Exemplo n.º 1
static void bta_hf_client_start_at_resp_timer(void)
    if (bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.resp_timer_on) {
        bta_sys_stop_timer (&bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.resp_timer);

    bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.resp_timer.p_cback = (TIMER_CBACK *)&bta_hf_client_at_resp_timer_cback;
    bta_sys_start_timer(&bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.resp_timer, 0, BTA_HF_CLIENT_AT_TIMEOUT);
    bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.resp_timer_on = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void bta_hf_client_start_at_hold_timer(void)
    TIMER_LIST_ENT *timer = &bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.hold_timer;


    if (bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.hold_timer_on) {
        bta_sys_stop_timer (timer);

    timer->p_cback = (TIMER_CBACK *)&bta_hf_client_at_hold_timer_cback;
    bta_sys_start_timer(timer, 0, BTA_HF_CLIENT_AT_HOLD_TIMEOUT);
    bta_hf_client_cb.scb.at_cb.hold_timer_on = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
** Function         bta_ag_collision_cback
** Description      Get notified about collision.
** Returns          void
void bta_ag_collision_cback (tBTA_SYS_CONN_STATUS status, UINT8 id,
                                    UINT8 app_id, BD_ADDR peer_addr)
    UINT16  handle;
    tBTA_AG_SCB *p_scb;

    /* Check if we have opening scb for the peer device. */
    handle = bta_ag_idx_by_bdaddr (peer_addr);
    p_scb = bta_ag_scb_by_idx (handle);

    if (p_scb && (p_scb->state == BTA_AG_OPENING_ST))
        if (id == BTA_ID_SYS)   /* ACL collision */
            APPL_TRACE_WARNING ("AG found collision (ACL) ...");
        else if (id == BTA_ID_AG)   /* RFCOMM collision */
            APPL_TRACE_WARNING ("AG found collision (RFCOMM) ...");
            APPL_TRACE_WARNING ("AG found collision (\?\?\?) ...");

        p_scb->state = BTA_AG_INIT_ST;

        /* Cancel SDP if it had been started. */
            (void)SDP_CancelServiceSearch (p_scb->p_disc_db);
            bta_ag_free_db(p_scb, NULL);

        /* reopen registered servers */
        /* Collision may be detected before or after we close servers. */
        if (bta_ag_is_server_closed (p_scb))
            bta_ag_start_servers(p_scb, p_scb->reg_services);

        /* Start timer to han */
        p_scb->colli_timer.p_cback = (TIMER_CBACK*)&bta_ag_colli_timer_cback;
        p_scb->colli_timer.param = (INT32)p_scb;
        bta_sys_start_timer(&p_scb->colli_timer, 0, BTA_AG_COLLISION_TIMER);
        p_scb->colli_tmr_on = TRUE;

** Function         bta_av_switch_if_needed
** Description      This function checks if there is another existing AV
**                  channel that is local as slave role.
**                  If so, role switch and remove it from link policy.
** Returns          TRUE, if role switch is done
BOOLEAN bta_av_switch_if_needed(tBTA_AV_SCB *p_scb)
    UINT8 role;
    BOOLEAN needed = FALSE;
    tBTA_AV_SCB *p_scbi;
    int i;
    UINT8       mask;

    for(i=0; i<BTA_AV_NUM_STRS; i++)
        mask = BTA_AV_HNDL_TO_MSK(i);
        p_scbi = bta_av_cb.p_scb[i];
        if( p_scbi && (p_scb->hdi != i) && /* not the original channel */
            ((bta_av_cb.conn_audio & mask) ||/* connected audio */
            (bta_av_cb.conn_video & mask)) ) /* connected video */
            BTM_GetRole(p_scbi->peer_addr, &role);
            /* this channel is open - clear the role switch link policy for this link */
            if(BTM_ROLE_MASTER != role)
                if (bta_av_cb.features & BTA_AV_FEAT_MASTER)
                    bta_sys_clear_policy(BTA_ID_AV, HCI_ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH, p_scbi->peer_addr);
                if (BTM_CMD_STARTED != BTM_SwitchRole(p_scbi->peer_addr, BTM_ROLE_MASTER, NULL))
                    /* can not switch role on SCBI
                     * start the timer on SCB - because this function is ONLY called when SCB gets API_OPEN */
                    bta_sys_start_timer(&p_scb->timer, BTA_AV_AVRC_TIMER_EVT, BTA_AV_RS_TIME_VAL);
                needed = TRUE;
                /* mark the original channel as waiting for RS result */
                bta_av_cb.rs_idx = p_scb->hdi + 1;
    return needed;
** Function         bta_dm_pm_set_mode
** Description      Set the power mode for the device
** Returns          void
static void bta_dm_pm_set_mode(BD_ADDR peer_addr, BOOLEAN timed_out )

    UINT16              timeout = 0;
    UINT8               i,j;
    tBTA_DM_PM_ACTTION  failed_pm = 0;
    tBTA_DM_PEER_DEVICE *p_peer_device = NULL;
    tBTA_DM_PM_ACTTION   allowed_modes = 0;
    tBTA_DM_PM_ACTTION   pref_modes = 0;
    tBTA_DM_PM_CFG      *p_pm_cfg;
    tBTA_DM_PM_SPEC     *p_pm_spec;
    tBTA_DM_PM_ACTN     *p_act0, *p_act1;
    tBTA_DM_SRVCS       *p_srvcs;


    /* see if any attempt to put device in low power mode failed */
    p_peer_device = bta_dm_find_peer_device(peer_addr);
    /* if no peer device found return */
    if (p_peer_device == NULL)

    failed_pm = p_peer_device->pm_mode_failed;

    for(i=0; i<bta_dm_conn_srvcs.count ; i++)

        p_srvcs = &bta_dm_conn_srvcs.conn_srvc[i];
        if(!bdcmp(p_srvcs->peer_bdaddr, peer_addr))

            /* p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[0].app_id is the number of entries */
            for(j=1; j<=p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[0].app_id; j++)
                if((p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[j].id == p_srvcs->id)
                    && ((p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[j].app_id == BTA_ALL_APP_ID ) ||
                    (p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[j].app_id == p_srvcs->app_id)))

            p_pm_cfg = &p_bta_dm_pm_cfg[j];
            p_pm_spec = &p_bta_dm_pm_spec[p_pm_cfg->spec_idx];
            p_act0 = &p_pm_spec->actn_tbl[p_srvcs->state][0];
            p_act1 = &p_pm_spec->actn_tbl[p_srvcs->state][1];

            APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_dm_pm_set_mode: srvcsid: %d, state: %d, j: %d", p_srvcs->id, p_srvcs->state, j);
            allowed_modes |= p_pm_spec->allow_mask;

            /* PM actions are in the order of strictness */

            /* first check if the first preference is ok */
            if(!(failed_pm & p_act0->power_mode))
                pref_modes |= p_act0->power_mode;

                if(p_act0->power_mode > pm_action)
                    pm_action = p_act0->power_mode;
                    timeout =  p_act0->timeout;

            /* if first preference has already failed, try second preference */
            else if(!(failed_pm & p_act1->power_mode))
                pref_modes |= p_act1->power_mode;

                if(p_act1->power_mode > pm_action)
                    pm_action = p_act1->power_mode;
                    timeout =  p_act1->timeout;


    if(pm_action & (BTA_DM_PM_PARK | BTA_DM_PM_SNIFF))

        /* some service don't like the mode */
        if(!(allowed_modes & pm_action))

            /* select the other mode if its allowed and preferred, otherwise 0 which is BTA_DM_PM_NO_ACTION */
            pm_action =  (allowed_modes & (BTA_DM_PM_PARK | BTA_DM_PM_SNIFF) & pref_modes);

            /* no timeout needed if no action is required */
            if(pm_action == BTA_DM_PM_NO_ACTION)
                timeout = 0;



    if(!timed_out && timeout)

        for(i=0; i<BTA_DM_NUM_PM_TIMER; i++)

                bta_dm_cb.pm_timer[i].in_use = TRUE;
                bdcpy(bta_dm_cb.pm_timer[i].peer_bdaddr, peer_addr);
                bta_dm_cb.pm_timer[i].timer.p_cback = bta_dm_pm_timer_cback;
                bta_sys_start_timer(&bta_dm_cb.pm_timer[i].timer, 0, timeout);
                APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("start dm_pm_timer:%d, %d", i, timeout);



        /* no more timers */
            APPL_TRACE_WARNING("bta_dm_act dm_pm_timer no more");

    if(pm_action == BTA_DM_PM_NO_ACTION)

    else if(pm_action == BTA_DM_PM_PARK)
        p_peer_device->pm_mode_attempted = BTA_DM_PM_PARK;

    else if(pm_action & BTA_DM_PM_SNIFF)
        /* dont initiate SNIFF, if link_policy has it disabled */
        if (p_peer_device->link_policy & HCI_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE)
            p_peer_device->pm_mode_attempted = BTA_DM_PM_SNIFF;
            bta_dm_pm_sniff(p_peer_device, (UINT8)(pm_action & 0x0F) );
            APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_dm_pm_set_mode: Link policy disallows SNIFF, ignore request");
    else if(pm_action == BTA_DM_PM_ACTIVE)


