Exemplo n.º 1
 asset get_amount()const { return asset( amount, bid_index.order_price.quote_asset_id ); }
Exemplo n.º 2
 inline asset operator -  ( const asset& l, const asset& r ) { return asset(l) -= r; }
Exemplo n.º 3
DEF_TEST(StreamEmptyStreamMemoryBase, r) {
    SkDynamicMemoryWStream tmp;
    std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> asset(tmp.detachAsStream());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, nullptr == asset->getMemoryBase());
Exemplo n.º 4
   void update_balance_vote_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )const
   { try {
      auto current_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( this->balance_id );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record.valid(), "No such balance!" );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id == 0, "Only BTS balances can have restricted owners." );
      FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.type == withdraw_signature_type, "Restricted owners not enabled for anything but basic balances" );

      auto last_update_secs = current_balance_record->last_update.sec_since_epoch();
      ilog("last_update_secs is: ${secs}", ("secs", last_update_secs) );

      auto balance = current_balance_record->balance;
      auto fee = BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION / 2;
      FC_ASSERT( balance > fee );

      auto asset_rec = eval_state.pending_state()->get_asset_record( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id );
      if( asset_rec->is_market_issued() ) FC_ASSERT( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id == 0 );

      if( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id )
          eval_state.adjust_vote( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id, -balance );
      current_balance_record->balance -= balance;
      current_balance_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();

      ilog("I'm storing a balance record whose last update is: ${secs}", ("secs", current_balance_record->last_update) );
      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_balance_record );

      auto new_restricted_owner = current_balance_record->restricted_owner;
      auto new_slate = current_balance_record->condition.slate_id;

      if( this->new_restricted_owner.valid() && (this->new_restricted_owner != new_restricted_owner) )
          ilog("@n new restricted owner specified and its not the existing one");
          for( const auto& owner : current_balance_record->owners() ) //eventually maybe multisig can delegate vote
              if( !eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                  FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );
          new_restricted_owner = this->new_restricted_owner;
          new_slate = this->new_slate;
      else // NOT this->new_restricted_owner.valid() || (this->new_restricted_owner == new_restricted_owner)
          auto restricted_owner = current_balance_record->restricted_owner;
          FC_ASSERT( restricted_owner.valid(),
                     "Didn't specify a new restricted owner, but one currently exists." );
          ilog( "@n now: ${secs}", ("secs", eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch()) );
          ilog( "@n last update: ${secs}", ("secs", last_update_secs ) );
          FC_ASSERT( eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch() - last_update_secs
                     "You cannot update your vote this frequently with only the voting key!" );

          if( NOT eval_state.check_signature( *restricted_owner ) )
              const auto& owners = current_balance_record->owners();
              for( const auto& owner : owners ) //eventually maybe multisig can delegate vote
                  if( NOT eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                      FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );
          new_slate = this->new_slate;

      const auto owner = current_balance_record->owner();
      FC_ASSERT( owner.valid() );
      withdraw_condition new_condition( withdraw_with_signature( *owner ), 0, new_slate );
      balance_record newer_balance_record( new_condition );
      auto new_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( newer_balance_record.id() );
      if( !new_balance_record.valid() )
          new_balance_record = current_balance_record;
      new_balance_record->condition = new_condition;

      if( new_balance_record->balance == 0 )
         new_balance_record->deposit_date = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
         fc::uint128 old_sec_since_epoch( current_balance_record->deposit_date.sec_since_epoch() );
         fc::uint128 new_sec_since_epoch( eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch() );

         fc::uint128 avg = (old_sec_since_epoch * new_balance_record->balance) + (new_sec_since_epoch * balance);
         avg /= (new_balance_record->balance + balance);

         new_balance_record->deposit_date = time_point_sec( avg.to_integer() );

      new_balance_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
      new_balance_record->balance += (balance - fee);
      new_balance_record->restricted_owner = new_restricted_owner;

      eval_state.add_balance( asset(fee, 0) );

      // update delegate vote on deposited account..
      if( new_balance_record->condition.slate_id )
         eval_state.adjust_vote( new_balance_record->condition.slate_id, (balance-fee) );

      ilog("I'm storing a balance record whose last update is: ${secs}", ("secs", new_balance_record->last_update) );
      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *new_balance_record );

   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
Exemplo n.º 5
string pretty_delegate_list( const vector<account_record>& delegate_records, cptr client )
    if( delegate_records.empty() ) return "No delegates found.\n";
    FC_ASSERT( client != nullptr );

    std::stringstream out;
    out << std::left;

    out << std::setw(  6 ) << "ID";
    out << std::setw( 32 ) << "NAME (* next in line)";
    out << std::setw( 15 ) << "APPROVAL";
    out << std::setw(  9 ) << "PRODUCED";
    out << std::setw(  9 ) << "MISSED";
    out << std::setw( 14 ) << "RELIABILITY";
    out << std::setw(  9 ) << "PAY RATE";
    out << std::setw( 20 ) << "PAY BALANCE";
    out << std::setw( 10 ) << "LAST BLOCK";
    out << "\n";

    out << pretty_line( 124 );
    out << "\n";

    const auto current_slot_timestamp = blockchain::get_slot_start_time( blockchain::now() );
    const auto head_block_timestamp = client->get_chain()->get_head_block().timestamp;
    const auto next_slot_time = std::max( current_slot_timestamp, head_block_timestamp + BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_INTERVAL_SEC );
    const auto& active_delegates = client->get_chain()->get_active_delegates();
    const auto next_slot_signee = client->get_chain()->get_slot_signee( next_slot_time, active_delegates );
    const auto next_signee_name = next_slot_signee.name;

    const auto asset_record = client->get_chain()->get_asset_record( asset_id_type() );
    FC_ASSERT( asset_record.valid() );
    const auto share_supply = asset_record->current_share_supply;

    for( const auto& delegate_record : delegate_records )
        out << std::setw(  6 ) << delegate_record.id;

        const auto delegate_name = delegate_record.name;
        if( delegate_name != next_signee_name )
            out << std::setw( 32 ) << pretty_shorten( delegate_name, 31 );
            out << std::setw( 32 ) << pretty_shorten( delegate_name, 29 ) + " *";

        out << std::setw( 15 ) << pretty_percent( delegate_record.net_votes(), share_supply, 10 );

        const auto num_produced = delegate_record.delegate_info->blocks_produced;
        const auto num_missed = delegate_record.delegate_info->blocks_missed;
        out << std::setw(  9 ) << num_produced;
        out << std::setw(  9 ) << num_missed;
        out << std::setw( 14 ) << pretty_percent( num_produced, num_produced + num_missed, 2 );

        out << std::setw(  9 ) << pretty_percent( delegate_record.delegate_info->pay_rate, 100, 0 );
        const auto pay_balance = asset( delegate_record.delegate_info->pay_balance );
        out << std::setw( 20 ) << client->get_chain()->to_pretty_asset( pay_balance );

        const auto last_block = delegate_record.delegate_info->last_block_num_produced;
        out << std::setw( 10 ) << ( last_block > 0 ? std::to_string( last_block ) : "NONE" );

        out << "\n";

    return out.str();
Exemplo n.º 6
   void deposit_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )const
   { try {
       if( this->amount <= 0 )
          FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_deposit, (amount) );

       switch( withdraw_condition_types( this->condition.type ) )
          case withdraw_signature_type:
          case withdraw_multisig_type:
          case withdraw_escrow_type:
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( invalid_withdraw_condition, (*this) );

       const balance_id_type deposit_balance_id = this->balance_id();

       obalance_record cur_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( deposit_balance_id );
       if( !cur_record.valid() )
          cur_record = balance_record( this->condition );
          if( this->condition.type == withdraw_escrow_type )
             cur_record->meta_data = variant_object("creating_transaction_id", eval_state.trx.id() );

       if( cur_record->balance == 0 )
          cur_record->deposit_date = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
          fc::uint128 old_sec_since_epoch( cur_record->deposit_date.sec_since_epoch() );
          fc::uint128 new_sec_since_epoch( eval_state.pending_state()->now().sec_since_epoch() );

          fc::uint128 avg = (old_sec_since_epoch * cur_record->balance) + (new_sec_since_epoch * this->amount);
          avg /= (cur_record->balance + this->amount);

          cur_record->deposit_date = time_point_sec( avg.to_integer() );

       cur_record->balance += this->amount;
       eval_state.sub_balance( asset( this->amount, cur_record->asset_id() ) );

       if( cur_record->condition.asset_id == 0 && cur_record->condition.slate_id )
          eval_state.adjust_vote( cur_record->condition.slate_id, this->amount );

       cur_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();

       const oasset_record asset_rec = eval_state.pending_state()->get_asset_record( cur_record->condition.asset_id );
       FC_ASSERT( asset_rec.valid() );

       if( asset_rec->is_market_issued() )
           FC_ASSERT( cur_record->condition.slate_id == 0 );

       const auto& owners = cur_record->owners();
       for( const address& owner : owners )
           FC_ASSERT( asset_rec->address_is_whitelisted( owner ) );

       eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *cur_record );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
Exemplo n.º 7
   asset balance_record::calculate_yield( fc::time_point_sec now, share_type amount, share_type yield_pool, share_type share_supply )const
      if( amount <= 0 )       return asset(0, condition.asset_id);
      if( share_supply <= 0 ) return asset(0, condition.asset_id);
      if( yield_pool <= 0 )   return asset(0, condition.asset_id);

      auto elapsed_time = (now - deposit_date);
      if( elapsed_time <= fc::seconds( BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MIN_YIELD_PERIOD_SEC ) )
          return asset(0, condition.asset_id);

      fc::uint128 current_supply( share_supply - yield_pool );
      if( current_supply <= 0)
          return asset(0, condition.asset_id);

      fc::uint128 fee_fund( yield_pool );
      fc::uint128 amount_withdrawn( amount );
      amount_withdrawn *= 1000000;

      // numerator in the following expression is at most
      // thus it cannot overflow
      fc::uint128 yield = (amount_withdrawn * fee_fund) / current_supply;

       *  If less than 1 year, the 80% of yield are scaled linearly with time and 20% scaled by time^2,
       *  this should produce a yield curve that is "80% simple interest" and 20% simulating compound
       *  interest.
      if( elapsed_time < fc::seconds( BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MAX_YIELD_PERIOD_SEC ) )
         fc::uint128 original_yield = yield;
         // discount the yield by 80%
         yield *= 8;
         yield /= 10;
         // yield largest value in preceding multiplication is at most
         // thus it cannot overflow

         fc::uint128 delta_yield = original_yield - yield;

         // yield == amount withdrawn / total usd  *  fee fund * fraction_of_year
         yield *= elapsed_time.to_seconds();

         delta_yield *= elapsed_time.to_seconds();
         delta_yield /= BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MAX_YIELD_PERIOD_SEC;

         delta_yield *= elapsed_time.to_seconds();
         delta_yield /= BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MAX_YIELD_PERIOD_SEC;

         yield += delta_yield;

      yield /= 1000000;

      if((yield > 0) && (yield < fc::uint128_t(yield_pool)))
         return asset( yield.to_uint64(), condition.asset_id );
      return asset( 0, condition.asset_id );
Exemplo n.º 8
   /** When bidding on an asset you specify the asset you have and the price you would like
    * to sell it at.
   signed_transaction    wallet::bid( const asset& amnt, const price& ratio )
   { try {
       auto   change_address = get_new_address();

       signed_transaction trx; 
       std::unordered_set<bts::address> req_sigs; 
       asset  total_in;

       asset amnt_with_fee = amnt; // TODO: add fee of .1% 

       trx.inputs    = my->collect_inputs( amnt_with_fee, total_in, req_sigs );
       asset change  = total_in - amnt;

       trx.outputs.push_back( trx_output( claim_by_bid_output( change_address, ratio ), amnt) );
       trx.outputs.push_back( trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( change_address ), change) );

       my->sign_transaction( trx, req_sigs );

       uint32_t trx_bytes = fc::raw::pack( trx ).size();
       asset    fee( my->_current_fee_rate * trx_bytes );

       if( amnt.unit == asset::bts )
            if( total_in >= amnt + fee )
                change = change - fee;
                trx.outputs.back() = trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( change_address ), change );
                if( change == asset() ) trx.outputs.pop_back(); // no change required
              elog( "NOT ENOUGH TO COVER AMOUNT + FEE... GRAB MORE.." );
              fee = fee + fee; // double the fee in this case to cover the growth
              total_in = asset();
              trx.inputs = my->collect_inputs( amnt+fee, total_in, req_sigs );
              change =  total_in - amnt - fee;
              trx.outputs.back() = trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( change_address ), change );
              if( change == asset() ) trx.outputs.pop_back(); // no change required
           if( change.amount == fc::uint128_t(0) ) trx.outputs.pop_back(); // no change required

           // TODO: this function should be recursive here, but having 2x the fee should be good enough, some
           // transactions may overpay in this case, but this can be optimized later to reduce fees.. for now
           fee = fee + fee; // double the fee in this case to cover the growth
           asset total_fee_in;
           auto extra_in = my->collect_inputs( fee, total_fee_in, req_sigs );
           trx.inputs.insert( trx.inputs.end(), extra_in.begin(), extra_in.end() );
           trx.outputs.push_back( trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( change_address ), total_fee_in - fee ) );

       my->sign_transaction( trx, req_sigs );

       my->_data.open_bids[ output_reference( trx.id(), 0 ) ] = trx.outputs[0];

       return trx;
   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "${amnt} @ ${price}", ("amnt",amnt)("price",ratio) ) }
Exemplo n.º 9
   void wallet::dump()
       std::cerr<<"Unspent Outputs: \n";
       for( auto itr = my->_unspent_outputs.begin(); itr != my->_unspent_outputs.end(); ++itr )
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->first.trx_hash)<<":"<<int(itr->first.output_idx)<<"]  ";
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->second.get_amount())<<" ";
           std::cerr<<fc::variant(itr->second.claim_func).as_string()<<" ";

           switch( itr->second.claim_func )
              case claim_by_signature:
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_signature_output>().owner);
       std::cerr<<"Open Bids: \n";
       for( auto itr = my->_data.open_bids.begin(); itr != my->_data.open_bids.end(); ++itr )
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->first.trx_hash)<<":"<<int(itr->first.output_idx)<<"]  ";
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->second.get_amount())<<" ";
           std::cerr<<fc::variant(itr->second.claim_func).as_string()<<" ";

           switch( itr->second.claim_func )
              case claim_by_bid:
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_bid_output>().ask_price);
                 std::cerr<< " owner: ";
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_bid_output>().pay_address);
                 std::cerr<< " min trade: "<< itr->second.as<claim_by_bid_output>().min_trade;
       std::cerr<<"\nOpen Short Sells: \n";
       for( auto itr = my->_data.open_short_sells.begin(); itr != my->_data.open_short_sells.end(); ++itr )
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->first.trx_hash)<<":"<<int(itr->first.output_idx)<<"]  ";
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->second.get_amount())<<" ";
           std::cerr<<fc::variant(itr->second.claim_func).as_string()<<" ";

           switch( itr->second.claim_func )
              case claim_by_long:
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_long_output>().ask_price);
                 std::cerr<< " owner: ";
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_long_output>().pay_address);
                 std::cerr<< " min trade: "<< itr->second.as<claim_by_long_output>().min_trade;

       std::cerr<<"\nOpen Margin Positions: \n";
       for( auto itr = my->_data.open_shorts.begin(); itr != my->_data.open_shorts.end(); ++itr )
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->first.trx_hash)<<":"<<int(itr->first.output_idx)<<"]  ";
           std::cerr<<std::string(itr->second.get_amount())<<" ";
           std::cerr<<fc::variant(itr->second.claim_func).as_string()<<" ";

           switch( itr->second.claim_func )
              case claim_by_cover:
                 auto cover = itr->second.as<claim_by_cover_output>();
                 auto payoff = asset(cover.payoff_amount,cover.payoff_unit);
                 auto payoff_threshold = asset(cover.payoff_amount*1.5,cover.payoff_unit);
                 std::cerr<< std::string(payoff);
                 std::cerr<< " owner: ";
                 std::cerr<< std::string(itr->second.as<claim_by_cover_output>().owner);
                 // this is the break even price... we actually need to cover at half the price?
                 std::cerr<< " price: " << std::string(payoff_threshold / itr->second.get_amount());
Exemplo n.º 10
 friend asset operator + ( const asset& a, const asset& b )
    FC_ASSERT( a.symbol == b.symbol );
    return asset( a.amount + b.amount, a.symbol );
Exemplo n.º 11
price market_order::get_highest_cover_price()const
{ try {
  FC_ASSERT( type == cover_order );
  return asset( state.balance, market_index.order_price.quote_asset_id ) / asset( *collateral );
Exemplo n.º 12
 asset operator -()const { return asset( -amount, symbol ); }
gstTextureGuard gstTextureManager::NewTextureFromPath(
    const std::string& path, bool* is_mercator_imagery) {
  gstTextureGuard error_handle;
  if (path.empty()) {
    notify(NFY_WARN, "Bad texture path: %s", path.c_str());
    return error_handle;

  // handle URL first since it is not a valid file system path
  if (QString(path).startsWith("http://") ||
      QString(path).startsWith("https://")) {
    return NewHTTPTexture(path);

  QString base(khBasename(path));

  bool is_mercator_imagery_project =
      khHasExtension(path, kMercatorImageryProjectSuffix);
  bool is_flat_projection_imagery_project =
      khHasExtension(path, kImageryProjectSuffix);

  if (is_mercator_imagery_project || is_flat_projection_imagery_project) {
    *is_mercator_imagery = is_mercator_imagery_project;
    Asset asset(AssetDefs::FilenameToAssetPath(path));
    if (asset->type != AssetDefs::Imagery && asset->subtype !=
        (*is_mercator_imagery ? kMercatorProjectSubtype : kProjectSubtype)) {
      notify(NFY_WARN, "Asset %s is not a valid imagery project", path.c_str());
      return error_handle;
    AssetVersion last_good_version(asset->GetLastGoodVersionRef());
    if (!last_good_version) {
      notify(NFY_WARN, "Asset %s doesn't have a valid current version",
      return error_handle;
    std::string index_path = last_good_version->GetOutputFilename(0);
    if (khHasExtension(index_path, ".geindex")) {
      return NewGEIndexTexture(index_path);
    } else {
      return error_handle;
  bool is_flat_imagery_asset = base.contains(kImageryAssetSuffix);
  bool is_flat_terrain_asset = base.contains(kTerrainAssetSuffix);
  bool is_mercator_imagery_asset = base.contains(kMercatorImageryAssetSuffix);
  if (is_flat_imagery_asset ||
      is_mercator_imagery_asset ||
      is_flat_terrain_asset) {
    *is_mercator_imagery = is_mercator_imagery_asset;
    AssetVersion version(path);
    if (version &&
        (version->type == AssetDefs::Terrain ||
         version->type == AssetDefs::Imagery) &&
        version->state == AssetDefs::Succeeded) {
      std::string kippath = version->GetOutputFilename(0);
      std::string kmppath = version->GetOutputFilename(1);
      return NewPYRTexture(kippath, kmppath);
  } else {
    if (!khExists(path)) {
      notify(NFY_WARN, "Bad texture path: %s", path.c_str());
      return error_handle;
    if (base.endsWith(".gedb")) {
      *is_mercator_imagery = false;
      return NewGEDBTexture(path);
    } else if (base.endsWith(".kip") || base.endsWith(".ktp")) {
      std::string str = path;
      str += "/" + kHeaderXmlFile;
      gstTextureGuard texture = NewPYRTexture(str, std::string());
      *is_mercator_imagery = texture->IsMercatorImagery();
      return texture;
    } else if (base.endsWith(".xml")) {
      gstTextureGuard texture = NewPYRTexture(path, std::string());
      *is_mercator_imagery = texture->IsMercatorImagery();
      return texture;

  return error_handle;
Exemplo n.º 14
 asset get_amount()const { return asset( amount, ask_index.order_price.base_asset_id ); }
Exemplo n.º 15
 price(const asset& base = asset(), const asset quote = asset())
    : base(base),quote(quote){}
Exemplo n.º 16
price price::max(asset_symbol_type base, asset_symbol_type quote) {
    return asset(share_type(STEEMIT_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY), base) /
           asset(share_type(1), quote);
// ProcessNextAsset
AZPAMAssetMonitor::ProcessNextAsset()	//Returns true if more assets are pending.
#if defined(InDnCS5) || defined(InDnCS5_5)
		const IExecutionContext* ec = GetExecutionContext();
		ISession* gSession = ec->GetSession();
	if (mPendingAssetToUpdate.size())
		const PMString & assetId = mPendingAssetToUpdate[0];
		ZPAssetIdUIDRefMapConstIter foundIter = mAssetIdUIDRefMap.find( assetId );
		ZPAssetIdUIDRefMapConstIter endIter = mAssetIdUIDRefMap.end();
		if( foundIter != endIter )
			UIDRef assetRef = foundIter->second;
			InterfacePtr<IManageableAsset> asset( assetRef, UseDefaultIID() );
			if( asset )
				this->ProcessAsset( asset );

			IZPLog_Str_( thisFileLA, enLT_DebugInfo, "Removing asset id : %s from pending update list", assetId.GrabCString());

			return true;	//Come again for processing this list or fActiveList

	int activeListSize = fActiveList.size();
	if( mCurrentIndex < activeListSize )
		UIDRef assetRef = fActiveList.at( mCurrentIndex );
		//Is it valid? Is there any chance that UIDRef is not removed from the active list?
		InterfacePtr<IManageableAsset> asset( assetRef, UseDefaultIID() );
		this->ProcessAsset( asset );

	bool toReturn = ( mCurrentIndex < activeListSize );
	if (!toReturn && activeListSize > 0 )
		time_t nowTime = time(NULL);
		// check every 30 seconds
#if	0//def DEBUG
		const int timeDelayBetweenRefresh = 10;	//Save debugging time.
		InterfacePtr<const IWorkspace> iWorkspace(gSession->QueryWorkspace());
		InterfacePtr<const IZPPrefs> zpPrefs( iWorkspace, UseDefaultIID() );
		const int timeDelayBetweenRefresh = zpPrefs->GetAssetMonitorAutoUpdateDuration();
		ASSERT( timeDelayBetweenRefresh >= 10 );
		if (nowTime - mLastProcessingTime > timeDelayBetweenRefresh )
			//mCurrentIndex = 0;	//Commented here to set it after a delay of 5 seconds.
			mResetIndexPending = true;
			mLastProcessingTime = nowTime;
			this->FetchInfoFromServer();	//Update cached info for monitored assets.
		if( mResetIndexPending && nowTime - mLastProcessingTime > 5)	//Wait for 5 seconds to get the response from server.
			//Someday: better would be to listen the monitored assets for changes.
			mCurrentIndex = 0;	//Reset for next processing.
			mResetIndexPending = false;
	return toReturn;
Exemplo n.º 18
price price::min(asset_symbol_type base, asset_symbol_type quote) {
    return asset(1, base) / asset(STEEMIT_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY, quote);
Exemplo n.º 19
   void withdraw_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )const
   { try {
       if( this->amount <= 0 )
          FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_withdraw, (amount) );

      obalance_record current_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( this->balance_id );
      if( !current_balance_record.valid() )
         FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( unknown_balance_record, (balance_id) );

      if( this->amount > current_balance_record->get_spendable_balance( eval_state.pending_state()->now() ).amount )
         FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( insufficient_funds, (current_balance_record)(amount) );

      auto asset_rec = eval_state.pending_state()->get_asset_record( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id );
      FC_ASSERT( asset_rec.valid() );

      const bool authority_is_retracting = asset_rec->flag_is_active( asset_record::retractable_balances )
                                           && eval_state.verify_authority( asset_rec->authority );

      if( !authority_is_retracting )
         FC_ASSERT( !asset_rec->flag_is_active( asset_record::halted_withdrawals ) );

         switch( (withdraw_condition_types)current_balance_record->condition.type )
            case withdraw_signature_type:
                const withdraw_with_signature condition = current_balance_record->condition.as<withdraw_with_signature>();
                const address owner = condition.owner;
                if( !eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                    FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );

            case withdraw_vesting_type:
                const withdraw_vesting condition = current_balance_record->condition.as<withdraw_vesting>();
                const address owner = condition.owner;
                if( !eval_state.check_signature( owner ) )
                    FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (owner) );

            case withdraw_multisig_type:
               auto multisig = current_balance_record->condition.as<withdraw_with_multisig>();

               uint32_t valid_signatures = 0;
               for( const auto& sig : multisig.owners )
                    valid_signatures += eval_state.check_signature( sig );

               if( valid_signatures < multisig.required )
                   FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (valid_signatures)(multisig) );

               FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( invalid_withdraw_condition, (current_balance_record->condition) );

      // update delegate vote on withdrawn account..
      if( current_balance_record->condition.asset_id == 0 && current_balance_record->condition.slate_id )
         eval_state.adjust_vote( current_balance_record->condition.slate_id, -this->amount );

      if( asset_rec->is_market_issued() )
         auto yield = current_balance_record->calculate_yield( eval_state.pending_state()->now(),
                                                               asset_rec->current_supply );
         if( yield.amount > 0 )
            asset_rec->collected_fees       -= yield.amount;
            current_balance_record->balance += yield.amount;
            current_balance_record->deposit_date = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
            eval_state.yield_claimed[ current_balance_record->asset_id() ] += yield.amount;
            eval_state.pending_state()->store_asset_record( *asset_rec );

      current_balance_record->balance -= this->amount;
      current_balance_record->last_update = eval_state.pending_state()->now();
      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_balance_record );

      if( asset_rec->withdrawal_fee != 0 && !eval_state.verify_authority( asset_rec->authority ) )
          eval_state.min_fees[ asset_rec->id ] = std::max( asset_rec->withdrawal_fee, eval_state.min_fees[ asset_rec->id ] );

      eval_state.add_balance( asset( this->amount, current_balance_record->condition.asset_id ) );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
Exemplo n.º 20
void assetRelease() {
Exemplo n.º 21
   void release_escrow_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )const
   { try {
      auto escrow_balance_record = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( this->escrow_id );
      FC_ASSERT( escrow_balance_record.valid() );

      if( this->amount_to_receiver < 0 )
         FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_withdraw, (amount_to_receiver) );

      if( this->amount_to_sender < 0 )
         FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_withdraw, (amount_to_sender) );

      if( !eval_state.check_signature( this->released_by ) )
         FC_ASSERT( false, "transaction not signed by releasor" );

      auto escrow_condition = escrow_balance_record->condition.as<withdraw_with_escrow>();
      auto total_released = uint64_t(amount_to_sender) + uint64_t(amount_to_receiver);

      FC_ASSERT( total_released <= escrow_balance_record->balance );
      FC_ASSERT( total_released >= amount_to_sender ); // check for addition overflow
      FC_ASSERT( total_released >= amount_to_receiver ); // check for addition overflow

      escrow_balance_record->balance -= total_released;
      auto asset_rec = eval_state.pending_state()->get_asset_record( escrow_balance_record->condition.asset_id );

      if( amount_to_sender > 0 )
          FC_ASSERT( asset_rec->address_is_whitelisted( escrow_condition.sender ) );
      if( amount_to_receiver > 0 )
          FC_ASSERT( asset_rec->address_is_whitelisted( escrow_condition.receiver ) );

      const bool authority_is_retracting = asset_rec->flag_is_active( asset_record::retractable_balances )
                                           && eval_state.verify_authority( asset_rec->authority );

      if( escrow_condition.sender == this->released_by )
         FC_ASSERT( amount_to_sender == 0 );
         FC_ASSERT( amount_to_receiver <= escrow_balance_record->balance );

         if( !eval_state.check_signature( escrow_condition.sender ) && !authority_is_retracting)
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (escrow_condition.sender) );

         balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.receiver,
                                            asset( amount_to_receiver, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                            escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
         auto current_receiver_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

         if( current_receiver_balance )
            current_receiver_balance->balance += amount_to_receiver;
            current_receiver_balance = new_balance_record;

          eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_receiver_balance );
      else if( escrow_condition.receiver == this->released_by )
         FC_ASSERT( amount_to_receiver == 0 );
         FC_ASSERT( amount_to_sender <= escrow_balance_record->balance );

         if( !eval_state.check_signature( escrow_condition.receiver ) && !authority_is_retracting)
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (escrow_condition.receiver) );

         balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.sender,
                                            asset( amount_to_sender, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                            escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
         auto current_sender_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

         if( current_sender_balance )
            current_sender_balance->balance += amount_to_sender;
            current_sender_balance = new_balance_record;

         eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_sender_balance );
      else if( escrow_condition.escrow == this->released_by )
         if( !eval_state.check_signature( escrow_condition.escrow ) && !authority_is_retracting )
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (escrow_condition.escrow) );
         // get a balance record for the receiver, create it if necessary and deposit funds
            balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.receiver,
                                               asset( amount_to_receiver, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                               escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
            auto current_receiver_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

            if( current_receiver_balance )
               current_receiver_balance->balance += amount_to_receiver;
               current_receiver_balance = new_balance_record;
            eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_receiver_balance );
         //  get a balance record for the sender, create it if necessary and deposit funds
            balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.sender,
                                               asset( amount_to_sender, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                               escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
            auto current_sender_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

            if( current_sender_balance )
               current_sender_balance->balance += amount_to_sender;
               current_sender_balance = new_balance_record;
            eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_sender_balance );
      else if( address() == this->released_by )
         if( !eval_state.check_signature( escrow_condition.sender ) && !authority_is_retracting)
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (escrow_condition.sender) );
         if( !eval_state.check_signature( escrow_condition.receiver ) && !authority_is_retracting)
             FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( missing_signature, (escrow_condition.receiver) );
         // get a balance record for the receiver, create it if necessary and deposit funds
            balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.receiver,
                                               asset( amount_to_receiver, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                               escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
            auto current_receiver_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

            if( current_receiver_balance )
               current_receiver_balance->balance += amount_to_receiver;
               current_receiver_balance = new_balance_record;
            eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_receiver_balance );
         //  get a balance record for the sender, create it if necessary and deposit funds
            balance_record new_balance_record( escrow_condition.sender,
                                               asset( amount_to_sender, escrow_balance_record->asset_id() ),
                                               escrow_balance_record->slate_id() );
            auto current_sender_balance = eval_state.pending_state()->get_balance_record( new_balance_record.id());

            if( current_sender_balance )
               current_sender_balance->balance += amount_to_sender;
               current_sender_balance = new_balance_record;
            eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *current_sender_balance );
          FC_ASSERT( false, "not released by a party to the escrow transaction" );

      eval_state.pending_state()->store_balance_record( *escrow_balance_record );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
Exemplo n.º 22
            void match_orders( std::vector<signed_transaction>& matched,  asset::type quote, asset::type base )
            { try {
               ilog( "match orders.." );
               auto bids = _market_db.get_bids( quote, base );
               auto asks = _market_db.get_asks( quote, base );
               wlog( "asks: ${asks}", ("asks",asks) );
               wlog( "bids: ${bids}", ("bids",bids) );

               fc::optional<trx_output>  ask_change;
               fc::optional<trx_output>  bid_change;
               fc::optional<trx_output>  cover_change;

               address                   bid_payout_address;
               fc::optional<asset>       bid_payout;

               asset                                cover_collat;       
               fc::optional<claim_by_cover_output>  cover_payout;

               signed_transaction market_trx;
               market_trx.timestamp = fc::time_point::now();

               /** asks are sorted from low to high, so we start
                * with the lowest ask, and check to see if there are
                * any bids that are greaterthan or equal to the ask, if
                * there are then either the full bid or full ask will be
                * filled.  If the full bid is filled, then move on to the
                * next bid, and save the leftover ask.  If the left over
                * ask is filled, then move to the next ask.
                * When there are no more pairs that can be matched, exit
                * the loop and any partial payouts are made.  
               auto ask_itr = asks.begin();
               auto bid_itr = bids.rbegin();
               while( ask_itr != asks.end() &&
                      bid_itr != bids.rend() )
                  trx_output working_ask;
                  trx_output working_bid;

                  if( ask_change ) {  working_ask = *ask_change; }
                  else             {  working_ask = get_output( ask_itr->location );  }

                  if( bid_change ) {  working_bid = *bid_change; }
                  else             {  working_bid = get_output( bid_itr->location);   }

                  claim_by_bid_output bid_claim = working_bid.as<claim_by_bid_output>();

                  if( working_ask.claim_func == claim_by_long )
                     auto long_claim = working_ask.as<claim_by_long_output>();
                     if( long_claim.ask_price > bid_claim.ask_price )
                        break; // exit the while loop, no more trades can occur
                     asset bid_amount = working_bid.get_amount() * bid_claim.ask_price;
                     asset ask_amount = working_ask.get_amount() * long_claim.ask_price;
                     FC_ASSERT( bid_amount.unit == ask_amount.unit );

                     auto  trade_amount = std::min(bid_amount,ask_amount);

                     ilog( "bid amount: ${b} @ ${bp}  ask amount: ${a} @ ${ap}", ("b",bid_amount)("a",ask_amount)("bp",bid_claim.ask_price)("ap",long_claim.ask_price) );

                     asset bid_change_amount   = working_bid.get_amount();
                     bid_change_amount        -= trade_amount * bid_claim.ask_price;
                     ilog( "bid change.. ${c}", ("c",bid_change_amount) );
                     asset ask_change_amount   = working_ask.get_amount();
                     ask_change_amount        -= trade_amount * long_claim.ask_price;
                     ilog( "ask change.. ${c}", ("c",ask_change_amount) );
                     if( ask_change_amount != bid_change_amount  && ask_change_amount != asset(0,working_bid.unit) )
                       FC_ASSERT( !"At least one of the bid or ask should be completely filled", "", 
                                  ("ask_change_amount",ask_change_amount)("bid_change_amount",bid_change_amount) );
                     bid_payout_address = bid_claim.pay_address;
                     auto bid_payout_amount  = bid_amount - (bid_change_amount * bid_claim.ask_price);

                     if( bid_payout ) { *bid_payout += bid_payout_amount; }
                     else             { bid_payout   = bid_payout_amount; }

                     if( cover_payout ) 
                        cover_payout->payoff_amount += trade_amount.get_rounded_amount();
                        cover_collat                += (trade_amount * long_claim.ask_price)*2;
                        cover_payout                = claim_by_cover_output();
                        cover_payout->owner         = long_claim.pay_address;
                        cover_payout->payoff_unit   = trade_amount.unit;
                        cover_payout->payoff_amount = trade_amount.get_rounded_amount();
                        cover_collat                = (trade_amount * long_claim.ask_price)*2;

                     if( bid_change_amount != asset(0, working_bid.unit) )
                        // TODO: accumulate fractional parts, round at the end?....
                        working_bid.amount = bid_change_amount.get_rounded_amount(); 
                        bid_change = working_bid;
                        elog( "we DID NOT fill the bid..." );
                     else // we have filled the bid!  
                        elog( "we filled the bid..." );
                        market_trx.inputs.push_back( bid_itr->location );
                                trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( bid_claim.pay_address ), bid_payout->get_rounded_asset() ) );

                     if( ask_change_amount != asset( 0, working_bid.unit ) )
                        working_ask.amount = ask_change_amount.get_rounded_amount();
                        ask_change = working_ask;
                     else // we have filled the ask!
                        market_trx.inputs.push_back( ask_itr->location );
                        market_trx.outputs.push_back( trx_output( *cover_payout, cover_collat ) );
                  else if( working_ask.claim_func == claim_by_bid )
                     FC_ASSERT( !"Not Implemented" );
                     claim_by_bid_output ask_claim = working_ask.as<claim_by_bid_output>();
                     if( ask_claim.ask_price > bid_claim.ask_price )
                     // TODO: implement straight trades..
                     FC_ASSERT( !"Ask must either be a claim by bid or claim by long",
                                "", ("ask", working_ask) );  

               } // while( ... ) 
               if( ask_change && ask_itr != asks.end()  ) market_trx.inputs.push_back( ask_itr->location );
               if( bid_change && bid_itr != bids.rend() ) market_trx.inputs.push_back( bid_itr->location );
               if( ask_change )
                  ilog( "ask_change: ${ask_change}", ("ask_change",ask_change) ); 
                  market_trx.outputs.push_back( *ask_change ); 
               if( bid_change )
                  ilog( "bid_change: ${bid_change}", ("bid_change",bid_change) ); 
                  market_trx.outputs.push_back( *bid_change ); 
               if( bid_payout ) 
                   ilog( "bid_payout ${payout}", ("payout",bid_payout) );
                            trx_output( claim_by_signature_output( bid_payout_address ), *bid_payout ) );
                    wlog ( "NO BID PAYOUT" );
               if( cover_payout ) 
                   ilog( "cover_payout ${payout}", ("payout",cover_payout) );
                   market_trx.outputs.push_back( trx_output( *cover_payout, cover_collat ) );
               wlog( "Market Transaction: ${trx}", ("trx", market_trx) );
               if( market_trx.inputs.size() )
                   FC_ASSERT( market_trx.outputs.size() );

               //ilog( "done match orders.." );
            } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("quote",quote)("base",base) ) }
Exemplo n.º 23
string pretty_block_list( const vector<block_record>& block_records, cptr client )
    if( block_records.empty() ) return "No blocks found.\n";
    FC_ASSERT( client != nullptr );

    std::stringstream out;
    out << std::left;

    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "HEIGHT";
    out << std::setw( 20 ) << "TIMESTAMP";
    out << std::setw( 32 ) << "SIGNING DELEGATE";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "# TXS";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "SIZE";
    out << std::setw( 16 ) << "TOTAL FEES";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "LATENCY";
    out << std::setw( 15 ) << "PROCESSING TIME";
    out << "\n";

    out << pretty_line( 115 );
    out << "\n";

    auto last_block_timestamp = block_records.front().timestamp;

    for( const auto& block_record : block_records )
        /* Print any missed slots */

        const bool descending = last_block_timestamp > block_record.timestamp;
        while( last_block_timestamp != block_record.timestamp )
            if( descending ) last_block_timestamp -= BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_INTERVAL_SEC;
            else last_block_timestamp += BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_INTERVAL_SEC;

            if( last_block_timestamp == block_record.timestamp ) break;

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "MISSED";
            out << std::setw( 20 ) << pretty_timestamp( last_block_timestamp );

            const auto slot_record = client->get_chain()->get_slot_record( last_block_timestamp );
            FC_ASSERT( slot_record.valid() );
            const auto delegate_record = client->get_chain()->get_account_record( slot_record->block_producer_id );
            FC_ASSERT( delegate_record.valid() && delegate_record->is_delegate() );
            out << std::setw( 32 ) << pretty_shorten( delegate_record->name, 31 );

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw( 16 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << "N/A";
            out << '\n';

        /* Print produced block */

        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.block_num;
        out << std::setw( 20 ) << pretty_timestamp( block_record.timestamp );

        const auto& delegate_name = client->blockchain_get_block_signee( block_record.block_num );

        out << std::setw( 32 );
        if( FILTER_OUTPUT_FOR_TESTS ) out << "[redacted]";
        else out << pretty_shorten( delegate_name, 31 );

        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.user_transaction_ids.size();
        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.block_size;
        out << std::setw( 16 ) << client->get_chain()->to_pretty_asset( asset( block_record.total_fees ) );

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "[redacted]";
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << "[redacted]";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.latency.to_seconds();
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << block_record.processing_time.count() / double( 1000000 );

        out << '\n';

    return out.str();
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// The unit price for an asset type A is defined to be a price such that for any asset m, m*A=m
 static price unit_price(asset_id_type a = asset_id_type()) { return price(asset(1, a), asset(1, a)); }
Exemplo n.º 25
 inline asset operator +  ( const asset& l, const asset& r ) { return asset(l) += r; }
Exemplo n.º 26
 asset operator -()const { return asset( -amount, asset_id ); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    khGetopt options;
    bool help = false;
    int argn;
    std::string assetroot;
    std::set<std::string> checkvols;

    std::string progname(argv[0]);
    options.flagOpt("help", help);
    options.flagOpt("?", help);
    options.opt<std::string>("assetroot", assetroot);

    if (!options.processAll(argc, argv, argn) || help) {

    // override the assetroot first. That way theVolumeManager will
    // load the correct volume definitions
    if (assetroot.length()) {
    } else {
      assetroot = AssetDefs::AssetRoot();

    // Double check the supplied volume list
    if (argn == argc) {
      usage(progname, "No volumes specified");
    } else {
      uint numbad = 0;
      while (argn < argc) {
        std::string vol(argv[argn]);
        if (theVolumeManager.GetVolumeDef(vol) == 0) {
          notify(NFY_WARN, "No volume named '%s' found",
        } else {
      if (numbad) {
        notify(NFY_FATAL, "Unable to proceed");

    // go do the real work
    std::vector<std::string> found;
    FindSources(assetroot, checkvols, found);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator aref = found.begin();
         aref != found.end(); ++aref) {
      Asset asset(*aref);
      if (!asset) {
        notify(NFY_WARN, "Unable to load asset for %s",
      } else {
        std::vector<std::string> infiles;
        fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", aref->c_str());
        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i =
             i != infiles.end(); ++i) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\t%s\n", i->c_str());

  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    notify(NFY_FATAL, "%s", e.what());
  } catch (...) {
    notify(NFY_FATAL, "Unknown error");
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
 friend asset operator + ( const asset& a, const asset& b )
    FC_ASSERT( a.asset_id == b.asset_id );
    return asset( a.amount + b.amount, a.asset_id );
Exemplo n.º 29
         time_point_sec    last_account_update;

         time_point_sec    created;
         bool              mined = true;
         account_name_type recovery_account;
         account_name_type reset_account = STEEM_NULL_ACCOUNT;
         time_point_sec    last_account_recovery;
         uint32_t          comment_count = 0;
         uint32_t          lifetime_vote_count = 0;
         uint32_t          post_count = 0;

         bool              can_vote = true;
         util::manabar     voting_manabar;

         asset             balance = asset( 0, STEEM_SYMBOL );  ///< total liquid shares held by this account
         asset             savings_balance = asset( 0, STEEM_SYMBOL );  ///< total liquid shares held by this account

          *  SBD Deposits pay interest based upon the interest rate set by witnesses. The purpose of these
          *  fields is to track the total (time * sbd_balance) that it is held. Then at the appointed time
          *  interest can be paid using the following equation:
          *  interest = interest_rate * sbd_seconds / seconds_per_year
          *  Every time the sbd_balance is updated the sbd_seconds is also updated. If at least
          *  STEEM_MIN_COMPOUNDING_INTERVAL_SECONDS has past since sbd_last_interest_payment then
          *  interest is added to sbd_balance.
          *  @defgroup sbd_data sbd Balance Data
Exemplo n.º 30
	void lop(Queue<T>& queue)
		asset(queue.length > 0);
		queue.offset = (queue.offset + 1) % length(queue.data);