Exemplo n.º 1
void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status ) {
    *  Name:
    *     atlKy2hd

    *  Purpose:
    *     Copies values from an AST KeyMap to a primitive HDS object.

    *  Language:
    *     C.

    *  Invocation:
    *     void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status )

    *  Description:
    *     This routine copies the contents of an AST KeyMap into a supplied
    *     HDS structure.

    *  Arguments:
    *     keymap
    *        An AST pointer to the KeyMap.
    *     loc
    *        A locator for the HDS object into which the KeyMap contents
    *        are to be copied. A new component is added to the HDS object for
    *        each entry in the KeyMap.
    *     status
    *        The inherited status.

    *  Copyright:
    *     Copyright (C) 2008, 2010, 2012 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
    *     All Rights Reserved.

    *  Licence:
    *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
    *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
    *     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    *     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    *     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
    *     02110-1301, USA

    *  Authors:
    *     DSB: David S. Berry
    *     TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
    *     {enter_new_authors_here}

    *  History:
    *     29-APR-2008 (DSB):
    *        Original version.
    *     2010-09-23 (TIMJ):
    *        Fix arrays of strings.
    *     2010-09-30 (TIMJ):
    *        Make sure that we are using the correct status pointer in AST.
    *     2010-10-01 (TIMJ):
    *        Sort the keys when writing to HDS structured.
    *     2010-10-04 (TIMJ):
    *        Support Short ints in keymap
    *     14-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Moved from kaplibs to atl.
    *     17-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Add support for undefined values.
    *     {enter_further_changes_here}

    *  Bugs:
    *     {note_any_bugs_here}

    /* Local Varianles: */
    AstObject **objArray = NULL;
    AstObject *obj = NULL;
    HDSLoc *cloc = NULL;
    HDSLoc *dloc = NULL;
    const char *cval = NULL;
    const char *key;
    double dval;
    float fval;
    int i;
    int ival;
    int j;
    int lenc;
    int nval;
    char *oldsortby;
    int *oldstat = NULL;
    int size;
    int type;
    int veclen;
    size_t el;
    void *pntr = NULL;

    /* Check inherited status */
    if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

    /* Make sure that we are checking AST status */
    oldstat = astWatch( status );

    /* If set, save the old SortBy value and then ensure alphabetical sorting.
       We need to take a copy of the original string since the buffer in which
       the string is stored may be re-used by subsequent incocations of astGetC.  */
    if( astTest( keymap, "SortBy" ) ) {
        int nc = 0;
        oldsortby = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( keymap, "SortBy" ) );
    } else {
        oldsortby = NULL;
    astSet( keymap, "SortBy=KeyUp" );

    /* Loop round each entry in the KeyMap. */
    size = astMapSize( keymap );
    for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {

        if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

        /* Get the key. the data type and the vector length for the current
           KeyMap entry. */
        key = astMapKey( keymap, i );
        type = astMapType( keymap, key );
        veclen = astMapLength( keymap, key );

        /* If the current entry holds one or more nested KeyMaps, then we call
           this function recursively to add them into a new HDS component. */
        if( type == AST__OBJECTTYPE ) {

            /* First deal with scalar entries holding a single KeyMap. */
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 0, NULL, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                (void) astMapGet0A( keymap, key, &obj );

                if( astIsAKeyMap( obj ) ) {
                    atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) obj, cloc, status );

                } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                    *status = SAI__ERROR;
                    errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                            "objects (programming error).", status );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

                /* Now deal with vector entries holding multiple KeyMaps. */
            } else {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 1, &veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                objArray = astMalloc( sizeof( AstObject *) * (size_t)veclen );
                if( objArray ) {
                    (void) astMapGet1A( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, objArray );

                    for( j = 1; j <= veclen; j++ ) {
                        datCell( cloc, 1, &j, &dloc, status );

                        if( astIsAKeyMap( objArray[ j - 1 ] ) ) {
                            atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) objArray[ j - 1 ], dloc, status );

                        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                            *status = SAI__ERROR;
                            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                                    "objects (programming error).", status );

                        datAnnul( &dloc, status );

                    objArray = astFree( objArray );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* For primitive types... */
        } else if( type == AST__INTTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0I( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0I( keymap, key, &ival );
                datPut0I( cloc, ival, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1I( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_INTEGER", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1I( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (int *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__SINTTYPE ) {
            short sval = 0;
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0W( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0S( keymap, key, &sval );
                datPut0W( cloc, sval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1W( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_WORD", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1S( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (short *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__DOUBLETYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0D( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0D( keymap, key, &dval );
                datPut0D( cloc, dval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1D( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_DOUBLE", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1D( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (double *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__FLOATTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0R( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0F( keymap, key, &fval );
                datPut0R( cloc, fval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1R( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_REAL", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1F( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (float *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__STRINGTYPE ) {
            lenc = astMapLenC( keymap, key );

            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0C( loc, key, lenc, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0C( keymap, key, &cval );
                datPut0C( cloc, cval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1C( loc, key, lenc, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_CHAR", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) atlMapGet1C( keymap, key, veclen*lenc, lenc, &nval,
                                    (char *) pntr, status );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* KeyMap "UNDEF" values are always scalar and have no corresponding HDS
               data type. So arbitrarily use an "_INTEGER" primitive with no defined
               value to represent a KeyMap UNDEF value. */
        } else if( type == AST__UNDEFTYPE ) {
            datNew0L( loc, key, status );

            /* Unknown or unsupported data types. */
        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            msgSeti( "T", type );
            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains entries with "
                    "unusable data type (^T) (programming error).", status );

    /* If it was originally set, re-instate the old SortBy value in the KeyMap,
       then free the memory. Otherwise, clear the SortBy attribute. */
    if( oldsortby ) {
        astSetC( keymap, "SortBy", oldsortby );
        oldsortby = astFree( oldsortby );
    } else {
        astClear( keymap, "SortBy" );

    /* Reset AST status */
    astWatch( oldstat );

Exemplo n.º 2
unsigned char *smf_get_mask( ThrWorkForce *wf, smf_modeltype mtype,
                             AstKeyMap *config, smfDIMMData *dat, int flags,
                             int *status ) {

/* Local Variables: */
   AstCircle *circle;         /* AST Region used to mask a circular area */
   AstKeyMap *akm;            /* KeyMap holding AST config values */
   AstKeyMap *subkm;          /* KeyMap holding model config values */
   char refparam[ DAT__SZNAM ];/* Name for reference NDF parameter */
   char words[100];           /* Buffer for variable message words */
   const char *cval;          /* The ZERO_MASK string value */
   const char *modname;       /* The name of the model  being masked */
   const char *skyrefis;      /* Pointer to SkyRefIs attribute value */
   dim_t i;                   /* Pixel index */
   double *pd;                /* Pointer to next element of map data */
   double *predef;            /* Pointer to mask defined by previous run */
   double *ptr;               /* Pointer to NDF  Data array */
   double *pv;                /* Pointer to next element of map variance */
   double centre[ 2 ];        /* Coords of circle centre in radians */
   double meanhits;           /* Mean hits in the map */
   double radius[ 1 ];        /* Radius of circle in radians */
   double zero_circle[ 3 ];   /* LON/LAT/Radius of circular mask */
   double zero_lowhits;       /* Fraction of mean hits at which to threshold */
   double zero_snr;           /* Higher SNR at which to threshold */
   double zero_snrlo;         /* Lower SNR at which to threshold */
   int *ph;                   /* Pointer to next hits value */
   int have_mask;             /* Did a mask already exist on entry? */
   int imask;                 /* Index of next mask type */
   int indf1;                 /* Id. for supplied reference NDF */
   int indf2;                 /* Id. for used section of reference NDF */
   int isstatic;              /* Are all used masks static? */
   int lbnd_grid[ 2 ];        /* Lower bounds of map in GRID coords */
   int mask_types[ NTYPE ];   /* Identifier for the types of mask to use */
   int munion;                /* Use union of supplied masks */
   int nel;                   /* Number of mapped NDF pixels */
   int nmask;                 /* The number of masks to be combined */
   int nsource;               /* No. of source pixels in final mask */
   int skip;                  /* No. of iters for which AST is not subtracted */
   int thresh;                /* Absolute threshold on hits */
   int ubnd_grid[ 2 ];        /* Upper bounds of map in GRID coords */
   int zero_c_n;              /* Number of zero circle parameters read */
   int zero_mask;             /* Use the reference NDF as a mask? */
   int zero_niter;            /* Only mask for the first "niter" iterations. */
   int zero_notlast;          /* Don't zero on last iteration? */
   size_t ngood;              /* Number good samples for stats */
   smf_qual_t *pq;            /* Pinter to map quality */
   unsigned char **mask;      /* Address of model's mask pointer */
   unsigned char *newmask;    /* Individual mask work space */
   unsigned char *pm;         /* Pointer to next returned mask pixel */
   unsigned char *pn;         /* Pointer to next new mask pixel */
   unsigned char *result;     /* Returned mask pointer */

/* Initialise returned values */
   result = NULL;

/* Check inherited status. Also check that a map is being created.  */
   if( *status != SAI__OK || !dat || !dat->map ) return result;

/* Begin an AST context. */

/* Get the sub-keymap containing the configuration parameters for the
   requested model. Also get a pointer to the mask array to use (there is
   one for each maskable model)*/
   if( mtype == SMF__COM ) {
      modname = "COM";
      mask = &(dat->com_mask);
   } else if( mtype == SMF__AST ) {
      modname = "AST";
      mask = &(dat->ast_mask);
   } else if( mtype == SMF__FLT ) {
      modname = "FLT";
      mask = &(dat->flt_mask);
   } else {
      modname = NULL;
      mask = NULL;
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRepf( " ", "smf_get_mask: Unsupported model type %d supplied - "
               "must be COM, FLT or AST.", status, mtype );
   subkm = NULL;
   astMapGet0A( config, modname, &subkm );

/* Get the "ast.skip" value - when considering "zero_niter" and
   "zero_freeze", we only count iterations for which the AST model
   is subtracted (i.e. the ones following the initial "ast.skip"
   iterations). */
   astMapGet0A( config, "AST", &akm );
   astMapGet0I( akm, "SKIP", &skip );
   akm = astAnnul( akm );

/* Get the number of iterations over which the mask is to be applied. Zero
   means all. Return with no mask if this number of iterations has
   already been performed. */
   zero_niter = 0;
   astMapGet0I( subkm, "ZERO_NITER", &zero_niter );
   if( zero_niter == 0 || dat->iter < zero_niter + skip ) {

/* Only return a mask if this is not the last iteration, or if ZERO_NOTLAST
   is unset. */
      zero_notlast = 0;
      astMapGet0I( subkm, "ZERO_NOTLAST", &zero_notlast );
      if( !( flags & SMF__DIMM_LASTITER ) || !zero_notlast ) {

/* Create a list of the mask types to be combined to get the final mask by
   looking for non-default values for the corresponding configuration
   parameters in the supplied KeyMap. Static masks (predefined, circles
   or external NDFs) may be used on any iteration, but dynamic masks
   (lowhits, snr) will only be avialable once the map has been determined
   at the end of the first iteration. This means that when masking anything
   but the AST model (which is determined after the map), the dynamic masks
   cannot be used on the first iteration. Make a note if all masks being
   used are static. */

         isstatic = 1;
         nmask = 0;

         zero_lowhits = 0.0;
         astMapGet0D( subkm, "ZERO_LOWHITS", &zero_lowhits );
         if( zero_lowhits > 0.0 ) {
            if( mtype == SMF__AST || !( flags & SMF__DIMM_FIRSTITER ) ) {
               mask_types[ nmask++] = LOWHITS;
               isstatic = 0;
         } else if( zero_lowhits <  0.0 && *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRepf( " ", "Bad value for config parameter %s.ZERO_LOWHITS (%g) - "
                     "it must not be negative.", status, modname, zero_lowhits );

         if( astMapGet1D( subkm, "ZERO_CIRCLE", 3, &zero_c_n, zero_circle ) ) {
            if( zero_c_n == 1 || zero_c_n == 3 ) {
               mask_types[ nmask++] = CIRCLE;
            } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               errRepf( " ", "Bad number of values (%d) for config parameter "
                        "%s.ZERO_CIRCLE - must be 1 or 3.", status, zero_c_n,
                        modname );

         cval = NULL;
         astMapGet0C( subkm, "ZERO_MASK", &cval );
         if( cval ) {
            if( !astChrMatch( cval, "REF" ) &&
                !astChrMatch( cval, "MASK2" ) &&
                !astChrMatch( cval, "MASK3" ) ) {
               astMapGet0I( subkm, "ZERO_MASK", &zero_mask );
               cval = ( zero_mask > 0 ) ? "REF" : NULL;
            if( cval ) {
               strcpy( refparam, cval );
               astChrCase( NULL, refparam, 1, 0 );
               mask_types[ nmask++] = REFNDF;

         zero_snr = 0.0;
         astMapGet0D( subkm, "ZERO_SNR", &zero_snr );
         if( zero_snr > 0.0 ) {
            if( mtype == SMF__AST || !( flags & SMF__DIMM_FIRSTITER ) ) {
               mask_types[ nmask++] = SNR;
               isstatic = 0;
         } else if( zero_snr <  0.0 && *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRepf( " ", "Bad value for config parameter %s.ZERO_SNR (%g) - "
                     "it must not be negative.", status, modname, zero_snr );

         if( astMapHasKey( subkm, "ZERO_MASK_POINTER" ) ) {
            astMapGet0P( subkm, "ZERO_MASK_POINTER", (void **) &predef );
            if( predef ) mask_types[ nmask++] = PREDEFINED;

/* No need to create a mask if no masking was requested or possible. */
         if( nmask > 0 ) {

/* Decide if we are using the union or intersection of the masks. */
            astMapGet0I( subkm, "ZERO_UNION", &munion );

/* Note if a mask existed on entry. If not, create a mask now, and
   initialise it to hold the mask defined by the initial sky map. */
            if( *mask == NULL ) {
               have_mask = 0;
               if( dat->initqual ) {
                  *mask = astMalloc( dat->msize*sizeof( **mask ) );
                  if( *mask ) {
                     pm = *mask;
                     pq = dat->initqual;
                     for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++ ) {
                        *(pm++) = ( *(pq++) != 0 );
               } else{
                  *mask = astCalloc( dat->msize, sizeof( **mask ) );
            } else {
               have_mask = 1;

/* If we are combining more than one mask, we need work space to hold
   an individual mask independently of the total mask. If we are using
   only one mask, then just use the main mask array. */
            if( nmask > 1 ) {
               newmask = astMalloc( dat->msize*sizeof( *newmask ) );
            } else {
               newmask = *mask;

/* Get the number of iterations after which the mask is to be frozen.
   Zero means "never freeze the mask". */
            int zero_freeze = 0;
            astMapGet0I( subkm, "ZERO_FREEZE", &zero_freeze );

/* Loop round each type of mask to be used. */
            for( imask = 0; imask < nmask && *status == SAI__OK; imask++ ){

/* If the mask is now frozen, we just return the existing mask. So leave the
   loop. */
               if( zero_freeze != 0 && dat->iter > zero_freeze + skip ) {

/* Low hits masking... */
               } else if( mask_types[ imask ] == LOWHITS ) {

/* Set hits pixels with 0 hits to VAL__BADI so that stats1 ignores them */
                  ph = dat->hitsmap;
                  for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,ph++ ) {
                     if( *ph == 0 ) *ph = VAL__BADI;

/* Find the mean hits in the map */
                  smf_stats1I( dat->hitsmap, 1, dat->msize, NULL, 0, 0, &meanhits,
                               NULL, NULL, &ngood, status );
                  msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: mean hits = %lf, ngood "
                             "= %zd", status, meanhits, ngood );

/* Create the mask */
                  thresh = meanhits*zero_lowhits;
                  ph = dat->hitsmap;
                  pn = newmask;
                  for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,ph++ ) {
                     *(pn++) = ( *ph != VAL__BADI && *ph < thresh ) ? 1 : 0;

/* Report masking info. */
                  msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: masking %s "
                             "model at hits = %d.", status, modname, thresh );

/* Circle masking... */
               } else if( mask_types[ imask ] == CIRCLE ) {

/* If we had a mask on entry, then there is no need to create a new one
   since it will not have changed. But we need to recalculate the circle
   mask if are combining it with any non-static masks. */
                  if( ! have_mask || ! isstatic ) {

/* If only one parameter supplied it is radius, assume reference
   LON/LAT from the frameset to get the centre. If the SkyFrame
   represents offsets from the reference position (i.e. the source is
   moving), assume the circle is to be centred on the origin.  */
                     if( zero_c_n == 1 ) {
                        zero_circle[ 2 ] = zero_circle[ 0 ];

                        skyrefis = astGetC( dat->outfset, "SkyRefIs" );
                        if( skyrefis && !strcmp( skyrefis, "Origin" ) ) {
                           zero_circle[ 0 ] = 0.0;
                           zero_circle[ 1 ] = 0.0;
                        } else {
                           zero_circle[ 0 ] = astGetD( dat->outfset, "SkyRef(1)" );
                           zero_circle[ 1 ] = astGetD( dat->outfset, "SkyRef(2)" );

                        zero_circle[ 0 ] *= AST__DR2D;
                        zero_circle[ 1 ] *= AST__DR2D;

/* The supplied bounds are for pixel coordinates... we need bounds for grid
    coordinates which have an offset */
                     lbnd_grid[ 0 ] = 1;
                     lbnd_grid[ 1 ] = 1;
                     ubnd_grid[ 0 ] = dat->ubnd_out[ 0 ] - dat->lbnd_out[ 0 ] + 1;
                     ubnd_grid[ 1 ] = dat->ubnd_out[ 1 ] - dat->lbnd_out[ 1 ] + 1;

/* Coordinates & radius of the circular region converted from degrees
   to radians */
                     centre[ 0 ] = zero_circle[ 0 ]*AST__DD2R;
                     centre[ 1 ] = zero_circle[ 1 ]*AST__DD2R;
                     radius[ 0 ] = zero_circle[ 2 ]*AST__DD2R;

/* Create the Circle, defined in the current Frame of the FrameSet (i.e.
   the sky frame). */
                     circle = astCircle( astGetFrame( dat->outfset, AST__CURRENT), 1,
                                         centre, radius, NULL, " " );

/* Fill the mask with zeros. */
                     memset( newmask, 0, sizeof( *newmask )*dat->msize );

/* Get the mapping from the sky frame (current) to the grid frame (base),
   and then set the mask to 1 for all of the values outside this circle */
                     astMaskUB( circle, astGetMapping( dat->outfset, AST__CURRENT,
                                                       AST__BASE ),
                                0, 2, lbnd_grid, ubnd_grid, newmask, 1 );

/* Report masking info. */
                     if( zero_niter == 0 ) {
                        sprintf( words, "on each iteration" );
                     } else {
                        sprintf( words, "for %d iterations", zero_niter );

                     msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The %s model will"
                                " be masked %s using a circle of "
                                "radius %g arc-secs, centred at %s=%s, %s=%s.",
                                status, modname, words, radius[0]*AST__DR2D*3600,
                                astGetC( dat->outfset, "Symbol(1)" ),
                                astFormat( dat->outfset, 1, centre[ 0 ] ),
                                astGetC( dat->outfset, "Symbol(2)" ),
                                astFormat( dat->outfset, 2, centre[ 1 ] ) );

/* Reference NDF masking... */
               } else if( mask_types[ imask ] == REFNDF ) {

/* If we had a mask on entry, then there is no need to create a new one
   since it will not have changed. But we need to recalculate the NDF
   mask if are combining it with any non-static masks. */
                  if( ! have_mask || ! isstatic ) {

/* Begin an NDF context. */

/* Get an identifier for the NDF using the associated ADAM parameter. */
                     ndfAssoc( refparam, "READ", &indf1, status );

/* Get a section from this NDF that matches the bounds of the map. */
                     ndfSect( indf1, 2, dat->lbnd_out, dat->ubnd_out, &indf2,
                              status );

/* Map the section. */
                     ndfMap( indf2, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &ptr,
                             &nel, status );

/* Check we can use the pointer safely. */
                     if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

/* Find bad pixels in the NDF and set those pixels to 1 in the mask. */
                        pn = newmask;
                        for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++ ) {
                           *(pn++) = ( *(ptr++) == VAL__BADD ) ? 1 : 0;

/* Report masking info. */
                        ndfMsg( "N", indf2 );
                        msgSetc( "M", modname );
                        if( zero_niter == 0 ) {
                           msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The ^M "
                                      "model will be masked on each iteration "
                                      "using the bad pixels in NDF '^N'.",
                                      status );
                        } else {
                           msgSeti( "I", zero_niter );
                           msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The ^M "
                                      "model will be masked for ^I iterations "
                                      "using the bad pixels in NDF '^N'.",
                                      status );

/* End the NDF context. */
                     ndfEnd( status );

/* SNR masking... */
               } else if( mask_types[ imask ] == SNR ) {

/* Get the lower SNR limit. */
                  zero_snrlo = 0.0;
                  astMapGet0D( subkm, "ZERO_SNRLO", &zero_snrlo );
                  if( zero_snrlo <= 0.0 ) {
                     zero_snrlo = zero_snr;
                  } else if( zero_snrlo > zero_snr && *status == SAI__OK ) {
                     *status = SAI__ERROR;
                     errRepf( " ", "Bad value for config parameter "
                              "%s.ZERO_SNRLO (%g) - it must not be higher "
                              "than %s.ZERO_SNR (%g).", status, modname,
                              zero_snrlo, modname, zero_snr );

/* If the higher and lower SNR limits are equal, just do a simple
   threshold on the SNR values to get the mask. */
                  if( zero_snr == zero_snrlo ) {
                     pd = dat->map;
                     pv = dat->mapvar;
                     pn = newmask;
                     for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,pd++,pv++ ) {
                        *(pn++) = ( *pd != VAL__BADD && *pv != VAL__BADD &&
                                    *pv >= 0.0 && *pd < zero_snr*sqrt( *pv ) ) ? 1 : 0;

/* Report masking info. */
                     if( !have_mask ) {
                        if( zero_niter == 0 ) {
                           sprintf( words, "on each iteration" );
                        } else {
                           sprintf( words, "for %d iterations", zero_niter );
                        msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The %s model "
                                   "will be masked %s using an SNR limit of %g.",
                                   status, modname, words, zero_snr );

/* If the higher and lower SNR limits are different, create an initial
   mask by thresholding at the ZERO_SNR value, and then extend the source
   areas within the mask down to an SNR limit of ZERO_SNRLO. */
                  } else {
                     smf_snrmask( wf, dat->map, dat->mapvar, dat->mdims,
                                  zero_snr, zero_snrlo, newmask, status );

/* Report masking info. */
                     if( !have_mask ) {
                        if( zero_niter == 0 ) {
                           sprintf( words, "on each iteration" );
                        } else {
                           sprintf( words, "for %d iterations", zero_niter );
                        msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The %s model "
                                   "will be masked %s using an SNR limit of %g "
                                   "extended down to %g.", status, modname,
                                   words, zero_snr, zero_snrlo );

/* Predefined masking... */
               } else if( mask_types[ imask ] == PREDEFINED ) {

/* If we had a mask on entry, then there is no need to create a new one
   since it will not have changed. But we need to recalculate the
   mask if are combining it with any non-static masks. */
                  if( ! have_mask || ! isstatic ) {

/* Find bad pixels in the predefined array and set those pixels to 1 in
   the mask. */
                     pn = newmask;
                     for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++ ) {
                        *(pn++) = ( *(predef++) == VAL__BADD ) ? 1 : 0;

/* Report masking info. */
                     if( zero_niter == 0 ) {
                        sprintf( words, "on each iteration" );
                     } else {
                        sprintf( words, "for %d iterations", zero_niter );
                     msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, " ", "smf_get_mask: The %s model "
                                "will be masked %s using a smoothed form of "
                                "the final mask created with the previous map.",
                                status, modname, words );

/* If required, add the new mask into the returned mask. If this is the
   first mask, we just copy the new mask to form the returned mask.
   Otherwise, we combine it with the existing returned mask. */
               if( ! have_mask || ! isstatic ) {
                  if( nmask > 1 ) {
                     if( imask == 0 ) {
                        memcpy( *mask, newmask, dat->msize*sizeof(*newmask));
                     } else {
                        pm = *mask;
                        pn = newmask;
                        if( munion ) {
                           for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,pm++ ) {
                              if( *(pn++) == 0 ) *pm = 0;
                        } else {
                           for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,pm++ ) {
                              if( *(pn++) == 1 ) *pm = 1;

/* Free the individual mask work array if it was used. */
            if( nmask > 1 ) newmask = astFree( newmask );

/* Check that the mask has some source pixels (i.e. pixels that have non-bad data values -
   we do not also check variance values since they are not available until the second
   iteration). */
            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
               nsource = 0;
               pm = *mask;
               pd = dat->map;
               for( i = 0; i < dat->msize; i++,pd++,pv++,pm++ ) {
                  if( *pd != VAL__BADD && *pm == 0 ) nsource++;
               if( nsource < 5 && *status == SAI__OK ) {
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  errRepf( "", "The %s mask being used has fewer than 5 "
                           "source pixels.", status, modname );
                  if( zero_snr > 0.0 ) {
                     errRepf( "", "Maybe your zero_snr value (%g) is too high?",
                              status, zero_snr );

/* Return the mask pointer if all has gone well. */
            if( *status == SAI__OK ) result = *mask;

/* End the AST context, annulling all AST Objects created in the context. */

/* Return the pointer to the boolean mask. */
   return result;