Exemplo n.º 1
void PollingWorker::PollRS232()
    char * readBuf;
    char * rawByte;
    char * unCompressed; 
    Header * headerBuffer;
    Item * sender;
    long numBytesToGet;
    char receiveID;
    DWORD dwCommEvent, dwBytesTransferred;
    Msg * newMsg;
    isFinish = 0;
        // set up the mask, EV_RXCHAR is the event when we receive a character
        if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
            emit error(QString("Error setting communications mask."), (int)GetLastError());

        // wait for a character to come in
        if (!WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL))
            emit error(QString("Error waiting for a character."), (int)GetLastError());

        // we have a character, read the header to see if its good
                // set up the header buffer
                if(!(headerBuffer = (Header *)malloc(sizeof(struct Header))))
                        emit error(QString("Error malloccing headerBuffer."), (int)GetLastError());

                // get the header
                if(!ReadFile(hComm, (BYTE *)headerBuffer, HEADERSIZE, &dwBytesTransferred, 0))
                    emit error(QString("Error getting the header buffer."), (int)GetLastError());

                if(headerBuffer->lSignature == 0xDEADBEEF)
                    // get the data length from the header
                    numBytesToGet = headerBuffer->lDataLength;

                    readBuf = (char*)calloc(numBytesToGet,sizeof(char));
                    if (readBuf == NULL)
                        emit error(QString("Error mallocing readBuf."), (int)GetLastError());

                    // get the message
                    if(!ReadFile(hComm, readBuf, numBytesToGet, &dwBytesTransferred, 0))
                         emit error(QString("Error getting the message."), (int)GetLastError());
                    emit error(QString("Bytes gotten"), (int)(dwBytesTransferred));

                    unCompressed = readBuf;

                    // calculate the checksum and compare
                    if(headerBuffer->sChecksum != CalculateChecksum(readBuf, headerBuffer->lDataLength))
                        emit transmitError();
                        //emit error (QString ("Checksum reports errors"),0);

                    if (headerBuffer->bVersion == 0xFF)
                        if(!(unCompressed = (char *)calloc(headerBuffer->lDataUncompressed,sizeof(char))))
                                emit error(QString("Error malloccing unCompressed."), (int)GetLastError());
                        Huffman_Uncompress((unsigned char*)readBuf, (unsigned char*)unCompressed, headerBuffer->lDataLength, headerBuffer->lDataUncompressed);
                        // For testing purposes.
                        emit error (QString("We have a Huffman buffer."),0);
                    }else if (headerBuffer->bVersion == 0xF0)
                        if(!(unCompressed = (char *)calloc(headerBuffer->lDataUncompressed,sizeof(char))))
                                emit error(QString("Error malloccing unCompressed."), (int)GetLastError());
                        unCompressed = RunLengthDecode(readBuf, headerBuffer->lDataLength);
                        // For testing purposes.
                        emit error (QString("We have an RLE buffer."),0);
                    }else if (headerBuffer->bVersion == 0x0F)
                        if(!(unCompressed = (char *)calloc(headerBuffer->lDataUncompressed,sizeof(char))))
                                emit error(QString("Error malloccing unCompressed."), (int)GetLastError());
                        unCompressed = (char*)DifferentialExpand(readBuf, headerBuffer->lDataLength);
                        // For testing purposes.
                        emit error (QString("We have a Differential buffer."),0);
                        emit error (QString("We have an uncompressed buffer."),0);

                    receiveID = GetReceiverId(headerBuffer->lReceiverAddr);

                    if (headerBuffer->bDataType == 0)
                    { // If the data is text.
                        // create a new message structure and put it on the queue
                        // not all the header options we need are available - ask Jack!
                        if(!(newMsg = (Msg *)malloc(sizeof(struct message))))
                            emit error(QString("Error malloccing newMsg."), (int)GetLastError());

                        strcpy(newMsg->txt, unCompressed);
                        newMsg->senderID = headerBuffer->bSenderAddr;
                        newMsg->receiverID = (short)receiveID;
                        newMsg->msgNum = rand() % 100;
                        newMsg->priority = headerBuffer->bPriority;

                        // Check if the senderID has already been created. If not, create one.
                        if ((sender = BSTSearch(root, headerBuffer->bSenderAddr))== NULL)
                            Item * newItem = (Item*)(malloc (sizeof(Item)));
                            int * count = (int*)(malloc (sizeof(int)));
                            *count = 1;
                            newItem->key = headerBuffer->bSenderAddr;
                            newItem->data = count;
                            root = BSTInsert(root,newItem);
                        else // If it has been created, increment
                            *((int*)sender->data) = *((int*)sender->data) + 1;

                        emit labelEdit(QString("Number of Messages: %1").arg(numberOfMessages));
                        // we have audio, emit the data, the length of the data, and the sample rate
                        emit audioReceived(headerBuffer->lDataUncompressed,
                // in raw mode, just grab chunks of bytes as they come
                    if(!(rawByte = (char *)calloc(1, sizeof(char))))
                        emit error(QString("Error malloccing rawByte."), (int)GetLastError());

                    if(!ReadFile(hComm, rawByte, 1, &dwBytesTransferred, 0))
                        emit error(QString("Error getting the raw data."), (int)GetLastError());

                    if(dwBytesTransferred != 0)
                        emit messageEdit(*rawByte);

                }while(dwBytesTransferred != 0);
    emit finished();
Exemplo n.º 2
void ofxEasyFft::audioReceived(ofAudioEventArgs & args){
    audioReceived(args.buffer, args.bufferSize, args.nChannels);