Exemplo n.º 1
//! Destroy the backing store for a given instance
//! @param[in] instance the instance identifier for which we will destroy the backing store
//! @param[in] do_destroy_files set to TRUE if we need to destroy the content otherwise set to FALSE.
//! @return EUCA_OK on success
//! @pre The instance parameter must not be NULL and do_destroy_files must be a valid boolean.
//! @note
int destroy_instance_backing(ncInstance * instance, boolean do_destroy_files)
    int i = 0;
    int ret = EUCA_OK;
    char path[EUCA_MAX_PATH] = "";
    char work_regex[1024] = "";        // {userId}/{instanceId}/.*
    char scURL[512] = "";

    if (get_localhost_sc_url(scURL) != EUCA_OK || strlen(scURL) == 0) {
        LOGWARN("[%s] could not obtain SC URL (is SC enabled?)\n", instance->instanceId);
        scURL[0] = '\0';
    // find and detach iSCSI targets, if any
    for (i = 0; i < EUCA_MAX_VOLUMES; ++i) {
        ncVolume *volume = &instance->volumes[i];
        if (!is_volume_used(volume))

        if (disconnect_ebs_volume
            (scURL, localhost_config.use_ws_sec, localhost_config.ws_sec_policy_file, volume->attachmentToken, volume->connectionString, localhost_config.ip,
             localhost_config.iqn) != 0) {
            LOGERROR("[%s][%s] failed to disconnect volume\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);

    // see if instance directory is there (sometimes startup fails before it is created)
    set_path(path, sizeof(path), instance, NULL);
    if (check_path(path))
        return (ret);

    if (do_destroy_files) {
        set_id2(instance, "/.*", work_regex, sizeof(work_regex));

        if (blobstore_delete_regex(work_bs, work_regex) == -1) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to remove some artifacts in %s\n", instance->instanceId, path);

        for (i = 0; i < EUCA_MAX_VOLUMES; ++i) {
            ncVolume *volume = &instance->volumes[i];
            snprintf(path, sizeof(path), EUCALYPTUS_VOLUME_XML_PATH_FORMAT, instance->instancePath, volume->volumeId);

        // delete all non-blob files in the directory
        if (blobstore_delete_nonblobs(work_bs, instance->instancePath) < 0) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to delete some non-blob files under %s\n", instance->instanceId, instance->instancePath);
    // Finally try to remove the directory. If either the user or our code introduced
    // any new files, this last step will fail.
    set_path(path, sizeof(path), instance, NULL);
    if (rmdir(path) && do_destroy_files) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to remove backing directory %s\n", instance->instanceId, path);

    return (ret);
Exemplo n.º 2
//! Callback used when checking for the integrity of the work blobstore.
//! @param[in] bb pointer to the blockblob to examine
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_ERROR on failure
//! @see check_backing_store()
//! @see blobstore_fsck()
//! @pre The bb field must not be NULL.
static int stale_blob_examiner(const blockblob * bb)
    char *s = NULL;
    char *user_id = NULL;
    char *inst_id = NULL;
    char *file = NULL;
    char path[EUCA_MAX_PATH] = "";
    char work_path[EUCA_MAX_PATH] = "";
    int work_path_len = 0;
    ncInstance *instance = NULL;

    set_path(work_path, sizeof(work_path), NULL, NULL);
    work_path_len = strlen(work_path);
    assert(work_path_len > 0);

    s = strstr(bb->blocks_path, work_path);
    if ((s == NULL) || (s != bb->blocks_path)) {
        // blob not under work blobstore path
        return (EUCA_OK);
    // parse the path past the work directory base
    euca_strncpy(work_path, bb->blocks_path, sizeof(work_path));
    s = work_path + work_path_len + 1;
    user_id = strtok(s, "/");
    inst_id = strtok(NULL, "/");
    file = strtok(NULL, "/");

    if (((instance = find_instance(instances, inst_id)) == NULL)    // not found among instances => stale
        || instance->state == TEARDOWN) {   // found among instances, but is already marked as terminated

        // if this instance is not among those we know about,
        // load it into memory and report it in Teardown state
        //! @TODO technically, disk state for this instance is not gone,
        //! but it soon will be, once this examiner function returns error
        if ((instance == NULL) && ((instance = load_instance_struct(inst_id)) != NULL)) {
            LOGINFO("marking non-running instance %s as terminated\n", inst_id);
            instance->terminationTime = time(NULL); // set time to now, so record won't get expired immediately
            change_state(instance, TEARDOWN);
            int err = add_instance(instances, instance);    // we are not using locks because we assume the caller does
            if (err) {
        // while we're here, try to delete extra files that aren't managed by the blobstore
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/work/%s/%s", instances_path, user_id, inst_id);
        blobstore_delete_nonblobs(bb->store, path);
        return (EUCA_ERROR);

    return (EUCA_OK);
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Destroy the backing store for a given instance
//! @param[in] instance the instance identifier for which we will destroy the backing store
//! @param[in] do_destroy_files set to TRUE if we need to destroy the content otherwise set to FALSE.
//! @return EUCA_OK on success
//! @pre The instance parameter must not be NULL and do_destroy_files must be a valid boolean.
//! @note
int destroy_instance_backing(ncInstance * instance, boolean do_destroy_files)
    int i = 0;
    int ret = EUCA_OK;
    char path[EUCA_MAX_PATH] = "";
    char work_regex[1024] = "";        // {userId}/{instanceId}/.*
    char scURL[512] = "";
    ncVolume *volume = NULL;
    virtualMachine *vm = &(instance->params);
    virtualBootRecord *vbr = NULL;

    if (get_localhost_sc_url(scURL) != EUCA_OK || strlen(scURL) == 0) {
        LOGWARN("[%s] could not obtain SC URL (is SC enabled?)\n", instance->instanceId);
        scURL[0] = '\0';
    // find and detach iSCSI targets, if any
    for (i = 0; ((i < EUCA_MAX_VBRS) && (i < vm->virtualBootRecordLen)); i++) {
        vbr = &(vm->virtualBootRecord[i]);
        if (vbr->locationType == NC_LOCATION_SC) {
            if (disconnect_ebs_volume
                (scURL, localhost_config.use_ws_sec, localhost_config.ws_sec_policy_file, vbr->resourceLocation, vbr->preparedResourceLocation, localhost_config.ip,
                 localhost_config.iqn) != 0) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] failed to disconnect volume attached to '%s'\n", instance->instanceId, vbr->backingPath);
    // there may be iSCSI targets for volumes if instance disappeared or was migrated
    for (i = 0; i < EUCA_MAX_VOLUMES; ++i) {
        ncVolume *volume = &instance->volumes[i];
        if (!is_volume_used(volume))

        if (disconnect_ebs_volume
            (scURL, localhost_config.use_ws_sec, localhost_config.ws_sec_policy_file, volume->attachmentToken, volume->connectionString, localhost_config.ip,
             localhost_config.iqn) != 0) {
            LOGERROR("[%s][%s] failed to disconnect volume\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);

    // see if instance directory is there (sometimes startup fails before it is created)
    set_path(path, sizeof(path), instance, NULL);
    if (check_path(path))
        return (ret);

    // to ensure that we are able to delete all blobs, we chown files back to 'eucalyptus'
    // (e.g., libvirt on KVM on Maverick chowns them to libvirt-qemu while
    // VM is running and then chowns them to root after termination)
        DIR *dir = NULL;
        if ((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL) {
            return (-1);

        struct dirent *dir_entry;
        while ((dir_entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
            char *entry_name = dir_entry->d_name;

            if (!strcmp(".", entry_name) || !strcmp("..", entry_name))

            // get the path of the directory item
            char entry_path[BLOBSTORE_MAX_PATH];
            snprintf(entry_path, sizeof(entry_path), "%s/%s", path, entry_name);

            if (diskutil_ch(entry_path, EUCALYPTUS_ADMIN, NULL, BACKING_FILE_PERM)) {
                LOGWARN("[%s] failed to chown files before cleanup\n", instance->instanceId);

    if (do_destroy_files) {
        set_id2(instance, "/.*", work_regex, sizeof(work_regex));

        if (blobstore_delete_regex(work_bs, work_regex) == -1) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to remove some artifacts in %s\n", instance->instanceId, path);

        for (i = 0; i < EUCA_MAX_VOLUMES; ++i) {
            volume = &instance->volumes[i];
            snprintf(path, sizeof(path), EUCALYPTUS_VOLUME_XML_PATH_FORMAT, instance->instancePath, volume->volumeId);

        // delete all non-blob files in the directory
        if (blobstore_delete_nonblobs(work_bs, instance->instancePath) < 0) {
            LOGWARN("[%s] failed to delete some non-blob files under %s\n", instance->instanceId, instance->instancePath);
    // Finally try to remove the directory. If either the user or our code introduced
    // any new files, this last step will fail.
    set_path(path, sizeof(path), instance, NULL);
    if (rmdir(path) && do_destroy_files) {
        LOGWARN("[%s] failed to remove backing directory %s\n", instance->instanceId, path);

    return (ret);