Exemplo n.º 1
   The input vectors i,j,k should contain offset zero values.
block_obs_type * block_obs_alloc_complete(const char   * obs_key,
        block_obs_source_type source_type ,
        const stringlist_type * summary_keys ,
        const void * data_config ,
        const ecl_grid_type * grid ,
        int            size,
        const int    * i,
        const int    * j,
        const int    * k,
        const double * obs_value,
        const double * obs_std)
    block_obs_validate_ijk( grid , size , i,j,k);
        block_obs_type * block_obs = block_obs_alloc( obs_key , data_config , grid );
        if (block_obs) {
            for (int l=0; l < size; l++) {

                if (source_type == SOURCE_SUMMARY) {
                    const char * sum_key = stringlist_iget( summary_keys , l );
                    block_obs_append_summary_obs( block_obs , i[l] , j[l] , k[l] , sum_key , obs_value[l] , obs_std[l]);
                } else
                    block_obs_append_field_obs( block_obs , i[l] , j[l] , k[l] , obs_value[l] , obs_std[l]);

            return block_obs;
        } else {
            util_abort("%s: internal error - block_obs_alloc() returned NULL \n",__func__);
            return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
void test_create_from_field(ecl_grid_type * grid) {
  field_config_type * field_config = field_config_alloc_empty( "PRESSURE" , grid , NULL );
  block_obs_type * block_obs = block_obs_alloc( "ObsKey" , field_config , grid );
  test_assert_true( block_obs_is_instance( block_obs ));
  test_assert_int_equal(0 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));
  block_obs_append_field_obs( block_obs , 10 , 12 , 8  , 100 , 25);
  test_assert_int_equal(1 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));
  block_obs_append_field_obs( block_obs , 10 , 12 , 9  , 100 , 25);
  test_assert_int_equal(2 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));
  block_obs_free( block_obs );
  field_config_free( field_config );
Exemplo n.º 3
void test_create_from_summary(ecl_grid_type * grid) {
  container_config_type * container_config = container_config_alloc( "Container");
  block_obs_type * block_obs = block_obs_alloc( "ObsKey" , container_config , grid );
  test_assert_true( block_obs_is_instance( block_obs ));
  test_assert_int_equal(0 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));

  block_obs_append_summary_obs( block_obs , 10 , 12 , 8  , "BPR:111,13,9" , 100 , 25);
  test_assert_int_equal(1 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));
  block_obs_append_summary_obs( block_obs , 10 , 12 , 9  , "BPR:11,13,10" , 100 , 25);
  test_assert_int_equal(2 , block_obs_get_size( block_obs ));
  block_obs_free( block_obs );

  container_config_free( container_config );
Exemplo n.º 4
void test_create_invalid_data(ecl_grid_type * grid) {
  void * data_config = NULL;
  test_assert_NULL(block_obs_alloc( "ObsKey" , data_config , grid ));
Exemplo n.º 5
obs_vector_type * obs_vector_alloc_from_BLOCK_OBSERVATION(const conf_instance_type * conf_instance , 
                                                          const ecl_grid_type * grid , 
                                                          const ecl_sum_type * refcase , 
                                                          const history_type * history, 
                                                          ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config) {

  if(!conf_instance_is_of_class(conf_instance, "BLOCK_OBSERVATION"))
    util_abort("%s: internal error. expected \"BLOCK_OBSERVATION\" instance, got \"%s\".\n",
               __func__, conf_instance_get_class_name_ref(conf_instance) );

  block_obs_source_type source_type = SOURCE_SUMMARY;
  const char * obs_label            = conf_instance_get_name_ref(conf_instance);
  const char * source_string        = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref(conf_instance , "SOURCE");
  const char * field_name           = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref(conf_instance , "FIELD");
  const char * sum_kw = NULL;
  bool    OK     = true;
  if (strcmp(source_string , "FIELD") == 0) {
    source_type = SOURCE_FIELD;
    if (!ensemble_config_has_key( ensemble_config , field_name)) {
      OK = false;
      fprintf(stderr,"** Warning the ensemble key:%s does not exist - observation:%s not added \n", field_name , obs_label);
  } else if (strcmp( source_string , "SUMMARY") == 0) {
    source_type = SOURCE_SUMMARY;
    sum_kw = __summary_kw( field_name );
  } else 
    util_abort("%s: internal error \n",__func__);
  if (OK) {
    obs_vector_type * obs_vector = NULL;
    int          size = history_get_last_restart( history );
    int          obs_restart_nr ;
    stringlist_type * summary_keys    = stringlist_alloc_new();
    stringlist_type * obs_pt_keys = conf_instance_alloc_list_of_sub_instances_of_class_by_name(conf_instance, "OBS");
    int               num_obs_pts = stringlist_get_size(obs_pt_keys);
    double * obs_value = util_calloc(num_obs_pts , sizeof * obs_value);
    double * obs_std   = util_calloc(num_obs_pts , sizeof * obs_std  );
    int    * obs_i     = util_calloc(num_obs_pts , sizeof * obs_i    );
    int    * obs_j     = util_calloc(num_obs_pts , sizeof * obs_j    );
    int    * obs_k     = util_calloc(num_obs_pts , sizeof * obs_k    );

    obs_restart_nr = __conf_instance_get_restart_nr(conf_instance , obs_label , history  , size);  
    /** Build the observation. */
    for(int obs_pt_nr = 0; obs_pt_nr < num_obs_pts; obs_pt_nr++) {
      const char * obs_key    = stringlist_iget(obs_pt_keys, obs_pt_nr);
      const conf_instance_type * obs_instance = conf_instance_get_sub_instance_ref(conf_instance, obs_key);
      const char * error_mode = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref(obs_instance, "ERROR_MODE");
      double error     = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(obs_instance, "ERROR");
      double value     = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(obs_instance, "VALUE");
      double min_error = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(obs_instance, "ERROR_MIN");
      if (strcmp( error_mode , "REL") == 0)
        error *= value;
      else if (strcmp( error_mode , "RELMIN") == 0)
        error = util_double_max( error * value , min_error );

      obs_value[obs_pt_nr] = value;
      obs_std  [obs_pt_nr] = error;
         The input values i,j,k come from the user, and are offset 1. They
         are immediately shifted with -1 to become C-based offset zero.
      obs_i[obs_pt_nr] = conf_instance_get_item_value_int(   obs_instance, "I") - 1;
      obs_j[obs_pt_nr] = conf_instance_get_item_value_int(   obs_instance, "J") - 1;
      obs_k[obs_pt_nr] = conf_instance_get_item_value_int(   obs_instance, "K") - 1;

      if (source_type == SOURCE_SUMMARY) {
        char * summary_key = smspec_alloc_block_ijk_key( SUMMARY_KEY_JOIN_STRING , sum_kw , 
                                                         obs_i[obs_pt_nr] + 1 , 
                                                         obs_j[obs_pt_nr] + 1 , 
                                                         obs_k[obs_pt_nr] + 1 );
        stringlist_append_owned_ref( summary_keys , summary_key );

    if (source_type == SOURCE_FIELD) {
      const enkf_config_node_type * config_node  = ensemble_config_get_node( ensemble_config , field_name);
      const field_config_type     * field_config = enkf_config_node_get_ref( config_node ); 
      block_obs_type * block_obs  = block_obs_alloc(obs_label, source_type , NULL , field_config , grid , num_obs_pts, obs_i, obs_j, obs_k, obs_value, obs_std);
      if (block_obs != NULL) {
        obs_vector = obs_vector_alloc( BLOCK_OBS , obs_label , ensemble_config_get_node(ensemble_config , field_name), size );
        obs_vector_install_node( obs_vector , obs_restart_nr , block_obs);
    } else if (source_type == SOURCE_SUMMARY) {
      OK = true;
      if (refcase != NULL) {
        for (int i=0; i < stringlist_get_size( summary_keys ); i++) {
          const char * sum_key = stringlist_iget( summary_keys , i );
          if (!ecl_sum_has_key(refcase , sum_key)) {
              If the 
            fprintf(stderr,"** Warning missing summary %s for cell: (%d,%d,%d) in refcase - make sure that \"BPR  %d  %d  %d\" is included in ECLIPSE summary specification \n" , 
                    sum_key , obs_i[i]+1 , obs_j[i]+1 , obs_k[i]+1 , obs_i[i]+1 , obs_j[i]+1 , obs_k[i]+1  );
            //OK = false;
      if (OK) {
        // We can create the container node and add the summary nodes.
        enkf_config_node_type * container_config = ensemble_config_add_container( ensemble_config , NULL );

        for (int i=0; i < stringlist_get_size( summary_keys ); i++) {
          const char * sum_key = stringlist_iget( summary_keys , i );
          enkf_config_node_type * child_node = ensemble_config_add_summary( ensemble_config , sum_key , LOAD_FAIL_WARN );
          enkf_config_node_update_container( container_config , child_node );
          block_obs_type * block_obs  = block_obs_alloc(obs_label, source_type , summary_keys , container_config , grid , num_obs_pts, obs_i, obs_j, obs_k, obs_value, obs_std);
          if (block_obs != NULL) {
            obs_vector = obs_vector_alloc( BLOCK_OBS , obs_label , container_config, size );
            obs_vector_install_node( obs_vector , obs_restart_nr , block_obs);
    } else
      util_abort("%s: invalid source value \n",__func__);
    return obs_vector;
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr,"** Warning the ensemble key:%s does not exist - observation:%s not added \n", field_name , obs_label);
    return NULL;