Exemplo n.º 1
 * Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to quickly perform RSA decrypts.
 * This should really be in bigint.c (and was at one stage), but needs 
 * access to the RSA_CTX context...
static bigint *bi_crt(const RSA_CTX *rsa, bigint *bi)
    BI_CTX *ctx = rsa->bi_ctx;
    bigint *m1, *m2, *h;

    /* Montgomery has a condition the 0 < x, y < m and these products violate
     * that condition. So disable Montgomery when using CRT */
    ctx->use_classical = 1;
    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_P_OFFSET;
    m1 = bi_mod_power(ctx, bi_copy(bi), rsa->dP);

    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_Q_OFFSET;
    m2 = bi_mod_power(ctx, bi, rsa->dQ);

    h = bi_subtract(ctx, bi_add(ctx, m1, rsa->p), bi_copy(m2), NULL);
    h = bi_multiply(ctx, h, rsa->qInv);
    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_P_OFFSET;
    h = bi_residue(ctx, h);
    ctx->use_classical = 0;         /* reset for any further operation */
    return bi_add(ctx, m2, bi_multiply(ctx, rsa->q, h));
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to quickly perform RSA decrypts.
 * @param ctx [in]  The bigint session context.
 * @param bi  [in]  The bigint to perform the exp/mod.
 * @param dP [in] CRT's dP bigint
 * @param dQ [in] CRT's dQ bigint
 * @param p [in] CRT's p bigint
 * @param q [in] CRT's q bigint
 * @param qInv [in] CRT's qInv bigint
 * @return The result of the CRT operation
bigint * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR bi_crt(BI_CTX *ctx, bigint *bi,
        bigint *dP, bigint *dQ,
        bigint *p, bigint *q, bigint *qInv)
    bigint *m1, *m2, *h;

    /* Montgomery has a condition the 0 < x, y < m and these products violate
     * that condition. So disable Montgomery when using CRT */
    ctx->use_classical = 1;
    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_P_OFFSET;
    m1 = bi_mod_power(ctx, bi_copy(bi), dP);

    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_Q_OFFSET;
    m2 = bi_mod_power(ctx, bi, dQ);

    h = bi_subtract(ctx, bi_add(ctx, m1, p), bi_copy(m2), NULL);
    h = bi_multiply(ctx, h, qInv);
    ctx->mod_offset = BIGINT_P_OFFSET;
    h = bi_residue(ctx, h);
    ctx->use_classical = 0;         /* reset for any further operation */
    return bi_add(ctx, m2, bi_multiply(ctx, q, h));
Exemplo n.º 3
int test_add_two_size() {
    big_int a= bi_init("1234");
    big_int b= bi_init("9876543");
    if (0 == strcmp(bi_get(bi_add(a,b)), "9877777")) {
        return 1;
    printf("\nUnexpected Value: %s\n", bi_get(bi_add(a,b)));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int test_add_double() {
    big_int a= bi_init("99");
    big_int b= bi_init("1");
    if (0 == strcmp(bi_get(bi_add(a,b)), "100")) {
        return 1;
    printf("\nUnexpected Value: %s\n", bi_get(bi_add(a,b)));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int test_add_single() {
    big_int a= bi_init("3");
    big_int b= bi_init("4");
    if (0 == strcmp(bi_get(bi_add(a,b)), "7")) {
        return 1;
    printf("\nUnexpected Value: %s\n", bi_get(bi_add(a,b)));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Karatsuba improves on regular multiplication due to only 3 multiplications 
 * being done instead of 4. The additional additions/subtractions are O(N) 
 * rather than O(N^2) and so for big numbers it saves on a few operations 
static bigint * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR karatsuba(BI_CTX *ctx, bigint *bia, bigint *bib, int is_square)
    bigint *x0, *x1;
    bigint *p0, *p1, *p2;
    int m;

    if (is_square)
        m = (bia->size + 1)/2;
        m = (max(bia->size, bib->size) + 1)/2;

    x0 = bi_clone(ctx, bia);
    x0->size = m;
    x1 = bi_clone(ctx, bia);
    comp_right_shift(x1, m);
    bi_free(ctx, bia);

    /* work out the 3 partial products */
    if (is_square)
        p0 = bi_square(ctx, bi_copy(x0));
        p2 = bi_square(ctx, bi_copy(x1));
        p1 = bi_square(ctx, bi_add(ctx, x0, x1));
    else /* normal multiply */
        bigint *y0, *y1;
        y0 = bi_clone(ctx, bib);
        y0->size = m;
        y1 = bi_clone(ctx, bib);
        comp_right_shift(y1, m);
        bi_free(ctx, bib);

        p0 = bi_multiply(ctx, bi_copy(x0), bi_copy(y0));
        p2 = bi_multiply(ctx, bi_copy(x1), bi_copy(y1));
        p1 = bi_multiply(ctx, bi_add(ctx, x0, x1), bi_add(ctx, y0, y1));

    p1 = bi_subtract(ctx, 
            bi_subtract(ctx, p1, bi_copy(p2), NULL), bi_copy(p0), NULL);

    comp_left_shift(p1, m);
    comp_left_shift(p2, 2*m);
    return bi_add(ctx, p1, bi_add(ctx, p0, p2));
Exemplo n.º 7
int main() {
	int k = 2;
	bigint f1 = int_to_bi(1), f2 = int_to_bi(1), f3, tmp;
	bigint zeros = int_to_bi(1000000000);
	while (1) {
		f3 = bi_add(f1, bi_copy(f2));
		int mod = bi_int_mod(bi_copy(f3), 1000000000);
		if (mod >= 100000000) {
			if (is_pandigital(mod)) {
				tmp = bi_copy(f3);
				while (bi_compare(bi_copy(tmp), bi_copy(zeros)) > 0) {
					tmp = bi_int_divide(tmp, 10);
				if (is_pandigital(bi_to_int(tmp))) {
		f1 = f2;
		f2 = f3;
	printf("%d\n", k);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Perform a single montgomery reduction.
 * @param ctx [in]  The bigint session context.
 * @param bixy [in]  A bigint.
 * @return The result of the montgomery reduction.
bigint * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR bi_mont(BI_CTX *ctx, bigint *bixy)
    int i = 0, n;
    uint8_t mod_offset = ctx->mod_offset;
    bigint *bim = ctx->bi_mod[mod_offset];
    comp mod_inv = ctx->N0_dash[mod_offset];


    if (ctx->use_classical)     /* just use classical instead */
        return bi_mod(ctx, bixy);

    n = bim->size;

        bixy = bi_add(ctx, bixy, comp_left_shift(
                    bi_int_multiply(ctx, bim, bixy->comps[i]*mod_inv), i));
    } while (++i < n);

    comp_right_shift(bixy, n);

    if (bi_compare(bixy, bim) >= 0)
        bixy = bi_subtract(ctx, bixy, bim, NULL);

    return bixy;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main() {
	bigint sum = int_to_bi(1);
	bigint last = int_to_bi(1);
	int i, j;
	for (i = 1; i <= (SIZE-1)/2; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
			last = bi_add(last, bi_int_multiply(int_to_bi(i), 2));
			sum = bi_add(sum, bi_copy(last));
	bi_print(stdout, sum);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
bi_init(void *addr)
	struct btinfo_magic bi_magic;

	memset(addr, 0, BOOTINFO_MAXSIZE);
	bi_next = (char *)addr;
	bi_size = 0;

	bi_magic.magic = BOOTINFO_MAGIC;
	bi_add(&bi_magic, BTINFO_MAGIC, sizeof(bi_magic));
Exemplo n.º 11
int main() {
	int a, b, n;
	int max_number, prod;
	for (a = -999; a < 1000; ++a) {
		for (b = -999; b < 1000; ++b) {
			n = 0;
			for (;;) {
				bigint a_ = int_to_bi(a);
				bigint b_ = int_to_bi(b);
				bigint n_ = int_to_bi(n);
				bigint n2 = bi_multiply( bi_copy( n_ ), bi_copy( n_ ) );
				bigint an = bi_multiply(bi_copy(a_),bi_copy(n_));
				bigint num = bi_add(bi_copy(n2), bi_copy(an));
				bigint num2 = bi_add(bi_copy(num), bi_copy(b_));
				int should_break = 0;
				if (bi_is_probable_prime(bi_copy(num2), 99)) {
				} else {
					if (n > max_number) {
						max_number = n;
						prod = a * b;
					should_break = 1;
				if (should_break) break;
	printf("%d\n", prod);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
void bi_init(paddr_t addr)
	struct btinfo_common *bi;
	struct btinfo_magic bi_magic;

	bootinfo = (char *)addr;
	bi = (struct btinfo_common *)bootinfo;
	bi->next = bi->type = 0;
	bi_next = bootinfo;
	bi_size = 0;

	bi_magic.magic = BOOTINFO_MAGIC;
	bi_add(&bi_magic, BTINFO_MAGIC, sizeof(bi_magic));
Exemplo n.º 13
bi_init(void *bi_addr)
	struct btinfo_magic bi_magic;

	bootinfo = bi_addr;
	bootinfo->next = 0;
	bootinfo->type = BTINFO_NONE;

	bi_next = (void *)bootinfo;
	bi_size = 0;

	bi_magic.magic = BOOTINFO_MAGIC;
	bi_add(&bi_magic, BTINFO_MAGIC, sizeof(bi_magic));
Exemplo n.º 14
int main() {
	bigint last = int_to_bi(1);
	int i, j;
	int number_of_primes = 0;
	for (i = 1;; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
			last = bi_add(last, bi_int_multiply(int_to_bi(i), 2));
			if (j != 3 && bi_is_probable_prime(bi_copy(last), 4)) {
		if ((double)number_of_primes / (4*i+1) < 0.1) {
			printf("%d\n", i*2+1);
#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("%d/%d on iteration %d ~%f\n", number_of_primes, (4*i+1), i, (float)number_of_primes/(4*i+1));
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Prepare boot information and jump directly to the kernel.
static void
jump_to_kernel(u_long *marks, char *kernel, char *args, void *ofw,
	int boothowto)
	int l, machine_tag;
	long newargs[4];
	void *ssym, *esym;
	vaddr_t bootinfo;
	struct btinfo_symtab bi_sym;
	struct btinfo_kernend bi_kend;
	struct btinfo_boothowto bi_howto;
	char *cp;
	char bootline[PROM_MAX_PATH * 2];

	/* Compose kernel boot line. */
	strncpy(bootline, kernel, sizeof(bootline));
	cp = bootline + strlen(bootline);
	if (*args) {
		*cp++ = ' ';
		strncpy(bootline, args, sizeof(bootline) - (cp - bootline));
	*cp = 0; args = bootline;

	/* Record symbol information in the bootinfo. */
	bootinfo = bi_init(marks[MARK_END]);
	bi_sym.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM];
	bi_sym.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM];
	bi_sym.esym = marks[MARK_END];
	bi_add(&bi_sym, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_sym));
	bi_kend.addr= bootinfo + BOOTINFO_SIZE;
	bi_add(&bi_kend, BTINFO_KERNEND, sizeof(bi_kend));
	bi_howto.boothowto = boothowto;
	bi_add(&bi_howto, BTINFO_BOOTHOWTO, sizeof(bi_howto));
	if (bootinfo_pass_bootdev) {
		struct {
			struct btinfo_common common;
			char name[256];
		} info;
		strcpy(info.name, bootdev);
		bi_add(&info, BTINFO_BOOTDEV, strlen(bootdev)
			+sizeof(struct btinfo_bootdev));


	ssym  = (void*)(long)marks[MARK_SYM];
	esym  = (void*)(long)marks[MARK_END];

	DPRINTF(("jump_to_kernel(): ssym = %p, esym = %p\n", ssym, esym));

	/* Adjust ksyms pointers, if needed. */
	if (COMPAT_BOOT(marks) || compatmode) {
		ksyms_copyout(&ssym, &esym);

	 * When we come in args consists of a pointer to the boot
	 * string.  We need to fix it so it takes into account
	 * other params such as romp.

	 * Stash pointer to end of symbol table after the argument
	 * strings.
	l = strlen(args) + 1;
	memcpy(args + l, &esym, sizeof(esym));
	l += sizeof(esym);

	 * Tell the kernel we're an OpenFirmware system.
	memcpy(args + l, &machine_tag, sizeof(machine_tag));
	l += sizeof(machine_tag);

	 * Since we don't need the boot string (we can get it from /chosen)
	 * we won't pass it in.  Just pass in esym and magic #
	newargs[1] = (long)esym;
	newargs[2] = (long)ssym;
	newargs[3] = (long)(void*)bootinfo;
	args = (char *)newargs;
	l = sizeof(newargs);

	/* if -D is set then pause in the PROM. */
	if (debug > 1) callrom();

	 * Jump directly to the kernel. Solaris kernel and Sun PROM
	 * flash updates expect ROMP vector in %o0, so we do. Format
	 * of other parameters and their order reflect OF_chain()
	 * symantics since this is what older NetBSD kernels rely on.
	 * (see sparc64/include/bootinfo.h for specification).
	DPRINTF(("jump_to_kernel(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx) @ %p\n", (long)ofw,
				(long)args, (long)l, (long)ofw, (long)ofw,
	(*(entry_t)marks[MARK_ENTRY])((long)ofw, (long)args, (long)l, (long)ofw,
	printf("Returned from kernel entry point!\n");
Exemplo n.º 16
main(int argc, char *argv[], char *bootargs_start, char *bootargs_end)
	unsigned long marks[MARK_MAX];
	struct brdprop *brdprop;
	char *new_argv[MAX_ARGS];
	char *bname;
	ssize_t len;
	int err, fd, howto, i, n;

	printf("\n>> %s altboot, revision %s\n", bootprog_name, bootprog_rev);

	brdprop = brd_lookup(brdtype);
	printf(">> %s, cpu %u MHz, bus %u MHz, %dMB SDRAM\n", brdprop->verbose,
	    cpuclock / 1000000, busclock / 1000000, bi_mem.memsize >> 20);

	nata = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_IDE, lata, 2);
	if (nata == 0)
		nata = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_RAID, lata, 2);
	if (nata == 0)
		nata = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_MISCSTORAGE, lata, 2);
	if (nata == 0)
		nata = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_SCSI, lata, 2);
	nnif = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_ETH, lnif, 2);
	nusb = pcilookup(PCI_CLASS_USB, lusb, 3);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (nata == 0)
		printf("No IDE/SATA found\n");
	else for (n = 0; n < nata; n++) {
		int b, d, f, bdf, pvd;
		bdf = lata[n].bdf;
		pvd = lata[n].pvd;
		pcidecomposetag(bdf, &b, &d, &f);
		printf("%04x.%04x DSK %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
		    PCI_VENDOR(pvd), PCI_PRODUCT(pvd), b, d, f);
	if (nnif == 0)
		printf("no NET found\n");
	else for (n = 0; n < nnif; n++) {
		int b, d, f, bdf, pvd;
		bdf = lnif[n].bdf;
		pvd = lnif[n].pvd;
		pcidecomposetag(bdf, &b, &d, &f);
		printf("%04x.%04x NET %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
		    PCI_VENDOR(pvd), PCI_PRODUCT(pvd), b, d, f);
	if (nusb == 0)
		printf("no USB found\n");
	else for (n = 0; n < nusb; n++) {
		int b, d, f, bdf, pvd;
		bdf = lusb[0].bdf;
		pvd = lusb[0].pvd;
		pcidecomposetag(bdf, &b, &d, &f);
		printf("%04x.%04x USB %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
		    PCI_VENDOR(pvd), PCI_PRODUCT(pvd), b, d, f);


	 * When argc is too big then it is probably a pointer, which could
	 * indicate that we were launched as a Linux kernel module using
	 * "bootm".
	if (argc > MAX_ARGS) {
		if (argv != NULL) {
			 * initrd image was loaded:
			 * check if it contains a valid altboot command line
			char *p = (char *)argv;

			if (strncmp(p, "altboot:", 8) == 0) {
				*p = 0;
				for (p = p + 8; *p >= ' '; p++);
				argc = parse_cmdline(new_argv, MAX_ARGS,
				    ((char *)argv) + 8, p);
				argv = new_argv;
			} else
				argc = 0;	/* boot default */
		} else {
			/* parse standard Linux bootargs */
			argc = parse_cmdline(new_argv, MAX_ARGS,
			    bootargs_start, bootargs_end);
			argv = new_argv;

	/* look for a PATA drive configuration string under the arguments */
	for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) {
		if (strncmp(argv[n], "ide:", 4) == 0 &&
		    argv[n][4] >= '0' && argv[n][4] <= '2') {
			drive_config = &argv[n][4];

	/* intialize a disk driver */
	for (i = 0, n = 0; i < nata; i++)
		n += dskdv_init(&lata[i]);
	if (n == 0)
		printf("IDE/SATA device driver was not found\n");

	/* initialize a network interface */
	for (n = 0; n < nnif; n++)
		if (netif_init(&lnif[n]) != 0)
	if (n >= nnif)
		printf("no NET device driver was found\n");

	/* wait 2s for user to enter interactive mode */
	for (n = 200; n >= 0; n--) {
		if (n % 100 == 0)
			printf("\rHit any key to enter interactive mode: %d",
			    n / 100);
		if (tstchar()) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			unsigned c;

			c = toupper(getchar());
			if (c == 'C') {
				/* controller test terminal */
				n = 200;
			else if (c == 'F') {
				/* find strings in Flash ROM */
				n = 200;
			/* enter command line */
			argv = new_argv;
			argc = input_cmdline(argv, MAX_ARGS);

	howto = RB_AUTOBOOT;		/* default is autoboot = 0 */

	/* get boot options and determine bootname */
	for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) {
		if (strncmp(argv[n], "ide:", 4) == 0)
			continue; /* ignore drive configuration argument */

		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bootargs) / sizeof(bootargs[0]); i++) {
			if (strncasecmp(argv[n], bootargs[i].name,
			    strlen(bootargs[i].name)) == 0) {
				howto |= bootargs[i].value;
		if (i >= sizeof(bootargs) / sizeof(bootargs[0]))
			break;	/* break on first unknown string */

	 * If no device name is given, we construct a list of drives
	 * which have valid disklabels.
	if (n >= argc) {
		static const size_t blen = sizeof("wdN:");
		n = 0;
		argc = 0;
		argv = alloc(MAX_UNITS * (sizeof(char *) + blen));
		bname = (char *)(argv + MAX_UNITS);
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNITS; i++) {
			if (!dlabel_valid(i))
			snprintf(bname, blen, "wd%d:", i);
			argv[argc++] = bname;
			bname += blen;
		/* use default drive if no valid disklabel is found */
		if (argc == 0) {
			argc = 1;
			argv[0] = BNAME_DEFAULT;

	/* try to boot off kernel from the drive list */
	while (n < argc) {
		bname = argv[n++];

		if (check_bootname(bname) == 0) {
			printf("%s not a valid bootname\n", bname);

		if ((fd = open(bname, 0)) < 0) {
			if (errno == ENOENT)
				printf("\"%s\" not found\n", bi_path.bootpath);
		printf("loading \"%s\" ", bi_path.bootpath);
		marks[MARK_START] = 0;

		if (howto == -1) {
			/* load another altboot binary and replace ourselves */
			len = read(fd, (void *)0x100000, 0x1000000 - 0x100000);
			if (len == -1)
				goto loadfail;

			memcpy((void *)0xf0000, newaltboot,
			    newaltboot_end - newaltboot);
			__syncicache((void *)0xf0000,
			    newaltboot_end - newaltboot);
			run((void *)1, argv, (void *)0x100000, (void *)len,
			    (void *)0xf0000);

		err = fdloadfile(fd, marks, LOAD_KERNEL);
		if (err < 0)

		printf("entry=%p, ssym=%p, esym=%p\n",
		    (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY],
		    (void *)marks[MARK_SYM],
		    (void *)marks[MARK_END]);

		bootinfo = (void *)0x4000;
		bi_add(&bi_cons, BTINFO_CONSOLE, sizeof(bi_cons));
		bi_add(&bi_mem, BTINFO_MEMORY, sizeof(bi_mem));
		bi_add(&bi_clk, BTINFO_CLOCK, sizeof(bi_clk));
		bi_add(&bi_path, BTINFO_BOOTPATH, sizeof(bi_path));
		bi_add(&bi_rdev, BTINFO_ROOTDEVICE, sizeof(bi_rdev));
		bi_add(&bi_fam, BTINFO_PRODFAMILY, sizeof(bi_fam));
		if (brdtype == BRD_SYNOLOGY || brdtype == BRD_DLINKDSM) {
			/* need to pass this MAC address to kernel */
			bi_add(&bi_net, BTINFO_NET, sizeof(bi_net));

		if (modules_enabled) {
			if (fsmod != NULL)
			kmodloadp = marks[MARK_END];
			btinfo_modulelist = NULL;
			if (btinfo_modulelist != NULL &&
			    btinfo_modulelist->num > 0)
				bi_add(btinfo_modulelist, BTINFO_MODULELIST,


		__syncicache((void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY],
		    (u_int)marks[MARK_SYM] - (u_int)marks[MARK_ENTRY]);

		run((void *)marks[MARK_SYM], (void *)marks[MARK_END],
		    (void *)howto, bootinfo, (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY]);

		/* should never come here */
		printf("exec returned. Restarting...\n");
	printf("load failed. Restarting...\n");
Exemplo n.º 17
 * This gets arguments from the first stage boot lader, calls PROM routines
 * to open and load the program to boot, and then transfers execution to
 * that new program.
main(int argc, char **argv)
	char *name, **namep, *dev, *kernel;
	char bootname[PATH_MAX], bootpath[PATH_MAX];
	int win;
	u_long marks[MARK_MAX];
	struct btinfo_symtab bi_syms;
	struct btinfo_bootpath bi_bpath;
	extern void prom_init(void);
	void (*entry)(int, char **, char **, u_int, char *);


	/* print a banner */
	printf("NetBSD/mipsco " NETBSD_VERS " " BOOT_TYPE_NAME 
	       " Bootstrap, Revision %s\n", bootprog_rev);

	/* initialise bootinfo structure early */

	dev = name = NULL;
	if (argc > 1) {
		kernel = devsplit(argv[1], bootname);
		if (*bootname) {
			dev = bootname;
			if (*kernel)
				name = argv[1];

	if (dev == NULL) {
		(void) devsplit(argv[0], bootname);
		dev = bootname;

	memset(marks, 0, sizeof marks);
	if (name != NULL)
		win = (loadfile(name, marks, LOAD_KERNEL) == 0);
	else {
		win = 0;
		for (namep = kernelnames, win = 0; *namep != NULL && !win;
		    namep++) {
			kernel = *namep;
			strcpy(bootpath, dev);
			strcat(bootpath, kernel);
			printf("Loading: %s\n", bootpath);
			win = (loadfile(bootpath, marks, LOAD_ALL) != -1);
			if (win) {
				name = bootpath;
	if (!win)
		goto fail;

	strncpy(bi_bpath.bootpath, kernel, BTINFO_BOOTPATH_LEN);
	bi_add(&bi_bpath, BTINFO_BOOTPATH, sizeof(bi_bpath));

	entry = (void *) marks[MARK_ENTRY];
	bi_syms.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM];
	bi_syms.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM];
	bi_syms.esym = marks[MARK_END];
	bi_add(&bi_syms, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_syms));

	printf("Starting at 0x%x\n\n", (u_int)entry);

	(*entry)(argc, argv, NULL, BOOTINFO_MAGIC, (char *)BOOTINFO_ADDR);

	(void)printf("KERNEL RETURNED!\n");

	(void)printf("Boot failed!  Halting...\n");
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * @brief Does both division and modulo calculations. 
 * Used extensively when doing classical reduction.
 * @param ctx [in]  The bigint session context.
 * @param u [in]    A bigint which is the numerator.
 * @param v [in]    Either the denominator or the modulus depending on the mode.
 * @param is_mod [n] Determines if this is a normal division (0) or a reduction
 * (1).
 * @return  The result of the division/reduction.
bigint * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR bi_divide(BI_CTX *ctx, bigint *u, bigint *v, int is_mod)
    int n = v->size, m = u->size-n;
    int j = 0, orig_u_size = u->size;
    uint8_t mod_offset = ctx->mod_offset;
    comp d;
    bigint *quotient, *tmp_u;
    comp q_dash;


    /* if doing reduction and we are < mod, then return mod */
    if (is_mod && bi_compare(v, u) > 0)
        bi_free(ctx, v);
        return u;

    quotient = alloc(ctx, m+1);
    tmp_u = alloc(ctx, n+1);
    v = trim(v);        /* make sure we have no leading 0's */
    d = (comp)((long_comp)COMP_RADIX/(V1+1));

    /* clear things to start with */
    memset(quotient->comps, 0, ((quotient->size)*COMP_BYTE_SIZE));

    /* normalise */
    if (d > 1)
        u = bi_int_multiply(ctx, u, d);

        if (is_mod)
            v = ctx->bi_normalised_mod[mod_offset];
            v = bi_int_multiply(ctx, v, d);

    if (orig_u_size == u->size)  /* new digit position u0 */
        more_comps(u, orig_u_size + 1);

        /* get a temporary short version of u */
        memcpy(tmp_u->comps, &u->comps[u->size-n-1-j], (n+1)*COMP_BYTE_SIZE);

        /* calculate q' */
        if (U(0) == V1)
            q_dash = COMP_RADIX-1;
            q_dash = (comp)(((long_comp)U(0)*COMP_RADIX + U(1))/V1);

            if (v->size > 1 && V2)
                /* we are implementing the following:
                if (V2*q_dash > (((U(0)*COMP_RADIX + U(1) - 
                        q_dash*V1)*COMP_RADIX) + U(2))) ... */
                comp inner = (comp)((long_comp)COMP_RADIX*U(0) + U(1) - 
                if ((long_comp)V2*q_dash > (long_comp)inner*COMP_RADIX + U(2))

        /* multiply and subtract */
        if (q_dash)
            int is_negative;
            tmp_u = bi_subtract(ctx, tmp_u, 
                    bi_int_multiply(ctx, bi_copy(v), q_dash), &is_negative);
            more_comps(tmp_u, n+1);

            Q(j) = q_dash; 

            /* add back */
            if (is_negative)
                tmp_u = bi_add(ctx, tmp_u, bi_copy(v));

                /* lop off the carry */
            Q(j) = 0; 

        /* copy back to u */
        memcpy(&u->comps[u->size-n-1-j], tmp_u->comps, (n+1)*COMP_BYTE_SIZE);
    } while (++j <= m);

    bi_free(ctx, tmp_u);
    bi_free(ctx, v);

    if (is_mod)     /* get the remainder */
        bi_free(ctx, quotient);
        return bi_int_divide(ctx, trim(u), d);
    else            /* get the quotient */
        bi_free(ctx, u);
        return trim(quotient);
Exemplo n.º 19
int main() {
	bigint sum = int_to_bi(0);
	int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;
	int n;
	for (a=9;a>0;--a) {
	for (b=9;b>=0;--b) {
		if (b==a) continue;
	for (c=9;c>=0;--c) {
		if (c==a||c==b) continue;
	for (d=9;d>=0;--d) {
		if (d==a||d==b||d==c) continue;
	for (e=9;e>=0;--e) {
		if (e==a||e==b||e==c||e==d) continue;
	for (f=9;f>=0;--f) {
		if (f==a||f==b||f==c||f==d||f==e) continue;
	for (g=9;g>=0;--g) {
		if (g==a||g==b||g==c||g==d||g==e||g==f) continue;
	for (h=9;h>=0;--h) {
		if (h==a||h==b||h==c||h==d||h==e||h==f||h==g) continue;
	for (i=9;i>=0;--i) {
		if (i==a||i==b||i==c||i==d||i==e||i==f||i==g||i==h) continue;
	for (j=9;j>=0;--j) {
		if (j==a||j==b||j==c||j==d||j==e||j==f||j==g||j==h||j==i) continue;
		if ((b * 100 + c * 10 + d) % 2 == 0)
		if ((c * 100 + d * 10 + e) % 3 == 0)
		if ((d * 100 + e * 10 + f) % 5 == 0)
		if ((e * 100 + f * 10 + g) % 7 == 0)
		if ((f * 100 + g * 10 + h) % 11 == 0)
		if ((g * 100 + h * 10 + i) % 13 == 0)
		if ((h * 100 + i * 10 + j) % 17 == 0) {
			n = 
			    b * 100000000 +
			    c * 10000000 +
			    d * 1000000 +
			    e * 100000 +
			    f * 10000 +
			    g * 1000 +
			    h * 100 +
			    i * 10 +
			    j * 1;
			sum = bi_add(sum, int_to_bi(n));
			sum = bi_add(sum, bi_int_multiply(int_to_bi(1000000000), a));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d\n", a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Entry point.
 * Parse PROM boot string, load the kernel and jump into it
main(unsigned int memsize)
	char **namep, *dev, *kernel, *bi_addr;
	char bootpath[PATH_MAX];
	int win;
	u_long marks[MARK_MAX];
	void (*entry)(unsigned int, u_int, char *);

	struct btinfo_flags bi_flags;
	struct btinfo_symtab bi_syms;
	struct btinfo_bootpath bi_bpath;
	struct btinfo_howto bi_howto;
	int addr, speed, howto;

	try_bootp = 1;

	/* Initialize boot info early */
	dev = NULL;
	kernel = NULL;
	howto = 0x0;
	bi_flags.bi_flags = 0x0;
	bi_addr = bi_init();

	cobalt_id = read_board_id();
	if (cninit(&addr, &speed) != NULL)
		bi_flags.bi_flags |= BI_SERIAL_CONSOLE;


	memset(marks, 0, sizeof marks);
	get_bsdbootname(&dev, &kernel, &howto);

	if (kernel != NULL) {
		DPRINTF(("kernel: %s\n", kernel));
		kernelnames[0] = kernel;
		kernelnames[1] = NULL;
	} else {
		DPRINTF(("kernel: NULL\n"));

	win = 0;
	DPRINTF(("Kernel names: %p\n", kernelnames));
	for (namep = kernelnames, win = 0; (*namep != NULL) && !win; namep++) {
		kernel = *namep;

		bootpath[0] = '\0';

		strcpy(bootpath, dev ? dev : DEFBOOTDEV);
		strcat(bootpath, ":");
		strcat(bootpath, kernel);

		printf("Loading: %s", bootpath);
		if (howto)
			printf(" (howto 0x%x)", howto);
		win = (loadfile(bootpath, marks, LOAD_ALL) != -1);

	if (win) {
		strncpy(bi_bpath.bootpath, kernel, BTINFO_BOOTPATH_LEN);
		bi_add(&bi_bpath, BTINFO_BOOTPATH, sizeof(bi_bpath));

		entry = (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY];
		bi_syms.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM];
		bi_syms.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM];
		bi_syms.esym = marks[MARK_END];
		bi_add(&bi_syms, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_syms));

		bi_add(&bi_flags, BTINFO_FLAGS, sizeof(bi_flags));

		bi_howto.bi_howto = howto;
		bi_add(&bi_howto, BTINFO_HOWTO, sizeof(bi_howto));

		entry = (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY];

		DPRINTF(("Bootinfo @ 0x%lx\n", (u_long)bi_addr));
		printf("Starting at 0x%lx\n\n", (u_long)entry);
		(*entry)(memsize, BOOTINFO_MAGIC, bi_addr);

	(void)printf("Boot failed! Rebooting...\n");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
boot(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2, uint32_t a3, uint32_t a4,
    uint32_t a5)
	int fd, i;
	char *netbsd = "";
	int maxmem;
	u_long marks[MARK_MAX];
	char devname[32], file[32];
	void (*entry)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t,
	struct btinfo_symtab bi_sym;
	struct btinfo_bootarg bi_arg;
	struct btinfo_bootpath bi_bpath;
	struct btinfo_systype bi_sys;
	int loadflag;

	/* Clear BSS. */
	memset(_edata, 0, _end - _edata);

	 * XXX a3 contains:
	 *     maxmem (nws-3xxx)
	 *     argv   (apbus-based machine)
	if (a3 >= 0x80000000)
		apbus = 1;
		apbus = 0;

	if (apbus)
		_sip = (void *)a4;

	printf("%s Secondary Boot, Revision %s\n",
	    bootprog_name, bootprog_rev);

	if (apbus) {
		char *bootdev = (char *)a1;
		int argc = a2;
		char **argv = (char **)a3;

		DPRINTF("APbus-based system\n");

		DPRINTF("argc = %d\n", argc);
		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
			DPRINTF("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
			if (argv[i][0] != '-' && *netbsd == 0)
				netbsd = argv[i];
		maxmem = _sip->apbsi_memsize;
		maxmem -= 0x100000;	/* reserve 1MB for ROM monitor */

		DPRINTF("howto = 0x%x\n", a0);
		DPRINTF("bootdev = %s\n", (char *)a1);
		DPRINTF("bootname = %s\n", netbsd);
		DPRINTF("maxmem = 0x%x\n", maxmem);

		/* XXX use "sonic()" instead of "tftp()" */
		if (strncmp(bootdev, "tftp", 4) == 0)
			bootdev = "sonic";

		strcpy(devname, bootdev);
		if (strchr(devname, '(') == NULL)
			strcat(devname, "()");
	} else {
		int bootdev = a1;
		char *bootname = (char *)a2;
		int ctlr, unit, part, type;

		DPRINTF("HB system.\n");

		/* bootname is "/boot" by default on HB system. */
		if (bootname && strcmp(bootname, "/boot") != 0)
			netbsd = bootname;
		maxmem = a3;

		DPRINTF("howto = 0x%x\n", a0);
		DPRINTF("bootdev = 0x%x\n", a1);
		DPRINTF("bootname = %s\n", netbsd);
		DPRINTF("maxmem = 0x%x\n", maxmem);

		ctlr = BOOTDEV_CTLR(bootdev);
		unit = BOOTDEV_UNIT(bootdev);
		part = BOOTDEV_PART(bootdev);
		type = BOOTDEV_TYPE(bootdev);

		if (devs[type] == NULL) {
			printf("unknown bootdev (0x%x)\n", bootdev);

		snprintf(devname, sizeof(devname), "%s(%d,%d,%d)",
		    devs[type], ctlr, unit, part);

	printf("Booting %s%s\n", devname, netbsd);

	/* use user specified kernel name if exists */
	if (*netbsd) {
		kernels[0] = netbsd;
		kernels[1] = NULL;

	loadflag = LOAD_KERNEL;
	if (devname[0] == 'f')	/* XXX */
		loadflag &= ~LOAD_BACKWARDS;

	marks[MARK_START] = 0;

	for (i = 0; kernels[i]; i++) {
		snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s", devname, kernels[i]);
		DPRINTF("trying %s...\n", file);
		fd = loadfile(file, marks, loadflag);
		if (fd != -1)
	if (kernels[i] == NULL)

	DPRINTF("entry = 0x%x\n", (int)marks[MARK_ENTRY]);
	DPRINTF("ssym = 0x%x\n", (int)marks[MARK_SYM]);
	DPRINTF("esym = 0x%x\n", (int)marks[MARK_END]);


	bi_sym.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM];
	bi_sym.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM];
	bi_sym.esym = marks[MARK_END];
	bi_add(&bi_sym, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_sym));

	bi_arg.howto = a0;
	bi_arg.bootdev = a1;
	bi_arg.maxmem = maxmem;
	bi_arg.sip = (int)_sip;
	bi_add(&bi_arg, BTINFO_BOOTARG, sizeof(bi_arg));

	strcpy(bi_bpath.bootpath, file);
	bi_add(&bi_bpath, BTINFO_BOOTPATH, sizeof(bi_bpath));

	bi_sys.type = apbus ? NEWS5000 : NEWS3400;		/* XXX */
	bi_add(&bi_sys, BTINFO_SYSTYPE, sizeof(bi_sys));

	entry = (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY];

	if (apbus)
		mips1_flushicache(entry, marks[MARK_SYM] - marks[MARK_ENTRY]);

	(*entry)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
Exemplo n.º 22
	int	error, i;
	char	kernel[MAX_PROM_PATH];
	const char *k;
	u_long	marks[MARK_MAX], bootinfo;
	struct btinfo_symtab bi_sym;
	struct btinfo_boothowto bi_howto;
	void	*arg;

		extern char end[];
		setheap((void *)ALIGN(end), (void *)0xffffffff);

	printf(">> %s, Revision %s\n", bootprog_name, bootprog_rev);

	/* massage machine prom */

	 * get default kernel.
	k = prom_getbootfile();
	if (k != NULL && *k != '\0') {
		i = -1;	/* not using the kernels */
		strcpy(kernel, k);
	} else {
		i = 0;
		strcpy(kernel, kernels[i]);

	k = prom_getbootpath();
	if (k && *k)
		strcpy(prom_bootdevice, k);
	boothowto = bootoptions(prom_getbootargs());

	for (;;) {
		 * ask for a kernel first ..
		if (boothowto & RB_ASKNAME) {
			printf("device[%s] (\"halt\" to halt): ",
			if (strcmp(dbuf, "halt") == 0)
			if (dbuf[0])
				strcpy(prom_bootdevice, dbuf);
			printf("boot (press RETURN to try default list): ");
			if (fbuf[0])
				strcpy(kernel, fbuf);
			else {
				boothowto &= ~RB_ASKNAME;
				i = 0;
				strcpy(kernel, kernels[i]);

		printf("Booting %s\n", kernel);
		if ((error = loadk(kernel, marks)) == 0)

		if (error != ENOENT) {
			printf("Cannot load %s: error=%d\n", kernel, error);
			boothowto |= RB_ASKNAME;

		 * if we have are not in askname mode, and we aren't using the
		 * prom bootfile, try the next one (if it exits).  otherwise,
		 * go into askname mode.
		if ((boothowto & RB_ASKNAME) == 0 &&
		    i != -1 && kernels[++i]) {
			strcpy(kernel, kernels[i]);
			printf(": trying %s...\n", kernel);
		} else {
			boothowto |= RB_ASKNAME;

	marks[MARK_END] = (((u_long)marks[MARK_END] + sizeof(u_long) - 1)) &
	arg = (prom_version() == PROM_OLDMON) ? (void *)PROM_LOADADDR : romp;

	/* Setup boot info structure at the end of the kernel image */
	bootinfo = bi_init(marks[MARK_END] & loadaddrmask);

	/* Add kernel symbols to bootinfo */
	bi_sym.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM] & loadaddrmask;
	bi_sym.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM] & loadaddrmask;
	bi_sym.esym = marks[MARK_END] & loadaddrmask;
	bi_add(&bi_sym, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_sym));

	/* Add boothowto */
	bi_howto.boothowto = boothowto;
	bi_add(&bi_howto, BTINFO_BOOTHOWTO, sizeof(bi_howto));

	/* Add kernel path to bootinfo */
	i = sizeof(struct btinfo_common) + strlen(kernel) + 1;
	/* Impose limit (somewhat arbitrary) */
	if (i < BOOTINFO_SIZE / 2) {
		union {
			struct btinfo_kernelfile bi_file;
			char x[i];
		} U;
		strcpy(U.bi_file.name, kernel);
		bi_add(&U.bi_file, BTINFO_KERNELFILE, i);

	(*(entry_t)marks[MARK_ENTRY])(arg, 0, 0, 0, bootinfo, DDB_MAGIC2);
Exemplo n.º 23
main(int argc, char **argv)
	const char     *kernel = NULL;
	const char     *bootpath = NULL;
	char            bootfile[PATH_MAX];
	void            (*entry)(int, char *[], u_int, void *);
	u_long          marks[MARK_MAX];
	int             win = 0;
	int             i;
	int             ch;

	/* print a banner */
	printf("%s Bootstrap, Revision %s\n", bootprog_name, bootprog_rev);

	memset(marks, 0, sizeof marks);

	/* initialise bootinfo structure early */

	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
		printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);

	/* Parse arguments, if present.  */
	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1) {
		switch (ch) {
		case 'v':
			debug = 1;

	environment = &argv[1];

	bootpath = firmware_getenv("OSLoadPartition");
	if (bootpath == NULL)
		bootpath =

	if (bootpath == NULL) {
		/* XXX need to actually do the fixup */
		printf("OSLoadPartition is not specified.\n");
		return 0;
	DPRINTF("bootpath = %s\n", bootpath);

	 * Grab OSLoadFilename from ARCS.

	kernel = firmware_getenv("OSLoadFilename");
	if (kernel == NULL)
		kernel = arcbios_GetEnvironmentVariable("OSLoadFilename");

	DPRINTF("kernel = %s\n", kernel ? kernel : "<null>");

	 * The first arg is assumed to contain the name of the kernel to boot,
	 * if it a) does not start with a hyphen and b) does not contain
	 * an equals sign.

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (((strchr(argv[i], '=')) == NULL) && (argv[i][0] != '-')) {
			kernel = argv[i];

	if (kernel != NULL) {
		 * if the name contains parenthesis, we assume that it
		 * contains the bootpath and ignore anything passed through
		 * the environment
		if (strchr(kernel, '('))
			win = loadfile(kernel, marks, LOAD_KERNEL);
		else {
			strcpy(bootfile, bootpath);
			strcat(bootfile, kernel);
			win = loadfile(bootfile, marks, LOAD_KERNEL);

	} else {
		i = 1;
		while (kernelnames[i] != NULL) {
			strcpy(bootfile, bootpath);
			strcat(bootfile, kernelnames[i]);
			kernel = kernelnames[i];
			win = loadfile(bootfile, marks, LOAD_KERNEL);
			if (win != -1)


	if (win < 0) {
		printf("Boot failed!  Halting...\n");
		return 0;

	strlcpy(bi_bpath.bootpath, kernel, BTINFO_BOOTPATH_LEN);
	bi_add(&bi_bpath, BTINFO_BOOTPATH, sizeof(bi_bpath));

	bi_syms.nsym = marks[MARK_NSYM];
	bi_syms.ssym = marks[MARK_SYM];
	bi_syms.esym = marks[MARK_END];
	bi_add(&bi_syms, BTINFO_SYMTAB, sizeof(bi_syms));

	entry = (void *)marks[MARK_ENTRY];

	if (debug) {
		printf("Starting at %p\n\n", entry);
		printf("nsym 0x%lx ssym 0x%lx esym 0x%lx\n", marks[MARK_NSYM],
		       marks[MARK_SYM], marks[MARK_END]);
	(*entry)(argc, argv, BOOTINFO_MAGIC, bootinfo);

	printf("Kernel returned!  Halting...\n");
	return 0;