BatteryBusinessLogic::batteryRemCapacityChanged (
		int percentage, 
		int bars)
    Q_UNUSED (bars);
    SYS_DEBUG ("Emitting batteryBarValueReceived(%d)",
            batteryBarValue (percentage));
    emit batteryBarValueReceived (batteryBarValue (percentage));

    /* Fixes: NB#265208 */
    if (isBatteryFull())
        emit batteryFull ();
        emit remainingBatteryCapacityChanged (percentage);
 * This function is called whenever some change is detected around the battery
 * and its charger. This method will try to find out if the battery is actually
 * charging and if it is the method will calculate the charging animation speed.
 * What we managed to find aboput the charging is:
 * 1) The battery is not charging (despite any other info returned) if the
 *    battery is full. See NB#172929 for further details.
BatteryBusinessLogic::recalculateChargingInfo ()
    #ifdef HAVE_QMSYSTEM
    QmBattery::ChargingState chargingState;
    QmBattery::BatteryState  batteryState;
    QmBattery::ChargerType   chargerType;
    bool                     charging;
    bool                     couldBeCharging;
    int                      chargingRate;
    chargerType = m_battery->getChargerType ();
    chargingState = m_battery->getChargingState ();
    batteryState = m_battery->getBatteryState ();

     * Carefully calculating the charging rate, the animation rate of the
     * charging indicator.
    couldBeCharging =
        chargingState == QmBattery::StateCharging &&
        // This is actually not necessary, but we even check it in the unit
        // test. Just to be sure.
        chargerType != QmBattery::None;

    charging = 
        batteryState != QmBattery::StateFull &&
        chargerType != QmBattery::None &&
        chargingState != QmBattery::StateNotCharging &&
        chargingState != QmBattery::StateChargingFailed;

    chargingRate = 0;
    if (charging) 
        chargingRate = chargerType == QmBattery::Wall ?
            animation_rate_charging_wall : animation_rate_charging_usb;

    SYS_DEBUG ("*** charging       = %s", SYS_BOOL(charging));
    SYS_DEBUG ("*** m_Charging     = %s", SYS_BOOL(m_Charging));
    SYS_DEBUG ("*** chargingRate   = %d", chargingRate);
    SYS_DEBUG ("*** m_ChargingRate = %d", m_ChargingRate);

    if (chargingRate == m_ChargingRate &&
            couldBeCharging == m_Charging) 

     * If the charging rate has been changed we need to notify the ui with a
     * signal.
    m_Charging = couldBeCharging;
    SYS_DEBUG ("*** chargingRate %d -> %d", m_ChargingRate, chargingRate);
    m_ChargingRate = chargingRate;       
    SYS_DEBUG ("Emitting batteryCharging(%d)", m_ChargingRate);
    emit batteryCharging (m_ChargingRate);

     * Then we need to notify everyone about the bar value. 
     * FIXME: Why exactly do we need that?
    SYS_DEBUG ("Emitting batteryBarValueReceived(%d)", batteryBarValue (-1));
    emit batteryBarValueReceived (batteryBarValue (-1));

    if(batteryState == QmBattery::StateFull)
        emit batteryFull();

     * And the remaining battery capacity has to be recalculated.
     * FIXME: To implement a variant that does not use QmSystem.