Exemplo n.º 1
/** initialize()
	Sets up the UARTS, configures pin directions, says hello, then blinks at you.
void initialize(void)
	//init the UART0 to the Computer
	stdout = &uart_output;
	stdin  = &uart_input;
	//Initialize the AX12 UART1
	//Initialize Pin Directions and States for I/O

	//We're live.  Say Hello
	//Blink The Board LED and all Dynamixel LEDs to show We're good to go
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 0);
// Set the PID gains of an MX servo.
// Parameters:
// id: The ID of the servo to setup.
// p_gain: The proportional gain [0; 31,75] (default for dynamixels is 4)
// i_gain: The integral gain [0; 124,02] (default for dynamixels is 0)
// d_gain: The diferential gain [0; 1.016] (default for dynamixels is 0)
void SetPidGains(int id, float p_gain, float i_gain, float d_gain)
    char p = (char)(p_gain * 8);
    ax12SetRegister(id, MX_P_GAIN, p);

    char i = (char)(i_gain * 2.048);
    ax12SetRegister(id, MX_I_GAIN, i);

    char d = (char)(d_gain * 250);
    ax12SetRegister(id, MX_D_GAIN, d);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Cleanup
void ServoDriver::Cleanup(void) {
    // Do any cleanup that the driver may need.
    ax12SetRegister(AX_ID_DEVICE, USB2AX_REG_VOLTAGE, 0);   // Turn off the voltage testing...
    // Turn off all of the servo LEDS...  Maybe use broadcast?
    for (int iServo=0; iServo < NUMSERVOS; iServo++) {
        dxl_write_byte((cPinTable[iServo]), AX_LED, 0);
        dxl_get_result();   // don't care for now
    bioloid.end();	// tell the driver to abort

Exemplo n.º 4
void ServoDriver::Init(void) {
  // First lets get the actual servo positions for all of our servos...
  g_fServosFree = true;
  bioloid.poseSize(NUMSERVOS);  // Method in this version


  g_fAXSpeedControl = false;

  _fGPEnabled = true;    // assume we support it.

  // Currently have Turret pins not necessarily same as numerical order so
  // Maybe should do for all pins and then set the positions by index instead
  // of having it do a simple search on each pin...
#ifdef cTurretRotPin
  bioloid.setId(FIRSTTURRETPIN, cTurretRotPin);
  bioloid.setId(FIRSTTURRETPIN+1, cTurretTiltPin);
Exemplo n.º 5
void ServoDriver::Init(void) {
    // First lets get the actual servo positions for all of our servos...
    g_fServosFree = true;

    // We will duplicate and expand on the functionality of the bioloid readPose,
    // function.  In our loop we will set the IDs to that of our table, so they
    // will be in the same order.  Plus we will verify we have all of the servos
    // If we care configured such that none of the servos in our loop have id #1 and
    // we find that servo #1 and only one other is not found, we will assume that
    // servo did the renumber to 1 problem and we will renumber it to the missing one.
    // But again only if 1 servo is missing. 
    // Note:  We are not saving the read positions, but the make sure servos are on will...
    bioloid.poseSize(NUMSERVOS);  // Method in this version
    uint16_t w;
    int     count_missing = 0;
    int     missing_servo = -1;
    bool    servo_1_in_table = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMSERVOS; i++) {
        // Set the id
        bioloid.setId(i, cPinTable[i]);
        if (cPinTable[i] == 1)
            servo_1_in_table = true;

        // Now try to get it's position
        w = ax12GetRegister(cPinTable[i], AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2);
        if (w == 0xffff) {
            // Try a second time to make sure. 
            w = ax12GetRegister(cPinTable[i], AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2);
            if (w == 0xffff) {
                // We have a failure
                printf("Servo(%d): %d not found", i, cPinTable[i]);
                if (++count_missing == 1)
                    missing_servo = cPinTable[i];
    // Now see if we should try to recover from a potential servo that renumbered itself back to 1.
    if (count_missing)
        printf("ERROR: Servo driver init: %d servos missing\n", count_missing);
    if ((count_missing == 1) && !servo_1_in_table) {
        if (dxl_read_word(1, AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L) != 0xffff) {
            printf("Servo recovery: Servo 1 found - setting id to %d\n",  missing_servo);
            dxl_write_byte(1, AX_ID, missing_servo);

  g_fAXSpeedControl = false;

  _fGPEnabled = true;    // assume we support it.

Exemplo n.º 6
// Cleanup
void ServoDriver::Cleanup(void) {
    // Do any cleanup that the driver may need.
    ax12SetRegister(AX_ID_DEVICE, USB2AX_REG_VOLTAGE, 0);   // Turn off the voltage testing...