TYPED_TEST(FilterMapImplTest, TestUnpaddingSimple) {

  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
  FillerParameter filler_param;
  ConstantFiller<Dtype> filler(filler_param);
  vector<int> testshape(3);
  testshape[0] = 3;
  testshape[1] = 5;
  testshape[2] = 5;
  Blob<Dtype> testBlob(testshape), ref_out, impl_out, diff;
  ref_unpadding(&testBlob, &ref_out, 1);
  impl_unpadding(&testBlob, &impl_out, 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(diff.asum_data(), 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
	void DepthLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
		const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
			int count = bottom[0]->count();
			Dtype* bottom0_log = new Dtype(count);
			Dtype* bootom1_log = new Dtype(count);

			//compute log for Y and Y*
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				bottom0_log[i] = log(bottom[0]->cpu_data()[i]);
				bootom1_log[i] = log(bottom[0]->cpu_data()[i]);

			//compute logY - logY*

			//part1 of Loss
			Dtype dot = caffe_cpu_dot(count, diff_.cpu_data(), diff_.cpu_data());
			//part2 of Loss
			Dtype log_sum = Dtype(0);
			Dtype* diff_data = diff_.mutable_cpu_data();
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				log_sum += diff_data[i];

			//double gamma = 0.5;
			Dtype loss = dot / bottom[0]->num() - gamma * log_sum * log_sum / bottom[0]->num() / bottom[0]->num();

			top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;

			//free memory space
			delete bottom0_log;
			delete bootom1_log;
TYPED_TEST(FilterMapImplTest, TestUnpadding) {

  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
  vector<int> dim1, dim2;
  dim1.push_back(40);  dim2.push_back(50);
  dim1.push_back(50);  dim2.push_back(40);

  vector<int> padding_size;
  FillerParameter filler_param;
  GaussianFiller<Dtype> filler(filler_param);
  for (int ishape = 0; ishape < dim1.size(); ++ishape) {
    for (int ips = 0; ips < padding_size.size(); ++ips) {
      vector<int> testshape(3);
      testshape[0] = 3;
      testshape[1] = dim1[ishape];
      testshape[2] = dim2[ishape];
      Blob<Dtype> testBlob(testshape), ref_out, impl_out, diff;
      ref_unpadding(&testBlob, &ref_out, padding_size[ips]);
      impl_unpadding(&testBlob, &impl_out, padding_size[ips]);
      EXPECT_NEAR(diff.asum_data(), 0, 1e-7*diff.count());
Exemplo n.º 4
Dtype VoxelCustomLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
        vector<Blob<Dtype>*>* top) {
    int count = bottom[0]->count();

    Dtype loss = Dtype(0);
    const Dtype *truth = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
    Dtype *diff = diff_.mutable_cpu_data();
    for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
        if (diff[i]<Dtype(-1))
            diff[i] = Dtype(-1);
        if (diff[i]>Dtype(1))
            diff[i] = Dtype(1);
        if (fabs(diff[i])>1)
            loss += fabs(diff[i]);
            loss += diff[i]*diff[i];
    return (loss / count);
void SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top, const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  if (propagate_down[1]) {
    LOG(FATAL) << this->type()
               << " Layer cannot backpropagate to label inputs.";
  if (propagate_down[0]) {
    // First, compute the diff
    const int_tp count = bottom[0]->count();
    const int_tp num = bottom[0]->num();
    const Dtype* sigmoid_output_data = sigmoid_output_->cpu_data();
    const Dtype* target = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
    Dtype* bottom_diff = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
    caffe_sub(count, sigmoid_output_data, target, bottom_diff);
    if (bottom.size()==3) {
        const Dtype* mask = bottom[2]->cpu_data();
        caffe_mul(count, bottom_diff, mask, bottom_diff);
    // Scale down gradient
    const Dtype loss_weight = top[0]->cpu_diff()[0];
    caffe_scal(count, loss_weight / num, bottom_diff);
Exemplo n.º 6
void ContrastiveLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  int count = bottom[0]->count();
      bottom[0]->cpu_data(),  // a
      bottom[1]->cpu_data(),  // b
      diff_.mutable_cpu_data());  // a_i-b_i
  const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();
  Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.contrastive_loss_param().margin();
  Dtype loss(0.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i) {
    dist_sq_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = caffe_cpu_dot(channels,
        diff_.cpu_data() + (i*channels), diff_.cpu_data() + (i*channels));
    if (static_cast<int>(bottom[2]->cpu_data()[i])) {  // similar pairs
      loss += dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i];
    } else {  // dissimilar pairs
      loss += std::max(margin-dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i], Dtype(0.0));
  loss = loss / static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[0]->num()) / Dtype(2);
  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;
Exemplo n.º 7
void DataTransformer<Dtype>::Transform(Blob<Dtype>* input_blob,
                                       Blob<Dtype>* transformed_blob) {
  const int crop_size = param_.crop_size();
  const int input_num = input_blob->num();
  const int input_channels = input_blob->channels();
  const int input_height = input_blob->height();
  const int input_width = input_blob->width();

  if (transformed_blob->count() == 0) {
    // Initialize transformed_blob with the right shape.
    if (crop_size) {
      transformed_blob->Reshape(input_num, input_channels,
                                crop_size, crop_size);
    } else {
      transformed_blob->Reshape(input_num, input_channels,
                                input_height, input_width);

  const int num = transformed_blob->num();
  const int channels = transformed_blob->channels();
  const int height = transformed_blob->height();
  const int width = transformed_blob->width();
  const int size = transformed_blob->count();

  CHECK_LE(input_num, num);
  CHECK_EQ(input_channels, channels);
  CHECK_GE(input_height, height);
  CHECK_GE(input_width, width);

  const Dtype scale = param_.scale();
  const bool do_mirror = param_.mirror() && Rand(2);
  const bool has_mean_file = param_.has_mean_file();
  const bool has_mean_values = mean_values_.size() > 0;

  int h_off = 0;
  int w_off = 0;
  if (crop_size) {
    CHECK_EQ(crop_size, height);
    CHECK_EQ(crop_size, width);
    // We only do random crop when we do training.
    if (phase_ == TRAIN) {
      h_off = Rand(input_height - crop_size + 1);
      w_off = Rand(input_width - crop_size + 1);
    } else {
      h_off = (input_height - crop_size) / 2;
      w_off = (input_width - crop_size) / 2;
  } else {
    CHECK_EQ(input_height, height);
    CHECK_EQ(input_width, width);

  Dtype* input_data = input_blob->mutable_cpu_data();
  if (has_mean_file) {
    CHECK_EQ(input_channels, data_mean_.channels());
    CHECK_EQ(input_height, data_mean_.height());
    CHECK_EQ(input_width, data_mean_.width());
    for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
      int offset = input_blob->offset(n);
      caffe_sub(data_mean_.count(), input_data + offset,
            data_mean_.cpu_data(), input_data + offset);

  if (has_mean_values) {
    CHECK(mean_values_.size() == 1 || mean_values_.size() == input_channels) <<
     "Specify either 1 mean_value or as many as channels: " << input_channels;
    if (mean_values_.size() == 1) {
      caffe_add_scalar(input_blob->count(), -(mean_values_[0]), input_data);
    } else {
      for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
        for (int c = 0; c < input_channels; ++c) {
          int offset = input_blob->offset(n, c);
          caffe_add_scalar(input_height * input_width, -(mean_values_[c]),
            input_data + offset);

  Dtype* transformed_data = transformed_blob->mutable_cpu_data();

  for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
    int top_index_n = n * channels;
    int data_index_n = n * channels;
    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
      int top_index_c = (top_index_n + c) * height;
      int data_index_c = (data_index_n + c) * input_height + h_off;
      for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
        int top_index_h = (top_index_c + h) * width;
        int data_index_h = (data_index_c + h) * input_width + w_off;
        if (do_mirror) {
          int top_index_w = top_index_h + width - 1;
          for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
            transformed_data[top_index_w-w] = input_data[data_index_h + w];
        } else {
          for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
            transformed_data[top_index_h + w] = input_data[data_index_h + w];
  if (scale != Dtype(1)) {
    DLOG(INFO) << "Scale: " << scale;
    caffe_scal(size, scale, transformed_data);
Exemplo n.º 8
	void DeconvNormLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
		const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom)
		const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->cpu_diff();
		Dtype* deconv1_top_vec_diff = deconv1_top_vec[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
		Dtype* deconv2_top_vec_diff = deconv2_top_vec[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
		const Dtype* deconv2_top_vec_data = deconv2_top_vec[0]->cpu_data();
		const Dtype* deconv1_top_vec_data = deconv1_top_vec[0]->cpu_data();

		caffe_set(deconv2_top_vec[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, deconv2_top_vec_diff);
		caffe_set(deconv1_top_vec[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, deconv1_top_vec_diff);
		caffe_set(exp_top_vec[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, exp_top_vec[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());
		//caffe_set(exp_bottom_vec[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, exp_bottom_vec[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());

		caffe_set(deconv1_layer->blobs()[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, deconv1_layer->blobs()[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());
		caffe_set(deconv2_layer->blobs()[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, deconv2_layer->blobs()[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());

		//bias gradient, if necessary
		if (this->bias_term_ && this->param_propagate_down_[2])
			Dtype* bias_diff = this->blobs_[2]->mutable_cpu_diff();
			for (int n = 0; n < top[0]->num(); ++n)
				caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, top[0]->channels(), top[0]->height() * top[0]->width(), 
					1., top_diff+top[0]->offset(n), bias_multiplier.cpu_data(), 1., bias_diff);
		// weights and alpha gradient, propagate down to bottom
		if (param_propagate_down_[0] || param_propagate_down_[1] || propagate_down[0])
			vector<bool> no_propagate_down;
			vector<bool> yes_propagate_down;
			// top_diff backward to deconv2_top_vec_diff
			for (int n = 0; n < top[0]->num(); ++n)
				caffe_div(deconv1_top_vec[0]->count(), top_diff + top[0]->offset(n),
					deconv1_top_vec_data, deconv2_top_vec_diff + deconv2_top_vec[0]->offset(n));
			// backward throud deconv2_layer
			deconv2_layer->Backward(deconv2_top_vec, propagate_down, bottom);
			const Dtype* wa_diff = weights_alphas->cpu_diff();
			// weight gradient
			if (param_propagate_down_[0])
				Dtype* weight_diff = this->blobs_[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
				const Dtype* alpha = alphas->cpu_data();
				for (int ch_in = 0; ch_in < weights_alphas->num(); ++ch_in)
					caffe_mul(alphas->count(), wa_diff + weights_alphas->offset(ch_in),
						alpha, weight_diff + this->blobs_[0]->offset(ch_in));

			// alpha gradient
			if (param_propagate_down_[1] && average_train)
				Dtype* alpha_cache_diff = alpha_cache.mutable_cpu_diff();
				Dtype* alpha_cache_diff2 = alpha_cache2.mutable_cpu_diff();
				caffe_set(alpha_cache.count(), (Dtype)0, alpha_cache_diff);
				caffe_set(alpha_cache2.count(), (Dtype)0, alpha_cache_diff2);
				const Dtype* weight = this->blobs_[0]->cpu_data();
				for (int ch_in = 0; ch_in < weights_alphas->num(); ++ch_in)
					caffe_mul(alpha_cache.count(), wa_diff + weights_alphas->offset(ch_in),
						weight + this->blobs_[0]->offset(ch_in), alpha_cache_diff);
					caffe_add(alpha_cache2.count(), alpha_cache_diff, alpha_cache_diff2, alpha_cache_diff2);
				// top_diff backward to deonv1_top_vec_diff
				Dtype* deconv1_top_cache_diff = deconv1_top_cache.mutable_cpu_diff();
				caffe_set(deconv1_top_cache.count(), (Dtype)0, deconv1_top_cache_diff);
				for (int n = 0; n < top[0]->num(); ++n)
					caffe_mul(deconv1_top_cache.count(), top_diff + top[0]->offset(n),
						deconv2_top_vec_data + deconv2_top_vec[0]->offset(n), deconv1_top_cache_diff);
					caffe_add(deconv1_top_cache.count(), deconv1_top_cache_diff, deconv1_top_vec_diff, deconv1_top_vec_diff);
				caffe_div(deconv1_top_cache.count(), deconv1_top_vec_diff,
					deconv1_top_vec_data, deconv1_top_vec_diff);
				caffe_div(deconv1_top_cache.count(), deconv1_top_vec_diff,
					deconv1_top_vec_data, deconv1_top_vec_diff);
				// backward through deconv1_layer
				deconv1_layer->Backward(deconv1_top_vec, no_propagate_down, deconv1_bottom_vec);

				// alpha_diff2
				Dtype* alpha_diff = alphas->mutable_cpu_diff();
				//fuse alpha_diff1 and alpha_diff2
				caffe_sub(alpha_cache.count(), alpha_cache_diff2, alpha_diff, alpha_diff);

				exp_layer->Backward(exp_top_vec, yes_propagate_down, exp_bottom_vec);
Exemplo n.º 9
void DataTransformer<Dtype>::Transform(Blob<Dtype>* input_blob,
                                       Blob<Dtype>* transformed_blob) {
  const int crop_size = param_.crop_size();
  const int input_num = input_blob->num();
  const int input_channels = input_blob->channels();
  const int input_height = input_blob->height();
  const int input_width = input_blob->width();

  if (transformed_blob->count() == 0) {
    // Initialize transformed_blob with the right shape.
    if (crop_size) {
      transformed_blob->Reshape(input_num, input_channels,
                                crop_size, crop_size);
    } else {
      transformed_blob->Reshape(input_num, input_channels,
                                input_height, input_width);

  const int num = transformed_blob->num();
  const int channels = transformed_blob->channels();
  const int height = transformed_blob->height();
  const int width = transformed_blob->width();
  const int size = transformed_blob->count();

  CHECK_LE(input_num, num);
  CHECK_EQ(input_channels, channels);
  CHECK_GE(input_height, height);
  CHECK_GE(input_width, width);

  const Dtype scale = param_.scale();
  const bool do_mirror = param_.mirror() && Rand(2);
  const bool has_mean_file = param_.has_mean_file();
  const bool has_mean_values = mean_values_.size() > 0;
  // mask_size is defaulted to 0 in caffe/proto/caffe.proto
  const int mask_size = param_.mask_size();
  // mask_freq is defaulted to 1 in 3 in caffe/proto/caffe.proto
  const int mask_freq = param_.mask_freq();

  int h_off = 0;
  int w_off = 0;
  if (crop_size) {
    CHECK_EQ(crop_size, height);
    CHECK_EQ(crop_size, width);
    // We only do random crop when we do training.
    if (phase_ == TRAIN) {
      h_off = Rand(input_height - crop_size + 1);
      w_off = Rand(input_width - crop_size + 1);
    } else {
      h_off = (input_height - crop_size) / 2;
      w_off = (input_width - crop_size) / 2;
  } else {
    CHECK_EQ(input_height, height);
    CHECK_EQ(input_width, width);

  // initialize masking offsets to be same as cropping offsets
  // so that there is no conflict
  bool masking = (phase_ == TRAIN) && (mask_size > 0) && (Rand(mask_freq) == 0);
  int h_mask_start = h_off;
  int w_mask_start = w_off;
  if (masking) {
    int h_effective = input_height;
    int w_effective = input_width;
    if (crop_size) { h_effective = w_effective = crop_size; }
    CHECK_GE(h_effective, mask_size);
    CHECK_GE(w_effective, mask_size);
    h_mask_start += Rand(h_effective-mask_size+1);
    w_mask_start += Rand(w_effective-mask_size+1);
  int h_mask_end = h_mask_start + mask_size;
  int w_mask_end = w_mask_start + mask_size;

  Dtype* input_data = input_blob->mutable_cpu_data();
  if (has_mean_file) {
    CHECK_EQ(input_channels, data_mean_.channels());
    CHECK_EQ(input_height, data_mean_.height());
    CHECK_EQ(input_width, data_mean_.width());
    for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
      int offset = input_blob->offset(n);
      caffe_sub(data_mean_.count(), input_data + offset,
            data_mean_.cpu_data(), input_data + offset);

  if (has_mean_values) {
    CHECK(mean_values_.size() == 1 || mean_values_.size() == input_channels) <<
     "Specify either 1 mean_value or as many as channels: " << input_channels;
    if (mean_values_.size() == 1) {
      caffe_add_scalar(input_blob->count(), -(mean_values_[0]), input_data);
    } else {
      for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
        for (int c = 0; c < input_channels; ++c) {
          int offset = input_blob->offset(n, c);
          caffe_add_scalar(input_height * input_width, -(mean_values_[c]),
            input_data + offset);

  Dtype* transformed_data = transformed_blob->mutable_cpu_data();

  for (int n = 0; n < input_num; ++n) {
    int top_index_n = n * channels;
    int data_index_n = n * channels;
    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
      int top_index_c = (top_index_n + c) * height;
      int data_index_c = (data_index_n + c) * input_height + h_off;
      for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
        int top_index_h = (top_index_c + h) * width;
        int data_index_h = (data_index_c + h) * input_width + w_off;
        if (do_mirror) {
          int top_index_w = top_index_h + width - 1;
          for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
            if (masking && (h > h_mask_start) && (w > w_mask_start) &&
                (h < h_mask_end) && (w < w_mask_end)) {
              transformed_data[top_index_w-w] = 0;
            } else {
              transformed_data[top_index_w-w] = input_data[data_index_h + w];
        } else {
          for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
            if (masking && (h > h_mask_start) && (w > w_mask_start) &&
                (h < h_mask_end) && (w < w_mask_end)) {
              transformed_data[top_index_h + w] = 0;
            } else {
              transformed_data[top_index_h + w] = input_data[data_index_h + w];
  if (scale != Dtype(1)) {
    DLOG(INFO) << "Scale: " << scale;
    caffe_scal(size, scale, transformed_data);
	void TripletClipHingeLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(
		const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top, const vector<bool> &propagate_down,
		const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom){
		const Dtype* orignalcode;
		const Dtype* similarcode;
		const Dtype* diffrcode;
		if (propagate_down[0]) {
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {// for each stream need to get a loss
				int num = bottom[i]->num();
				int channels = bottom[i]->channels();
				for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j){
					Dtype* bout = bottom[i]->mutable_cpu_diff();// get the 3 bottoms' address, the i th bottom's address
					orignalcode = ave_or.cpu_data() + (j / frame_num)*dim;
					similarcode = ave_si.cpu_data() + (j / frame_num)*dim;
					diffrcode = ave_di.cpu_data() + (j / frame_num)*dim;
					if (i == 0){
						if (dist_sq_.cpu_data()[j / frame_num]>Dtype(FLT_MIN)){
							caffe_sub(dim, diffrcode, similarcode,
								gradient_triplet.mutable_cpu_data());// the distance of F- and F+
							caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(2) / Dtype(num),
							caffe_set(dim, Dtype(FLT_MIN),
						compute_gradient_structure(i, j);
						caffe_scal(dim, lamda, gradient_triplet.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(1.0) - lamda, gradient_structure.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_add(dim, gradient_triplet.cpu_data(),
							gradient_structure.cpu_data(), gradient.mutable_cpu_data());
					if (i == 1){
						if (dist_sq_.cpu_data()[j / frame_num] > Dtype(FLT_MIN)){
							caffe_sub(dim, similarcode, orignalcode,
								gradient_triplet.mutable_cpu_data());// the distance of F+ and F
							caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(2) / Dtype(num),
							caffe_set(dim, Dtype(FLT_MIN),
						compute_gradient_structure(i, j);
						caffe_scal(dim, lamda, gradient_triplet.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(1.0) - lamda, gradient_structure.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_add(dim, gradient_triplet.cpu_data(),
							gradient_structure.cpu_data(), gradient.mutable_cpu_data());
					if (i == 2){
						if (dist_sq_.cpu_data()[j / frame_num] > Dtype(FLT_MIN)){
							caffe_sub(dim, orignalcode, diffrcode,
							caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(2) / Dtype(num),
							caffe_set(dim, Dtype(FLT_MIN),
						compute_gradient_structure(i, j);
						caffe_scal(dim, lamda, gradient_triplet.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(1.0) - lamda, gradient_structure.mutable_cpu_data());
						caffe_add(dim, gradient_triplet.cpu_data(),
							gradient_structure.cpu_data(), gradient.mutable_cpu_data());
					caffe_scal(dim, Dtype(2.0), gradient.mutable_cpu_data());
					caffe_copy(channels, gradient.cpu_data(), bout + (j*channels));//return the BP vector to the j th batch's bottom
Exemplo n.º 11
  void BNLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0]->cpu_data();
    Dtype* top_data = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();
    const Dtype* const_top_data = top[0]->cpu_data();

    const Dtype* scale_data = this->blobs_[0]->cpu_data();
    const Dtype* shift_data = this->blobs_[1]->cpu_data();

    switch (this->layer_param_.bn_param().bn_mode()) {
    case BNParameter_BNMode_LEARN:
      // put the squares of bottom into buffer_blob_
      caffe_powx(bottom[0]->count(), bottom_data, Dtype(2),

      // computes variance using var(X) = E(X^2) - (EX)^2
      // EX across spatial
      caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, N_ * C_, H_ * W_,
          Dtype(1. / (H_ * W_)), bottom_data,
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      // EX across batch
      caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasTrans, N_, C_, Dtype(1. / N_),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),

      // E(X^2) across spatial
      caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, N_ * C_, H_ * W_,
          Dtype(1. / (H_ * W_)), buffer_blob_.cpu_data(),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      // E(X^2) across batch
      caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasTrans, N_, C_, Dtype(1. / N_),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),

      caffe_powx(batch_mean_.count(), batch_mean_.cpu_data(), Dtype(2),
          buffer_blob_.mutable_cpu_data());  // (EX)^2
      caffe_sub(batch_mean_.count(), batch_variance_.cpu_data(),
          batch_variance_.mutable_cpu_data());  // variance

      // save top[1] (batch_mean) and top[2] (batch_variance)
      if (top.size() > 1) {
          caffe_copy(batch_mean_.count(), batch_mean_.cpu_data(),
      if (top.size() > 2) {
          caffe_copy(batch_variance_.count(), batch_variance_.cpu_data(),

      // do mean and variance normalization
      // subtract mean
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_,
          C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_mean_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),

      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_ * C_,
          H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(-1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),

      caffe_add(buffer_blob_.count(), bottom_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);

      // normalize variance
      caffe_add_scalar(batch_variance_.count(), var_eps_,
          batch_variance_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0.5),

      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_,
          C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_variance_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
          N_ * C_, H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),

      caffe_div(buffer_blob_.count(), const_top_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);

      // Saving x_norm
      caffe_copy(buffer_blob_.count(), const_top_data,
      // scale
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), scale_data, Dtype(0),
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_ * C_,
          H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      caffe_mul(buffer_blob_.count(), top_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);

      // shift
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), shift_data, Dtype(0),
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
          N_ * C_, H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      caffe_add(buffer_blob_.count(), const_top_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);
    case BNParameter_BNMode_INFERENCE:
      // scale
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), scale_data, Dtype(0),
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_ * C_,
          H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      caffe_mul(buffer_blob_.count(), bottom_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);

      // shift
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, C_, 1, Dtype(1),
          batch_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), shift_data, Dtype(0),
      caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
          N_ * C_, H_ * W_, 1, Dtype(1),
          spatial_sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0),
      caffe_add(buffer_blob_.count(), const_top_data,
          buffer_blob_.cpu_data(), top_data);
      LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown BN mode.";
Exemplo n.º 12
void MVNLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
                                   const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
                                   vector<Blob<Dtype>*>* bottom) {
    const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->cpu_diff();
    const Dtype* top_data = top[0]->cpu_data();
    const Dtype* bottom_data = (*bottom)[0]->cpu_data();
    Dtype* bottom_diff = (*bottom)[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();

    int num;
    if (this->layer_param_.mvn_param().across_channels())
        num = (*bottom)[0]->num();
        num = (*bottom)[0]->num() * (*bottom)[0]->channels();

    int dim = (*bottom)[0]->count() / num;
    Dtype eps = 1e-10;

    if (this->layer_param_.mvn_param().normalize_variance()) {
        caffe_mul(temp_.count(), top_data, top_diff, bottom_diff);
        caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1., bottom_diff,
                              sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0., mean_.mutable_cpu_data());
        caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1, 1.,
                              mean_.cpu_data(), sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0.,
        caffe_mul(temp_.count(), top_data, bottom_diff, bottom_diff);

        caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1., top_diff,
                              sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0., mean_.mutable_cpu_data());
        caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1, 1.,
                              mean_.cpu_data(), sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 1.,

        caffe_cpu_axpby(temp_.count(), Dtype(1), top_diff, Dtype(-1. / dim),

        // put the squares of bottom into temp_
        caffe_powx(temp_.count(), bottom_data, Dtype(2),

        // computes variance using var(X) = E(X^2) - (EX)^2
        caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1. / dim, bottom_data,
                              sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0., mean_.mutable_cpu_data());  // EX
        caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1. / dim, temp_.cpu_data(),
                              sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0.,
                              variance_.mutable_cpu_data());  // E(X^2)
        caffe_powx(mean_.count(), mean_.cpu_data(), Dtype(2),
                   temp_.mutable_cpu_data());  // (EX)^2
        caffe_sub(mean_.count(), variance_.cpu_data(), temp_.cpu_data(),
                  variance_.mutable_cpu_data());  // variance

        // normalize variance
        caffe_powx(variance_.count(), variance_.cpu_data(), Dtype(0.5),

        caffe_add_scalar(variance_.count(), eps, variance_.mutable_cpu_data());

        caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, num, dim, 1, 1.,
                              variance_.cpu_data(), sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0.,

        caffe_div(temp_.count(), bottom_diff, temp_.cpu_data(), bottom_diff);
    } else {
        caffe_copy(temp_.count(), top_diff, bottom_diff);
void SparseDepthMahalanobisLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  int count = bottom[0]->count();
  int num = bottom[0]->num();
  int height = bottom[0]->height();
  int width = bottom[0]->width();
  int spatial_count = height*width;
  Dtype* diff = diff_.mutable_cpu_data();
  const Dtype* label = bottom[1]->cpu_data();

  // compute the difference
      bottom[0]->cpu_data(),  // a
      bottom[1]->cpu_data(),  // b
      diff_.mutable_cpu_data());  // a_i-b_i

  // set diff_ = 0 if groundtruth data is missing
  // the channel in the bottom labels blob == -10.0
  // implies that the groundtruth data is missing
  for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) 
    for (int i = 0; i < spatial_count; ++i) 
       Dtype mask = *(label + bottom[1]->offset(n) + i);
       if (mask == Dtype(MASK_VAL))
	  *(diff + bottom[1]->offset(n) + i) = Dtype(0);

  if (bottom.size() >= 3) {  // weighted distance
    // TODO(NCB) is there a more efficient way to do this?
    Dtype reg(0);
    Dtype U;

    for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) 
       for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) 
          for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) 
              int offset = n*spatial_count + h*width + w;
 	      Dtype mask = *(label + bottom[1]->offset(n,0,h,w));
	      if (mask == Dtype(MASK_VAL))
		  U = Dtype(1.0);
              else U = fabs(bottom[2]->cpu_data()[offset]);	      
	      // Udiff
              Udiff_.mutable_cpu_data()[offset] = U*diff_.cpu_data()[offset];

	      // UtUdiff
	      UtUdiff_.mutable_cpu_data()[offset] = U*Udiff_.cpu_data()[offset];

	      // compute regularizer
	      reg += log(U + Dtype(EPS));
	  } //for w
       } //for h
    } //for n

    // difftUtUdiff
    Dtype dot = caffe_cpu_dot(count, diff_.cpu_data(), UtUdiff_.cpu_data());
    Dtype loss = dot / bottom[0]->num() / Dtype(2);
    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss - reg / bottom[0]->num();
  } else {  // unweighted distance
    Dtype dot = caffe_cpu_dot(count, diff_.cpu_data(), diff_.cpu_data());
    Dtype loss = dot / bottom[0]->num() / Dtype(2);
    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;
void ContrastiveLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    vector<Blob<Dtype>*>* top) {
  int count = bottom[0]->count();
      bottom[0]->cpu_data(),  // a
      bottom[1]->cpu_data(),  // b
      diff_.mutable_cpu_data());  // a_i-b_i
  const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();
   * margin refers to the maximum value of energy -- parameter Q in the paper

   printf("CLL : the values of a_i are \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i) {
       for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
          printf("%f \t ",(float) bottom[0]->cpu_data()[i*channels+j] );
   printf("CLL : End printing values of a_i\n");

  printf("CLL : the values of b_i are \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < bottom[1]->num(); ++i) {
       for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
          printf("%f \t ",(float) bottom[1]->cpu_data()[i*channels+j] );
   printf("CLL : End printing values of b_i\n");

   printf("CLL : the diff values for the input vector are \n");
   for(int temp = 0 ; temp < count ; temp++){
    printf("%f \t ",(float) diff_.mutable_cpu_data()[temp] );
   printf("CLL : End printing the diff values\n");

  Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.contrastive_loss_param().margin();
  //margin = Dtype(1000);
  Dtype loss(0.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i) {
    dist_sq_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = caffe_cpu_asum(channels,
        diff_.cpu_data() + (i*channels));

   printf("CLL : values of L1 norm are , %f \n", (float) dist_sq_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] );
     * 1 is similar pair, 0 is impostor pair.
     * The paper follows opposite notation

    printf("CLL: label : %d \n", bottom[2]->cpu_data()[i]);
    if (static_cast<int>(bottom[2]->cpu_data()[i])) {  // similar pairs
      loss += Dtype(2) / margin * dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i] * dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i];

      printf(" CLL: loss computed : %f\n", dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i]);
    } else {  // dissimilar pairs
      //loss += std::max(margin-dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i], Dtype(0.0));
      printf("CLL : the exponent of 1 is : %f \n",exp(Dtype(1)));
      printf("CLL : the exponent of -1 is : %f \n", exp(Dtype(-1)));
      loss += Dtype(2) * margin * exp(-Dtype(2.77) / margin * dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i]);
       printf(" CLL: loss computed : %f\n", dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i]);
    printf("CLL: value of label : %d \n", static_cast<int>(bottom[2]->cpu_data()[i]));
    printf("CLL: value of margin : %f \n", (float) margin);

  loss = loss / static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[0]->num());
  printf("CLL: value of loss : %f \n", loss);
  (*top)[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;
Exemplo n.º 15
void CoupledClusterLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    pos_ids = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(group_num, std::vector<int>());
    neg_ids = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(group_num, std::vector<int>());
    pos_backward = std::vector<bool>(group_num*N, false);
    neg_backward = std::vector<bool>(group_num*N, false);
    const Dtype *feat_ptr = bottom[0]->cpu_data();
    const Dtype *label_ptr = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
    Dtype *diff_ptr_ = diff_.mutable_cpu_data();
    Dtype loss(0);

    caffe_set(feat_len*group_num, Dtype(0), pos_center_.mutable_cpu_data());

    int cnt = 0;
    /* i -> group index */
    for(int i=0; i<group_num; ++i) {
        /* search for the positive id */
        std::set<Dtype> labels;
        Dtype anchor_id = -1;
        for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
            Dtype tmp = label_ptr[N*i+j];
            if(labels.count(tmp)>0) {
                anchor_id = tmp;
        // CHECK_NE(anchor_id, -1);
        /* collect for positive and negative ids, compute the center of positive samples */
        for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
                caffe_add(feat_len, feat_ptr+feat_len*(i*N+j), pos_center_.mutable_cpu_data()+feat_len*i, pos_center_.mutable_cpu_data()+feat_len*i);
            else neg_ids[i].push_back(j);
        caffe_cpu_scale(feat_len, Dtype(1)/pos_ids[i].size(), pos_center_.mutable_cpu_data()+feat_len*i, pos_center_.mutable_cpu_data()+feat_len*i);

        if(neg_ids[i].size()==0 || pos_ids[i].size()<=1) continue;

        Dtype pos_mdist = Dtype(0);
        Dtype neg_min_val = -1;
        Dtype pos_max_val = -1;
        for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
            // f[j]-center
            caffe_sub(feat_len, feat_ptr+feat_len*(i*N+j), pos_center_.cpu_data()+feat_len*i, diff_ptr_+feat_len*(i*N+j));
                caffe_cpu_scale(feat_len, scale, diff_ptr_+feat_len*(i*N+j), diff_ptr_+feat_len*(i*N+j));
            Dtype d = caffe_cpu_dot(feat_len, diff_ptr_+feat_len*(i*N+j), diff_ptr_+feat_len*(i*N+j));
                LOG(INFO) << "i " << i << ", j " << j << ", d " << d;
            dist_sq_.mutable_cpu_data()[i*N+j] = d;
            if(std::count(neg_ids[i].begin(), neg_ids[i].end(), j)>0 && (neg_min_val==-1 || d<neg_min_val)) neg_min_val = d;
            else if(std::count(neg_ids[i].begin(), neg_ids[i].end(), j)==0 && (pos_max_val==-1 || d>pos_max_val)) pos_max_val = d;
        for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
            if(std::count(neg_ids[i].begin(), neg_ids[i].end(), j)>0) {
                Dtype d = dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i*N+j];
                Dtype mdist = std::max(-d+margin+pos_max_val, Dtype(0));
                    LOG(INFO) << "j=" << j << ", d=" << d << ", pos_max_val=" << pos_max_val << ", mdist=" << mdist;
                if(mdist>0) neg_backward[i*N+j] = true;
            else {
                Dtype d = dist_sq_.cpu_data()[i*N+j];
                Dtype mdist = std::max(d+margin-neg_min_val, Dtype(0));
                    LOG(INFO) << "j=" << j << ", d=" << d << ", neg_min_val=" << neg_min_val << ", mdist=" << mdist;
                if(mdist>0) pos_backward[i*N+j] = true;
                pos_mdist += mdist;
        /* average punishment */
        pos_mdist /= pos_ids[i].size();
        // pos_mdist *= 2;

            LOG(INFO) << "pos_mdist " << pos_mdist << ", neg_min_val " << neg_min_val;

        CHECK_GE(pos_ids[i].size(), 2);
        CHECK_GE(neg_ids[i].size(), 1);

        loss += pos_mdist;
    loss = loss / cnt;
    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;