Exemplo n.º 1
ScaledFontBase::GetGlyphDesignMetrics(const uint16_t* aGlyphs, uint32_t aNumGlyphs, GlyphMetrics* aGlyphMetrics)
  if (mScaledFont) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aNumGlyphs; i++) {
      cairo_glyph_t glyph;
      cairo_text_extents_t extents;
      glyph.index = aGlyphs[i];
      glyph.x = 0;
      glyph.y = 0;

      cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(mScaledFont, &glyph, 1, &extents);

      aGlyphMetrics[i].mXBearing = extents.x_bearing;
      aGlyphMetrics[i].mXAdvance = extents.x_advance;
      aGlyphMetrics[i].mYBearing = extents.y_bearing;
      aGlyphMetrics[i].mYAdvance = extents.y_advance;
      aGlyphMetrics[i].mWidth = extents.width;
      aGlyphMetrics[i].mHeight = extents.height;

      cairo_font_options_t *options = cairo_font_options_create();
      cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options(mScaledFont, options);

      if (cairo_font_options_get_antialias(options) != CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE) {
        if (cairo_scaled_font_get_type(mScaledFont) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_WIN32) {
          if (aGlyphMetrics[i].mWidth > 0 && aGlyphMetrics[i].mHeight > 0) {
            aGlyphMetrics[i].mWidth -= 3.0f;
            aGlyphMetrics[i].mXBearing += 1.0f;
#if defined(MOZ2D_HAS_MOZ_CAIRO) && defined(CAIRO_HAS_DWRITE_FONT)
        else if (cairo_scaled_font_get_type(mScaledFont) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_DWRITE) {
          if (aGlyphMetrics[i].mWidth > 0 && aGlyphMetrics[i].mHeight > 0) {
            aGlyphMetrics[i].mWidth -= 2.0f;
            aGlyphMetrics[i].mXBearing += 1.0f;


  // Don't know how to get the glyph metrics...
  MOZ_CRASH("The specific backend type is not supported for GetGlyphDesignMetrics.");
Exemplo n.º 2
void ScaledFont::getFontOptions( FontOptions *options )
	cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options( mCairoScaledFont, options->getCairoFontOptions() );
static PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *
_pango_cairo_font_private_get_hex_box_info (PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv)
  static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  char c[2] = {0, 0};
  PangoFont *mini_font;
  PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *hbi;

  /* for metrics hinting */
  double scale_x = 1., scale_x_inv = 1., scale_y = 1., scale_y_inv = 1.;
  gboolean is_hinted;

  int i;
  int rows;
  double pad;
  double width = 0;
  double height = 0;
  cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
  cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
  double size, mini_size;
  PangoFontDescription *desc;
  cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, *scaled_mini_font;
  PangoMatrix pango_ctm;
  cairo_matrix_t cairo_ctm;
  PangoGravity gravity;

  if (!cf_priv)
    return NULL;

  if (cf_priv->hbi)
    return cf_priv->hbi;

  scaled_font = _pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
    return NULL;

  is_hinted = cf_priv->is_hinted;

  font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();
  desc = pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
  size = pango_font_description_get_size (desc) / (1.*PANGO_SCALE);
  gravity = pango_font_description_get_gravity (desc);

  cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm (scaled_font, &cairo_ctm);
  cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options (scaled_font, font_options);
  /* I started adding support for vertical hexboxes here, but it's too much
   * work.  Easier to do with cairo user fonts and vertical writing mode
   * support in cairo.
  /*cairo_matrix_rotate (&cairo_ctm, pango_gravity_to_rotation (gravity));*/
  pango_ctm.xx = cairo_ctm.xx;
  pango_ctm.yx = cairo_ctm.yx;
  pango_ctm.xy = cairo_ctm.xy;
  pango_ctm.yy = cairo_ctm.yy;
  pango_ctm.x0 = cairo_ctm.x0;
  pango_ctm.y0 = cairo_ctm.y0;

  if (is_hinted)
      /* prepare for some hinting */
      double x, y;

      x = 1.; y = 0.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_x = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_x_inv = 1 / scale_x;

      x = 0.; y = 1.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_y = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_y_inv = 1 / scale_y;

/* we hint to the nearest device units */
#define HINT(value, scale, scale_inv) (ceil ((value-1e-5) * scale) * scale_inv)
#define HINT_X(value) HINT ((value), scale_x, scale_x_inv)
#define HINT_Y(value) HINT ((value), scale_y, scale_y_inv)

  /* create mini_font description */
    PangoFontMap *fontmap;
    PangoContext *context;

    /* XXX this is racy.  need a ref'ing getter... */
    fontmap = pango_font_get_font_map ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
    if (!fontmap)
      return NULL;
    fontmap = g_object_ref (fontmap);

    /* we inherit most font properties for the mini font.  just
     * change family and size.  means, you get bold hex digits
     * in the hexbox for a bold font.

    /* We should rotate the box, not glyphs */
    pango_font_description_unset_fields (desc, PANGO_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY);

    pango_font_description_set_family_static (desc, "monospace");

    rows = 2;
    mini_size = size / 2.2;
    if (is_hinted)
	mini_size = HINT_Y (mini_size);

	if (mini_size < 6.0)
	    rows = 1;
	    mini_size = MIN (MAX (size - 1, 0), 6.0);

    pango_font_description_set_absolute_size (desc, pango_units_from_double (mini_size));

    /* load mini_font */

    context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap);

    pango_context_set_matrix (context, &pango_ctm);
    pango_context_set_language (context, pango_script_get_sample_language (PANGO_SCRIPT_LATIN));
    pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, font_options);
    mini_font = pango_font_map_load_font (fontmap, context, desc);

    g_object_unref (context);
    g_object_unref (fontmap);

  pango_font_description_free (desc);
  cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);

  scaled_mini_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font ((PangoCairoFont *) mini_font);

  for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
      cairo_text_extents_t extents;

      c[0] = hexdigits[i];
      cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (scaled_mini_font, c, &extents);
      width = MAX (width, extents.width);
      height = MAX (height, extents.height);

  cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font, &font_extents);
  if (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent <= 0)
      font_extents.ascent = PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT;
      font_extents.descent = 0;

  pad = (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) / 43;
  pad = MIN (pad, mini_size);

  hbi = g_slice_new (PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo);
  hbi->font = (PangoCairoFont *) mini_font;
  hbi->rows = rows;

  hbi->digit_width  = width;
  hbi->digit_height = height;

  hbi->pad_x = pad;
  hbi->pad_y = pad;

  if (is_hinted)
      hbi->digit_width  = HINT_X (hbi->digit_width);
      hbi->digit_height = HINT_Y (hbi->digit_height);
      hbi->pad_x = HINT_X (hbi->pad_x);
      hbi->pad_y = HINT_Y (hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->line_width = MIN (hbi->pad_x, hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->box_height = 3 * hbi->pad_y + rows * (hbi->pad_y + hbi->digit_height);

  if (rows == 1 || hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y;
  else if (hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent - 2 * hbi->pad_y)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y + hbi->box_height - font_extents.ascent;
      hbi->box_descent = font_extents.descent * hbi->box_height /
			 (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent);
  if (is_hinted)
       hbi->box_descent = HINT_Y (hbi->box_descent);

  cf_priv->hbi = hbi;
  return hbi;
PangoFontMetrics *
_pango_cairo_font_get_metrics (PangoFont     *font,
			       PangoLanguage *language)
  PangoCairoFont *cfont = (PangoCairoFont *) font;
  PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv = PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_PRIVATE (font);
  PangoCairoFontMetricsInfo *info = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
  GSList *tmp_list;

  const char *sample_str = pango_language_get_sample_string (language);

  tmp_list = cf_priv->metrics_by_lang;
  while (tmp_list)
      info = tmp_list->data;

      if (info->sample_str == sample_str)    /* We _don't_ need strcmp */

      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;

  if (!tmp_list)
      PangoFontMap *fontmap;
      PangoContext *context;
      cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
      int height, shift;

      /* XXX this is racy.  need a ref'ing getter... */
      fontmap = pango_font_get_font_map (font);
      if (!fontmap)
        return pango_font_metrics_new ();
      fontmap = g_object_ref (fontmap);

      info = g_slice_new0 (PangoCairoFontMetricsInfo);

      cf_priv->metrics_by_lang = g_slist_prepend (cf_priv->metrics_by_lang, info);

      info->sample_str = sample_str;

      context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap);
      pango_context_set_language (context, language);
      font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();
      cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options (_pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv), font_options);
      pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, font_options);
      cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);

      info->metrics = (* PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_GET_IFACE (font)->create_metrics_for_context) (cfont, context);

      /* We may actually reuse ascent/descent we got from cairo here.  that's
       * in cf_priv->font_extents.
      height = info->metrics->ascent + info->metrics->descent;
      switch (cf_priv->gravity)
	    info->metrics->ascent = info->metrics->descent;
	      int ascent = height / 2;
	      if (cf_priv->is_hinted)
	        ascent = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (ascent);
	      info->metrics->ascent = ascent;
      shift = (height - info->metrics->ascent) - info->metrics->descent;
      info->metrics->descent += shift;
      info->metrics->underline_position -= shift;
      info->metrics->strikethrough_position -= shift;
      info->metrics->ascent = height - info->metrics->descent;

      g_object_unref (context);
      g_object_unref (fontmap);

  return pango_font_metrics_ref (info->metrics);
PangoFontMetrics *
_pango_cairo_font_get_metrics (PangoFont     *font,
			       PangoLanguage *language)
  PangoCairoFont *cfont = (PangoCairoFont *) font;
  PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv = PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_PRIVATE (font);
  PangoCairoFontMetricsInfo *info = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
  GSList *tmp_list;

  const char *sample_str = pango_language_get_sample_string (language);

  tmp_list = cf_priv->metrics_by_lang;
  while (tmp_list)
      info = tmp_list->data;

      if (info->sample_str == sample_str)    /* We _don't_ need strcmp */

      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;

  if (!tmp_list)
      PangoFontMap *fontmap;
      PangoContext *context;
      cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
      PangoLayout *layout;
      PangoRectangle extents;
      PangoFontDescription *desc;
      cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
      cairo_matrix_t cairo_matrix;
      PangoMatrix pango_matrix;
      PangoMatrix identity = PANGO_MATRIX_INIT;

      int height, shift;

      /* XXX this is racy.  need a ref'ing getter... */
      fontmap = pango_font_get_font_map (font);
      if (!fontmap)
        return pango_font_metrics_new ();
      fontmap = g_object_ref (fontmap);

      info = g_slice_new0 (PangoCairoFontMetricsInfo);

      cf_priv->metrics_by_lang = g_slist_prepend (cf_priv->metrics_by_lang, info);

      info->sample_str = sample_str;

      scaled_font = _pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv);

      context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap);
      pango_context_set_language (context, language);

      font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();
      cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options (scaled_font, font_options);
      pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, font_options);
      cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);

      info->metrics = (* PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_GET_IFACE (font)->create_base_metrics_for_context) (cfont, context);

      /* We now need to adjust the base metrics for ctm */
      cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm (scaled_font, &cairo_matrix);
      pango_matrix.xx = cairo_matrix.xx;
      pango_matrix.yx = cairo_matrix.yx;
      pango_matrix.xy = cairo_matrix.xy;
      pango_matrix.yy = cairo_matrix.yy;
      pango_matrix.x0 = 0;
      pango_matrix.y0 = 0;
      if (G_UNLIKELY (0 != memcmp (&identity, &pango_matrix, 4 * sizeof (double))))
	  double xscale = pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factor (&pango_matrix);
	  if (xscale) xscale = 1 / xscale;

	  info->metrics->ascent *= xscale;
	  info->metrics->descent *= xscale;
	  info->metrics->underline_position *= xscale;
	  info->metrics->underline_thickness *= xscale;
	  info->metrics->strikethrough_position *= xscale;
	  info->metrics->strikethrough_thickness *= xscale;

      /* Set the matrix on the context so we don't have to adjust the derived
       * metrics. */
      pango_context_set_matrix (context, &pango_matrix);

      /* Update approximate_*_width now */
      layout = pango_layout_new (context);
      desc = pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size (font);
      pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
      pango_font_description_free (desc);

      pango_layout_set_text (layout, sample_str, -1);
      pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &extents);

      info->metrics->approximate_char_width = extents.width / pango_utf8_strwidth (sample_str);

      pango_layout_set_text (layout, "0123456789", -1);
      info->metrics->approximate_digit_width = max_glyph_width (layout);

      g_object_unref (layout);

      /* We may actually reuse ascent/descent we got from cairo here.  that's
       * in cf_priv->font_extents.
      height = info->metrics->ascent + info->metrics->descent;
      switch (cf_priv->gravity)
	    info->metrics->ascent = info->metrics->descent;
	      int ascent = height / 2;
	      if (cf_priv->is_hinted)
	        ascent = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (ascent);
	      info->metrics->ascent = ascent;
      shift = (height - info->metrics->ascent) - info->metrics->descent;
      info->metrics->descent += shift;
      info->metrics->underline_position -= shift;
      info->metrics->strikethrough_position -= shift;
      info->metrics->ascent = height - info->metrics->descent;

      g_object_unref (context);
      g_object_unref (fontmap);

  return pango_font_metrics_ref (info->metrics);