Exemplo n.º 1
 * Release blocks associated with the inode ip and stored in the indirect
 * block bn.  Blocks are free'd in LIFO order up to (but not including)
 * lastbn.  If level is greater than SINGLE, the block is an indirect block
 * and recursive calls to indirtrunc must be used to cleanse other indirect
 * blocks.
 * NB: triple indirect blocks are untested.
static int
ffs_indirtrunc(struct inode *ip, ufs_daddr_t lbn, ufs_daddr_t dbn,
	       ufs_daddr_t lastbn, int level, long *countp)
	int i;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct fs *fs = ip->i_fs;
	ufs_daddr_t *bap;
	struct vnode *vp;
	ufs_daddr_t *copy = NULL, nb, nlbn, last;
	long blkcount, factor;
	int nblocks, blocksreleased = 0;
	int error = 0, allerror = 0;

	 * Calculate index in current block of last
	 * block to be kept.  -1 indicates the entire
	 * block so we need not calculate the index.
	factor = 1;
	for (i = SINGLE; i < level; i++)
		factor *= NINDIR(fs);
	last = lastbn;
	if (lastbn > 0)
		last /= factor;
	nblocks = btodb(fs->fs_bsize);
	 * Get buffer of block pointers, zero those entries corresponding
	 * to blocks to be free'd, and update on disk copy first.  Since
	 * double(triple) indirect before single(double) indirect, calls
	 * to bmap on these blocks will fail.  However, we already have
	 * the on disk address, so we have to set the bio_offset field
	 * explicitly instead of letting bread do everything for us.
	vp = ITOV(ip);
	bp = getblk(vp, lblktodoff(fs, lbn), (int)fs->fs_bsize, 0, 0);
	if ((bp->b_flags & B_CACHE) == 0) {
		bp->b_flags &= ~(B_ERROR|B_INVAL);
		bp->b_cmd = BUF_CMD_READ;
		if (bp->b_bcount > bp->b_bufsize)
			panic("ffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer size");
		 * BIO is bio2 which chains back to bio1.  We wait
		 * on bio1.
		bp->b_bio2.bio_offset = dbtodoff(fs, dbn);
		bp->b_bio1.bio_done = biodone_sync;
		bp->b_bio1.bio_flags |= BIO_SYNC;
		vfs_busy_pages(vp, bp);
		 * Access the block device layer using the device vnode
		 * and the translated block number (bio2) instead of the
		 * file vnode (vp) and logical block number (bio1).
		 * Even though we are bypassing the vnode layer, we still
		 * want the vnode state to indicate that an I/O on its behalf
		 * is in progress.
		bio_start_transaction(&bp->b_bio1, &vp->v_track_read);
		vn_strategy(ip->i_devvp, &bp->b_bio2);
		error = biowait(&bp->b_bio1, "biord");
	if (error) {
		*countp = 0;
		return (error);

	bap = (ufs_daddr_t *)bp->b_data;
	if (lastbn != -1) {
		copy = kmalloc(fs->fs_bsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
		bcopy((caddr_t)bap, (caddr_t)copy, (uint)fs->fs_bsize);
		bzero((caddr_t)&bap[last + 1],
		    (uint)(NINDIR(fs) - (last + 1)) * sizeof (ufs_daddr_t));
		if (DOINGASYNC(vp)) {
		} else {
			error = bwrite(bp);
			if (error)
				allerror = error;
		bap = copy;

	 * Recursively free totally unused blocks.
	for (i = NINDIR(fs) - 1, nlbn = lbn + 1 - i * factor; i > last;
	    i--, nlbn += factor) {
		nb = bap[i];
		if (nb == 0)
		if (level > SINGLE) {
			if ((error = ffs_indirtrunc(ip, nlbn, fsbtodb(fs, nb),
			    (ufs_daddr_t)-1, level - 1, &blkcount)) != 0)
				allerror = error;
			blocksreleased += blkcount;
		ffs_blkfree(ip, nb, fs->fs_bsize);
		blocksreleased += nblocks;

	 * Recursively free last partial block.
	if (level > SINGLE && lastbn >= 0) {
		last = lastbn % factor;
		nb = bap[i];
		if (nb != 0) {
			error = ffs_indirtrunc(ip, nlbn, fsbtodb(fs, nb),
			    last, level - 1, &blkcount);
			if (error)
				allerror = error;
			blocksreleased += blkcount;
	if (copy != NULL) {
		kfree(copy, M_TEMP);
	} else {
		bp->b_flags |= B_INVAL | B_NOCACHE;
	*countp = blocksreleased;
	return (allerror);
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
ffs_rawread_readahead(struct vnode *vp, caddr_t udata, off_t loffset,
		      size_t len, struct buf *bp)
	int error;
	int iolen;
	int blockoff;
	int bsize;
	struct vnode *dp;
	int bforwards;
	bsize = vp->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_iosize;

	 * Make sure it fits into the pbuf
	iolen = (int)(intptr_t)udata & PAGE_MASK;
	if (len + iolen > bp->b_kvasize) {
		len = bp->b_kvasize;
		if (iolen != 0)
			len -= PAGE_SIZE;

	 * Raw disk address is in bio2, but we wait for it to
	 * chain to bio1.
	bp->b_flags &= ~B_ERROR;
	bp->b_loffset = loffset;
	bp->b_bio2.bio_offset = NOOFFSET;
	bp->b_bio1.bio_done = biodone_sync;
	bp->b_bio1.bio_flags |= BIO_SYNC;

	blockoff = (loffset % bsize) / DEV_BSIZE;

	error = VOP_BMAP(vp, bp->b_loffset, &bp->b_bio2.bio_offset,
			 &bforwards, NULL, BUF_CMD_READ);
	if (error != 0)
		return error;
	dp = VTOI(vp)->i_devvp;
	if (bp->b_bio2.bio_offset == NOOFFSET) {
		 * Fill holes with NULs to preserve semantics 
		if (len + blockoff * DEV_BSIZE > bsize)
			len = bsize - blockoff * DEV_BSIZE;
		if (vmapbuf(bp, udata, len) < 0)
			return EFAULT;
		bzero(bp->b_data, bp->b_bcount);

		/* Mark operation completed (similar to bufdone()) */

		bp->b_resid = 0;
		return 0;
	if (len + blockoff * DEV_BSIZE > bforwards)
		len = bforwards - blockoff * DEV_BSIZE;
	bp->b_bio2.bio_offset += blockoff * DEV_BSIZE;
	if (vmapbuf(bp, udata, len) < 0)
		return EFAULT;
	 * Access the block device layer using the device vnode (dp) and
	 * the translated block number (bio2) instead of the logical block
	 * number (bio1).
	 * Even though we are bypassing the vnode layer, we still
	 * want the vnode state to indicate that an I/O on its behalf
	 * is in progress.
	bp->b_cmd = BUF_CMD_READ;
	bio_start_transaction(&bp->b_bio1, &vp->v_track_read);
	vn_strategy(dp, &bp->b_bio2);
	return 0;