Exemplo n.º 1
void CudaOutliner::setKernelParams(int dimension, SgStatement* func_call_stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope)
  dim3 threads(chunksizeX, chunksizeY);

  int numBlocksX = n/ chunksizeX;
  int numBlocksY = n/ (chunksizeY*numRows);

  dim3 grid(numBlocksX, numBlocksY);

  SgInitializedName* arg1 = buildInitializedName(SgName("BLOCKDIM_X"), buildIntType());
  SgInitializedName* arg2 = buildInitializedName(SgName("BLOCKDIM_Y"), buildIntType());

  SgType* dim3_t = buildOpaqueType("dim3", scope);

  SgExprListExp* exprList = buildExprListExp();
  //appendArg(exprList, arg1);
  //ppendArg(exprList, arg2);

  SgFunctionParameterList * paraList = buildFunctionParameterList();
  appendArg(paraList, arg1);
  appendArg(paraList, arg2);

  SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * funcdecl = buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration
  ("threads", dim3_t, paraList);

  SgConstructorInitializer* constr = 
    new SgConstructorInitializer(funcdecl, exprList, dim3_t, false, false,
				 false, false );

  string dimBlock = MintTools::generateBlockDimName(func_call_stmt);

  SgVariableDeclaration * dim_blocks_var_decl = buildVariableDeclaration(dimBlock, dim3_t, constr);

  string dimGrid = generateGridDimName(func_call_stmt);

  SgVariableDeclaration * dim_grid_var_decl = buildVariableDeclaration(dimGrid, dim3_t);				

  cout<< dim_blocks_var_decl->unparseToString ()<< endl ;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Discover this function's kernel interface, including I/O and functions
 * needed.
void FunctionInterface::analyze()
	string msg = "Analyzing function " + NAME(function);
	DEBUG(TOOL, msg);

	status = IN_PROGRESS;

	//Add inputs to our list
	SgInitializedNamePtrList inputs = function->get_parameterList()->get_args();
	SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator inputIt;
	for(inputIt = inputs.begin(); inputIt != inputs.end(); inputIt++)
		msg = "\tfound input " + NAME(*inputIt);
		DEBUG(TOOL, msg);

		FunctionTraversal::checkVariableType((*inputIt)->get_type(), this);

	//Add return value to our list (denoted by special marker name "__retval__")
	SgType* returnType = function->get_orig_return_type();
		msg = "\tfound output of type " + get_name(returnType);
		DEBUG(TOOL, msg);
		SgInitializedName* returnVal = buildInitializedName(RETVAL_NAME, returnType);

		FunctionTraversal::checkVariableType(returnType, this);

	//Traverse function
	FunctionTraversal ft(this);
	ft.traverse(function, preorder);

	//Incorporate sub-calls
	//TODO do side-effect checking here for sub-calls?
	set<FunctionInterface*>::const_iterator funcIt;
	for(funcIt = calledFunctions.begin(); funcIt != calledFunctions.end(); funcIt++)
		if((*funcIt)->getStatus() == NOT_ANALYZED)


	status = ANALYZED;
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Creates an SgInitializedName.
SgInitializedName *
createInitName (const string& name, SgType* type,
                SgDeclarationStatement* decl,
                SgScopeStatement* scope,
                SgInitializer* init = 0)
  SgName sg_name (name.c_str ());

// DQ (2/24/2009): Added assertion.
  ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);
  SgInitializedName* new_name = buildInitializedName (sg_name, type);
  ROSE_ASSERT (new_name);
  // Insert symbol
  if (scope)
      SgVariableSymbol* new_sym = new SgVariableSymbol (new_name);
      scope->insert_symbol (sg_name, new_sym);

  return new_name;