Exemplo n.º 1
void BasicOptions::initOptions(ProgramOptions::OptionGroup& root) {
	OptionGroup basic("Basic Options");
		("stats"   , storeTo(stats)->parser(&BasicOptions::mapStats)->setImplicit(),"Print extended statistics")
		("quiet,q", bool_switch(&quiet), "Do not print models")
		("asp09" , bool_switch(&asp09),  "Write output in ASP Competition'09 format")
		("time-limit" , storeTo(timeout), "Set time limit to <n> seconds", "<n>")
	root.addOptions(basic, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ImgInputConfig::initBoostOptions() {
		(key("file"), value(&file)->default_value(file),
		 "Image to process")
		(key("roi"), value(&roi)->default_value(roi),
		 "apply ROI (x:y:w:h)")
		(key("gradient"), bool_switch(&gradient)->default_value(gradient),
		 "compute spectral gradient")
		(key("bands"), value(&bands)->default_value(bands),
		 "reduce number of bands by linear interpolation (0 means disabled)")
		(key("bandlow"), value(&bandlow)->default_value(bandlow),
		 "apply lower bound of band ROI")
   		(key("bandhigh"), value(&bandhigh)->default_value(bandhigh),
		 "apply upper bound of band ROI")

void SimilarityMeasureConfig::initBoostOptions() {
		// global section
		(key("graphical"), bool_switch(&isGraphical)->default_value(false),
			 "Show graphical output during runtime")
		(key("metrics,M"), value(&selected_metrics)->default_value("ms"),
			"\",\"-separated list of metrics to use for the template matching, possible values are ms,mrsd,ncc,cch,nmi,msh,mih,emd,gd.")
	if (prefix_enabled)

		(key("input1,I"), value(&input_file1)->default_value(""), "Input data file")
		(key("input2,J"), value(&input_file2)->default_value(""), "Input data file 2")
		(key("win1,W"), value(&win1)->default_value(""),
			 "\",\"-separated list of coordinates of window1. win1 and win2 must have the same size")
		(key("win2,X"), value(&win2)->default_value(""),
			 "\",\"-separated list of coordinates of window2. win1 and win2 must have the same size")
		(key("output,O"), value(&output_directory)->default_value("/tmp/"), "Output directory")
Exemplo n.º 4
// Clasp specific search options
void SearchOptions::initOptions(ProgramOptions::OptionGroup& root, ProgramOptions::OptionGroup& hidden) {
	OptionGroup search("Clasp - Search Options");
                /*("lookahead"  , storeTo(config->heuristic.lookahead)->setImplicit(),
			"Configure failed-literal detection (fld)\n"
			"      Default: no (atom, if --nolookback)\n"
			"      Valid:   atom, body, hybrid, no\n"
			"        atom  : Apply failed-literal detection to atoms\n"
			"        body  : Apply failed-literal detection to bodies\n"
			"        hybrid: Apply Nomore++-like failed-literal detection\n"
                        "        no    : Do not apply failed-literal detection", "<arg>")*/
		("initial-lookahead", storeTo(config->heuristic.lookaheadNum), "Restrict fld to <n> decisions\n", "<n>")

		("heuristic", storeTo(config->heuristic.heuristic)->parser(SearchOptions::mapHeuristic), 
			"Configure decision heuristic\n"
			"      Default: Berkmin (Unit, if --no-lookback)\n"
			"      Valid:   Berkmin, Vmtf, Vsids, Unit, None\n"
			"        Berkmin: Apply BerkMin-like heuristic\n"
			"        Vmtf   : Apply Siege-like heuristic\n"
			"        Vsids  : Apply Chaff-like heuristic\n"
			"        Unit   : Apply Smodels-like heuristic\n"
			"        None   : Select the first free variable")
		("rand-freq", storeTo(parseSolve)->parser(&SolveOptionsWrapper::mapRandFreq), 
			"Make random decisions with probability <p>\n"
			"      Default: 0.0\n"
			"      Valid:   [0.0...1.0]\n", "<p>")

		("rand-prob", storeTo(parseSolve)->parser(&SolveOptionsWrapper::mapRandProb)->setImplicit(),
			"Configure random probing\n"
			"      Default: no\n"
			"      Valid:   yes, no, <n1,n2> (<n1> >= 0, <n2> > 0)\n"
			"        yes    : Run 50 random passes up to at most 20 conflicts each\n"
			"        no     : Do not run random probing\n"
			"        <n1,n2>: Run <n1> random passes up to at most <n2> conflicts each\n", "<opts>")

		("rand-watches", bool_switch()->defaultValue(true),
			"Configure watched literal initialization\n"
			"      Default: yes\n"
			"      Valid:   yes, no\n"
			"        yes: Randomly determine watched literals\n"
			"        no : Watch first and last literal in a nogood\n")
	OptionGroup lookback("Clasp - Lookback Options");
                //("no-lookback"   ,bool_switch(), "Disable all lookback strategies\n")

		("restarts,r", storeTo(parseSolve)->parser(&SolveOptionsWrapper::mapRestarts),
			"Configure restart policy\n"
			"      Default: 100,1.5\n"
			"      Valid:   <n1[,n2,n3]> (<n1> >= 0, <n2>,<n3> > 0), no\n"
			"        <n1>          : Run Luby et al.'s sequence with unit length <n1>\n"
			"        <n1>,<n2>     : Run geometric sequence of <n1>*(<n2>^i) conflicts\n"
			"        <n1>,<n2>,<n3>: Run Biere's inner-outer geometric sequence (<n3>=outer)\n"
			"        <n1> = 0, no  : Disable restarts")
		("local-restarts"  , bool_switch(&config->solve.restart.local), "Enable Ryvchin et al.'s local restarts")
		("bounded-restarts", bool_switch(&config->solve.restart.bounded), "Enable (bounded) restarts during model enumeration")
		("reset-restarts",   bool_switch(&config->solve.restart.resetOnModel), "Reset restart strategy during model enumeration")
		("save-progress"   , storeTo(solverOpts)->setImplicit()->parser(&SolverStrategiesWrapper::mapSaveProg), "Enable RSat-like progress saving on backjumps > <n>\n", "<n>")

		("shuffle,s", storeTo(parseSolve)->parser(&SolveOptionsWrapper::mapShuffle),
			"Configure shuffling after restarts\n"
			"      Default: 0,0\n"
			"      Valid:   <n1,n2> (<n1> >= 0, <n2> >= 0)\n"
			"        <n1> > 0: Shuffle problem after <n1> and re-shuffle every <n2> restarts\n"
			"        <n1> = 0: Do not shuffle problem after restarts\n"
			"        <n2> = 0: Do not re-shuffle problem\n", "<n1,n2>")

		("deletion,d", storeTo(parseSolve)->parser(&SolveOptionsWrapper::mapReduce), 
			"Configure size of learnt nogood database\n"
			"      Default: 3.0,1.1,3.0\n"
			"      Valid:   <n1[,n2,n3]> (<n3> >= <n1> >= 0, <n2> >= 1.0), no\n"
			"        <n1,n2,n3>: Store at most min(P/<n1>*(<n2>^i),P*<n3>) learnt nogoods,\n"
			"                    P and i being initial problem size and number of restarts\n"
			"        no        : Do not delete learnt nogoods")
		("reduce-on-restart", bool_switch(&config->solve.reduce.reduceOnRestart), "Delete some learnt nogoods after every restart\n")
		("estimate", bool_switch(&config->solve.reduce.estimate), "Use estimated problem complexity to init learnt db\n")

		("strengthen", storeTo(solverOpts)->parser(&SolverStrategiesWrapper::mapStrengthen),
			"Configure conflict nogood strengthening\n"
			"      Default: all\n"
			"      Valid:   bin, tern, all, no\n"
			"        bin : Check only binary antecedents for self-subsumption\n"
			"        tern: Check binary and ternary antecedents for self-subsumption\n"
			"        all : Check all antecedents for self-subsumption\n"
			"        no  : Do not check antecedents for self-subsumption")
		("recursive-str", bool_switch(&solverOpts.opts->strengthenRecursive), "Enable MiniSAT-like conflict nogood strengthening\n")

		("loops", storeTo(config->api.loopRep),
			"Configure representation and learning of loop formulas\n"
			"      Default: common\n"
			"      Valid:   common, distinct, shared, no\n"
			"        common  : Create loop nogoods for atoms in an unfounded set\n"
			"        distinct: Create distinct loop nogood for each atom in an unfounded set\n"
			"        shared  : Create loop formula for a whole unfounded set\n"
			"        no      : Do not learn loop formulas\n")

		("contraction", storeTo(solverOpts)->parser(&SolverStrategiesWrapper::mapContract),
			"Configure (temporary) contraction of learnt nogoods\n"
			"      Default: 250\n"
			"      Valid:\n"
			"        0  : Do not contract learnt nogoods\n"
			"        > 0: Contract learnt nogoods containing more than <num> literals\n", "<num>")

		("loops-in-heu", storeTo(config->heuristic.loops), "Consider loop nogoods in heuristic")
		("berk-max", storeTo(config->heuristic.extra.berkMax), "Consider at most <n> nogoods in Berkmin")
		("berk-moms", bool_switch(&config->heuristic.berkMoms), "Enable/Disable MOMs in Berkmin")
		("berk-huang",bool_switch(&config->heuristic.berkHuang), "Enable/Disable Huang-scoring in Berkmin")
		("vmtf-mtf",storeTo(config->heuristic.extra.vmtfMtf), "In Vmtf move up to <n> conflict-literals to the front")
		("nant",bool_switch(&config->heuristic.nant), "In Unit count only atoms in NAnt(P)")
Exemplo n.º 5
// Clasp specific mode options
void GeneralOptions::initOptions(ProgramOptions::OptionGroup& root, ProgramOptions::OptionGroup& hidden) {
	OptionGroup general("Clasp - General Options");
		("number,n", storeTo(config->enumerate.numModels), 
			"Enumerate at most <num> models (0 for all)\n"
			"      Default: 1 (0 when optimizing/computing consequences)", "<num>")
		("seed"    , value<int>()->parser(mapSeed),    "Set random number generator's seed to <num>\n", "<num>")

		("solution-recording", bool_switch(&config->enumerate.record), "Add conflicts for computed models")
		("restart-on-model", bool_switch(&config->enumerate.restartOnModel), "Restart (instead of backtrack) after each model")
                //("project", bool_switch(&config->enumerate.project), "Project models to named atoms in enumeration mode\n")
                //("brave"    , bool_switch(&config->enumerate.brave), "Compute brave consequences")
                //("cautious" , bool_switch(&config->enumerate.cautious), "Compute cautious consequences\n")

		("pre" , bool_switch(&config->onlyPre), "Run ASP preprocessor and exit")
		("search-limit", value<std::pair<int, int> >(), "Terminate search after <n> conflicts or <m> restarts\n", "<n,m>")
		("opt-all"    , bool_switch(&config->enumerate.opt.all), "Compute all optimal models")
		("opt-ignore" , bool_switch(&config->enumerate.opt.no), "Ignore minimize statements")
		("opt-heu"    , bool_switch(&config->enumerate.opt.heu), "Consider minimize statements in heuristics")
		("opt-value"  , value<vector<int> >(), 
			"Initialize objective function(s)\n"
			"      Valid:   <n1[,n2,n3,...]>\n")
		("supp-models",bool_switch(&config->api.supported), "Compute supported models (disable unfounded set check)\n")
		("trans-ext", storeTo(config->api.transExt),
			"Configure handling of Lparse-like extended rules\n"
			"      Default: no\n"
			"      Valid:   all, choice, card, weight, integ, dynamic, no\n"
			"        all    : Transform all extended rules to basic rules\n"
			"        choice : Transform choice rules, but keep cardinality and weight rules\n"
			"        card   : Transform cardinality rules, but keep choice and weight rules\n"
			"        weight : Transform cardinality and weight rules, but keep choice rules\n"
			"        integ  : Transform cardinality integrity constraints\n"
			"        dynamic: Transform \"simple\" extended rules, but keep more complex ones\n"
			"        no     : Do not transform extended rules\n")

		("eq", storeTo(config->api.eq), 
			"Configure equivalence preprocessing\n"
			"      Default: 5\n"
			"      Valid:\n"
			"        -1 : Run to fixpoint\n"
			"        0  : Do not run equivalence preprocessing\n"
			"        > 0: Run for at most <n> iterations", "<n>")
		("backprop",bool_switch(&config->api.backprop), "Enable backpropagation in ASP-preprocessing\n")
		("sat-prepro", storeTo(solverOpts)->parser(&Strategies::mapSatElite)->setImplicit(),
			"Configure SatELite-like preprocessing\n"
			"      Default: no\n"
			"      Valid:   yes, no, <n1[,n2,n3]>\n"
			"        <n1>: Run for at most <n1> iterations           (-1=run to fixpoint)\n"
			"        <n2>: Run variable elimination with cutoff <n2> (-1=no cutoff)\n"
			"        <n3>: Run for at most <n3> seconds              (-1=no time limit)\n"
			"        yes : Run to fixpoint, no cutoff and no time limit\n","<opts>")
		("project-opt", storeTo(config->enumerate.projectOpts), "Additional options for projection as octal digit\n")