Exemplo n.º 1
void bli_gemmtrsm_ukr( obj_t*  alpha,
                       obj_t*  a1x,
                       obj_t*  a11,
                       obj_t*  bx1,
                       obj_t*  b11,
                       obj_t*  c11 )
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a1x );

	num_t     dt        = bli_obj_datatype( *c11 );

	void*     buf_a1x   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a1x );

	void*     buf_a11   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a11 );

	void*     buf_bx1   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *bx1 );

	void*     buf_b11   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b11 );

	void*     buf_c11   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c11 );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c11 );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c11 );

	void*     buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, *alpha );

	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a1x );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *bx1 );


	auxinfo_t data;

	// Fill the auxinfo_t struct in case the micro-kernel uses it.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a11 ) )
	{ bli_auxinfo_set_next_a( buf_a1x, data ); }
	{ bli_auxinfo_set_next_a( buf_a11, data ); }
	bli_auxinfo_set_next_b( buf_bx1, data );

	bli_auxinfo_set_ps_a( ps_a, data );
	bli_auxinfo_set_ps_b( ps_b, data );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a11 ) ) f = ftypes_l[dt];
	else                            f = ftypes_u[dt];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( k,
	   buf_c11, rs_c, cs_c,
	   &data );
Exemplo n.º 2
err_t bli_check_upper_or_lower_object( obj_t* a )
	err_t e_val = BLIS_SUCCESS;

	if ( !bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) &&
	     !bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )

	return e_val;
Exemplo n.º 3
void bli_gemmtrsm_ukr_make_subparts( dim_t  k,
                                     obj_t* a,
                                     obj_t* b,
                                     obj_t* a1x,
                                     obj_t* a11,
                                     obj_t* bx1,
                                     obj_t* b11 )
	dim_t mr = bli_obj_length( *a );
	dim_t nr = bli_obj_width( *b );

	dim_t off_a1x, off_a11;
	dim_t off_bx1, off_b11;

	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
		off_a1x = 0;
		off_a11 = k;
		off_bx1 = 0;
		off_b11 = k;
		off_a1x = mr;
		off_a11 = 0;
		off_bx1 = mr;
		off_b11 = 0;

	bli_obj_init_subpart_from( *a, *a1x );
	bli_obj_set_dims( mr, k, *a1x );
	bli_obj_inc_offs( 0, off_a1x, *a1x );

	bli_obj_init_subpart_from( *a, *a11 );
	bli_obj_set_dims( mr, mr, *a11 );
	bli_obj_inc_offs( 0, off_a11, *a11 );

	bli_obj_init_subpart_from( *b, *bx1 );
	bli_obj_set_dims( k, nr, *bx1 );
	bli_obj_inc_offs( off_bx1, 0, *bx1 );

	bli_obj_init_subpart_from( *b, *b11 );
	bli_obj_set_dims( mr, nr, *b11 );
	bli_obj_inc_offs( off_b11, 0, *b11 );

	// Mark a1x as having general structure (which overwrites the triangular
	// property it inherited from a).
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_GENERAL, *a1x );

	// Set the diagonal offset of a11 to 0 (which overwrites the diagonal
	// offset value it inherited from a).
	bli_obj_set_diag_offset( 0, *a11 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void bli_obj_print( char* label, obj_t* obj )
	FILE*  file     = stdout;

	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_obj_print_check( label, obj );

	fprintf( file, "\n" );
	fprintf( file, "%s\n", label );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " m x n           %lu x %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_length( *obj ),
	                                               ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_width( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " offm, offn      %lu, %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_row_off( *obj ),
	                                              ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_col_off( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " diagoff         %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_diag_offset( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " buf             %p\n",  ( void* )bli_obj_buffer( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " elem size       %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_elem_size( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " rs, cs          %ld, %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_row_stride( *obj ),
	                                              ( signed long int )bli_obj_col_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " is              %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_imag_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " m_padded        %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_padded_length( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " n_padded        %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_padded_width( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " ps              %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_panel_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " info            %lX\n", ( unsigned long int )(*obj).info );
	fprintf( file, " - is complex    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_complex( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - is d. prec    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_double_precision( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - datatype      %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - target dt     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_target_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - exec dt       %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_execution_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - has trans     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_trans( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - has conj      %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_conj( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - unit diag?    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_unit_diag( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - struc type    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_struc( *obj ) >> BLIS_STRUC_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, " - uplo type     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_uplo( *obj ) >> BLIS_UPLO_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, "   - is upper    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_upper( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "   - is lower    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_lower( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "   - is dense    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_dense( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack schema   %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_pack_schema( *obj ) >> BLIS_PACK_SCHEMA_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, " - packinv diag? %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_inverted_diag( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack ordifup  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_upper( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack ordiflo  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_lower( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - packbuf type  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_pack_buffer_type( *obj ) >> BLIS_PACK_BUFFER_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );
Exemplo n.º 5
void libblis_test_gemmtrsm_ukr_experiment( test_params_t* params,
                                           test_op_t*     op,
                                           mt_impl_t      impl,
                                           num_t          datatype,
                                           char*          pc_str,
                                           char*          sc_str,
                                           unsigned int   p_cur,
                                           double*        perf,
                                           double*        resid )
	unsigned int n_repeats = params->n_repeats;
	unsigned int i;

	double       time_min  = 1e9;
	double       time;

	dim_t        m, n, k;

	char         sc_a = 'c';
	char         sc_b = 'r';

	side_t       side = BLIS_LEFT;
	uplo_t       uploa;

	obj_t        kappa;
	obj_t        alpha;
	obj_t        a_big, a, b;
	obj_t        b11, c11;
	obj_t        ap, bp;
	obj_t        a1xp, a11p, bx1p, b11p;
	obj_t        c11_save;

	// Map the dimension specifier to actual dimensions.
	k = libblis_test_get_dim_from_prob_size( op->dim_spec[0], p_cur );

	// Fix m and n to MR and NR, respectively.
	m = bli_blksz_for_type( datatype, gemm_mr );
	n = bli_blksz_for_type( datatype, gemm_nr );

	// Store the register blocksizes so that the driver can retrieve the
	// values later when printing results.
	op->dim_aux[0] = m;
	op->dim_aux[1] = n;

	// Map parameter characters to BLIS constants.
	bli_param_map_char_to_blis_uplo( pc_str[0], &uploa );

	// Create test scalars.
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( datatype, &kappa );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( datatype, &alpha );

	// Create test operands (vectors and/or matrices).
	libblis_test_mobj_create( params, datatype, BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE,
	                          sc_a,      k+m, k+m, &a_big );
	libblis_test_mobj_create( params, datatype, BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE,
	                          sc_b,      k+m, n,   &b );
	libblis_test_mobj_create( params, datatype, BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE,
	                          sc_str[0], m,   n,   &c11 );
	libblis_test_mobj_create( params, datatype, BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE,
	                          sc_str[0], m,   n,   &c11_save );

	// Set alpha.
	if ( bli_obj_is_real( b ) )
		bli_setsc(  2.0,  0.0, &alpha );
		bli_setsc(  2.0,  0.0, &alpha );

	// Set the structure, uplo, and diagonal offset properties of A.
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, a_big );
	bli_obj_set_uplo( uploa, a_big );

	// Randomize A and make it densely triangular.
	bli_randm( &a_big );

	// Normalize B and save.
	bli_randm( &b );
	bli_setsc( 1.0/( double )m, 0.0, &kappa );
	bli_scalm( &kappa, &b );

	// Use the last m rows of A_big as A.
	bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, k, m, &a_big, &a );

	// Locate the B11 block of B, copy to C11, and save.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( a ) ) 
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, k, m, &b, &b11 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, 0, m, &b, &b11 );
	bli_copym( &b11, &c11 );
	bli_copym( &c11, &c11_save );

	// Initialize pack objects.
	bli_obj_init_pack( &ap );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &bp );

	// Create pack objects for a and b.
	libblis_test_pobj_create( gemm_mr,
	                          &a, &ap );
	libblis_test_pobj_create( gemm_mr,
	                          &b, &bp );

	// Pack the contents of a to ap.
	bli_packm_blk_var3( &a, &ap );

	// Pack the contents of b to bp.
	bli_packm_blk_var2( &b, &bp );

	// Create subpartitions from the a and b panels.
	bli_gemmtrsm_ukr_make_subparts( k, &ap, &bp,
	                                &a1xp, &a11p, &bx1p, &b11p );

	// Repeat the experiment n_repeats times and record results. 
	for ( i = 0; i < n_repeats; ++i )
		bli_copym( &c11_save, &c11 );

		// Re-pack the contents of b to bp.
		bli_packm_blk_var2( &b, &bp );

		time = bli_clock();

		libblis_test_gemmtrsm_ukr_impl( impl, side, &alpha,
		                                &a1xp, &a11p, &bx1p, &b11p, &c11 );

		time_min = bli_clock_min_diff( time_min, time );

	// Estimate the performance of the best experiment repeat.
	*perf = ( 2.0 * m * n * k + 1.0 * m * m * n ) / time_min / FLOPS_PER_UNIT_PERF;
	if ( bli_obj_is_complex( b ) ) *perf *= 4.0;

	// Perform checks.
	libblis_test_gemmtrsm_ukr_check( side, &alpha,
	                                 &a1xp, &a11p, &bx1p, &b11p, &c11, &c11_save, resid );

	// Zero out performance and residual if output matrix is empty.
	//libblis_test_check_empty_problem( &c11, perf, resid );

	// Release packing buffers within pack objects.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &ap );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &bp );

	// Free the test objects.
	bli_obj_free( &a_big );
	bli_obj_free( &b );
	bli_obj_free( &c11 );
	bli_obj_free( &c11_save );
Exemplo n.º 6
void bli_syr2_front
       obj_t*  alpha,
       obj_t*  x,
       obj_t*  y,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx
	her2_t* her2_cntl;
	num_t   dt_targ_x;
	num_t   dt_targ_y;
	//num_t   dt_targ_c;
	bool_t  x_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  y_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  c_has_unit_inc;
	obj_t   alpha_local;
	num_t   dt_alpha;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_syr2_check( alpha, x, y, c );

	// Query the target datatypes of each object.
	dt_targ_x = bli_obj_target_dt( x );
	dt_targ_y = bli_obj_target_dt( y );
	//dt_targ_c = bli_obj_target_dt( c );

	// Determine whether each operand with unit stride.
	x_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( x ) == 1 );
	y_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( y ) == 1 );
	c_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ||
	                   bli_obj_is_col_stored( c ) );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of alpha. Notice that we use
	// the type union of the datatypes of x and y.
	dt_alpha = bli_dt_union( dt_targ_x, dt_targ_y );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_alpha,
	                                      &alpha_local );

	// If all operands have unit stride, we choose a control tree for calling
	// the unblocked implementation directly without any blocking.
	if ( x_has_unit_inc &&
	     y_has_unit_inc &&
	     c_has_unit_inc )
		// We use two control trees to handle the four cases corresponding to
		// combinations of upper/lower triangular storage and row/column-storage.
		// The row-stored lower triangular and column-stored upper triangular
		// trees are identical. Same for the remaining two trees.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
		// Mark objects with unit stride as already being packed. This prevents
		// unnecessary packing from happening within the blocked algorithm.
		if ( x_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, x );
		if ( y_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, y );
		if ( c_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_UNSPEC, c );

		// Here, we make a similar choice as above, except that (1) we look
		// at storage tilt, and (2) we choose a tree that performs blocking.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;

	// Invoke the internal back-end with the copy-cast scalar and the
	// chosen control tree. Set conjh to BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE to invoke the
	// symmetric (and not Hermitian) algorithms.
	bli_her2_int( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE,
	              her2_cntl );
Exemplo n.º 7
void bli_trsm_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         trsm_t* cntl,
                         trsm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t b_pack_s;
    obj_t a1_pack_s;

	obj_t a1, c1;
	obj_t* b_pack = NULL;
	obj_t* a1_pack = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;
	dim_t offA;

    // Initialize object for packing B.
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    b_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &b_pack_s );

    // Initialize object for packing B.
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );

	// Pack B1 (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( b, b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                   trsm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Set the default length of and offset to the non-zero part of A.
	m_trans  = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
	offA     = 0;

	// If A is lower triangular, we have to adjust where the non-zero part of
	// A begins.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
		offA = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) );

    dim_t start, end;
    num_t dt = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *a );
    bli_get_range_t2b( thread, offA, m_trans,
                       //bli_lcm( bli_info_get_default_nr( BLIS_TRSM, dt ), bli_info_get_default_mr( BLIS_TRSM, dt ) ),
                       bli_info_get_default_mc( BLIS_TRSM, dt ),
                       &start, &end );

	// Partition along the remaining portion of the m dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize object for packing A1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform trsm subproblem.
		bli_trsm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_trsm( cntl ),
                      trsm_thread_sub_trsm( thread ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
    	bli_packm_release( b_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) )
    	bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
void bli_hemv( obj_t*  alpha,
               obj_t*  a,
               obj_t*  x,
               obj_t*  beta,
               obj_t*  y )
	hemv_t* hemv_cntl;
	num_t   dt_targ_a;
	num_t   dt_targ_x;
	num_t   dt_targ_y;
	bool_t  a_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  x_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  y_has_unit_inc;
	obj_t   alpha_local;
	obj_t   beta_local;
	num_t   dt_alpha;
	num_t   dt_beta;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_hemv_check( alpha, a, x, beta, y );

	// Query the target datatypes of each object.
	dt_targ_a = bli_obj_target_datatype( *a );
	dt_targ_x = bli_obj_target_datatype( *x );
	dt_targ_y = bli_obj_target_datatype( *y );

	// Determine whether each operand with unit stride.
	a_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ||
	                   bli_obj_is_col_stored( *a ) );
	x_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( *x ) == 1 );
	y_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( *y ) == 1 );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of alpha. Notice that we use
	// the type union of the target datatypes of a and x to prevent any
	// unnecessary loss of information during the computation.
	dt_alpha = bli_datatype_union( dt_targ_a, dt_targ_x );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_alpha,
	                             &alpha_local );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of beta. Notice that we use
	// the datatype of y. Here's why: If y is real and beta is complex,
	// there is no reason to keep beta_local in the complex domain since
	// the complex part of beta*y will not be stored. If y is complex and
	// beta is real then beta is harmlessly promoted to complex.
	dt_beta = dt_targ_y;
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_beta,
	                             &beta_local );

	// If all operands have unit stride, we choose a control tree for calling
	// the unblocked implementation directly without any blocking.
	if ( a_has_unit_inc &&
	     x_has_unit_inc &&
	     y_has_unit_inc )
		// We use two control trees to handle the four cases corresponding to
		// combinations of upper/lower triangular storage and row/column-storage.
		// The row-stored lower triangular and column-stored upper triangular
		// trees are identical. Same for the remaining two trees.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
		// Mark objects with unit stride as already being packed. This prevents
		// unnecessary packing from happening within the blocked algorithm.
		if ( a_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_UNSPEC, *a );
		if ( x_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, *x );
		if ( y_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, *y );

		// Here, we make a similar choice as above, except that (1) we look
		// at storage tilt, and (2) we choose a tree that performs blocking.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;

	// Invoke the internal back-end with the copy-casts of scalars and the
	// chosen control tree. Set conjh to BLIS_CONJUGATE to invoke the
	// Hermitian (and not symmetric) algorithms.
	bli_hemv_int( BLIS_CONJUGATE,
	              hemv_cntl );
Exemplo n.º 9
void bli_trsv_int( obj_t*  alpha,
                   obj_t*  a,
                   obj_t*  x,
                   cntx_t* cntx,
                   trsv_t* cntl )
	varnum_t  n;
	impl_t    i;
	bool_t    uplo;
	obj_t     a_local;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_trsv_check( alpha, a, x );

	// If A or x has a zero dimension, return early.
	if ( bli_obj_has_zero_dim( a ) ) return;
	if ( bli_obj_has_zero_dim( x ) ) return;

	// Alias A in case we need to induce a transformation (ie: transposition).
	bli_obj_alias_to( a, &a_local );

	// NOTE: to support cases where B is complex and A is real, we will
	// need to have the default side case be BLIS_RIGHT and then express
	// the left case in terms of it, rather than the other way around.

	// Determine uplo (for indexing to the correct function pointer).
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( &a_local ) ) uplo = 0;
	else                                uplo = 1;

	// We do not explicitly implement the cases where A is transposed.
	// However, we can still handle them. Specifically, if A is marked as
	// needing a transposition, we simply toggle the uplo value to cause the
	// correct algorithm to be induced. When that algorithm partitions into
	// A, it will grab the correct subpartitions, which will inherit A's
	// transposition bit and thus downstream subproblems will do the right
	// thing. Alternatively, we could accomplish the same end goal by
	// inducing a transposition, via bli_obj_induce_trans(), in the code
	// block below. That macro function swaps dimensions, strides, and
	// offsets. As an example, given a lower triangular, column-major matrix
	// that needs a transpose, we would induce that transposition by recasting
	// the object as an upper triangular, row-major matrix (with no transpose
	// needed). Note that how we choose to handle transposition here does NOT
	// affect the optimal choice of kernel (ie: a column-major column panel
	// matrix with transpose times a vector would use the same kernel as a
	// row-major row panel matrix with no transpose times a vector).
	if ( bli_obj_has_trans( &a_local ) )
		//bli_obj_induce_trans( &a_local );
		//bli_obj_set_onlytrans( BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE, &a_local );
		if ( uplo == 1 ) uplo = 0;
		else             uplo = 1;

	// Extract the variant number and implementation type.
	n = bli_cntl_var_num( cntl );
	i = bli_cntl_impl_type( cntl );

	// Index into the variant array to extract the correct function pointer.
	f = vars[uplo][n][i];

	// Invoke the variant.
	f( alpha,
	   cntl );
Exemplo n.º 10
void bli_trsm_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         trsm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t b_pack;
	obj_t c1;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;
	dim_t offA;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );

	// Set the default length of and offset to the non-zero part of A.
	m_trans  = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
	offA     = 0;

	// If A is lower triangular, we have to adjust where the non-zero part of
	// A begins.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
		offA = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) );

	// Initialize object for packing B.
	bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Pack B1 (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( b, &b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the remaining portion of the m dimension.
	for ( i = offA; i < m_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, m_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize object for packing A1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Perform trsm subproblem.
		bli_trsm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_trsm( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
Exemplo n.º 11
void bli_herk_blk_var2f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  ah,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t a_pack_s;
    obj_t ah1_pack_s, c1S_pack_s;

    obj_t ah1, c1, c1S;
    obj_t aS_pack;
    obj_t* a_pack;
    obj_t* ah1_pack;
    obj_t* c1S_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t n_trans;
	subpart_t stored_part;

	// The upper and lower variants are identical, except for which
	// merged subpartition is acquired in the loop body.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *c ) ) stored_part = BLIS_SUBPART1B;
	else                          stored_part = BLIS_SUBPART1T;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
        // Initialize object for packing A
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    a_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &a_pack_s );

	// Initialize pack objects for C and A' that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &ah1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1S_pack_s );
    ah1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &ah1_pack_s );
    c1S_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1S_pack_s );

	// Pack A (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( a, a_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                   herk_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *c );
    dim_t start, end;

    // Needs to be replaced with a weighted range because triangle
    bli_get_range_weighted( thread, 0, n_trans, 
                            bli_blksz_get_mult_for_obj( a, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
                            bli_obj_is_lower( *c ), &start, &end );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1' and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, ah, &ah1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Partition off the stored region of C1 and the corresponding region
		// of A_pack.
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( stored_part,
                               i, b_alg, &c1, &c1S );
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( stored_part,
                               i, b_alg, a_pack, &aS_pack );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1' and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &ah1, ah1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1S, c1S_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread ) ;

		// Pack A1' (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &ah1, ah1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1S, c1S_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) ) ;

		// Perform herk subproblem.
		bli_herk_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      herk_thread_sub_herk( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1S_pack, &c1S,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
        bli_packm_release( a_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( ah1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1S_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Exemplo n.º 12
void bli_trmm_blk_var1( obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  b,
                        obj_t*  beta,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        trmm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t b_pack;
	obj_t c1, c1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;
	dim_t offA;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

	// Set the default length of and offset to the non-zero part of A.
	m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
	offA    = 0;

	// If A is lower triangular, we have to adjust where the non-zero part of
	// A begins. If A is upper triangular, we have to adjust the length of
	// the non-zero part. If A is general/dense, then we keep the defaults.
	if      ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
		offA    = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) );
	else if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
		m_trans = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) ) +
		          bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( beta,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing B.
	bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Pack B and scale by alpha (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( alpha,
	               b, &b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = offA; i < m_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, m_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( alpha,
		               &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( beta,
		               &c1, &c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( alpha,
		              cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );