bool QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventDispatcherGlib); const bool canWait = (flags & QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); if (canWait) emit aboutToBlock(); else emit awake(); // tell postEventSourcePrepare() and timerSource about any new flags QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags savedFlags = d->timerSource->processEventsFlags; d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = flags; bool result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait); while (!result && canWait) result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait); d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = savedFlags; if (canWait) emit awake(); return result; }
bool QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventDispatcherGlib); const bool canWait = (flags & QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); if (canWait) emit aboutToBlock(); else emit awake(); // tell postEventSourcePrepare() and timerSource about any new flags QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags savedFlags = d->timerSource->processEventsFlags; d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = flags; if (!(flags & QEventLoop::EventLoopExec)) { // force timers to be sent at normal priority d->timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = false; } bool result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait); while (!result && canWait) result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait); d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = savedFlags; if (canWait) emit awake(); return result; }
void Clock::sleep() { if(!sleepOk) sleep_time = 0; else if(!sleepWasOk) awake(); sleepWasOk = sleepOk; if(sleepOk && sleep_time >= (uint16_t) conf.sysOffTime * 10) { //; /* attachInterrupt(1,wakeupFunction,LOW); sleep_mode(); detachInterrupt(1);*/ hardware_off(); awake(); wasSleeping = 1; } else if(backlightVal == 0 && light_time >= (uint16_t) conf.lcdBacklightTime * 10) { backlightVal = lcd.getBacklight(); lcd.backlight(0); } if(hardware_flashlightIsOn()) { if(flashlight_time >= (uint16_t) conf.flashlightOffTime * 10) { hardware_flashlight(0); } } else { flashlight_time = 0; } }
static void read_ADC(void) { u16 *buf = adc_buffer[adc_buffer_pos]; u8 dead; ADC_NEWVAL(0); ADC_NEWVAL(1); ADC_NEWVAL(2); adc_battery_last = ADC_DB3R; adc_buffer_pos++; adc_buffer_pos &= 3; BRES(ADC_CSR, 7); // remove EOC flag BSET(ADC_CR1, 0); // start new conversion // average battery voltage and check battery low // ignore very low, which means that it is supplied from SWIM connector adc_battery_filt = adc_battery_filt * (ADC_BAT_FILT - 1); // splitted - compiler hack adc_battery_filt = (adc_battery_filt + (ADC_BAT_FILT / 2)) / ADC_BAT_FILT + adc_battery_last; adc_battery = (u16)((adc_battery_filt + (ADC_BAT_FILT / 2)) / ADC_BAT_FILT); // start checking battery after 5s from power on if (time_sec >= 5) { // wakeup task only when something changed if (adc_battery > 50 && adc_battery < battery_low_raw) { // bat low if (!menu_battery_low) { menu_battery_low = 1; awake(MENU); } } else { // bat OK, but apply some hysteresis to not switch quickly ON/OFF if (menu_battery_low && adc_battery > battery_low_raw + 100) { menu_battery_low = 0; awake(MENU); } } } // wakeup MENU task when showing battery or at calibrate if (menu_wants_adc) awake(MENU); // reset inactivity timer when some steering or throttle applied dead = cg.steering_dead_zone; if (dead < 20) dead = 20; // use some minimal dead zone for this check if (adc_steering_last < (cg.calib_steering_mid - dead) || adc_steering_last > (cg.calib_steering_mid + dead)) reset_inactivity_timer(); else { dead = cg.throttle_dead_zone; if (dead < 20) dead = 20; // use some minimal dead zone for this check if (adc_throttle_last < (cg.calib_throttle_mid - dead) || adc_throttle_last > (cg.calib_throttle_mid + dead)) reset_inactivity_timer(); } }
MockClient::MockClient() : display(wl_display_connect(0)) , compositor(0) , output(0) , registry(0) { if (!display) qFatal("MockClient(): wl_display_connect() failed"); registry = wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener(registry, ®istryListener, this); fd = wl_display_get_fd(display); QSocketNotifier *readNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(readNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(readEvents())); QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher = QGuiApplicationPrivate::eventDispatcher; connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(awake()), this, SLOT(flushDisplay())); QElapsedTimer timeout; timeout.start(); do { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } while (!(compositor && output) && timeout.elapsed() < 1000); if (!compositor || !output) qFatal("MockClient(): failed to receive globals from display"); }
/* TIM3 overflow interrupt set next prescaler, output compare and overflow values to preload registers */ @interrupt void ppm_interrupt(void) { BRES(TIM3_SR1, 0); // erase interrupt flag if (ppm_channel2) { if (ppm_channel2 == 2) { // will be setting channel1 servo, so we are now generating // SYNC signal in HW // wakeup CALC task to compute new PPM values // values for ARR registers will be updated after calculate done // (and when we are still generating SYNC pulse) awake(CALC); } // set servo channel TIM3_PSCR = PPM_PSC_SERVO; TIM3_CCR2H = hi8(PPM_300US_SERVO); TIM3_CCR2L = lo8(PPM_300US_SERVO); TIM3_ARRH = ppm_values[ppm_channel2]; ppm_channel2++; TIM3_ARRL = ppm_values[ppm_channel2]; if (++ppm_channel2 > channels2) { // next to SYNC pulse ppm_channel2 = 0; } return; } // set SYNC signal TIM3_PSCR = PPM_PSC_SYNC; TIM3_CCR2H = hi8(PPM_300US_SYNC); TIM3_CCR2L = lo8(PPM_300US_SYNC); TIM3_ARRH = ppm_values[0]; TIM3_ARRL = ppm_values[1]; ppm_channel2 = 2; // to first channel (step 2 bytes) }
void EnemyBehaviourSpiderLarge(Character *self, TimeInterval dt) { EnemyState state = EnemyGetState(self); switch (state) { case EnemyStateSleep: { EnemyUpdatePlayerPos(self); if (self->canSeePlayer) { awake(self); } break; } case EnemyStateAwaken: { self->stateTime += dt; if (self->stateTime > 500) { rise(self); } break; } case EnemyStateRise: { break; } default: { EnemyDefaultBehaviour(self, dt); break; } } }
error_code _sys_lwmutex_unlock(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 lwmutex_id) { sys_lwmutex.trace("_sys_lwmutex_unlock(lwmutex_id=0x%x)", lwmutex_id); const auto mutex = idm::check<lv2_obj, lv2_lwmutex>(lwmutex_id, [&](lv2_lwmutex& mutex) -> cpu_thread* { std::lock_guard lock(mutex.mutex); if (const auto cpu = mutex.schedule<ppu_thread>(mutex.sq, mutex.protocol)) { return cpu; } mutex.signaled = 1; return nullptr; }); if (!mutex) { return CELL_ESRCH; } if (mutex.ret) { mutex->awake(*mutex.ret); } return CELL_OK; }
error_code sys_mutex_unlock(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 mutex_id) { sys_mutex.trace("sys_mutex_unlock(mutex_id=0x%x)", mutex_id); const auto mutex = idm::check<lv2_obj, lv2_mutex>(mutex_id, [&](lv2_mutex& mutex) { return mutex.try_unlock(; }); if (!mutex) { return CELL_ESRCH; } if (mutex.ret == CELL_EBUSY) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex->mutex); if (auto cpu = mutex->reown<ppu_thread>()) { mutex->awake(*cpu); } } else if (mutex.ret) { return mutex.ret; } return CELL_OK; }
static void input_loop(void) { // read initial ADC values BSET(ADC_CR1, 0); // start conversion while (!BCHK(ADC_CSR, 7)) pause(); // wait for end of conversion read_ADC(); // put initial values to all buffers ADC_BUFINIT(0); ADC_BUFINIT(1); ADC_BUFINIT(2); adc_battery = adc_battery_last; adc_battery_filt = (u32)adc_battery * ADC_BAT_FILT; // task CALC must be awaked to compute values before PPM will take on awake(CALC); input_initialized = 1; while (1) { // read ADC only when EOC flag (only for first it will not be ready) if (BCHK(ADC_CSR, 7)) read_ADC(); read_keys(); stop(); } }
void Box2DBody::setAwake(bool _awake) { if (awake() == _awake) return; if (mBody) mBody->SetAwake(_awake); else mBodyDef.awake = _awake; }
bool AbstractMediaStream2::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::ThreadChange) { Q_D(AbstractMediaStream2); if (d->eventDispatcher) { pWarning() << "Do not call moveToThread on an AbstractMediaStream2 object when it is in use."; QObject::disconnect(d->eventDispatcher, SIGNAL(awake()), this, SLOT(_k_handleStreamEvent())); d->eventDispatcher = 0; } } return AbstractMediaStream::event(e); }
error_code sys_event_queue_destroy(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 equeue_id, s32 mode) { sys_event.warning("sys_event_queue_destroy(equeue_id=0x%x, mode=%d)", equeue_id, mode); if (mode && mode != SYS_EVENT_QUEUE_DESTROY_FORCE) { return CELL_EINVAL; } const auto queue = idm::withdraw<lv2_obj, lv2_event_queue>(equeue_id, [&](lv2_event_queue& queue) -> CellError { semaphore_lock lock(queue.mutex); if (!mode && !queue.sq.empty()) { return CELL_EBUSY; } return {}; }); if (!queue) { return CELL_ESRCH; } if (queue.ret) { return queue.ret; } if (mode == SYS_EVENT_QUEUE_DESTROY_FORCE) { semaphore_lock lock(queue->mutex); for (auto cpu : queue->sq) { if (queue->type == SYS_PPU_QUEUE) { static_cast<ppu_thread&>(*cpu).gpr[3] = CELL_ECANCELED; queue->awake(*cpu); } else { static_cast<SPUThread&>(*cpu).ch_in_mbox.set_values(1, CELL_ECANCELED); cpu->state += cpu_flag::signal; cpu->notify(); } } } return CELL_OK; }
void reset_func (piece_info_t *obj) { city_info_t *cityp; cityp = find_city (obj->loc); if (cityp != NULL) if (cityp->func[obj->type] != NOFUNC) { obj->func = cityp->func[obj->type]; awake (obj); } }
void AbstractMediaStream2Private::dataReady() { Q_Q(AbstractMediaStream2); if (!eventDispatcher) { eventDispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(q->thread()); if (!eventDispatcher) { pError() << "AbstractMediaStream2 needs to run in a thread with QEventLoop"; return; } else { QObject::connect(eventDispatcher, SIGNAL(awake()), q, SLOT(_k_handleStreamEvent()), Qt::DirectConnection); } } eventDispatcher->wakeUp(); }
static void awake_dit(plan *ego_, int flg) { P_dit *ego = (P_dit *) ego_; AWAKE(ego->cld, flg); if (flg) ego->W = mktwiddle(ego->m, ego->super.n, ego->super.g); else { free_twiddle(ego->W); ego->W = 0; } awake(ego_, flg); }
int QAbstractEventDispatcher::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: aboutToBlock(); break; case 1: awake(); break; default: ; } _id -= 2; } return _id; }
bool QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventDispatcherUNIX); d->interrupt = false; // we are awake, broadcast it emit awake(); QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(0, 0, d->threadData); int nevents = 0; const bool canWait = (d->threadData->canWait && !d->interrupt && (flags & QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents)); if (canWait) emit aboutToBlock(); if (!d->interrupt) { // return the maximum time we can wait for an event. timeval *tm = 0; timeval wait_tm = { 0l, 0l }; if (!(flags & QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers)) { if (d->timerList.timerWait(wait_tm)) tm = &wait_tm; } if (!canWait) { if (!tm) tm = &wait_tm; // no time to wait tm->tv_sec = 0l; tm->tv_usec = 0l; } nevents = d->doSelect(flags, tm); // activate timers if (! (flags & QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers)) { nevents += activateTimers(); } } // return true if we handled events, false otherwise return (nevents > 0); }
bool lv2_event_queue::send(lv2_event event) { semaphore_lock lock(mutex); if (sq.empty()) { if (events.size() < this->size) { // Save event events.emplace_back(event); return true; } return false; } if (type == SYS_PPU_QUEUE) { // Store event in registers auto& ppu = static_cast<ppu_thread&>(*schedule<ppu_thread>(sq, protocol)); std::tie(ppu.gpr[4], ppu.gpr[5], ppu.gpr[6], ppu.gpr[7]) = event; awake(ppu); } else { // Store event in In_MBox auto& spu = static_cast<SPUThread&>(*sq.front()); // TODO: use protocol? sq.pop_front(); const u32 data1 = static_cast<u32>(std::get<1>(event)); const u32 data2 = static_cast<u32>(std::get<2>(event)); const u32 data3 = static_cast<u32>(std::get<3>(event)); spu.ch_in_mbox.set_values(4, CELL_OK, data1, data2, data3); spu.state += cpu_flag::signal; spu.notify(); } return true; }
int PropertiesManager::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 3) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 3; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = intermittentPeriod(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = autoStart(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = awake(); break; } _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setIntermittentPeriod(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 1: setAutoStart(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 2: setAwake(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 3; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 3; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
main() { char stealfood(char x[]); char discovery(char x[]); char trace(char x[]); char run(char x[]); char awake(char x[]); char yad(char x[]); char a[]={"р╩ж╩юойСм╣Ёт╤╚нВё╛"}; char b[]={"ц╗╥╒ожакюойСё╛"}; char c[]={"ц╗в╥юойСё╛"}; char d[]={"юойС╥иеэё╛"}; char e[]={"╬╙пяакп║╧╥ё╛"}; char f[]={"п║╧╥╥м║ё"}; stealfood(a); discovery(b); trace(c); run(d); awake(e); yad(f); getchar(); }
error_code _sys_lwcond_signal(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 lwcond_id, u32 lwmutex_id, u32 ppu_thread_id, u32 mode) { sys_lwcond.trace("_sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond_id=0x%x, lwmutex_id=0x%x, ppu_thread_id=0x%x, mode=%d)", lwcond_id, lwmutex_id, ppu_thread_id, mode); // Mode 1: lwmutex was initially owned by the calling thread // Mode 2: lwmutex was not owned by the calling thread and waiter hasn't been increased // Mode 3: lwmutex was forcefully owned by the calling thread if (mode < 1 || mode > 3) { fmt::throw_exception("Unknown mode (%d)" HERE, mode); } lv2_lwmutex* mutex = nullptr; const auto cond = idm::check<lv2_obj, lv2_lwcond>(lwcond_id, [&](lv2_lwcond& cond) -> cpu_thread* { mutex = idm::check_unlocked<lv2_obj, lv2_lwmutex>(lwmutex_id); if (cond.waiters) { std::lock_guard lock(cond.mutex); cpu_thread* result = nullptr; if (ppu_thread_id != -1) { for (auto cpu : cond.sq) { if (cpu->id == ppu_thread_id) { verify(HERE), cond.unqueue(cond.sq, cpu); result = cpu; break; } } } else { result = cond.schedule<ppu_thread>(cond.sq, cond.control->lwmutex->attribute & SYS_SYNC_ATTR_PROTOCOL_MASK); } if (result) { cond.waiters--; if (mode == 2) { static_cast<ppu_thread*>(result)->gpr[3] = CELL_EBUSY; } if (mode == 1) { verify(HERE), !mutex->signaled; std::lock_guard lock(mutex->mutex); mutex->sq.emplace_back(result); result = nullptr; mode = 2; // Enforce CELL_OK } return result; } } return nullptr; }); if ((lwmutex_id && !mutex) || !cond) { return CELL_ESRCH; } if (cond.ret) { cond->awake(*cond.ret); } else if (mode == 2) { return CELL_OK; } else if (mode == 1 || ppu_thread_id == -1) { return not_an_error(CELL_EPERM); } else { return not_an_error(CELL_ENOENT); } return CELL_OK; }
void piece_move (piece_info_t *obj) { int changed_loc; int speed, max_hits; int saved_moves; int need_input; long saved_loc; city_info_t *cityp; /* set func for piece if on city */ cityp = find_city (obj->loc); if (cityp != NULL) if (cityp->func[obj->type] != NOFUNC) obj->func = cityp->func[obj->type]; changed_loc = FALSE; /* not changed yet */ speed = piece_attr[obj->type].speed; max_hits = piece_attr[obj->type].max_hits; need_input = FALSE; /* don't require user input yet */ while (obj->moved < obj_moves (obj)) { saved_moves = obj->moved; /* save moves made */ saved_loc = obj->loc; /* remember starting location */ if (awake (obj) || need_input){ /* need user input? */ ask_user (obj); display_loc_u (obj->loc); /* let user see result */ need_input = FALSE; /* we got it */ } if (obj->moved == saved_moves) /* user set function? */ switch (obj->func) { /* handle preprogrammed function */ case NOFUNC: break; case RANDOM: move_random (obj); break; case SENTRY: obj->moved = speed; break; case FILL: move_fill (obj); break; case LAND: move_land (obj); break; case EXPLORE: move_explore (obj); break; case ARMYLOAD: move_armyload (obj); break; case ARMYATTACK:move_armyattack (obj); break; case TTLOAD: move_ttload (obj); break; case REPAIR: move_repair (obj); break; case WFTRANSPORT: move_transport (obj); break; case MOVE_N: case MOVE_NE: case MOVE_E: case MOVE_SE: case MOVE_S: case MOVE_SW: case MOVE_W: case MOVE_NW: move_dir (obj); break; default: move_path (obj); break; } if (obj->moved == saved_moves) need_input = TRUE; /* * handle fighters specially. If in a city or carrier, turn * is over and reset range to max. Otherwise, if * range = 0, fighter crashes and burns and turn is over. */ if (obj->type == FIGHTER && obj->hits > 0) { if ((user_map[obj->loc].contents == 'O' || user_map[obj->loc].contents == 'C') && obj->moved > 0) { obj->range = piece_attr[FIGHTER].range; obj->moved = speed; obj->func = NOFUNC; info("Landing confirmed."); } else if (obj->range == 0) { info("Fighter at %d crashed and burned.", obj->loc); kill_obj (obj, obj->loc); } } if (saved_loc != obj->loc) changed_loc = TRUE; } /* if a boat is in port, damaged, and never moved, fix some damage */ if (obj->hits > 0 /* still alive? */ && !changed_loc /* object never changed location? */ && obj->type != ARMY && obj->type != FIGHTER /* it is a boat? */ && obj->hits < max_hits /* it is damaged? */ && user_map[obj->loc].contents == 'O') /* it is in port? */ obj->hits++; /* fix some damage */ }
// set all LCD segments ON void lcd_set_full_on(void) { lcd_set_flag = 1; awake(LCD); pause(); }
// clear entire LCD void lcd_clear(void) { lcd_clr_flag = 1; awake(LCD); pause(); }
// send modified data to LCD controller void lcd_update(void) { lcd_update_flag = 1; awake(LCD); }
error_code _sys_lwcond_queue_wait(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 lwcond_id, u32 lwmutex_id, u64 timeout) { sys_lwcond.trace("_sys_lwcond_queue_wait(lwcond_id=0x%x, lwmutex_id=0x%x, timeout=0x%llx)", lwcond_id, lwmutex_id, timeout); std::shared_ptr<lv2_lwmutex> mutex; const auto cond = idm::get<lv2_obj, lv2_lwcond>(lwcond_id, [&](lv2_lwcond& cond) -> cpu_thread* { mutex = idm::get_unlocked<lv2_obj, lv2_lwmutex>(lwmutex_id); if (!mutex) { return nullptr; } std::lock_guard lock(cond.mutex); // Add a waiter cond.waiters++; cond.sq.emplace_back(&ppu); cond.sleep(ppu, timeout); std::lock_guard lock2(mutex->mutex); // Process lwmutex sleep queue if (const auto cpu = mutex->schedule<ppu_thread>(mutex->sq, mutex->protocol)) { return cpu; } mutex->signaled++; return nullptr; }); if (!cond || !mutex) { return CELL_ESRCH; } if (cond.ret) { cond->awake(*cond.ret); } ppu.gpr[3] = CELL_OK; while (!ppu.state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::signal)) { if (ppu.is_stopped()) { return 0; } if (timeout) { const u64 passed = get_system_time() - ppu.start_time; if (passed >= timeout) { std::lock_guard lock(cond->mutex); if (!cond->unqueue(cond->sq, &ppu)) { timeout = 0; continue; } cond->waiters--; if (mutex->signaled.try_dec()) { ppu.gpr[3] = CELL_EDEADLK; break; } ppu.gpr[3] = CELL_ETIMEDOUT; break; } thread_ctrl::wait_for(timeout - passed); } else { thread_ctrl::wait(); } } // Return cause return not_an_error(ppu.gpr[3]); }
bool QEventLoop::processEvents( ProcessEventsFlags flags ) { // process events from the X server XEvent event; int nevents = 0; #if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) QMutexLocker locker( QApplication::qt_mutex ); #endif // handle gui and posted events if ( qt_is_gui_used ) { QApplication::sendPostedEvents(); // Two loops so that posted events accumulate while ( XPending( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() ) ) { // also flushes output buffer while ( XPending( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() ) ) { if ( d->shortcut ) { return FALSE; } XNextEvent( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), &event ); if ( flags & ExcludeUserInput ) { switch ( event.type ) { case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: case MotionNotify: case XKeyPress: case XKeyRelease: case EnterNotify: case LeaveNotify: continue; case ClientMessage: { // from qapplication_x11.cpp extern Atom qt_wm_protocols; extern Atom qt_wm_take_focus; extern Atom qt_qt_scrolldone; // only keep the wm_take_focus and // qt_qt_scrolldone protocols, discard all // other client messages if ( event.xclient.format != 32 ) continue; if ( event.xclient.message_type == qt_wm_protocols || (Atom)[0] == qt_wm_take_focus ) break; if ( event.xclient.message_type == qt_qt_scrolldone ) break; } default: break; } } nevents++; if ( qApp->x11ProcessEvent( &event ) == 1 ) return TRUE; } } } if ( d->shortcut ) { return FALSE; } QApplication::sendPostedEvents(); const uint exclude_all = ExcludeSocketNotifiers | 0x08; // 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only if ( nevents > 0 && ( flags & exclude_all ) == exclude_all && ( flags & WaitForMore ) ) { return TRUE; } // don't block if exitLoop() or exit()/quit() has been called. bool canWait = d->exitloop || d->quitnow ? FALSE : (flags & WaitForMore); // Process timers and socket notifiers - the common UNIX stuff // return the maximum time we can wait for an event. static timeval zerotm; timeval *tm = 0; if ( ! ( flags & 0x08 ) ) { // 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only tm = qt_wait_timer(); // wait for timer or X event if ( !canWait ) { if ( !tm ) tm = &zerotm; tm->tv_sec = 0; // no time to wait tm->tv_usec = 0; } } int highest = 0; if ( ! ( flags & ExcludeSocketNotifiers ) ) { // return the highest fd we can wait for input on if ( d->sn_highest >= 0 ) { // has socket notifier(s) if ( d->sn_vec[0].list && ! d->sn_vec[0].list->isEmpty() ) d->sn_vec[0].select_fds = d->sn_vec[0].enabled_fds; else FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ); if ( d->sn_vec[1].list && ! d->sn_vec[1].list->isEmpty() ) d->sn_vec[1].select_fds = d->sn_vec[1].enabled_fds; else FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[1].select_fds ); if ( d->sn_vec[2].list && ! d->sn_vec[2].list->isEmpty() ) d->sn_vec[2].select_fds = d->sn_vec[2].enabled_fds; else FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[2].select_fds ); } else { FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ); FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[1].select_fds ); FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[2].select_fds ); } highest = d->sn_highest; } else { FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ); FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[1].select_fds ); FD_ZERO( &d->sn_vec[2].select_fds ); } if ( qt_is_gui_used ) { // select for events on the event socket - only on X11 FD_SET( d->xfd, &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ); highest = QMAX( highest, d->xfd ); } FD_SET( d->thread_pipe[0], &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ); highest = QMAX( highest, d->thread_pipe[0] ); if ( canWait ) emit aboutToBlock(); if ( qt_preselect_handler ) { QVFuncList::Iterator it, end = qt_preselect_handler->end(); for ( it = qt_preselect_handler->begin(); it != end; ++it ) (**it)(); } // unlock the GUI mutex and select. when we return from this function, there is // something for us to do #if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) locker.mutex()->unlock(); #endif int nsel; do { nsel = select( highest + 1, &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds, &d->sn_vec[1].select_fds, &d->sn_vec[2].select_fds, tm ); } while (nsel == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)); // relock the GUI mutex before processing any pending events #if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) locker.mutex()->lock(); #endif // we are awake, broadcast it emit awake(); emit qApp->guiThreadAwake(); if (nsel == -1) { if (errno == EBADF) { // it seems a socket notifier has a bad fd... find out // which one it is and disable it fd_set fdset; zerotm.tv_sec = zerotm.tv_usec = 0l; for (int type = 0; type < 3; ++type) { QPtrList<QSockNot> *list = d->sn_vec[type].list; if (!list) continue; QSockNot *sn = list->first(); while (sn) { FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sn->fd, &fdset); int ret = -1; do { switch (type) { case 0: // read ret = select(sn->fd + 1, &fdset, 0, 0, &zerotm); break; case 1: // write ret = select(sn->fd + 1, 0, &fdset, 0, &zerotm); break; case 2: // except ret = select(sn->fd + 1, 0, 0, &fdset, &zerotm); break; } } while (ret == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)); if (ret == -1 && errno == EBADF) { // disable the invalid socket notifier static const char *t[] = { "Read", "Write", "Exception" }; qWarning("QSocketNotifier: invalid socket %d and type '%s', disabling...", sn->fd, t[type]); sn->obj->setEnabled(FALSE); } sn = list->next(); } } } else { // EINVAL... shouldn't happen, so let's complain to stderr // and hope someone sends us a bug report perror( "select" ); } } // some other thread woke us up... consume the data on the thread pipe so that // select doesn't immediately return next time if ( nsel > 0 && FD_ISSET( d->thread_pipe[0], &d->sn_vec[0].select_fds ) ) { char c; ::read( d->thread_pipe[0], &c, 1 ); } if ( qt_postselect_handler ) { QVFuncList::Iterator it, end = qt_postselect_handler->end(); for ( it = qt_postselect_handler->begin(); it != end; ++it ) (**it)(); } // activate socket notifiers if ( ! ( flags & ExcludeSocketNotifiers ) && nsel > 0 && d->sn_highest >= 0 ) { // if select says data is ready on any socket, then set the socket notifier // to pending int i; for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { if ( ! d->sn_vec[i].list ) continue; QPtrList<QSockNot> *list = d->sn_vec[i].list; QSockNot *sn = list->first(); while ( sn ) { if ( FD_ISSET( sn->fd, &d->sn_vec[i].select_fds ) ) setSocketNotifierPending( sn->obj ); sn = list->next(); } } nevents += activateSocketNotifiers(); } // activate timers if ( ! ( flags & 0x08 ) ) { // 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only nevents += activateTimers(); } // color approx. optimization - only on X11 qt_reset_color_avail(); // return true if we handled events, false otherwise return (nevents > 0); }
bool QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventDispatcherMac); #if 0 //TrackDrag says you may not use the EventManager things.. if(qt_mac_in_drag) { qWarning("Qt: Cannot process events whilst dragging!"); return false; } #endif d->interrupt = false; emit awake(); #ifndef QT_MAC_NO_QUICKDRAW if(!qt_mac_safe_pdev) { //create an empty widget and this can be used for a port anytime QWidget *tlw = new QWidget; tlw->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); tlw->setObjectName(QLatin1String("empty_widget")); tlw->hide(); qt_mac_safe_pdev = tlw; } #endif bool retVal = false; for (;;) { QApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(0, 0, d->threadData); if (d->activateTimers() > 0) //send null timers retVal = true; do { EventRef event; if (!(flags & QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents) && !d->queuedUserInputEvents.isEmpty()) { // process a pending user input event event = d->queuedUserInputEvents.takeFirst(); } else { OSStatus err = ReceiveNextEvent(0,0, kEventDurationNoWait, true, &event); if(err != noErr) continue; // else if (flags & QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents) { UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(event), eclass = GetEventClass(event); switch(eclass) { case kEventClassQt: if(ekind != kEventQtRequestContext) break; // fall through case kEventClassMouse: case kEventClassKeyboard: d->queuedUserInputEvents.append(event); continue; } } } if (!filterEvent(&event) && qt_mac_send_event(flags, event)) retVal = true; ReleaseEvent(event); } while(!d->interrupt && GetNumEventsInQueue(GetMainEventQueue()) > 0); bool canWait = (d->threadData->canWait && !retVal && !d->interrupt && (flags & QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents) && !d->zero_timer_count); if (canWait) { emit aboutToBlock(); while(CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 1.0e20, true) == kCFRunLoopRunTimedOut); flags &= ~QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents; emit awake(); } else { CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, kEventDurationNoWait, true); break; } } return retVal; }
void QWaylandIntegration::initialize() { QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher = QGuiApplicationPrivate::eventDispatcher; QObject::connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(aboutToBlock()), mDisplay, SLOT(flushRequests())); QObject::connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(awake()), mDisplay, SLOT(flushRequests())); }