Exemplo n.º 1
LaserGPFHandler::LaserGPFHandler(lcm_t * lcm, BotParam * param, BotFrames * frames)
  lcm_pub = lcm;
  gpf = new LaserGPF(lcm, param, frames);

  char * pub_chan = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.laser_gpf_out_of_process.channel");
  pub_channel = pub_chan;

  char * laser_chan = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.laser_gpf.channel");
  laser_channel = laser_chan;
Exemplo n.º 2
LegOdoCommon::LegOdoCommon(lcm::LCM* lcm_recv,  lcm::LCM* lcm_pub, BotParam * param):
  lcm_recv(lcm_recv), lcm_pub(lcm_pub){
  verbose = false;
  char* mode_str = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.mode");
  if (strcmp(mode_str, "lin_rot_rate") == 0) {
    mode_ = MODE_LIN_AND_ROT_RATE;
    std::cout << "LegOdo will provide velocity and rotation rates." << std::endl;
  }else if (strcmp(mode_str, "lin_rate") == 0){
    mode_ = MODE_LIN_RATE;
    std::cout << "LegOdo will provide linear velocity rates but no rotation rates." << std::endl;
  }else if (strcmp(mode_str, "pos_and_lin_rate") == 0){
    std::cout << "LegOdo will provide positions as well as linear velocity rates." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Legodo not understood! [LegOdoCommon]." << std::endl;

  R_legodo_xyz_ = bot_param_get_double_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.r_xyz");
  R_legodo_vxyz_ = bot_param_get_double_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.r_vxyz");
  R_legodo_vang_ = bot_param_get_double_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.r_vang");
  R_legodo_vxyz_uncertain_ = bot_param_get_double_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.r_vxyz_uncertain");
  R_legodo_vang_uncertain_ = bot_param_get_double_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.legodo.r_vang_uncertain");
Exemplo n.º 3
RgbdGPFHandler::RgbdGPFHandler(lcm_t * lcm, BotParam * param, BotFrames * frames)
  lcm_pub = lcm;
  gpf = new RgbdGPF(lcm, param, frames);

  /// Insert out of process stuff here..

  char * rgbd_chan = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.rgbd_gpf.channel");
  rgbd_channel = rgbd_chan;

Exemplo n.º 4
SensorInitHandler<lcmType, HandlerClass>::SensorInitHandler(
    const std::string & _sensor_prefix, RBISInitializer * _initializer, HandlerFunction _handler_func,
    HandlerClass * _handler)
  handler_function = _handler_func;
  handler = _handler;

  initializer = _initializer;
  sensor_prefix = _sensor_prefix;

  char * chan = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(initializer->lcm_front->param,
      ("state_estimator." + sensor_prefix + ".channel").c_str());
  channel = chan;

  lcm_subscription = initializer->lcm_front->lcm_recv->subscribe(channel,
      &SensorInitHandler<lcmType, HandlerClass>::message_handler, this);
  fprintf(stderr, "subscribed to %s for sensor \"%s\" for initialization\n", channel.c_str(),
Exemplo n.º 5
LCMFrontEnd::LCMFrontEnd(const std::string & in_log_fname, const std::string & out_log_fname,
    const std::string & param_fname, const std::string & param_override_str,
    const std::string & begin_timestamp, double processing_rate)

  state_estimator = NULL;

  bool running_from_log = !in_log_fname.empty();
  bool running_to_log = !out_log_fname.empty();

  if (running_from_log && in_log_fname == out_log_fname) {
    fprintf(stderr, "must specify different logname for output %s!\n", out_log_fname.c_str());

  if (running_from_log) {
    printf("running from log file: %s\n", in_log_fname.c_str());
    //std::string lcmurl = "file://" + in_log_fname + "?speed=0";
    std::stringstream lcmurl;
    lcmurl << "file://" << in_log_fname << "?speed=" << processing_rate << "&start_timestamp=" << begin_timestamp;
    lcm_recv = new lcm::LCM(lcmurl.str());
    if (!lcm_recv->good()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error couldn't load log file %s\n", lcmurl.str().c_str());
  else {
    lcm_recv = new lcm::LCM(bot_lcm_get_global(NULL));

  if (running_to_log) {
    printf("publishing into log file: %s\n", out_log_fname.c_str());
    std::string lcmurl = "file://" + out_log_fname + "?mode=w";
    lcm_pub = new lcm::LCM(lcmurl);
    if (!lcm_pub->good()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error couldn't open log file %s\n", lcmurl.c_str());
  else {
    lcm_pub = new lcm::LCM(); // mfallon publish back to lcm if run from log

  if (param_fname.empty()) {
    param = bot_param_get_global(lcm_pub->getUnderlyingLCM(), 0);
  else {
    param = bot_param_new_from_file(param_fname.c_str());

  if (param == NULL) {

  else if (!param_override_str.empty()) {
    int ret = bot_param_override_local_params(param, param_override_str.c_str());
    if (ret <= 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error overriding params with %s\n", param_override_str.c_str());

  char** active_sensor_names = bot_param_get_str_array_alloc(param, "state_estimator.active_sensors");
  if (active_sensor_names == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: must specify active sensors using key state_estimator.active_sensors\n");
  else {
    for (int i = 0; active_sensor_names[i]; i++) {

  frames = bot_frames_get_global(lcm_recv->getUnderlyingLCM(), param);

  filter_state_channel = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.filter_state_channel");
  pose_channel = bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.pose_channel");
  publish_filter_state = bot_param_get_boolean_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.publish_filter_state");
  publish_pose = bot_param_get_boolean_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.publish_pose");
  republish_sensors = bot_param_get_boolean_or_fail(param, "state_estimator.republish_sensors");

  char *init_message_channel_char;
  char *init_complete_channel_char;

  if (bot_param_get_str(param, "state_estimator.init_message.channel", &init_message_channel_char) != 0) {
    // failed to get this key
    init_message_channel = "";
  } else {
    init_message_channel = string(init_message_channel_char);

  if (bot_param_get_str(param, "state_estimator.init_message.init_complete_channel", &init_complete_channel_char) != 0) {
    // failed to get this key
    init_complete_channel = "";
  } else {
    init_complete_channel = string(init_complete_channel_char);

  exit_estimator = false; // when this is true, we exit the estimator handlers, mfallon
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc,char** argv) {

    bool ttl_one = false;
    bool visualization = false;
    bool traj_visualization = false;

    std::string pose_channel = "STATE_ESTIMATOR_POSE";
    std::string stereo_channel = "stereo";
    std::string rc_trajectory_commands_channel = "rc-trajectory-commands";
    std::string state_machine_go_autonomous_channel = "state-machine-go-autonomous";

    std::string tvlqr_action_out_channel = "tvlqr-action";
    std::string arm_for_takeoff_channel = "arm-for-takeoff";
    std::string state_message_channel = "state-machine-state";
    std::string altitude_reset_channel = "altitude-reset";

    ConciseArgs parser(argc, argv);
    parser.add(ttl_one, "t", "ttl-one", "Pass to set LCM TTL=1");
    parser.add(pose_channel, "p", "pose-channel", "LCM channel to listen for pose messages on.");
    parser.add(stereo_channel, "e", "stereo-channel", "LCM channel to listen to stereo messages on.");
    parser.add(tvlqr_action_out_channel, "o", "tvlqr-out-channel", "LCM channel to publish which TVLQR trajectory is running on.");
    parser.add(rc_trajectory_commands_channel, "r", "rc-trajectory-commands-channel", "LCM channel to listen for RC trajectory commands on.");
    parser.add(state_machine_go_autonomous_channel, "a", "state-machine-go-autonomous-channel", "LCM channel to send go-autonmous messages on.");
    parser.add(visualization, "v", "visualization", "Enables visualization of obstacles for HUD / LCMGL.");
    parser.add(traj_visualization, "V", "traj-visualization", "Enables visualization of trajectories using LCMGL.");
    parser.add(arm_for_takeoff_channel, "A", "arm-for-takeoff-channel", "LCM channel to receive arm for takeoff messages on.");
    parser.add(state_message_channel, "s" "state-machine-state-channel", "LCM channel to send state machine state messages on.");


    std::string lcm_url;
    // create an lcm instance
    if (ttl_one) {
        lcm_url = "udpm://";
    } else {
        lcm_url = "udpm://";
    lcm::LCM lcm(lcm_url);

    if (!lcm.good()) {
        std::cerr << "LCM creation failed." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    BotParam *param = bot_param_new_from_server(lcm.getUnderlyingLCM(), 0);

    std::string trajectory_dir = std::string(bot_param_get_str_or_fail(param, "tvlqr_controller.library_dir"));

    trajectory_dir = ReplaceUserVarInPath(trajectory_dir);

    StateMachineControl fsm_control(&lcm, trajectory_dir, tvlqr_action_out_channel, state_message_channel, altitude_reset_channel, visualization, traj_visualization);

    // subscribe to LCM channels
    lcm.subscribe(pose_channel, &StateMachineControl::ProcessImuMsg, &fsm_control);
    lcm.subscribe(stereo_channel, &StateMachineControl::ProcessStereoMsg, &fsm_control);
    lcm.subscribe(rc_trajectory_commands_channel, &StateMachineControl::ProcessRcTrajectoryMsg, &fsm_control);
    lcm.subscribe(state_machine_go_autonomous_channel, &StateMachineControl::ProcessGoAutonomousMsg, &fsm_control);
    lcm.subscribe(arm_for_takeoff_channel, &StateMachineControl::ProcessArmForTakeoffMsg, &fsm_control);

    omp_set_num_threads(3); // set the maximum number of threads
                            // to be 1 less than our number of
                            // cores so we never slow down
                            // the tvlqr process

    printf("Receiving LCM:\n\tPose: %s\n\tStereo: %s\n\tRC Trajectories: %s\n\tGo Autonomous: %s\n\tArm for Takeoff: %s\n\nSending LCM:\n\tTVLQR Action: %s\n\tState Machine State: %s\n\tAltitude reset: %s\n", pose_channel.c_str(), stereo_channel.c_str(), rc_trajectory_commands_channel.c_str(), state_machine_go_autonomous_channel.c_str(), arm_for_takeoff_channel.c_str(), tvlqr_action_out_channel.c_str(), state_message_channel.c_str(), altitude_reset_channel.c_str());

    while (true) {
        while (NonBlockingLcm(lcm.getUnderlyingLCM())) {}


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
//get lcm channel
char * bot_param_get_sensor_lcm_channel(BotParam *bot_param, const char * sensor_prefix, const char *sensor_name)
  char key[1024];
  snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s.%s.lcm_channel", sensor_prefix, sensor_name);
  return bot_param_get_str_or_fail(bot_param, key);
Exemplo n.º 8
//get coord frame name
char * bot_param_get_sensor_coord_frame(BotParam *bot_param, const char * sensor_prefix, const char *sensor_name)
  char key[1024];
  snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s.%s.coord_frame", sensor_prefix, sensor_name);
  return bot_param_get_str_or_fail(bot_param, key);