static char *handle_cli_database_put(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int res; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database put"; e->usage = "Usage: database put <family> <key> <value>\n" " Adds or updates an entry in the Asterisk database for\n" " a given family, key, and value.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != 5) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_put(a->argv[2], a->argv[3], a->argv[4]); if (res) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Failed to update entry\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "Updated database successfully\n"); } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *handle_pjsip_list_ciphers(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { pj_ssl_cipher ciphers[100]; unsigned int cipher_num = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(ciphers); char *buf; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "pjsip list ciphers"; e->usage = "Usage: pjsip list ciphers\n" " List available OpenSSL cipher names.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (pj_ssl_cipher_get_availables(ciphers, &cipher_num) || !cipher_num) { buf = NULL; } else { cipher_to_str(&buf, ciphers, cipher_num); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(buf)) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Available ciphers: '%s'\n", buf); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "No available ciphers\n"); } ast_free(buf); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *handle_cli_database_del(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int res; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database del"; e->usage = "Usage: database del <family> <key>\n" " Deletes an entry in the Asterisk database for a given\n" " family and key.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != 4) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_del(a->argv[2], a->argv[3]); if (res) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database entry does not exist.\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database entry removed.\n"); } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *handle_cli_database_get(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int res; char tmp[MAX_DB_FIELD]; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database get"; e->usage = "Usage: database get <family> <key>\n" " Retrieves an entry in the Asterisk database for a given\n" " family and key.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != 4) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_get(a->argv[2], a->argv[3], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (res) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database entry not found.\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "Value: %s\n", tmp); } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static void cli_display_parking_global(int fd) { ast_cli(fd, "Parking General Options\n" "-----------------------\n"); ast_cli(fd, "Dynamic Parking : %s\n", parking_dynamic_lots_enabled() ? "yes" : "no"); ast_cli(fd, "\n"); }
static char *handle_cli_database_deltree(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int num_deleted; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database deltree"; e->usage = "Usage: database deltree <family> [keytree]\n" " OR: database deltree <family>[/keytree]\n" " Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family\n" " in the Asterisk database. The two arguments may be\n" " separated by either a space or a slash.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if ((a->argc < 3) || (a->argc > 4)) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; if (a->argc == 4) { num_deleted = ast_db_deltree(a->argv[2], a->argv[3]); } else { num_deleted = ast_db_deltree(a->argv[2], NULL); } if (num_deleted < 0) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database unavailable.\n"); } else if (num_deleted == 0) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database entries do not exist.\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "%d database entries removed.\n",num_deleted); } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static int handle_chanlist(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { #define FORMAT_STRING "%15s (%-10s %-12s %-4d) %7s %-12s %-15s\n" #define FORMAT_STRING2 "%15s (%-10s %-12s %-4s) %7s %-12s %-15s\n" #define CONCISE_FORMAT_STRING "%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d\n" struct ast_channel *c=NULL; int numchans = 0; int concise = 0; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; concise = (argc == 3 && (!strcasecmp(argv[2],"concise"))); c = ast_channel_walk_locked(NULL); if(!concise) ast_cli(fd, FORMAT_STRING2, "Channel", "Context", "Extension", "Pri", "State", "Appl.", "Data"); while(c) { if(concise) ast_cli(fd, CONCISE_FORMAT_STRING, c->name, c->context, c->exten, c->priority, ast_state2str(c->_state), c->appl ? c->appl : "(None)", c->data ? ( !ast_strlen_zero(c->data) ? c->data : "" ): "", (c->callerid && !ast_strlen_zero(c->callerid)) ? c->callerid : "", (c->accountcode && !ast_strlen_zero(c->accountcode)) ? c->accountcode : "",c->amaflags); else ast_cli(fd, FORMAT_STRING, c->name, c->context, c->exten, c->priority, ast_state2str(c->_state), c->appl ? c->appl : "(None)", c->data ? ( !ast_strlen_zero(c->data) ? c->data : "(Empty)" ): "(None)"); numchans++; ast_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); c = ast_channel_walk_locked(c); } if(!concise) ast_cli(fd, "%d active channel(s)\n", numchans); return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static char *aoc_cli_debug_enable(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "aoc set debug"; e->usage = "Usage: 'aoc set debug on' to enable aoc debug, 'aoc set debug off' to disable debug.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; case CLI_HANDLER: if (a->argc != 4) { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } else if(ast_true(a->argv[3])) { ast_cli(a->fd, "aoc debug enabled\n"); aoc_debug_enabled = 1; } else if (ast_false(a->argv[3])) { ast_cli(a->fd, "aoc debug disabled\n"); aoc_debug_enabled = 0; } else { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *handle_cli_database_showkey(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { char suffix[MAX_DB_FIELD]; int counter = 0; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database showkey"; e->usage = "Usage: database showkey <keytree>\n" " Shows Asterisk database contents, restricted to a given key.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc == 3) { /* Key only */ snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), "/%s", a->argv[2]); } else { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } if ((counter = process_db_keys(db_showkey_cb, a, suffix, 0)) < 0) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database unavailable\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; } ast_cli(a->fd, "%d results found.\n", counter); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static int handle_set_debug(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int val = 0; int oldval = 0; /* Has a hidden 'at least' argument */ if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if ((argc == 4) && strcasecmp(argv[2], "atleast")) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; oldval = option_debug; if (argc == 3) option_debug = atoi(argv[2]); else { val = atoi(argv[3]); if (val > option_debug) option_debug = val; } if (oldval != option_debug && option_debug > 0) ast_cli(fd, "Core debug was %d and is now %d\n", oldval, option_debug); else if (oldval > 0 && option_debug > 0) ast_cli(fd, "Core debug is at least %d\n", option_debug); else if (oldval > 0 && option_debug == 0) ast_cli(fd, "Core debug is now OFF\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static int handle_context_remove_ignorepat(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 5) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (strcmp(argv[3], "from")) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (ast_context_remove_ignorepat(argv[4], argv[2], registrar)) { switch (errno) { case EBUSY: ast_cli(fd, "Failed to lock context(s) list, please try again later\n"); break; case ENOENT: ast_cli(fd, "There is no existence of '%s' context\n", argv[4]); break; case EINVAL: ast_cli(fd, "There is no existence of '%s' ignore pattern in '%s' context\n", argv[2], argv[4]); break; default: ast_cli(fd, "Failed to remove ignore pattern '%s' from '%s' context\n", argv[2], argv[4]); break; } return RESULT_FAILURE; } ast_cli(fd, "Ignore pattern '%s' removed from '%s' context\n", argv[2], argv[4]); return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static void display_parked_call(struct parked_user *user, int fd) { ast_cli(fd, " Space : %d\n", user->parking_space); ast_cli(fd, " Channel : %s\n", ast_channel_name(user->chan)); ast_cli(fd, " Parker Dial String : %s\n", user->parker_dial_string); ast_cli(fd, "\n"); }
static char *handle_cli_database_deltree(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int res; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database deltree"; e->usage = "Usage: database deltree <family> [keytree]\n" " Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family\n" " in the Asterisk database.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if ((a->argc < 3) || (a->argc > 4)) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; if (a->argc == 4) { res = ast_db_deltree(a->argv[2], a->argv[3]); } else { res = ast_db_deltree(a->argv[2], NULL); } if (res < 0) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Database entries do not exist.\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "%d database entries removed.\n",res); } return CLI_SUCCESS; }
int init_dump(int fd, const char* fn, int in, int out, int fisu, int lssu, int msu) { FILE *fh; ast_mutex_lock(&dump_mutex); if((in && dump_in_fh != NULL) || (out && dump_out_fh != NULL)) { ast_cli(fd, "Dump already running, must be stopped (with 'ss7 stop dump') " "before new can be started.\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&dump_mutex); return -1; } fh = fopen(fn, "w"); if(fh == NULL) { ast_cli(fd, "Error opening file '%s': %s.\n", fn, strerror(errno)); ast_mutex_unlock(&dump_mutex); return -1; } if(in) { dump_in_fh = fh; } if(out) { dump_out_fh = fh; } dump_do_fisu = fisu; dump_do_lssu = lssu; dump_do_msu = msu; init_pcap_file(fh); ast_mutex_unlock(&dump_mutex); return 0; }
/* Commands */ static int h324m_do_debug(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int level; /* Check number of arguments */ if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; /* Get level */ level = atoi(argv[3]); /* Check it's correct */ if((level < 0) || (level > 9)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; /* Print result */ if(level) ast_cli(fd, "app_h324m Debugging enabled level: %d\n", level); else ast_cli(fd, "app_h324m Debugging disabled\n"); /* Set log level */ H324MLoggerSetLevel(level); /* Exit */ return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static char *cli_realtime_update(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int res = 0; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "realtime update"; e->usage = "Usage: realtime update <family> <colmatch> <valuematch> <colupdate> <newvalue>\n" " Update a single variable using the RealTime driver.\n" " You must supply a family name, a column to update on, a new value, column to match, and value to match.\n" " Ex: realtime update sipfriends name bobsphone port 4343\n" " will execute SQL as UPDATE sipfriends SET port = 4343 WHERE name = bobsphone\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc < 7) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_update_realtime(a->argv[2], a->argv[3], a->argv[4], a->argv[5], a->argv[6], SENTINEL); if (res < 0) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Failed to update. Check the debug log for possible SQL related entries.\n"); return CLI_FAILURE; } ast_cli(a->fd, "Updated %d RealTime record%s.\n", res, ESS(res)); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *__say_cli_init(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { const char *old_mode = say_api_buf[0] ? say_new : say_old; const char *mode; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "say load [new|old]"; e->usage = "Usage: say load [new|old]\n" " say load\n" " Report status of current say mode\n" " say load new\n" " Set say method, configured in say.conf\n" " say load old\n" " Set old say method, coded in asterisk core\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc == 2) { ast_cli(a->fd, "say mode is [%s]\n", old_mode); return CLI_SUCCESS; } else if (a->argc != e->args) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; mode = a->argv[2]; if (!strcmp(mode, old_mode)) ast_cli(a->fd, "say mode is %s already\n", mode); else if (say_init_mode(mode) == 0) ast_cli(a->fd, "setting say mode from %s to %s\n", old_mode, mode); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *ais_clm_show_members(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int i; SaClmClusterNotificationBufferT buf; SaClmClusterNotificationT notif[64]; SaAisErrorT ais_res; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "ais show clm members"; e->usage = "Usage: ais show clm members\n" " List members of the cluster using the CLM (Cluster Membership) service.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; /* no completion */ } if (a->argc != e->args) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; buf.notification = notif; buf.numberOfItems = ARRAY_LEN(notif); ais_res = saClmClusterTrack(clm_handle, SA_TRACK_CURRENT, &buf); if (ais_res != SA_AIS_OK) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Error retrieving current cluster members.\n"); return CLI_FAILURE; } ast_cli(a->fd, "\n" "=============================================================\n" "=== Cluster Members =========================================\n" "=============================================================\n" "===\n"); for (i = 0; i < buf.numberOfItems; i++) { SaClmClusterNodeT *node = &buf.notification[i].clusterNode; ast_cli(a->fd, "=== ---------------------------------------------------------\n" "=== Node Name: %s\n" "=== ==> ID: 0x%x\n" "=== ==> Address: %s\n" "=== ==> Member: %s\n", (char *) node->nodeName.value, (int) node->nodeId, (char *) node->nodeAddress.value, node->member ? "Yes" : "No"); ast_cli(a->fd, "=== ---------------------------------------------------------\n" "===\n"); } ast_cli(a->fd, "=============================================================\n" "\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static char *handle_cli_database_showkey(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { char suffix[256]; DBT key, data; char *keys, *values; int res; int pass; int counter = 0; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "database showkey"; e->usage = "Usage: database showkey <keytree>\n" " Shows Asterisk database contents, restricted to a given key.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc == 3) { /* Key only */ snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), "/%s", a->argv[2]); } else { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } ast_mutex_lock(&dblock); if (dbinit()) { ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock); ast_cli(a->fd, "Database unavailable\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; } memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); pass = 0; while (!(res = astdb->seq(astdb, &key, &data, pass++ ? R_NEXT : R_FIRST))) { if (key.size) { keys =; keys[key.size - 1] = '\0'; } else { keys = "<bad key>"; } if (data.size) { values =; values[data.size - 1]='\0'; } else { values = "<bad value>"; } if (subkeymatch(keys, suffix)) { ast_cli(a->fd, "%-50s: %-25s\n", keys, values); counter++; } } ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock); ast_cli(a->fd, "%d results found.\n", counter); return CLI_SUCCESS; }
int pbxcli_capi_ifc_status(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { diva_entity_link_t* link; #ifdef CC_AST_HAS_VERSION_1_6 int fd = a->fd; if (cmd == CLI_INIT) { e->command = CC_MESSAGE_NAME " ifcstate"; e->usage = diva_status_ifc_state_usage; return NULL; } else if (cmd == CLI_GENERATE) return NULL; if (a->argc != e->args) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; #else if (argc != 2) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; #endif if ( diva_q_get_head(&controller_q) == NULL) { ast_cli(fd, "There are no interraces in " CC_MESSAGE_NAME " instance.\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } ast_cli(fd, CC_MESSAGE_NAME " interfaces\n"); ast_cli(fd, "%s %-9s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-7s%-5s%8s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", "INTERFACE", "State", "L1", "L2", "RED", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "D-Rx-Frames", "D-Rx-Bytes","D-Tx-Frames", "D-Tx-Bytes", "D-Errors"); for (link = diva_q_get_head(&controller_q); link != 0; link = diva_q_get_next(link)) { diva_status_ifc_t *controllerState = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(link, diva_status_ifc_t, link); diva_status_ifc_state_t* state = &controllerState->state[controllerState->currentState]; ast_cli(fd, "ISDN%-3d%-2s %-9s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-7s%-3s %12d %11d %11d %11d %11d\n", controllerState->capiController, "", pbxcli_get_visual_ifc_state(state), pbxcli_get_visual_ifc_l1_state(state), pbxcli_get_visual_ifc_l2_state(state), ((state->ifcType == DivaStatusIfcPri) && (state->hwState == DivaStatusHardwareStateOK)) ? (state->ifcAlarms.Red != 0 ? "On" : "Off") : "-", ((state->ifcType == DivaStatusIfcPri) && (state->hwState == DivaStatusHardwareStateOK)) ? (state->ifcAlarms.Yellow != 0 ? "On" : "Off") : "-", ((state->ifcType == DivaStatusIfcPri) && (state->hwState == DivaStatusHardwareStateOK)) ? (state->ifcAlarms.Blue != 0 ? "On" : "Off") : "-", state->ifcRxDStatistics.Frames, state->ifcRxDStatistics.Bytes, state->ifcTxDStatistics.Frames, state->ifcTxDStatistics.Bytes, state->ifcRxDStatistics.Errors + state->ifcTxDStatistics.Errors ); } #ifdef CC_AST_HAS_VERSION_1_6 return CLI_SUCCESS; #else return RESULT_SUCCESS; #endif }
static int cli_callback(void *pArg, int argc, char **argv, char **columnNames){ int fd=0; int x=0; switch_config *config = pArg; if (config) { fd = config->fd; } else return -1; if (vh == 'v') { ast_cli(fd,"\n"); for(x=0;x<argc;x++) ast_cli(fd,"%s=%s\n",columnNames[x],argv[x]); ast_cli(fd,"\n"); } else { if (!config->seeheads) { ast_cli(fd,"|"); for(x=0;x<argc;x++) ast_cli(fd,"%s|",columnNames[x]); config->seeheads = 1; ast_cli(fd,"\n"); } ast_cli(fd,"|"); for(x=0;x<argc;x++) ast_cli(fd,"%s|",argv[x]); ast_cli(fd,"\n"); } return 0; }
static char *handle_cli_status(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { unsigned int i; struct ast_event_sub *sub; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "cel show status"; e->usage = "Usage: cel show status\n" " Displays the Channel Event Logging system status.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; case CLI_HANDLER: break; } if (a->argc > 3) { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } ast_cli(a->fd, "CEL Logging: %s\n", cel_enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); if (!cel_enabled) { return CLI_SUCCESS; } for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(eventset) * 8); i++) { const char *name; if (!(eventset & ((int64_t) 1 << i))) { continue; } name = ast_cel_get_type_name(i); if (strcasecmp(name, "Unknown")) { ast_cli(a->fd, "CEL Tracking Event: %s\n", name); } } ao2_callback(appset, OBJ_NODATA, print_app, a); if (!(sub = ast_event_subscribe_new(AST_EVENT_SUB, print_cel_sub, a))) { return CLI_FAILURE; } ast_event_sub_append_ie_uint(sub, AST_EVENT_IE_EVENTTYPE, AST_EVENT_CEL); ast_event_report_subs(sub); ast_event_sub_destroy(sub); sub = NULL; return CLI_SUCCESS; }
static int display_results(void *arg, int columns, char **values, char **colnames) { struct ast_cli_args *a = arg; size_t x; for (x = 0; x < columns; x++) { ast_cli(a->fd, "%-5s: %-50s\n", colnames[x], values[x]); } ast_cli(a->fd, "\n"); return 0; }
static char *handle_cli_realtime_pgsql_status(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { char status[256], credentials[100] = ""; int ctime = time(NULL) - connect_time; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "realtime pgsql status"; e->usage = "Usage: realtime pgsql status\n" " Shows connection information for the PostgreSQL RealTime driver\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != 3) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; if (pgsqlConn && PQstatus(pgsqlConn) == CONNECTION_OK) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(dbhost)) snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "Connected to %s@%s, port %d", dbname, dbhost, dbport); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(dbsock)) snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "Connected to %s on socket file %s", dbname, dbsock); else snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "Connected to %s@%s", dbname, dbhost); if (!ast_strlen_zero(dbuser)) snprintf(credentials, sizeof(credentials), " with username %s", dbuser); if (ctime > 31536000) ast_cli(a->fd, "%s%s for %d years, %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds.\n", status, credentials, ctime / 31536000, (ctime % 31536000) / 86400, (ctime % 86400) / 3600, (ctime % 3600) / 60, ctime % 60); else if (ctime > 86400) ast_cli(a->fd, "%s%s for %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds.\n", status, credentials, ctime / 86400, (ctime % 86400) / 3600, (ctime % 3600) / 60, ctime % 60); else if (ctime > 3600) ast_cli(a->fd, "%s%s for %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds.\n", status, credentials, ctime / 3600, (ctime % 3600) / 60, ctime % 60); else if (ctime > 60) ast_cli(a->fd, "%s%s for %d minutes, %d seconds.\n", status, credentials, ctime / 60, ctime % 60); else ast_cli(a->fd, "%s%s for %d seconds.\n", status, credentials, ctime); return CLI_SUCCESS; } else { return CLI_FAILURE; } }
static int database_put(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int res; if (argc != 5) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_put(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); if (res) { ast_cli(fd, "Failed to update entry\n"); } else { ast_cli(fd, "Updated database successfully\n"); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static int database_del(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int res; if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_del(argv[2], argv[3]); if (res) { ast_cli(fd, "Database entry does not exist.\n"); } else { ast_cli(fd, "Database entry removed.\n"); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static void cli_display_parking_lot_list(int fd) { struct ao2_container *lot_container; lot_container = get_parking_lot_container(); if (!lot_container) { ast_cli(fd, "Failed to obtain parking lot list.\n\n"); return; } ao2_callback(lot_container, OBJ_MULTIPLE | OBJ_NODATA, display_parking_lot_cb, &fd); ast_cli(fd, "\n"); }
static int database_get(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int res; char tmp[256]; if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; res = ast_db_get(argv[2], argv[3], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (res) { ast_cli(fd, "Database entry not found.\n"); } else { ast_cli(fd, "Value: %s\n", tmp); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static int database_show(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { char prefix[256]; DBT key, data; char *keys, *values; int res; int pass; if (argc == 4) { /* Family and key tree */ snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "/%s/%s", argv[2], argv[3]); } else if (argc == 3) { /* Family only */ snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "/%s", argv[2]); } else if (argc == 2) { /* Neither */ prefix[0] = '\0'; } else { return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; } ast_mutex_lock(&dblock); if (dbinit()) { ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock); ast_cli(fd, "Database unavailable\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); pass = 0; while (!(res = astdb->seq(astdb, &key, &data, pass++ ? R_NEXT : R_FIRST))) { if (key.size) { keys =; keys[key.size - 1] = '\0'; } else { keys = "<bad key>"; } if (data.size) { values =; values[data.size - 1]='\0'; } else { values = "<bad value>"; } if (keymatch(keys, prefix)) { ast_cli(fd, "%-50s: %-25s\n", keys, values); } } ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock); return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
static int show_image_formats(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { #define FORMAT "%10s %10s %50s %10s\n" #define FORMAT2 "%10s %10s %50s %10s\n" struct ast_imager *i; if (argc != 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; ast_cli(fd, FORMAT, "Name", "Extensions", "Description", "Format"); i = list; while(i) { ast_cli(fd, FORMAT2, i->name, i->exts, i->desc, ast_getformatname(i->format)); i = i->next; }; return RESULT_SUCCESS; }