Exemplo n.º 1
static void start_pulse(const device_config *device)
	ttl74123_t *chip = get_safe_token(device);

	attotime duration = compute_duration(chip);

	if (timer_running(chip))
		/* retriggering, but not if we are called to quickly */
		attotime delay_time = attotime_make(0, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND * chip->intf->cap * 220);

		if (attotime_compare(timer_timeelapsed(chip->timer), delay_time) >= 0)
			timer_adjust_oneshot(chip->timer, duration, 0);

			if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Retriggering pulse.  Duration: %f\n", device->tag, attotime_to_double(duration));
			if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Retriggering failed.\n", device->tag);
		/* starting */
		timer_adjust_oneshot(chip->timer, duration, 0);


		if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Starting pulse.  Duration: %f\n", device->tag, attotime_to_double(duration));
Exemplo n.º 2
void osd_update(running_machine *machine, int skip_redraw){


	const render_primitive_list *primlist;
	int minwidth, minheight;

	// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
	render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// make that the size of our target
		render_target_set_bounds(our_target, minwidth, minheight, 0);

	// get the list of primitives for the target at the current size
		primlist = render_target_get_primitives(our_target);

	// lock them, and then render them
	// do the drawing here

	// after 5 seconds, exit
	if (attotime_compare(timer_get_time(machine), attotime_make(5, 0)) > 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
void ttl74123_device::start_pulse()
	attotime duration = compute_duration();

		/* retriggering, but not if we are called to quickly */
		attotime delay_time = attotime_make(0, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND * m_config.m_cap * 220);

		if(attotime_compare(timer_timeelapsed(m_timer), delay_time) >= 0)
			timer_adjust_oneshot(m_timer, duration, 0);

			if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Retriggering pulse.  Duration: %f\n", tag(), attotime_to_double(duration));
			if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Retriggering failed.\n", tag());
		/* starting */
		timer_adjust_oneshot(m_timer, duration, 0);


		if (LOG) logerror("74123 %s:  Starting pulse.  Duration: %f\n", tag(), attotime_to_double(duration));
Exemplo n.º 4

    device start callback

static DEVICE_START( namco_52xx )
	namco_52xx_interface *intf = (namco_52xx_interface *)device->baseconfig().static_config;
	namco_52xx_state *state = get_safe_token(device);
	astring tempstring;

	/* find our CPU */
	state->cpu = device->subdevice("mcu");
	assert(state->cpu != NULL);

	/* find the attached discrete sound device */
	assert(intf->discrete != NULL);
	state->discrete = devtag_get_device(device->machine, intf->discrete);
	assert(state->discrete != NULL);
	state->basenode = intf->firstnode;

	/* resolve our read/write callbacks */
	devcb_resolve_read8(&state->romread, &intf->romread, device);
	devcb_resolve_read8(&state->si, &intf->si, device);

	/* start the external clock */
	if (intf->extclock != 0)
		timer_pulse(device->machine, attotime_make(0, intf->extclock), (void *)device, 0, external_clock_pulse);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void start_pulse(TTL74123_state *chip)
	attotime duration = compute_duration(chip);

	if (timer_running(chip))
		/* retriggering, but not if we are called to quickly */
		attotime delay_time = attotime_make(0, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND * chip->intf->cap * 220);

		if (attotime_compare(timer_timeelapsed(chip->timer), delay_time) >= 0)
			timer_adjust(chip->timer, duration, 0, attotime_never);

			if (LOG) logerror("74123 #%d:  Retriggering pulse.  Duration: %f\n", chip->which, attotime_to_double(duration));
			if (LOG) logerror("74123 #%d:  Retriggering failed.\n", chip->which);
		/* starting */
		timer_adjust(chip->timer, duration, 0, attotime_never);


		if (LOG) logerror("74123 #%d:  Starting pulse.  Duration: %f\n", chip->which, attotime_to_double(duration));
Exemplo n.º 6
attotime attotime_mul(attotime _time1, UINT32 factor)
	UINT32 attolo, attohi, reslo, reshi;
	UINT64 temp;

	/* if one of the items is attotime_never, return attotime_never */
	if (_time1.seconds >= ATTOTIME_MAX_SECONDS)
		return attotime_never;

	/* 0 times anything is zero */
	if (factor == 0)
		return attotime_zero;

	/* split attoseconds into upper and lower halves which fit into 32 bits */
	attohi = divu_64x32_rem(_time1.attoseconds, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND_SQRT, &attolo);

	/* scale the lower half, then split into high/low parts */
	temp = mulu_32x32(attolo, factor);
	temp = divu_64x32_rem(temp, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND_SQRT, &reslo);

	/* scale the upper half, then split into high/low parts */
	temp += mulu_32x32(attohi, factor);
	temp = divu_64x32_rem(temp, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND_SQRT, &reshi);

	/* scale the seconds */
	temp += mulu_32x32(_time1.seconds, factor);
		return attotime_never;

	/* build the result */
	return attotime_make(temp, (attoseconds_t)reslo + mul_32x32(reshi, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND_SQRT));
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Called via stream_update(stream).
 * This can be triggered by the core (based on emulated time) or via speaker_level_w().
static STREAM_UPDATE( speaker_sound_update )
	speaker_state *sp = (speaker_state *) param;
	stream_sample_t *buffer = outputs[0];
	int volume = sp->levels[sp->level];
	double filtered_volume;
	attotime sampled_time = attotime_zero;

	if (samples > 0)
		/* Prepare to update time state */
		sampled_time = attotime_make(0, sp->channel_sample_period);
		if (samples > 1)
			sampled_time = attotime_mul(sampled_time, samples);

		/* Note: since the stream is in the process of being updated,
         * stream_get_time() will return the time before the update! (MAME 0.130)
         * Avoid using it here in order to avoid a subtle dependence on the stream implementation.

	if (samples-- > 0)
		/* Note that first interm. sample may be composed... */
		filtered_volume = update_interm_samples_get_filtered_volume(sp, volume);

		/* Composite volume is now quantized to the stream resolution */
		*buffer++ = (stream_sample_t)filtered_volume;

		/* Any additional samples will be homogeneous, however may need filtering across samples: */
		while (samples-- > 0)
			filtered_volume = update_interm_samples_get_filtered_volume(sp, volume);
			*buffer++ = (stream_sample_t)filtered_volume;

		/* Update the time state */
		sp->channel_last_sample_time = attotime_add(sp->channel_last_sample_time, sampled_time);
		sp->channel_next_sample_time = attotime_add_attoseconds(sp->channel_last_sample_time, sp->channel_sample_period);
		sp->next_interm_sample_time = attotime_add_attoseconds(sp->channel_last_sample_time, sp->interm_sample_period);
		sp->last_update_time = sp->channel_last_sample_time;

} /* speaker_sound_update */
Exemplo n.º 8
INLINE void count_states(int states)
	attotime state_time = attotime_make(0, attotime_to_attoseconds(MICRO_STATE_CLOCK_PERIOD) * states);

	if (!micro.timer)
		timer_adjust_oneshot(micro.timer, attotime_never, 0);
		micro.timer_active = 1;
		micro.endtime = state_time;
	else if (attotime_compare(timer_timeelapsed(micro.timer), micro.endtime) > 0)
		timer_adjust_oneshot(micro.timer, attotime_never, 0);
		micro.timer_active = 1;
		micro.endtime = state_time;
		micro.endtime = attotime_add(micro.endtime, state_time);
Exemplo n.º 9
void mini_osd_interface::update(bool skip_redraw)
	// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
	int minwidth, minheight;
	our_target->compute_minimum_size(minwidth, minheight);

	// make that the size of our target
	our_target->set_bounds(minwidth, minheight);

	// get the list of primitives for the target at the current size
	render_primitive_list &primlist = our_target->get_primitives();

	// lock them, and then render them

	// do the drawing here

	// after 5 seconds, exit
	if (attotime_compare(timer_get_time(&machine()), attotime_make(5, 0)) > 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
static TIMER_CALLBACK( schaser_effect_555_cb )
    mw8080bw_state *state = machine->driver_data<mw8080bw_state>();
    int effect = param;
    attotime new_time;
    /* Toggle 555 output */
    state->schaser_effect_555_is_low = !state->schaser_effect_555_is_low;
    state->schaser_effect_555_time_remain = attotime_zero;
    state->schaser_effect_555_time_remain_savable = attotime_to_double(state->schaser_effect_555_time_remain);

    if (state->schaser_effect_555_is_low)
        new_time = attotime_div(PERIOD_OF_555_ASTABLE(0, RES_K(20), CAP_U(1)), 2);
        if (effect)
            new_time = attotime_make(0, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SECOND * .8873 * schaser_effect_rc[effect]);
            new_time = attotime_never;
    timer_adjust_oneshot(state->schaser_effect_555_timer, new_time, effect);
    sn76477_enable_w(state->sn, !(state->schaser_effect_555_is_low || state->schaser_explosion));
    sn76477_one_shot_cap_voltage_w(state->sn, !(state->schaser_effect_555_is_low || state->schaser_explosion) ? 0 : SN76477_EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_DISCONNECT);