Exemplo n.º 1
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    if (!_entity) {

    _entity->setPosition(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset());

    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {

        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > LOOPS_FOR_SIMULATION_ORPHAN && usecTimestampNow() > _nextOwnershipBid) {
            //qDebug() << "Warning -- claiming something I saw moving." << getName();

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform()... changed entity:" << _entity->getEntityItemID();
        qCDebug(physics) << "       last edited:" << _entity->getLastEdited()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastEdited()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "    last simulated:" << _entity->getLastSimulated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastSimulated()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "      last updated:" << _entity->getLastUpdated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastUpdated()) << "ago";
Exemplo n.º 2
void MyCharacterController::getAvatarPositionAndOrientation(glm::vec3& position, glm::quat& rotation) const {
    if (_enabled && _rigidBody) {
        const btTransform& avatarTransform = _rigidBody->getWorldTransform();
        rotation = bulletToGLM(avatarTransform.getRotation());
        position = bulletToGLM(avatarTransform.getOrigin()) - rotation * _shapeLocalOffset;
Exemplo n.º 3
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    if (!_entity) {
    _entity->setPosition(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset());



    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {

        const uint32_t OWNERSHIP_BID_DELAY = 50;
        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > OWNERSHIP_BID_DELAY) {
            //qDebug() << "Warning -- claiming something I saw moving." << getName();
            _candidateForOwnership = true;
    } else {
        _loopsWithoutOwner = 0;

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform()... changed entity:" << _entity->getEntityItemID();
        qCDebug(physics) << "       last edited:" << _entity->getLastEdited() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastEdited()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "    last simulated:" << _entity->getLastSimulated() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastSimulated()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "      last updated:" << _entity->getLastUpdated() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastUpdated()) << "ago";
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CharacterController::getRigidBodyLocation(glm::vec3& avatarRigidBodyPosition, glm::quat& avatarRigidBodyRotation) {
    if (!_rigidBody) {
        return false;

    const btTransform& worldTrans = _rigidBody->getCenterOfMassTransform();
    avatarRigidBodyPosition = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset();
    avatarRigidBodyRotation = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation());
    return true;
void DynamicCharacterController::postSimulation() {
    if (_enabled && _rigidBody) {
        const btTransform& avatarTransform = _rigidBody->getWorldTransform();
        glm::quat rotation = bulletToGLM(avatarTransform.getRotation());
        glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(avatarTransform.getOrigin());

        _avatarData->nextAttitude(position - rotation * _shapeLocalOffset, rotation);
Exemplo n.º 6
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation frame...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    _entity->setPositionInMeters(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset());

    glm::vec3 v;

    // DANGER! EntityItem stores angularVelocity in degrees/sec!!!

    _outgoingPacketFlags = DIRTY_PHYSICS_FLAGS;
Exemplo n.º 7
glm::vec3 ObjectAction::getAngularVelocity() {
    auto rigidBody = getRigidBody();
    if (!rigidBody) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);
    return bulletToGLM(rigidBody->getAngularVelocity());
Exemplo n.º 8
glm::quat ObjectAction::getRotation() {
    auto rigidBody = getRigidBody();
    if (!rigidBody) {
        return glm::quat(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    return bulletToGLM(rigidBody->getOrientation());
Exemplo n.º 9
glm::vec3 ObjectAction::getPosition() {
    auto rigidBody = getRigidBody();
    if (!rigidBody) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);
    return bulletToGLM(rigidBody->getCenterOfMassPosition());
Exemplo n.º 10
glm::vec3 CharacterController::getFollowVelocity() const {
    if (_followTime > 0.0f) {
        return bulletToGLM(_followLinearDisplacement) / _followTime;
    } else {
        return glm::vec3();
Exemplo n.º 11
glm::vec3 MyCharacterController::getLinearVelocity() const {
    glm::vec3 velocity(0.0f);
    if (_rigidBody) {
        velocity = bulletToGLM(_rigidBody->getLinearVelocity());
    return velocity;
Exemplo n.º 12
CollisionEvents& PhysicsEngine::getCollisionEvents() {
    const uint32_t CONTINUE_EVENT_FILTER_FREQUENCY = 10;

    // scan known contacts and trigger events
    ContactMap::iterator contactItr = _contactMap.begin();

    while (contactItr != _contactMap.end()) {
        ContactInfo& contact = contactItr->second;
        ContactEventType type = contact.computeType(_numContactFrames);
            ObjectMotionState* motionStateA = static_cast<ObjectMotionState*>(contactItr->first._a);
            ObjectMotionState* motionStateB = static_cast<ObjectMotionState*>(contactItr->first._b);
            glm::vec3 velocityChange = (motionStateA ? motionStateA->getObjectLinearVelocityChange() : glm::vec3(0.0f)) +
                (motionStateB ? motionStateB->getObjectLinearVelocityChange() : glm::vec3(0.0f));

            if (motionStateA && motionStateA->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                QUuid idA = motionStateA->getObjectID();
                QUuid idB;
                if (motionStateB && motionStateB->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                    idB = motionStateB->getObjectID();
                glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(contact.getPositionWorldOnB()) + _originOffset;
                glm::vec3 penetration = bulletToGLM(contact.distance * contact.normalWorldOnB);
                _collisionEvents.push_back(Collision(type, idA, idB, position, penetration, velocityChange));
            } else if (motionStateB && motionStateB->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                QUuid idB = motionStateB->getObjectID();
                glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(contact.getPositionWorldOnA()) + _originOffset;
                // NOTE: we're flipping the order of A and B (so that the first objectID is never NULL)
                // hence we must negate the penetration.
                glm::vec3 penetration = - bulletToGLM(contact.distance * contact.normalWorldOnB);
                _collisionEvents.push_back(Collision(type, idB, QUuid(), position, penetration, velocityChange));

        if (type == CONTACT_EVENT_TYPE_END) {
            ContactMap::iterator iterToDelete = contactItr;
        } else {
    return _collisionEvents;
Exemplo n.º 13
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    if (!_entity) {

    bool positionSuccess;
    _entity->setPosition(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset(), positionSuccess, false);
    if (!positionSuccess) {
        static QString repeatedMessage =
            LogHandler::getInstance().addRepeatedMessageRegex("EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform "
                                                              "setPosition failed.*");
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform setPosition failed" << _entity->getID();
    bool orientationSuccess;
    _entity->setOrientation(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation()), orientationSuccess, false);
    if (!orientationSuccess) {
        static QString repeatedMessage =
            LogHandler::getInstance().addRepeatedMessageRegex("EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform "
                                                              "setOrientation failed.*");
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform setOrientation failed" << _entity->getID();

    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {
        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > LOOPS_FOR_SIMULATION_ORPHAN && usecTimestampNow() > _nextOwnershipBid) {

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform()... changed entity:" << _entity->getEntityItemID();
        qCDebug(physics) << "       last edited:" << _entity->getLastEdited()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastEdited()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "    last simulated:" << _entity->getLastSimulated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastSimulated()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "      last updated:" << _entity->getLastUpdated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastUpdated()) << "ago";
Exemplo n.º 14
void ObjectActionOffset::updateActionWorker(btScalar deltaTimeStep) {
    withTryReadLock([&] {
        auto ownerEntity = _ownerEntity.lock();
        if (!ownerEntity) {

        void* physicsInfo = ownerEntity->getPhysicsInfo();
        if (!physicsInfo) {

        ObjectMotionState* motionState = static_cast<ObjectMotionState*>(physicsInfo);
        btRigidBody* rigidBody = motionState->getRigidBody();
        if (!rigidBody) {
            qDebug() << "ObjectActionOffset::updateActionWorker no rigidBody";

        const float MAX_LINEAR_TIMESCALE = 600.0f;  // 10 minutes is a long time
        if (_positionalTargetSet && _linearTimeScale < MAX_LINEAR_TIMESCALE) {
            glm::vec3 objectPosition = bulletToGLM(rigidBody->getCenterOfMassPosition());
            glm::vec3 springAxis = objectPosition - _pointToOffsetFrom; // from anchor to object
            float distance = glm::length(springAxis);
            if (distance > FLT_EPSILON) {
                springAxis /= distance;  // normalize springAxis

                // compute (critically damped) target velocity of spring relaxation
                glm::vec3 offset = (distance - _linearDistance) * springAxis;
                glm::vec3 targetVelocity = (-1.0f / _linearTimeScale) * offset;

                // compute current velocity and its parallel component
                glm::vec3 currentVelocity = bulletToGLM(rigidBody->getLinearVelocity());
                glm::vec3 parallelVelocity = glm::dot(currentVelocity, springAxis) * springAxis;

                // we blend the parallel component with the spring's target velocity to get the new velocity
                float blend = deltaTimeStep / _linearTimeScale;
                if (blend > 1.0f) {
                    blend = 1.0f;
                rigidBody->setLinearVelocity(glmToBullet(currentVelocity + blend * (targetVelocity - parallelVelocity)));
Exemplo n.º 15
void EntityMotionState::resetMeasuredBodyAcceleration() {
    _lastMeasureStep = ObjectMotionState::getWorldSimulationStep();
    if (_body) {
        _lastVelocity = bulletToGLM(_body->getLinearVelocity());                                                        
    } else {
        _lastVelocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);
    _measuredAcceleration = glm::vec3(0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 16
void BulletUtilTests::fromBulletToGLM() {
    btVector3 bV(1.23f, 4.56f, 7.89f);
    glm::vec3 gV = bulletToGLM(bV);
    QCOMPARE(gV.x, bV.getX());
    QCOMPARE(gV.y, bV.getY());
    QCOMPARE(gV.z, bV.getZ());

    float angle = 0.317f * PI;
    btVector3 axis(1.23f, 2.34f, 3.45f);
    btQuaternion bQ(axis, angle);

    glm::quat gQ = bulletToGLM(bQ);
    QCOMPARE(gQ.x, bQ.getX());
    QCOMPARE(gQ.y, bQ.getY());
    QCOMPARE(gQ.z, bQ.getZ());
    QCOMPARE(gQ.w, bQ.getW());
Exemplo n.º 17
void CharacterController::playerStep(btCollisionWorld* dynaWorld, btScalar dt) {
    btVector3 velocity = _rigidBody->getLinearVelocity() - _parentVelocity;
    computeNewVelocity(dt, velocity);
    _rigidBody->setLinearVelocity(velocity + _parentVelocity);

    // Dynamicaly compute a follow velocity to move this body toward the _followDesiredBodyTransform.
    // Rather than add this velocity to velocity the RigidBody, we explicitly teleport the RigidBody towards its goal.
    // This mirrors the computation done in MyAvatar::FollowHelper::postPhysicsUpdate().

    const float MINIMUM_TIME_REMAINING = 0.005f;
    const float MAX_DISPLACEMENT = 0.5f * _radius;
    _followTimeRemaining -= dt;
    if (_followTimeRemaining >= MINIMUM_TIME_REMAINING) {
        btTransform bodyTransform = _rigidBody->getWorldTransform();

        btVector3 startPos = bodyTransform.getOrigin();
        btVector3 deltaPos = _followDesiredBodyTransform.getOrigin() - startPos;
        btVector3 vel = deltaPos / _followTimeRemaining;
        btVector3 linearDisplacement = clampLength(vel * dt, MAX_DISPLACEMENT);  // clamp displacement to prevent tunneling.
        btVector3 endPos = startPos + linearDisplacement;

        btQuaternion startRot = bodyTransform.getRotation();
        glm::vec2 currentFacing = getFacingDir2D(bulletToGLM(startRot));
        glm::vec2 currentRight(currentFacing.y, -currentFacing.x);
        glm::vec2 desiredFacing = getFacingDir2D(bulletToGLM(_followDesiredBodyTransform.getRotation()));
        float deltaAngle = acosf(glm::clamp(glm::dot(currentFacing, desiredFacing), -1.0f, 1.0f));
        float angularSpeed = deltaAngle / _followTimeRemaining;
        float sign = copysignf(1.0f, glm::dot(desiredFacing, currentRight));
        btQuaternion angularDisplacement = btQuaternion(btVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), sign * angularSpeed * dt);
        btQuaternion endRot = angularDisplacement * startRot;

        // in order to accumulate displacement of avatar position, we need to take _shapeLocalOffset into account.
        btVector3 shapeLocalOffset = glmToBullet(_shapeLocalOffset);
        btVector3 swingDisplacement = rotateVector(endRot, -shapeLocalOffset) - rotateVector(startRot, -shapeLocalOffset);

        _followLinearDisplacement = linearDisplacement + swingDisplacement + _followLinearDisplacement;
        _followAngularDisplacement = angularDisplacement * _followAngularDisplacement;

        _rigidBody->setWorldTransform(btTransform(endRot, endPos));
    _followTime += dt;
Exemplo n.º 18
glm::vec3 ObjectMotionState::getBodyLinearVelocity() const {
    // returns the body's velocity unless it is moving too slow in which case returns zero
    btVector3 velocity = _body->getLinearVelocity();

    // NOTE: the threshold to use here relates to the linear displacement threshold (dX) for sending updates
    // to objects that are tracked server-side (e.g. entities which use dX = 2mm).  Hence an object moving 
    // just under this velocity threshold would trigger an update about V/dX times per second.
    const float MIN_LINEAR_SPEED_SQUARED = 0.0036f; // 6 mm/sec
    if (velocity.length2() < MIN_LINEAR_SPEED_SQUARED) {
        velocity *= 0.0f;
    return bulletToGLM(velocity);
Exemplo n.º 19
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and ACTIVE.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {

    // If transform or velocities are flagged as dirty it means a network or scripted change
    // occured between the beginning and end of the stepSimulation() and we DON'T want to apply
    // these physics simulation results.
    uint32_t flags = _entity->getDirtyFlags() & (Simulation::DIRTY_TRANSFORM | Simulation::DIRTY_VELOCITIES);
    if (!flags) {
        // flags are clear
        _entity->setWorldTransform(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()), bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation()));
    } else {
        // only set properties NOT flagged
        if (!(flags & Simulation::DIRTY_TRANSFORM)) {
            _entity->setWorldTransform(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()), bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation()));
        if (!(flags & Simulation::DIRTY_LINEAR_VELOCITY)) {
        if (!(flags & Simulation::DIRTY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY)) {
        if (flags != (Simulation::DIRTY_TRANSFORM | Simulation::DIRTY_VELOCITIES)) {

    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {
        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > LOOPS_FOR_SIMULATION_ORPHAN && usecTimestampNow() > _nextBidExpiry) {
            _bumpedPriority = glm::max(_bumpedPriority, VOLUNTEER_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
Exemplo n.º 20
void EntityMotionState::measureBodyAcceleration() {
    // try to manually measure the true acceleration of the object
    uint32_t thisStep = ObjectMotionState::getWorldSimulationStep();
    uint32_t numSubsteps = thisStep - _lastMeasureStep;
    if (numSubsteps > 0) {
        float dt = ((float)numSubsteps * PHYSICS_ENGINE_FIXED_SUBSTEP);
        float invDt = 1.0f / dt;
        _lastMeasureStep = thisStep;

        // Note: the integration equation for velocity uses damping:   v1 = (v0 + a * dt) * (1 - D)^dt
        // hence the equation for acceleration is: a = (v1 / (1 - D)^dt - v0) / dt
        glm::vec3 velocity = bulletToGLM(_body->getLinearVelocity());
        _measuredAcceleration = (velocity / powf(1.0f - _body->getLinearDamping(), dt) - _lastVelocity) * invDt;
        _lastVelocity = velocity;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool EntityMotionState::remoteSimulationOutOfSync(uint32_t simulationStep) {
    // if we've never checked before, our _lastStep will be 0, and we need to initialize our state
    if (_lastStep == 0) {
        btTransform xform = _body->getWorldTransform();
        _serverPosition = bulletToGLM(xform.getOrigin());
        _serverRotation = bulletToGLM(xform.getRotation());
        _serverVelocity = getBodyLinearVelocityGTSigma();
        _serverAngularVelocity = bulletToGLM(_body->getAngularVelocity());
        _lastStep = simulationStep;
        _serverActionData = _entity->getActionData();
        _sentInactive = true;
        return false;

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
    glm::vec3 wasPosition = _serverPosition;
    glm::quat wasRotation = _serverRotation;
    glm::vec3 wasAngularVelocity = _serverAngularVelocity;

    int numSteps = simulationStep - _lastStep;
    float dt = (float)(numSteps) * PHYSICS_ENGINE_FIXED_SUBSTEP;

    const float INACTIVE_UPDATE_PERIOD = 0.5f;
    if (_sentInactive) {
        // we resend the inactive update every INACTIVE_UPDATE_PERIOD
        // until it is removed from the outgoing updates
        // (which happens when we don't own the simulation and it isn't touching our simulation)
        return (dt > INACTIVE_UPDATE_PERIOD);

    bool isActive = _body->isActive();
    if (!isActive) {
        // object has gone inactive but our last send was moving --> send non-moving update immediately
        return true;

    _lastStep = simulationStep;
    if (glm::length2(_serverVelocity) > 0.0f) {
        _serverVelocity += _serverAcceleration * dt;
        _serverVelocity *= powf(1.0f - _body->getLinearDamping(), dt);
        _serverPosition += dt * _serverVelocity;

    if (_entity->actionDataNeedsTransmit()) {
        return true;

    if (_entity->shouldSuppressLocationEdits()) {
        return false;

    // Else we measure the error between current and extrapolated transform (according to expected behavior
    // of remote EntitySimulation) and return true if the error is significant.

    // NOTE: math is done in the simulation-frame, which is NOT necessarily the same as the world-frame
    // due to _worldOffset.
    // TODO: compensate for _worldOffset offset here

    // compute position error

    btTransform worldTrans = _body->getWorldTransform();
    glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin());

    float dx2 = glm::distance2(position, _serverPosition);

    const float MAX_POSITION_ERROR_SQUARED = 0.000004f; //  Sqrt() - corresponds to 2 millimeters

        #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
            qCDebug(physics) << ".... (dx2 > MAX_POSITION_ERROR_SQUARED) ....";
            qCDebug(physics) << "wasPosition:" << wasPosition;
            qCDebug(physics) << "bullet position:" << position;
            qCDebug(physics) << "_serverPosition:" << _serverPosition;
            qCDebug(physics) << "dx2:" << dx2;

        return true;

    if (glm::length2(_serverAngularVelocity) > 0.0f) {
        // compute rotation error
        float attenuation = powf(1.0f - _body->getAngularDamping(), dt);
        _serverAngularVelocity *= attenuation;

        // Bullet caps the effective rotation velocity inside its rotation integration step, therefore
        // we must integrate with the same algorithm and timestep in order achieve similar results.
        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; ++i) {
            _serverRotation = glm::normalize(computeBulletRotationStep(_serverAngularVelocity,
                                                                       PHYSICS_ENGINE_FIXED_SUBSTEP) * _serverRotation);
    const float MIN_ROTATION_DOT = 0.99999f; // This corresponds to about 0.5 degrees of rotation
    glm::quat actualRotation = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation());

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        if ((fabsf(glm::dot(actualRotation, _serverRotation)) < MIN_ROTATION_DOT)) {
            qCDebug(physics) << ".... ((fabsf(glm::dot(actualRotation, _serverRotation)) < MIN_ROTATION_DOT)) ....";

            qCDebug(physics) << "wasAngularVelocity:" << wasAngularVelocity;
            qCDebug(physics) << "_serverAngularVelocity:" << _serverAngularVelocity;

            qCDebug(physics) << "length wasAngularVelocity:" << glm::length(wasAngularVelocity);
            qCDebug(physics) << "length _serverAngularVelocity:" << glm::length(_serverAngularVelocity);

            qCDebug(physics) << "wasRotation:" << wasRotation;
            qCDebug(physics) << "bullet actualRotation:" << actualRotation;
            qCDebug(physics) << "_serverRotation:" << _serverRotation;

    return (fabsf(glm::dot(actualRotation, _serverRotation)) < MIN_ROTATION_DOT);
Exemplo n.º 22
glm::quat CharacterController::getFollowAngularDisplacement() const {
    return bulletToGLM(_followAngularDisplacement);
Exemplo n.º 23
void ObjectMotionState::getVelocity(glm::vec3& velocityOut) const {
    velocityOut = bulletToGLM(_body->getLinearVelocity());
Exemplo n.º 24
void CharacterController::playerStep(btCollisionWorld* dynaWorld, btScalar dt) {

    const btScalar MIN_SPEED = 0.001f;

    btVector3 actualVelocity = _rigidBody->getLinearVelocity();
    if (actualVelocity.length() < MIN_SPEED) {
        actualVelocity = btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    btVector3 desiredVelocity = _walkVelocity;
    if (desiredVelocity.length() < MIN_SPEED) {
        desiredVelocity = btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // decompose into horizontal and vertical components.
    btVector3 actualVertVelocity = actualVelocity.dot(_currentUp) * _currentUp;
    btVector3 actualHorizVelocity = actualVelocity - actualVertVelocity;
    btVector3 desiredVertVelocity = desiredVelocity.dot(_currentUp) * _currentUp;
    btVector3 desiredHorizVelocity = desiredVelocity - desiredVertVelocity;

    btVector3 finalVelocity;

    switch (_state) {
    case State::Ground:
    case State::Takeoff:
            // horizontal ground control
            const btScalar WALK_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE = 0.1f;
            btScalar tau = dt / WALK_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE;
            finalVelocity = tau * desiredHorizVelocity + (1.0f - tau) * actualHorizVelocity + actualVertVelocity;
    case State::InAir:
            // horizontal air control
            const btScalar IN_AIR_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE = 2.0f;
            btScalar tau = dt / IN_AIR_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE;
            finalVelocity = tau * desiredHorizVelocity + (1.0f - tau) * actualHorizVelocity + actualVertVelocity;
    case State::Hover:
            // vertical and horizontal air control
            const btScalar FLY_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE = 0.2f;
            btScalar tau = dt / FLY_ACCELERATION_TIMESCALE;
            finalVelocity = tau * desiredVelocity + (1.0f - tau) * actualVelocity;


    // Dynamicaly compute a follow velocity to move this body toward the _followDesiredBodyTransform.
    // Rather then add this velocity to velocity the RigidBody, we explicitly teleport the RigidBody towards its goal.
    // This mirrors the computation done in MyAvatar::FollowHelper::postPhysicsUpdate().

    const float MINIMUM_TIME_REMAINING = 0.005f;
    const float MAX_DISPLACEMENT = 0.5f * _radius;
    _followTimeRemaining -= dt;
    if (_followTimeRemaining >= MINIMUM_TIME_REMAINING) {
        btTransform bodyTransform = _rigidBody->getWorldTransform();

        btVector3 startPos = bodyTransform.getOrigin();
        btVector3 deltaPos = _followDesiredBodyTransform.getOrigin() - startPos;
        btVector3 vel = deltaPos / _followTimeRemaining;
        btVector3 linearDisplacement = clampLength(vel * dt, MAX_DISPLACEMENT);  // clamp displacement to prevent tunneling.
        btVector3 endPos = startPos + linearDisplacement;

        btQuaternion startRot = bodyTransform.getRotation();
        glm::vec2 currentFacing = getFacingDir2D(bulletToGLM(startRot));
        glm::vec2 currentRight(currentFacing.y, -currentFacing.x);
        glm::vec2 desiredFacing = getFacingDir2D(bulletToGLM(_followDesiredBodyTransform.getRotation()));
        float deltaAngle = acosf(glm::clamp(glm::dot(currentFacing, desiredFacing), -1.0f, 1.0f));
        float angularSpeed = deltaAngle / _followTimeRemaining;
        float sign = copysignf(1.0f, glm::dot(desiredFacing, currentRight));
        btQuaternion angularDisplacement = btQuaternion(btVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), sign * angularSpeed * dt);
        btQuaternion endRot = angularDisplacement * startRot;

        // in order to accumulate displacement of avatar position, we need to take _shapeLocalOffset into account.
        btVector3 shapeLocalOffset = glmToBullet(_shapeLocalOffset);
        btVector3 swingDisplacement = rotateVector(endRot, -shapeLocalOffset) - rotateVector(startRot, -shapeLocalOffset);

        _followLinearDisplacement = linearDisplacement + swingDisplacement + _followLinearDisplacement;
        _followAngularDisplacement = angularDisplacement * _followAngularDisplacement;

        _rigidBody->setWorldTransform(btTransform(endRot, endPos));
    _followTime += dt;
Exemplo n.º 25
void CharacterController::computeNewVelocity(btScalar dt, glm::vec3& velocity) {
    btVector3 btVelocity = glmToBullet(velocity);
    computeNewVelocity(dt, btVelocity);
    velocity = bulletToGLM(btVelocity);
Exemplo n.º 26
glm::vec3 CharacterController::getVelocityChange() const {
    if (_rigidBody) {
        return bulletToGLM(_velocityChange);
    return glm::vec3(0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 27
const btCollisionShape* ShapeFactory::createShapeFromInfo(const ShapeInfo& info) {
    btCollisionShape* shape = NULL;
    int type = info.getType();
    switch(type) {
        case SHAPE_TYPE_BOX: {
            shape = new btBoxShape(glmToBullet(info.getHalfExtents()));
        case SHAPE_TYPE_SPHERE: {
            glm::vec3 halfExtents = info.getHalfExtents();
            float radius = glm::max(halfExtents.x, glm::max(halfExtents.y, halfExtents.z));
            shape = new btSphereShape(radius);
        case SHAPE_TYPE_ELLIPSOID: {
            glm::vec3 halfExtents = info.getHalfExtents();
            float radius = halfExtents.x;
            const float MIN_RADIUS = 0.001f;
            const float MIN_RELATIVE_SPHERICAL_ERROR = 0.001f;
            if (radius > MIN_RADIUS
                    && fabsf(radius - halfExtents.y) / radius < MIN_RELATIVE_SPHERICAL_ERROR
                    && fabsf(radius - halfExtents.z) / radius < MIN_RELATIVE_SPHERICAL_ERROR) {
                // close enough to true sphere
                shape = new btSphereShape(radius);
            } else {
                ShapeInfo::PointList points;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_UNIT_SPHERE_DIRECTIONS; ++i) {
                    points.push_back(bulletToGLM(_unitSphereDirections[i]) * halfExtents);
                shape = createConvexHull(points);
        case SHAPE_TYPE_CAPSULE_Y: {
            glm::vec3 halfExtents = info.getHalfExtents();
            float radius = halfExtents.x;
            float height = 2.0f * halfExtents.y;
            shape = new btCapsuleShape(radius, height);
        case SHAPE_TYPE_SIMPLE_HULL: {
            const ShapeInfo::PointCollection& pointCollection = info.getPointCollection();
            uint32_t numSubShapes = info.getNumSubShapes();
            if (numSubShapes == 1) {
                shape = createConvexHull(pointCollection[0]);
            } else {
                auto compound = new btCompoundShape();
                btTransform trans;
                foreach (const ShapeInfo::PointList& hullPoints, pointCollection) {
                    btConvexHullShape* hull = createConvexHull(hullPoints);
                    compound->addChildShape(trans, hull);
                shape = compound;
            const ShapeInfo::PointCollection& pointCollection = info.getPointCollection();
            const ShapeInfo::TriangleIndices& triangleIndices = info.getTriangleIndices();
            uint32_t numIndices = triangleIndices.size();
            uint32_t numMeshes = info.getNumSubShapes();
            if (numMeshes > 0 && numIndices > MIN_NUM_SIMPLE_COMPOUND_INDICES) {
                uint32_t i = 0;
                std::vector<btConvexHullShape*> hulls;
                for (auto& points : pointCollection) {
                    // build a hull around each part
                    while (i < numIndices) {
                        ShapeInfo::PointList hullPoints;
                        while (i < numIndices) {
                            int32_t j = triangleIndices[i];
                            if (j == END_OF_MESH_PART) {
                                // end of part
                        if (hullPoints.size() > 0) {
                            btConvexHullShape* hull = createConvexHull(hullPoints);

                        assert(i < numIndices);
                        if (triangleIndices[i] == END_OF_MESH) {
                            // end of mesh
                uint32_t numHulls = (uint32_t)hulls.size();
                if (numHulls == 1) {
                    shape = hulls[0];
                } else {
                    auto compound = new btCompoundShape();
                    btTransform trans;
                    for (auto hull : hulls) {
                        compound->addChildShape(trans, hull);
                    shape = compound;
        case SHAPE_TYPE_STATIC_MESH: {
            btTriangleIndexVertexArray* dataArray = createStaticMeshArray(info);
            if (dataArray) {
                shape = new StaticMeshShape(dataArray);
Exemplo n.º 28
glm::vec3 CharacterController::getFollowLinearDisplacement() const {
    return bulletToGLM(_followLinearDisplacement);
Exemplo n.º 29
void ObjectMotionState::getAngularVelocity(glm::vec3& angularVelocityOut) const {
    angularVelocityOut = bulletToGLM(_body->getAngularVelocity());
Exemplo n.º 30
bool ObjectMotionState::shouldSendUpdate(uint32_t simulationFrame) {
    // if we've never checked before, our _sentFrame will be 0, and we need to initialize our state
    if (_sentFrame == 0) {
        _sentPosition = bulletToGLM(_body->getWorldTransform().getOrigin());
        _sentVelocity = bulletToGLM(_body->getLinearVelocity());
        _sentAngularVelocity = bulletToGLM(_body->getAngularVelocity());
        _sentFrame = simulationFrame;
        return false;

    float dt = (float)(simulationFrame - _sentFrame) * PHYSICS_ENGINE_FIXED_SUBSTEP;
    _sentFrame = simulationFrame;
    bool isActive = _body->isActive();

    if (!isActive) {
        if (_sentMoving) { 
            // this object just went inactive so send an update immediately
            return true;
        } else {
            const float NON_MOVING_UPDATE_PERIOD = 1.0f;
            if (dt > NON_MOVING_UPDATE_PERIOD && _numNonMovingUpdates < MAX_NUM_NON_MOVING_UPDATES) {
                // RELIABLE_SEND_HACK: since we're not yet using a reliable method for non-moving update packets we repeat these
                // at a faster rate than the MAX period above, and only send a limited number of them.
                return true;

    // Else we measure the error between current and extrapolated transform (according to expected behavior 
    // of remote EntitySimulation) and return true if the error is significant.

    // NOTE: math in done the simulation-frame, which is NOT necessarily the same as the world-frame 
    // due to _worldOffset.

    // compute position error
    if (glm::length2(_sentVelocity) > 0.0f) {
        _sentVelocity += _sentAcceleration * dt;
        _sentVelocity *= powf(1.0f - _linearDamping, dt);
        _sentPosition += dt * _sentVelocity;

    btTransform worldTrans = _body->getWorldTransform();
    glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin());
    float dx2 = glm::distance2(position, _sentPosition);
    const float MAX_POSITION_ERROR_SQUARED = 0.001f; // 0.001 m^2 ~~> 0.03 m
        return true;

    if (glm::length2(_sentAngularVelocity) > 0.0f) {
        // compute rotation error
        _sentAngularVelocity *= powf(1.0f - _angularDamping, dt);
        float spin = glm::length(_sentAngularVelocity);
        const float MIN_SPIN = 1.0e-4f;
        if (spin > MIN_SPIN) {
            glm::vec3 axis = _sentAngularVelocity / spin;
            _sentRotation = glm::normalize(glm::angleAxis(dt * spin, axis) * _sentRotation);
    const float MIN_ROTATION_DOT = 0.98f;
    glm::quat actualRotation = bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getRotation());
    return (fabsf(glm::dot(actualRotation, _sentRotation)) < MIN_ROTATION_DOT);