Exemplo n.º 1
 * Reads next record, hides the random access of different regions from the user.
bool BAMOrderedReader::read(bam1_t *s)
    if (random_access_enabled)
            if (itr && bam_itr_next(sam, itr, s)>=0)
                return true;
            else if (!initialize_next_interval())
                return false;
        if (bam_read1(sam->fp.bgzf, s)>=0)
            //todo: filter via interval tree
            //if found in tree, return true else false
            return true;
            return false;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
// This function reads a BAM alignment from one BAM file.
static int read_bam(void *data, bam1_t *b) // read level filters better go here to avoid pileup
	aux_t *aux = (aux_t*)data; // data in fact is a pointer to an auxiliary structure
	int ret = aux->iter? bam_iter_read(aux->fp, aux->iter, b) : bam_read1(aux->fp, b);
	if ((int)b->core.qual < aux->min_mapQ) b->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
// currently, this function ONLY works if each read has one hit
void bam_mating_core(bamFile in, bamFile out)
	bam_header_t *header;
	bam1_t *b[2];
	int curr, has_prev, pre_end = 0, cur_end;
	kstring_t str;

	str.l = str.m = 0; str.s = 0;
	header = bam_header_read(in);
	bam_header_write(out, header);

	b[0] = bam_init1();
	b[1] = bam_init1();
	curr = 0; has_prev = 0;
	while (bam_read1(in, b[curr]) >= 0) {
		bam1_t *cur = b[curr], *pre = b[1-curr];
		if (cur->core.tid < 0) continue;
		cur_end = bam_calend(&cur->core, bam1_cigar(cur));
		if (cur_end > (int)header->target_len[cur->core.tid]) cur->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
		if (cur->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY) continue; // skip secondary alignments
		if (has_prev) {
			if (strcmp(bam1_qname(cur), bam1_qname(pre)) == 0) { // identical pair name
				cur->core.mtid = pre->core.tid; cur->core.mpos = pre->core.pos;
				pre->core.mtid = cur->core.tid; pre->core.mpos = cur->core.pos;
				if (pre->core.tid == cur->core.tid && !(cur->core.flag&(BAM_FUNMAP|BAM_FMUNMAP))
					&& !(pre->core.flag&(BAM_FUNMAP|BAM_FMUNMAP))) // set TLEN/ISIZE
					uint32_t cur5, pre5;
					cur5 = (cur->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE)? cur_end : cur->core.pos;
					pre5 = (pre->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE)? pre_end : pre->core.pos;
					cur->core.isize = pre5 - cur5; pre->core.isize = cur5 - pre5;
				} else cur->core.isize = pre->core.isize = 0;
				if (pre->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE) cur->core.flag |= BAM_FMREVERSE;
				else cur->core.flag &= ~BAM_FMREVERSE;
				if (cur->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE) pre->core.flag |= BAM_FMREVERSE;
				else pre->core.flag &= ~BAM_FMREVERSE;
				if (cur->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) { pre->core.flag |= BAM_FMUNMAP; pre->core.flag &= ~BAM_FPROPER_PAIR; }
				if (pre->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) { cur->core.flag |= BAM_FMUNMAP; cur->core.flag &= ~BAM_FPROPER_PAIR; }
				bam_template_cigar(pre, cur, &str);
				bam_write1(out, pre);
				bam_write1(out, cur);
				has_prev = 0;
			} else { // unpaired or singleton
				pre->core.mtid = -1; pre->core.mpos = -1; pre->core.isize = 0;
				if (pre->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) {
					pre->core.flag |= BAM_FMUNMAP;
					pre->core.flag &= ~BAM_FMREVERSE & ~BAM_FPROPER_PAIR;
				bam_write1(out, pre);
		} else has_prev = 1;
		curr = 1 - curr;
		pre_end = cur_end;
	if (has_prev) bam_write1(out, b[1-curr]);
Exemplo n.º 4
void edwBamToWig(char *input, char *output)
/* edwBamToWig - Convert a bam file to a wig file by measuring depth of coverage, optionally adjusting hit size to average for library.. */
FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w");
/* Open file and get header for it. */
samfile_t *sf = samopen(input, "rb", NULL);
if (sf == NULL)
    errnoAbort("Couldn't open %s.\n", input);
bam_header_t *head = sf->header;
if (head == NULL)
    errAbort("Aborting ... Bad BAM header in file: %s", input);

/* Scan through input populating genome range trees */
struct genomeRangeTree *grt = genomeRangeTreeNew();
bam1_t one = {};
for (;;)
    /* Read next record. */
    if (bam_read1(sf->x.bam, &one) < 0)
    if (one.core.tid >= 0 && one.core.n_cigar > 0)
	char *chrom = head->target_name[one.core.tid];
	int start = one.core.pos;
	int end = start + one.core.l_qseq;
	if (one.core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE)
	    start -= clPad;
	    end += clPad;
	struct rbTree *rt = genomeRangeTreeFindOrAddRangeTree(grt,chrom);
	rangeTreeAddToCoverageDepth(rt, start, end);

/* Convert genome range tree into output wig */

/* Get list of chromosomes. */
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(grt->hash);
for (hel = helList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
    char *chrom = hel->name;
    struct rbTree *rt = hel->val;
    struct range *range, *rangeList = rangeTreeList(rt);
    for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
	 fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",  chrom, range->start, range->end, ptToInt(range->val));

Exemplo n.º 5
boolean bamIsSortedByTarget(char *fileName, int maxToCheck)
/* Return TRUE if bam is sorted by target for at least the first bits. */
int leftToCheck = maxToCheck;
struct hash *targetHash = hashNew(0);
boolean result = TRUE;

/* Open bam/sam file and set up basic I/O vars on it. */
samfile_t *sf = samopen(fileName, "rb", NULL);
bam_header_t *bamHeader = sf->header;
bam1_t one;
int err;

char lastTarget[PATH_LEN] = "";
int lastPos = 0;

/* Loop through while still haven't hit our max and file still has data */
while ((err = bam_read1(sf->x.bam, &one)) >= 0)
    if (--leftToCheck < 0)
    /* Get target,  skipping read if it's not aligned well enough to have a target. */
    int32_t tid = one.core.tid;
    if (tid < 0)
    char *target = bamHeader->target_name[tid];

    int pos = one.core.pos;

    /* If we are on same target then make sure we are in ascending order. */
    if (sameString(target, lastTarget))
	if (pos < lastPos)
	    result = FALSE;
	/* If sorted should not go back to a new chromosome. Use hash to check this */
	if (hashLookup(targetHash, target))
	    result = FALSE;
	hashAdd(targetHash, target, NULL);
	safef(lastTarget, sizeof(lastTarget), "%s", target);
    lastPos = pos;
return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
// This function reads a BAM alignment from one BAM file.
static int read_bam(void *data, bam1_t *b) // read level filters better go here to avoid pileup
	aux_t *aux = (aux_t*)data; // data in fact is a pointer to an auxiliary structure
	int ret = aux->iter? bam_iter_read(aux->fp, aux->iter, b) : bam_read1(aux->fp, b);
	if (!(b->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP)) {
		if ((int)b->core.qual < aux->min_mapQ) b->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
		else if (aux->min_len && bam_cigar2qlen(&b->core, bam1_cigar(b)) < aux->min_len) b->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
static bwa_seq_t *bwa_read_bam(bwa_seqio_t *bs, int n_needed, int *n, int is_comp, int trim_qual)
	bwa_seq_t *seqs, *p;
	int n_seqs, l, i;
	long n_trimmed = 0, n_tot = 0;
	bam1_t *b;
	int res;

	b = bam_init1();
	n_seqs = 0;
	seqs = (bwa_seq_t*)calloc(n_needed, sizeof(bwa_seq_t));
	while ((res = bam_read1(bs->fp, b)) >= 0) {
		uint8_t *s, *q;
		int go = 0;
		if ((bs->which & 1) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 2) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 4) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD1) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD2))go = 1;
		if (go == 0) continue;
		l = b->core.l_qseq;
		p = &seqs[n_seqs++];
		p->tid = -1; // no assigned to a thread
		p->qual = 0;
		p->full_len = p->clip_len = p->len = l;
		n_tot += p->full_len;
		s = bam1_seq(b); q = bam1_qual(b);
		p->seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		p->qual = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		for (i = 0; i != p->full_len; ++i) {
			p->seq[i] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)bam1_seqi(s, i)];
			p->qual[i] = q[i] + 33 < 126? q[i] + 33 : 126;
		if (bam1_strand(b)) { // then reverse 
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 1);
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->qual, 0);
		if (trim_qual >= 1) n_trimmed += bwa_trim_read(trim_qual, p);
		p->rseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		memcpy(p->rseq, p->seq, p->len);
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 0); // *IMPORTANT*: will be reversed back in bwa_refine_gapped()
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->rseq, is_comp);
		p->name = strdup((const char*)bam1_qname(b));
		if (n_seqs == n_needed) break;
	if (res < 0 && res != -1) err_fatal_simple("Error reading bam file");
	*n = n_seqs;
	if (n_seqs && trim_qual >= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_read_seq] %.1f%% bases are trimmed.\n", 100.0f * n_trimmed/n_tot);
	if (n_seqs == 0) {
		return 0;
	return seqs;
Exemplo n.º 8
int bam_pad2unpad(bamFile in, bamFile out)
	bam_header_t *h;
	bam1_t *b;
	kstring_t r, q;
	uint32_t *cigar2 = 0;
	int n2 = 0, m2 = 0, *posmap = 0;

	h = bam_header_read(in);
	bam_header_write(out, h);
	b = bam_init1();
	r.l = r.m = q.l = q.m = 0; r.s = q.s = 0;
	while (bam_read1(in, b) >= 0) {
		uint32_t *cigar = bam1_cigar(b);
		n2 = 0;
		if (b->core.pos == 0 && b->core.tid >= 0 && strcmp(bam1_qname(b), h->target_name[b->core.tid]) == 0) {
			int i, k;
			unpad_seq(b, &r);
			write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(b->core.l_qseq, BAM_CMATCH));
			replace_cigar(b, n2, cigar2);
			posmap = realloc(posmap, r.m * sizeof(int));
			for (i = k = 0; i < r.l; ++i) {
				posmap[i] = k; // note that a read should NOT start at a padding
				if (r.s[i]) ++k;
		} else {
			int i, k, op;
			unpad_seq(b, &q);
			if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[0]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[0]);
			for (i = 0, k = b->core.pos; i < q.l; ++i, ++k)
				q.s[i] = q.s[i]? (r.s[k]? BAM_CMATCH : BAM_CINS) : (r.s[k]? BAM_CDEL : BAM_CPAD);
			for (i = k = 1, op = q.s[0]; i < q.l; ++i) {
				if (op != q.s[i]) {
					write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(k, op));
					op = q.s[i]; k = 1;
				} else ++k;
			write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(k, op));
			if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]);
			for (i = 2; i < n2; ++i)
				if (bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i]) == BAM_CMATCH && bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i-1]) == BAM_CPAD && bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i-2]) == BAM_CMATCH)
					cigar2[i] += cigar2[i-2], cigar2[i-2] = cigar2[i-1] = 0;
			for (i = k = 0; i < n2; ++i)
				if (cigar2[i]) cigar2[k++] = cigar2[i];
			n2 = k;
			replace_cigar(b, n2, cigar2);
			b->core.pos = posmap[b->core.pos];
		bam_write1(out, b);
	free(r.s); free(q.s); free(posmap);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 3) {
        printf("No input nor output files provided");
        return -1;

    bamFile in = bam_open(argv[1], "r");
    bam_header_t* header;
    if (in == NULL) {
        printf("opening input file failed");
        return -1;

    bam1_t* b = bam_init1();

    bamFile out = bam_open(argv[2], "w");
    if (out == NULL) {
        printf("opening input file failed");
        return -1;

    header = bam_header_read(in);
    if(bam_header_write(out, header) < 0) {
        printf("writing header failed");

    long nextPrunedId;
    if(!scanf ("%lu", &nextPrunedId)) {
        printf("warning: no ids provided");
        return -1;
    long id = 0;
    while (bam_read1(in, b) >= 0) {
        // write BAM back
        if (nextPrunedId != id++) {
            bam_write1(out, b);
        } else {
            // fprintf(stderr, "pruning: id: %lu, pos: %d, length: %d\n", nextPrunedId, b->core.pos, b->core.l_qseq);
            if(!scanf ("%lu", &nextPrunedId)) {

    // closing all resources
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
static inline int TGM_BamInStreamLoadNext(TGM_BamInStream* pBamInStream)
    // for the bam alignment array, if we need to expand its space
    // we have to initialize those newly created bam alignment 
    // and update the query name hash since the address of those
    // bam alignments are changed after expanding
    pBamInStream->pNewNode = TGM_BamNodeAlloc(pBamInStream->pMemPool);
    if (pBamInStream->pNewNode == NULL)
        TGM_ErrQuit("ERROR: Too many unpaired reads are stored in the memory. Please use smaller bin size or disable searching pair genomically.\n");

    int ret = bam_read1(pBamInStream->fpBamInput, &(pBamInStream->pNewNode->alignment));

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
void convert_bam_to_sam(char* bam_input, char* sam_input) {
    int read_bytes;
    bam1_t* bam_p = bam_init1();
    char* bam_string;

    LOG_DEBUG("CONVERT-START: bam to sam\n");

    //open BAM file for read
    if (time_flag) {
    bam_file_t* bam_file_p =  bam_fopen_mode(bam_input, NULL, "r");

    //open SAM file for write, SAM file is a text file!!!
    FILE* sam_fd = fopen(sam_input, "w");

    if (sam_fd == NULL) {
        char log_message[200];
        sprintf(log_message, "Error opening file '%.150s' in mode 'r' !!!!!\n", sam_input);

    //header for BAM file has been done in the opening
    bam_header_t* bam_header_p = bam_file_p->bam_header_p;

    //write header text to SAM file
    fprintf(sam_fd, "%s", bam_header_p->text);

    //write string alignments to SAM file
    while ((read_bytes = bam_read1(bam_file_p->bam_fd, bam_p)) > 0) {
        bam_string = bam_format1(bam_header_p, bam_p);
        fprintf(sam_fd, "%s\n", bam_string);
        free(bam_string); // it was allocated by the sam-tools, we must free it !!

    //close BAM and SAM files, free bam alignment and bam file object
    if (time_flag) {
        stop_timer(t1_convert, t2_convert, convert_time);

    //number_of_batchs = 1, convention value for statistics (not real batch)
    number_of_batchs = 1;

    LOG_DEBUG("CONVERT-START: bam to sam\n");
Exemplo n.º 12
int bam_pileup_file(bamFile fp, int mask, bam_pileup_f func, void *func_data)
	bam_plbuf_t *buf;
	int ret;
	bam1_t *b;
	b = bam_init1();
	buf = bam_plbuf_init(func, func_data);
	bam_plbuf_set_mask(buf, mask);
	while ((ret = bam_read1(fp, b)) >= 0)
		bam_plbuf_push(b, buf);
	bam_plbuf_push(0, buf);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
bam_flagstat_t *bam_flagstat_core(bamFile fp)
	bam_flagstat_t *s;
	bam1_t *b;
	bam1_core_t *c;
	int ret;
	s = (bam_flagstat_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bam_flagstat_t));
	b = bam_init1();
	c = &b->core;
	while ((ret = bam_read1(fp, b)) >= 0)
		flagstat_loop(s, c);
	if (ret != -1)
		fprintf(pysamerr, "[bam_flagstat_core] Truncated file? Continue anyway.\n");
	return s;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int mplp_func(void *data, bam1_t *b)
	extern int bam_realn(bam1_t *b, const char *ref);
	extern int bam_prob_realn_core(bam1_t *b, const char *ref, int);
	extern int bam_cap_mapQ(bam1_t *b, char *ref, int thres);
	mplp_aux_t *ma = (mplp_aux_t*)data;
	int ret, skip = 0;
	do {
		int has_ref;
		ret = ma->iter? bam_iter_read(ma->fp, ma->iter, b) : bam_read1(ma->fp, b);
		if (ret < 0) break;
		if (b->core.tid < 0 || (b->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP)) { // exclude unmapped reads
			skip = 1;
		if (ma->conf->bed) { // test overlap
			skip = !bed_overlap(ma->conf->bed, ma->h->target_name[b->core.tid], b->core.pos, bam_calend(&b->core, bam1_cigar(b)));
			if (skip) continue;
		if (ma->conf->rghash) { // exclude read groups
			uint8_t *rg = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
			skip = (rg && bcf_str2id(ma->conf->rghash, (const char*)(rg+1)) >= 0);
			if (skip) continue;
		if (ma->conf->flag & MPLP_ILLUMINA13) {
			int i;
			uint8_t *qual = bam1_qual(b);
			for (i = 0; i < b->core.l_qseq; ++i)
				qual[i] = qual[i] > 31? qual[i] - 31 : 0;
		has_ref = (ma->ref && ma->ref_id == b->core.tid)? 1 : 0;
		skip = 0;
		if (has_ref && (ma->conf->flag&MPLP_REALN)) bam_prob_realn_core(b, ma->ref, (ma->conf->flag & MPLP_EXT_BAQ)? 3 : 1);
		if (has_ref && ma->conf->capQ_thres > 10) {
			int q = bam_cap_mapQ(b, ma->ref, ma->conf->capQ_thres);
			if (q < 0) skip = 1;
			else if (b->core.qual > q) b->core.qual = q;
		else if (b->core.qual < ma->conf->min_mq) skip = 1; 
		else if ((ma->conf->flag&MPLP_NO_ORPHAN) && (b->core.flag&1) && !(b->core.flag&2)) skip = 1;
	} while (skip);
	return ret;
int samread(samfile_t *fp, bam1_t *b)
	if (fp == 0 || !(fp->type & TYPE_READ)) return -1; // not open for reading
	if (fp->type & TYPE_BAM) return bam_read1(fp->x.bam, b);
	else return sam_read1(fp->x.tamr, fp->header, b);
Exemplo n.º 16
void signalFromBAM(const string bamFileName, const string sigFileName, Parameters P) {

    bam1_t *bamA;

    double nMult=0, nUniq=0;

    if (P.outWigFlags.norm==1) {//count reads in the BAM file
        BGZF *bamIn=bgzf_open(bamFileName.c_str(),"r");
        bam_hdr_t *bamHeader=bam_hdr_read(bamIn);
        while ( true ) {//until the end of file
            int bamBytes1=bam_read1(bamIn, bamA);
            if (bamBytes1<0) break; //end of file
            if (bamA->core.tid<0) continue; //unmapped read
//             if ( !std::regex_match(chrName.at(bamA->core.tid),std::regex(P.outWigReferencesPrefix))) continue; //reference does not mathc required references
            if ( P.outWigReferencesPrefix!="-" && (P.outWigReferencesPrefix.compare(0,P.outWigReferencesPrefix.size(),bamHeader->target_name[bamA->core.tid],P.outWigReferencesPrefix.size())!=0) ) continue; //reference does not match required references

            uint8_t* aNHp=bam_aux_get(bamA,"NH");
            if (aNHp!=NULL) {
                uint32_t aNH=bam_aux2i(aNHp);
                if (aNH==1) {//unique mappers
                } else if (aNH>1) {

    BGZF *bamIn=bgzf_open(bamFileName.c_str(),"r");
    bam_hdr_t *bamHeader=bam_hdr_read(bamIn);

    int sigN=P.outWigFlags.strand ? 4 : 2;

    double *normFactor=new double[sigN];

    ofstream **sigOutAll=new ofstream* [sigN];

    string* sigOutFileName=new string[sigN];
    if (P.outWigFlags.strand) {

    for (int ii=0; ii<sigN; ii++) {
        sigOutFileName[ii]+= (P.outWigFlags.format==0 ? ".bg" : ".wig");
        sigOutAll[ii]=new ofstream ( sigOutFileName[ii].c_str() );

    if (P.outWigFlags.norm==0) {//raw counts
    } else if (P.outWigFlags.norm==1) {//normlaized
        normFactor[0]=1.0e6 / nUniq;
        normFactor[1]=1.0e6 / (nUniq+nMult);
        for (int is=0;is<sigN;is++) {//formatting double output
            *sigOutAll[is]<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(5);
    if (P.outWigFlags.strand) {

    int iChr=-999;
    double *sigAll=NULL;
    uint32_t chrLen=0;
    while ( true ) {//until the end of file
        int bamBytes1=bam_read1(bamIn, bamA);
        if (bamA->core.tid!=iChr || bamBytes1<0) {
            //output to file
            if (iChr!=-999) {//iChr=-999 marks chromosomes that are not output, including unmapped reads
                for (int is=0;is<sigN;is++) {
                    if (P.outWigFlags.format==1) {
                        *sigOutAll[is] <<"variableStep chrom="<<bamHeader->target_name[iChr] <<"\n";
                    double prevSig=0;
                    for (uint32_t ig=0;ig<chrLen;ig++) {
                        double newSig=sigAll[sigN*ig+is];
                        if (P.outWigFlags.format==0) {//bedGraph
                            if (newSig!=prevSig) {
                                if (prevSig!=0) {//finish previous record
                                    *sigOutAll[is] <<ig<<"\t"<<prevSig*normFactor[is] <<"\n"; //1-based end
                                if (newSig!=0) {
                                    *sigOutAll[is] << bamHeader->target_name[iChr] <<"\t"<< ig <<"\t"; //0-based beginning
                        } else if (P.outWigFlags.format==1){//wiggle
                            if (newSig!=0) {
                                *sigOutAll[is] <<ig+1<<"\t"<<newSig*normFactor[is] <<"\n";
            if (bamBytes1<0) {//no more reads

            if ( iChr==-1 || (P.outWigReferencesPrefix!="-" && (P.outWigReferencesPrefix.compare(0,P.outWigReferencesPrefix.size(),bamHeader->target_name[bamA->core.tid],P.outWigReferencesPrefix.size())!=0) ) ) {
                continue; //reference does not match required references

            chrLen=bamHeader->target_len[iChr]+1;//one extra base at the end which sohuld always be 0
            delete [] sigAll;
            sigAll= new double[sigN*chrLen];
            memset(sigAll, 0, sizeof(*sigAll)*sigN*chrLen);

//         uint32_t nCigar =(bamA->core.flag<<16)>>16;
//         uint32_t mapFlag=bamA->core.flag>>16;
//         uint32_t mapQ=(bamA->core.flag<<16)>>24;

        #define BAM_CIGAR_OperationShift 4
        #define BAM_CIGAR_LengthBits 28
        #define BAM_CIGAR_M 0
        #define BAM_CIGAR_I 1
        #define BAM_CIGAR_D 2
        #define BAM_CIGAR_N 3
        #define BAM_CIGAR_S 4
        #define BAM_CIGAR_H 5
        #define BAM_CIGAR_P 6
        #define BAM_CIGAR_EQ 7
        #define BAM_CIGAR_X 8

        //by default, alignments marked as duplicate are not processed
        if ( (bamA->core.flag & 0x400) > 0 ) continue;

        //NH attribute
        uint8_t* aNHp=bam_aux_get(bamA,"NH");
        uint32_t aNH;
        if (aNHp==NULL) {
            aNH=1; //no NH tag: assume NH=1
            //continue; //do not process lines without NH field
        } else {
            aNH=bam_aux2i(bam_aux_get(bamA,"NH")); //write a safer function allowing for lacking NH tag
        if (aNH==0) continue; //do not process lines without NH=0
        uint32_t aG=bamA->core.pos;
        uint32_t iStrand=0;
        if (P.outWigFlags.strand) {//strand for stranded data from SAM flag
            iStrand= ( (bamA->core.flag & 0x10) > 0 ) == ( (bamA->core.flag & 0x80) == 0 );//0/1 for +/-
        if (P.outWigFlags.type==1) {//5' of the1st read signal only, RAMPAGE/CAGE
            if ( (bamA->core.flag & 0x80)>0) continue; //skip if this the second mate
            if (iStrand==0) {
                if (aNH==1) {//unique mappers
                sigAll[aG*sigN+1+2*iStrand]+=1.0/aNH;//U+M, normalized by the number of multi-mapping loci
                continue; //record only the first position

        uint32_t* cigar=(uint32_t*) (bamA->data+bamA->core.l_qname);

        for (uint32_t ic=0; ic<bamA->core.n_cigar; ic++) {
            uint32_t cigOp=(cigar[ic]<<BAM_CIGAR_LengthBits)>>BAM_CIGAR_LengthBits;
            uint32_t cigL=cigar[ic]>>BAM_CIGAR_OperationShift;
            switch (cigOp) {
                    if (P.outWigFlags.type==0 || (P.outWigFlags.type==2 && (bamA->core.flag & 0x80)>0 )) {//full signal, or second mate onyl signal
                        for (uint32_t ig=0;ig<cigL;ig++) {
                            if (aG>=chrLen) {
                                cerr << "BUG: alignment extends past chromosome in signalFromBAM.cpp\n";
                            if (aNH==1) {//unique mappers
                            sigAll[aG*sigN+1+2*iStrand]+=1.0/aNH;//U+M, normalized by the number of multi-mapping loci
                    } else {
        if (P.outWigFlags.type==1) {//full signal
            if (aNH==1) {//unique mappers
            sigAll[aG*sigN+1+2*iStrand]+=1.0/aNH;//U+M, normalized by the number of multi-mapping loci
    delete [] sigAll;

    for (int is=0; is<sigN; is++) {// flush/close all signal files
Exemplo n.º 17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  bamFile in; 
  sqlite3 * db;
  sqlite3_stmt * stmt;
  char * sErrMsg = NULL;
  char * tail = 0;
  int nRetCode;
  char sSQL [BUFFER_SIZE] = "\0";
  char database[BUFFER_SIZE];
  clock_t startClock,startClock2;

  if (argc != 2) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bamRindex <in.bam>\n");  
    return 1;  

  // Open file and exit if error
  //in = strcmp(argv[1], "-")? bam_open(argv[1], "rb") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "rb");
  //fprintf(stderr,"Options ok\n");
  in = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  if (in == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  
  //fprintf(stderr,"BAM opened\n");
  // ***********
  // Read header
  bam_header_t *header;
  header = bam_header_read(in);
  // sorted by name?
  // Should not rely on the value in SO 
  bam1_t *aln=bam_init1();
  unsigned long num_alns=0;

  /* Open the Database and create the Schema */
  // TODO: check the errors
  sqlite3_open(database, &db);
  sqlite3_exec(db, TABLE, NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); // create the table
  startClock = clock();
  sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  // Use up to 8GB of memory
  sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA cache_size = -8000000;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  while(bam_read1(in,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    //aln->core.tid < 0 ? 
    uint8_t *nh = bam_aux_get(aln, "NH");
    uint8_t *nm = bam_aux_get(aln, "NM");
    uint8_t *xs = bam_aux_get(aln, "XS");
    BOOLEAN isPrimary;
    BOOLEAN isMapped;
    BOOLEAN notMapped;
    BOOLEAN isDuplicate;
    BOOLEAN isNotPassingQualityControls;
    BOOLEAN isPaired;
    BOOLEAN isSecondMateRead,isProperPair;
    //secondary alignment
    notMapped=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) ? TRUE: FALSE;
    //notMapped=((aln->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) || (aln->core.mtid ==0)) ? TRUE: FALSE;
    isPrimary= (aln->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY) ? FALSE:TRUE;
    isProperPair=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FPROPER_PAIR) ? TRUE:FALSE;
    isPaired=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED ) ? TRUE:FALSE;
    isSecondMateRead=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2 ) ? TRUE: FALSE;
    isNotPassingQualityControls=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FQCFAIL ) ? TRUE:FALSE;
    isDuplicate=(aln->core.flag & BAM_FDUP) ? TRUE: FALSE;

    BOOLEAN isSpliced=FALSE;
    BOOLEAN hasSimpleCigar=TRUE;
    int nSpliced=0;
    int i;
    if (aln->core.n_cigar != 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < aln->core.n_cigar; ++i) {
	char l="MIDNSHP=X"[bam1_cigar(aln)[i]&BAM_CIGAR_MASK];
	if ( l == 'N' ) { isSpliced=TRUE; hasSimpleCigar=FALSE;++nSpliced;}	  
	if ( l != 'M' && l!='=' ) {  hasSimpleCigar=FALSE;}	  
    //fprintf(stderr,"read %ld\n",num_alns);
    // isDuplicate,isNotPassingQualityControls,
    // isSpliced,isPAired,isPrimary,hasSimpleCigar,isSecondMateRead,isProperPair,nh,nm,qual/mapq,xs
    sprintf(sSQL,"INSERT into bam_index values (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,'%c')",
	    (xs==0?' ':(bam_aux2A(xs)==0?' ':bam_aux2A(xs))));
    sqlite3_exec(db, sSQL, NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  sqlite3_exec(db, "END TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  printf("\nImported %d records in %4.2f seconds\n", num_alns, ( (double) (clock() - startClock))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  // Create the indexes
  startClock2 = clock();
  // generating the indexes does not pay off
  //sqlite3_exec(db, INDEXES, NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg);
  //printf("Indexed %d records in %4.2f seconds\n", num_alns, ( (double) (clock() - startClock2))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  printf("Total time: %4.2f seconds\n", ((double)(clock() - startClock))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  return 0;  
Exemplo n.º 18
// FIX MRNM and unaligned reads
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  bamFile in; 
  long num_unmapped=0;
  long num_alns_pe=0;

  if (argc != 3) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bam_tophat2_pe_fix <in.bam> <out.bam>\n");  
    return 1;  

  in = strcmp(argv[1], "-")? bam_open(argv[1], "rb") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "rb"); 
  if (in == 0) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open input BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  

  int ref;  
  unsigned long num_alns=0;
  // counts
  unsigned long unalign_mapq_fix=0;
  unsigned long mtid_fix=0;
  unsigned long mpos_fix=0;
  bamFile out; 
  bam_header_t *header;
  header = bam_header_read(in);
  bam1_t *aln=bam_init1();

  out = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? bam_open(argv[2], "w") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w"); 
  if (out == 0) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[2]);  
    return 1;  

  while(bam_read1(in,aln)>=0) {
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) { 
      // unaligned reads
      if ( aln->core.qual!=0 ) {
	//fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unaligned read with quality > 0 in line %lu\n",num_alns);
    //fprintf(stderr,"%s %c %d %d\n",bam1_qname(aln),(aln->core.tid<0?'U':'M'),aln->core.mtid,aln->core.mpos);
    if ( aln->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED ) {
      //fprintf(stderr,"paired %d\n",(aln->core.flag & BAM_FMUNMAP));
      // paired
      if ( aln->core.mtid <0 && !(aln->core.flag & BAM_FMUNMAP) ) {
	aln->core.flag |= BAM_FMUNMAP;
      if ( aln->core.mpos <0 && !(aln->core.flag & BAM_FMUNMAP) ) {
	aln->core.flag |= BAM_FMUNMAP;

  fprintf(stderr,"unaligned MAPQ fixes: %lu\n",unalign_mapq_fix);
  fprintf(stderr,"unaligned mtid fixes: %lu\n",mtid_fix);
  fprintf(stderr,"unaligned mpos fixes: %lu\n",mpos_fix);
  return 0;  
Exemplo n.º 19
 * PRIVATE. Wander for a region.
static inline int
bfwork_obtain_region(bam_fwork_t *fwork, bam_region_t *region)
	int err, bytes;
	bam1_t *read;
	double times;

	//Get first read
	if(last_read != NULL)
		read = last_read;
		bytes = last_read_bytes;
		last_read = NULL;
		//Get first read from file
		read = bam_init1();
		bytes = bam_read1(fwork->input_file->bam_fd, read);

	//Iterate reads
	while(bytes > 0)
		//Wander this read
			times = omp_get_wtime();
		err = fwork->context->wander_f(fwork, region, read);
			times = omp_get_wtime() - times;
				time_add_time_slot(D_FWORK_WANDER_FUNC, fwork->context->time_stats, times);
			//This read dont pass the filters
		case NO_ERROR:
			//Add read to region
			region->reads[region->size]  = read;

			//Region is full?
			if(region->size >= region->max_size)

			//Get next read from file
			read = bam_init1();
			bytes = bam_read1(fwork->input_file->bam_fd, read);

			//The region have changed
			last_read = read;
			last_read_bytes = bytes;
			return err;

			//Unknown error
			LOG_ERROR_F("Framework fails with error code: %d\n", err);
			return err;

	//Check read error
	if(bytes <= 0)
		//Destroy bam

		//End of file
		if(bytes == -1)
			return WANDER_READ_EOF;

	return NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  short out2stdout=0;
  bamFile in,in2; 
  bamFile out; 

  if (argc != 3) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bam_fix_se_flag <in.bam> <out.bam or - for stdout>\n");  
    return 1;  
  // Open file and exit if error
  in = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  out2stdout = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? 0 : 1; 
  out = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? bam_open(argv[2], "w") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w"); 
  if (in == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  
  if (out == 0) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[2]);  
    return 1;  

  unsigned long num_alns=0;
  int ref;  

  // ***********
  // Copy header
  bam_header_t *header;
  header = bam_header_read(in);

  // sorted by name?
  // Should not rely on the value in SO 
  bam1_t *aln=bam_init1();
  bam1_t *prev=bam_init1();

  if (!out2stdout) {
    fprintf(stderr,"bam_fix_se_flag version %s\n",VERSION);
    fprintf(stderr,"Processing %s\n",argv[1]);

  // reopen
  in2 = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  if (in2 == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  

  header = bam_header_read(in2);
  while(bam_read1(in2,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) continue;//ignore unaligned reads
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) continue;
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED ) { // PAIRED

    } else { //SE 
      //turn off the other pair related flags
      fprintf(stderr, ".");  
    if(!out2stdout) PRINT_ALNS_PROCESSED(num_alns);
  if(!out2stdout) {
  return 0;  
Exemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  short out2stdout=0;
  hashtable ht=new_hashtable(HASHSIZE);
  bamFile in,in2; 
  bamFile out; 
  int paired;//1 if not paired or pair read 1, 2 otherwise

  if (argc != 3) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bam_fix_NH <in.bam> <out.bam or - for stdout>\n");  
    return 1;  
  // Open file and exit if error
  in = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  out2stdout = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? 0 : 1; 
  out = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? bam_open(argv[2], "w") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w"); 
  if (in == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  
  if (out == 0) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[2]);  
    return 1;  

  unsigned long num_alns=0;
  int ref;  

  // ***********
  // Copy header
  bam_header_t *header;
  header = bam_header_read(in);

  // sorted by name?
  // Should not rely on the value in SO 
  bam1_t *aln=bam_init1();
  bam1_t *prev=bam_init1();

  if (!out2stdout) {
    fprintf(stderr,"bam_fix_NH version %s\n",VERSION);
    fprintf(stderr,"Processing %s\n",argv[1]);

  while(bam_read1(in,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) continue;//ignore unaligned reads
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) continue;
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) paired=2;
    else paired=1;
    if(!out2stdout) PRINT_ALNS_PROCESSED(num_alns);
  if(!out2stdout) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Hashing complete (%lu alignments)\n",num_alns);
    fprintf(stderr,"Memory used: %ld MB\n",index_mem/1024/1024);  
    fprintf(stderr,"Updating entries with NH and printing BAM...\n");
  // reopen
  in2 = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  if (in2 == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  

  header = bam_header_read(in2);
  while(bam_read1(in2,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) continue;//ignore unaligned reads
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) continue;
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) paired=2;
    READ_ALN *r=get_read_aln(ht,fix_read_name(bam1_qname(aln),paired));

    // update the NH field
    uint8_t *old_nh = bam_aux_get(aln, "NH");    
    int32_t nh=r->ctr;
    if (old_nh) {
      if (nh!=bam_aux2i(old_nh)) {
	fprintf(stderr,"warning: value mismatch! replacing>%s %d->%d\n",bam1_qname(aln),bam_aux2i(old_nh),nh);
      bam_aux_del(aln, old_nh);
      bam_aux_append(aln, "NH", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nh);
#ifdef DEBUG
      //      printf("!>%s %d\n",bam1_qname(aln),r->ctr);
    if (!old_nh) { // add NH  
      bam_aux_append(aln, "NH", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nh);
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr,"!>%s %d\n",bam1_qname(aln),bam_aux2i(old_nh));
    if(!out2stdout) PRINT_ALNS_PROCESSED(num_alns);
  if(!out2stdout) {
  return 0;  
Exemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  hashtable ht=new_hashtable(HASHSIZE);
  bamFile in,in2; 
  bamFile out; 
  if (argc != 3) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bam_fix_NH <in.bam> <out.bam>\n");  
    return 1;  
  // Open file and exit if error
  //in = strcmp(argv[1], "-")? bam_open(argv[1], "rb") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "rb");
  in = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  out = strcmp(argv[2], "-")? bam_open(argv[2], "w") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w"); 
  if (in == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  
  if (out == 0) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[2]);  
    return 1;  

  unsigned long num_alns=0;
  int ref;  

  // ***********
  // Copy header
  bam_header_t *header;
  header = bam_header_read(in);

  // sorted by name?
  // Should not rely on the value in SO 
  bam1_t *aln=bam_init1();
  bam1_t *prev=bam_init1();

  while(bam_read1(in,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) continue;//ignore unaligned reads
  printf("Hashing complete (%lu alignments)\n",num_alns);
  printf("Memory used in the hash: %ld MB\n",index_mem/1024/1024);  
  // reopen
  in2 = bam_open(argv[1], "rb");
  if (in2 == 0 ) {  
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fail to open BAM file %s\n", argv[1]);  
    return 1;  

  header = bam_header_read(in2);
  while(bam_read1(in2,aln)>=0) { // read alignment
    if (aln->core.tid < 0) continue;//ignore unaligned reads
    READ_ALN *r=get_read_aln(ht,bam1_qname(aln));

    // update the NH field
    uint8_t *old_nh = bam_aux_get(aln, "NH");    
    uint8_t nh=r->ctr;
    if (old_nh) {
      if (nh!=bam_aux2i(old_nh)) {
	fprintf(stderr,"warning: value mismatch! replacing>%s %d->%d\n",bam1_qname(aln),bam_aux2i(old_nh),nh);
      bam_aux_del(aln, old_nh);
      bam_aux_append(aln, "NH", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nh);
    if (!old_nh) { // add NH  
      bam_aux_append(aln, "NH", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nh);
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("!>%s %d\n",bam1_qname(aln),bam_aux2i(old_nh));
    // in->header
    // Also fix the XS:A tag
    // BAM_FREAD1
    // BAM_FREAD2
    // BAM_FREVERSE the read is mapped to the reverse strand 
      //BAM_CREF_SKIP 3 CIGAR skip on the reference (e.g. spliced alignment)
      //BAM_FREVERSE 16 the read is mapped to the reverse strand
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY) continue; // skip secondary alignments
    if (aln->core.flag & ! BAM_FPAIRED) continue; // not paired
    if (aln->core.flag & ! BAM_FPROPER_PAIR) continue; // not a proper pair
    if (aln->core.flag & ! BAM_FMUNMAP) continue; // the mate is mapped
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY) continue; // secundary read
    if (aln->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) continue; // only count each pair once
    // core.strand == 0 (f/+) 1 r/-
    // flag
    // bam1_qname(b)
  return 0;  
uint8_t *old_nm = bam_aux_get(b, "NM");
90 	if (c->flag & BAM_FUNMAP) return;
91 	if (old_nm) old_nm_i = bam_aux2i(old_nm);
92 	if (!old_nm) bam_aux_append(b, "NM", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nm);
93 	else if (nm != old_nm_i) {
94 	fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fillmd1] different NM for read '%s': %d -> %d\n", bam1_qname(b), old_nm_i, nm);
95 	bam_aux_del(b, old_nm);
96 	bam_aux_append(b, "NM", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nm);
97 	}
Exemplo n.º 23
/* Read one pair from a bam file.  Returns 1 if we got a singleton, 2 if
 * we got a pair, 0 if we reached EOF, -1 if something outside our
 * control went wrong, -2 if we got something unexpected (missing mate,
 * fragment with unexpected PE flags).
static int read_bam_pair_core(bwa_seqio_t *bs, bam_pair_t *pair, int allow_broken)
    static int num_wrong_pair = 128 ;

    memset(pair, 0, sizeof(bam_pair_t)) ;
    if (bam_read1(bs->fp, &pair->bam_rec[0]) < 0) return 0 ;
    while(1) {
        if (pair->bam_rec[0].core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED) { // paired read, get another
            if (bam_read1(bs->fp, &pair->bam_rec[1]) >= 0) {
                uint32_t flag1 = pair->bam_rec[0].core.flag & (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD1|BAM_FREAD2);
                uint32_t flag2 = pair->bam_rec[1].core.flag & (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD1|BAM_FREAD2);
                if (!strcmp(bam1_qname(&pair->bam_rec[0]), bam1_qname(&pair->bam_rec[1]))) { // actual mates
                    if( flag1 == (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD1) && flag2 == (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD2) ) { // correct order
                        pair->kind = proper_pair ;
                        return 2 ;
                    } else if (flag2 == (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD1) && flag1 == (BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD2) ) { // reverse order
                        memswap(&pair->bam_rec[0], &pair->bam_rec[1], sizeof(bam1_t));
                        pair->kind = proper_pair ;
                        return 2 ;
                    } else {
                        fprintf( stderr, "[read_bam_pair] got a pair, but the flags are wrong (%s).\n", bam1_qname(&pair->bam_rec[0]) ) ;
                        if( allow_broken ) {
                            pair->bam_rec[0].core.flag &= ~BAM_FREAD2;
                            pair->bam_rec[0].core.flag |= BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD1;
                            pair->bam_rec[1].core.flag &= ~BAM_FREAD1;
                            pair->bam_rec[1].core.flag |= BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FREAD2;
                            pair->kind = proper_pair ;
                            return 2 ;
                        else return -2 ;
                } else {
                    // This is arguably wrong, we discard a lone mate.  But what else could we do?  Buffering it
                    // somewhere to way is too hard for the time being, returning it as a single means we need to buffer the
                    // next one.  Not very appealing.  So only two options remain: discard it or bail out.
                    if( num_wrong_pair ) {
                        fprintf( stderr, "[read_bam_pair] got two reads, but the names don't match (%s,%s).\n",
                                 bam1_qname(&pair->bam_rec[0]), bam1_qname(&pair->bam_rec[1]) ) ;
                        --num_wrong_pair ;
                        if( !num_wrong_pair )
                            fprintf( stderr, "[read_bam_pair] too many mismatched names, not reporting anymore.\n" ) ;
                    try_get_sai( bs->sai, flag1 & BAM_FREAD1 ? 1 : 2, &pair->bwa_seq[0].n_aln, &pair->bwa_seq[0].aln ) ;
                    if(pair->bwa_seq[0].n_aln) free(pair->bwa_seq[0].aln);
                    if( !allow_broken ) {
                        if(pair->bwa_seq[0].n_aln) free(pair->bwa_seq[0].aln);
                        return -2 ;
                    memmove(&pair->bam_rec[0], &pair->bam_rec[1], sizeof(bam1_t));
                    memset(&pair->bam_rec[1], 0, sizeof(bam1_t));
            } else {
                fprintf( stderr, "[read_bam_pair] got a paired read and hit EOF.\n" ) ;
                if(pair->bwa_seq[0].n_aln) free(pair->bwa_seq[0].aln);
                return allow_broken ? 0 : -2 ;
        } else { // singleton read
            pair->kind = singleton ;
            return 1 ;
Exemplo n.º 24
  @abstract Sort an unsorted BAM file based on the chromosome order
  and the leftmost position of an alignment

  @param  is_by_qname whether to sort by query name
  @param  fn       name of the file to be sorted
  @param  prefix   prefix of the output and the temporary files; upon
	                   sucessess, prefix.bam will be written.
  @param  max_mem  approxiate maximum memory (very inaccurate)

  @discussion It may create multiple temporary subalignment files
  and then merge them by calling bam_merge_core(). This function is
  NOT thread safe.
void bam_sort_core_ext(int is_by_qname, const char *fn, const char *prefix, size_t max_mem, int is_stdout)
	int n, ret, k, i;
	size_t mem;
	bam_header_t *header;
	bamFile fp;
	bam1_t *b, **buf;

	g_is_by_qname = is_by_qname;
	n = k = 0; mem = 0;
	fp = strcmp(fn, "-")? bam_open(fn, "r") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
	if (fp == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] fail to open file %s\n", fn);
	header = bam_header_read(fp);
    if (is_by_qname) change_SO(header, "queryname");
    else change_SO(header, "coordinate");
	buf = (bam1_t**)calloc(max_mem / BAM_CORE_SIZE, sizeof(bam1_t*));
	// write sub files
	for (;;) {
		if (buf[k] == 0) buf[k] = (bam1_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bam1_t));
		b = buf[k];
		if ((ret = bam_read1(fp, b)) < 0) break;
		mem += ret;
		if (mem >= max_mem) {
			sort_blocks(n++, k, buf, prefix, header, 0);
			mem = 0; k = 0;
	if (ret != -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] truncated file. Continue anyway.\n");
	if (n == 0) sort_blocks(-1, k, buf, prefix, header, is_stdout);
	else { // then merge
		char **fns, *fnout;
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] merging from %d files...\n", n+1);
		sort_blocks(n++, k, buf, prefix, header, 0);
		fnout = (char*)calloc(strlen(prefix) + 20, 1);
		if (is_stdout) sprintf(fnout, "-");
		else sprintf(fnout, "%s.bam", prefix);
		fns = (char**)calloc(n, sizeof(char*));
		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			fns[i] = (char*)calloc(strlen(prefix) + 20, 1);
			sprintf(fns[i], "%s.%.4d.bam", prefix, i);
		bam_merge_core(is_by_qname, fnout, 0, n, fns, 0, 0);
		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (k = 0; (size_t)k < max_mem / BAM_CORE_SIZE; ++k) {
		if (buf[k]) {
Exemplo n.º 25
int main_bam2fq(int argc, char *argv[])
    BGZF *fp, *fpse = 0;
    bam1_t *b;
    uint8_t *buf;
    int max_buf, c, has12 = 0;
    kstring_t str;
    int64_t n_singletons = 0, n_reads = 0;
    char last[512], *fnse = 0;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "as:")) > 0)
        if (c == 'a') has12 = 1;
        else if (c == 's') fnse = optarg;
    if (argc == optind) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:   bam2fq [-a] [-s outSE] <in.bam>\n\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Options: -a        append /1 and /2 to the read name\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "         -s FILE   write singleton reads to FILE [assume single-end]\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        return 1;
    fp = strcmp(argv[optind], "-")? bgzf_open(argv[optind], "r") : bgzf_dopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
    buf = 0;
    max_buf = 0;
    str.l = str.m = 0;
    str.s = 0;
    last[0] = 0;
    if (fnse) fpse = bgzf_open(fnse, "w1");

    b = bam_init1();
    while (bam_read1(fp, b) >= 0) {
        int i, qlen = b->core.l_qseq, is_print = 0;
        uint8_t *qual, *seq;
        if (b->flag&BAM_FSECONDARY) continue; // skip secondary alignments
        if (fpse) {
            if (str.l && strcmp(last, bam_get_qname(b))) {
                bgzf_write(fpse, str.s, str.l);
                str.l = 0;
            if (str.l) is_print = 1;
            strcpy(last, bam_get_qname(b));
        } else is_print = 1;
        qual = bam_get_qual(b);
        kputc(qual[0] == 0xff? '>' : '@', &str);
        kputsn(bam_get_qname(b), b->core.l_qname - 1, &str);
        if (has12) {
            kputc('/', &str);
            kputw(b->core.flag>>6&3, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (max_buf < qlen + 1) {
            max_buf = qlen + 1;
            buf = (uint8_t*)realloc(buf, max_buf);
        buf[qlen] = 0;
        seq = bam_get_seq(b);
        for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = bam_seqi(seq, i); // copy the sequence
        if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // reverse complement
            for (i = 0; i < qlen>>1; ++i) {
                int8_t t = seq_comp_table[buf[qlen - 1 - i]];
                buf[qlen - 1 - i] = seq_comp_table[buf[i]];
                buf[i] = t;
            if (qlen&1) buf[i] = seq_comp_table[buf[i]];
        for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = seq_nt16_str[buf[i]];
        kputsn((char*)buf, qlen, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (qual[0] != 0xff) {
            kputsn("+\n", 2, &str);
            for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = 33 + qual[i];
            if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // reverse
                for (i = 0; i < qlen>>1; ++i) {
                    uint8_t t = buf[qlen - 1 - i];
                    buf[qlen - 1 - i] = buf[i];
                    buf[i] = t;
        kputsn((char*)buf, qlen, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (is_print) {
            fwrite(str.s, 1, str.l, stdout);
            str.l = 0;
    if (fpse) {
        if (str.l) {
            bgzf_write(fpse, str.s, str.l);
        fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] discarded %lld singletons\n", __func__, (long long)n_singletons);
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] processed %lld reads\n", __func__, (long long)n_reads);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
static bwa_seq_t *bwa_read_bam(bwa_seqio_t *bs, int n_needed, int *n, int is_comp, int trim_qual)
	bwa_seq_t *seqs, *p;
	int n_seqs, l, i;
	long n_trimmed = 0, n_tot = 0;
	bam1_t *b;
	int res;

	b = bam_init1();
	n_seqs = 0;
	seqs = (bwa_seq_t*)calloc(n_needed, sizeof(bwa_seq_t));
	while ((res = sam_read1(bs->fp, bs->h, b)) >= 0) {
	while ((res = bam_read1(bs->fp, b)) >= 0) {
		uint8_t *s, *q;
		int go = 0;
		if ((bs->which & 1) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 2) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 4) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD1) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD2))go = 1;
		if (go == 0) continue;
		l = b->core.l_qseq;
		p = &seqs[n_seqs++];
		p->tid = -1; // no assigned to a thread
		p->qual = 0;
		p->full_len = p->clip_len = p->len = l;
		n_tot += p->full_len;
		s = bam_get_seq(b); q = bam_get_qual(b);
		s = bam1_seq(b); q = bam1_qual(b);
		p->seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		p->qual = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		for (i = 0; i != p->full_len; ++i) {
			p->seq[i] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)bam_seqi(s, i)];
			p->seq[i] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)bam1_seqi(s, i)];
			p->qual[i] = q[i] + 33 < 126? q[i] + 33 : 126;
		if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // then reverse 
		if (bam1_strand(b)) { // then reverse 
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 1);
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->qual, 0);
		if (trim_qual >= 1) n_trimmed += bwa_trim_read(trim_qual, p);
		p->rseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		memcpy(p->rseq, p->seq, p->len);
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 0); // *IMPORTANT*: will be reversed back in bwa_refine_gapped()
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->rseq, is_comp);
		p->name = strdup((const char*)bam_get_qname(b));
		p->name = strdup((const char*)bam1_qname(b));
		if (n_seqs == n_needed) break;
	if (res < 0 && res != -1) err_fatal_simple("Error reading bam file");
	*n = n_seqs;
	if (n_seqs && trim_qual >= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_read_seq] %.1f%% bases are trimmed.\n", 100.0f * n_trimmed/n_tot);
	if (n_seqs == 0) {
		return 0;
	return seqs;


bwa_seq_t *bwa_read_seq(bwa_seqio_t *bs, int n_needed, int *n, int mode, int trim_qual)
	bwa_seq_t *seqs, *p;
	kseq_t *seq = bs->ks;
	int n_seqs, l, i, is_comp = mode&BWA_MODE_COMPREAD, is_64 = mode&BWA_MODE_IL13, l_bc = mode>>24;
	long n_trimmed = 0, n_tot = 0;

	if (l_bc > BWA_MAX_BCLEN) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[%s] the maximum barcode length is %d.\n", __func__, BWA_MAX_BCLEN);
		return 0;
	if (bs->is_bam) return bwa_read_bam(bs, n_needed, n, is_comp, trim_qual); // l_bc has no effect for BAM input
	n_seqs = 0;
	seqs = (bwa_seq_t*)calloc(n_needed, sizeof(bwa_seq_t));
	while ((l = kseq_read(seq)) >= 0) {
		if ((mode & BWA_MODE_CFY) && (seq->comment.l != 0)) {
			// skip reads that are marked to be filtered by Casava
			char *s = index(seq->comment.s, ':');
			if (s && *(++s) == 'Y') {
		if (is_64 && seq->qual.l)
			for (i = 0; i < seq->qual.l; ++i) seq->qual.s[i] -= 31;
		if (seq->seq.l <= l_bc) continue; // sequence length equals or smaller than the barcode length
		p = &seqs[n_seqs++];
		if (l_bc) { // then trim barcode
			for (i = 0; i < l_bc; ++i)
				p->bc[i] = (seq->qual.l && seq->qual.s[i]-33 < BARCODE_LOW_QUAL)? tolower(seq->seq.s[i]) : toupper(seq->seq.s[i]);
			p->bc[i] = 0;
			for (; i < seq->seq.l; ++i)
				seq->seq.s[i - l_bc] = seq->seq.s[i];
			seq->seq.l -= l_bc; seq->seq.s[seq->seq.l] = 0;
			if (seq->qual.l) {
				for (i = l_bc; i < seq->qual.l; ++i)
					seq->qual.s[i - l_bc] = seq->qual.s[i];
				seq->qual.l -= l_bc; seq->qual.s[seq->qual.l] = 0;
			l = seq->seq.l;
		} else p->bc[0] = 0;
		p->tid = -1; // no assigned to a thread
		p->qual = 0;
		p->full_len = p->clip_len = p->len = l;
		n_tot += p->full_len;
		p->seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		for (i = 0; i != p->full_len; ++i)
			p->seq[i] = nst_nt4_table[(int)seq->seq.s[i]];
		if (seq->qual.l) { // copy quality
			p->qual = (ubyte_t*)strdup((char*)seq->qual.s);
			if (trim_qual >= 1) n_trimmed += bwa_trim_read(trim_qual, p);
		p->rseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		memcpy(p->rseq, p->seq, p->len);
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 0); // *IMPORTANT*: will be reversed back in bwa_refine_gapped()
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->rseq, is_comp);
		p->name = strdup((const char*)seq->name.s);
		{ // trim /[12]$
			int t = strlen(p->name);
			if (t > 2 && p->name[t-2] == '/' && (p->name[t-1] == '1' || p->name[t-1] == '2')) p->name[t-2] = '\0';
		if (n_seqs == n_needed) break;
	*n = n_seqs;
	if (n_seqs && trim_qual >= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_read_seq] %.1f%% bases are trimmed.\n", 100.0f * n_trimmed/n_tot);
	if (n_seqs == 0) {
		return 0;
	return seqs;

void bwa_free_read_seq(int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs)
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) {
		bwa_seq_t *p = seqs + i;
		for (j = 0; j < p->n_multi; ++j)
			if (p->multi[j].cigar) free(p->multi[j].cigar);
		free(p->seq); free(p->rseq); free(p->qual); free(p->aln); free(p->md); free(p->multi);
Exemplo n.º 27
void filterReads(char * inBamFile,
                 char * outBamFile,
                 int minMapQual,
                 int minLen,
                 int maxMisMatches,
                 float minPcId,
                 float minPcAln,
                 int ignoreSuppAlignments,
                 int ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
    int result = -1;
    int outResult = -1;

    int supp_check = 0x0;
    if (ignoreSuppAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY;
    if (ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSECONDARY;

    // helper variables
    BGZF* in = 0;
    BGZF* out = 0;
    bam1_t *b = bam_init1();
    bam_hdr_t *h;

    // open bam
    if ((in = bgzf_open(inBamFile, "r")) == 0) {
               "ERROR: Failed to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
    else if ((h = bam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) { // read header
                "ERROR: Failed to read BAM header of file \"%s\".\n",
    else if ((out = bgzf_open(outBamFile, "w")) == 0) {
               "ERROR: Failed to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
    else {
        // write and destroy header
        bam_hdr_write(out, h);

        int line = 0;
        int matches, mismatches, qLen;
        float pcAln, pcId;
        int showStats = 0;

        // fetch alignments
        while ((result = bam_read1(in, b)) >= 0) {
            line += 1;

            // only primary mappings
            if ((b->core.flag & supp_check) != 0) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, non-primary\n", line);

            // only high quality
            if (b->core.qual < minMapQual) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, quality: %d\n", line, b->core.qual);

            // not too many absolute mismatches
            mismatches = bam_aux2i(bam_aux_get(b, "NM"));
            if (mismatches > maxMisMatches) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, mismatches: %d\n", line, mismatches);

            // not too short
            qLen = bam_cigar2qlen((&b->core)->n_cigar, bam_get_cigar(b));
            if (qLen < minLen) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, length: %d\n", line, qLen);

            // only high percent identity
            matches = bam_cigar2matches((&b->core)->n_cigar, bam_get_cigar(b));
            pcId = (matches - mismatches) / (float)matches; // percentage as float between 0 to 1
            if (pcId < minPcId) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, identity pc: %.4f\n", line, pcId);

            // only high percent alignment
            pcAln = matches / (float)qLen; // percentage as float between 0 to 1
            if (pcAln < minPcAln) {
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, alignment pc: %.4f\n", line, pcAln);

            if ((outResult = bam_write1(out, b)) < -1) {
                        "ERROR: Attempt to write read no. %d to file \"%s\" failed with code %d.\n",
                        line, outBamFile, outResult);
        if (result < -1) {
                    "ERROR: retrieval of read no. %d from file \"%s\" failed with code %d.\n",
                    line, inBamFile, result);
    if (in) bgzf_close(in);
    if (out) bgzf_close(out);
Exemplo n.º 28
  @abstract Sort an unsorted BAM file based on the chromosome order
  and the leftmost position of an alignment

  @param  is_by_qname whether to sort by query name
  @param  fn       name of the file to be sorted
  @param  prefix   prefix of the output and the temporary files; upon
	                   sucessess, prefix.bam will be written.
  @param  max_mem  approxiate maximum memory (very inaccurate)

  @discussion It may create multiple temporary subalignment files
  and then merge them by calling bam_merge_core(). This function is
  NOT thread safe.
void bam_sort_core_ext(int is_by_qname, const char *fn, const char *prefix, size_t _max_mem, int is_stdout, int n_threads, int level, int sort_type)
	int ret, i, n_files = 0;
	size_t mem, max_k, k, max_mem;
	bam_header_t *header;
	bamFile fp;
	bam1_t *b, **buf;
	char *fnout = 0;

	if (n_threads < 2) n_threads = 1;
	g_is_by_qname = is_by_qname;
	max_k = k = 0; mem = 0;
	max_mem = _max_mem * n_threads;
	buf = 0;
	fp = strcmp(fn, "-")? bam_open(fn, "r") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
	if (fp == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] fail to open file %s\n", fn);
	header = bam_header_read(fp);
	if (is_by_qname) change_SO(header, "queryname");
	else change_SO(header, "coordinate");
	// write sub files
	for (;;) {
		if (k == max_k) {
			size_t old_max = max_k;
			max_k = max_k? max_k<<1 : 0x10000;
			buf = realloc(buf, max_k * sizeof(void*));
			memset(buf + old_max, 0, sizeof(void*) * (max_k - old_max));
		if (buf[k] == 0) buf[k] = (bam1_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bam1_t));
		b = buf[k];
		if ((ret = bam_read1(fp, b)) < 0) break;
		if (b->data_len < b->m_data>>2) { // shrink
			b->m_data = b->data_len;
			b->data = realloc(b->data, b->m_data);
		mem += sizeof(bam1_t) + b->m_data + sizeof(void*) + sizeof(void*); // two sizeof(void*) for the data allocated to pointer arrays
		if (mem >= max_mem) {
			n_files = sort_blocks(n_files, k, buf, prefix, header, n_threads, sort_type);
			mem = k = 0;
	if (ret != -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] truncated file. Continue anyway.\n");
	// output file name
	fnout = calloc(strlen(prefix) + 20, 1);
	if (is_stdout) sprintf(fnout, "-");
	else sprintf(fnout, "%s.bam", prefix);
	// write the final output
	if (n_files == 0) { // a single block
		char mode[8];
		strcpy(mode, "w");
		if (level >= 0) sprintf(mode + 1, "%d", level < 9? level : 9);
                sort_aux_core(k, buf, sort_type);
#ifndef _PBGZF_USE 
		write_buffer(fnout, mode, k, buf, header, n_threads);
		write_buffer(fnout, mode, k, buf, header);
	} else { // then merge
		char **fns;
		n_files = sort_blocks(n_files, k, buf, prefix, header, n_threads, sort_type);
		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_sort_core] merging from %d files...\n", n_files);
		fns = (char**)calloc(n_files, sizeof(char*));
		for (i = 0; i < n_files; ++i) {
			fns[i] = (char*)calloc(strlen(prefix) + 20, 1);
			sprintf(fns[i], "%s.%.4d.bam", prefix, i);
#ifndef _PBGZF_USE 
		bam_merge_core2(is_by_qname, fnout, 0, n_files, fns, 0, 0, n_threads, level);
		bam_merge_core2(is_by_qname, fnout, 0, n_files, fns, 0, 0, level);
		for (i = 0; i < n_files; ++i) {
	// free
	for (k = 0; k < max_k; ++k) {
		if (!buf[k]) continue;
Exemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
    time_t timestamp, current;
    int i,j,k;
    int a,n;
    char *pc;

    FILE *input_file;
    FILE *output_file;
    FILE* log_file=stderr;

    bamFile bam_input;
    bam_header_t *header;
    bam1_t* b;
    bam1_core_t *c;

    char cps_file_name[MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH]="";
    char bam_file_name[MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH]="";
    char out_file_name[MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH]="";
    char log_file_name[MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH]="";

    int beg, beg_prev, end, pos, offset; 
    int ref_id, ref_id_prev, label;
    int s, side;
    int read_type, mapped_strand;
    char ch;

    int limit_counts = 0;

    int* contig_count[2];
    int* contig_index[2];
    splice_site** contig_sites[2];

    long int n_reads[N_READ_TYPES][2];

    long int n_total_reads = 0;
    long int n_skipped_reads = 0;

    int max_intron_length=0;
    int min_intron_length=0;
    int ignore_gene_labels = 0;
    int stranded = 1;
    int rev_compl[2] = {1,0};

    int other_end, the_end, donor_id, acceptor_id;

    int *cigar;
    int flagged = 0;
    int margin = 4;

    /** reading input from the command line **/

    timestamp = time(NULL);

    if(argc==1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "BAM2SSJ is the utility for fast counting reads covering splice junctions\nCommand line use:\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "%s -cps <cps_file> -bam <bam_file> [-out <out_file>] [-log <log_file>] [-maxlen <max_intron_length>] [-minlen <min_intron_length>] [-margin <length>] ",argv[0]);
	fprintf(stderr, "[-v suppress verbose output] [-read1 0/1] [-read2 0/1] [-g ignore gene labels] [-u unstranded] [-f count reads flagged 0x800 only]\ntype %s -h for more info\n",argv[0]);

    for(i=1;i<argc;i++) {
        pc = argv[i];
        if(*pc == '-') {
            if(strcmp(pc+1,"cps") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%s", &cps_file_name[0]);
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"bam") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%s", &bam_file_name[0]);
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"out") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%s", &out_file_name[0]);
            if(strcmp(pc+1,"log") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%s", &log_file_name[0]);

            if(strcmp(pc+1,"read1") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &rev_compl[0]);
            if(strcmp(pc+1,"read2") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &rev_compl[1]);

	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"lim") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &limit_counts);
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"minlen") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &min_intron_length);
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"maxlen") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &max_intron_length);
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"margin") == 0) sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &margin);

	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"v") == 0) verbose = 0;
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"g") == 0) ignore_gene_labels = 1;
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"u") == 0) stranded = 0;
	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"f") == 0) flagged = 1;

	    if(strcmp(pc+1,"h") ==0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Input:  (1) sorted BAM file\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "\t(2) CPS (chromosome-position-strand) tab-delimited file sorted by position (chr1 100 + etc)\n\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tIn order to get CPS file from gtf, use the utility gtf2cps.sh\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tImportant: CPS must be sorted by position ONLY!\n\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tIf the 4th column contains (a numeric) gene label then only splice junctions within the same gene will be considered (unless the '-g' option is active)\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "\tThe utility to generate CPS with gene labels is gtf2cps_with_gene_id.sh (or update the script accordingly if you are using genome other than human)\n\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\t-maxlen <upper limit on intron length>; 0 = no limit (default=%i)\n",max_intron_length);
		fprintf(stderr, "\t-minlen <lower limit on intron length>; 0 = no limit (default=%i)\n",min_intron_length);
		fprintf(stderr, "\t-margin <length> minimum number of flanking nucleotides in the read in order to support SJ or cover EB, (default=%i)\n",margin);
        	fprintf(stderr, "\t-read1 0/1, reverse complement read1 no/yes (default=%i)\n",rev_compl[0]);
        	fprintf(stderr, "\t-read2 0/1, reverse complement read2 no/yes (default=%i)\n",rev_compl[1]);
        	fprintf(stderr, "\t-g ignore gene labels (column 4 of cps), default=%s\n", ignore_gene_labels ? "ON" : "OFF");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\t-u ignore strand (all reads map to the correct strand), default=%s\n", stranded ? "OFF" : "ON");
		fprintf(stderr, "\t-f count only reads that are flagged 0x800 (uniquely mapped reads), default=%s\n", flagged ? "ON" : "OFF");
		fprintf(stderr, "Output: tab-delimited  (default=stdout)\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tColumn 1 is splice_junction_id\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tColumns 2-6 are counts of 53, 5X, X3, 50, and 03 reads for the correct (annotated) strand\n");
        	fprintf(stderr, "\tColumns 7-11 are similar counts for the incorrect (opposite to annotated) strand\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Descriptive read statistics are reported to stderr\n");

    if(log_file_name[0]==0) {
	log_file = stderr;
    else {
	log_file = fopen(log_file_name,"w");
	if(log_file == NULL) log_file = stderr;

    if(bam_file_name[0]==0) {
	fprintf(log_file,"Bam not specified, exiting\n");

    if(cps_file_name[0]==0) {
        fprintf(log_file,"Input not specified, exiting\n");

    if(out_file_name[0]==0) {
	fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: output set to stdout]\n");
	output_file = stdout;
    else {
	output_file = fopen(out_file_name,"w");
	if(output_file == NULL) {
	    fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: output set to stdout]\n");
            output_file = stdout;

    if(max_intron_length>0) {
	if(verbose) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: set max intron length=%i]\n",max_intron_length);

    if(ignore_gene_labels) {
	if(verbose) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: ignoring gene labels (column 4)]\n");

    if(flagged) {
	if(verbose) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: only look at reads flagged 0x800]\n");

    if(margin>0) {
	if(verbose) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: read margin set to %i]\n", margin);

    if(verbose) {
	for(s = 0; s < 2; s++) if(rev_compl[s]) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: take reverse complement of read %i]\n", s+1);
	fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: stranded = %s]\n", stranded ? "TRUE" : "FALSE (always correct strand)");
	if(ignore_gene_labels) fprintf(log_file,"[Warning: ignore gene labels (column 4)]\n");

    for(i = 0; i < N_READ_TYPES; i++) for(s = 0; s < 2; s++) n_reads[i][s] = 0;

    /** initatializing BAM and header **/
    bam_input = bam_open(bam_file_name, "r");
    header = bam_header_read(bam_input);

    if(bam_input == NULL || header == NULL) {
        fprintf(log_file,"BAM can't be opened or contains no header, exiting\n");

    /** reading input from CPS **/

    input_file = fopen(cps_file_name, "r");
    if(input_file == NULL) {
	fprintf(log_file,"CPS can't be opened, exiting\n");

    /** populating gene structure arrays **/

    for(s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
    	contig_count[s] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (header->n_targets + ARRAY_MARGIN));
    	contig_index[s] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (header->n_targets + ARRAY_MARGIN));
    	contig_sites[s] = (splice_site**) malloc(sizeof(splice_site*) * (header->n_targets + ARRAY_MARGIN));

    	if(contig_count[s] == NULL || contig_sites[s] == NULL || contig_index[s] == NULL) {
	    fprintf(log_file, "Not enought memory, exiting\n");

    for(s = 0; s < 2; s++)
        for(i=0; i < header->n_targets; i++) 
	    contig_count[s][i] = contig_index[s][i] = 0;

    if(verbose) fprintf(log_file, "Reading %s pass1", cps_file_name);
    while(fgets(buff, MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH, input_file)) {
	sscanf(buff, "%s %*i %c", &chr[0], &ch);
	bam_parse_region(header, chr, &i, &beg, &end);
	s = (ch == '+' ? 0 : 1);
	if(i < header->n_targets && i>=0) contig_count[s][i]++;

    for(s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
    	for(i = 0;i < header->n_targets; i++) {
	    contig_sites[s][i] = (splice_site*) malloc(sizeof(splice_site) * (contig_count[s][i] + ARRAY_MARGIN));
	    if(contig_sites[s][i] == NULL) {
	    	fprintf(log_file, "Not enought memory, exiting\n");
    if(verbose) fprintf(log_file, "\n");

    if(verbose) fprintf(log_file, "Reading %s pass2",cps_file_name);
    fseek(input_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    while(fgets(buff, MAXFILEBUFFLENGTH, input_file)) {
        sscanf(buff, "%s %i %c %i", &chr[0], &pos, &ch, &label);
	bam_parse_region(header, chr, &i, &beg, &end);
	s = (ch == '+' ? 0 : 1);
	if(i < header->n_targets && i>=0) {
	    if(contig_index[s][i]>0) {
		if(pos < contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]-1].pos) {
		    fprintf(log_file, "Splice sites weren't sorted, exiting\n");
	    contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].pos = pos;
	    contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].label = ignore_gene_labels ? 0 : label;
	    for(side = 0; side < 2; side++) {
                contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].count00[side] = 0;
                contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].count5X[side] = 0;
                contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].countX3[side] = 0;
		contig_sites[s][i][contig_index[s][i]].junctions = NULL;
    if(verbose) fprintf(log_file, "\n");

    for(s = 0; s < 2; s++)
    	for(i = 0;i < header->n_targets; i++) 
	    contig_index[s][i] = 0;

    /** analysis starts here **/

    b = bam_init1();
    k = 0;
    ref_id_prev = -1;
    beg_prev = -1;
    while(bam_read1(bam_input, b)>=0) {
        c   = &b->core;
	ref_id = c->tid;
	if(ref_id<0) continue;

	if(flagged && ((c->flag & 0x800) == 0)) {

        if(stranded && ((c->flag & BAM_FREAD1) && (c->flag & BAM_FREAD2) || !(c->flag & BAM_FREAD1) && !(c->flag & BAM_FREAD2))) {

        cigar = bam1_cigar(b);

	if(ref_id != ref_id_prev  && ref_id_prev >= 0) {
	    if(contig_index[0][ref_id_prev] + contig_index[1][ref_id_prev] < contig_count[0][ref_id_prev] + contig_count[1][ref_id_prev]) {
		if(log_file==stderr) progressbar(1, 1, header->target_name[ref_id_prev], verbose);
	    beg_prev = -1;

	/*if(ref_id < ref_id_prev) {
	    fprintf(log_file,"BAM file wasn't sorted, exiting\n");

	ref_id_prev = ref_id;

	beg = c->pos + 1;
	if(beg < beg_prev) {
	    fprintf(log_file,"BAM file wasn't sorted, exiting\n");
	beg_prev = beg;

	s = ((c->flag & BAM_FREVERSE)>0);
	mapped_strand = (c->flag & BAM_FREAD1) ? (s + rev_compl[0]) & 1 : (s + rev_compl[1]) & 1;

	the_end = bam_calend(c, cigar);

	for(s = 0; s < 1 + stranded; s++) {
            end = beg;
	    side = (s == mapped_strand) ? 0 : 1;
	    side *= stranded;

	    // keep reading until the currect site is on the same chromosome downstream of the read 

	    while(contig_sites[s][ref_id][contig_index[s][ref_id]].pos < beg && contig_index[s][ref_id] < contig_count[s][ref_id]) {
	    	if(log_file==stderr) progressbar(contig_index[0][ref_id]+contig_index[1][ref_id], contig_count[0][ref_id]+contig_count[1][ref_id], header->target_name[ref_id], verbose);

	    read_type = RT_OTHER;

            if(contig_index[s][ref_id]<contig_count[s][ref_id]) {
	    	// check if the read is a split read and find its other end
	    	read_type = RT_GENOME;
            	for(i = 0; i < c->n_cigar; i++) {
	    	    offset = cigar[i] >> 4;
	    	    switch(cigar[i] & 0x0F) {
		    	case BAM_CMATCH: 	end += offset;  // match to the reference
		    	case BAM_CINS:		end += 0;	// insertion to the reference, pointer stays unchanged
		    	case BAM_CDEL:		end += offset;	// deletion from the reference (technically the same as 'N') pointer moves
		    	case BAM_CREF_SKIP:	other_end = end + offset;
						donor_id = acceptor_id = -INFTY;
						if(end - beg < margin) break;
						if(the_end - other_end < margin) break;
						for(j = contig_index[s][ref_id]; contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos <= other_end && j < contig_count[s][ref_id];j++) {
						    if(contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos - end < min_intron_length && min_intron_length > 0) continue;
						    if(contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos - end > max_intron_length && max_intron_length > 0) break;
					    	    if(contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].label == contig_sites[s][ref_id][contig_index[s][ref_id]].label) {
					    	    	if(contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos == end - 1)   donor_id = j;
					    	    	if(contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos == other_end) acceptor_id = j;
						if(donor_id>0 && acceptor_id>0) {
					    	    update_count(&contig_sites[s][ref_id][donor_id].junctions, acceptor_id, side);
					    	    read_type = RT_KJUNCT;
						else {
					    	    read_type = RT_UJUNCT;
						end = other_end;
		    	case BAM_CSOFT_CLIP:
		    	case BAM_CHARD_CLIP:
		    	case BAM_CPAD:		break;
		    	default:		read_type = RT_OTHER;

	    	if(read_type == RT_GENOME) {
	            for(j=contig_index[s][ref_id]; beg + margin <= contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos  && contig_sites[s][ref_id][j].pos < end - margin && j<contig_count[s][ref_id]; j++) {
		    	read_type = RT_OVRLAP;


	if(k>limit_counts && limit_counts>0) break;

Exemplo n.º 30
void profileReads(char* bamFile,
                  int ignoreSuppAlignments,
                  int ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
    int result = -1;

    int supp_check = 0x0;
    if (ignoreSuppAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY;
    if (ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSECONDARY;

    // helper variables
    BGZF* in = 0 ;
    bam1_t *b = bam_init1();
    bam_hdr_t *h;

    // open bam
    if ((in = bgzf_open(bamFile, "r")) == 0) {
               "ERROR: Failed to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
    else if ((h = bam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) { // read header
                "ERROR: Failed to read BAM header of file \"%s\".\n",
    else {
        // destroy header

        int line = 0;
        int supplementary, secondary;
        int mapQual;
        int matches, mismatches, qLen;
        float pcAln, pcId;
        int showStats = 0;
        uint8_t *aux_mismatches;
        // print header

        // fetch alignments
        while ((result = bam_read1(in, b)) >= 0) {
            line += 1;
            // only primary mappings
            if ((b->core.flag & supp_check) != 0) { 
                if (showStats)
                    fprintf(stdout, "Rejected %d, non-primary\n", line);
            supplementary = (b->core.flag & (1 | BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY)) != 0;
            secondary = (b->core.flag & (1 | BAM_FSECONDARY)) != 0;
            // quality
            mapQual = b->core.qual;
            // bam_aux_get returns 0 if optional NM tag is missing
            if ((aux_mismatches = bam_aux_get(b, "NM")))
               mismatches = bam_aux2i(aux_mismatches);
                mismatches = 0;
            // length
            qLen = bam_cigar2qlen((&b->core)->n_cigar, bam_get_cigar(b));
            // percent identity
            matches = bam_cigar2matches((&b->core)->n_cigar, bam_get_cigar(b));
            pcId = (matches - mismatches) / (float)matches; // percentage as float between 0 to 1
            // percent alignment
            pcAln = matches / (float)qLen; // percentage as float between 0 to 1
            // print read values
                   line, supplementary, secondary, mapQual, mismatches, matches,
                   qLen, pcId, pcAln);
        if (result < -1) {
                    "ERROR: retrieval of read no. %d from file \"%s\" failed with code %d.\n",
                    line, bamFile, result);
    if (in) bgzf_close(in);