Exemplo n.º 1
void QgsLayoutItemScaleBar::resizeToMinimumWidth()
  if ( !mStyle )

  double widthMM = mStyle->calculateBoxSize( mSettings, createScaleContext() ).width();
  QgsLayoutSize currentSize = sizeWithUnits();
  currentSize.setWidth( mLayout->renderContext().measurementConverter().convert( QgsLayoutMeasurement( widthMM, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutMillimeters ), currentSize.units() ).length() );
  attemptResize( currentSize );
  emit changed();
Exemplo n.º 2
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::adjustBoxSize()
  if ( !mSizeToContents )

  if ( !mInitialMapScaleCalculated )
    // this is messy - but until we have painted the item we have no knowledge of the current DPI
    // and so cannot correctly calculate the map scale. This results in incorrect size calculations
    // for marker symbols with size in map units, causing the legends to initially expand to huge
    // sizes if we attempt to calculate the box size first.

  QgsLegendRenderer legendRenderer( mLegendModel.get(), mSettings );
  QSizeF size = legendRenderer.minimumSize();
  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "width = %1 height = %2" ).arg( size.width() ).arg( size.height() ) );
  if ( size.isValid() )
    QgsLayoutSize newSize = mLayout->convertFromLayoutUnits( size, sizeWithUnits().units() );
    //set new rect, respecting position mode and data defined size/position
    attemptResize( newSize );
Exemplo n.º 3
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget )
  if ( !painter )

  if ( mFilterAskedForUpdate )
    mFilterAskedForUpdate = false;

  int dpi = painter->device()->logicalDpiX();
  double dotsPerMM = dpi / 25.4;

  if ( mLayout )
    mSettings.setUseAdvancedEffects( mLayout->renderContext().flags() & QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagUseAdvancedEffects );
    mSettings.setDpi( dpi );
  if ( mMap && mLayout )
    mSettings.setMmPerMapUnit( mLayout->convertFromLayoutUnits( mMap->mapUnitsToLayoutUnits(), QgsUnitTypes::LayoutMillimeters ).length() );

    // use a temporary QgsMapSettings to find out real map scale
    QSizeF mapSizePixels = QSizeF( mMap->rect().width() * dotsPerMM, mMap->rect().height() * dotsPerMM );
    QgsRectangle mapExtent = mMap->extent();

    QgsMapSettings ms = mMap->mapSettings( mapExtent, mapSizePixels, dpi, false );
    mSettings.setMapScale( ms.scale() );
  mInitialMapScaleCalculated = true;

  QgsLegendRenderer legendRenderer( mLegendModel.get(), mSettings );
  legendRenderer.setLegendSize( mForceResize && mSizeToContents ? QSize() : rect().size() );

  //adjust box if width or height is too small
  if ( mSizeToContents )
    QSizeF size = legendRenderer.minimumSize();
    if ( mForceResize )
      mForceResize = false;

      //set new rect, respecting position mode and data defined size/position
      QgsLayoutSize newSize = mLayout->convertFromLayoutUnits( size, sizeWithUnits().units() );
      attemptResize( newSize );
    else if ( size.height() > rect().height() || size.width() > rect().width() )
      //need to resize box
      QSizeF targetSize = rect().size();
      if ( size.height() > targetSize.height() )
        targetSize.setHeight( size.height() );
      if ( size.width() > targetSize.width() )
        targetSize.setWidth( size.width() );

      QgsLayoutSize newSize = mLayout->convertFromLayoutUnits( targetSize, sizeWithUnits().units() );
      //set new rect, respecting position mode and data defined size/position
      attemptResize( newSize );
  QgsLayoutItem::paint( painter, itemStyle, pWidget );