int cp_phpe_enc(uint8_t *out, int *out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len, bn_t n) { bn_t g, m, r, s; int size, result = STS_OK; bn_null(g); bn_null(m); bn_null(r); bn_null(s); size = bn_size_bin(n); if (n == NULL || in_len <= 0 || in_len > size) { return STS_ERR; } TRY { bn_new(g); bn_new(m); bn_new(r); bn_new(s); /* Represent m as a padded element of Z_n. */ bn_read_bin(m, in, in_len); /* Generate r in Z_n^*. */ bn_rand_mod(r, n); /* Compute c = (g^m)(r^n) mod n^2. */ bn_add_dig(g, n, 1); bn_sqr(s, n); bn_mxp(m, g, m, s); bn_mxp(r, r, n, s); bn_mul(m, m, r); bn_mod(m, m, s); if (2 * size <= *out_len) { *out_len = 2 * size; memset(out, 0, *out_len); bn_write_bin(out, *out_len, m); } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(g); bn_free(m); bn_free(r); bn_free(s); } return result; }
int cp_bdpe_dec(dig_t *out, uint8_t *in, int in_len, bdpe_t prv) { bn_t m, t, z; unsigned i; int size, result = STS_OK; size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (in_len < 0 || in_len != size) { return STS_ERR; } bn_null(m); bn_null(t); bn_null(z); TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(t); bn_new(z); /* Compute t = (p-1)(q-1)/block. */ bn_mul(t, prv->p, prv->q); bn_sub(t, t, prv->p); bn_sub(t, t, prv->q); bn_add_dig(t, t, 1); bn_div_dig(t, t, prv->t); bn_read_bin(m, in, in_len); bn_mxp(m, m, t, prv->n); bn_mxp(t, prv->y, t, prv->n); for (i = 0; i < prv->t; i++) { bn_mxp_dig(z, t, i, prv->n); if (bn_cmp(z, m) == CMP_EQ) { *out = i; break; } } if (i == prv->t) { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(t); bn_free(z); } return result; }
status_t element_pow_int(element_t c, element_t a, integer_t b) { GroupType type = a->type; // TODO: c (type) = a (type) ^ b (ZR) LEAVE_IF( c->isInitialized != TRUE || a->isInitialized != TRUE, "uninitialized argument."); EXIT_IF_NOT_SAME(c, a); LEAVE_IF(b == NULL, "uninitialized integer."); status_t result = ELEMENT_OK; LEAVE_IF( c->type != type, "result initialized but invalid type."); switch(type) { case ZR: bn_mxp(c->bn, a->bn, b, a->order); break; case G1: g1_mul(c->g1, a->g1, b); break; case G2: g2_mul(c->g2, a->g2, b); break; case GT: gt_exp(c->gt, a->gt, b); break; default: result = ELEMENT_INVALID_TYPES; break; } return result; }
status_t element_pow_zr(element_t c, element_t a, element_t b) { GroupType type = a->type; // c (type) = a (type) ^ b (ZR) LEAVE_IF( c->isInitialized != TRUE || a->isInitialized != TRUE, "uninitialized argument."); EXIT_IF_NOT_SAME(c, a); LEAVE_IF(a->isInitialized != TRUE, "invalid argument."); LEAVE_IF(b->isInitialized != TRUE || b->type != ZR, "invalid type."); if(type == ZR) { bn_mxp(c->bn, a->bn, b->bn, a->order); } else if(type == G1) { g1_mul(c->g1, a->g1, b->bn); } else if(type == G2) { g2_mul(c->g2, a->g2, b->bn); } else if(type == GT) { gt_exp(c->gt, a->gt, b->bn); } else { return ELEMENT_INVALID_TYPES; } return ELEMENT_OK; }
int cp_phpe_dec(uint8_t *out, int out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len, bn_t n, bn_t l) { bn_t c, u, s; int size, result = STS_OK; size = bn_size_bin(n); if (in_len < 0 || in_len != 2 * size) { return STS_ERR; } bn_null(c); bn_null(u); bn_null(s); TRY { bn_new(c); bn_new(u); bn_new(s); /* Compute (c^l mod n^2) * u mod n. */ bn_sqr(s, n); bn_read_bin(c, in, in_len); bn_mxp(c, c, l, s); bn_sub_dig(c, c, 1); bn_div(c, c, n); bn_gcd_ext(s, u, NULL, l, n); if (bn_sign(u) == BN_NEG) { bn_add(u, u, n); } bn_mul(c, c, u); bn_mod(c, c, n); size = bn_size_bin(c); if (size <= out_len) { memset(out, 0, out_len); bn_write_bin(out + (out_len - size), size, c); } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(c); bn_free(u); bn_free(s); } return result; }
int cp_bdpe_enc(uint8_t *out, int *out_len, dig_t in, bdpe_t pub) { bn_t m, u; int size, result = STS_OK; bn_null(m); bn_null(u); size = bn_size_bin(pub->n); if (in > pub->t) { return STS_ERR; } TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(u); bn_set_dig(m, in); do { bn_rand(u, BN_POS, bn_bits(pub->n)); bn_mod(u, u, pub->n); } while (bn_is_zero(u)); bn_mxp(m, pub->y, m, pub->n); bn_mxp_dig(u, u, pub->t, pub->n); bn_mul(m, m, u); bn_mod(m, m, pub->n); if (size <= *out_len) { *out_len = size; memset(out, 0, *out_len); bn_write_bin(out, size, m); } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(u); } return result; }
int bn_factor(bn_t c, const bn_t a) { bn_t t0, t1; int result; unsigned int i, tests; bn_null(t0); bn_null(t1); result = 1; if (bn_is_even(a)) { bn_set_dig(c, 2); return 1; } TRY { bn_new(t0); bn_new(t1); bn_set_dig(t0, 2); #if WORD == 8 tests = 255; #else tests = 65535; #endif for (i = 2; i < tests; i++) { bn_set_dig(t1, i); bn_mxp(t0, t0, t1, a); } bn_sub_dig(t0, t0, 1); bn_gcd(t1, t0, a); if (bn_cmp_dig(t1, 1) == CMP_GT && bn_cmp(t1, a) == CMP_LT) { bn_copy(c, t1); } else { result = 0; } } CATCH_ANY { THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(t0); bn_free(t1); } return result; }
int cp_rsa_enc(uint8_t *out, int *out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len, rsa_t pub) { bn_t m, eb; int size, pad_len, result = STS_OK; bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); size = bn_size_bin(pub->n); if (pub == NULL || in_len <= 0 || in_len > (size - RSA_PAD_LEN)) { return STS_ERR; } TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_zero(m); bn_zero(eb); #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_ENC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_ENC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_ENC) == STS_OK) { #endif bn_read_bin(m, in, in_len); bn_add(eb, eb, m); #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_ENC_FIN); #endif bn_mxp(eb, eb, pub->e, pub->n); if (size <= *out_len) { *out_len = size; memset(out, 0, *out_len); bn_write_bin(out, size, eb); } else { result = STS_ERR; } } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; } #if CP_RSA == BASIC || !defined(STRIP) int cp_rsa_dec_basic(uint8_t *out, int *out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len, rsa_t prv) { bn_t m, eb; int size, pad_len, result = STS_OK; size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (prv == NULL || in_len != size || in_len < RSA_PAD_LEN) { return STS_ERR; } bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_read_bin(eb, in, in_len); bn_mxp(eb, eb, prv->d, prv->n); if (bn_cmp(eb, prv->n) != CMP_LT) { result = STS_ERR; } #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #endif size = size - pad_len; if (size <= *out_len) { memset(out, 0, size); bn_write_bin(out, size, eb); *out_len = size; } else { result = STS_ERR; } } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; } #endif #if CP_RSA == QUICK || !defined(STRIP) int cp_rsa_dec_quick(uint8_t *out, int *out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len, rsa_t prv) { bn_t m, eb; int size, pad_len, result = STS_OK; bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (prv == NULL || in_len != size || in_len < RSA_PAD_LEN) { return STS_ERR; } TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_read_bin(eb, in, in_len); bn_copy(m, eb); /* m1 = c^dP mod p. */ bn_mxp(eb, eb, prv->dp, prv->p); /* m2 = c^dQ mod q. */ bn_mxp(m, m, prv->dq, prv->q); /* m1 = m1 - m2 mod p. */ bn_sub(eb, eb, m); while (bn_sign(eb) == BN_NEG) { bn_add(eb, eb, prv->p); } bn_mod(eb, eb, prv->p); /* m1 = qInv(m1 - m2) mod p. */ bn_mul(eb, eb, prv->qi); bn_mod(eb, eb, prv->p); /* m = m2 + m1 * q. */ bn_mul(eb, eb, prv->q); bn_add(eb, eb, m); if (bn_cmp(eb, prv->n) != CMP_LT) { result = STS_ERR; } #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, in_len, size, RSA_DEC) == STS_OK) { #endif size = size - pad_len; if (size <= *out_len) { memset(out, 0, size); bn_write_bin(out, size, eb); *out_len = size; } else { result = STS_ERR; } } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; } #endif #if CP_RSA == BASIC || !defined(STRIP) int cp_rsa_sig_basic(uint8_t *sig, int *sig_len, uint8_t *msg, int msg_len, int hash, rsa_t prv) { bn_t m, eb; int size, pad_len, result = STS_OK; uint8_t h[MD_LEN]; if (prv == NULL || msg_len < 0) { return STS_ERR; } pad_len = (!hash ? MD_LEN : msg_len); #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 size = bn_bits(prv->n) - 1; size = (size / 8) + (size % 8 > 0); if (pad_len > (size - 2)) { return STS_ERR; } #else size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (pad_len > (size - RSA_PAD_LEN)) { return STS_ERR; } #endif bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_zero(m); bn_zero(eb); int operation = (!hash ? RSA_SIG : RSA_SIG_HASH); #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #endif if (!hash) { md_map(h, msg, msg_len); bn_read_bin(m, h, MD_LEN); bn_add(eb, eb, m); } else { bn_read_bin(m, msg, msg_len); bn_add(eb, eb, m); } #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, bn_bits(prv->n), size, RSA_SIG_FIN); #endif bn_mxp(eb, eb, prv->d, prv->n); size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (size <= *sig_len) { memset(sig, 0, size); bn_write_bin(sig, size, eb); *sig_len = size; } else { result = STS_ERR; } } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; } #endif #if CP_RSA == QUICK || !defined(STRIP) int cp_rsa_sig_quick(uint8_t *sig, int *sig_len, uint8_t *msg, int msg_len, int hash, rsa_t prv) { bn_t m, eb; int pad_len, size, result = STS_OK; uint8_t h[MD_LEN]; if (prv == NULL || msg_len < 0) { return STS_ERR; } pad_len = (!hash ? MD_LEN : msg_len); #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 size = bn_bits(prv->n) - 1; size = (size / 8) + (size % 8 > 0); if (pad_len > (size - 2)) { return STS_ERR; } #else size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (pad_len > (size - RSA_PAD_LEN)) { return STS_ERR; } #endif bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_zero(m); bn_zero(eb); int operation = (!hash ? RSA_SIG : RSA_SIG_HASH); #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, pad_len, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #endif if (!hash) { md_map(h, msg, msg_len); bn_read_bin(m, h, MD_LEN); bn_add(eb, eb, m); } else { bn_read_bin(m, msg, msg_len); bn_add(eb, eb, m); } #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, bn_bits(prv->n), size, RSA_SIG_FIN); #endif bn_copy(m, eb); /* m1 = c^dP mod p. */ bn_mxp(eb, eb, prv->dp, prv->p); /* m2 = c^dQ mod q. */ bn_mxp(m, m, prv->dq, prv->q); /* m1 = m1 - m2 mod p. */ bn_sub(eb, eb, m); while (bn_sign(eb) == BN_NEG) { bn_add(eb, eb, prv->p); } bn_mod(eb, eb, prv->p); /* m1 = qInv(m1 - m2) mod p. */ bn_mul(eb, eb, prv->qi); bn_mod(eb, eb, prv->p); /* m = m2 + m1 * q. */ bn_mul(eb, eb, prv->q); bn_add(eb, eb, m); bn_mod(eb, eb, prv->n); size = bn_size_bin(prv->n); if (size <= *sig_len) { memset(sig, 0, size); bn_write_bin(sig, size, eb); *sig_len = size; } else { result = STS_ERR; } } else { result = STS_ERR; } } CATCH_ANY { THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; } #endif int cp_rsa_ver(uint8_t *sig, int sig_len, uint8_t *msg, int msg_len, int hash, rsa_t pub) { bn_t m, eb; int size, pad_len, result; uint8_t h1[MAX(msg_len, MD_LEN) + 8], h2[MAX(msg_len, MD_LEN)]; /* We suppose that the signature is invalid. */ result = 0; if (pub == NULL || msg_len < 0) { return 0; } pad_len = (!hash ? MD_LEN : msg_len); #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 size = bn_bits(pub->n) - 1; if (size % 8 == 0) { size = size / 8 - 1; } else { size = bn_size_bin(pub->n); } if (pad_len > (size - 2)) { return 0; } #else size = bn_size_bin(pub->n); if (pad_len > (size - RSA_PAD_LEN)) { return 0; } #endif bn_null(m); bn_null(eb); TRY { bn_new(m); bn_new(eb); bn_read_bin(eb, sig, sig_len); bn_mxp(eb, eb, pub->e, pub->n); int operation = (!hash ? RSA_VER : RSA_VER_HASH); #if CP_RSAPD == BASIC if (pad_basic(eb, &pad_len, MD_LEN, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS1 if (pad_pkcs1(eb, &pad_len, MD_LEN, size, operation) == STS_OK) { #elif CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 if (pad_pkcs2(eb, &pad_len, bn_bits(pub->n), size, operation) == STS_OK) { #endif #if CP_RSAPD == PKCS2 memset(h1, 0, 8); if (!hash) { md_map(h1 + 8, msg, msg_len); md_map(h2, h1, MD_LEN + 8); memset(h1, 0, MD_LEN); bn_write_bin(h1, size - pad_len, eb); /* Everything went ok, so signature status is changed. */ result = util_cmp_const(h1, h2, MD_LEN); } else { memcpy(h1 + 8, msg, msg_len); md_map(h2, h1, MD_LEN + 8); memset(h1, 0, msg_len); bn_write_bin(h1, size - pad_len, eb); /* Everything went ok, so signature status is changed. */ result = util_cmp_const(h1, h2, msg_len); } #else memset(h1, 0, MAX(msg_len, MD_LEN)); bn_write_bin(h1, size - pad_len, eb); if (!hash) { md_map(h2, msg, msg_len); /* Everything went ok, so signature status is changed. */ result = util_cmp_const(h1, h2, MD_LEN); } else { /* Everything went ok, so signature status is changed. */ result = util_cmp_const(h1, msg, msg_len); } #endif result = (result == CMP_EQ ? 1 : 0); } else { result = 0; } } CATCH_ANY { result = 0; } FINALLY { bn_free(m); bn_free(eb); } return result; }
int cp_bdpe_gen(bdpe_t pub, bdpe_t prv, dig_t block, int bits) { bn_t t, r; int result = STS_OK; bn_null(t); bn_null(r); TRY { bn_new(t); bn_new(r); prv->t = pub->t = block; /* Make sure that block size is prime. */ bn_set_dig(t, block); if (bn_is_prime_basic(t) == 0) { THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); } /* Generate prime q such that gcd(block, (q - 1)) = 1. */ do { bn_gen_prime(prv->q, bits / 2); bn_sub_dig(prv->q, prv->q, 1); bn_gcd_dig(t, prv->q, block); bn_add_dig(prv->q, prv->q, 1); } while (bn_cmp_dig(t, 1) != CMP_EQ); /* Generate different primes p and q. */ do { /* Compute p = block * (x * block + b) + 1, 0 < b < block random. */ bn_rand(prv->p, BN_POS, bits / 2 - 2 * util_bits_dig(block)); bn_mul_dig(prv->p, prv->p, block); bn_rand(t, BN_POS, util_bits_dig(block)); bn_add_dig(prv->p, prv->p, t->dp[0]); /* We know that block divides (p-1). */ bn_gcd_dig(t, prv->p, block); bn_mul_dig(prv->p, prv->p, block); bn_add_dig(prv->p, prv->p, 1); } while (bn_cmp_dig(t, 1) != CMP_EQ || bn_is_prime(prv->p) == 0); /* Compute t = (p-1)*(q-1). */ bn_sub_dig(prv->q, prv->q, 1); bn_sub_dig(prv->p, prv->p, 1); bn_mul(t, prv->p, prv->q); bn_div_dig(t, t, block); /* Restore factors p and q and compute n = p * q. */ bn_add_dig(prv->p, prv->p, 1); bn_add_dig(prv->q, prv->q, 1); bn_mul(pub->n, prv->p, prv->q); bn_copy(prv->n, pub->n); /* Select random y such that y^{(p-1)(q-1)}/block \neq 1 mod N. */ do { bn_rand(pub->y, BN_POS, bits); bn_mxp(r, pub->y, t, pub->n); } while (bn_cmp_dig(r, 1) == CMP_EQ); bn_copy(prv->y, pub->y); } CATCH_ANY { result = STS_ERR; } FINALLY { bn_free(t); bn_free(r); } return result; }
void bn_gen_prime_stron(bn_t a, int bits) { dig_t i, j; int found, k; bn_t r, s, t; bn_null(r); bn_null(s); bn_null(t); TRY { bn_new(r); bn_new(s); bn_new(t); do { do { /* Generate two large primes r and s. */ bn_rand(s, BN_POS, bits / 2 - BN_DIGIT / 2); bn_rand(t, BN_POS, bits / 2 - BN_DIGIT / 2); } while (!bn_is_prime(s) || !bn_is_prime(t)); found = 1; bn_rand(a, BN_POS, bits / 2 - bn_bits(t) - 1); i = a->dp[0]; bn_dbl(t, t); do { /* Find first prime r = 2 * i * t + 1. */ bn_mul_dig(r, t, i); bn_add_dig(r, r, 1); i++; if (bn_bits(r) > bits / 2 - 1) { found = 0; break; } } while (!bn_is_prime(r)); if (found == 0) { continue; } /* Compute t = 2 * (s^(r-2) mod r) * s - 1. */ bn_sub_dig(t, r, 2); #if BN_MOD != PMERS bn_mxp(t, s, t, r); #else bn_exp(t, s, t, r); #endif bn_mul(t, t, s); bn_dbl(t, t); bn_sub_dig(t, t, 1); k = bits - bn_bits(r); k -= bn_bits(s); bn_rand(a, BN_POS, k); j = a->dp[0]; do { /* Find first prime a = t + 2 * j * r * s. */ bn_mul(a, r, s); bn_mul_dig(a, a, j); bn_dbl(a, a); bn_add(a, a, t); j++; if (bn_bits(a) > bits) { found = 0; break; } } while (!bn_is_prime(a)); } while (found == 0 && bn_bits(a) != bits); } CATCH_ANY { THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(r); bn_free(s); bn_free(t); } }
int bn_is_prime_solov(const bn_t a) { bn_t t0, t1, t2; int i, result; bn_null(t0); bn_null(t1); bn_null(t2); result = 1; TRY { bn_new(t0); bn_new(t1); bn_new(t2); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { /* Generate t0, 2 <= t0, <= a - 2. */ do { bn_rand(t0, BN_POS, bn_bits(a)); bn_mod(t0, t0, a); } while (bn_cmp_dig(t0, 2) == CMP_LT); /* t2 = a - 1. */ bn_copy(t2, a); bn_sub_dig(t2, t2, 1); /* t1 = (a - 1)/2. */ bn_rsh(t1, t2, 1); /* t1 = t0^(a - 1)/2 mod a. */ #if BN_MOD != PMERS bn_mxp(t1, t0, t1, a); #else bn_exp(t1, t0, t1, a); #endif /* If t1 != 1 and t1 != n - 1 return 0 */ if (bn_cmp_dig(t1, 1) != CMP_EQ && bn_cmp(t1, t2) != CMP_EQ) { result = 0; break; } /* t2 = (t0|a). */ bn_smb_jac(t2, t0, a); if (bn_sign(t2) == BN_NEG) { bn_add(t2, t2, a); } /* If t1 != t2 (mod a) return 0. */ bn_mod(t1, t1, a); bn_mod(t2, t2, a); if (bn_cmp(t1, t2) != CMP_EQ) { result = 0; break; } } } CATCH_ANY { result = 0; THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(t0); bn_free(t1); bn_free(t2); } return result; }
int bn_is_prime_rabin(const bn_t a) { bn_t t, n1, y, r; int i, s, j, result, b, tests = 0; tests = 0; result = 1; bn_null(t); bn_null(n1); bn_null(y); bn_null(r); if (bn_cmp_dig(a, 1) == CMP_EQ) { return 0; } TRY { /* * These values are taken from Table 4.4 inside Handbook of Applied * Cryptography. */ b = bn_bits(a); if (b >= 1300) { tests = 2; } else if (b >= 850) { tests = 3; } else if (b >= 650) { tests = 4; } else if (b >= 550) { tests = 5; } else if (b >= 450) { tests = 6; } else if (b >= 400) { tests = 7; } else if (b >= 350) { tests = 8; } else if (b >= 300) { tests = 9; } else if (b >= 250) { tests = 12; } else if (b >= 200) { tests = 15; } else if (b >= 150) { tests = 18; } else { tests = 27; } bn_new(t); bn_new(n1); bn_new(y); bn_new(r); /* r = (n - 1)/2^s. */ bn_sub_dig(n1, a, 1); s = 0; while (bn_is_even(n1)) { s++; bn_rsh(n1, n1, 1); } bn_lsh(r, n1, s); for (i = 0; i < tests; i++) { /* Fix the basis as the first few primes. */ bn_set_dig(t, primes[i]); /* y = b^r mod a. */ #if BN_MOD != PMERS bn_mxp(y, t, r, a); #else bn_exp(y, t, r, a); #endif if (bn_cmp_dig(y, 1) != CMP_EQ && bn_cmp(y, n1) != CMP_EQ) { j = 1; while ((j <= (s - 1)) && bn_cmp(y, n1) != CMP_EQ) { bn_sqr(y, y); bn_mod(y, y, a); /* If y == 1 then composite. */ if (bn_cmp_dig(y, 1) == CMP_EQ) { result = 0; break; } ++j; } /* If y != n1 then composite. */ if (bn_cmp(y, n1) != CMP_EQ) { result = 0; break; } } } } CATCH_ANY { result = 0; THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } FINALLY { bn_free(r); bn_free(y); bn_free(n1); bn_free(t); } return result; }