Exemplo n.º 1
static int test_answer(const struct ccdigest_info *di, test_vector *vector, void*answer) {
    uint8_t *correct_answer = NULL;
    if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD2)) correct_answer = vector->md2_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD4)) correct_answer = vector->md4_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD5)) correct_answer = vector->md5_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA1)) correct_answer = vector->sha1_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA224)) correct_answer = vector->sha224_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA256)) correct_answer = vector->sha256_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA384)) correct_answer = vector->sha384_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA512)) correct_answer = vector->sha512_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD128)) correct_answer = vector->rmd128_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD160)) correct_answer = vector->rmd160_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD256)) correct_answer = vector->rmd256_answer;
    else correct_answer = vector->rmd320_answer; // hack
    byteBuffer answer_bb = bytesToBytes(answer, di->output_size);
    if(correct_answer == NULL) {
        printByteBuffer(answer_bb, "Answer Provided");
        return 1;
    byteBuffer correct_answer_bb = hexStringToBytes((char *) correct_answer);
    ok(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb), "compare memory of answer");
    if(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb) == 0) {
        printByteBuffer(correct_answer_bb, "Correct Answer");
        printByteBuffer(answer_bb, "Provided Answer");
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int test_discreet(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc, char *mode_name, test_vector *vector) {

    uint8_t answer[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
    uint8_t ctxfrontguard[4096];
    cccmac_mode_decl(cbc, cmac);
    uint8_t ctxrearguard[4096];
    memset(ctxfrontguard, 0xee, 4096);
    memset(ctxrearguard, 0xee, 4096);
    byteBuffer key = hexStringToBytes(vector->keyStr);
    byteBuffer in = hexStringToBytes(vector->inStr);
    size_t nblocks = in->len/CMAC_BLOCKSIZE;
    size_t partial = in->len%CMAC_BLOCKSIZE;
    uint8_t *data = in->bytes;
    if(nblocks < 2) nblocks = 0; // must have >= 1 block for final
    else if(!partial) nblocks--; // have to have data for final
    cccmac_init(cbc, cmac, key->bytes);
    ok(guard_ok(ctxfrontguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    ok(guard_ok(ctxrearguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    byteBuffer correct_answer_k1 = hexStringToBytes(vector->k1Str);
    byteBuffer correct_answer_k2 = hexStringToBytes(vector->k2Str);
    byteBuffer answer_k1 = bytesToBytes(cccmac_k1(cmac), 16);
    byteBuffer answer_k2 = bytesToBytes(cccmac_k2(cmac), 16);
    showBytesAreEqual(correct_answer_k1, answer_k1, "Subkey K1 is correct");
    showBytesAreEqual(correct_answer_k2, answer_k2, "Subkey K2 is correct");

    for(size_t i=0; i<nblocks; i++) {
        cccmac_block_update(cbc, cmac, 1, data);
    ok(guard_ok(ctxfrontguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    ok(guard_ok(ctxrearguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    cccmac_final(cbc, cmac, in->len - nblocks * CMAC_BLOCKSIZE, data, answer);
    ok(guard_ok(ctxfrontguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    ok(guard_ok(ctxrearguard, 0xee, 4096), "context is safe");
    ok(test_answer(mode_name, vector, answer, "discreet calls"), "check answer");
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int test_answer(char *mode_name, test_vector *vector, void*answer, char *test_type) {
    byteBuffer answer_bb = bytesToBytes(answer, CMAC_BLOCKSIZE);
    if(vector->outStr == NULL) {
        diag("/* CMAC-128 test %d */", vector->cnt);
        diag("\t\t\"%s\",\n", bytesToHexString(answer_bb));
        return 1;
    byteBuffer correct_answer_bb = hexStringToBytes((char *) vector->outStr);
    ok(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb), "compare memory of answer");
    if(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb) == 0) {
        diag("Failed Test (%d) for CMAC-128-%s %s\n", vector->cnt, mode_name, test_type);
        printByteBuffer(correct_answer_bb, "Correct Answer");
        printByteBuffer(answer_bb, "Provided Answer");
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
int CommonEC(int argc, char *const *argv) {
	CCCryptorStatus retval;
    size_t keysize;
    CCECCryptorRef publicKey, privateKey;
    CCECCryptorRef publicKey2;
    // byteBuffer keydata, dekeydata;
    byteBuffer hash;
    char encryptedKey[8192];
    size_t encryptedKeyLen = 8192;
    // char decryptedKey[8192];
    // size_t decryptedKeyLen = 8192;
    char signature[8192];
    size_t signatureLen = 8192;
    char importexport[8192];
    size_t importexportLen = 8192;
    uint32_t valid;
    int accum = 0;
    int debug = 0;
    keysize = 256;
    retval = CCECCryptorGeneratePair(keysize, &publicKey, &privateKey);
    if(debug) printf("Keys Generated\n");
    ok(retval == 0, "Generate an EC Key Pair");
	accum |= retval;

#ifdef ECDH
    keydata = hexStringToBytes("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
    retval = CCECCryptorWrapKey(publicKey, keydata->bytes, keydata->len, encryptedKey, &encryptedKeyLen, kCCDigestSHA1);
    ok(retval == 0, "Wrap Key Data with EC Encryption - ccPKCS1Padding");
    accum |= retval;
    retval = CCECCryptorUnwrapKey(privateKey, encryptedKey, encryptedKeyLen,
                        decryptedKey, &decryptedKeyLen);
    ok(retval == 0, "Unwrap Key Data with EC Encryption - ccPKCS1Padding");
    accum |= retval;

	dekeydata = bytesToBytes(decryptedKey, decryptedKeyLen);
	ok(bytesAreEqual(dekeydata, keydata), "Round Trip CCECCryptorWrapKey/CCECCryptorUnwrapKey");
    accum |= retval;

    hash = hexStringToBytes("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");

    retval = CCECCryptorSignHash(privateKey, 
                     hash->bytes, hash->len,
                     signature, &signatureLen);
    ok(retval == 0, "EC Signing");
    valid = 0;
    accum |= retval;
    if(debug) printf("Signing Complete\n");
    retval = CCECCryptorVerifyHash(publicKey,
                       hash->bytes, hash->len, 
                       signature, signatureLen, &valid);
    ok(retval == 0, "EC Verifying");
    accum |= retval;
	ok(valid, "EC Validity");
    accum |= retval;
    if(debug) printf("Verify Complete\n");
    // Mess with the sig - see what happens
    signature[signatureLen-3] += 3;
    retval = CCECCryptorVerifyHash(publicKey,
                                   hash->bytes, hash->len, 
                                   signature, signatureLen, &valid);
    ok(retval == 0, "EC Verifying");
    accum |= retval;
	ok(!valid, "EC Invalid Signature");
    accum |= retval;
    if(debug) printf("Verify2 Complete\n");
    encryptedKeyLen = 8192;
	retval = CCECCryptorExportPublicKey(publicKey, importexport, &importexportLen);
    ok(retval == 0, "EC Export Public Key");
    accum |= retval;

    retval = CCECCryptorImportPublicKey(importexport, importexportLen, &publicKey2);
    ok(retval == 0, "EC Import Public Key");
    accum |= retval;
	encryptedKeyLen = 8192;
    retval = CCECCryptorComputeSharedSecret(privateKey, publicKey, encryptedKey, &encryptedKeyLen);

    ok(retval == 0, "EC Shared Secret");
    accum |= retval;

    return accum;