Exemplo n.º 1
Filter *
str2filter_x( Operation *op, const char *str )
	int rc;
	Filter	*f = NULL;
	BerElementBuffer berbuf;
	BerElement *ber = (BerElement *)&berbuf;
	const char *text = NULL;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "str2filter \"%s\"\n", str, 0, 0 );

	if ( str == NULL || *str == '\0' ) {
		return NULL;

	ber_init2( ber, NULL, LBER_USE_DER );
	if ( op->o_tmpmemctx ) {
		ber_set_option( ber, LBER_OPT_BER_MEMCTX, &op->o_tmpmemctx );

	rc = ldap_pvt_put_filter( ber, str );
	if( rc < 0 ) {
		goto done;

	ber_reset( ber, 1 );

	rc = get_filter( op, ber, &f, &text );

	ber_free_buf( ber );

	return f;
Exemplo n.º 2
static ber_tag_t
build_result_ber( LDAP *ld, BerElement **bp, LDAPRequest *lr )
	ber_len_t	len;
	ber_tag_t	tag;
	ber_int_t	along;
	BerElement *ber;

	*bp = NULL;
	ber = ldap_alloc_ber_with_options( ld );

	if( ber == NULL ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY;
		return LBER_ERROR;

	if ( ber_printf( ber, "{it{ess}}", lr->lr_msgid,
		lr->lr_res_msgtype, lr->lr_res_errno,
		lr->lr_res_matched ? lr->lr_res_matched : "",
		lr->lr_res_error ? lr->lr_res_error : "" ) == -1 )
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	ber_reset( ber, 1 );

	if ( ber_skip_tag( ber, &len ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	if ( ber_get_enum( ber, &along ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );

	if ( tag == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	*bp = ber;
	return tag;
Exemplo n.º 3
	LDAP *ld,
	BerElement *ber,
	ber_int_t msgid,
	LDAPRequest *parentreq,
	LDAPURLDesc **srvlist,
	LDAPConn *lc,
	LDAPreqinfo *bind,
	int m_noconn,
	int m_res )
	LDAPRequest	*lr;
	int		incparent, rc;

	LDAP_ASSERT_MUTEX_OWNER( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_send_server_request\n", 0, 0, 0 );

	incparent = 0;
	ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;	/* optimistic */

	if ( lc == NULL ) {
		if ( srvlist == NULL ) {
			lc = ld->ld_defconn;
		} else {
			lc = find_connection( ld, *srvlist, 1 );
			if ( lc == NULL ) {
				if ( (bind != NULL) && (parentreq != NULL) ) {
					/* Remember the bind in the parent */
					incparent = 1;
				lc = ldap_new_connection( ld, srvlist, 0,
					1, bind, 1, m_res );

	/* async connect... */
	if ( lc != NULL && lc->lconn_status == LDAP_CONNST_CONNECTING ) {
		ber_socket_t	sd = AC_SOCKET_ERROR;
		struct timeval	tv = { 0 };

		ber_sockbuf_ctrl( lc->lconn_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_GET_FD, &sd );

		/* poll ... */
		switch ( ldap_int_poll( ld, sd, &tv, 1 ) ) {
		case 0:
			/* go on! */
			lc->lconn_status = LDAP_CONNST_CONNECTED;

		case -2:
			/* async only occurs if a network timeout is set */

			/* honor network timeout */
			LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( &ld->ld_options.ldo_mutex );
			if ( time( NULL ) - lc->lconn_created <= ld->ld_options.ldo_tm_net.tv_sec )
				/* caller will have to call again */
				ld->ld_errno = LDAP_X_CONNECTING;
			LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( &ld->ld_options.ldo_mutex );
			/* fallthru */

			/* error */

	if ( lc == NULL || lc->lconn_status != LDAP_CONNST_CONNECTED ) {
		if ( ld->ld_errno == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SERVER_DOWN;

		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		if ( incparent ) {
			/* Forget about the bind */
		return( -1 );

	use_connection( ld, lc );

	if ( LDAP_IS_UDP( ld )) {
		BerElement tmpber = *ber;
		ber_rewind( &tmpber );
		LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( &ld->ld_options.ldo_mutex );
		rc = ber_write( &tmpber, ld->ld_options.ldo_peer,
			sizeof( struct sockaddr_storage ), 0 );
		LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( &ld->ld_options.ldo_mutex );
		if ( rc == -1 ) {
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
			return rc;

	/* If we still have an incomplete write, try to finish it before
	 * dealing with the new request. If we don't finish here, return
	 * LDAP_BUSY and let the caller retry later. We only allow a single
	 * request to be in WRITING state.
	rc = 0;
	if ( ld->ld_requests &&
		ld->ld_requests->lr_status == LDAP_REQST_WRITING &&
		ldap_int_flush_request( ld, ld->ld_requests ) < 0 )
		rc = -1;
	if ( rc ) {
		return rc;

	lr = (LDAPRequest *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( LDAPRequest ) );
	if ( lr == NULL ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY;
		ldap_free_connection( ld, lc, 0, 0 );
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		if ( incparent ) {
			/* Forget about the bind */
		return( -1 );
	lr->lr_msgid = msgid;
	lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_INPROGRESS;
	lr->lr_res_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;	/* optimistic */
	lr->lr_ber = ber;
	lr->lr_conn = lc;
	if ( parentreq != NULL ) {	/* sub-request */
		if ( !incparent ) { 
			/* Increment if we didn't do it before the bind */
		lr->lr_origid = parentreq->lr_origid;
		lr->lr_parentcnt = ++parentreq->lr_parentcnt;
		lr->lr_parent = parentreq;
		lr->lr_refnext = parentreq->lr_child;
		parentreq->lr_child = lr;
	} else {			/* original request */
		lr->lr_origid = lr->lr_msgid;

	/* Extract requestDN for future reference */
	if ( !LDAP_IS_UDP(ld) )
		BerElement tmpber = *ber;
		ber_int_t	bint;
		ber_tag_t	tag, rtag;

		ber_reset( &tmpber, 1 );
		rtag = ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{it", /*}*/ &bint, &tag );
		switch ( tag ) {
			rtag = ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{i" /*}*/, &bint );
			rtag = ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{" /*}*/ );
		if ( tag != LDAP_REQ_ABANDON ) {
			ber_skip_tag( &tmpber, &lr->lr_dn.bv_len );
			lr->lr_dn.bv_val = tmpber.ber_ptr;

	lr->lr_prev = NULL;
	lr->lr_next = ld->ld_requests;
	if ( lr->lr_next != NULL ) {
		lr->lr_next->lr_prev = lr;
	ld->ld_requests = lr;

	ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
	if ( ldap_int_flush_request( ld, lr ) == -1 ) {
		msgid = -1;

	return( msgid );
Exemplo n.º 4
static ber_tag_t
	LDAP *ld,
	ber_int_t msgid,
	int all,
	LDAPConn **lcp,
	LDAPMessage **result )
	BerElement	*ber;
	LDAPMessage	*newmsg, *l, *prev;
	ber_int_t	id;
	int		idx;
	ber_tag_t	tag;
	ber_len_t	len;
	int		foundit = 0;
	LDAPRequest	*lr, *tmplr, dummy_lr = { 0 };
	LDAPConn	*lc;
	BerElement	tmpber;
	int		rc, refer_cnt, hadref, simple_request;
	ber_int_t	lderr;

	LDAPMessage	*tmp = NULL, *chain_head = NULL;
	int		moremsgs = 0, isv2 = 0;

	assert( ld != NULL );
	assert( lcp != NULL );
	assert( *lcp != NULL );

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "read1msg: ld %p msgid %d all %d\n",
		(void *)ld, msgid, all );

	lc = *lcp;

	if ( lc->lconn_ber == NULL ) {
		lc->lconn_ber = ldap_alloc_ber_with_options( ld );

		if ( lc->lconn_ber == NULL ) {
			return -1;

	ber = lc->lconn_ber;
	assert( LBER_VALID (ber) );

	/* get the next message */
	if ( LDAP_IS_UDP(ld) ) {
		struct sockaddr from;
		ber_int_sb_read( lc->lconn_sb, &from, sizeof(struct sockaddr) );
		if ( ld->ld_options.ldo_version == LDAP_VERSION2 ) isv2 = 1;
	tag = ber_get_next( lc->lconn_sb, &len, ber );
	switch ( tag ) {
	 	 * We read a complete message.
	 	 * The connection should no longer need this ber.
		lc->lconn_ber = NULL;

#ifdef LDAP_DEBUG		   
			"ber_get_next failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 );
		if ( sock_errno() == EWOULDBLOCK ) return LDAP_MSG_X_KEEP_LOOKING;
#ifdef EAGAIN
		if ( sock_errno() == EAGAIN ) return LDAP_MSG_X_KEEP_LOOKING;
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SERVER_DOWN;
		ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
		ldap_free_connection( ld, lc, 1, 0 );
		ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
		lc = *lcp = NULL;
		return -1;

		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR;
		return -1;

	/* message id */
	if ( ber_get_int( ber, &id ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		return( -1 );

	/* id == 0 iff unsolicited notification message (RFC 4511) */

	/* if it's been abandoned, toss it */
	if ( id > 0 ) {
		if ( ldap_abandoned( ld, id, &idx ) ) {
			/* the message type */
			tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );
			switch ( tag ) {
			case LBER_ERROR:

				/* there's no need to keep the id
				 * in the abandoned list any longer */
				ldap_mark_abandoned( ld, id, idx );

				"abandoned/discarded ld %p msgid %ld message type %s\n",
				(void *)ld, (long)id, ldap_int_msgtype2str( tag ) );

			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			if ( ber_sockbuf_ctrl( lc->lconn_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_DATA_READY, NULL ) ) {
				goto retry;
			return( LDAP_MSG_X_KEEP_LOOKING );	/* continue looking */

		lr = ldap_find_request_by_msgid( ld, id );
		if ( lr == NULL ) {
			const char	*msg = "unknown";

			/* the message type */
			tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );
			switch ( tag ) {
			case LBER_ERROR:

				msg = ldap_int_msgtype2str( tag );

				"no request for response on ld %p msgid %ld message type %s (tossing)\n",
				(void *)ld, (long)id, msg );

			goto retry_ber;

		if ( LDAP_IS_UDP(ld) && isv2 ) {
			ber_scanf(ber, "x{");

	/* the message type */
	tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );
	if ( tag == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( -1 );

		"read1msg: ld %p msgid %ld message type %s\n",
		(void *)ld, (long)lr->lr_msgid, ldap_int_msgtype2str( tag ) );

	if ( id == 0 ) {
		/* unsolicited notification message (RFC 4511) */
		if ( tag != LDAP_RES_EXTENDED ) {
			/* toss it */
			goto retry_ber;

			/* strictly speaking, it's an error; from RFC 4511:

4.4.  Unsolicited Notification

   An unsolicited notification is an LDAPMessage sent from the server to
   the client that is not in response to any LDAPMessage received by the
   server.  It is used to signal an extraordinary condition in the
   server or in the LDAP session between the client and the server.  The
   notification is of an advisory nature, and the server will not expect
   any response to be returned from the client.

   The unsolicited notification is structured as an LDAPMessage in which
   the messageID is zero and protocolOp is set to the extendedResp
   choice using the ExtendedResponse type (See Section 4.12).  The
   responseName field of the ExtendedResponse always contains an LDAPOID
   that is unique for this notification.

			 * however, since unsolicited responses
			 * are of advisory nature, better
			 * toss it, right now

#if 0
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			return( -1 );

		lr = &dummy_lr;

	id = lr->lr_origid;
	refer_cnt = 0;
	hadref = simple_request = 0;
	rc = LDAP_MSG_X_KEEP_LOOKING;	/* default is to keep looking (no response found) */
	lr->lr_res_msgtype = tag;

	 * Check for V3 search reference
		if ( ld->ld_version > LDAP_VERSION2 ) {
			/* This is a V3 search reference */
			if ( LDAP_BOOL_GET(&ld->ld_options, LDAP_BOOL_REFERRALS) ||
					lr->lr_parent != NULL )
				char **refs = NULL;
				tmpber = *ber;

				/* Get the referral list */
				if ( ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{v}", &refs ) == LBER_ERROR ) {

				} else {
					/* Note: refs array is freed by ldap_chase_v3referrals */
					refer_cnt = ldap_chase_v3referrals( ld, lr, refs,
						1, &lr->lr_res_error, &hadref );
					if ( refer_cnt > 0 ) {
						/* successfully chased reference */
						/* If haven't got end search, set chasing referrals */
						if ( lr->lr_status != LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED ) {
							lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_CHASINGREFS;
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,
								"read1msg:  search ref chased, "
								"mark request chasing refs, "
								"id = %d\n",
								lr->lr_msgid, 0, 0 );

	} else if ( tag != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY && tag != LDAP_RES_INTERMEDIATE ) {
		/* All results that just return a status, i.e. don't return data
		 * go through the following code.  This code also chases V2 referrals
		 * and checks if all referrals have been chased.
		char		*lr_res_error = NULL;

		tmpber = *ber; 	/* struct copy */
		if ( ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{eAA", &lderr,
				&lr->lr_res_matched, &lr_res_error )
				!= LBER_ERROR )
			if ( lr_res_error != NULL ) {
				if ( lr->lr_res_error != NULL ) {
					(void)ldap_append_referral( ld, &lr->lr_res_error, lr_res_error );
					LDAP_FREE( (char *)lr_res_error );

				} else {
					lr->lr_res_error = lr_res_error;
				lr_res_error = NULL;

			/* Do we need to check for referrals? */
			if ( LDAP_BOOL_GET(&ld->ld_options, LDAP_BOOL_REFERRALS) ||
					lr->lr_parent != NULL )
				char		**refs = NULL;
				ber_len_t	len;

				/* Check if V3 referral */
				if ( ber_peek_tag( &tmpber, &len ) == LDAP_TAG_REFERRAL ) {
					if ( ld->ld_version > LDAP_VERSION2 ) {
						/* Get the referral list */
						if ( ber_scanf( &tmpber, "{v}", &refs) == LBER_ERROR) {
							lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED;
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,
								"read1msg: referral decode error, "
								"mark request completed, ld %p msgid %d\n",
								(void *)ld, lr->lr_msgid, 0 );

						} else {
							/* Chase the referral 
							 * refs array is freed by ldap_chase_v3referrals
							refer_cnt = ldap_chase_v3referrals( ld, lr, refs,
								0, &lr->lr_res_error, &hadref );
							lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED;
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,
								"read1msg: referral %s chased, "
								"mark request completed, ld %p msgid %d\n",
								refer_cnt > 0 ? "" : "not",
								(void *)ld, lr->lr_msgid);
							if ( refer_cnt < 0 ) {
								refer_cnt = 0;
				} else {
					switch ( lderr ) {
					case LDAP_SUCCESS:

						if ( lr->lr_res_error == NULL ) {

						/* pedantic, should never happen */
						if ( lr->lr_res_error[ 0 ] == '\0' ) {
							LDAP_FREE( lr->lr_res_error );
							lr->lr_res_error = NULL;

						/* V2 referrals are in error string */
						refer_cnt = ldap_chase_referrals( ld, lr,
							&lr->lr_res_error, -1, &hadref );
						lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED;
						Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,
							"read1msg:  V2 referral chased, "
							"mark request completed, id = %d\n",
							lr->lr_msgid, 0, 0 );

			/* save errno, message, and matched string */
			if ( !hadref || lr->lr_res_error == NULL ) {
				lr->lr_res_errno =
					? LDAP_SUCCESS : lderr;

			} else if ( ld->ld_errno != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
				lr->lr_res_errno = ld->ld_errno;

			} else {
				lr->lr_res_errno = LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS;

		/* in any case, don't leave any lr_res_error 'round */
		if ( lr_res_error ) {
			LDAP_FREE( lr_res_error );

			"read1msg: ld %p %d new referrals\n",
			(void *)ld, refer_cnt, 0 );

		if ( refer_cnt != 0 ) {	/* chasing referrals */
			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			ber = NULL;
			if ( refer_cnt < 0 ) {
				ldap_return_request( ld, lr, 0 );
				return( -1 );	/* fatal error */
			lr->lr_res_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS; /* sucessfully chased referral */

		} else {
			if ( lr->lr_outrefcnt <= 0 && lr->lr_parent == NULL ) {
				/* request without any referrals */
				simple_request = ( hadref ? 0 : 1 );

			} else {
				/* request with referrals or child request */
				ber_free( ber, 1 );
				ber = NULL;

			lr->lr_status = LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED; /* declare this request done */
				"read1msg:  mark request completed, ld %p msgid %d\n",
				(void *)ld, lr->lr_msgid, 0);
			while ( lr->lr_parent != NULL ) {
				merge_error_info( ld, lr->lr_parent, lr );

				lr = lr->lr_parent;
				if ( --lr->lr_outrefcnt > 0 ) {
					break;	/* not completely done yet */

			/* Check if all requests are finished, lr is now parent */
			tmplr = lr;
			if ( tmplr->lr_status == LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED ) {
				for ( tmplr = lr->lr_child;
					tmplr != NULL;
					tmplr = tmplr->lr_refnext )
					if ( tmplr->lr_status != LDAP_REQST_COMPLETED ) break;

			/* This is the parent request if the request has referrals */
			if ( lr->lr_outrefcnt <= 0 &&
				lr->lr_parent == NULL &&
				tmplr == NULL )
				id = lr->lr_msgid;
				tag = lr->lr_res_msgtype;
				Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "request done: ld %p msgid %ld\n",
					(void *)ld, (long) id, 0 );
					"res_errno: %d, res_error: <%s>, "
					"res_matched: <%s>\n",
					lr->lr_res_error ? lr->lr_res_error : "",
					lr->lr_res_matched ? lr->lr_res_matched : "" );
				if ( !simple_request ) {
					ber_free( ber, 1 );
					ber = NULL;
					if ( build_result_ber( ld, &ber, lr )
					    == LBER_ERROR )
						rc = -1; /* fatal error */

				if ( lr != &dummy_lr ) {
					ldap_return_request( ld, lr, 1 );
				lr = NULL;

			 * RF 4511 unsolicited (id == 0) responses
			 * shouldn't necessarily end the connection
			if ( lc != NULL && id != 0 ) {
				ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
				ldap_free_connection( ld, lc, 0, 1 );
				ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
				lc = *lcp = NULL;

	if ( lr != NULL ) {
		if ( lr != &dummy_lr ) {
			ldap_return_request( ld, lr, 0 );
		lr = NULL;

	if ( ber == NULL ) {
		return( rc );

	/* try to handle unsolicited responses as appropriate */
	if ( id == 0 && msgid > LDAP_RES_UNSOLICITED ) {
		int	is_nod = 0;

		tag = ber_peek_tag( &tmpber, &len );

		/* we have a res oid */
		if ( tag == LDAP_TAG_EXOP_RES_OID ) {
			static struct berval	bv_nod = BER_BVC( LDAP_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION );
			struct berval		resoid = BER_BVNULL;

			if ( ber_scanf( &tmpber, "m", &resoid ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
				ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
				ber_free( ber, 1 );
				return -1;

			assert( !BER_BVISEMPTY( &resoid ) );

			is_nod = ber_bvcmp( &resoid, &bv_nod ) == 0;

			tag = ber_peek_tag( &tmpber, &len );

#if 0 /* don't need right now */
		/* we have res data */
		if ( tag == LDAP_TAG_EXOP_RES_VALUE ) {
			struct berval resdata;

			if ( ber_scanf( &tmpber, "m", &resdata ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
				ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
				ber_free( ber, 0 );
				return ld->ld_errno;

			/* use it... */

		/* handle RFC 4511 "Notice of Disconnection" locally */

		if ( is_nod ) {
			if ( tag == LDAP_TAG_EXOP_RES_VALUE ) {
				ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
				ber_free( ber, 1 );
				return -1;

			/* get rid of the connection... */
			if ( lc != NULL ) {
				ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
				ldap_free_connection( ld, lc, 0, 1 );
				ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &ld->ld_req_mutex );
				lc = *lcp = NULL;

			/* need to return -1, because otherwise
			 * a valid result is expected */
			return -1;

	/* make a new ldap message */
	newmsg = (LDAPMessage *) LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(LDAPMessage) );
	if ( newmsg == NULL ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY;
		return( -1 );
	newmsg->lm_msgid = (int)id;
	newmsg->lm_msgtype = tag;
	newmsg->lm_ber = ber;
	newmsg->lm_chain_tail = newmsg;

	/* CLDAP replies all fit in a single datagram. In LDAPv2 RFC1798
	 * the responses are all a sequence wrapped in one message. In
	 * LDAPv3 each response is in its own message. The datagram must
	 * end with a SearchResult. We can't just parse each response in
	 * separate calls to try_read1msg because the header info is only
	 * present at the beginning of the datagram, not at the beginning
	 * of each response. So parse all the responses at once and queue
	 * them up, then pull off the first response to return to the
	 * caller when all parsing is complete.
	if ( LDAP_IS_UDP(ld) ) {
		/* If not a result, look for more */
		if ( tag != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT ) {
			int ok = 0;
			moremsgs = 1;
			if (isv2) {
				/* LDAPv2: dup the current ber, skip past the current
				 * response, and see if there are any more after it.
				ber = ber_dup( ber );
				ber_scanf( ber, "x" );
				if ( ber_peek_tag( ber, &len ) != LBER_DEFAULT ) {
					/* There's more - dup the ber buffer so they can all be
					 * individually freed by ldap_msgfree.
					struct berval bv;
					ber_get_option( ber, LBER_OPT_BER_REMAINING_BYTES, &len );
					bv.bv_val = LDAP_MALLOC( len );
					if ( bv.bv_val ) {
						ok = 1;
						ber_read( ber, bv.bv_val, len );
						bv.bv_len = len;
						ber_init2( ber, &bv, ld->ld_lberoptions );
			} else {
				/* LDAPv3: Just allocate a new ber. Since this is a buffered
				 * datagram, if the sockbuf is readable we still have data
				 * to parse.
				ber = ldap_alloc_ber_with_options( ld );
				if ( ber_sockbuf_ctrl( lc->lconn_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_DATA_READY, NULL ) ) ok = 1;
			/* set up response chain */
			if ( tmp == NULL ) {
				newmsg->lm_next = ld->ld_responses;
				ld->ld_responses = newmsg;
				chain_head = newmsg;
			} else {
				tmp->lm_chain = newmsg;
			chain_head->lm_chain_tail = newmsg;
			tmp = newmsg;
			/* "ok" means there's more to parse */
			if ( ok ) {
				if ( isv2 ) {
					goto nextresp2;

				} else {
					goto nextresp3;
			} else {
				/* got to end of datagram without a SearchResult. Free
				 * our dup'd ber, but leave any buffer alone. For v2 case,
				 * the previous response is still using this buffer. For v3,
				 * the new ber has no buffer to free yet.
				ber_free( ber, 0 );
				return -1;
		} else if ( moremsgs ) {
		/* got search result, and we had multiple responses in 1 datagram.
		 * stick the result onto the end of the chain, and then pull the
		 * first response off the head of the chain.
			tmp->lm_chain = newmsg;
			chain_head->lm_chain_tail = newmsg;
			*result = chkResponseList( ld, msgid, all );
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
			return( (*result)->lm_msgtype );

	/* is this the one we're looking for? */
	if ( msgid == LDAP_RES_ANY || id == msgid ) {
		if ( all == LDAP_MSG_ONE
			|| ( newmsg->lm_msgtype != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT
			    	&& newmsg->lm_msgtype != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY
			  	&& newmsg->lm_msgtype != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE ) )
			*result = newmsg;
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
			return( tag );

		} else if ( newmsg->lm_msgtype == LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT) {
			foundit = 1;	/* return the chain later */

	 * if not, we must add it to the list of responses.  if
	 * the msgid is already there, it must be part of an existing
	 * search response.

	prev = NULL;
	for ( l = ld->ld_responses; l != NULL; l = l->lm_next ) {
		if ( l->lm_msgid == newmsg->lm_msgid ) {
		prev = l;

	/* not part of an existing search response */
	if ( l == NULL ) {
		if ( foundit ) {
			*result = newmsg;
			goto exit;

		newmsg->lm_next = ld->ld_responses;
		ld->ld_responses = newmsg;
		goto exit;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "adding response ld %p msgid %ld type %ld:\n",
		(void *)ld, (long) newmsg->lm_msgid, (long) newmsg->lm_msgtype );

	/* part of a search response - add to end of list of entries */
	l->lm_chain_tail->lm_chain = newmsg;
	l->lm_chain_tail = newmsg;

	/* return the whole chain if that's what we were looking for */
	if ( foundit ) {
		if ( prev == NULL ) {
			ld->ld_responses = l->lm_next;
		} else {
			prev->lm_next = l->lm_next;
		*result = l;

	if ( foundit ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
		return( tag );
	if ( lc && ber_sockbuf_ctrl( lc->lconn_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_DATA_READY, NULL ) ) {
		goto retry;
	return( LDAP_MSG_X_KEEP_LOOKING );	/* continue looking */

static ber_tag_t
build_result_ber( LDAP *ld, BerElement **bp, LDAPRequest *lr )
	ber_len_t	len;
	ber_tag_t	tag;
	ber_int_t	along;
	BerElement *ber;

	*bp = NULL;
	ber = ldap_alloc_ber_with_options( ld );

	if( ber == NULL ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY;
		return LBER_ERROR;

	if ( ber_printf( ber, "{it{ess}}", lr->lr_msgid,
		lr->lr_res_msgtype, lr->lr_res_errno,
		lr->lr_res_matched ? lr->lr_res_matched : "",
		lr->lr_res_error ? lr->lr_res_error : "" ) == -1 )
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	ber_reset( ber, 1 );

	if ( ber_skip_tag( ber, &len ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	if ( ber_get_enum( ber, &along ) == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );

	if ( tag == LBER_ERROR ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( LBER_ERROR );

	*bp = ber;
	return tag;