int main(){ int n; scanf("%d", &n); int x1, x2, y1, y2, r1, r2, p; double dist,distP; int shorter, longer; for (int i = 0; i < n;i++) { scanf("%d %d %d %d %d %d", &x1, &y1, &r1, &x2, &y2, &r2); shorter = ((r1 < r2) ? r1 : r2); longer = ((r1 < r2) ? r2 : r1); distP = calDist(x1, x2, y1, y2); //중심이 같다면 if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) { if (r1 == r2) p = -1; else p = 0; } //한 점이 다른 원 내부에 있다면 else if (distP <= r1 || distP <= r2) { if (distP + shorter == longer) p = 1; else if (distP + shorter < longer) p = 0; else p = 2; } // 두점 사이의 거리가 충분히 먼 나머지 경우 else { if (shorter + longer == distP) p = 1; else if (shorter + longer < distP) p = 0; else p = 2; } printf("%d\n", p); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sqlConnection *conn, *conn2; char query2[256]; struct sqlResult *sr2; char **row2; char cond_str[255]; char *proteinDatabaseName; FILE *o1, *o2, *o3; FILE *fh[23]; char temp_str[1000];; char *accession; char *aaSeq; char *chp; int i, j, len; int ihi, ilow; char *answer; char *protDisplayId; int aaResCnt[30]; char aaAlphabet[30]; int aaResFound; float fvalue1, fvalue2; float p1, p2; int icnt, jcnt; char *taxon; char *database; int sortedCnt; if (argc != 4) usage(); strcpy(aaAlphabet, "WCMHYNFIDQKRTVPGEASLXZB"); proteinDatabaseName = argv[1]; taxon = argv[2]; database = argv[3]; o2 = mustOpen("", "w"); for (i=0; i<20; i++) { safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "%c.txt", aaAlphabet[i]); fh[i] = mustOpen(temp_str, "w"); } conn = hAllocConn(hDefaultDb()); conn2 = hAllocConn(hDefaultDb()); safef(query2, sizeof(query2), "select proteinID from %s.knownGene;", database); sr2 = sqlMustGetResult(conn2, query2); row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); icnt = 0; jcnt = 0; for (j=0; j<MAXRES; j++) { sumJ[j] = 0; } while (row2 != NULL) { protDisplayId = row2[0]; safef(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "val='%s'", protDisplayId); accession = sqlGetField(proteinDatabaseName, "displayId", "acc", cond_str); if (accession == NULL) { safef(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "acc='%s'", protDisplayId); accession = sqlGetField(proteinDatabaseName, "displayId", "acc", cond_str); if (accession == NULL) { verbose(2, "'%s' not found.\n", protDisplayId); goto skip; } } safef(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "accession='%s'", accession); answer = sqlGetField("proteins040115", "spXref2", "biodatabaseID", cond_str); if (answer == NULL) { /* this protein might be a variant splice protein, and then it won't be in spXref2 */ goto skip; } if (answer[0] != '1') { /* printf("%s not in SWISS-PROT\n", protDisplayId);fflush(stdout); */ goto skip; } safef(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "acc='%s'", accession); aaSeq = sqlGetField(proteinDatabaseName, "protein", "val", cond_str); if (aaSeq == NULL) { printf("Can't find peptide sequence for %s, exiting ...\n", protDisplayId); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } len = strlen(aaSeq); if (len < 100) goto skip; lenDouble = (double)len; for (j=0; j<MAXRES; j++) { aaResCnt[j] = 0; } chp = aaSeq; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { aaResFound = 0; for (j=0; j<MAXRES; j++) { if (*chp == aaAlphabet[j]) { aaResFound = 1; aaResCnt[j] ++; } } if (!aaResFound) { fprintf(stderr, "%c %d not a valid AA residue.\n", *chp, *chp); } chp++; } for (j=0; j<MAXRES; j++) { freq[icnt][j] = (double)aaResCnt[j]/lenDouble; sumJ[j] = sumJ[j] + freq[icnt][j]; } for (j=0; j<20; j++) { fprintf(fh[j], "%15.7f\t%s\n", freq[icnt][j], accession); fflush(fh[j]); } icnt++; if (icnt >= MAXN) errAbort("Too many proteins - please set MAXN to be more than %d\n", MAXN); skip: row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); } recordCnt = icnt; recordCntDouble = (double)recordCnt; for (j=0; j<20; j++) { carefulClose(&(fh[j])); } sqlFreeResult(&sr2); hFreeConn(&conn); hFreeConn(&conn2); for (j=0; j<MAXRES; j++) { avg[j] = sumJ[j]/recordCntDouble; } for (j=0; j<20; j++) { sum = 0.0; for (i=0; i<recordCnt; i++) { sum = sum + (freq[i][j] - avg[j]) * (freq[i][j] - avg[j]); } sigma[j] = sqrt(sum/(double)(recordCnt-1)); fprintf(o2, "%c\t%f\t%f\n", aaAlphabet[j], avg[j], sigma[j]); } carefulClose(&o2); o1 = mustOpen("", "w"); for (j=0; j<20; j++) { safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "cat %c.txt|sort|uniq >", aaAlphabet[j], aaAlphabet[j]); mustSystem(temp_str); /* figure out how many unique entries */ safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "wc > %c.tmp", aaAlphabet[j], aaAlphabet[j]); mustSystem(temp_str); safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "%c.tmp", aaAlphabet[j]); o3 = mustOpen(temp_str, "r"); mustGetLine(o3, temp_str, 1000); chp = temp_str; while (*chp == ' ') chp++; while (*chp != ' ') chp++; *chp = '\0'; sscanf(temp_str, "%d", &sortedCnt); safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "rm %c.tmp", aaAlphabet[j]); mustSystem(temp_str); /* cal hi and low cutoff threshold */ ilow = (int)((float)sortedCnt * 0.025); ihi = (int)((float)sortedCnt * 0.975); safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "", aaAlphabet[j]); o2 = mustOpen(temp_str, "r"); i=0; for (i=0; i<ilow; i++) { mustGetLine(o2, temp_str, 1000); } sscanf(temp_str, "%f", &fvalue1); mustGetLine(o2, temp_str, 1000); sscanf(temp_str, "%f", &fvalue2); p1 = (fvalue1 + fvalue2)/2.0; for (i=ilow+1; i<ihi; i++) { mustGetLine(o2, temp_str, 1000); } sscanf(temp_str, "%f", &fvalue1); mustGetLine(o2, temp_str, 1000); sscanf(temp_str, "%f", &fvalue2); p2 = (fvalue1 + fvalue2)/2.0; carefulClose(&o2); fprintf(o1, "%c\t%f\t%f\n", aaAlphabet[j], p1, p2); fflush(stdout); for (i=0; i<recordCnt; i++) { measure[i] = freq[i][j]; } safef(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "", aaAlphabet[j]); calDist(measure, recordCnt, 51, 0.0, 0.005, temp_str); } carefulClose(&o1); return(0); }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { libusb_device_handle *zena; int channel = -1; // no default 802.15.4 channel int format = FORMAT_PCAP; // PCAP is default output format int scan_mode = FALSE; int drop_bad_packets = TRUE; int exit_time = -1; int status; int c; // Setup signal handler. Catching SIGPIPE allows for exit when // piping to Wireshark for live packet feed. // signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_sigaction = signal_handler; act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); // Parse command line arguments. See usage() for details. while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "bc:d:f:hqs:t:vx:r")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'b': drop_bad_packets = FALSE; break; case 'c': channel = atoi (optarg); if (channel < 11 || channel > 26) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Invalid channel. Must be in rage 11 to 26. Use -h for help.\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'd': debug_level = atoi (optarg); break; case 'f': if (strcmp(optarg,"pcap")==0) { format = FORMAT_PCAP; } else if (strcmp(optarg,"usbhex")==0) { format = FORMAT_USBHEX; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "ranger")==0) { format = FORMAT_RANGER; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unrecognized output format '%s'. Only pcap, usbhex, ranger allowed.\n",optarg); exit(-1); } break; case 'h': version(); usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'q': quiet_mode = TRUE; break; case 's': scan_mode = TRUE; usb_timeout = atoi (optarg); break; case 't': exit_time = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'x': pcap_lqi_rssi_write = TRUE; break; case 'r': rangeDevice(); break; case '?': // case when a command line switch argument is missing if (optopt == 'c') { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: 802.15.4 channel 11 to 26 must be specified with -c\n"); exit(-1); } if (optopt == 'd') { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: debug level 0 .. 9 must be specified with -d\n"); exit(-1); } if (optopt == 'f') { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: pcap or usbhex format must be specified with -f\n"); exit(-1); } break; } } if (debug_level > 0) { fprintf (stderr,"DEBUG: debug level %d\n",debug_level); } // Locate ZENA on the USB bus and get handle. if ((zena = setup_libusb_access()) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: ZENA device not found or not accessible\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (channel == -1 && (selected_profile->flags & CHANNEL_SELECTABLE)) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: 802.15.4 channel is mandatory. Specify with -c. Use -h for help.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (channel != -1) { // Set 802.15.4 channel status = zena_set_channel (zena,channel); if (status < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: error setting ZENA to 802.15.4 channel %d, errorCode=%d\n",channel,status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Write PCAP header if (format == FORMAT_PCAP) { fwrite(&PCAP_MAGIC, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite(&PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR, sizeof(short), 1, stdout); fwrite(&PCAP_VERSION_MINOR, sizeof(short), 1, stdout); fwrite(&PCAP_TZ, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // thiszone: GMT to local correction fwrite(&PCAP_SIGFIGS, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // sigfigs: accuracy of timestamps fwrite(&PCAP_SNAPLEN, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // snaplen: max len of packets, in octets fwrite(&PCAP_LINKTYPE, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // data link type } int i,j,data_len,packet_len,packet_len_plus_2,ts_sec,ts_usec; // Allocate buffer for usb_interrupt_read requests unsigned char usbbuf[64]; //unsigned char packetbuf[128]; // Get start time of capture. Won't worry about subsecond resolution for this. struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); int start_sec = tp.tv_sec; // Store the number of bytes actually transferred here int nbytes; // Seitz added: Store corresponding RSS from MRF24J40 float rss; // Seitz added: Store estimated distance returned from calDist() float estDist; // Packet counter int npacket=0; zena_packet_t zena_packet; // Main loop while ( ! exit_flag ) { // If scan_mode is TRUE, cycle through all the 802.15.4 channels looking // for packets. For some reason it seems to be necessary to close the // USB device and libusb library and reopen it for the channel change to // work reliably. Why? if (scan_mode) { channel++; if (channel > 26) { channel = 11; } // It seems to be necessary to reset libusb (close library and // re-initialize it) for zena_set_channel() to be successful. debug(9,"Closing ZENA to facilitate 802.15.4 channel change"); libusb_close (zena); debug(9,"Closing libusb library to facilitate 802.15.4 channel change"); libusb_exit(NULL); debug(9,"Reopening ZENA"); if ((zena = setup_libusb_access()) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: unable to reopen ZENA during 80.15.4 channel change\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } debug (1,"Setting 802.15.4 channel to %d",channel); status = zena_set_channel(zena,channel); if (status<0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: error setting 802.15.4 channel to %d during scan, errorCode=%d\n",channel, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // TODO: bug - we can have packet received from the // previous 802.15.4 channel in the buffer at this // point. When outputted it will be incorrectly // tagged with the new channel number. Can we purge // the buffer somehow? } switch (format) { //Seitz Added: Prints the packet: Time/chan/pkt len/src/possible dst/LQI/RSSI/pkt count case FORMAT_RANGER: status = zena_get_packet (zena, &zena_packet); if (status == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { // A timeout is a normal event. No action. break; } if (status != 0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: retrieving packet, errorCode=%d\n",status); break; } // Ensure that zena_packet.packet_len is a sane value. Occasionally getting crazy // values which causes segv when accessing the zena_packet.packet[] buffer. //Lu: added case of 0 byte length here which causes tshark to crash zena_packet.packet_len &= 0xff; if (zena_packet.packet_len > 125 || zena_packet.packet_len == 0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: invalid packet length, len=%d\n",zena_packet.packet_len); break; } if ( ( ! zena_packet.fcs_ok) && drop_bad_packets ) { warning ("dropping corrupted packet\n"); break; } /* //Zena reported second.usecond fprintf (stdout,"%d.%d ", zena_packet.zena_ts_sec, zena_packet.zena_ts_usec); // 802.15.4 channel fprintf (stdout, "Channel: %02d ", channel); // Packet length fprintf (stdout, "Packet Length: %03d ", zena_packet.packet_len); // Source Addr: 2 bytes zena_packet.packet[7-8] fprintf(stdout, "Src: %04d \t", zena_packet.packet[7]); // Destination Addr: 2 bytes zena_packet.packet[5-6] fprintf (stdout, "Dst: %04d \t", zena_packet.packet[5]); // LQI: Based off of SNR and RSSI for MRF24J40 // Values range from [0-255] Higher is better fprintf(stdout, "LQI: %02d \t", zena_packet.lqi); // RSSI Based off MRF24J40 received signal strength // Values range from [0-255] Higher is better fprintf(stdout, "RSSI: %02d\t", zena_packet.rssi); fprintf(stdout, "Packet count: %02d ", npacket); //Packet count // Calculate estimated distance from target fprintf(stdout, "\nCal Dist: %dm\n", estDist); fprintf(stdout, "RSS: %3.2f\t", rss); */ rss = RSSI_TO_RSS[zena_packet.rssi]; estDist = calDist(rss); fprintf(stdout, "Packet Count:%d,\tSrc ID:%04d,\tDst ID: %04d,\tLQI:%d,\tRSS:%2.2f,\tDist Est:%2.2fm",npacket,zena_packet.packet[7],zena_packet.packet[5],zena_packet.lqi,rss,estDist); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // fprintf(stdout, "Packet Count: %d, \tRSS = %2.2f\n",npacket,rss); fflush(stdout); npacket++; break; // End Seitz case FORMAT_USBHEX: bzero(usbbuf, 64); status = selected_profile->transfer(zena, selected_profile->ep_packets, usbbuf, 64, &nbytes, usb_timeout); // check for timeout and silently ignore if (status == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { debug(9,"libusb_transfer(): timeout"); continue; } // get host time of packet reception clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); if ( (exit_time>0) && (tp.tv_sec > (start_sec + exit_time))) { debug(1,"Exit time reached. Exiting."); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // a real error (ie not timeout) if (status < 0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: error retrieving ZENA packet, errorCode=%d\n", status); continue; } // Packet timestamp fprintf (stdout,"%ld.%ld ",tp.tv_sec,tp.tv_nsec); // 802.15.4 channel fprintf (stdout, "%02x ", channel); // Echo USB 64 byte packet to screen. Each byte as hex separated by space. // One line per packet. for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { fprintf (stdout, "%02x ", usbbuf[j] & 0xff); } fprintf (stdout, "\n"); fflush (stdout); break; //Seitz Added: Printing last two bytes of Rx beacon for LQI and RSSI values // for (j = 17; j < 19; j++) { // fprintf (stdout, "%02x ", usbbuf[j] & 0xff); // fprintf (stdout, "%02d ", usbbuf[j]); // } //End Seitz fprintf (stdout, "\n"); fflush (stdout); break; case FORMAT_PCAP: status = zena_get_packet (zena, &zena_packet); if (status == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { // A timeout is a normal event. No action. break; } if (status != 0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: retrieving packet, errorCode=%d\n",status); break; } // Ensure that zena_packet.packet_len is a sane value. Occasionally getting crazy // values which causes segv when accessing the zena_packet.packet[] buffer. //Lu: added case of 0 byte length here which causes tshark to crash zena_packet.packet_len &= 0xff; if (zena_packet.packet_len > 125 || zena_packet.packet_len == 0) { fprintf (stderr,"ERROR: invalid packet length, len=%d\n",zena_packet.packet_len); break; } if ( ( ! zena_packet.fcs_ok) && drop_bad_packets ) { warning ("dropping corrupted packet\n"); break; } npacket++; // Write PCAP packet header fwrite (&zena_packet.host_ts_sec, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // ts_sec: timestamp seconds fwrite (&zena_packet.host_ts_usec, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // ts_usec: timestamp microseconds if (selected_profile->flags & HAS_FCS_FIELD) { fwrite (&zena_packet.packet_len, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (&zena_packet.packet_len, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (zena_packet.packet, 1, zena_packet.packet_len, stdout); } else if (pcap_lqi_rssi_write) { packet_len_plus_2 = zena_packet.packet_len + 2; fwrite (&packet_len_plus_2, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (&packet_len_plus_2, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (zena_packet.packet, 1, zena_packet.packet_len, stdout); } else // Small problem re FCS. Old HW ZENA does not provide this information. // Solution is in the case of a good packet not to include FCS // and Wireshark will ignore it. In the case were the FCS is // known to be bad, we'll include a deliberatly wrong FCS. For // the moment this will be a fixed value (0x0000), but ideally // it should be computed from the packet and the +1 to guarantee // it is a bad FCS. if (zena_packet.fcs_ok) { packet_len_plus_2 = zena_packet.packet_len + 2; // write packet excluding FCS fwrite (&zena_packet.packet_len, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (&packet_len_plus_2, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); // full frame included 2 FCS octets fwrite (zena_packet.packet, 1, zena_packet.packet_len, stdout); } else { packet_len_plus_2 = zena_packet.packet_len + 2; // two extra bytes for deliberately wrong FCS fwrite (&packet_len_plus_2, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); fwrite (&packet_len_plus_2, sizeof(int), 1, stdout); zena_packet.packet[zena_packet.packet_len] = 0; zena_packet.packet[zena_packet.packet_len+1] = 0; fwrite (zena_packet.packet, 1, packet_len_plus_2, stdout); } fflush(stdout); break; } // end switch } // end main loop // Release USB interface and close USB connection. // This code never reached at the moment -- need to implement signal handler for this. // However I've noticed no resource leaks. Process kill seems to take care of this. libusb_close (zena); libusb_exit(NULL); debug (1, "Normal exit"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sqlConnection *conn, *conn2; char query2[256]; struct sqlResult *sr2; char **row2; char cond_str[255]; char *proteinDatabaseName; /* example: sp031112 */ char *protDbName; /* example: proteins031112 */ char emptyStr[1] = {""}; FILE *o2; char *accession; char *aaSeq; char *chp; int i, j, len; int cCnt; char *answer, *answer2; double hydroSum; char *protDisplayId; int aaResCnt[30]; double aaResCntDouble[30]; char aaAlphabet[30]; int aaResFound; int totalResCnt; int molWtCnt; double molWt[100000]; int pIcnt; double pI[100000]; double aa_hydro[256]; int icnt, jExon, pcnt, ipcnt = 0; double aaLenDouble[100000]; double avgHydro[100000]; double cCountDouble[100000]; double exonCountDouble[100000]; double interProCountDouble[100000]; char *taxon; char *database; char *exonCnt; int interProCount; char *kgId; if (argc != 5) usage(); strcpy(aaAlphabet, "WCMHYNFIDQKRTVPGEASLXZB"); /* Ala: 1.800 Arg: -4.500 Asn: -3.500 Asp: -3.500 Cys: 2.500 Gln: -3.500 */ aa_hydro['A'] = 1.800; aa_hydro['R'] = -4.500; aa_hydro['N'] = -3.500; aa_hydro['D'] = -3.500; aa_hydro['C'] = 2.500; aa_hydro['Q'] = -3.500; /* Glu: -3.500 Gly: -0.400 His: -3.200 Ile: 4.500 Leu: 3.800 Lys: -3.900 */ aa_hydro['E'] = -3.500; aa_hydro['G'] = -0.400; aa_hydro['H'] = -3.200; aa_hydro['I'] = 4.500; aa_hydro['L'] = 3.800; aa_hydro['K'] = -3.900; /* Met: 1.900 Phe: 2.800 Pro: -1.600 Ser: -0.800 Thr: -0.700 Trp: -0.900 */ aa_hydro['M'] = 1.900; aa_hydro['F'] = 2.800; aa_hydro['P'] = -1.600; aa_hydro['S'] = -0.800; aa_hydro['T'] = -0.700; aa_hydro['W'] = -0.900; /* Tyr: -1.300 Val: 4.200 Asx: -3.500 Glx: -3.500 Xaa: -0.490 */ aa_hydro['Y'] = -1.300; aa_hydro['V'] = 4.200; proteinDatabaseName = argv[1]; protDbName = argv[2]; taxon = argv[3]; database = argv[4]; o2 = mustOpen("", "w"); conn = hAllocConn(database); conn2 = hAllocConn(database); for (j=0; j<23; j++) { aaResCnt[j] = 0; } icnt = jExon = pcnt = 0; pIcnt = 0; molWtCnt = 0; sqlSafef(query2, sizeof(query2), "select acc from %s.accToTaxon where taxon=%s;", proteinDatabaseName, taxon); sr2 = sqlMustGetResult(conn2, query2); row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); while (row2 != NULL) { accession = row2[0]; sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "acc='%s'", accession); protDisplayId = sqlGetField(proteinDatabaseName, "displayId", "val", cond_str); sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "proteinID='%s'", protDisplayId); answer = sqlGetField(database, "knownGene", "name", cond_str); /* count InterPro domains */ if (answer != NULL) { sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "accession='%s'", accession); answer2 = sqlGetField(protDbName, "swInterPro", "count(*)", cond_str); if (answer2 != NULL) { interProCount = interProCount + atoi(answer2); interProCountDouble[ipcnt] = (double)(atoi(answer2)); ipcnt++; } else { printf("%s is not in InterPro DB.\n", accession);fflush(stdout); } } /* count exons, using coding exons from kgProtMap2 (KG-III) table */ sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "spID='%s'", accession); kgId = sqlGetField(database, "kgXref", "kgID", cond_str); sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "qName='%s'", kgId); answer2 = sqlGetField(database, "kgProtMap2", "blockCount", cond_str); if (answer2 != NULL) { exonCnt = strdup(answer2); if (atoi(exonCnt) == 0) { errAbort("%s %s has 0 block count\n", accession, protDisplayId); } exonCountDouble[jExon] = (double)(atoi(exonCnt)); jExon++; } else { exonCnt = emptyStr; } /* process Mol Wt */ sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "accession='%s'", accession); answer2 = sqlGetField(database, "pepMwAa", "molWeight", cond_str); if (answer2 != NULL) { molWt[molWtCnt] = (double)(atof(answer2)); molWtCnt++; } /* process pI */ sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "accession='%s'", accession); answer2 = sqlGetField(database, "pepPi", "pI", cond_str); if (answer2 != NULL) { pI[pIcnt] = (double)(atof(answer2)); pIcnt++; } sqlSafefFrag(cond_str, sizeof(cond_str), "acc='%s'", accession); aaSeq = sqlGetField(proteinDatabaseName, "protein", "val", cond_str); if (aaSeq == NULL) { errAbort("%s does not have protein sequence data in %s, aborting ...\n", accession, proteinDatabaseName); } len = strlen(aaSeq); chp = aaSeq; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { aaResFound = 0; for (j=0; j<23; j++) { if (*chp == aaAlphabet[j]) { aaResFound = 1; aaResCnt[j] ++; } } if (!aaResFound) { warn("%c %d not a valid AA residue in %s:\n%s", *chp, *chp, accession, aaSeq); } chp++; } /* calculate hydrophobicity */ chp = aaSeq; cCnt = 0; hydroSum = 0; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { hydroSum = hydroSum + aa_hydro[(int)(*chp)]; /* count Cysteines */ if ((*chp == 'C') || (*chp == 'c')) { cCnt ++; } chp++; } aaLenDouble[icnt] = len; cCountDouble[icnt] = (double)cCnt; avgHydro[icnt] = hydroSum/(double)len; icnt++; row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); } totalResCnt = 0; for (i=0; i<23; i++) { totalResCnt = totalResCnt + aaResCnt[i]; } /* write out residue count distribution */ for (i=0; i<20; i++) { aaResCntDouble[i] = ((double)aaResCnt[i])/((double)totalResCnt); fprintf(o2, "%d\t%f\n", i+1, (float)aaResCntDouble[i]); } fprintf(o2, "%d\t%f\n", i+1, 0.0); carefulClose(&o2); /* calculate and write out various distributions */ calDist(molWt, molWtCnt, 21, 0.0, 10000.0,""); calDist(pI, pIcnt, 61, 3.0, 0.2, ""); calDist(avgHydro, icnt, 41, -2.0, 0.1, ""); calDist(cCountDouble, icnt, 51, 0.0, 1.0, ""); calDist(exonCountDouble, jExon, 31, 0.0, 1.0, ""); calDist(interProCountDouble, ipcnt, 16, 0.0, 1.0, ""); sqlFreeResult(&sr2); hFreeConn(&conn); hFreeConn(&conn2); return(0); }