Exemplo n.º 1
//Opens the output file.
//Reads the syntax tree generated by the parser. Using the tree, C++ code is generated.
void ClassBuilder::buildToFiles(const char *directory) 
	char fileName[MAX_PATH_LEN] = "";		//A temporary var to hold a string.
	char cppFileName[MAX_PATH_LEN] = "";	//Contains .cpp file name.
	char hFileName[MAX_PATH_LEN] = "";		//.h file name
	BigClassObject	*classdata = NULL;		//classData contains data for a class.

	while (true)		
		/*Each iteration of this loop generates one class.*/
		classdata = PParser.parseClass ();		//Get the next class. This method may need changing, in case you want to parse a different type of file.
		//classdata - PParser.parseProtegeFile(); //other type of parsing.
		if (classdata == NULL)	break;			//if there are no more classes, break out of loop.

		/*Get class name and it's parent's name.*/
		char *className = classdata->getClassName ();		//retrieve class name
		char *classIsA = classdata->getClassParent ();		//retrive class parent
		//char *classIsA = "Organ";		//Cutoff point at "Organ"? May change later. (2/4/2008), commeneted on (2/13/2008)
		//bool singletonClass = classdata->getSingletonStatus ();	//retrive class's singleton status (true or false)
		bool singletonClass = false; //make this FALSE if you don't want SINGLETON!!
		bool	classIsRoot = false;						//Is this class the root class?
		if (strcmp(classIsA,"USER") == 0)	classIsRoot = true;	//If the parent is "USER", then this class is the root.

		strncpy(fileName,directory,MAX_PATH_LEN);			//Configure the file name using a series of string manips.
		strncat(hFileName,".h",MAX_PATH_LEN);			//create the directory and file name
		strncat(cppFileName,".cpp",MAX_PATH_LEN);		//

		outHFile.open (hFileName);		//opens the .h file
		outCppFile.open (cppFileName);	//opens the .cpp file
										//begin writing to the HEADER file.
		/*Preprocessor. Headers, comments and macros.*/
		outHFile << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
		outHFile << "// " << className << endl;
		outHFile << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;

		outCppFile << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
		outCppFile << "// Implementation of " << className << endl;
		outCppFile << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
		outCppFile << "#include \"" << className << ".h\"" << endl;	//Include the header file which contains class declaration.

		outHFile << "#ifndef CLASS_" << className << endl;			//Macros to prevent redeclaration.
		outHFile << "#define CLASS_" << className << endl <<endl;

							//Include parent class.
		if (!classIsRoot)
			outHFile << "#include \"" << classIsA << ".h\"" << endl<<endl;

		if (classIsRoot)
			/*Includes <cstring> library for the root class.*/
			outHFile << "#include <cstring>" << endl;
			outHFile << "#include \"utilities.h\"" << endl;
			outHFile << "#include \"symbolDefs.h\"" << endl;

		/*Begin class declaration in header*/
		outHFile << "class " << className;

		if ( !classIsRoot )
			/*Defines inheritance, as long as the parent is a different class.*/
			outHFile << ": public " << classdata->getClassParent ();
		outHFile << "\n{\npublic:\n\t";		//print out public members.
		//This conditional decides if the class should be defined singleton or not.
		if (singletonClass == true)
			outHFile << "static " << className << " *getInstance();\n"; //singleton method
			//public Constructor.
			outHFile << className << "();\n";

		buildGetSetMethods(classdata);	//writes out get/set methods in the H file and CPP file.

		outHFile << "protected:\n\t";			//print out protected members.
		if (singletonClass == true)
			//protected constructor, if class is defined to be singleton.
			outHFile	<< className << "();\n";	
			//Singleton instance variable.
			outHFile << "\tstatic " << className << "* instance;\n";

		//Defines constructor in the .cpp file.
		outCppFile << className << "::" << className << "()\n{\n";

		buildSlots(classdata);					//print out private member slots.
											//also builds the constructor (this is done in the buildSlots function).
		outCppFile << "}\n\n";			//end constructor definition.
		outHFile << "};" << endl << endl;	//print out end of class.
		outHFile << "#endif";		
		//WE are done with the header file at this point.

		//Singleton method definition in the .cpp file.
		if (singletonClass == true)
			outCppFile << className << "*" << className << "::instance = NULL;\n\n";
			outCppFile << className << "* " << className << "::getInstance()\n{\n\t";
			outCppFile << "if (instance == NULL) \n \t\tinstance = new " << className << "();\n";
			outCppFile << "\telse\n \t\treturn instance;\n}\n";

		cout << "Parsed to file: " << hFileName << endl;
		outHFile.close ();					//close file
		delete	classdata;	//deletes the BigClassObject data structure to free memory.
		/*I do this because each time I call parseClass(), a new BigClassObject is generated. 
		The old one will still be somewhere in memory, unreferenced.*/
		classdata = NULL;
	}//end while loop

	writeEnumDefs(directory);		//write enum defs to file.

	PParser.closeFile();	//closes the protege file.
	cout << "Finished parsing all classes from the .pins file" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
Armature* BaseFactory::buildArmature(const std::string &armatureName, const std::string &skinName, const std::string &animationName, const std::string &dragonBonesName, const std::string &textureAtlasName) const
    DragonBonesData *dragonBonesData = nullptr;
    ArmatureData *armatureData = nullptr;
    ArmatureData *animationArmatureData = nullptr;
    SkinData *skinData = nullptr;
    SkinData *skinDataCopy = nullptr;
    if (!dragonBonesName.empty())
        auto iterator = _dragonBonesDataMap.find(dragonBonesName);
        if (iterator != _dragonBonesDataMap.end())
            dragonBonesData = iterator->second;
            armatureData = dragonBonesData->getArmatureData(armatureName);
            _currentDragonBonesDataName = dragonBonesName;
            _currentTextureAtlasName = textureAtlasName.empty() ? _currentDragonBonesDataName : textureAtlasName;
    if (!armatureData)
        AutoSearchType searchType = (dragonBonesName.empty() ? AutoSearchType::AST_ALL : (autoSearchDragonBonesData ? AutoSearchType::AST_AUTO : AutoSearchType::AST_NONE));
        if (searchType != AutoSearchType::AST_NONE)
            for (auto iterator = _dragonBonesDataMap.begin(); iterator != _dragonBonesDataMap.end(); ++iterator)
                dragonBonesData = iterator->second;
                if (searchType == AutoSearchType::AST_ALL || dragonBonesData->autoSearch)
                    armatureData = dragonBonesData->getArmatureData(armatureName);
                    if (armatureData)
                        _currentDragonBonesDataName = iterator->first;
                        _currentTextureAtlasName = _currentDragonBonesDataName;
    if (!armatureData)
        return nullptr;
    if (!animationName.empty() && animationName != armatureName)
        animationArmatureData = dragonBonesData->getArmatureData(animationName);
        if (!animationArmatureData)
            for (auto iterator = _dragonBonesDataMap.begin(); iterator != _dragonBonesDataMap.end(); ++iterator)
                dragonBonesData = iterator->second;
                animationArmatureData = dragonBonesData->getArmatureData(animationName);
                if (animationArmatureData)
        if (animationArmatureData)
            skinDataCopy = animationArmatureData->getSkinData("");
    skinData = armatureData->getSkinData(skinName);
    Armature *armature = generateArmature(armatureData);
    armature->name = armatureName;
    if (animationArmatureData)
    buildBones(armature, armatureData);
    if (skinData)
        buildSlots(armature, armatureData, skinData, skinDataCopy);
    // update armature pose
    return armature;