[0] - BLK_ZERO_OFF(cs_data->start_vbn));
#		else
		status = munmap((caddr_t)old_base[0], (size_t)(old_base[1] - old_base[0]));
#		endif
		if (0 != status)
			save_errno = errno;
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	} else
	{	/* Due to concurrency issues, it is possible some process had issued a disk read of the GDS block# corresponding
		 * to "old_total" right after a truncate wrote a GDS-block of zeros on disk (to signal end of the db file).
		 * If so, the global buffer containing this block needs to be invalidated now as part of the extend. If not, it is
		 * possible the EOF block on disk is now going to be overwritten by a properly initialized bitmap block (as part
		 * of the gdsfilext below) while the global buffer continues to have an incorrect copy of that bitmap block and
		 * this in turn would cause XXXX failures due to a bad bitmap block in shared memory. (GTM-7519)
		cr = db_csh_get((block_id)old_total);
		if ((NULL != cr) && ((cache_rec_ptr_t)CR_NOTVALID != cr))
			assert((0 == cr->dirty) && (0 == cr->bt_index) && !cr->stopped);
			cr->blk = CR_BLKEMPTY;
	CHECK_TN(cs_addrs, cs_data, cs_data->trans_hist.curr_tn);	/* can issue rts_error TNTOOLARGE */
	new_total = old_total + new_blocks;
	new_eof = BLK_ZERO_OFF(cs_data->start_vbn) + ((off_t)new_total * cs_data->blk_size);
#	if !defined(__sun) && !defined(__hpux)
	if (!cs_data->defer_allocate)
		new_size = new_eof + cs_data->blk_size;
		save_errno = posix_fallocate(udi->fd, 0, new_size);
		DEBUG_ONLY(first_save_errno = save_errno);
		if ((ENOSPC == save_errno) && IS_GTM_IMAGE)
			save_errno = extend_wait_for_fallocate(udi, new_size);
		if (0 != save_errno)
			assert(ENOSPC == save_errno);
			if (ENOSPC != save_errno)
				send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_PREALLOCATEFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
#	endif
	save_errno = db_write_eof_block(udi, udi->fd, cs_data->blk_size, new_eof, &(TREF(dio_buff)));
	if ((ENOSPC == save_errno) && IS_GTM_IMAGE)
		save_errno = extend_wait_for_write(udi, cs_data->blk_size, new_eof);
	if (0 != save_errno)
		if (ENOSPC != save_errno)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	/* Ensure the EOF and metadata get to disk BEFORE any bitmap writes. Otherwise, the file size could no longer reflect
	 * a proper extent and subsequent invocations of gdsfilext could corrupt the database.
	if (!IS_STATSDB_CSA(cs_addrs))
		GTM_DB_FSYNC(cs_addrs, udi->fd, status);
		assert(0 == status);
		if (0 != status)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DBFILERR, 5,
						RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("fsync1()"), CALLFROM, status);
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
		assert(FALSE); /* Should be killed before that */
	DEBUG_ONLY(prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd = cs_data->blks_to_upgrd;)
Exemplo n.º 25
void view_arg_convert(viewtab_entry *vtp, int vtp_parm, mval *parm, viewparm *parmblk, boolean_t is_dollar_view)
	static	int4		first_time = TRUE;
	char			*cptr;
	char			*strtokptr;
	gd_binding		*gd_map;
	gd_region		*gd_reg_start, *r_ptr, *r_top;
	gvnh_reg_t		*gvnh_reg;
	gvnh_spanreg_t		*gvspan;
	gv_namehead		*tmp_gvt;
	ht_ent_mname		*tabent;
	int			n, reg_index;
	mident_fixed		lcl_buff;
	mname_entry		gvent, lvent;
	mstr			namestr, tmpstr;
	unsigned char 		*c, *c_top, *dst, *dst_top, global_names[1024], *nextsrc, *src, *src_top, stashed, y;

	switch (vtp_parm)
		case VTP_NULL:
			if (parm != 0)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
		case (VTP_NULL | VTP_VALUE):
			if (NULL == parm)
				parmblk->value = (mval *)&literal_one;
			/* caution:  fall through */
		case VTP_VALUE:
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			parmblk->value = parm;
			if (!is_dollar_view && ((NULL == parm) || ((1 == parm->str.len) && ('*' == *parm->str.addr))))
				parmblk->gv_ptr = NULL;
			/* caution:  fall through */
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			if (!gd_header)		/* IF GD_HEADER ==0 THEN OPEN GBLDIR */
			r_ptr = gd_header->regions;
			if (!parm->str.len && vtp->keycode == VTK_GVNEXT)	/* "" => 1st region */
				parmblk->gv_ptr = r_ptr;
				for (cptr = parm->str.addr, n = 0; n < parm->str.len; cptr++, n++)
					lcl_buff.c[n] = TOUPPER(*cptr);		/* Region names are upper-case ASCII */
				namestr.len = n;
				namestr.addr = &lcl_buff.c[0];
				for (r_top = r_ptr + gd_header->n_regions; ; r_ptr++)
					if (r_ptr >= r_top)
						format2zwr((sm_uc_ptr_t)parm->str.addr, parm->str.len, global_names, &n);
						rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_NOREGION,2, n, global_names);
					tmpstr.len = r_ptr->rname_len;
					tmpstr.addr = (char *)r_ptr->rname;
					MSTR_CMP(tmpstr, namestr, n);
					if (0 == n)
				parmblk->gv_ptr = r_ptr;
		case VTP_DBKEY:
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			if (!parm->str.len)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_NOTGBL, 2, parm->str.len, NULL);
			if (!gd_header)		/* IF GD_HEADER ==0 THEN OPEN GBLDIR */
			c = (unsigned char *)parm->str.addr;
			if ('^' != *c)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_NOTGBL, 2, parm->str.len, c);
			c_top = c + parm->str.len;
			c++;				/* skip initial '^' */
			parmblk->str.addr = (char *)c;
			for ( ; (c < c_top) && ('(' != *c); c++)
			parmblk->str.len = (char *)c - parmblk->str.addr;
			if (MAX_MIDENT_LEN < parmblk->str.len)
				parmblk->str.len = MAX_MIDENT_LEN;
			if (!valid_mname(&parmblk->str))
				format2zwr((sm_uc_ptr_t)parm->str.addr, parm->str.len, global_names, &n);
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWGVN, 2, n, global_names);
		case VTP_RTNAME:
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			memset(&parmblk->ident.c[0], 0, SIZEOF(parmblk->ident));
			if (parm->str.len > 0)
				memcpy(&parmblk->ident.c[0], parm->str.addr,
				       (parm->str.len <= MAX_MIDENT_LEN ? parm->str.len : MAX_MIDENT_LEN));
			if (NULL == parm || 0 == parm->str.len)
				parmblk->ni_list.gvnh_list = NULL;
				parmblk->ni_list.type = NOISOLATION_NULL;
			/* caution : explicit fall through */
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			if (!gd_header)
			if (first_time)
				noisolation_buddy_list = (buddy_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(buddy_list));
				initialize_list(noisolation_buddy_list, SIZEOF(noisolation_element), NOISOLATION_INIT_ALLOC);
				gvt_pending_buddy_list = (buddy_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(buddy_list));
				initialize_list(gvt_pending_buddy_list, SIZEOF(gvt_container), NOISOLATION_INIT_ALLOC);
				first_time = FALSE;
			assertpro(SIZEOF(global_names) > parm->str.len);
			tmpstr.len = parm->str.len;	/* we need to change len and should not change parm->str, so take a copy */
			tmpstr.addr = parm->str.addr;
			if (0 != tmpstr.len)
				switch (*tmpstr.addr)
					case '+' :
						parmblk->ni_list.type = NOISOLATION_PLUS;
					case '-' :
						parmblk->ni_list.type = NOISOLATION_MINUS;
					default :
						parmblk->ni_list.type = NOISOLATION_NULL;
				if (!tmpstr.len)
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWGVN, 2, tmpstr.len, NULL);
				memcpy(global_names, tmpstr.addr, tmpstr.len);
				global_names[tmpstr.len] = '\0';
				src = (unsigned char *)STRTOK_R((char *)global_names, ",", &strtokptr);
				REINITIALIZE_LIST(noisolation_buddy_list);	/* reinitialize the noisolation buddy_list */
				parmblk->ni_list.gvnh_list = NULL;
				for ( ; src < &global_names[tmpstr.len + 1]; src = nextsrc)
					nextsrc = (unsigned char *)STRTOK_R(NULL, ",", &strtokptr);
					if (NULL == nextsrc)
						nextsrc = &global_names[tmpstr.len + 1];
					if (nextsrc - src >= 2 && '^' == *src)
						namestr.addr = (char *)src + 1;		/* skip initial '^' */
						namestr.len = INTCAST(nextsrc - src - 2); /* don't count initial ^ and trailing 0 */
						if (namestr.len > MAX_MIDENT_LEN)
							namestr.len = MAX_MIDENT_LEN;
						if (valid_mname(&namestr))
							memcpy(&lcl_buff.c[0], namestr.addr, namestr.len);
							gvent.var_name.len = namestr.len;
						} else
							memcpy(&lcl_buff.c[0], src, nextsrc - src - 1);
							format2zwr((sm_uc_ptr_t)&lcl_buff.c, nextsrc - src - 1, global_names, &n);
							rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWGVN, 2, n, global_names);
					} else
						memcpy(&lcl_buff.c[0], src, nextsrc - src - 1);
						format2zwr((sm_uc_ptr_t)&lcl_buff.c, nextsrc - src - 1, global_names, &n);
						rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWGVN, 2, n, global_names);
					tmp_gvt = NULL;
					gvent.var_name.addr = &lcl_buff.c[0];
					if (NULL != (tabent = lookup_hashtab_mname(gd_header->tab_ptr, &gvent)))
						gvnh_reg = (gvnh_reg_t *)tabent->value;
						assert(NULL != gvnh_reg);
						tmp_gvt = gvnh_reg->gvt;
					} else
						gd_map = gv_srch_map(gd_header, gvent.var_name.addr, gvent.var_name.len,
						r_ptr = gd_map->reg.addr;
						tmp_gvt = (gv_namehead *)targ_alloc(r_ptr->max_key_size, &gvent, r_ptr);
						GVNH_REG_INIT(gd_header, gd_header->tab_ptr, gd_map, tmp_gvt,
											r_ptr, gvnh_reg, tabent);
						/* In case of a global spanning multiple regions, the gvt pointer corresponding to
						 * the region where the unsubscripted global reference maps to is stored in TWO
						 * locations (one in gvnh_reg->gvspan->gvt_array[index] and one in gvnh_reg->gvt.
						 * So pass in both these pointer addresses to be stored in the pending list in
						 * case this gvt gets reallocated (due to different keysizes between gld and db).
						if (NULL == (gvspan = gvnh_reg->gvspan))
							ADD_TO_GVT_PENDING_LIST_IF_REG_NOT_OPEN(r_ptr, &gvnh_reg->gvt, NULL);
						} else
							gd_reg_start = &gd_header->regions[0];
							GET_REG_INDEX(gd_header, gd_reg_start, r_ptr, reg_index);
								/* the above sets "reg_index" */
							assert(reg_index >= gvspan->min_reg_index);
							assert(reg_index <= gvspan->max_reg_index);
							reg_index -= gvspan->min_reg_index;
								&gvspan->gvt_array[reg_index], &gvnh_reg->gvt);
					ADD_GVT_TO_VIEW_NOISOLATION_LIST(tmp_gvt, parmblk);
					if (!is_dollar_view && (NULL != gvnh_reg->gvspan))
					{	/* Global spans multiple regions. Make sure gv_targets corresponding to ALL
						 * spanned regions are allocated so NOISOLATION status can be set in all of
						 * them even if the corresponding regions are not open yet. Do this only for
						 * VIEW "NOISOLATION" commands which change the noisolation characteristic.
						 * $VIEW("NOISOLATION") only examines the characteristics and so no need to
						 * allocate all the gv-targets in that case. Just one is enough.
						gvnh_spanreg_subs_gvt_init(gvnh_reg, gd_header, parmblk);
			} else
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWGVN, 2, tmpstr.len, tmpstr.addr);
		case VTP_LVN:
			if (NULL == parm)
					VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWARGCNT, 2, strlen((const char *)vtp->keyword), vtp->keyword);
			if (0 < parm->str.len)
				lvent.var_name.addr = parm->str.addr;
				lvent.var_name.len = parm->str.len;
				if (lvent.var_name.len > MAX_MIDENT_LEN)
					lvent.var_name.len = MAX_MIDENT_LEN;
				if (!valid_mname(&lvent.var_name))
					format2zwr((sm_uc_ptr_t)parm->str.addr, parm->str.len, global_names, &n);
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWLVN, 2, n, global_names);
			} else
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWLVN, 2, parm->str.len, parm->str.addr);
			/* Now look up the name.. */
			if ((tabent = lookup_hashtab_mname(&curr_symval->h_symtab, &lvent)) && (NULL != tabent->value))
				parmblk->value = (mval *)tabent->value;	/* Return lv_val ptr */
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_VIEWLVN, 2, parm->str.len, parm->str.addr);
			assertpro(FALSE && vtp_parm);
Exemplo n.º 26
uint4 jnl_file_lost(jnl_private_control *jpc, uint4 jnl_stat)
{	/* Notify operator and terminate journaling */
	unsigned int	status;
	sgmnt_addrs	*csa;
	seq_num		reg_seqno, jnlseqno;
	boolean_t	was_lockid = FALSE, instfreeze_environ;


	case dba_mm:
	case dba_bg:
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs;
		assertpro(FALSE && jpc->region->dyn.addr->acc_meth);
#	ifdef VMS
	/* The following assert has been removed as it could be FALSE if the caller is "jnl_file_extend"
	 *	assert(0 != memcmp(csa->nl->jnl_file.jnl_file_id.fid, zero_fid, SIZEOF(zero_fid)));
#	endif
	/* We issue an rts_error (instead of shutting off journaling) in the following cases :					{BYPASSOK}
	 * 1) $gtm_error_on_jnl_file_lost is set to issue runtime error (if not already issued) in case of journaling issues.
	 * 2) The process has the given message set in $gtm_custom_errors (indicative of instance freeze on error setup)
	 *    in which case the goal is to never shut-off journaling
	UNIX_ONLY(assert(jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl == jnlpool_ctl));
	UNIX_ONLY(instfreeze_environ = INST_FREEZE_ON_MSG_ENABLED(csa, jnl_stat));
	VMS_ONLY(instfreeze_environ = FALSE);
	if ((JNL_FILE_LOST_ERRORS == TREF(error_on_jnl_file_lost)) || instfreeze_environ)
		VMS_ONLY(assert(FALSE)); /* Not fully implemented / supported on VMS. */
		if (!process_exiting || instfreeze_environ || !csa->jnl->error_reported)
			csa->jnl->error_reported = TRUE;
			in_wcs_recover = FALSE;	/* in case we're called in wcs_recover() */
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(7) jnl_stat, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csa->hdr),
						DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), jpc->status);
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_stat, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csa->hdr),
		return jnl_stat;
	if (0 != jnl_stat)
		jnl_send_oper(jpc, jnl_stat);
	csa->hdr->jnl_state = jnl_closed;
	jpc->jnl_buff->cycle++; /* increment shared cycle so all future callers of jnl_ensure_open recognize journal switch */
	assert(jpc->cycle < jpc->jnl_buff->cycle);
	if (REPL_ENABLED(csa->hdr))
		csa->hdr->repl_state = repl_was_open;
		reg_seqno = csa->hdr->reg_seqno;
		jnlseqno = (NULL != jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl) ? jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl->jnl_seqno : MAX_SEQNO;
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_REPLJNLCLOSED, 6, DB_LEN_STR(jpc->region), &reg_seqno, &reg_seqno,
				&jnlseqno, &jnlseqno);
	} else
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLCLOSED, 3, DB_LEN_STR(jpc->region), &csa->ti->curr_tn);
#ifdef VMS
	/* We can get a jnl_file_lost before the file is even created, so locking is done only if the lock exist */
	if (0 != csa->jnl->jnllsb->lockid)
		was_lockid = TRUE;
		status = gtm_enqw(EFN$C_ENF, LCK$K_EXMODE, csa->jnl->jnllsb, LCK$M_CONVERT | LCK$M_NODLCKBLK,
				NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, PSL$C_USER, 0);
		if (SS$_NORMAL == status)
			status = csa->jnl->jnllsb->cond;
	jnl_file_close(jpc->region, FALSE, FALSE);
	if (was_lockid)
		if (SS$_NORMAL == status)
			status = gtm_deq(csa->jnl->jnllsb->lockid, NULL, PSL$C_USER, 0);
		assertpro(SS$_NORMAL == status);
# else
	jnl_file_close(jpc->region, FALSE, FALSE);
	return EXIT_NRM;
Exemplo n.º 27
 * This will rundown a replication instance journal (and receiver) pool.
 *	Input Parameter:
 *		replpool_id of the instance. Instance file name must be null terminated in replpool_id.
 * Returns :
 *	TRUE,  if successful.
 *	FALSE, otherwise.
boolean_t mu_rndwn_repl_instance(replpool_identifier *replpool_id, boolean_t immediate, boolean_t rndwn_both_pools,
					boolean_t *jnlpool_sem_created)
	boolean_t		jnlpool_stat = SS_NORMAL, recvpool_stat = SS_NORMAL, decr_cnt, sem_created = FALSE, ipc_rmvd;
	char			*instfilename;
	unsigned char		ipcs_buff[MAX_IPCS_ID_BUF], *ipcs_ptr;
	gd_region		*r_save;
	repl_inst_hdr		repl_instance;
	static	gd_region	*reg = NULL;
	struct semid_ds		semstat;
	struct shmid_ds		shmstat;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	int			save_errno, sem_id, shm_id, status;
	sgmnt_addrs		*repl_csa;
	boolean_t		was_crit;

	if (NULL == reg)
		r_save = gv_cur_region;
		reg = gv_cur_region;
		gv_cur_region = r_save;
	*jnlpool_sem_created = FALSE;
	/* Assert that the layout of replpool_identifier is identical for all versions going forward as the function
	 * "validate_replpool_shm_entry" (used by the argumentless mupip rundown aka "mupip rundown") relies on this.
	 * This assert is placed here (instead of there) because the automated tests exercise this logic much more
	 * than the argumentless code. If any of these asserts fail, "validate_replpool_shm_entry" needs to change
	 * to handle the old and new layouts.
	 *	Structure ----> replpool_identifier <----    size 312 [0x0138]
	 *		offset = 0000 [0x0000]      size = 0012 [0x000c]    ----> replpool_identifier.label
	 *		offset = 0012 [0x000c]      size = 0001 [0x0001]    ----> replpool_identifier.pool_type
	 *		offset = 0013 [0x000d]      size = 0036 [0x0024]    ----> replpool_identifier.now_running
	 *		offset = 0052 [0x0034]      size = 0004 [0x0004]    ----> replpool_identifier.repl_pool_key_filler
	 *		offset = 0056 [0x0038]      size = 0256 [0x0100]    ----> replpool_identifier.instfilename
	assert(0 == OFFSETOF(replpool_identifier, label[0]));
	assert(12 == SIZEOF(((replpool_identifier *)NULL)->label));
	assert(12 == OFFSETOF(replpool_identifier, pool_type));
	assert(1 == SIZEOF(((replpool_identifier *)NULL)->pool_type));
	assert(13 == OFFSETOF(replpool_identifier, now_running[0]));
	assert(36 == SIZEOF(((replpool_identifier *)NULL)->now_running));
	assert(56 == OFFSETOF(replpool_identifier, instfilename[0]));
	assert(256 == SIZEOF(((replpool_identifier *)NULL)->instfilename));
	/* End asserts */
	jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg = reg;
	recvpool.recvpool_dummy_reg = reg;
	instfilename = replpool_id->instfilename;
	reg->dyn.addr->fname_len = strlen(instfilename);
	assert(0 == instfilename[reg->dyn.addr->fname_len]);
	memcpy((char *)reg->dyn.addr->fname, instfilename, reg->dyn.addr->fname_len + 1);
	udi = FILE_INFO(reg);
	udi->fn = (char *)reg->dyn.addr->fname;
	/* Lock replication instance using ftok semaphore so that no other replication process can startup until we are done with
	 * rundown
	if (!ftok_sem_get(reg, TRUE, REPLPOOL_ID, immediate))
		return FALSE;
	ESTABLISH_RET(mu_rndwn_repl_instance_ch, FALSE);
	repl_inst_read(instfilename, (off_t)0, (sm_uc_ptr_t)&repl_instance, SIZEOF(repl_inst_hdr));
	assert(rndwn_both_pools || JNLPOOL_SEGMENT == replpool_id->pool_type || RECVPOOL_SEGMENT == replpool_id->pool_type);
	if (rndwn_both_pools || (JNLPOOL_SEGMENT == replpool_id->pool_type))
	{	/* --------------------------
		 * First rundown Journal pool
		 * --------------------------
		shm_id = repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid;
		if (SS_NORMAL == (jnlpool_stat = mu_replpool_grab_sem(&repl_instance, JNLPOOL_SEGMENT, &sem_created, immediate)))
			/* Got JNL_POOL_ACCESS_SEM and incremented SRC_SRV_COUNT_SEM */
			sem_id = repl_instance.jnlpool_semid;
			if ((INVALID_SHMID == shm_id) || (-1 == shmctl(shm_id, IPC_STAT, &shmstat))
				|| (shmstat.shm_ctime != repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid_ctime))
				repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid = shm_id = INVALID_SHMID;
				repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid_ctime = 0;
			assert((INVALID_SHMID != shm_id) || ((NULL == jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl) && (NULL == jnlpool_ctl)));
			ipc_rmvd = TRUE;
			if (INVALID_SHMID != shm_id)
				replpool_id->pool_type = JNLPOOL_SEGMENT;
				jnlpool_stat = mu_rndwn_replpool(replpool_id, &repl_instance, shm_id, &ipc_rmvd);
				ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, shm_id);
				*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
				if (rndwn_both_pools && ((SS_NORMAL != jnlpool_stat) || ipc_rmvd))
						4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff), LEN_AND_STR(instfilename));
			assert(ipc_rmvd || (NULL != jnlpool_ctl));
			assert((NULL == jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl) || (SS_NORMAL == jnlpool_stat) || jgbl.onlnrlbk);
			assert((INVALID_SHMID != repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid) || (0 == repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid_ctime));
			assert((INVALID_SHMID == repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid) || (0 != repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid_ctime));
			assert(INVALID_SEMID != sem_id);
			if (!mur_options.rollback)
			{	/* Invoked by MUPIP RUNDOWN in which case the semaphores needs to be removed. But, remove the
				 * semaphore ONLY if we created it here OR the journal pool was successfully removed.
				if (NULL == jnlpool_ctl)
					if (((sem_created || (SS_NORMAL == jnlpool_stat))
						&& (SS_NORMAL == mu_replpool_release_sem(&repl_instance, JNLPOOL_SEGMENT, TRUE))))
					{	/* Now that semaphores are removed, reset fields in file header */
						if (!sem_created)
						{	/* If sem_id was created by mu_replpool_grab_sem then do NOT report the
							 * MURPOOLRNDWNSUC message as it indicates that the semaphore was orphaned
							 * and we removed it when in fact there was no orphaned semaphore and we
							 * created it as part of mu_replpool_grab_sem to get standalone access to
							 * rundown the receiver pool (which may or may not exist)
							ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, sem_id);
							*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
							gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_MUJPOOLRNDWNSUC, 4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff),
								LEN_AND_STR(instfilename), ERR_SEMREMOVED, 1, sem_id);
				} else
				{	/* Anticipatory Freeze scheme is turned ON. So, release just the JNL_POOL_ACCESS_SEM. The
					 * semaphore will be released/removed in the caller (mupip_rundown)
					assertpro(SS_NORMAL == (status = rel_sem(SOURCE, JNL_POOL_ACCESS_SEM)));
					/* Since we are not resetting the semaphore IDs in the file header, we need to write out
					 * the semaphore IDs in the instance file (if we created them).
					if (sem_created)
						repl_inst_write(instfilename, (off_t)0, (sm_uc_ptr_t)&repl_instance,
				/* If semaphore is not created and the journal pool rundown failed (due to attached processes),
				 * rundown process continues to holds the journal pool access control semaphore. This way, we hold
				 * the semaphore on behalf of the source server (now no longer alive) to prevent mu_rndwn_sem_all
				 * (invoked later) from cleaning up this orphaned semaphore (which causes REPLREQROLLBACK if the
				 * source server is restarted). But, since the semaphore is not released (until the rundown process
				 * dies), holds_sem[SOURCE][JNL_POOL_ACCESS_SEM] continues to remain TRUE. This causes asserts in
				 * ftok_sem_get if mu_rndwn_repl_instance is invoked for a different journal/receive pool. To
				 * workaround it, set holds_sem[SOURCE][JNL_POOL_ACCESS_SEM] to FALSE. This is an interim solution
				 * until we record such semaphores in an ignore-list (or some such) and change mu_rndwn_sem_all to
				 * skip the ones that are present in the ignore list.
		} else if (rndwn_both_pools && (INVALID_SHMID != shm_id))
			ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, shm_id);
			*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
			if (rndwn_both_pools)
				gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MUJPOOLRNDWNFL, 4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff),
		*jnlpool_sem_created = sem_created;
	if (((SS_NORMAL == jnlpool_stat) || !jgbl.mur_rollback) &&
		(rndwn_both_pools || (RECVPOOL_SEGMENT == replpool_id->pool_type)))
	{	/* --------------------------
		 * Now rundown Receivpool
		 * --------------------------
		 * Note: RECVPOOL is rundown ONLY if the JNLPOOL rundown was successful. This way, we don't end up
		 * creating new semaphores for the RECVPOOL if ROLLBACK is not going to start anyways because of the failed
		 * JNLPOOL rundown. The only exception is MUPIP RUNDOWN command in which case we try running down the
		 * RECVPOOL even if the JNLPOOL rundown failed.
		shm_id = repl_instance.recvpool_shmid;
		if (SS_NORMAL == (recvpool_stat = mu_replpool_grab_sem(&repl_instance, RECVPOOL_SEGMENT, &sem_created, immediate)))
			sem_id = repl_instance.recvpool_semid;
			if ((INVALID_SHMID == shm_id) || (-1 == shmctl(shm_id, IPC_STAT, &shmstat))
				|| (shmstat.shm_ctime != repl_instance.recvpool_shmid_ctime))
				repl_instance.recvpool_shmid = shm_id = INVALID_SHMID;
				repl_instance.recvpool_shmid_ctime = 0;
			ipc_rmvd = TRUE;
			if (INVALID_SHMID != shm_id)
				replpool_id->pool_type = RECVPOOL_SEGMENT;
				recvpool_stat = mu_rndwn_replpool(replpool_id, &repl_instance, shm_id, &ipc_rmvd);
				ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, shm_id);
				*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
				if (rndwn_both_pools && ((SS_NORMAL != recvpool_stat) || ipc_rmvd))
					gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(6) (recvpool_stat ? ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNFL : ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNSUC),
						4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff), LEN_AND_STR(instfilename));
			assert((TRUE == ipc_rmvd) || (SS_NORMAL != recvpool_stat) || jgbl.onlnrlbk);
			assert((INVALID_SHMID != repl_instance.recvpool_shmid) || (0 == repl_instance.recvpool_shmid_ctime));
			assert((INVALID_SHMID == repl_instance.recvpool_shmid) || (0 != repl_instance.recvpool_shmid_ctime));
			assert(INVALID_SEMID != sem_id);
			if (!mur_options.rollback)
			{	/* Invoked by MUPIP RUNDOWN in which case the semaphores needs to be removed. But, remove the
				 * semaphore ONLY if we created it here OR the receive pool was successfully removed.
				if ((sem_created || (SS_NORMAL == recvpool_stat))
					&& (SS_NORMAL == mu_replpool_release_sem(&repl_instance, RECVPOOL_SEGMENT, TRUE)))
				{	/* Now that semaphores are removed, reset fields in file header */
					if (!sem_created)
					{	/* if sem_id was "created" by mu_replpool_grab_sem then do NOT report the
						 * MURPOOLRNDWNSUC message as it indicates that the semaphore was orphaned and we
						 * removed it when in fact there was no orphaned semaphore and we "created" it as
						 * part of mu_replpool_grab_sem to get standalone access to rundown the receiver
						 * pool (which may or may not exist)
						ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, sem_id);
						*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
						gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNSUC, 4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff),
							LEN_AND_STR(instfilename), ERR_SEMREMOVED, 1, sem_id);
					if (NULL != jnlpool_ctl)
					{	/* Journal pool is not yet removed. So, grab lock before resetting semid/shmid
						 * fields in the file header as the function expects the caller to hold crit
						 * if the journal pool is available
						repl_csa = &FILE_INFO(jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg)->s_addrs;
						was_crit = repl_csa->now_crit;
						/* Since we do grab_lock, below, we need to do a per-process initialization. Also,
						 * start heartbeat so that grab_lock can issue MUTEXLCKALERT and get C-stacks if
						 * waiting for crit
						if (!was_crit)
							grab_lock(jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg, TRUE, GRAB_LOCK_ONLY);
					if ((NULL != jnlpool_ctl) && !was_crit)
				/* If semaphore is not created and the receive pool rundown failed (due to attached processes),
				 * rundown process continues to holds the receive pool access control semaphore. This way, we hold
				 * the semaphore on behalf of the receiver server (now no longer alive) to prevent mu_rndwn_sem_all
				 * (invoked later) from cleaning up this orphaned semaphore (which causes REPLREQROLLBACK if the
				 * receiver is restarted). But, since the semaphore is not released (until the rundown process
				 * dies), holds_sem[RECV][RECV_POOL_ACCESS_SEM] continues to remain TRUE. This causes asserts in
				 * ftok_sem_get if mu_rndwn_repl_instance is invoked for a different journal/receive pool. To
				 * workaround it, set holds_sem[SOURCE][RECV_POOL_ACCESS_SEM] to FALSE. This is an interim solution
				 * until we record such semaphores in an ignore-list (or some such) and change mu_rndwn_sem_all to
				 * skip the ones that are present in the ignore list.
				assert((sem_created || (SS_NORMAL == recvpool_stat)) || holds_sem[RECV][RECV_POOL_ACCESS_SEM]);
		} else if (rndwn_both_pools && (INVALID_SHMID != shm_id))
			ipcs_ptr = i2asc((uchar_ptr_t)ipcs_buff, shm_id);
			*ipcs_ptr = '\0';
			if (rndwn_both_pools)
				gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNFL, 4, LEN_AND_STR(ipcs_buff),
	assert(jgbl.onlnrlbk || ANTICIPATORY_FREEZE_AVAILABLE || (NULL == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr));
	if (mur_options.rollback && (SS_NORMAL == jnlpool_stat) && (SS_NORMAL == recvpool_stat))
		assert(jgbl.onlnrlbk || ANTICIPATORY_FREEZE_AVAILABLE || ((INVALID_SHMID == repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid)
			&& (INVALID_SHMID == repl_instance.recvpool_shmid)));
		/* Initialize jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr as it is used later by gtmrecv_fetchresync() */
		decr_cnt = FALSE;
		if (NULL == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr)
		{	/* Possible if there is NO journal pool in the first place. In this case, malloc the structure here and
			 * copy the file header from repl_instance structure.
			jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr = (repl_inst_hdr_ptr_t)malloc(SIZEOF(repl_inst_hdr));
			memcpy(jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr, &repl_instance, SIZEOF(repl_inst_hdr));
		} else
			assert(repl_instance.jnlpool_semid == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->jnlpool_semid);
			assert(repl_instance.jnlpool_semid_ctime == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->jnlpool_semid_ctime);
			assert(repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->jnlpool_shmid);
			assert(repl_instance.jnlpool_shmid_ctime == jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->jnlpool_shmid_ctime);
			/* If the ONLINE ROLLBACK command is run on the primary when the source server is up and running,
			 * jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->recvpool_semid will be INVALID because there is NO receiver server
			 * running. However, ROLLBACK creates semaphores for both journal pool and receive pool and writes
			 * it to the instance file header. Copy this information to the file header copy in the jnlpool
			 * as well
			jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->recvpool_semid = repl_instance.recvpool_semid;
			jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->recvpool_semid_ctime = repl_instance.recvpool_semid_ctime;
		/* Flush changes to the replication instance file header to disk */
		repl_inst_write(instfilename, (off_t)0, (sm_uc_ptr_t)&repl_instance, SIZEOF(repl_inst_hdr));
	} else /* for MUPIP RUNDOWN, semid fields in the file header are reset and is written in mu_replpool_release_sem() above */
		decr_cnt = (NULL == jnlpool_ctl); /* for anticipatory freeze, mupip_rundown releases the semaphore */
	/* Release replication instance ftok semaphore lock */
	if (!ftok_sem_release(reg, decr_cnt, immediate)) /* Do not decrement the counter if ROLLBACK */
		return FALSE;
	return ((SS_NORMAL == jnlpool_stat) && (SS_NORMAL == recvpool_stat));
Exemplo n.º 28
void ojparams (char *p, job_params_type *job_params)
	unsigned char		ch;
	int4			status;
	mstr_len_t		handle_len;

		/* Initializations */
	job_params->baspri = 0;
	job_params->input.len = 0;
	job_params->output.len = 0;
	job_params->error.len = 0;
	job_params->gbldir.len = 0;
	job_params->startup.len = 0;
	job_params->directory.len = 0;
	job_params->directory.addr = 0;
	job_params->cmdline.len = 0;
	job_params->cmdline.addr = 0;
	job_params->passcurlvn = FALSE;

		/* Process parameter list */
	while (*p != jp_eol)
		switch (ch = *p++)
		case jp_default:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->directory.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->directory.addr = (p + 1);

		case jp_error:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->error.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->error.addr = (p + 1);

		case jp_gbldir:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->gbldir.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->gbldir.addr = (p + 1);

		case jp_input:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->input.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->input.addr = p + 1;

		case jp_output:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->output.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->output.addr = p + 1;

		case jp_priority:
			job_params->baspri = (int4)(*((int4 *)p));

		case jp_startup:
			if (*p != 0)
				job_params->startup.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->startup.addr = p + 1;

		case jp_cmdline:
			if(*p != 0)
				job_params->cmdline.len = (int)((unsigned char) *p);
				job_params->cmdline.addr = p + 1;

		case jp_passcurlvn:
			job_params->passcurlvn = TRUE;
		case jp_account:
		case jp_detached:
		case jp_image:
		case jp_logfile:
		case jp_noaccount:
		case jp_nodetached:
		case jp_noswapping:
		case jp_process_name:
		case jp_schedule:
		case jp_swapping:
		        assertpro(ch != ch);

		switch (job_param_datatypes[ch])
		case jpdt_nul:

		case jpdt_num:
			p += SIZEOF(int4);

		case jpdt_str:
			p += ((int)((unsigned char)*p)) + 1;
			assertpro((jpdt_nul == job_param_datatypes[ch])
				|| (jpdt_num == job_param_datatypes[ch])
				|| (jpdt_str == job_param_datatypes[ch]));

/* Defaults and Checks */

 * Input file
	if (job_params->input.len == 0)
		job_params->input.len = STRLEN(definput);
		job_params->input.addr = definput;
	else if (IS_JOB_SOCKET(job_params->input.addr, job_params->input.len))
		handle_len = JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE_LEN(job_params->input.len);
		if ((NULL == socket_pool) || (-1 == iosocket_handle(JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE(job_params->input.addr),
									&handle_len, FALSE, socket_pool)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 5, "INPUT",
				job_params->input.len, job_params->input.addr);
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->input.addr,
		  job_params->input.len, TRUE)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 5, "INPUT",
			job_params->input.len, job_params->input.addr);

 * Output file
	if (job_params->output.len == 0)
		if (!defoutbuf)
			defoutbuf = malloc(MAX_FILSPC_LEN);
		memcpy (&defoutbuf[0], job_params->routine.addr,
		memcpy (&defoutbuf[job_params->routine.len],
		  defoutext.addr, defoutext.len);
		if (*defoutbuf == '%')
			*defoutbuf = '_';
		job_params->output.len = job_params->routine.len
		  + defoutext.len;
		job_params->output.addr = &defoutbuf[0];
	else if (IS_JOB_SOCKET(job_params->output.addr, job_params->output.len))
		handle_len = JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE_LEN(job_params->output.len);
		if ((NULL == socket_pool) || (-1 == iosocket_handle(JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE(job_params->output.addr),
									&handle_len, FALSE, socket_pool)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 5, "OUTPUT",
				job_params->output.len, job_params->output.addr);
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->output.addr,
		  job_params->output.len, FALSE)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 6,
				"OUTPUT", job_params->output.len,
 * Error file
	if (job_params->error.len == 0)
		if (!deferrbuf)
			deferrbuf = malloc(MAX_FILSPC_LEN);
		memcpy (&deferrbuf[0], job_params->routine.addr,
		memcpy (&deferrbuf[job_params->routine.len],
		  deferrext.addr, deferrext.len);
		if (*deferrbuf == '%')
			*deferrbuf = '_';
		job_params->error.len = job_params->routine.len
		  + deferrext.len;
		job_params->error.addr = &deferrbuf[0];
	else if (IS_JOB_SOCKET(job_params->error.addr, job_params->error.len))
		handle_len = JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE_LEN(job_params->error.len);
		if ((NULL == socket_pool) || (-1 == iosocket_handle(JOB_SOCKET_HANDLE(job_params->error.addr),
									&handle_len, FALSE, socket_pool)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 5, "ERROR",
				job_params->error.len, job_params->error.addr);
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->error.addr,
		  job_params->error.len, FALSE)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 5, "ERROR",
 * Global Directory
	if (job_params->gbldir.len)
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->gbldir.addr,
		  job_params->gbldir.len, FALSE)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_PARFILSPC, 4, 6, "GBLDIR",
			  job_params->gbldir.len, job_params->gbldir.addr);
 * Startup
	if (job_params->startup.len)
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->startup.addr,
		  job_params->startup.len, TRUE)))
			  job_params->startup.len, job_params->startup.addr);
 * Default Directory
	if (job_params->directory.len)
		if (!(status = ojchkfs (job_params->directory.addr,
		  job_params->directory.len, FALSE)))
			  job_params->directory.len, job_params->directory.addr);
Exemplo n.º 29
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Reset transfer table to normal settings.
 * - Intent: Put back all state that was or could have been changed
 *   due to prior deferral(s).
 *    - Would be easier to implement this assumption if this routine
 *      were changed to delegate responsibility as does the
 *      corresponding set routine.
 * - Note that all events are reenabled before user's handler
 *   would be executed (assuming one is appropriate for this event
 *   and has been specified)
 *    => It's possible to have handler-in-handler execution.
 *    => If no handler executed, would lose other deferred events due
 *       to reset of all pending.
 * - If M profiling is active, some entries should be set to the
 *       op_mprof* routines.
 * - Return value indicates whether reset type matches set type.
 *   If it does not, this indicates an "abnormal" path.
 *    - Should still reset the table in this case.
 *    - BUT: Consider also calling a reset routine for all setters
 *      that have been logged, to allow them to reset themselves,
 *      (for example, to reset TP timer & flags, or anything else
 *      that could cause unintended effects if left set after
 *      deferred events have been cleared).
 * - May need to update behavior to ensure it doesn't miss a
 *   critical event between registration of first event
 *   and clearing of all events. This seems problematic only if
 *   the following are true:
 *    - Two events are deferred at one time (call them A and B).
 *    - An M exception handler (ZTRAP or device) is required to
 *      execute due to B and perform action X.
 *    - Either no handler executes due to A, or the handler that
 *      does execute does not perform action X in response to B
 *      (this includes the possibility of performing X but not
 *       as needed by B, e.g. perhaps it should happen for both
 *       A and B but only happens for A).
 *   Seems like most or all of these can be addressed by carefully
 *   specifying coding requirements on M handlers.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean_t xfer_reset_handlers(int4 event_type)
	int4		e_type;
	boolean_t	reset_type_is_set_type;
	int4		status;
	int 		e, ei, e_tot = 0;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Note: If reset routine can preempt path from handler to
	 * set routine (e.g. clearing event before acting on it),
	 * these assertions can fail.
	 * Should not happen in current design.
	 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
	assert(0 < num_deferred);
	assert(0 < xfer_table_events[event_type]);
	if (is_tracing_on)
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_linefetch, op_mproflinefetch);
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_linestart, op_mproflinestart);
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_forchk1, op_mprofforchk1);
	} else
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_linefetch, op_linefetch);
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_linestart, op_linestart);
		FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_forchk1, op_forchk1);
	FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_forloop, op_forloop);
	FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_zbfetch, op_zbfetch);
	FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_zbstart, op_zbstart);
	FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_ret, opp_ret);
	FIX_XFER_ENTRY(xf_retarg, op_retarg);
	DBGDFRDEVNT((stderr, "xfer_reset_handlers: Reset xfer_table for event type %d.\n", event_type));
	reset_type_is_set_type =  (event_type == first_event);
#	ifdef DEBUG
	if (!reset_type_is_set_type)
 		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DEFEREVENT, 2, event_type, first_event);
#	endif

	/* Note: concurrent modification of array elements means events that occur during this section will
	 * cause inconsistent totals.
	for (ei = no_event; ei < DEFERRED_EVENTS; ei++)
		e_tot += xfer_table_events[ei];
	if (1 < e_tot)
		DBGDFRDEVNT((stderr, "xfer_reset_handlers: Event Log:\n"));
		for (ei=no_event; ei<DEFERRED_EVENTS; ei++)
			DBGDFRDEVNT((stderr, "xfer_reset_handlers:   Event type %d: count was %d.\n",
				     ei, xfer_table_events[ei]));
#	endif

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Kluge(?): set all locations to nonzero value to
	 * prevent interleaving with reset activities.
	 * Would be better to aswp with 0:
	 * - Won't lose any new events that way.
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	for (e_type = 1; DEFERRED_EVENTS > e_type; e_type++)
		xfer_table_events[e_type] = 1;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Reset external event modules that need it.
	 * (Should do this in a more modular fashion.)
	 * None
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	/* --------------------------------------------
	 * Reset private variables.
	 * --------------------------------------------
	first_event = no_event;
	num_deferred = 0;
	ctrap_action_is = 0;
	outofband = 0;
#	ifdef VMS
	status = sys$clref(efn_outofband);
	assert(SS$_WASSET == status);
	assertpro((SS$_WASSET == status) || (SS$_WASCLR == status));
#	endif
	/* ******************************************************************
	 * There is a race here:
	 * If a new event interrupts after previous line and before
	 * corresponding assignment in next loop, it will be missed.
	 * For most events, we're going to an M handler anyway, so it won't
	 * matter (assuming the handler would handle all pending events).
	 * But if not going to an M handler (e.g. if resetting zbreak/zstep),
	 * could miss another event.
	 * Better (to avoid missing any events):
	 *      aswp xfer_table_events elements (as described above), and
	 * check here if still zero. If not, must have missed that event
	 * since aswp, possibly before num_deferred was reset => never set
	 * xfer_table => should do that now.
	 *      If more than one is nonzero, choose first arbitrarily
	 * unless first_event is now set -- unless it is, we've lost track of
	 * which event was first.
	 * ******************************************************************
	/* Clear to allow new events to be reset only after we're all done. */
	for (e_type = 1; DEFERRED_EVENTS > e_type; e_type++)
		xfer_table_events[e_type] = FALSE;
	return reset_type_is_set_type;
Exemplo n.º 30
int	mur_forward_multi_proc(reg_ctl_list *rctl)
	boolean_t		multi_proc, this_reg_stuck, release_latch, ok_to_play;
	boolean_t		cancelled_dbsync_timer, cancelled_timer;
	reg_ctl_list		*rctl_top, *prev_rctl;
	jnl_ctl_list		*jctl;
	gd_region		*reg;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	seq_num 		rec_token_seq;
	jnl_tm_t		rec_time;
	enum broken_type	recstat;
	jnl_record		*rec;
	enum jnl_record_type	rectype;
	char			errstr[256];
	int			i, rctl_index, save_errno, num_procs_stuck, num_reg_stuck;
	uint4			status, regcnt_stuck, num_partners, start_hrtbt_cntr;
	forw_multi_struct	*forw_multi;
	shm_forw_multi_t	*sfm;
	multi_struct 		*multi;
	jnl_tm_t		adjusted_resolve_time;
	shm_reg_ctl_t		*shm_rctl_start, *shm_rctl, *first_shm_rctl;
	size_t			shm_size, reccnt, copy_size;
	int4			*size_ptr;
	char			*shmPtr; /* not using "shm_ptr" since it is already used in an AIX include file */
	int			shmid;
	multi_proc_shm_hdr_t	*mp_hdr;	/* Pointer to "multi_proc_shm_hdr_t" structure in shared memory */

	status = 0;
	/* Although we made sure the # of tasks is the same as the # of processes forked off (in the "gtm_multi_proc"
	 * invocation in "mur_forward"), it is possible one of the forked process finishes one invocation of
	 * "mur_forward_multi_proc" before even another forked process gets assigned one task in "gtm_multi_proc_helper".
	 * In this case, we would be invoked more than once. But the first invocation would have done all the needed stuff
	 * so return for later invocations.
	if (mur_forward_multi_proc_done)
		return 0;
	mur_forward_multi_proc_done = TRUE;
	/* Note: "rctl" is unused. But cannot avoid passing it since "gtm_multi_proc" expects something */
	prev_rctl = NULL;
	rctl_start = NULL;
	adjusted_resolve_time = murgbl.adjusted_resolve_time;
	assert(0 == murgbl.regcnt_remaining);
	multi_proc = multi_proc_in_use;	/* cache value in "local" to speed up access inside loops below */
	if (multi_proc)
		mp_hdr = multi_proc_shm_hdr;
		shm_rctl_start = mur_shm_hdr->shm_rctl_start;
		if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
			for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++)
				assert(rctl->csa->hold_onto_crit);	/* would have been set in parent process */
				rctl->csa->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;	/* reset since we dont own this region */
				assert(rctl->csa->now_crit);		/* would have been set in parent process */
				rctl->csa->now_crit = FALSE;		/* reset since we dont own this region */
		START_HEARTBEAT_IF_NEEDED; /* heartbeat timer needed later (in case not already started by "gtm_multi_proc") */
	first_shm_rctl = NULL;
	/* Phase1 of forward recovery starts */
	for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++)
		/* Check if "rctl" is available for us or if some other concurrent process has taken it */
		if (multi_proc)
			rctl_index = rctl - &mur_ctl[0];
			shm_rctl = &shm_rctl_start[rctl_index];
			if (shm_rctl->owning_pid)
				assert(process_id != shm_rctl->owning_pid);
			for ( ; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++, shm_rctl++)
				if (shm_rctl->owning_pid)
					assert(process_id != shm_rctl->owning_pid);
				shm_rctl->owning_pid = process_id;	/* Declare ownership */
				rctl->this_pid_is_owner = TRUE;
				if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
				{	/* This is an online rollback and crit was grabbed on all regions by the parent rollback
					 * process. But this child process now owns this region and does the actual rollback on
					 * this region so borrow crit for the duration of this child process.
					csa = rctl->csa;
					csa->hold_onto_crit = TRUE;
					csa->now_crit = TRUE;
					assert(csa->nl->in_crit == mp_hdr->parent_pid);
					csa->nl->in_crit = process_id;
					assert(csa->nl->onln_rlbk_pid == mp_hdr->parent_pid);
					csa->nl->onln_rlbk_pid = process_id;
				if (NULL == first_shm_rctl)
					first_shm_rctl = shm_rctl;
			if (rctl >= rctl_top)
				assert(rctl == rctl_top);
			/* Set key to print this rctl'ss region-name as prefix in case this forked off process prints any output */
			MUR_SET_MULTI_PROC_KEY(rctl, multi_proc_key);
#			ifdef MUR_DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "pid = %d : Owns region %s\n", process_id, multi_proc_key);
#			endif
		} else
			rctl->this_pid_is_owner = TRUE;
		if (mur_options.forward)
			assert(NULL == rctl->jctl_turn_around);
			jctl = rctl->jctl = rctl->jctl_head;
			assert(jctl->reg_ctl == rctl);
			jctl->rec_offset = JNL_HDR_LEN;
			jnl_fence_ctl.fence_list = JNL_FENCE_LIST_END; /* initialized to reflect journaling is not enabled */
			if (mur_options.rollback)
				jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno = jctl->jfh->start_seqno;
		} else
			jctl = rctl->jctl = (NULL == rctl->jctl_turn_around) ? rctl->jctl_head : rctl->jctl_turn_around;
			assert(jctl->reg_ctl == rctl);
			jctl->rec_offset = jctl->turn_around_offset;
			jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno = jctl->turn_around_seqno;
			assert((NULL != rctl->jctl_turn_around) || (0 == jctl->rec_offset));
		if (mur_options.rollback)
			if (murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno < jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno)
				/* Assert that murgbl.losttn_seqno is never lesser than jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno (the turnaround
				 * point seqno) as this is what murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno is going to be set to and will
				 * eventually be the post-rollback seqno. If this condition is violated, the result of the
				 * recovery is a compromised database (the file header will indicate a Region Seqno which
				 * is not necessarily correct since seqnos prior to it might be absent in the database).
				 * Therefore, this is an out-of-design situation with respect to rollback and so stop it.
				assert(murgbl.losttn_seqno >= jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno);
				murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno = jgbl.mur_jrec_seqno;
			assert(murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno <= murgbl.losttn_seqno);
		if (mur_options.update || mur_options.extr[GOOD_TN])
			reg = rctl->gd;
			gv_cur_region = reg;
			tp_change_reg();	/* note : sets cs_addrs to non-NULL value even if gv_cur_region->open is FALSE
						 * (cs_data could still be NULL). */
			rctl->csa = cs_addrs;
			cs_addrs->miscptr = (void *)rctl;
			rctl->csd = cs_data;
			rctl->sgm_info_ptr = cs_addrs->sgm_info_ptr;
			assert(!reg->open || (NULL != cs_addrs->dir_tree));
			gv_target = cs_addrs->dir_tree;
		jctl->after_end_of_data = FALSE;
		status = mur_next(jctl, jctl->rec_offset);
		assert(ERR_JNLREADEOF != status);	/* cannot get EOF at start of forward processing */
		if (SS_NORMAL != status)
			goto finish;
		PRINT_VERBOSE_STAT(jctl, "mur_forward:at the start");
		rctl->process_losttn = FALSE;
		/* Any multi-region TP transaction will be processed as multiple single-region TP transactions up
		 * until the tp-resolve-time is reached. From then on, they will be treated as one multi-region TP
		 * transaction. This is needed for proper lost-tn determination (any multi-region transaction that
		 * gets played in a region AFTER it has already encountered a broken tn should treat this as a lost tn).
			if (multi_proc && IS_FORCED_MULTI_PROC_EXIT(mp_hdr))
			{	/* We are at a logical point. So exit if signaled by parent */
				status = ERR_FORCEDHALT;
				goto finish;
			assert(jctl == rctl->jctl);
			rec = rctl->mur_desc->jnlrec;
			rec_time = rec->prefix.time;
			if (rec_time > mur_options.before_time)
				break;	/* Records after -BEFORE_TIME do not go to extract or losttrans or brkntrans files */
			if (rec_time < mur_options.after_time)
				status = mur_next_rec(&jctl);
				continue; /* Records before -AFTER_TIME do not go to extract or losttrans or brkntrans files */
			if (rec_time >= adjusted_resolve_time)
				break;	/* Records after this adjusted resolve_time will be processed below in phase2 */
			/* Note: Since we do hashtable token processing only for records from tp_resolve_time onwards,
			 * it is possible that if we encounter any broken transactions here we wont know they are broken
			 * but will play them as is. That is unavoidable. Specify -SINCE_TIME (for -BACKWARD rollback/recover)
			 * and -VERIFY (for -FORWARD rollback/recover) to control tp_resolve_time (and in turn more
			 * effective broken tn determination).
			status = mur_forward_play_cur_jrec(rctl);
			if (SS_NORMAL != status)
			status = mur_next_rec(&jctl);
		} while (SS_NORMAL == status);
		CHECK_IF_EOF_REACHED(rctl, status); /* sets rctl->forw_eof_seen if needed; resets "status" to SS_NORMAL */
		if (SS_NORMAL != status)
		{	/* ERR_FILENOTCREATE is possible from "mur_cre_file_extfmt" OR	ERR_FORCEDHALT is possible
			 * from "mur_forward_play_cur_jrec". No other errors are known to occur here. Assert accordingly.
			assert((ERR_FILENOTCREATE == status) || (ERR_FORCEDHALT == status));
			goto finish;
		if (rctl->forw_eof_seen)
			PRINT_VERBOSE_STAT(jctl, "mur_forward:Reached EOF before tp_resolve_time");
			continue;	/* Reached EOF before even getting to tp_resolve_time.
					 * Do not even consider region for next processing loop */
		rctl->last_tn = 0;
		murgbl.regcnt_remaining++;	/* # of regions participating in recovery at this point */
		if (NULL == rctl_start)
			rctl_start = rctl;
		if (NULL != prev_rctl)
			prev_rctl->next_rctl = rctl;
			rctl->prev_rctl = prev_rctl;
		prev_rctl = rctl;
		assert(murgbl.ok_to_update_db || !rctl->db_updated);
		PRINT_VERBOSE_STAT(jctl, "mur_forward:at tp_resolve_time");
	if (multi_proc)
		multi_proc_key = NULL;	/* reset key until it can be set to rctl's region-name again */
	/* Note that it is possible for rctl_start to be NULL at this point. That is there is no journal record in any region
	 * AFTER the calculated tp-resolve-time. This is possible if for example -AFTER_TIME was used and has a time later
	 * than any journal record in all journal files. If rctl_start is NULL, prev_rctl should also be NULL and vice versa.
	if (NULL != rctl_start)
		assert(NULL != prev_rctl);
		prev_rctl->next_rctl = rctl_start;
		rctl_start->prev_rctl = prev_rctl;
	rctl = rctl_start;
	regcnt_stuck = 0; /* # of regions we are stuck in waiting for other regions to resolve a multi-region TP transaction */
	assert((NULL == rctl) || (NULL == rctl->forw_multi));
	gv_cur_region = NULL;	/* clear out any previous value to ensure gv_cur_region/cs_addrs/cs_data
				 * all get set in sync by the MUR_CHANGE_REG macro below.
	/* Phase2 of forward recovery starts */
	while (NULL != rctl)
	{	/* while there is at least one region remaining with unprocessed journal records */
		assert(NULL != rctl_start);
		assert(0 < murgbl.regcnt_remaining);
		if (NULL != rctl->forw_multi)
		{	/* This region's current journal record is part of a TP transaction waiting for other regions */
			assert(regcnt_stuck <= murgbl.regcnt_remaining);
			if (regcnt_stuck == murgbl.regcnt_remaining)
				assertpro(multi_proc_in_use); /* Else : Out-of-design situation. Stuck in ALL regions. */
				/* Check one last time if all regions are stuck waiting for another process to resolve the
				 * multi-region TP transaction. If so, wait in a sleep loop. If not, we can proceed.
				rctl = rctl_start;
				start_hrtbt_cntr = heartbeat_counter;
					if (IS_FORCED_MULTI_PROC_EXIT(mp_hdr))
					{	/* We are at a logical point. So exit if signaled by parent */
						status = ERR_FORCEDHALT;
						goto finish;
					forw_multi = rctl->forw_multi;
					assert(NULL != forw_multi);
					sfm = forw_multi->shm_forw_multi;
					assert(NULL != sfm);
					assert(sfm->num_reg_seen_forward <= sfm->num_reg_seen_backward);
#					ifdef MUR_DEBUG
					fprintf(stderr, "Pid = %d : Line %d : token = %llu : forward = %d : backward = %d\n",
						process_id, __LINE__, (long long int)sfm->token,
						sfm->num_reg_seen_forward, sfm->num_reg_seen_backward);
#					endif
					if (sfm->num_reg_seen_forward == sfm->num_reg_seen_backward)
					{	/* We are no longer stuck in this region */
						forw_multi->no_longer_stuck = TRUE;
					rctl = rctl->next_rctl;	/* Move on to the next available region */
					assert(NULL != rctl);
					if (rctl == rctl_start)
					{	/* We went through all regions once and are still stuck.
						 * Sleep until at leat TWO heartbeats have elapsed after which check for deadlock.
						 * Do this only in the child process that owns the FIRST region in the region list.
						 * This way we dont have contention for the GRAB_MULTI_PROC_LATCH from
						 * all children at more or less the same time.
						if ((rctl == mur_ctl) && (heartbeat_counter > (start_hrtbt_cntr + 2)))
						{	/* Check if all processes are stuck for a while. If so assertpro */
							shm_rctl_start = mur_shm_hdr->shm_rctl_start;
							num_reg_stuck = 0;
							for (i = 0; i < murgbl.reg_total; i++)
								shm_rctl = &shm_rctl_start[i];
								sfm = shm_rctl->shm_forw_multi;
								if (NULL != sfm)
									if (sfm->num_reg_seen_forward != sfm->num_reg_seen_backward)
							/* If everyone is stuck at this point, it is an out-of-design situation */
							assertpro(num_reg_stuck < murgbl.reg_total);
							start_hrtbt_cntr = heartbeat_counter;
						} else
						{	/* Sleep and recheck if any region we are stuck in got resolved.
							 * To minimize time spent sleeping, we just yield our timeslice.
				} while (TRUE);
			} else
				rctl = rctl->next_rctl;	/* Move on to the next available region */
				assert(NULL != rctl);
		regcnt_stuck = 0;	/* restart the counter now that we found at least one non-stuck region */
		jctl = rctl->jctl;
		this_reg_stuck = FALSE;
		for ( status = SS_NORMAL; SS_NORMAL == status; )
			if (multi_proc && IS_FORCED_MULTI_PROC_EXIT(mp_hdr))
			{	/* We are at a logical point. So exit if signaled by parent */
				status = ERR_FORCEDHALT;
				goto finish;
			assert(jctl == rctl->jctl);
			rec = rctl->mur_desc->jnlrec;
			rec_time = rec->prefix.time;
			if (rec_time > mur_options.before_time)
				break;	/* Records after -BEFORE_TIME do not go to extract or losttrans or brkntrans files */
			assert((rec_time >= adjusted_resolve_time) || (mur_options.notncheck && !mur_options.verify));
			assert((0 == mur_options.after_time) || (mur_options.forward && !rctl->db_updated));
			if (rec_time < mur_options.after_time)
				status = mur_next_rec(&jctl);
				continue; /* Records before -AFTER_TIME do not go to extract or losttrans or brkntrans files */
			/* Check if current journal record can be played right away or need to wait for corresponding journal
			 * records from other participating TP regions to be reached. A non-TP or ZTP transaction can be played
			 * without issues (i.e. has no dependencies with any other regions). A single-region TP transaction too
			 * falls in the same category. A multi-region TP transaction needs to wait until all participating regions
			 * have played all journal records BEFORE this TP in order to ensure recover plays records in the exact
			 * same order that GT.M performed them in.
			/* If FENCE_NONE is specified, we would not have maintained any multi hashtable in mur_back_process for
			 * broken transaction processing. So we process multi-region TP transactions as multiple single-region
			 * TP transactions in forward phase.
			if (FENCE_NONE != mur_options.fences)
				rectype = (enum jnl_record_type)rec->prefix.jrec_type;
				if (IS_TP(rectype) && IS_TUPD(rectype))
					assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.num_participants == &rec->jrec_ztworm.num_participants);
					assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.num_participants == &rec->jrec_lgtrig.num_participants);
					num_partners = rec->jrec_set_kill.num_participants;
					assert(0 < num_partners);
					if (1 < num_partners)
						this_reg_stuck = TRUE;
						assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.update_num == &rec->jrec_ztworm.update_num);
						assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.update_num == &rec->jrec_lgtrig.update_num);
			if (this_reg_stuck)
				rec_token_seq = GET_JNL_SEQNO(rec);
				MUR_FORW_TOKEN_LOOKUP(forw_multi, rec_token_seq, rec_time);
				if (NULL != forw_multi)
				{	/* This token has already been seen in another region in forward processing.
					 * Add current region as well. If all regions have been resolved, then play
					 * the entire transaction maintaining the exact same order of updates within.
					if (!forw_multi->no_longer_stuck)
						MUR_FORW_TOKEN_ONE_MORE_REG(forw_multi, rctl);
				} else
				{	/* First time we are seeing this token in forward processing. Check if this
					 * has already been determined to be a broken transaction.
					recstat = GOOD_TN;
					multi = NULL;
					if (IS_REC_POSSIBLY_BROKEN(rec_time, rec_token_seq))
						multi = MUR_TOKEN_LOOKUP(rec_token_seq, rec_time, TPFENCE);
						if ((NULL != multi) && (0 < multi->partner))
							recstat = BROKEN_TN;
					MUR_FORW_TOKEN_ADD(forw_multi, rec_token_seq, rec_time, rctl, num_partners,
								recstat, multi);
				/* Check that "tabent" field has been initialized above (by either the MUR_FORW_TOKEN_LOOKUP
				 * or MUR_FORW_TOKEN_ADD macros). This is relied upon by "mur_forward_play_multireg_tp" below.
				assert(NULL != forw_multi->u.tabent);
				assert(forw_multi->num_reg_seen_forward <= forw_multi->num_reg_seen_backward);
				if (multi_proc)
					sfm = forw_multi->shm_forw_multi;
					ok_to_play = (NULL == sfm) || (sfm->num_reg_seen_forward == sfm->num_reg_seen_backward);
				} else
					ok_to_play = (forw_multi->num_reg_seen_forward == forw_multi->num_reg_seen_backward);
				assert(ok_to_play || !forw_multi->no_longer_stuck);
				if (ok_to_play )
				{	/* We have enough information to proceed with playing this multi-region TP in
					 * forward processing (even if we might not have seen all needed regions). Now play it.
					 * Note that the TP could be BROKEN_TN or GOOD_TN. The callee handles it.
					assert(forw_multi == rctl->forw_multi);
					status = mur_forward_play_multireg_tp(forw_multi, rctl);
					this_reg_stuck = FALSE;
					/* Note that as part of playing the TP transaction, we could have reached
					 * the EOF of rctl. In this case, we need to break out of the loop.
					if ((SS_NORMAL != status) || rctl->forw_eof_seen)
					assert(NULL == rctl->forw_multi);
					jctl = rctl->jctl;	/* In case the first record after the most recently processed
								 * TP transaction is in the next generation journal file */
			} else
				status = mur_forward_play_cur_jrec(rctl);
				if (SS_NORMAL != status)
			status = mur_next_rec(&jctl);
		assert((NULL == rctl->forw_multi) || this_reg_stuck);
		assert((NULL != rctl->forw_multi) || !this_reg_stuck);
		if (!this_reg_stuck)
		{	/* We are not stuck in this region (to resolve a multi-region TP).
			 * This means we are done processing all the records of this region.
			assert(NULL == rctl->forw_multi);
			if (!rctl->forw_eof_seen)
				CHECK_IF_EOF_REACHED(rctl, status);
					/* sets rctl->forw_eof_seen if needed; resets "status" to SS_NORMAL */
				if (SS_NORMAL != status)
					assert(ERR_FILENOTCREATE == status);
					goto finish;
				DELETE_RCTL_FROM_UNPROCESSED_LIST(rctl); /* since all of its records should have been processed */
			} else
			{	/* EOF was seen in rctl inside "mur_forward_play_multireg_tp" and it was removed
				 * from the unprocessed list of rctls. At the time rctl was removed, its "next_rctl"
				 * field could have been pointing to another <rctl> that has since then also been
				 * removed inside the same function. Therefore the "next_rctl" field is not reliable
				 * in this case but instead we should rely on the global variable "rctl_start" which
				 * points to the list of unprocessed rctls. Set "next_rctl" accordingly.
				rctl->next_rctl = rctl_start;
				if (ERR_JNLREADEOF == status)
					status = SS_NORMAL;
		assert(SS_NORMAL == status);
		assert(!this_reg_stuck || !rctl->forw_eof_seen);
		assert((NULL == rctl->next_rctl) || (NULL != rctl_start));
		assert((NULL == rctl->next_rctl) || (0 < murgbl.regcnt_remaining));
		rctl = rctl->next_rctl;	/* Note : even though "rctl" could have been deleted from the doubly linked list above,
					 * rctl->next_rctl is not touched so we can still use it to get to the next element. */
	assert(0 == murgbl.regcnt_remaining);
	jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr = NULL;	/* No more simulation of GT.M activity for any region */
	prc_vec = murgbl.prc_vec;	/* Use process-vector of MUPIP RECOVER (not any simulating GT.M process) now onwards */
	assert(0 == dollar_tlevel);
	for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++)
		if (!rctl->this_pid_is_owner)
			continue;	/* in a parallel processing environment, process only regions we own */
		if (multi_proc)
		{	/* Set key to print this rctl's region-name as prefix in case this forked off process prints any output */
			MUR_SET_MULTI_PROC_KEY(rctl, multi_proc_key);
		PRINT_VERBOSE_STAT(rctl->jctl, "mur_forward:at the end");
		assert(!mur_options.rollback || (0 != murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno));
		assert(mur_options.rollback || (0 == murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno));
		assert(!dollar_tlevel);	/* In case it applied a broken TUPD */
		assert(murgbl.ok_to_update_db || !rctl->db_updated);
		rctl->mur_plst = NULL;	/* reset now that simulation of GT.M updates is done */
		/* Ensure mur_block_count_correct is called if updates allowed */
		if (murgbl.ok_to_update_db && (SS_NORMAL != mur_block_count_correct(rctl)))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_BLKCNTEDITFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(rctl->gd));
	if (multi_proc)
		multi_proc_key = NULL;	/* reset key until it can be set to rctl's region-name again */
	if ((SS_NORMAL == status) && mur_options.show)
	if (NULL != first_shm_rctl)
	{	/* Transfer needed process-private information to shared memory so parent process can later inherit this. */
		first_shm_rctl->err_cnt = murgbl.err_cnt;
		first_shm_rctl->wrn_count = murgbl.wrn_count;
		first_shm_rctl->consist_jnl_seqno = murgbl.consist_jnl_seqno;
		/* If extract files were created by this process for one or more regions, then copy that information to
		 * shared memory so parent process can use this information to do a merge sort.
		shm_rctl = mur_shm_hdr->shm_rctl_start;
		for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++, shm_rctl++)
			if (!rctl->this_pid_is_owner)
				continue;	/* in a parallel processing environment, process only regions we own */
			/* Cancel any flush/dbsync timers by this child process for this region. This is because the
			 * child is not going to go through exit handling code (no gds_rundown etc.). And we need to
			 * clear up csa->nl->wcs_timers. (normally done by gds_rundown).
			if (NULL != rctl->csa)	/* rctl->csa can be NULL in case of "mupip journal -extract" etc. */
				CANCEL_DB_TIMERS(rctl->gd, rctl->csa, cancelled_timer, cancelled_dbsync_timer);
			reccnt = 0;
			for (size_ptr = &rctl->jnlext_multi_list_size[0], recstat = 0;
								recstat < TOT_EXTR_TYPES;
									recstat++, size_ptr++)
			{	/* Assert "extr_file_created" information is in sync between rctl and shm_rctl.
				 * This was done at the end of "mur_cre_file_extfmt".
				assert(shm_rctl->extr_file_created[recstat] == rctl->extr_file_created[recstat]);
				/* Assert that if *size_ptr is non-zero, then we better have created an extract file.
				 * Note that the converse is not true. It is possible we created a file for example to
				 * write an INCTN record but decided to not write anything because it was not a -detail
				 * type of extract. So *sizeptr could be 0 even though we created the extract file.
				assert(!*size_ptr || rctl->extr_file_created[recstat]);
				shm_rctl->jnlext_list_size[recstat] = *size_ptr;
				reccnt += *size_ptr;
			assert(INVALID_SHMID == shm_rctl->jnlext_shmid);
			shm_size = reccnt * SIZEOF(jnlext_multi_t);
			/* If we are quitting because of an abnormal status OR a forced signal to terminate
			 * OR if the parent is dead (kill -9) dont bother creating shmid to communicate back with parent.
			if (mp_hdr->parent_pid != getppid())
				SET_FORCED_MULTI_PROC_EXIT;	/* Also signal sibling children to stop processing */
				if (SS_NORMAL != status)
					status = ERR_FORCEDHALT;
			if ((SS_NORMAL == status) && shm_size)
				shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, shm_size, 0600 | IPC_CREAT);
				if (-1 == shmid)
					save_errno = errno;
					SNPRINTF(errstr, SIZEOF(errstr),
						"shmget() : shmsize=0x%llx", shm_size);
					MUR_SET_MULTI_PROC_KEY(rctl, multi_proc_key);	/* to print region name prefix */
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8)
								ERR_SYSCALL, 5, LEN_AND_STR(errstr), CALLFROM, save_errno);
				shmPtr = (char *)do_shmat(shmid, 0, 0);
				if (-1 == (sm_long_t)shmPtr)
					save_errno = errno;
					SNPRINTF(errstr, SIZEOF(errstr),
						"shmat() : shmid=%d shmsize=0x%llx", shmid, shm_size);
					MUR_SET_MULTI_PROC_KEY(rctl, multi_proc_key);	/* to print region name prefix */
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8)
								ERR_SYSCALL, 5, LEN_AND_STR(errstr), CALLFROM, save_errno);
				shm_rctl->jnlext_shmid = shmid;
				shm_rctl->jnlext_shm_size = shm_size;
				for (size_ptr = &rctl->jnlext_multi_list_size[0], recstat = 0;
									recstat < TOT_EXTR_TYPES;
										recstat++, size_ptr++)
					shm_size = *size_ptr;
					if (shm_size)
						copy_size = copy_list_to_buf(rctl->jnlext_multi_list[recstat],
												(int4)shm_size, shmPtr);
						assert(copy_size == (shm_size * SIZEOF(jnlext_multi_t)));
						shmPtr += copy_size;
	mur_close_file_extfmt(IN_MUR_CLOSE_FILES_FALSE);	/* Need to flush buffered extract/losttrans/brokentrans files */
	return (int)status;