Exemplo n.º 1
TEST_F(BthreadTest, start_latency_when_high_idle) {
    bool warmup = true;
    long elp1 = 0;
    long elp2 = 0;
    int REP = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
        butil::Timer tm;
        bthread_t th;
        bthread_start_urgent(&th, NULL, log_start_latency, &tm);
        bthread_join(th, NULL);
        bthread_t th2;
        butil::Timer tm2;
        bthread_start_background(&th2, NULL, log_start_latency, &tm2);
        bthread_join(th2, NULL);
        if (!warmup) {
            elp1 += tm.n_elapsed();
            elp2 += tm2.n_elapsed();
        } else if (i == 100) {
            warmup = false;
    LOG(INFO) << "start_urgent=" << elp1 / REP << "ns start_background="
              << elp2 / REP << "ns";
Exemplo n.º 2
TEST_F(BthreadTest, bthread_equal) {
    bthread_t th1;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th1, NULL, do_nothing, NULL));
    bthread_t th2;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th2, NULL, do_nothing, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_equal(th1, th2));
    bthread_t th3 = th2;
    ASSERT_EQ(1, bthread_equal(th3, th2));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th1, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th2, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 3
TEST_F(BthreadTest, bthread_usleep) {
    // NOTE: May fail because worker threads may still be stealing tasks
    // after previous cases.
    bthread_t th1;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th1, &BTHREAD_ATTR_PTHREAD,
                                      check_sleep, (void*)1));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th1, NULL));
    bthread_t th2;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th2, NULL,
                                      check_sleep, (void*)0));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th2, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 4
void* check_sleep(void* pthread_task) {
    EXPECT_TRUE(bthread_self() != 0);
    // Create a no-signal task that other worker will not steal. The task will be
    // run if current bthread does context switch.
    bthread_attr_t attr = BTHREAD_ATTR_NORMAL | BTHREAD_NOSIGNAL;
    bthread_t th1;
    pthread_t run = 0;
    const pthread_t pid = pthread_self();
    EXPECT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th1, &attr, mark_run, &run));
    if (pthread_task) {
        // due to NOSIGNAL, mark_run did not run.
        // FIXME: actually runs. someone is still stealing.
        // EXPECT_EQ((pthread_t)0, run);
        // bthread_usleep = usleep for BTHREAD_ATTR_PTHREAD
        EXPECT_EQ(pid, pthread_self());
        // schedule mark_run
    } else {
        // start_urgent should jump to the new thread first, then back to
        // current thread.
        EXPECT_EQ(pid, run);             // should run in the same pthread
    EXPECT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th1, NULL));
    if (pthread_task) {
        EXPECT_EQ(pid, pthread_self());
        EXPECT_NE((pthread_t)0, run); // the mark_run should run.
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
DiscoveryClient::~DiscoveryClient() {
    if (_registered.load(butil::memory_order_acquire)) {
        bthread_join(_th, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    // Register configuration of target group to RouteTable
    if (braft::rtb::update_configuration(FLAGS_group, FLAGS_conf) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to register configuration " << FLAGS_conf
                   << " of group " << FLAGS_group;
        return -1;

    std::vector<bthread_t> tids;
    std::vector<SendArg> args;
    for (int i = 1; i <= FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        SendArg arg = { i };
    if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (pthread_create(
                        &tids[i], NULL, sender, &args[i]) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                        &tids[i], NULL, sender, &args[i]) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;

    while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
        LOG_IF(INFO, !FLAGS_log_each_request)
                << "Sending Request to " << FLAGS_group
                << " (" << FLAGS_conf << ')'
                << " at qps=" << g_latency_recorder.qps(1)
                << " latency=" << g_latency_recorder.latency(1);

    LOG(INFO) << "Counter client is going to quit";
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
TEST_F(BthreadTest, bthread_exit) {
    bthread_t th1;
    bthread_t th2;
    pthread_t th3;
    bthread_t th4;
    bthread_t th5;
    const bthread_attr_t attr = BTHREAD_ATTR_PTHREAD;

    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th1, NULL, just_exit, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_background(&th2, NULL, just_exit, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&th3, NULL, just_exit, NULL));
    EXPECT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(&th4, &attr, just_exit, NULL));
    EXPECT_EQ(0, bthread_start_background(&th5, &attr, just_exit, NULL));

    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th1, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th2, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_join(th3, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th4, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th5, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 8
TEST_F(BthreadTest, stop_sleep) {
    bthread_t th;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(
                  &th, NULL, sleep_for_awhile_with_sleep, (void*)1000000L));
    butil::Timer tm;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_stop(th));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(th, NULL));
    ASSERT_LE(labs(tm.m_elapsed() - 10), 5);
Exemplo n.º 9
	void BthreadPool<Parameter,TASKNUM>::Stop()
		Csz::LI("[%s->%d]bthread join",__func__,__LINE__);
		for (const auto& val : pool)
		if (!pool.empty())
        return ;
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: fd.cpp Projeto: alphawzh/brpc
    // Note: This function does not wake up suspended fd_wait. This is fine
    // since stop_and_join is only called on program's termination
    // (g_task_control.stop()), suspended bthreads do not block quit of
    // worker pthreads and completion of g_task_control.stop().
    int stop_and_join() {
        if (!started()) {
            return 0;
        // No matter what this function returns, _epfd will be set to -1
        // (making started() false) to avoid latter stop_and_join() to
        // enter again.
        const int saved_epfd = _epfd;
        _epfd = -1;

        // epoll_wait cannot be woken up by closing _epfd. We wake up
        // epoll_wait by inserting a fd continuously triggering EPOLLOUT.
        // Visibility of _stop: constant EPOLLOUT forces epoll_wait to see
        // _stop (to be true) finally.
        _stop = true;
        int closing_epoll_pipe[2];
        if (pipe(closing_epoll_pipe)) {
            PLOG(FATAL) << "Fail to create closing_epoll_pipe";
            return -1;
        epoll_event evt = { EPOLLOUT, { NULL } };
        if (epoll_ctl(saved_epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD,
                      closing_epoll_pipe[1], &evt) < 0) {
            PLOG(FATAL) << "Fail to add closing_epoll_pipe into epfd="
                        << saved_epfd;
            return -1;

        const int rc = bthread_join(_tid, NULL);
        if (rc) {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to join EpollThread, " << berror(rc);
            return -1;
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
NamingServiceThread::~NamingServiceThread() {
    RPC_VLOG << "~NamingServiceThread(" << *this << ')';
    // Remove from g_nsthread_map first
    if (_source_ns != NULL) {
        const NSKey key = { _source_ns, _service_name };
        std::unique_lock<pthread_mutex_t> mu(g_nsthread_map_mutex);
        if (g_nsthread_map != NULL) {
            NamingServiceThread** ptr = g_nsthread_map->seek(key);
            if (ptr != NULL && *ptr == this) {
    if (_tid) {
        bthread_join(_tid, NULL);
        _tid = 0;
        std::vector<ServerId> to_be_removed;
        ServerNodeWithId2ServerId(_last_sockets, &to_be_removed, NULL);
        if (!_last_sockets.empty()) {
            for (std::map<NamingServiceWatcher*,
                          const NamingServiceFilter*>::iterator
                     it = _watchers.begin(); it != _watchers.end(); ++it) {

    if (_ns) {
        _ns = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 12
TEST_F(BthreadTest, start_bthreads_frequently) {
    sleep_in_adding_func = 0;
    char prof_name[32];
    snprintf(prof_name, sizeof(prof_name), "start_bthreads_frequently.prof");
    const int con = bthread_getconcurrency();
    ASSERT_GT(con, 0);
    AlignedCounter* counters = new AlignedCounter[con];
    bthread_t th[con];

    std::cout << "Perf with different parameters..." << std::endl;
    for (int cur_con = 1; cur_con <= con; ++cur_con) {
        stop = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < cur_con; ++i) {
            counters[i].value = 0;
            ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_urgent(
                          &th[i], NULL, bthread_starter, &counters[i].value));
        butil::Timer tm;
        stop = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < cur_con; ++i) {
            bthread_join(th[i], NULL);
        size_t sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cur_con; ++i) {
            sum += counters[i].value * 1000 / tm.m_elapsed();
        std::cout << sum << ",";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    delete [] counters;
Exemplo n.º 13
void EventDispatcher::Join() {
    if (_tid) {
        bthread_join(_tid, NULL);
        _tid = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    // A Channel represents a communication line to a Server. Notice that 
    // Channel is thread-safe and can be shared by all threads in your program.
    brpc::Channel channel;
    // Initialize the channel, NULL means using default options. 
    brpc::ChannelOptions options;
    options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol;
    options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
    options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms/*milliseconds*/;
    options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry;
    if (channel.Init(FLAGS_server.c_str(), FLAGS_load_balancer.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize channel";
        return -1;

    if (FLAGS_attachment_size > 0) {
        g_attachment.resize(FLAGS_attachment_size, 'a');
    if (FLAGS_request_size <= 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Bad request_size=" << FLAGS_request_size;
        return -1;
    g_request.resize(FLAGS_request_size, 'r');

    std::vector<bthread_t> bids;
    std::vector<pthread_t> pids;
    if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (pthread_create(&pids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                    &bids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;

    while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Sending EchoRequest at qps=" << g_latency_recorder.qps(1)
                  << " latency=" << g_latency_recorder.latency(1);

    LOG(INFO) << "EchoClient is going to quit";
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(pids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(bids[i], NULL);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
TEST_F(BthreadTest, yield_single_thread) {
    bthread_t tid;
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_start_background(&tid, NULL, yield_thread, NULL));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, bthread_join(tid, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    // A Channel represents a communication line to a Server. Notice that 
    // Channel is thread-safe and can be shared by all threads in your program.
    brpc::Channel channel;
    brpc::ChannelOptions options;
    options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol;
    options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
    // Initialize the channel, NULL means using default options. 
    // options, see `brpc/channel.h'.
    if (channel.Init(FLAGS_url.c_str(), FLAGS_load_balancer.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize channel";
        return -1;

    std::vector<bthread_t> bids;
    std::vector<pthread_t> pids;
    if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (pthread_create(&pids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                    &bids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;

    if (FLAGS_dummy_port >= 0) {

    while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << FLAGS_protocol << " requests at qps=" 
                  << g_latency_recorder.qps(1)
                  << " latency=" << g_latency_recorder.latency(1);

    LOG(INFO) << "benchmark_http is going to quit";
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(pids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(bids[i], NULL);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    // A Channel represents a communication line to a Server. Notice that 
    // Channel is thread-safe and can be shared by all threads in your program.
    brpc::DynamicPartitionChannel channel;

    brpc::PartitionChannelOptions options;
    options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol;
    options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
    options.succeed_without_server = true;
    options.fail_limit = 1;
    options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms/*milliseconds*/;
    options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry;

    if (channel.Init(new MyPartitionParser(),
                     FLAGS_server.c_str(), FLAGS_load_balancer.c_str(),
                     &options) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init channel";
        return -1;
    if (FLAGS_attachment_size > 0) {
        g_attachment.resize(FLAGS_attachment_size, 'a');
    if (FLAGS_request_size <= 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Bad request_size=" << FLAGS_request_size;
        return -1;
    g_request.resize(FLAGS_request_size, 'r');

    std::vector<bthread_t> tids;
    if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                    &tids[i], NULL, sender, &channel) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;

    int64_t last_counter = 0;
    int64_t last_latency_sum = 0;
    std::vector<size_t> last_nsuccess(FLAGS_thread_num);
    while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
        int64_t latency_sum = 0;
        int64_t nsuccess = 0;
        CHECK_EQ(g_sender_info.size(), (size_t)FLAGS_thread_num);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < g_sender_info.size(); ++i) {
            const SenderInfo& info = g_sender_info[i];
            latency_sum += info.latency_sum;
            nsuccess += info.nsuccess;
            if (FLAGS_dont_fail) {
                CHECK(info.nsuccess > last_nsuccess[i]) << "i=" << i;
            last_nsuccess[i] = info.nsuccess;

        const int64_t avg_latency = (latency_sum - last_latency_sum) /
            std::max(nsuccess - last_counter, 1L);
        LOG(INFO) << "Sending EchoRequest at qps=" << nsuccess - last_counter
                  << " latency=" << avg_latency;
        last_counter = nsuccess;
        last_latency_sum = latency_sum;

    LOG(INFO) << "EchoClient is going to quit";
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    // A Channel represents a communication line to a Server. Notice that 
    // Channel is thread-safe and can be shared by all threads in your program.
    brpc::Channel channel;
    // Initialize the channel, NULL means using default options. 
    brpc::ChannelOptions options;
    options.protocol = brpc::PROTOCOL_REDIS;
    options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
    options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms/*milliseconds*/;
    options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry;
    options.backup_request_ms = FLAGS_backup_request_ms;
    if (channel.Init(FLAGS_server.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize channel";
        return -1;

    // Pipeline #batch * #thread_num SET requests into redis so that we
    // have keys to get.
    brpc::RedisRequest request;
    brpc::RedisResponse response;
    brpc::Controller cntl;
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_batch * FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!request.AddCommand("SET %s_%04d %s_%04d", 
                    FLAGS_key.c_str(), i,
                    FLAGS_value.c_str(), i)) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to SET " << i << "th request";
            return -1;
    channel.CallMethod(NULL, &cntl, &request, &response, NULL);
    if (cntl.Failed()) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to access redis, " << cntl.ErrorText();
        return -1;
    if (FLAGS_batch * FLAGS_thread_num != response.reply_size()) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to set";
        return -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_batch * FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        CHECK_EQ("OK", response.reply(i).data());
    LOG(INFO) << "Set " << FLAGS_batch * FLAGS_thread_num << " values";

    if (FLAGS_dummy_port >= 0) {

    std::vector<bthread_t> tids;
    std::vector<SenderArgs> args;
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        args[i].base_index = i * FLAGS_batch;
        args[i].redis_channel = &channel;
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            if (pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, sender, &args[i]) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
        } else {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                    &tids[i], NULL, sender, &args[i]) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;

    while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Accessing redis-server at qps=" << g_latency_recorder.qps(1)
                  << " latency=" << g_latency_recorder.latency(1);

    LOG(INFO) << "redis_client is going to quit";
    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    if (FLAGS_dir.empty() ||
        !butil::DirectoryExists(butil::FilePath(FLAGS_dir))) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "--dir=<dir-of-dumped-files> is required";
        return -1;

    if (FLAGS_dummy_port >= 0) {
    ChannelGroup chan_group;
    if (chan_group.Init() != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init ChannelGroup";
        return -1;

    if (FLAGS_thread_num <= 0) {
        if (FLAGS_qps <= 0) { // unlimited qps
            FLAGS_thread_num = 50;
        } else {
            FLAGS_thread_num = FLAGS_qps / 10000;
            if (FLAGS_thread_num < 1) {
                FLAGS_thread_num = 1;
            if (FLAGS_thread_num > 50) {
                FLAGS_thread_num = 50;

    std::vector<bthread_t> tids;
    if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, replay_thread, &chan_group) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create pthread";
                return -1;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
            if (bthread_start_background(
                    &tids[i], NULL, replay_thread, &chan_group) != 0) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create bthread";
                return -1;
    brpc::InfoThread info_thr;
    brpc::InfoThreadOptions info_thr_opt;
    info_thr_opt.latency_recorder = &g_latency_recorder;
    info_thr_opt.error_count = &g_error_count;
    info_thr_opt.sent_count = &g_sent_count;
    if (!info_thr.start(info_thr_opt)) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create info_thread";
        return -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_thread_num; ++i) {
        if (!FLAGS_use_bthread) {
            pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
        } else {
            bthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

    return 0;