Exemplo n.º 1
word ServoDriver::GetBatteryVoltage(void) {
    // The USB2AX is caching informatation for us, so simply ask it for the data.  If this is still
    // too much overhead, then we may want to only do this on timer...
    // Lets cycle through the Tibia servos asking for voltages as they may be the ones doing the most work...
    unsigned long uldt = millis() - g_ulTimeLastBatteryVoltage;
    if ((uldt > VOLTAGE_MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_CALLS) || ((uldt > VOLTAGE_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CALLS && !bioloid.interpolating()))) {

        word wVoltage = (word)ax12GetRegister(cPinTable[FIRSTFEMURPIN /*+ g_bLegVoltage++*/], AX_PRESENT_VOLTAGE, 1);
        if (g_bLegVoltage == CNT_LEGS)
            g_bLegVoltage = 0;

        if (wVoltage && (wVoltage != 0xffff))  {
            g_ulTimeLastBatteryVoltage = millis();

            if (wVoltage != g_wLastVoltage) {
                printf("Voltage: %d\n\r", wVoltage);
                g_wLastVoltage = wVoltage;
        } else if ((uldt > VOLTAGE_TIME_TO_ERROR) && (g_wLastVoltage != 0xffff)) {
            printf("Voltage: error timeout");
            g_wLastVoltage = 0xffff;
    return ((g_wLastVoltage != (word)-1)? g_wLastVoltage*10 : (word)-1);
Exemplo n.º 2
// ProcessTerminalCommand: The terminal monitor will call this to see if the
//     command the user entered was one added by the servo driver.
boolean ServoDriver::ProcessTerminalCommand(byte *psz, byte bLen)
  if ((bLen == 1) && ((*psz == 'm') || (*psz == 'M'))) {
    g_fEnableServos = !g_fEnableServos;
    if (g_fEnableServos) 
      DBGSerial.println(F("Motors are on"));
      DBGSerial.println(F("Motors are off"));

    return true;  

  if ((bLen == 1) && ((*psz == 't') || (*psz == 'T'))) {
    // Test to see if all servos are responding...
    for(int i=1;i<=NUMSERVOS;i++){
      word w;
      w = ax12GetRegister(i,AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2);
      DBGSerial.println(w, DEC);

  if ((bLen == 1) && ((*psz == 'a') || (*psz == 'A'))) {
    g_fAXSpeedControl = !g_fAXSpeedControl;
    if (g_fAXSpeedControl) 
      DBGSerial.println(F("AX12 Speed Control"));
      DBGSerial.println(F("Bioloid Speed"));
  if ((bLen >= 1) && ((*psz == 'f') || (*psz == 'F'))) {
    psz++;  // need to get beyond the first character
    while (*psz == ' ') 
      psz++;  // ignore leading blanks...
    byte bFrame = 0;
    while ((*psz >= '0') && (*psz <= '9')) {  // Get the frame count...
      bFrame = bFrame*10 + *psz++ - '0';
    if (bFrame != 0) {
      DBGSerial.print(F("New Servo Cycles per second: "));
      DBGSerial.println(1000/bFrame, DEC);
      extern BioloidControllerEx bioloid;
      bioloid.frameLength = bFrame;

  else if ((bLen == 1) && ((*psz == 'o') || (*psz == 'O'))) {
  else if ((*psz == 'p') || (*psz == 'P')) {
   return false;

// Get the present speed of an MX servo.
// Parameters:
// id: ID of the servo to query.
// Returns the speed in rpm. Negative is clockwise.
float GetSpeed(int id)
    int v = ax12GetRegister(id, MX_PRESENT_SPEED_L, 2);
    float velocity = 1;
    if (v > 1023) { // clockwise
        velocity = -1;
        v -= 1024;
    velocity *= v * 0.11443;
    return velocity;
Exemplo n.º 4
word ServoDriver::GetBatteryVoltage(void) {
  // The USB2AX is caching informatation for us, so simply ask it for the data.  If this is still
  // too much overhead, then we may want to only do this on timer...

  // Lets cycle through the Tibia servos asking for voltages as they may be the ones doing the most work...
  word wVoltage = (word)ax12GetRegister(AX_ID_DEVICE, USB2AX_REG_VOLTAGE, 1);
  if (wVoltage != g_ulTimeLastBatteryVoltage) {
    printf("Voltage: %d\n\r", wVoltage);
    g_ulTimeLastBatteryVoltage = wVoltage;
  return ((wVoltage != (word)-1)? wVoltage*10 : (word)-1);
Exemplo n.º 5
void ServoDriver::Init(void) {
    // First lets get the actual servo positions for all of our servos...
    g_fServosFree = true;

    // We will duplicate and expand on the functionality of the bioloid readPose,
    // function.  In our loop we will set the IDs to that of our table, so they
    // will be in the same order.  Plus we will verify we have all of the servos
    // If we care configured such that none of the servos in our loop have id #1 and
    // we find that servo #1 and only one other is not found, we will assume that
    // servo did the renumber to 1 problem and we will renumber it to the missing one.
    // But again only if 1 servo is missing. 
    // Note:  We are not saving the read positions, but the make sure servos are on will...
    bioloid.poseSize(NUMSERVOS);  // Method in this version
    uint16_t w;
    int     count_missing = 0;
    int     missing_servo = -1;
    bool    servo_1_in_table = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMSERVOS; i++) {
        // Set the id
        bioloid.setId(i, cPinTable[i]);
        if (cPinTable[i] == 1)
            servo_1_in_table = true;

        // Now try to get it's position
        w = ax12GetRegister(cPinTable[i], AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2);
        if (w == 0xffff) {
            // Try a second time to make sure. 
            w = ax12GetRegister(cPinTable[i], AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2);
            if (w == 0xffff) {
                // We have a failure
                printf("Servo(%d): %d not found", i, cPinTable[i]);
                if (++count_missing == 1)
                    missing_servo = cPinTable[i];
    // Now see if we should try to recover from a potential servo that renumbered itself back to 1.
    if (count_missing)
        printf("ERROR: Servo driver init: %d servos missing\n", count_missing);
    if ((count_missing == 1) && !servo_1_in_table) {
        if (dxl_read_word(1, AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L) != 0xffff) {
            printf("Servo recovery: Servo 1 found - setting id to %d\n",  missing_servo);
            dxl_write_byte(1, AX_ID, missing_servo);

  g_fAXSpeedControl = false;

  _fGPEnabled = true;    // assume we support it.

// Get the current consumption of an MX servo.
// Parameters:
// id: ID of the servo to query.
// Returns the current in mA. The reading is precise to
// one half digit.
float GetCurrent(int id)
    int i = ax12GetRegister(id, MX_CURRENT_L, 2);
    return 4.5 * (i - 2048);
// Get the voltage supplied to an MX servo.
// Parameters:
// id: ID of the servo to query.
// Returns the voltage in V. The reading is precise to
// one decimal.
float GetVoltage(int id)
    int v = ax12GetRegister(id, MX_PRESENT_VOLTAGE, 1);
    return v / 10.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
/** Main program entry point. This routine contains the overall program flow
int main(void)
	initialize(); 	//Configures Ports, sets default values, etc.

	//Loop Forever
	for (;;)
		//we add data starting with an '.' to the buffer until we get the newline character.
		fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); 	//Get the actual input (reads up to and including newline character)
		cmd = input[1]; 						//command char is always the first char of the input data after the '.'
		//Command = 'q' - Query for the current status
		if (cmd == 'q')
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 							//Clear previous input
			fprintf(stdout, ".q%d,%d\n",   FIRMWARE_VERSION, NUM_MOTORS);  			//ACK w/ Firmware Version, # of Motors
		//Command = 'l' - Command to Control Debug LED
		else if (cmd == 'l')
			if (input[2] == '1')		DEBUG_LED_ON();					//Turn LED On
			else if (input[2] == '0')	DEBUG_LED_OFF();				//Turn LED Off
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 							//Clear previous input
			fprintf(stdout, ".l%d\n", DEBUG_LED_STATE());				//ACK		
		//Command = 'v' - Sets all motor speeds
		//Comma separated entries telling all motors to set certain speeds
		//Assumes motor IDs are 0 <-> NUM_MOTORS-1
		else if (cmd == 'v')
			parse_serial();						//Read the input string to an array of values
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 	//Clear previous input
			//send those speed commands
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				ax12SetRegister2(i, AX_GOAL_SPEED_L, vals[i]);
			//Only after we have commanded all the speeds, can we check the status
			fprintf(stdout, ".v");														//ACK Character
			//Send ACK Info
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				fprintf(stdout, "%d", ax12GetRegister(i, AX_GOAL_SPEED_L, 2));	//Return velocity setting
				if (i<NUM_MOTORS-1) fprintf(stdout, ",");								//Print delimiter
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");														//ACK Newline
		//Command = 'c' - Command all the motors to a new position
		//Comma separated entries telling all motors to move to positions from 0-1023
		//Assumes motor IDs are 0 <-> NUM_MOTORS-1
		else if (cmd == 'c')
			parse_serial();						//Read the input string to an array of positions
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 	//Clear previous input
			//send those position commands
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				ax12SetRegister2(i, AX_GOAL_POSITION_L, vals[i]);
			//Only after we have commanded all the positions, can we check the status
			fprintf(stdout, ".c");														//ACK Character
			//Send ACK Info
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				while(ax12GetRegister(i,AX_MOVING,1));									//Wait for this motor to finish moving
				fprintf(stdout, "%d", ax12GetRegister(i, AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2));	//Return the present position
				if (i<NUM_MOTORS-1) fprintf(stdout, ",");								//Print delimiter
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");														//ACK Newline
