Exemplo n.º 1
/* Validate access to the given user for the given path.  This
 * function checks rules for exactly the given path, and first tries
 * to access a section specific to the given repository before falling
 * back to pan-repository rules.
 * Update *access_granted to inform the caller of the outcome of the
 * lookup.  Return a boolean indicating whether the access rights were
 * successfully determined.
static svn_boolean_t
authz_get_path_access(svn_config_t *cfg, const char *repos_name,
                      const char *path, const char *user,
                      svn_repos_authz_access_t required_access,
                      svn_boolean_t *access_granted,
                      apr_pool_t *pool)
  const char *qualified_path;
  struct authz_lookup_baton baton = { 0 };

  baton.config = cfg;
  baton.user = user;

  /* Try to locate a repository-specific block first. */
  qualified_path = apr_pstrcat(pool, repos_name, ":", path, (char *)NULL);
  svn_config_enumerate2(cfg, qualified_path,
                        authz_parse_line, &baton, pool);

  *access_granted = authz_access_is_granted(baton.allow, baton.deny,

  /* If the first test has determined access, stop now. */
  if (authz_access_is_determined(baton.allow, baton.deny,
    return TRUE;

  /* No repository specific rule, try pan-repository rules. */
  svn_config_enumerate2(cfg, path, authz_parse_line, &baton, pool);

  *access_granted = authz_access_is_granted(baton.allow, baton.deny,
  return authz_access_is_determined(baton.allow, baton.deny,
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Walk through the authz CFG to check if USER has the REQUIRED_ACCESS
 * to any path within the REPOSITORY.  Return TRUE if so.  Use POOL
 * for temporary allocations. */
static svn_boolean_t
authz_get_any_access(svn_config_t *cfg, const char *repos_name,
                     const char *user,
                     svn_repos_authz_access_t required_access,
                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct authz_lookup_baton baton = { 0 };

  baton.config = cfg;
  baton.user = user;
  baton.required_access = required_access;
  baton.access = FALSE; /* Deny access by default. */
  baton.repos_path = "/";
  baton.qualified_repos_path = apr_pstrcat(pool, repos_name,
                                           ":/", SVN_VA_NULL);

  /* We could have used svn_config_enumerate2 for "repos_name:/".
   * However, this requires access for root explicitly (which the user
   * may not always have). So we end up enumerating the sections in
   * the authz CFG and stop on the first match with some access for
   * this user. */
  svn_config_enumerate_sections2(cfg, authz_get_any_access_parser_cb,
                                 &baton, pool);

  /* If walking the configuration was inconclusive, deny access. */
  if (!authz_access_is_determined(baton.allow,
                                  baton.deny, baton.required_access))
    return FALSE;

  return baton.access;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Callback to parse sections of the configuration file, looking for
   any kind of granted access.  Implements the
   svn_config_section_enumerator2_t interface. */
static svn_boolean_t
authz_get_any_access_parser_cb(const char *section_name, void *baton,
                               apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct authz_lookup_baton *b = baton;

  /* Does the section apply to the query? */
  if (section_name[0] == '/'
      || strncmp(section_name, b->qualified_repos_path,
                 strlen(b->qualified_repos_path)) == 0)
      b->allow = b->deny = svn_authz_none;

      svn_config_enumerate2(b->config, section_name,
                            authz_parse_line, baton, pool);
      b->access = authz_access_is_granted(b->allow, b->deny,

      /* Continue as long as we don't find a determined, granted access. */
      return !(b->access
               && authz_access_is_determined(b->allow, b->deny,

  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Callback to parse a section and update the authz_baton if the
 * section denies access to the subtree the baton describes.
static svn_boolean_t
authz_parse_section(const char *section_name, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct authz_lookup_baton *b = baton;
  svn_boolean_t conclusive;

  /* Does the section apply to us? */
  if (!is_applicable_section(b->qualified_repos_path, section_name)
      && !is_applicable_section(b->repos_path, section_name))
    return TRUE;

  /* Work out what this section grants. */
  b->allow = b->deny = 0;
  svn_config_enumerate2(b->config, section_name,
                        authz_parse_line, b, pool);

  /* Has the section explicitly determined an access? */
  conclusive = authz_access_is_determined(b->allow, b->deny,

  /* Is access granted OR inconclusive? */
  b->access = authz_access_is_granted(b->allow, b->deny,
    || !conclusive;

  /* As long as access isn't conclusively denied, carry on. */
  return b->access;