Exemplo n.º 1
// Pin change interrupt for pin-out commands, i.e. cycle start, feed hold, and reset. Sets
// only the realtime command execute variable to have the main program execute these when 
// its ready. This works exactly like the character-based realtime commands when picked off
// directly from the incoming serial data stream.
void control_pin_check()
	static  uint8_t oldpin = 0;
	uint8_t pin =0;

	pin = system_control_get_state();

	if(pin != oldpin)
		oldpin = pin;
		if (pin) {
			if (bit_istrue(pin,CONTROL_PIN_INDEX_RESET)) {
			} else if (bit_istrue(pin,CONTROL_PIN_INDEX_CYCLE_START)) {
				bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_CYCLE_START);
			} else if (bit_istrue(pin,CONTROL_PIN_INDEX_FEED_HOLD)) {
				bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_FEED_HOLD);
			} else if (bit_istrue(pin,CONTROL_PIN_INDEX_SAFETY_DOOR)) {
				bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Monitors probe pin state and records the system position when detected. Called by the
// stepper ISR per ISR tick.
// NOTE: This function must be extremely efficient as to not bog down the stepper ISR.
void probe_state_monitor()
  if (sys_probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) {
    if (probe_get_state()) {
      sys_probe_state = PROBE_OFF;
      memcpy(sys.probe_position, sys.position, sizeof(sys.position));
      bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Monitors probe pin state and records the system position when detected. Called by the
// stepper ISR per ISR tick.
// NOTE: This function must be extremely efficient as to not bog down the stepper ISR.
void probe_state_monitor()
  if (sys.probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) { 
    if (probe_get_state()) {
      sys.probe_state = PROBE_OFF;
      memcpy(sys.probe_position, sys.position, sizeof(float)*N_AXIS);
      bit_true(sys.execute, EXEC_FEED_HOLD);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Monitors probe pin state and records the system position when detected. Called by the
// stepper ISR per ISR tick.
// NOTE: This function must be extremely efficient as to not bog down the stepper ISR.
void probe_state_monitor()
  if (sys_probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) {
    if (probe_get_state()) {
      sys_probe_state = PROBE_OFF;
      memcpy(sys.probe_position, sys.position, sizeof(float)*N_AXIS);
      bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL);
Exemplo n.º 5
// This should likely go away and be handled by setting the pause flag and then
// pausing in the execSystemRealtime function
// Need to check if all returns from this subsequently look to sys.stop
void pause(){

    The pause command pauses the machine in place without flushing the lines stored in the machine's

    When paused the machine enters a while() loop and doesn't exit until the '~' cycle resume command
    is issued from Ground Control.


    bit_true(sys.pause, PAUSE_FLAG_USER_PAUSE);
    Serial.println(F("Maslow Paused"));

    while(bit_istrue(sys.pause, PAUSE_FLAG_USER_PAUSE)) {

        // Run realtime commands
        if (sys.stop){return;}
Exemplo n.º 6
// Plans and executes the single special motion case for parking. Independent of main planner buffer.
// NOTE: Uses the always free planner ring buffer head to store motion parameters for execution.
void mc_parking_motion(float *parking_target, plan_line_data_t *pl_data)
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Block during abort.

  uint8_t plan_status = plan_buffer_line(parking_target, pl_data);

  if (plan_status) {
		bit_true(sys.step_control, STEP_CONTROL_EXECUTE_SYS_MOTION);
		bit_false(sys.step_control, STEP_CONTROL_END_MOTION); // Allow parking motion to execute, if feed hold is active.
    st_parking_setup_buffer(); // Setup step segment buffer for special parking motion case
		do {
			if (sys.abort) { return; }
		} while (sys.step_control & STEP_CONTROL_EXECUTE_SYS_MOTION);
		st_parking_restore_buffer(); // Restore step segment buffer to normal run state.
	} else {
    bit_false(sys.step_control, STEP_CONTROL_EXECUTE_SYS_MOTION);

Exemplo n.º 7
// Directs and executes one line of formatted input from protocol_process. While mostly
// incoming streaming g-code blocks, this also executes Grbl internal commands, such as 
// settings, initiating the homing cycle, and toggling switch states. This differs from
// the realtime command module by being susceptible to when Grbl is ready to execute the 
// next line during a cycle, so for switches like block delete, the switch only effects
// the lines that are processed afterward, not necessarily real-time during a cycle, 
// since there are motions already stored in the buffer. However, this 'lag' should not
// be an issue, since these commands are not typically used during a cycle.
uint8_t system_execute_line(char *line) 
  uint8_t char_counter = 1; 
  uint8_t helper_var = 0; // Helper variable
  float parameter, value;
  switch( line[char_counter] ) {
    case 0 : report_grbl_help(); break;
    case '$': case 'G': case 'C': case 'X':
      if ( line[(char_counter+1)] != 0 ) { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
      switch( line[char_counter] ) {
        case '$' : // Prints Grbl settings
          if ( sys.state & (STATE_CYCLE | STATE_HOLD) ) { return(STATUS_IDLE_ERROR); } // Block during cycle. Takes too long to print.
          else { report_grbl_settings(); }
        case 'G' : // Prints gcode parser state
          // TODO: Move this to realtime commands for GUIs to request this data during suspend-state.
        case 'C' : // Set check g-code mode [IDLE/CHECK]
          // Perform reset when toggling off. Check g-code mode should only work if Grbl
          // is idle and ready, regardless of alarm locks. This is mainly to keep things
          // simple and consistent.
          if ( sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE ) { 
          } else {
            if (sys.state) { return(STATUS_IDLE_ERROR); } // Requires no alarm mode.
            sys.state = STATE_CHECK_MODE;
        case 'X' : // Disable alarm lock [ALARM]
          if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) { 
            sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
            // Don't run startup script. Prevents stored moves in startup from causing accidents.
          #ifndef DEFAULTS_TRINAMIC
          if (system_check_safety_door_ajar()) { // Check safety door switch before returning.
              bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR);
              protocol_execute_realtime(); // Enter safety door mode.
          } // Otherwise, no effect.
    //  case 'J' : break;  // Jogging methods
          // TODO: Here jogging can be placed for execution as a seperate subprogram. It does not need to be 
          // susceptible to other realtime commands except for e-stop. The jogging function is intended to
          // be a basic toggle on/off with controlled acceleration and deceleration to prevent skipped 
          // steps. The user would supply the desired feedrate, axis to move, and direction. Toggle on would
          // start motion and toggle off would initiate a deceleration to stop. One could 'feather' the
          // motion by repeatedly toggling to slow the motion to the desired location. Location data would 
          // need to be updated real-time and supplied to the user through status queries.
          //   More controlled exact motions can be taken care of by inputting G0 or G1 commands, which are 
          // handled by the planner. It would be possible for the jog subprogram to insert blocks into the
          // block buffer without having the planner plan them. It would need to manage de/ac-celerations 
          // on its own carefully. This approach could be effective and possibly size/memory efficient.  
//       }
//       break;
    default : 
      // Block any system command that requires the state as IDLE/ALARM. (i.e. EEPROM, homing)
      if ( !(sys.state == STATE_IDLE || sys.state == STATE_ALARM) ) { return(STATUS_IDLE_ERROR); }
      switch( line[char_counter] ) {
        case '#' : // Print Grbl NGC parameters
          if ( line[++char_counter] != 0 ) { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
          else { report_ngc_parameters(); }
        case 'H' : // Perform homing cycle [IDLE/ALARM]
          if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { 
            sys.state = STATE_HOMING; // Set system state variable
            // Only perform homing if Grbl is idle or lost.
            // TODO: Likely not required.
            if (system_check_safety_door_ajar()) { // Check safety door switch before homing.
              bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR);
              protocol_execute_realtime(); // Enter safety door mode.
            if (!sys.abort) {  // Execute startup scripts after successful homing.
              sys.state = STATE_IDLE; // Set to IDLE when complete.
              st_go_idle(); // Set steppers to the settings idle state before returning.
          } else { return(STATUS_SETTING_DISABLED); }
        case 'I' : // Print or store build info. [IDLE/ALARM]
          if ( line[++char_counter] == 0 ) { 
          } else { // Store startup line [IDLE/ALARM]
            if(line[char_counter++] != '=') { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
            helper_var = char_counter; // Set helper variable as counter to start of user info line.
            do {
              line[char_counter-helper_var] = line[char_counter];
            } while (line[char_counter++] != 0);
        case 'R' : // Restore defaults [IDLE/ALARM]
          if (line[++char_counter] != 'S') { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
          if (line[++char_counter] != 'T') { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
          if (line[++char_counter] != '=') { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
          if (line[char_counter+2] != 0) { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }                        
          switch (line[++char_counter]) {
            case '$': settings_restore(SETTINGS_RESTORE_DEFAULTS); break;
            case '#': settings_restore(SETTINGS_RESTORE_PARAMETERS); break;
            case '*': settings_restore(SETTINGS_RESTORE_ALL); break;
            default: return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT);
          mc_reset(); // Force reset to ensure settings are initialized correctly.
        case 'N' : // Startup lines. [IDLE/ALARM]
          if ( line[++char_counter] == 0 ) { // Print startup lines
            for (helper_var=0; helper_var < N_STARTUP_LINE; helper_var++) {
              if (!(settings_read_startup_line(helper_var, line))) {
              } else {
          } else { // Store startup line [IDLE Only] Prevents motion during ALARM.
            if (sys.state != STATE_IDLE) { return(STATUS_IDLE_ERROR); } // Store only when idle.
            helper_var = true;  // Set helper_var to flag storing method. 
            // No break. Continues into default: to read remaining command characters.
        default :  // Storing setting methods [IDLE/ALARM]
          if(!read_float(line, &char_counter, &parameter)) { return(STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT); }
          if(line[char_counter++] != '=') { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
          if (helper_var) { // Store startup line
            // Prepare sending gcode block to gcode parser by shifting all characters
            helper_var = char_counter; // Set helper variable as counter to start of gcode block
            do {
              line[char_counter-helper_var] = line[char_counter];
            } while (line[char_counter++] != 0);
            // Execute gcode block to ensure block is valid.
            helper_var = gc_execute_line(line); // Set helper_var to returned status code.
            if (helper_var) { return(helper_var); }
            else { 
              helper_var = trunc(parameter); // Set helper_var to int value of parameter
          } else { // Store global setting.
            if(!read_float(line, &char_counter, &value)) { return(STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT); }
            if((line[char_counter] != 0) || (parameter > 255)) { return(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); }
            return(settings_store_global_setting((uint8_t)parameter, value));
  return(STATUS_OK); // If '$' command makes it to here, then everything's ok.
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: gcode.c Projeto: ikrase/grbl
// Executes one line of 0-terminated G-Code. The line is assumed to contain only uppercase
// characters and signed floating point values (no whitespace). Comments and block delete
// characters have been removed. All units and positions are converted and exported to grbl's
// internal functions in terms of (mm, mm/min) and absolute machine coordinates, respectively.
uint8_t gc_execute_line(char *line) 

  // If in alarm state, don't process. Immediately return with error.
  // NOTE: Might not be right place for this, but also prevents $N storing during alarm.
  if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) { return(STATUS_ALARM_LOCK); }
  uint8_t char_counter = 0;  
  char letter;
  float value;
  int int_value;
  uint16_t modal_group_words = 0;  // Bitflag variable to track and check modal group words in block
  uint8_t axis_words = 0;          // Bitflag to track which XYZ(ABC) parameters exist in block

  float inverse_feed_rate = -1; // negative inverse_feed_rate means no inverse_feed_rate specified
  uint8_t absolute_override = false; // true(1) = absolute motion for this block only {G53}
  uint8_t non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_NONE; // Tracks the actions of modal group 0 (non-modal)
  float target[4], offset[4];  
  clear_vector(target); // XYZ(ABC) axes parameters.
  clear_vector(offset); // IJK Arc offsets are incremental. Value of zero indicates no change.
  gc.status_code = STATUS_OK;
  /* Pass 1: Commands and set all modes. Check for modal group violations.
     NOTE: Modal group numbers are defined in Table 4 of NIST RS274-NGC v3, pg.20 */
  uint8_t group_number = MODAL_GROUP_NONE;
  while(next_statement(&letter, &value, line, &char_counter)) {
    int_value = trunc(value);
    switch(letter) {
      case 'G':
        // Set modal group values
        switch(int_value) {
          case 4: case 10: case 28: case 30: case 53: case 92: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_0; break;
          case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 80: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_1; break;
          case 17: case 18: case 19: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_2; break;
          case 90: case 91: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_3; break;
          case 93: case 94: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_5; break;
          case 20: case 21: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_6; break;
          case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 59: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_12; break;
        // Set 'G' commands
        switch(int_value) {
          case 0: gc.motion_mode = MOTION_MODE_SEEK; break;
          case 1: gc.motion_mode = MOTION_MODE_LINEAR; break;
          case 2: gc.motion_mode = MOTION_MODE_CW_ARC; break;
          case 3: gc.motion_mode = MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC; break;
          case 4: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_DWELL; break;
          case 10: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_SET_COORDINATE_DATA; break;
          case 17: select_plane(X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS); break;
          case 18: select_plane(X_AXIS, Z_AXIS, Y_AXIS); break;
          case 19: select_plane(Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, X_AXIS); break;
          case 20: gc.inches_mode = true; break;
          case 21: gc.inches_mode = false; break;
          case 28: case 30: 
            int_value = trunc(10*value); // Multiply by 10 to pick up Gxx.1
            switch(int_value) {
              case 280: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_0; break;
              case 281: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_SET_HOME_0; break;
              case 300: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_1; break;
              case 301: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_SET_HOME_1; break;
          case 53: absolute_override = true; break;
          case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 59:
            gc.coord_select = int_value-54;
          case 80: gc.motion_mode = MOTION_MODE_CANCEL; break;
          case 90: gc.absolute_mode = true; break;
          case 91: gc.absolute_mode = false; break;
          case 92: 
            int_value = trunc(10*value); // Multiply by 10 to pick up G92.1
            switch(int_value) {
              case 920: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_SET_COORDINATE_OFFSET; break;        
              case 921: non_modal_action = NON_MODAL_RESET_COORDINATE_OFFSET; break;
          case 93: gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode = true; break;
          case 94: gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode = false; break;
      case 'M':
        // Set modal group values
        switch(int_value) {
          case 0: case 1: case 2: case 30: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_4; break;
          case 3: case 4: case 5: group_number = MODAL_GROUP_7; break;
        // Set 'M' commands
        switch(int_value) {
          case 0: gc.program_flow = PROGRAM_FLOW_PAUSED; break; // Program pause
          case 1: break; // Optional stop not supported. Ignore.
          case 2: case 30: gc.program_flow = PROGRAM_FLOW_COMPLETED; break; // Program end and reset 
          case 3: gc.spindle_direction = 1; break;
          case 4: gc.spindle_direction = -1; break;
          case 5: gc.spindle_direction = 0; break;
          #ifdef ENABLE_M7
            case 7: gc.coolant_mode = COOLANT_MIST_ENABLE; break;
          case 8: gc.coolant_mode = COOLANT_FLOOD_ENABLE; break;
          case 9: gc.coolant_mode = COOLANT_DISABLE; break;
    // Check for modal group multiple command violations in the current block
    if (group_number) {
      if ( bit_istrue(modal_group_words,bit(group_number)) ) {
      } else {
      group_number = MODAL_GROUP_NONE; // Reset for next command.

  // If there were any errors parsing this line, we will return right away with the bad news
  if (gc.status_code) { return(gc.status_code); }
  /* Pass 2: Parameters. All units converted according to current block commands. Position 
     parameters are converted and flagged to indicate a change. These can have multiple connotations
     for different commands. Each will be converted to their proper value upon execution. */
  float p = 0, r = 0;
  uint8_t l = 0;
  char_counter = 0;
  while(next_statement(&letter, &value, line, &char_counter)) {
    switch(letter) {
      case 'G': case 'M': case 'N': break; // Ignore command statements and line numbers
      case 'F': 
        if (value <= 0) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); } // Must be greater than zero
        if (gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode) {
          inverse_feed_rate = to_millimeters(value); // seconds per motion for this motion only
        } else {          
          gc.feed_rate = to_millimeters(value); // millimeters per minute
      case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': offset[letter-'I'] = to_millimeters(value); break;
      case 'L': l = trunc(value); break;
      case 'P': p = value; break;                    
      case 'R': r = to_millimeters(value); break;
      case 'S': 
        if (value < 0) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); } // Cannot be negative
        // TBD: Spindle speed not supported due to PWM issues, but may come back once resolved.
        // gc.spindle_speed = value;
      case 'T': 
        if (value < 0) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); } // Cannot be negative
        gc.tool = trunc(value); 
      case 'X': target[X_AXIS] = to_millimeters(value); bit_true(axis_words,bit(X_AXIS)); break;
      case 'Y': target[Y_AXIS] = to_millimeters(value); bit_true(axis_words,bit(Y_AXIS)); break;
      case 'Z': target[Z_AXIS] = to_millimeters(value); bit_true(axis_words,bit(Z_AXIS)); break;
      case 'C': target[C_AXIS] = to_millimeters(value); bit_true(axis_wors,bit(C_AXIS)); break;
  // If there were any errors parsing this line, we will return right away with the bad news
  if (gc.status_code) { return(gc.status_code); }
  /* Execute Commands: Perform by order of execution defined in NIST RS274-NGC.v3, Table 8, pg.41.
     NOTE: Independent non-motion/settings parameters are set out of this order for code efficiency 
     and simplicity purposes, but this should not affect proper g-code execution. */
  // ([F]: Set feed and seek rates.)
  // TODO: Seek rates can change depending on the direction and maximum speeds of each axes. When
  // max axis speed is installed, the calculation can be performed here, or maybe in the planner.
  if (sys.state != STATE_CHECK_MODE) { 
    //  ([M6]: Tool change should be executed here.)

    // [M3,M4,M5]: Update spindle state
    // [*M7,M8,M9]: Update coolant state
  // [G54,G55,...,G59]: Coordinate system selection
  if ( bit_istrue(modal_group_words,bit(MODAL_GROUP_12)) ) { // Check if called in block
    float coord_data[N_AXIS];
    if (!(settings_read_coord_data(gc.coord_select,coord_data))) { return(STATUS_SETTING_READ_FAIL); } 
  // [G4,G10,G28,G30,G92,G92.1]: Perform dwell, set coordinate system data, homing, or set axis offsets.
  // NOTE: These commands are in the same modal group, hence are mutually exclusive. G53 is in this
  // modal group and do not effect these actions.
  switch (non_modal_action) {
      if (p < 0) { // Time cannot be negative.
      } else {
        // Ignore dwell in check gcode modes
        if (sys.state != STATE_CHECK_MODE) { mc_dwell(p); }
      int_value = trunc(p); // Convert p value to int.
      if ((l != 2 && l != 20) || (int_value < 0 || int_value > N_COORDINATE_SYSTEM)) { // L2 and L20. P1=G54, P2=G55, ... 
      } else if (!axis_words && l==2) { // No axis words.
      } else {
        if (int_value > 0) { int_value--; } // Adjust P1-P6 index to EEPROM coordinate data indexing.
        else { int_value = gc.coord_select; } // Index P0 as the active coordinate system
        float coord_data[N_AXIS];
        if (!settings_read_coord_data(int_value,coord_data)) { return(STATUS_SETTING_READ_FAIL); }
        uint8_t i;
        // Update axes defined only in block. Always in machine coordinates. Can change non-active system.
        for (i=0; i<N_AXIS; i++) { // Axes indices are consistent, so loop may be used.
          if (bit_istrue(axis_words,bit(i)) ) {
            if (l == 20) {
              coord_data[i] = gc.position[i]-target[i]; // L20: Update axis current position to target
            } else {
              coord_data[i] = target[i]; // L2: Update coordinate system axis
        // Update system coordinate system if currently active.
        if (gc.coord_select == int_value) { memcpy(gc.coord_system,coord_data,sizeof(coord_data)); }
      axis_words = 0; // Axis words used. Lock out from motion modes by clearing flags.
    case NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_0: case NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_1: 
      // Move to intermediate position before going home. Obeys current coordinate system and offsets 
      // and absolute and incremental modes.
      if (axis_words) {
        // Apply absolute mode coordinate offsets or incremental mode offsets.
        uint8_t i;
        for (i=0; i<N_AXIS; i++) { // Axes indices are consistent, so loop may be used.
          if ( bit_istrue(axis_words,bit(i)) ) {
            if (gc.absolute_mode) {
              target[i] += gc.coord_system[i] + gc.coord_offset[i];
            } else {
              target[i] += gc.position[i];
          } else {
            target[i] = gc.position[i];
        mc_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[C_AXIS], settings.default_seek_rate, false);
      // Retreive G28/30 go-home position data (in machine coordinates) from EEPROM
      float coord_data[N_AXIS];
      if (non_modal_action == NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_1) { 
        if (!settings_read_coord_data(SETTING_INDEX_G30 ,coord_data)) { return(STATUS_SETTING_READ_FAIL); }     
      } else {
        if (!settings_read_coord_data(SETTING_INDEX_G28 ,coord_data)) { return(STATUS_SETTING_READ_FAIL); }     
      mc_line(coord_data[X_AXIS], coord_data[Y_AXIS], coord_data[Z_AXIS], coord_data[C_AXIS], settings.default_seek_rate, false); 
      memcpy(gc.position, coord_data, sizeof(coord_data)); // gc.position[] = coord_data[];
      axis_words = 0; // Axis words used. Lock out from motion modes by clearing flags.
      if (non_modal_action == NON_MODAL_SET_HOME_1) { 
      } else {
      if (!axis_words) { // No axis words
      } else {
        // Update axes defined only in block. Offsets current system to defined value. Does not update when
        // active coordinate system is selected, but is still active unless G92.1 disables it. 
        uint8_t i;
        for (i=0; i<=2; i++) { // Axes indices are consistent, so loop may be used.
          if (bit_istrue(axis_words,bit(i)) ) {
            gc.coord_offset[i] = gc.position[i]-gc.coord_system[i]-target[i];
      axis_words = 0; // Axis words used. Lock out from motion modes by clearing flags.
      clear_vector(gc.coord_offset); // Disable G92 offsets by zeroing offset vector.

  // [G0,G1,G2,G3,G80]: Perform motion modes. 
  // NOTE: Commands G10,G28,G30,G92 lock out and prevent axis words from use in motion modes. 
  // Enter motion modes only if there are axis words or a motion mode command word in the block.
  if ( bit_istrue(modal_group_words,bit(MODAL_GROUP_1)) || axis_words ) {

    // G1,G2,G3 require F word in inverse time mode.  
    if ( gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode ) { 
      if (inverse_feed_rate < 0 && gc.motion_mode != MOTION_MODE_CANCEL) {
    // Absolute override G53 only valid with G0 and G1 active.
    if ( absolute_override && !(gc.motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_SEEK || gc.motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_LINEAR)) {
    // Report any errors.  
    if (gc.status_code) { return(gc.status_code); }

    // Convert all target position data to machine coordinates for executing motion. Apply
    // absolute mode coordinate offsets or incremental mode offsets.
    // NOTE: Tool offsets may be appended to these conversions when/if this feature is added.
    uint8_t i;
    for (i=0; i<=3; i++) { // Axes indices are consistent, so loop may be used to save flash space.
      if ( bit_istrue(axis_words,bit(i)) ) {
        if (!absolute_override) { // Do not update target in absolute override mode
          if (gc.absolute_mode) {
            target[i] += gc.coord_system[i] + gc.coord_offset[i]; // Absolute mode
          } else {
            target[i] += gc.position[i]; // Incremental mode
      } else {
        target[i] = gc.position[i]; // No axis word in block. Keep same axis position.
    switch (gc.motion_mode) {
        if (axis_words) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT); } // No axis words allowed while active.
      case MOTION_MODE_SEEK:
        if (!axis_words) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT);} 
        else { mc_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[C_AXIS], settings.default_seek_rate, false); }
        // TODO: Inverse time requires F-word with each statement. Need to do a check. Also need
        // to check for initial F-word upon startup. Maybe just set to zero upon initialization
        // and after an inverse time move and then check for non-zero feed rate each time. This
        // should be efficient and effective.
        if (!axis_words) { FAIL(STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT);} 
        else { mc_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[C_AXIS],
          (gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode) ? inverse_feed_rate : gc.feed_rate, gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode); }
        // Check if at least one of the axes of the selected plane has been specified. If in center 
        // format arc mode, also check for at least one of the IJK axes of the selected plane was sent.
        if ( !( bit_false(axis_words,bit(gc.plane_axis_2)) ) || 
             ( !r && !offset[gc.plane_axis_0] && !offset[gc.plane_axis_1] ) ) { 
        } else {
          if (r != 0) { // Arc Radius Mode
              We need to calculate the center of the circle that has the designated radius and passes
              through both the current position and the target position. This method calculates the following
              set of equations where [x,y] is the vector from current to target position, d == magnitude of 
              that vector, h == hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the radius of the circle, the distance to
              the center of the travel vector. A vector perpendicular to the travel vector [-y,x] is scaled to the 
              length of h [-y/d*h, x/d*h] and added to the center of the travel vector [x/2,y/2] to form the new point 
              [i,j] at [x/2-y/d*h, y/2+x/d*h] which will be the center of our arc.
              d^2 == x^2 + y^2
              h^2 == r^2 - (d/2)^2
              i == x/2 - y/d*h
              j == y/2 + x/d*h
                                                                   O <- [i,j]
                                                                -  |
                                                      r      -     |
                                                          -        |
                                                       -           | h
                                                    -              |
                                      [0,0] ->  C -----------------+--------------- T  <- [x,y]
                                                | <------ d/2 ---->|
              C - Current position
              T - Target position
              O - center of circle that pass through both C and T
              d - distance from C to T
              r - designated radius
              h - distance from center of CT to O
              Expanding the equations:
              d -> sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
              h -> sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)/2
              i -> (x - (y * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) / 2 
              j -> (y + (x * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) / 2
              Which can be written:
              i -> (x - (y * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2))/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))/2
              j -> (y + (x * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2))/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))/2
              Which we for size and speed reasons optimize to:
              h_x2_div_d = sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
              i = (x - (y * h_x2_div_d))/2
              j = (y + (x * h_x2_div_d))/2
            // Calculate the change in position along each selected axis
            float x = target[gc.plane_axis_0]-gc.position[gc.plane_axis_0];
            float y = target[gc.plane_axis_1]-gc.position[gc.plane_axis_1];
            // First, use h_x2_div_d to compute 4*h^2 to check if it is negative or r is smaller
            // than d. If so, the sqrt of a negative number is complex and error out.
            float h_x2_div_d = 4 * r*r - x*x - y*y;
            if (h_x2_div_d < 0) { FAIL(STATUS_ARC_RADIUS_ERROR); return(gc.status_code); }
            // Finish computing h_x2_div_d.
            h_x2_div_d = -sqrt(h_x2_div_d)/hypot(x,y); // == -(h * 2 / d)
            // Invert the sign of h_x2_div_d if the circle is counter clockwise (see sketch below)
            if (gc.motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC) { h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d; }
            /* The counter clockwise circle lies to the left of the target direction. When offset is positive,
               the left hand circle will be generated - when it is negative the right hand circle is generated.
                                                             T  <-- Target position
                  Clockwise circles with this center         |          Clockwise circles with this center will have
                  will have > 180 deg of angular travel      |          < 180 deg of angular travel, which is a good thing!
                                                   \         |          /   
      center of arc when h_x2_div_d is positive ->  x <----- | -----> x <- center of arc when h_x2_div_d is negative
                                                             C  <-- Current position                                 */
            // Negative R is g-code-alese for "I want a circle with more than 180 degrees of travel" (go figure!), 
            // even though it is advised against ever generating such circles in a single line of g-code. By 
            // inverting the sign of h_x2_div_d the center of the circles is placed on the opposite side of the line of
            // travel and thus we get the unadvisably long arcs as prescribed.
            if (r < 0) { 
                h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d; 
                r = -r; // Finished with r. Set to positive for mc_arc
            // Complete the operation by calculating the actual center of the arc
            offset[gc.plane_axis_0] = 0.5*(x-(y*h_x2_div_d));
            offset[gc.plane_axis_1] = 0.5*(y+(x*h_x2_div_d));

          } else { // Arc Center Format Offset Mode            
            r = hypot(offset[gc.plane_axis_0], offset[gc.plane_axis_1]); // Compute arc radius for mc_arc
          // Set clockwise/counter-clockwise sign for mc_arc computations
          uint8_t isclockwise = false;
          if (gc.motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_CW_ARC) { isclockwise = true; }
          // Trace the arc
          mc_arc(gc.position, target, offset, gc.plane_axis_0, gc.plane_axis_1, gc.plane_axis_2,
            (gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode) ? inverse_feed_rate : gc.feed_rate, gc.inverse_feed_rate_mode,
            r, isclockwise);
    // Report any errors.
    if (gc.status_code) { return(gc.status_code); }    
    // As far as the parser is concerned, the position is now == target. In reality the
    // motion control system might still be processing the action and the real tool position
    // in any intermediate location.
    memcpy(gc.position, target, sizeof(target)); // gc.position[] = target[];
  // M0,M1,M2,M30: Perform non-running program flow actions. During a program pause, the buffer may 
  // refill and can only be resumed by the cycle start run-time command.
  if (gc.program_flow) {
    plan_synchronize(); // Finish all remaining buffered motions. Program paused when complete.
    sys.auto_start = false; // Disable auto cycle start. Forces pause until cycle start issued.
    // If complete, reset to reload defaults (G92.2,G54,G17,G90,G94,M48,G40,M5,M9). Otherwise,
    // re-enable program flow after pause complete, where cycle start will resume the program.
    if (gc.program_flow == PROGRAM_FLOW_COMPLETED) { mc_reset(); }
    else { gc.program_flow = PROGRAM_FLOW_RUNNING; }
Exemplo n.º 9
void protocol_main_loop()
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // Complete initialization procedures upon a power-up or reset.
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // Print welcome message   

  // Check for and report alarm state after a reset, error, or an initial power up.
  if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) {
  } else {
    // All systems go! But first check for safety door.
    if (system_check_safety_door_ajar()) {
      bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR);
      protocol_execute_realtime(); // Enter safety door mode. Should return as IDLE state.
    } else {
      sys.state = STATE_IDLE; // Set system to ready. Clear all state flags.
    system_execute_startup(line); // Execute startup script.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  // Primary loop! Upon a system abort, this exits back to main() to reset the system. 
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  uint8_t comment = COMMENT_NONE;
  uint8_t char_counter = 0;
  uint8_t c;
  for (;;) {

    // Process one line of incoming serial data, as the data becomes available. Performs an
    // initial filtering by removing spaces and comments and capitalizing all letters.
    // NOTE: While comment, spaces, and block delete(if supported) handling should technically 
    // be done in the g-code parser, doing it here helps compress the incoming data into Grbl's
    // line buffer, which is limited in size. The g-code standard actually states a line can't
    // exceed 256 characters, but the Arduino Uno does not have the memory space for this.
    // With a better processor, it would be very easy to pull this initial parsing out as a 
    // seperate task to be shared by the g-code parser and Grbl's system commands.
    while((c = serial_read()) != SERIAL_NO_DATA) {
      if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) { // End of line reached
        line[char_counter] = 0; // Set string termination character.
        protocol_execute_line(line); // Line is complete. Execute it!
        comment = COMMENT_NONE;
        char_counter = 0;
      } else {
        if (comment != COMMENT_NONE) {
          // Throw away all comment characters
          if (c == ')') {
            // End of comment. Resume line. But, not if semicolon type comment.
            if (comment == COMMENT_TYPE_PARENTHESES) { comment = COMMENT_NONE; }
        } else {
          if (c <= ' ') { 
            // Throw away whitepace and control characters  
          } else if (c == '/') { 
            // Block delete NOT SUPPORTED. Ignore character.
            // NOTE: If supported, would simply need to check the system if block delete is enabled.
          } else if (c == '(') {
            // Enable comments flag and ignore all characters until ')' or EOL.
            // NOTE: This doesn't follow the NIST definition exactly, but is good enough for now.
            // In the future, we could simply remove the items within the comments, but retain the
            // comment control characters, so that the g-code parser can error-check it.
            comment = COMMENT_TYPE_PARENTHESES;
          } else if (c == ';') {
            // NOTE: ';' comment to EOL is a LinuxCNC definition. Not NIST.
            comment = COMMENT_TYPE_SEMICOLON;
          // TODO: Install '%' feature 
          // } else if (c == '%') {
            // Program start-end percent sign NOT SUPPORTED.
            // NOTE: This maybe installed to tell Grbl when a program is running vs manual input,
            // where, during a program, the system auto-cycle start will continue to execute 
            // everything until the next '%' sign. This will help fix resuming issues with certain
            // functions that empty the planner buffer to execute its task on-time.

          } else if (char_counter >= (LINE_BUFFER_SIZE-1)) {
            // Detect line buffer overflow. Report error and reset line buffer.
            comment = COMMENT_NONE;
            char_counter = 0;
          } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { // Upcase lowercase
            line[char_counter++] = c-'a'+'A';
          } else {
            line[char_counter++] = c;
    // If there are no more characters in the serial read buffer to be processed and executed,
    // this indicates that g-code streaming has either filled the planner buffer or has 
    // completed. In either case, auto-cycle start, if enabled, any queued moves.

    protocol_execute_realtime();  // Runtime command check point.
    if (sys.abort) { return; } // Bail to main() program loop to reset system.
  return; /* Never reached */
Exemplo n.º 10
// Executes run-time commands, when required. This is called from various check points in the main
// program, primarily where there may be a while loop waiting for a buffer to clear space or any
// point where the execution time from the last check point may be more than a fraction of a second.
// This is a way to execute realtime commands asynchronously (aka multitasking) with grbl's g-code
// parsing and planning functions. This function also serves as an interface for the interrupts to 
// set the system realtime flags, where only the main program handles them, removing the need to
// define more computationally-expensive volatile variables. This also provides a controlled way to 
// execute certain tasks without having two or more instances of the same task, such as the planner
// recalculating the buffer upon a feedhold or override.
// NOTE: The sys_rt_exec_state variable flags are set by any process, step or serial interrupts, pinouts,
// limit switches, or the main program.
void protocol_execute_realtime()
  uint8_t rt_exec; // Temp variable to avoid calling volatile multiple times.

  do { // If system is suspended, suspend loop restarts here.
  // Check and execute alarms. 
  rt_exec = sys_rt_exec_alarm; // Copy volatile sys_rt_exec_alarm.
  if (rt_exec) { // Enter only if any bit flag is true
    // System alarm. Everything has shutdown by something that has gone severely wrong. Report
    // the source of the error to the user. If critical, Grbl disables by entering an infinite
    // loop until system reset/abort.
    sys.state = STATE_ALARM; // Set system alarm state
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_HARD_LIMIT) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_SOFT_LIMIT) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_ABORT_CYCLE) {      
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL) {
    // Halt everything upon a critical event flag. Currently hard and soft limits flag this.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CRITICAL_EVENT) {
      bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_RESET); // Disable any existing reset
      do { 
        // Nothing. Block EVERYTHING until user issues reset or power cycles. Hard limits
        // typically occur while unattended or not paying attention. Gives the user time
        // to do what is needed before resetting, like killing the incoming stream. The 
        // same could be said about soft limits. While the position is not lost, the incoming
        // stream could be still engaged and cause a serious crash if it continues afterwards.
        // TODO: Allow status reports during a critical alarm. Still need to think about implications of this.
//         if (sys_rt_exec_state & EXEC_STATUS_REPORT) { 
//           report_realtime_status();
//           bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_STATUS_REPORT); 
//         }
      } while (bit_isfalse(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_RESET));
    bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_alarm,0xFF); // Clear all alarm flags
  // Check amd execute realtime commands
  rt_exec = sys_rt_exec_state; // Copy volatile sys_rt_exec_state.
  if (rt_exec) { // Enter only if any bit flag is true
    // Execute system abort. 
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_RESET) {
      sys.abort = true;  // Only place this is set true.
      return; // Nothing else to do but exit.
    // Execute and serial print status
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_STATUS_REPORT) { 
    // Execute hold states.
    // NOTE: The math involved to calculate the hold should be low enough for most, if not all, 
    // operational scenarios. Once hold is initiated, the system enters a suspend state to block
    // all main program processes until either reset or resumed.
      // TODO: CHECK MODE? How to handle this? Likely nothing, since it only works when IDLE and then resets Grbl.
      // State check for allowable states for hold methods.

        // If in CYCLE state, all hold states immediately initiate a motion HOLD.
        if (sys.state == STATE_CYCLE) {
          st_update_plan_block_parameters(); // Notify stepper module to recompute for hold deceleration.
          sys.suspend = SUSPEND_ENABLE_HOLD; // Initiate holding cycle with flag.
        // If IDLE, Grbl is not in motion. Simply indicate suspend ready state.
        if (sys.state == STATE_IDLE) { sys.suspend = SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY; }
        // Execute and flag a motion cancel with deceleration and return to idle. Used primarily by probing cycle
        // to halt and cancel the remainder of the motion.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL) {
          // MOTION_CANCEL only occurs during a CYCLE, but a HOLD and SAFETY_DOOR may been initiated beforehand
          // to hold the CYCLE. If so, only flag that motion cancel is complete.
          if (sys.state == STATE_CYCLE) { sys.state = STATE_MOTION_CANCEL; }
          sys.suspend |= SUSPEND_MOTION_CANCEL; // Indicate motion cancel when resuming. Special motion complete.
        // Execute a feed hold with deceleration, only during cycle.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_FEED_HOLD) {
          // Block SAFETY_DOOR state from prematurely changing back to HOLD.
          if (bit_isfalse(sys.state,STATE_SAFETY_DOOR)) { sys.state = STATE_HOLD; }
        // Execute a safety door stop with a feed hold, only during a cycle, and disable spindle/coolant.
        // NOTE: Safety door differs from feed holds by stopping everything no matter state, disables powered
        // devices (spindle/coolant), and blocks resuming until switch is re-engaged. The power-down is 
        // executed here, if IDLE, or when the CYCLE completes via the EXEC_CYCLE_STOP flag.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR) {
          // If already in active, ready-to-resume HOLD, set CYCLE_STOP flag to force de-energize.
          // NOTE: Only temporarily sets the 'rt_exec' variable, not the volatile 'rt_exec_state' variable.
          if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY) { bit_true(rt_exec,EXEC_CYCLE_STOP); }
          sys.suspend |= SUSPEND_ENERGIZE;
          sys.state = STATE_SAFETY_DOOR;
      bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,(EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL | EXEC_FEED_HOLD | EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR));      
    // Execute a cycle start by starting the stepper interrupt to begin executing the blocks in queue.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CYCLE_START) {
      // Block if called at same time as the hold commands: feed hold, motion cancel, and safety door.
      // Ensures auto-cycle-start doesn't resume a hold without an explicit user-input.
        // Cycle start only when IDLE or when a hold is complete and ready to resume.
        // NOTE: SAFETY_DOOR is implicitly blocked. It reverts to HOLD when the door is closed.
        if ((sys.state == STATE_IDLE) || ((sys.state & (STATE_HOLD | STATE_MOTION_CANCEL)) && (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY))) {
          // Re-energize powered components, if disabled by SAFETY_DOOR.
          if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENERGIZE) { 
            // Delayed Tasks: Restart spindle and coolant, delay to power-up, then resume cycle.
            if (gc_state.modal.spindle != SPINDLE_DISABLE) { 
              spindle_set_state(gc_state.modal.spindle, gc_state.spindle_speed); 
              delay_ms(SAFETY_DOOR_SPINDLE_DELAY); // TODO: Blocking function call. Need a non-blocking one eventually.
            if (gc_state.modal.coolant != COOLANT_DISABLE) { 
              delay_ms(SAFETY_DOOR_COOLANT_DELAY); // TODO: Blocking function call. Need a non-blocking one eventually.
            // TODO: Install return to pre-park position.
          // Start cycle only if queued motions exist in planner buffer and the motion is not canceled.
          if (plan_get_current_block() && bit_isfalse(sys.suspend,SUSPEND_MOTION_CANCEL)) {
            sys.state = STATE_CYCLE;
            st_prep_buffer(); // Initialize step segment buffer before beginning cycle.
          } else { // Otherwise, do nothing. Set and resume IDLE state.
            sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
          sys.suspend = SUSPEND_DISABLE; // Break suspend state.
    // Reinitializes the cycle plan and stepper system after a feed hold for a resume. Called by 
    // realtime command execution in the main program, ensuring that the planner re-plans safely.
    // NOTE: Bresenham algorithm variables are still maintained through both the planner and stepper
    // cycle reinitializations. The stepper path should continue exactly as if nothing has happened.   
    // NOTE: EXEC_CYCLE_STOP is set by the stepper subsystem when a cycle or feed hold completes.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CYCLE_STOP) {
      if (sys.state & (STATE_HOLD | STATE_SAFETY_DOOR)) {
        // Hold complete. Set to indicate ready to resume.  Remain in HOLD or DOOR states until user
        // has issued a resume command or reset.
        if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENERGIZE) { // De-energize system if safety door has been opened.
          // TODO: Install parking motion here.
      } else { // Motion is complete. Includes CYCLE, HOMING, and MOTION_CANCEL states.
        sys.suspend = SUSPEND_DISABLE;
        sys.state = STATE_IDLE;

  // Overrides flag byte (sys.override) and execution should be installed here, since they 
  // are realtime and require a direct and controlled interface to the main stepper program.

  // Reload step segment buffer
  if (sys.state & (STATE_CYCLE | STATE_HOLD | STATE_MOTION_CANCEL | STATE_SAFETY_DOOR | STATE_HOMING)) { st_prep_buffer(); }  
  // If safety door was opened, actively check when safety door is closed and ready to resume.
  // NOTE: This unlocks the SAFETY_DOOR state to a HOLD state, such that CYCLE_START can activate a resume.
  if (sys.state == STATE_SAFETY_DOOR) { 
    if (bit_istrue(sys.suspend,SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY)) { 
      if (!(system_check_safety_door_ajar())) {
        sys.state = STATE_HOLD; // Update to HOLD state to indicate door is closed and ready to resume.

  } while(sys.suspend); // Check for system suspend state before exiting.