Exemplo n.º 1
void otapi_alpext_proc(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id) {
/// The function app_invoke() will cause the kernel to call ext_systask() as
/// soon as resources are available.

    // Start the task only if: Caller is ROOT, ALP Call is Protocol-255, Task is idle
    if (    auth_isroot(user_id)    \
        &&  (alp->inrec.id == 0xFF) \
        &&  (APP_TASK.event == 0)   )   {
        app_invoke(alp->inrec.cmd);     // Initialize Ping Task on supplied channel
        alp_load_retval(alp, 1);        // Write back 1 (success)
Exemplo n.º 2
OT_WEAK ot_bool alp_proc_logger(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id) {
/// Logger ALP is like ECHO.  The input is copied to the output.
    // Only root can log directly (this is an important security firewall)
    if (auth_isroot(user_id)) {
        alp->OUTREC(FLAGS)  = *alp->inq->getcursor++;
        alp->OUTREC(PLEN)   = *alp->inq->getcursor++;
        alp->inq->getcursor+= 2;
        if (alp->inq != alp->outq) {
            q_writestring(alp->outq, alp->inq->getcursor, alp->OUTREC(PLEN));
    return True;
Exemplo n.º 3
ot_bool alp_proc_logger(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id) {
/// Logger ALP is like ECHO.  The input is copied to the output.
    // Only root can log directly (this is an important security firewall)
    if (auth_isroot(user_id) == False)
        return False;
    alp->outrec.flags   = alp->inrec.flags;
    alp->outrec.plength = alp->inrec.plength;
    if (alp->inq != alp->outq) {
        q_writestring(alp->outq, alp->inq->getcursor, alp->inrec.plength);
    return True;
Exemplo n.º 4
ot_bool sub_proc_api_irregular(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id, otapi_icmd* cmd, ot_u8 cmd_limit) {
    ot_u16  retval;
    ot_u8   rec_cmd     = alp->inq->getcursor[3];   // record command
    ot_u8   respond     = (rec_cmd & 0x80);
    ot_u8   lookup_cmd  = (rec_cmd & ~0x80) - 1;
    alp->inq->getcursor += 4;
    /// Do boundary check, and make sure caller is root
    if ( (lookup_cmd >= cmd_limit) || (auth_isroot(user_id) == False) )
        return False;
    /// Lookup and process the irregular command, supplying it from input queue
    retval = cmd[lookup_cmd](alp->inq);
    /// Write back the twobye retval integer when response is enabled
    return alp_load_retval(alp, retval);
Exemplo n.º 5
OT_WEAK ot_bool alp_proc_api_query(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id ) {
/// The M2QP API calls follow the rules that future extensions to the API shall
/// abide, apart from special cases which *must* be cleared by the developer
/// community prior to becoming official.
/// The form is: ot_u16 otapi_function(ot_u8*, void*)
    static const ot_u8 argmap[OTAPI_M2QP_FUNCTIONS] = \
        { 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 0, 0 };

    //sub_bdtmpl  get_tmpl;
    ot_u8   dt_buf[24];   // 24 bytes is a safe amount, although less might suffice
    ot_u16  txq_len;
    ot_u8   status          = alp->inq->getcursor[3];    // record cmd
    ot_u8   lookup_cmd      = (status & ~0x80) - 1;
    ot_bool respond         = (ot_bool)(status & 0x80);
    alp->inq->getcursor    += 4;
    if ((lookup_cmd < OTAPI_M2QP_FUNCTIONS) && auth_isroot(user_id)) {
        /// Load template from ALP dir cmd into C datatype
        bdtmpl_cmd[argmap[lookup_cmd]](alp->inq, (void*)dt_buf);
        /// Run ALP command, using input template
        txq_len = m2qp_cmd[lookup_cmd](&status, (void*)dt_buf);
        /// Response to ALP query command includes three bytes:
        /// byte 1 - status (0 is error)
        /// bytes 2 & 3 - 16 bit integer, length of TXQ
        if (respond) {
            //alp->outrec.flags   &= ~ALP_FLAG_CF;
            //alp->outrec.cmd     |= 0x40;
            //alp->outrec.plength  = 3;
            alp->OUTREC(FLAGS)   &= ~ALP_FLAG_CF;
            alp->OUTREC(PLEN)     = 3;
            alp->OUTREC(CMD)     |= 0x40;
            q_writebyte(alp->outq, status);
            q_writeshort(alp->outq, txq_len);
    return True;
Exemplo n.º 6
/** ALP Processor Callback for Starting a Ping <BR>
  * ========================================================================<BR>
  * "ALP" is the NDEF-based set of low-level API protocols that OpenTag uses.
  * ALP messages can come-in over any communication method: wire, wireless, 
  * telepathy... anything that can transfer a packet payload.
  * Some ALPs are standardized. Those get handled by OTlib automatically.  ALPs
  * that are not recognized are sent to this function to be handled.  In this
  * demo, we are using a very simple ALP, shown below:
  * ALP Payload Length:         0
  * ALP Protocol ID:            255 (FF)
  * ALP Protocol Commands:      0-127 (00-7F) corresponding to channel to sniff
  * The "user_id" parameter corresponds to the Device ID that sent this ALP.
  * A quickstart guide to the ALP API is available on the Indigresso Wiki.
  * http://www.indigresso.com/wiki/doku.php?id=opentag:api:quickstart
void otapi_alpext_proc(alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id) {
/// The function app_invoke() will cause the kernel to call ext_systask() as
/// soon as resources are available.
    vlFILE*     fp;
    ot_uni16    scratch;
    ot_u8       channel;
    ot_u8       retval;

    // Start the task only if: Caller is ROOT, ALP Call is Protocol-255, Task is idle
    if (    auth_isroot(user_id)    \
        &&  (alp->inrec.id == 0xFF) \
        &&  (APP_TASK.event == 0)   )   {
        /// Make sure channel is spec-legal.  If so, set the channel of the 
        /// first (and only) in the channel list to the specified one, and also
        /// set the channel of the hold scan accordingly.  By default, the scan
        /// is updated every second.  The next scan will have these settings.
        retval  = 0;
        channel = alp->inrec.cmd & 0x7F;
        if (((channel & 0xF0) <= 0x20) && ((channel & 0x0F) <= 0x0E)) {
            fp                  = ISF_open_su(ISF_ID(channel_configuration));
            scratch.ushort      = vl_read(fp, 0);
            scratch.ubyte[0]    = channel;
            vl_write(fp, 0, scratch.ushort);
            fp                  = ISF_open_su(ISF_ID(hold_scan_sequence));
            scratch.ushort      = vl_read(fp, 0);
            scratch.ubyte[0]    = channel;
            vl_write(fp, 0, scratch.ushort);
            retval = 1; //success
        alp_load_retval(alp, retval);