Exemplo n.º 1
struct bn_vlblock *
bn_vlblock_init(struct bu_list *free_vlist_hd, /**< where to get/put free vlists */
		int max_ent /**< maximum number of entities to get/put */)
    struct bn_vlblock *vbp;
    size_t i;

    if (!BU_LIST_IS_INITIALIZED(free_vlist_hd))

    BU_ALLOC(vbp, struct bn_vlblock);
    vbp->magic = BN_VLBLOCK_MAGIC;
    vbp->free_vlist_hd = free_vlist_hd;
    vbp->max = max_ent;
    vbp->head = (struct bu_list *)bu_calloc(vbp->max,
					    sizeof(struct bu_list), "head[]");
    vbp->rgb = (long *)bu_calloc(vbp->max,
				 sizeof(long), "rgb[]");

    for (i=0; i < vbp->max; i++) {
	vbp->rgb[i] = 0;

    vbp->rgb[0] = 0xFFFF00L;	/* Yellow, default */
    vbp->rgb[1] = 0xFFFFFFL;	/* White */
    vbp->nused = 2;

    return vbp;
Exemplo n.º 2
db_add_node_to_full_path(struct db_full_path *pp, struct directory *dp)

    if (pp->fp_maxlen <= 0) {
	pp->fp_maxlen = 32;
	pp->fp_names = (struct directory **)bu_malloc(
	    pp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(struct directory *),
	    "db_full_path array");
	pp->fp_bool = (int *)bu_calloc(pp->fp_maxlen, sizeof(int),
	    "db_full_path bool array");
	pp->fp_mat = (matp_t *)bu_calloc(pp->fp_maxlen, sizeof(matp_t),
	    "db_full_path matrices array");
    } else if (pp->fp_len >= pp->fp_maxlen) {
	pp->fp_maxlen *= 4;
	pp->fp_names = (struct directory **)bu_realloc(
	    (char *)pp->fp_names,
	    pp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(struct directory *),
	    "enlarged db_full_path array");
	pp->fp_bool = (int *)bu_realloc(
	    (char *)pp->fp_bool,
	    pp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(int),
	    "enlarged db_full_path bool array");
	pp->fp_mat = (matp_t *)bu_realloc(
	    (char *)pp->fp_mat,
	    pp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(matp_t),
	    "enlarged db_full_path matrices array");
    pp->fp_names[pp->fp_len++] = dp;
Exemplo n.º 3
struct rt_bot_internal *
dup_bot( struct rt_bot_internal *bot_in )
    struct rt_bot_internal *bot;
    size_t i;

    RT_BOT_CK_MAGIC( bot_in );

    BU_ALLOC(bot, struct rt_bot_internal);

    *bot = *bot_in;	/* struct copy */

    bot->faces = (int *)bu_calloc( bot_in->num_faces*3, sizeof( int ), "bot faces" );
    for ( i=0; i<bot_in->num_faces*3; i++ )
	bot->faces[i] = bot_in->faces[i];

    bot->vertices = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc( bot_in->num_vertices*3, sizeof( fastf_t ), "bot verts" );
    for ( i=0; i<bot_in->num_vertices*3; i++ )
	bot->vertices[i] = bot_in->vertices[i];

    if ( bot_in->thickness ) {
	bot->thickness = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc( bot_in->num_faces, sizeof( fastf_t ), "bot thickness" );
	for ( i=0; i<bot_in->num_faces; i++ )
	    bot->thickness[i] = bot_in->thickness[i];

    if ( bot_in->face_mode ) {
	bot->face_mode = bu_bitv_dup( bot_in->face_mode );

    return bot;
Exemplo n.º 4
rt_arbn_volume(fastf_t *volume, const struct rt_db_internal *ip)
    struct poly_face *faces;
    struct rt_arbn_internal *aip = (struct rt_arbn_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
    size_t i;

    *volume = 0.0;
    /* allocate array of face structs */
    faces = (struct poly_face *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn, sizeof(struct poly_face), "rt_arbn_volume: faces");
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	/* allocate array of pt structs, max number of verts per faces = (# of faces) - 1 */
	faces[i].pts = (point_t *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn - 1, sizeof(point_t), "rt_arbn_volume: pts");
    rt_arbn_faces_area(faces, aip);
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	vect_t tmp;

	/* calculate volume of pyramid */
	VSCALE(tmp, faces[i].plane_eqn, faces[i].area);
	*volume += VDOT(faces[i].pts[0], tmp)/3;
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	bu_free((char *)faces[i].pts, "rt_arbn_volume: pts");
    bu_free((char *)faces, "rt_arbn_volume: faces");
Exemplo n.º 5
db_argv_to_path(struct db_full_path *pp, struct db_i *dbip, int argc, const char *const *argv)
    struct directory *dp;
    int ret = 0;
    int i;


    /* Make a path structure just big enough */
    pp->magic = DB_FULL_PATH_MAGIC;
    pp->fp_maxlen = pp->fp_len = argc;
    pp->fp_names = (struct directory **)bu_malloc(
	pp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(struct directory *),
	"db_argv_to_path path array");
    pp->fp_bool = (int *)bu_calloc(pp->fp_maxlen, sizeof(int),
	"db_argv_to_path bool array");
    pp->fp_mat = (matp_t *)bu_calloc(pp->fp_maxlen, sizeof(matp_t),
	"db_string_to_path mat array");

    for (i = 0; i<argc; i++) {
	if ((dp = db_lookup(dbip, argv[i], LOOKUP_NOISY)) == RT_DIR_NULL) {
	    bu_log("db_argv_to_path() failed on element %d='%s'\n",
		   i, argv[i]);
	    ret = -1; /* FAILED */
	    /* Fall through, storing null dp in this location */
	pp->fp_names[i] = dp;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
db_dup_full_path(struct db_full_path *newp, const struct db_full_path *oldp)
    unsigned int i = 0;

    newp->fp_maxlen = oldp->fp_maxlen;
    newp->fp_len = oldp->fp_len;
    if (oldp->fp_len <= 0) {
	newp->fp_names = (struct directory **)0;
	newp->fp_bool = (int *)0;
    newp->fp_names = (struct directory **)bu_malloc(newp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(struct directory *),
	    "db_full_path array (duplicate)");
    memcpy((char *)newp->fp_names, (char *)oldp->fp_names, newp->fp_len * sizeof(struct directory *));

    newp->fp_bool = (int *)bu_malloc(newp->fp_maxlen * sizeof(int),
	    "db_full_path bool array (duplicate)");
    memcpy((char *)newp->fp_bool, (char *)oldp->fp_bool, newp->fp_len * sizeof(int));

    newp->fp_mat = (matp_t *)bu_calloc(newp->fp_maxlen, sizeof(matp_t),
	    "db_full_path mat array (duplicate)");
    for (i = 0; i < newp->fp_len; i++) {
	if (oldp->fp_mat[i]) {
	    newp->fp_mat[i] = (matp_t)bu_calloc(1, sizeof(mat_t), "transformation matrix");
	    MAT_COPY(newp->fp_mat[i], oldp->fp_mat[i]);
Exemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    unsigned char *scanbuf;
    unsigned char **rows;
    png_structp png_p;
    png_infop info_p;

    if ( !get_args( argc, argv ) )  {
	(void)fputs(usage, stderr);
	bu_exit ( 1, NULL );

    /* autosize input? */
    if ( fileinput && autosize ) {
	unsigned long int	w, h;
	if ( fb_common_file_size(&w, &h, file_name, 1) ) {
	    file_width = (long)w;
	    file_height = (long)h;
	} else {
	    fprintf(stderr, "bw-png: unable to autosize\n");

    png_p = png_create_write_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    if ( !png_p )
	bu_exit( EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not create PNG write structure\n" );

    info_p = png_create_info_struct( png_p );
    if ( !info_p )
	bu_exit( EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not create PNG info structure\n" );

    /* allocate space for the image */
    scanbuf = (unsigned char *)bu_calloc( SIZE, sizeof( unsigned char ), "scanbuf" );

    /* create array of pointers to rows for libpng */
    rows = (unsigned char **)bu_calloc( file_height, sizeof( unsigned char *), "rows" );
    for ( i=0; i<file_height; i++ )
	rows[i] = scanbuf + ((file_height-i-1)*ROWSIZE);

    /* read the bw file */
    if ( fread( scanbuf, SIZE, 1, infp ) != 1 )
	bu_exit( EXIT_FAILURE, "bw-png: Short read\n");

    png_init_io( png_p, stdout );
    png_set_filter( png_p, 0, PNG_FILTER_NONE );
    png_set_compression_level( png_p, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION );
    png_set_IHDR( png_p, info_p, file_width, file_height, 8,

    png_write_info( png_p, info_p );
    png_write_image( png_p, rows );
    png_write_end( png_p, NULL );
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
rt_arbn_centroid(point_t *cent, const struct rt_db_internal *ip)
    struct poly_face *faces;
    struct rt_arbn_internal *aip = (struct rt_arbn_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
    size_t i;
    point_t arbit_point = VINIT_ZERO;
    fastf_t volume = 0.0;

    *cent[0] = 0.0;
    *cent[1] = 0.0;
    *cent[2] = 0.0;

    if (cent == NULL)

    /* allocate array of face structs */
    faces = (struct poly_face *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn, sizeof(struct poly_face), "rt_arbn_centroid: faces");
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	/* allocate array of pt structs, max number of verts per faces = (# of faces) - 1 */
	faces[i].pts = (point_t *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn - 1, sizeof(point_t), "rt_arbn_centroid: pts");
    rt_arbn_faces_area(faces, aip);
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	bn_polygon_centroid(&faces[i].cent, faces[i].npts, (const point_t *) faces[i].pts);
	VADD2(arbit_point, arbit_point, faces[i].cent);

    VSCALE(arbit_point, arbit_point, (1/aip->neqn));

    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	vect_t tmp = VINIT_ZERO;
	/* calculate volume */
	VSCALE(tmp, faces[i].plane_eqn, faces[i].area);
	faces[i].vol_pyramid = (VDOT(faces[i].pts[0], tmp)/3);
	volume += faces[i].vol_pyramid;
	/*Vector from arbit_point to centroid of face, results in h of pyramid */
	VSUB2(faces[i].cent_pyramid, faces[i].cent, arbit_point);
	/*centroid of pyramid is 1/4 up from the bottom */
	VSCALE(faces[i].cent_pyramid, faces[i].cent_pyramid, 0.75f);
	/* now cent_pyramid is back in the polyhedron */
	VADD2(faces[i].cent_pyramid, faces[i].cent_pyramid, arbit_point);
	/* weight centroid of pyramid by pyramid's volume */
	VSCALE(faces[i].cent_pyramid, faces[i].cent_pyramid, faces[i].vol_pyramid);
	/* add cent_pyramid to the centroid of the polyhedron */
	VADD2(*cent, *cent, faces[i].cent_pyramid);
    /* reverse the weighting */
    VSCALE(*cent, *cent, (1/volume));
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	bu_free((char *)faces[i].pts, "rt_arbn_centroid: pts");
    bu_free((char *)faces, "rt_arbn_centroid: faces");
/* duplicate bot */
struct rt_bot_internal *
dup_bot(struct rt_bot_internal *bot_in)
    struct rt_bot_internal *bot;
    size_t i;


    BU_ALLOC(bot, struct rt_bot_internal);

    bot->magic = bot_in->magic;
    bot->mode = bot_in->mode;
    bot->orientation = bot_in->orientation;
    bot->bot_flags = bot_in->bot_flags;
    bot->num_vertices = bot_in->num_vertices;
    bot->num_faces = bot_in->num_faces;
    bot->num_normals = bot_in->num_normals;
    bot->num_face_normals = bot_in->num_face_normals;

    bot->faces = (int *)bu_calloc(bot_in->num_faces * 3, sizeof(int), "bot faces");
    for (i = 0; i < bot_in->num_faces * 3; i++) {
	bot->faces[i] = bot_in->faces[i];

    bot->vertices = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc(bot_in->num_vertices * 3, sizeof(fastf_t), "bot verts");
    for (i = 0; i < bot_in->num_vertices * 3; i++) {
	bot->vertices[i] = bot_in->vertices[i];

    if ((bot_in->bot_flags & RT_BOT_PLATE) || (bot_in->bot_flags & RT_BOT_PLATE_NOCOS)) {
	if (bot_in->thickness) {
	    bot->thickness = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc(bot_in->num_faces, sizeof(fastf_t), "bot thickness");
	    for (i = 0; i < bot_in->num_faces; i++) {
		bot->thickness[i] = bot_in->thickness[i];
	} else {
	    bu_bomb("dup_bot(): flag should not say plate but thickness is null\n");

    if (bot_in->face_mode) {
	bot->face_mode = bu_bitv_dup(bot_in->face_mode);

    if (bot_in->bot_flags & RT_BOT_HAS_SURFACE_NORMALS) {
	bot->num_normals = bot_in->num_normals;
	bot->normals = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc(bot_in->num_normals * 3, sizeof(fastf_t), "BOT normals");
	bot->face_normals = (int *)bu_calloc(bot_in->num_faces * 3, sizeof(int), "BOT face normals");
	memcpy(bot->face_normals, bot_in->face_normals, bot_in->num_faces * 3 * sizeof(int));

    return bot;
struct shell *
Get_outer_shell(struct nmgregion *r, int entityno)

    int sol_num;		/* IGES solid type number */
    int no_of_faces;		/* Number of faces in shell */
    int face_count = 0;		/* Number of faces actually made */
    int *face_de;		/* Directory sequence numbers for faces */
    int *face_orient;		/* Orientation of faces */
    int face;
    struct shell *s;			/* NMG shell */
    struct faceuse **fu;			/* list of faceuses */

    /* Acquiring Data */

    if (dir[entityno]->param <= pstart) {
	bu_log("Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
	       dir[entityno]->direct, dir[entityno]->name);
	return 0;

    Readint(&sol_num, "");
    Readint(&no_of_faces, "");

    face_de = (int *)bu_calloc(no_of_faces, sizeof(int), "Get_outer_shell face DE's");
    face_orient = (int *)bu_calloc(no_of_faces, sizeof(int), "Get_outer_shell orients");
    fu = (struct faceuse **)bu_calloc(no_of_faces, sizeof(struct faceuse *), "Get_outer_shell faceuses ");

    for (face = 0; face < no_of_faces; face++) {
	Readint(&face_de[face], "");
	Readint(&face_orient[face], "");

    s = nmg_msv(r);

    for (face = 0; face < no_of_faces; face++) {
	fu[face_count] = Add_face_to_shell(s, (face_de[face]-1)/2, face_orient[face]);
	if (fu[face_count] != (struct faceuse *)NULL)

    nmg_gluefaces(fu, face_count, &tol);

    bu_free((char *)fu, "Get_outer_shell: faceuse list");
    bu_free((char *)face_de, "Get_outer_shell: face DE's");
    bu_free((char *)face_orient, "Get_outer_shell: face orients");
    return s;
HIDDEN struct halfedge *
generate_edge_list(const struct rt_bot_internal *bot)
    const size_t num_edges = 3 * bot->num_faces;
    struct halfedge *edge_list;
    size_t face_index, edge_index;

    edge_list = (struct halfedge *)bu_calloc(num_edges, sizeof(struct halfedge),

    for (face_index = 0, edge_index = 0; face_index < bot->num_faces;
	 ++face_index) {
	const int *face = &bot->faces[face_index * 3];

	int success = set_edge(&edge_list[edge_index++], face[0], face[1])
		      && set_edge(&edge_list[edge_index++], face[1], face[2])
		      && set_edge(&edge_list[edge_index++], face[2], face[0]);

	if (!success) {
	    bu_free(edge_list, "edge_list");
	    return NULL;

    qsort(edge_list, num_edges, sizeof(struct halfedge), halfedge_compare);

    return edge_list;
Exemplo n.º 12
db_alloc_directory_block(struct resource *resp)
    struct directory *dp;
    size_t bytes;


    BU_ASSERT_PTR(resp->re_directory_hd, ==, NULL);

    /* Get a BIG block */
    bytes = (size_t)bu_malloc_len_roundup(1024*sizeof(struct directory));
    dp = (struct directory *)bu_calloc(1, bytes, "re_directory_blocks from db_alloc_directory_block() " BU_FLSTR);

    /* Record storage for later */
    bu_ptbl_ins(&resp->re_directory_blocks, (long *)dp);

    while (bytes >= sizeof(struct directory)) {
	dp->d_magic = RT_DIR_MAGIC;
	dp->d_forw = resp->re_directory_hd;
	resp->re_directory_hd = dp;
	bytes -= sizeof(struct directory);
Exemplo n.º 13
/* Test against basename UNIX tool */
automatic_test(const char *input)

    char buf_input[1000];
    char *ans = NULL;
    char *res = (char *)bu_calloc(strlen(buf_input), sizeof(char), "automatic_test res");

    if (input)
	bu_strlcpy(buf_input, input, strlen(input)+1);

    /* build UNIX 'basename' command */
    if (!input)
	ans = basename(NULL);
	ans = basename(buf_input);

    if (!input)
	bu_basename(res, NULL);
	bu_basename(res, buf_input);

    if (BU_STR_EQUAL(res, ans))
	printf("%24s -> %24s [PASSED]\n", input, res);
	bu_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%24s -> %24s (should be: %s) [FAIL]\n", input, res, ans);
    bu_free(res, NULL);

    printf("BASENAME not available on this platform\n");
    /* FIXME: this does not functionally halt */
Exemplo n.º 14
rt_superell_export4(struct bu_external *ep, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, double local2mm, const struct db_i *dbip)
    struct rt_superell_internal *tip;
    union record *rec;

    if (dbip) RT_CK_DBI(dbip);

    if (ip->idb_type != ID_SUPERELL) return -1;
    tip = (struct rt_superell_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    ep->ext_nbytes = sizeof(union record);
    ep->ext_buf = (uint8_t *)bu_calloc(1, ep->ext_nbytes, "superell external");
    rec = (union record *)ep->ext_buf;

    rec->s.s_id = ID_SOLID;
    rec->s.s_type = SUPERELL;

    /* NOTE: This also converts to dbfloat_t */
    VSCALE(&rec->s.s_values[0], tip->v, local2mm);
    VSCALE(&rec->s.s_values[3], tip->a, local2mm);
    VSCALE(&rec->s.s_values[6], tip->b, local2mm);
    VSCALE(&rec->s.s_values[9], tip->c, local2mm);

    printf("SUPERELL: %g %g\n", tip->n, tip->e);

    rec->s.s_values[12] = tip->n;
    rec->s.s_values[13] = tip->e;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
/** @if no
 * @endif
 *	@brief Parse command line flags.
 *	This routine handles parsing of all command line options.
 *	@param ac count of arguments
 *	@param av array of pointers to null-terminated strings
 *	@return index into av of first argument past options (new ac value)
int parse_args(int ac, char *av[])
    int  c;
    char *strrchr();
    char *tmp_basename = (char *)bu_calloc(strlen(av[0]), sizeof(char), "parse_args");;

    /* Turn off bu_getopt's error messages */
    bu_opterr = 0;

    /* get all the option flags from the command line */
    while ((c=bu_getopt(ac, av, options)) != -1) {
	switch (c) {
	    case 'd':
		debug = strtol(bu_optarg, NULL, 16);
	    case '?':
	    case 'h':
		bu_basename(tmp_basename, av[0]);
		usage(tmp_basename, "Bad or help flag specified\n");
    bu_free(tmp_basename, "tmp_basename free");
    return bu_optind;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: xxx.c Projeto: kanzure/brlcad
 * Export an XXX from internal form to external format.  Note that
 * this means converting all integers to Big-Endian format and
 * floating point data to IEEE double.
 * Apply the transformation to mm units as well.
rt_xxx_export5(struct bu_external *ep, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, double local2mm, const struct db_i *dbip)
    struct rt_xxx_internal *xxx_ip;

    /* must be double for import and export */
    double vec[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT];

    if (ip->idb_type != ID_XXX) return -1;
    xxx_ip = (struct rt_xxx_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
    if (dbip) RT_CK_DBI(dbip);

    ep->ext_buf = (void *)bu_calloc(1, ep->ext_nbytes, "xxx external");

    /* Since libwdb users may want to operate in units other than mm,
     * we offer the opportunity to scale the solid (to get it into mm)
     * on the way out.
    VSCALE(vec, xxx_ip->v, local2mm);

    /* Convert from internal (host) to database (network) format */
    bu_cv_htond(ep->ext_buf, (unsigned char *)vec, ELEMENTS_PER_VECT);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Get editing string and call ged_red
f_red(ClientData UNUSED(clientData), Tcl_Interp *interpreter, int argc, const char *argv[])
    const char **av;
    struct bu_vls editstring = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO;


    if (argc != 2) {
	Tcl_Eval(interpreter, "help red");
	return TCL_ERROR;


    av = (const char **)bu_calloc(4, sizeof(char *), "f_red: av");

    av[0] = argv[0];
    av[1] = "-E";
    av[2] = bu_vls_addr(&editstring);
    av[3] = argv[1];

    if ( ged_red(gedp, 4, (const char **)av) == GED_ERROR ) {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interpreter, "Error: ", bu_vls_addr(gedp->ged_result_str), (char *)NULL);
    } else {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interpreter, bu_vls_addr(gedp->ged_result_str), (char *)NULL);

    bu_free((void *)av, "f_red: av");
    return TCL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * initialize the name list used for stashing destination names
static void
init_list(struct nametbl *l, size_t s)
    size_t i, j;

    l->names = (struct name *)bu_calloc(10, sizeof(struct name), "alloc l->names");
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	l->names[i].dest = (struct bu_vls *)bu_calloc(s, sizeof(struct bu_vls), "alloc l->names.dest");
	for (j = 0; j < s; j++)
    l->name_size = s;
    l->names_len = 10;
    l->names_used = 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: b64.c Projeto: kanzure/brlcad
bu_b64_decode_block(char **output, const char *input, int len)
    /* Calculate size of output needed and calloc the memory */
    int cnt = 0;
    char* c;
    bu_b64_decodestate s;
    if (!output) return -1;
    *output = (char *)bu_calloc(((int)(3*len/4) + 4), 8, "Calloc b64 decoding buffer");
    c = *output;

    /*---------- START DECODING ----------*/
    /* initialise the decoder state */
    /* decode the input data */
    cnt = bu_b64_decode_block_internal(input, len, c, &s);
    c += cnt;
    /* note: there is no bu_b64_decode_blockend! */
    /*---------- STOP DECODING  ----------*/

    /* we want to print the decoded data, so null-terminate it: */
    *c = '\0';

    return cnt;
Exemplo n.º 20
char *
bu_realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path)
    if (!resolved_path)
	resolved_path = (char *) bu_calloc(MAXPATHLEN, sizeof(char), "resolved_path alloc");

	char *dirpath = NULL;
	dirpath = realpath(path, resolved_path);
	if (!dirpath) {
	    /* if path lookup failed, resort to simple copy */
	    bu_strlcpy(resolved_path, path, (size_t)MAXPATHLEN);
    /* Best solution currently available for Windows
     * See https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/seccode/FIO02-C.+Canonicalize+path+names+originating+from+untrusted+sources */
    GetFullPathName(path, MAXPATHLEN, resolved_path, NULL);
    /* Last resort - if NOTHING is defined, do a simple copy */
    bu_strlcpy(resolved_path, path, (size_t)MAXPATHLEN);

    return resolved_path;
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: b64.c Projeto: kanzure/brlcad
char *
bu_b64_encode_block(const char *input, int len)
    /* Calculate size of output needed and calloc the memory */
    char *output = (char *)bu_calloc((((int)(4*len/3)) + 4), 8, "Calloc b64 buffer");
    char *c = output;
    int cnt = 0;
    bu_b64_encodestate s;

    /*---------- START ENCODING ----------*/
    /* initialise the encoder state */
    /* gather data from the input and send it to the output */
    cnt = bu_b64_encode_block_internal(input, len, c, &s);
    c += cnt;
    /* since we have encoded all of the input string we intend
     * to encode, we know that there is no more input data;
     * finalise the encoding */
    cnt = bu_b64_encode_blockend(c, &s);
    c += cnt;
    /*---------- STOP ENCODING  ----------*/

    /* we want to print the encoded data, so null-terminate it: */
    *c = '\0';

    return output;
Exemplo n.º 22
 *	Call parse_args to handle command line arguments first, then
 *	process input.
int main(int ac, char *av[])
    /** @struct rt_i
     * This structure contains some global state information for librt
    struct rt_i *rtip;

    struct db_tree_state init_state; /* state table for the hierarchy walker */
    char idbuf[1024] = {0};		/* Database title */
    int arg_count;
    char *tmp_basename = (char *)bu_calloc(strlen(av[0]), sizeof(char), "walk_example tmp_basename");

    /** @struct user_data
     * This is an example structure.
     * It contains anything you want to have available in the region/leaf processing routines
    struct user_data {
	int stuff;
    } user_data;

    arg_count = parse_args(ac, av);

    if ((ac - arg_count) < 1) {
	bu_basename(tmp_basename, av[0]);
	usage(tmp_basename, "bad argument count");
    bu_free(tmp_basename, "tmp_basename free");

     *  Build an index of what's in the database.
     *  rt_dirbuild() returns an "instance" pointer which describes
     *  the database.  It also gives you back the
     *  title string in the header (ID) record.
    rtip = rt_dirbuild(av[arg_count], idbuf, sizeof(idbuf));
    if (rtip == RTI_NULL) {
	bu_exit(2, "%s: rt_dirbuild failure\n", av[0]);


    init_state = rt_initial_tree_state;
    db_walk_tree(rtip->rti_dbip, /* database instance */
		 ac-arg_count,		/* number of trees to get from the database */
		 (const char **)&av[arg_count],
		 1, /* number of cpus to use */
		 (void *)&user_data);

    /* at this point you can do things with the geometry you have obtained */

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
void fast4_arg_process(const char *args) {
    if (!args) return;
    char *input = bu_strdup(args);
    char **argv = (char **)bu_calloc(strlen(args) + 1, sizeof(char *), "argv array");
    int argc = bu_argv_from_string(argv, strlen(args), input);

    option::Stats stats(Fast4Usage, argc, argv);
    option::Option *options = (option::Option *)bu_calloc(stats.options_max, sizeof(option::Option), "options");
    option::Option *buffer= (option::Option *)bu_calloc(stats.buffer_max, sizeof(option::Option), "options");
    option::Parser parse(Fast4Usage, argc, argv, options, buffer);

    if (options[FAST4_WARN_DEFAULT_NAMES]) {
	bu_log("FASTGEN 4 opt: %s:%s\n", options[FAST4_WARN_DEFAULT_NAMES].name, options[FAST4_WARN_DEFAULT_NAMES].arg);

    bu_free(input, "input");
    bu_free(options, "free options");
    bu_free(buffer, "free buffer");
Exemplo n.º 24
 * This one assumes that making all the parameters null is fine.
rt_generic_make(const struct rt_functab *ftp, struct rt_db_internal *intern)
    intern->idb_type = ftp - OBJ;
    intern->idb_major_type = DB5_MAJORTYPE_BRLCAD;
    BU_ASSERT(&OBJ[intern->idb_type] == ftp);

    intern->idb_meth = ftp;
    intern->idb_ptr = bu_calloc(1, (unsigned int)ftp->ft_internal_size, "rt_generic_make");
    *((uint32_t *)(intern->idb_ptr)) = ftp->ft_internal_magic;
Exemplo n.º 25
rt_arbn_surf_area(fastf_t *area, const struct rt_db_internal *ip)
    struct poly_face *faces;
    struct rt_arbn_internal *aip = (struct rt_arbn_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
    size_t i;

    /* allocate array of face structs */
    faces = (struct poly_face *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn, sizeof(struct poly_face), "arbn_surf_area: faces");
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	/* allocate array of pt structs, max number of verts per faces = (# of faces) - 1 */
	faces[i].pts = (point_t *)bu_calloc(aip->neqn - 1, sizeof(point_t), "arbn_surf_area: pts");
    rt_arbn_faces_area(faces, aip);
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	*area += faces[i].area;
	bu_free((char *)faces[i].pts, "rt_arbn_surf_area: pts");
    bu_free((char *)faces, "rt_arbn_surf_area: faces");
Exemplo n.º 26
ged_wcodes(struct ged *gedp, int argc, const char *argv[])
    int i;
    int status;
    FILE *fp;
    struct directory *dp;
    static const char *usage = "filename object(s)";

    GED_CHECK_ARGC_GT_0(gedp, argc, GED_ERROR);

    /* initialize result */
    bu_vls_trunc(gedp->ged_result_str, 0);

    /* must be wanting help */
    if (argc == 1) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Usage: %s %s", argv[0], usage);
	return GED_HELP;

    if (argc == 2) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Usage: %s %s", argv[0], usage);
	return GED_ERROR;

    if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "w")) == NULL) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "%s: Failed to open file - %s",
		      argv[0], argv[1]);
	return GED_ERROR;

    path = (struct directory **)bu_calloc(PATH_STEP, sizeof(struct directory *), "alloc initial path");
    path_capacity = PATH_STEP;

    for (i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
	if ((dp = db_lookup(gedp->ged_wdbp->dbip, argv[i], LOOKUP_NOISY)) != RT_DIR_NULL) {
	    status = wcodes_printcodes(gedp, fp, dp, 0);

	    if (status == GED_ERROR) {
		return GED_ERROR;

    bu_free(path, "dealloc path");
    path = NULL;
    path_capacity = 0;

    return GED_OK;
Exemplo n.º 27
 *			B U _ P T B L _ I N I T
 *  Initialize struct & get storage for table.
 *  Recommend 8 or 64 for initial len.
bu_ptbl_init(struct bu_ptbl *b, int len, const char *str)
    if (bu_debug & BU_DEBUG_PTBL)
	bu_log("bu_ptbl_init(%8x, len=%d, %s)\n", b, len, str);
    b->l.magic = BU_PTBL_MAGIC;
    if ( len <= 0 )  len = 64;
    b->blen = len;
    b->buffer = (long **)bu_calloc(b->blen, sizeof(long *), str);
    b->end = 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
rt_arbn_export4(struct bu_external *ep, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, double local2mm, const struct db_i *dbip)
    struct rt_arbn_internal *aip;
    union record *rec;
    size_t ngrans;
    size_t i;

    /* scaling buffer must be double, not fastf_t */
    double *sbuf;
    double *sp;

    if (dbip) RT_CK_DBI(dbip);

    if (ip->idb_type != ID_ARBN) return -1;
    aip = (struct rt_arbn_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    if (aip->neqn <= 0) return -1;

     * The network format for a double is 8 bytes and there are 4
     * doubles per plane equation.
    ngrans = (aip->neqn * 8 * ELEMENTS_PER_PLANE + sizeof(union record)-1) /
	sizeof(union record);

    ep->ext_nbytes = (ngrans + 1) * sizeof(union record);
    ep->ext_buf = (uint8_t *)bu_calloc(1, ep->ext_nbytes, "arbn external");
    rec = (union record *)ep->ext_buf;

    rec[0].n.n_id = DBID_ARBN;
    *(uint32_t *)rec[0].n.n_neqn = htonl(aip->neqn);
    *(uint32_t *)rec[0].n.n_grans = htonl(ngrans);

    /* Take the data from the caller, and scale it, into sbuf */
    sp = sbuf = (double *)bu_malloc(
	aip->neqn * sizeof(double) * ELEMENTS_PER_PLANE, "arbn temp");
    for (i = 0; i < aip->neqn; i++) {
	/* Normal is unscaled, should have unit length; d is scaled */
	*sp++ = aip->eqn[i][X];
	*sp++ = aip->eqn[i][Y];
	*sp++ = aip->eqn[i][Z];
	*sp++ = aip->eqn[i][W] * local2mm;

    bu_cv_htond((unsigned char *)&rec[1], (unsigned char *)sbuf, aip->neqn * ELEMENTS_PER_PLANE);

    bu_free((char *)sbuf, "arbn temp");
    return 0;			/* OK */
Exemplo n.º 29
 *  The only argument is the name of the database file.
ph_dirbuild(struct pkg_conn *UNUSED(pc), char *buf)
    long max_argc = 0;
    char **argv = NULL;
    struct rt_i *rtip = NULL;
    size_t n = 0;

    if (debug)  fprintf(stderr, "ph_dirbuild: %s\n", buf);

    for (n = 0; n < strlen(buf); n++) {
	if (isspace((int)buf[n]))
    argv = (char **)bu_calloc(max_argc+1, sizeof(char *), "alloc argv");

    if ((bu_argv_from_string(argv, max_argc, buf)) <= 0)  {
	/* No words in input */
	bu_free(argv, "free argv");

    if (seen_dirbuild)  {
	bu_log("ph_dirbuild:  MSG_DIRBUILD already seen, ignored\n");
	bu_free(argv, "free argv");

    title_file = bu_strdup(argv[0]);
    bu_free(argv, "free argv");

    /* Build directory of GED database */
    if ((rtip=rt_dirbuild(title_file, idbuf, sizeof(idbuf))) == RTI_NULL)
	bu_exit(2, "ph_dirbuild:  rt_dirbuild(%s) failure\n", title_file);
    APP.a_rt_i = rtip;
    seen_dirbuild = 1;

     *  Initialize all the per-CPU memory resources.
     *  Go for the max, as TCL interface may change npsw as we run.
    for (n=0; n < MAX_PSW; n++)  {
	rt_init_resource(&resource[n], n, rtip);
	bn_rand_init(resource[n].re_randptr, n);

    if (pkg_send(MSG_DIRBUILD_REPLY,
		   idbuf, strlen(idbuf)+1, pcsrv) < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "MSG_DIRBUILD_REPLY error\n");
rt_pattern_rect_perspgrid(fastf_t **rays, size_t *ray_cnt, const point_t center_pt, const vect_t dir,
	       const vect_t a_vec, const vect_t b_vec,
	       const fastf_t a_theta, const fastf_t b_theta,
	       const fastf_t a_num, const fastf_t b_num)
    int count = 0;
    vect_t rdir;
    vect_t a_dir, b_dir;
    fastf_t x, y;
    fastf_t a_length = tan(a_theta);
    fastf_t b_length = tan(b_theta);
    fastf_t a_inc = 2 * a_length / (a_num - 1);
    fastf_t b_inc = 2 * b_length / (b_num - 1);

    VMOVE(a_dir, a_vec);
    VMOVE(b_dir, b_vec);

    /* Find out how much memory we'll need and get it */
    for (y = -b_length; y <= b_length + BN_TOL_DIST; y += b_inc) {
	for (x = -a_length; x <= a_length + BN_TOL_DIST; x += a_inc) {
    *(rays) = (fastf_t *)bu_calloc(sizeof(fastf_t) * 6, count + 1, "rays");

    /* Now that we have memory, reset count so it can
     * be used to index into the array */
    count = 0;

    /* This adds BN_TOL_DIST to the *_length variables in the
     * condition because in some cases, floating-point problems can
     * make extremely close numbers compare incorrectly. */
    for (y = -b_length; y <= b_length + BN_TOL_DIST; y += b_inc) {
	for (x = -a_length; x <= a_length + BN_TOL_DIST; x += a_inc) {
	    VJOIN2(rdir, dir, x, a_dir, y, b_dir);
	    (*rays)[6*count] = center_pt[0];
	    (*rays)[6*count+1] = center_pt[1];
	    (*rays)[6*count+2] = center_pt[2];
	    (*rays)[6*count+3] = rdir[0];
	    (*rays)[6*count+4] = rdir[1];
	    (*rays)[6*count+5] = rdir[2];

    *(ray_cnt) = count;
    return count;