Exemplo n.º 1
int CmdTimesheet::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  // Scan the pending tasks.
  handleRecurrence ();
  std::vector <Task> all = context.tdb2.all_tasks ();
  context.tdb2.commit ();

  // What day of the week does the user consider the first?
  int weekStart = Date::dayOfWeek (context.config.get ("weekstart"));
  if (weekStart != 0 && weekStart != 1)
    throw std::string (STRING_DATE_BAD_WEEKSTART);

  // Determine the date of the first day of the most recent report.
  Date today;
  Date start;
  start -= (((today.dayOfWeek () - weekStart) + 7) % 7) * 86400;

  // Roll back to midnight.
  start = Date (start.month (), start.day (), start.year ());
  Date end = start + (7 * 86400);

  // Determine how many reports to run.
  int quantity = 1;
  std::vector <std::string> words = context.a3.extract_words ();
  if (words.size () == 1)
    quantity = strtol (words[0].c_str (), NULL, 10);;

  std::stringstream out;
  for (int week = 0; week < quantity; ++week)
    Date endString (end);
    endString -= 86400;

    std::string title = start.toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"))
                        + " - "
                        + endString.toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"));

    Color bold (Color::nocolor, Color::nocolor, false, true, false);
    out << "\n"
        << (context.color () ? bold.colorize (title) : title)
        << "\n";

    // Render the completed table.
    ViewText completed;
    completed.width (context.getWidth ());
    completed.add (Column::factory ("string",       "   "));
    completed.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_PROJECT));
    completed.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DUE));
    completed.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DESC));

    std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
    for (task = all.begin (); task != all.end (); ++task)
      // If task completed within range.
      if (task->getStatus () == Task::completed)
        Date compDate (task->get_date ("end"));
        if (compDate >= start && compDate < end)
          Color c (task->get ("fg") + " " + task->get ("bg"));
          if (context.color ())
            autoColorize (*task, c);

          int row = completed.addRow ();
          std::string format = context.config.get ("dateformat.report");
          if (format == "")
            format = context.config.get ("dateformat");
          completed.set (row, 1, task->get ("project"), c);

          if(task->has ("due"))
            Date dt (task->get_date ("due"));
            completed.set (row, 2, dt.toString (format));

          std::string description = task->get ("description");
          int indent = context.config.getInteger ("indent.annotation");

          std::map <std::string, std::string> annotations;
          task->getAnnotations (annotations);
          std::map <std::string, std::string>::iterator ann;
          for (ann = annotations.begin (); ann != annotations.end (); ++ann)
            description += "\n"
                         + std::string (indent, ' ')
                         + Date (ann->first.substr (11)).toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"))
                         + " "
                         + ann->second;

          completed.set (row, 3, description, c);

    out << "  " << format (STRING_CMD_TIMESHEET_DONE, completed.rows ()) << "\n";

    if (completed.rows ())
      out << completed.render ()
          << "\n";

    // Now render the started table.
    ViewText started;
    started.width (context.getWidth ());
    started.add (Column::factory ("string",       "   "));
    started.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_PROJECT));
    started.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DUE));
    started.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DESC));

    for (task = all.begin (); task != all.end (); ++task)
      // If task started within range, but not completed withing range.
      if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending &&
          task->has ("start"))
        Date startDate (task->get_date ("start"));
        if (startDate >= start && startDate < end)
          Color c (task->get ("fg") + " " + task->get ("bg"));
          if (context.color ())
            autoColorize (*task, c);

          int row = started.addRow ();
          std::string format = context.config.get ("dateformat.report");
          if (format == "")
            format = context.config.get ("dateformat");
          started.set (row, 1, task->get ("project"), c);

          if(task->has ("due"))
            Date dt (task->get_date ("due"));
            started.set (row, 2, dt.toString (format));

          std::string description = task->get ("description");
          int indent = context.config.getInteger ("indent.annotation");

          std::map <std::string, std::string> annotations;
          task->getAnnotations (annotations);
          std::map <std::string, std::string>::iterator ann;
          for (ann = annotations.begin (); ann != annotations.end (); ++ann)
            description += "\n"
                         + std::string (indent, ' ')
                         + Date (ann->first.substr (11)).toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"))
                         + " "
                         + ann->second;

          started.set (row, 3, description, c);

    out << "  " << format (STRING_CMD_TIMESHEET_STARTED, started.rows ()) << "\n";

    if (started.rows ())
      out << started.render ()
          << "\n\n";

    // Prior week.
    start -= 7 * 86400;
    end   -= 7 * 86400;

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
//   |<---------- terminal width ---------->|
//         +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
//         |header |  |header |  |header |
//   +--+--+-------+--+-------+--+-------+--+
//   |ma|ex|cell   |in|cell   |in|cell   |ex|
//   +--+--+-------+--+-------+--+-------+--+
//   |ma|ex|cell   |in|cell   |in|cell   |ex|
//   +--+--+-------+--+-------+--+-------+--+
//   margin        - indentation for the whole table
//   extrapadding  - left and right padding for the whole table
//   intrapadding  - padding between columns
// Layout Algorithm:
//   - Height is irrelevant
//   - Determine the usable horizontal space for N columns:
//       usable = width - ma - (ex * 2) - (in * (N - 1))
//   - Look at every column, for every task, and determine the minimum and
//     maximum widths.  The minimum is the length of the largest indivisible
//     word, and the maximum is the full length of the value.
//   - If there is sufficient terminal width to display every task using the
//     maximum width, then do so.
//   - If there is insufficient terminal width to display every task using the
//     minimum width, then there is no layout solution.  Error.
//   - Otherwise there is a need for column wrapping.  Calculate the overage,
//     which is the difference between the sum of the minimum widths and the
//     usable width.
//   - Start by using all the minimum column widths, and distribute the overage
//     among all columns, one character at a time, while the column width is
//     less than the maximum width, and while there is overage remaining.
// Note: a possible enhancement is to proportionally distribute the overage
//       according to average data length.
// Note: an enhancement to the 'no solution' problem is to simply force-break
//       the larger fields.  If the widest field is W0, and the second widest
//       field is W1, then a solution may be achievable by reducing W0 --> W1.
std::string ViewTask::render (std::vector <Task>& data, std::vector <int>& sequence)
  context.timer_render.start ();

  bool const print_empty_columns = context.config.getBoolean ("print.empty.columns");
  std::vector <Column*> nonempty_columns;

  // Determine minimal, ideal column widths.
  std::vector <int> minimal;
  std::vector <int> ideal;

  std::vector <Column*>::iterator i;
  for (i = _columns.begin (); i != _columns.end (); ++i)
    // Headers factor in to width calculations.
    unsigned int global_min = 0;
    unsigned int global_ideal = global_min;

    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < sequence.size (); ++s)
      if ((int)s >= _truncate_lines && _truncate_lines != 0)

      if ((int)s >= _truncate_rows && _truncate_rows != 0)

      // Determine minimum and ideal width for this column.
      unsigned int min;
      unsigned int ideal;
      (*i)->measure (data[sequence[s]], min, ideal);

      if (min   > global_min)   global_min   = min;
      if (ideal > global_ideal) global_ideal = ideal;

    if (print_empty_columns || global_min != 0)
      unsigned int label_length = utf8_width ((*i)->label ());
      if (label_length > global_min)   global_min   = label_length;
      if (label_length > global_ideal) global_ideal = label_length;
      minimal.push_back (global_min);
      ideal.push_back (global_ideal);

    if (! print_empty_columns && global_min != 0)
      nonempty_columns.push_back (*i);

  if (! print_empty_columns)
    _columns = nonempty_columns;

  int all_extra = _left_margin
                + (2 * _extra_padding)
                + ((_columns.size () - 1) * _intra_padding);

  // Sum the widths.
  int sum_minimal = std::accumulate (minimal.begin (), minimal.end (), 0);
  int sum_ideal   = std::accumulate (ideal.begin (),   ideal.end (),   0);

  // Calculate final column widths.
  int overage = _width - sum_minimal - all_extra;
  context.debug (format ("ViewTask::render min={1} ideal={2} overage={3}", 
                         sum_minimal + all_extra,
                         sum_ideal + all_extra,

  std::vector <int> widths;

  // Ideal case.  Everything fits.
  if (_width == 0 || sum_ideal + all_extra <= _width)
    widths = ideal;

  // Not enough for minimum.
  else if (overage < 0)
    context.error (format (STRING_VIEW_TOO_SMALL, sum_minimal + all_extra, _width));
    widths = minimal;

  // Perfect minimal width.
  else if (overage == 0)
    widths = minimal;

  // Extra space to share.
  else if (overage > 0)
    widths = minimal;

    // Spread 'overage' among columns where width[i] < ideal[i]
    bool needed = true;
    while (overage && needed)
      needed = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _columns.size () && overage; ++i)
        if (widths[i] < ideal[i])
          needed = true;

  // Compose column headers.
  unsigned int max_lines = 0;
  std::vector <std::vector <std::string> > headers;
  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < _columns.size (); ++c)
    headers.push_back (std::vector <std::string> ());
    _columns[c]->renderHeader (headers[c], widths[c], _header);

    if (headers[c].size () > max_lines)
      max_lines = headers[c].size ();

  // Output string.
  std::string out;
  _lines = 0;

  // Render column headers.
  std::string left_margin = std::string (_left_margin, ' ');
  std::string extra       = std::string (_extra_padding, ' ');
  std::string intra       = std::string (_intra_padding, ' ');

  std::string extra_odd   = context.color () ? _extra_odd.colorize  (extra) : extra;
  std::string extra_even  = context.color () ? _extra_even.colorize (extra) : extra;
  std::string intra_odd   = context.color () ? _intra_odd.colorize  (intra) : intra;
  std::string intra_even  = context.color () ? _intra_even.colorize (intra) : intra;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_lines; ++i)
    out += left_margin + extra;

    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < _columns.size (); ++c)
      if (c)
        out += intra;

      if (headers[c].size () < max_lines - i)
        out += _header.colorize (std::string (widths[c], ' '));
        out += headers[c][i];

    out += extra;

    // Trim right.
    out.erase (out.find_last_not_of (" ") + 1);
    out += "\n";

    // Stop if the line limit is exceeded.
    if (++_lines >= _truncate_lines && _truncate_lines != 0)
      context.timer_render.stop ();
      return out;

  // Compose, render columns, in sequence.
  _rows = 0;
  std::vector <std::vector <std::string> > cells;
  std::vector <int>::iterator s;
  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < sequence.size (); ++s)
    max_lines = 0;

    // Apply color rules to task.
    Color rule_color;
    autoColorize (data[sequence[s]], rule_color);

    // Alternate rows based on |s % 2|
    bool odd = (s % 2) ? true : false;
    Color row_color;
    if (context.color ())
      row_color = odd ? _odd : _even;
      row_color.blend (rule_color);

    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < _columns.size (); ++c)
      cells.push_back (std::vector <std::string> ());
      _columns[c]->render (cells[c], data[sequence[s]], widths[c], row_color);

      if (cells[c].size () > max_lines)
        max_lines = cells[c].size ();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_lines; ++i)
      out += left_margin + (odd ? extra_odd : extra_even);

      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < _columns.size (); ++c)
        if (c)
          if (row_color.nontrivial ())
            out += row_color.colorize (intra);
            out += (odd ? intra_odd : intra_even);

        if (i < cells[c].size ())
          out += cells[c][i];
          out += row_color.colorize (std::string (widths[c], ' '));

      out += (odd ? extra_odd : extra_even);

      // Trim right.
      out.erase (out.find_last_not_of (" ") + 1);
      out += "\n";

      // Stop if the line limit is exceeded.
      if (++_lines >= _truncate_lines && _truncate_lines != 0)
        context.timer_render.stop ();
        return out;

    cells.clear ();

    // Stop if the row limit is exceeded.
    if (++_rows >= _truncate_rows && _truncate_rows != 0)
      context.timer_render.stop ();
      return out;

  context.timer_render.stop ();
  return out;
Exemplo n.º 3
int CmdInfo::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  // Apply filter.
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter (filtered);

  if (! filtered.size ())
    context.footnote (STRING_FEEDBACK_NO_MATCH);
    rc = 1;

  // Get the undo data.
  std::vector <std::string> undo;
  if (context.config.getBoolean ("journal.info"))
    undo = context.tdb2.undo.get_lines ();

  // Determine the output date format, which uses a hierarchy of definitions.
  //   rc.dateformat.info
  //   rc.dateformat
  std::string dateformat = context.config.get ("dateformat.info");
  if (dateformat == "")
    dateformat = context.config.get ("dateformat");

  std::string dateformatanno = context.config.get ("dateformat.annotation");
  if (dateformatanno == "")
    dateformatanno = dateformat;

  // Render each task.
  std::stringstream out;
  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    ViewText view;
    view.width (context.getWidth ());
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_NAME));
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_VALUE));

    // If an alternating row color is specified, notify the table.
    if (context.color ())
      Color alternate (context.config.get ("color.alternate"));
      view.colorOdd (alternate);
      view.intraColorOdd (alternate);

    Date now;

    // id
    int row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_ID);
    view.set (row, 1, (task->id ? format (task->id) : "-"));

    std::string status = ucFirst (Task::statusToText (task->getStatus ()));

    // description
    Color c;
    autoColorize (*task, c);
    std::string description = task->get ("description");
    int indent = context.config.getInteger ("indent.annotation");

    std::map <std::string, std::string> annotations;
    task->getAnnotations (annotations);
    std::map <std::string, std::string>::iterator ann;
    for (ann = annotations.begin (); ann != annotations.end (); ++ann)
      description += "\n"
                   + std::string (indent, ' ')
                   + Date (ann->first.substr (11)).toString (dateformatanno)
                   + " "
                   + ann->second;

    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DESC);
    view.set (row, 1, description, c);

    // status
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STATUS);
    view.set (row, 1, status);

    // project
    if (task->has ("project"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_PROJECT);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("project"));

    // priority
    if (task->has ("priority"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_PRIORITY);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("priority"));

    // dependencies: blocked
      std::vector <Task> blocked;
      dependencyGetBlocking (*task, blocked);
      if (blocked.size ())
        std::stringstream message;
        std::vector <Task>::const_iterator it;
        for (it = blocked.begin (); it != blocked.end (); ++it)
          message << it->id << " " << it->get ("description") << "\n";

        row = view.addRow ();
        view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_INFO_BLOCKED);
        view.set (row, 1, message.str ());

    // dependencies: blocking
      std::vector <Task> blocking;
      dependencyGetBlocked (*task, blocking);
      if (blocking.size ())
        std::stringstream message;
        std::vector <Task>::const_iterator it;
        for (it = blocking.begin (); it != blocking.end (); ++it)
          message << it->id << " " << it->get ("description") << "\n";

        row = view.addRow ();
        view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_INFO_BLOCKING);
        view.set (row, 1, message.str ());

    // recur
    if (task->has ("recur"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_RECUR_L);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("recur"));

    // until
    if (task->has ("until"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_INFO_UNTIL);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("until")).toString (dateformat));

    // mask
    if (task->getStatus () == Task::recurring)
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_MASK);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("mask"));

    if (task->has ("parent"))
      // parent
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_PARENT);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("parent"));

      // imask
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_MASK_IDX);
      view.set (row, 1, task->get ("imask"));

    // due (colored)
    if (task->has ("due"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DUE);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("due")).toString (dateformat));

    // wait
    if (task->has ("wait"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_WAITING);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("wait")).toString (dateformat));

    // scheduled
    if (task->has ("scheduled"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_SCHED);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("scheduled")).toString (dateformat));

    // start
    if (task->has ("start"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_START);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("start")).toString (dateformat));

    // end
    if (task->has ("end"))
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_END);
      view.set (row, 1, Date (task->get_date ("end")).toString (dateformat));

    // tags ...
    std::vector <std::string> tags;
    task->getTags (tags);
    if (tags.size ())
      std::string allTags;
      join (allTags, " ", tags);

      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_TAGS);
      view.set (row, 1, allTags);

    // uuid
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_UUID);
    std::string uuid = task->get ("uuid");
    view.set (row, 1, uuid);

    // entry
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_ENTERED);
    Date dt (task->get_date ("entry"));
    std::string entry = dt.toString (dateformat);

    std::string age;
    std::string created = task->get ("entry");
    if (created.length ())
      Date dt (strtol (created.c_str (), NULL, 10));
      age = Duration (now - dt).format ();

    view.set (row, 1, entry + " (" + age + ")");

    // fg TODO deprecated 2.0
    std::string color = task->get ("fg");
    if (color != "")
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_FG);
      view.set (row, 1, color);

    // bg TODO deprecated 2.0
    color = task->get ("bg");
    if (color != "")
      row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_BG);
      view.set (row, 1, color);

    // Task::urgency
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_URGENCY);
    view.set (row, 1, trimLeft (format (task->urgency (), 4, 4)));

    // Show any UDAs
    std::vector <std::string> all = task->all ();
    std::vector <std::string>::iterator att;
    std::string type;
    for (att = all.begin (); att != all.end (); ++att)
      type = context.config.get ("uda." + *att + ".type");
      if (type != "")
        Column* col = context.columns[*att];
        if (col)
          std::string value = task->get (*att);
          if (value != "")
            row = view.addRow ();
            view.set (row, 0, col->label ());

            if (type == "date")
              value = Date (value).toString (dateformat);
            else if (type == "duration")
              value = Duration (value).formatCompact ();

            view.set (row, 1, value);

    // Show any orphaned UDAs, which are identified by not being represented in
    // the context.columns map.
    for (att = all.begin (); att != all.end (); ++att)
      if (att->substr (0, 11) != "annotation_" &&
          context.columns.find (*att) == context.columns.end ())
         row = view.addRow ();
         view.set (row, 0, "[" + *att);
         view.set (row, 1, task->get (*att) + "]");

    // Create a second table, containing undo log change details.
    ViewText journal;

    // If an alternating row color is specified, notify the table.
    if (context.color ())
      Color alternate (context.config.get ("color.alternate"));
      journal.colorOdd (alternate);
      journal.intraColorOdd (alternate);

    journal.width (context.getWidth ());
    journal.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_DATE));
    journal.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_INFO_MODIFICATION));

    if (context.config.getBoolean ("journal.info") &&
        undo.size () > 3)
      // Scan the undo data for entries matching this task.
      std::string when;
      std::string previous;
      std::string current;
      unsigned int i = 0;
      long total_time = 0;
      while (i < undo.size ())
        when = undo[i++];
        previous = "";
        if (undo[i].substr (0, 3) == "old")
          previous = undo[i++];

        current = undo[i++];
        i++; // Separator

        if (current.find ("uuid:\"" + uuid) != std::string::npos)
          if (previous != "")
            int row = journal.addRow ();

            Date timestamp (strtol (when.substr (5).c_str (), NULL, 10));
            journal.set (row, 0, timestamp.toString (dateformat));

            Task before (previous.substr (4));
            Task after (current.substr (4));
            journal.set (row, 1, taskInfoDifferences (before, after, dateformat));

            // calculate the total active time
            if (before.get ("start") == ""
              && after.get ("start") != "")
              // task started
              total_time -= timestamp.toEpoch ();
            else if (((before.get ("start") != "" &&
                       after.get ("start") == "") ||
                      (before.get ("status") != "completed" &&
                       after.get ("status") == "completed")) &&
                     total_time < 0)
              // task stopped or done
              total_time += timestamp.toEpoch ();

      // add now() if task is still active
      if (total_time < 0)
        total_time += Date ().toEpoch ();

      // print total active time
      if (total_time > 0)
        row = journal.addRow ();
        journal.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_INFO_TOTAL_ACTIVE);
        journal.set (row, 1, Duration (total_time).formatPrecise (),
                     (context.color () ? Color ("bold") : Color ()));

    out << optionalBlankLine ()
        << view.render ()
        << "\n";

    if (journal.rows () > 0)
      out << journal.render ()
          << "\n";

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;