int cBoblight::close()
  if(m_boblight != 0) {
    tell(1, "Destroying boblight");
    boblight_destroy(m_boblight);   // calls delete *void
    m_boblight = 0;     
  }            // set pointer to 0
  return success;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool BobClient::connect(const QString &hostname, int port)
    qCDebug(dcBoblight) << "Connecting to boblightd\n";
    m_boblight = boblight_init();

    //try to connect, if we can't then bitch to stderr and destroy boblight
    if (!boblight_connect(m_boblight, hostname.toLatin1().data(), port, 5000000) ||
            !boblight_setpriority(m_boblight, 1))
        qCWarning(dcBoblight) << "Failed to connect:" << boblight_geterror(m_boblight);
        m_connected = false;
        return false;
    qCDebug(dcBoblight) << "Connection to boblightd opened\n";
    m_hostname = hostname;
    m_port = port;
    m_connected = true;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void BobClient::sync()
    if(!m_connected) {
        qCWarning(dcBoblight) << "Not connected to boblight. Cannot sync";
    if(m_lastSyncTime.addMSecs(50) > QTime::currentTime()) {
        if(!m_resyncTimer.isActive()) {
    qCDebug(dcBoblight) << "syncing";
    m_lastSyncTime = QTime::currentTime();

    for(int i = 0; i < lightsCount(); ++i) {
        //load the color into int array
        int rgb[3];
        rgb[0] = m_colors[i].red() * m_colors[i].alphaF();
        rgb[1] = m_colors[i].green() * m_colors[i].alphaF();
        rgb[2] = m_colors[i].blue() * m_colors[i].alphaF();
        qCDebug(dcBoblight) << "set color" << rgb[0] << rgb[1] << rgb[2];

        //set all lights to the color we want and send it
        boblight_addpixel(m_boblight, i, rgb);


    if (!boblight_sendrgb(m_boblight, 1, NULL)) //some error happened, probably connection broken, so bitch and try again
        qCWarning(dcBoblight) << "Boblight connection error:" << boblight_geterror(m_boblight);
        m_connected = false;
        connect(m_hostname, m_port);