Exemplo n.º 1
static void
biji_note_obj_init (BijiNoteObj *self)
  BijiNoteObjPrivate *priv ;

  priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, BIJI_TYPE_NOTE_OBJ, BijiNoteObjPrivate);

  self->priv = priv ;
  priv->id = NULL;

  priv->needs_save = FALSE;
  priv->timeout = biji_timeout_new ();
  priv->save = g_signal_connect_swapped (priv->timeout, "timeout",
                            G_CALLBACK (on_save_timeout), self);

  priv->is_template = FALSE ;

  /* The editor is NULL so we know it's not opened
   * neither fully deserialized */
  priv->editor = NULL;

  /* Icon is only computed when necessary */
  priv->icon = NULL;
  priv->emblem = NULL;
  priv->pristine = NULL;

  /* Keep value unitialied, so bijiben knows to assign default color */
  priv->color = NULL;

  priv->labels = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
biji_note_obj_init (BijiNoteObj *self)
  BijiNoteObjPrivate *priv ;
  priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, BIJI_TYPE_NOTE_OBJ, BijiNoteObjPrivate);

  self->priv = priv ;

  priv->id = g_object_new (BIJI_TYPE_NOTE_ID, NULL);

  priv->needs_save = FALSE;
  priv->timeout = biji_timeout_new ();
  g_signal_connect_swapped (priv->timeout, "timeout",
                            G_CALLBACK (on_save_timeout), self);

  priv->book = NULL ;
  priv->is_template = FALSE ;

  /* The editor is NULL so we know it's not opened
   * neither fully deserialized */
  priv->html = NULL;
  priv->editor = NULL;

  /* Icon is only computed when necessary */
  priv->icon = NULL;

  priv->color = g_new(GdkRGBA,1) ;
  gdk_rgba_parse ( priv->color , DEFAULT_NOTE_COLOR ) ;

  priv->tags = NULL;