scalar KasmiMassonHill::calcHeight(scalar dist, scalar xi0, scalar xi1) const{ // equal: if(xi0 == xi1) return zofxi(xi0); // calc x values at boundaries: scalar x0 = xofxi(xi0); scalar x1 = xofxi(xi1); // if close enough, return mean height: scalar d0 = mag(x0 - dist); scalar d1 = mag(x1 - dist); if(d0 <= resolution() && d1 <= resolution()){ // calc heights scalar z0 = zofxi(xi0); scalar z1 = zofxi(xi1); return d1 / (d0 + d1) * z0 + d0 / (d0 + d1) * z1; } // calc middle xi and x there: scalar xi = 0.5 * (xi0 + xi1); scalar x = xofxi(xi); // call again: if(x <= dist) return calcHeight(dist,xi,xi1); return calcHeight(dist,xi0,xi); }
/* Returns Vec4f = normal & heigh at (x,z) */ Vec4f calcSineValue(float x, float z) { float mag; Vec4f v; float t = animationTime; /* Sum heights of both waves at (x,z) */ v.w = calcHeight(&sineWaveX, x, t) + calcHeight(&sineWaveZ, z, t); /* Normal for each sine wave */ Vec2f normX = calcNormal(&sineWaveX, x, t); Vec2f normZ = calcNormal(&sineWaveZ, z, t); /* Combining normals */ v.x = normX.x; v.y = 1.0f; v.z = normZ.x; /* Normalizing */ mag = sqrt((v.x*v.x) + (v.y*v.y) + (v.z*v.z)); v.x = v.x/mag; v.y = v.y/mag; v.z = v.z/mag; return v; }
int calcHeight(TreeNode* p) { if (p==NULL) return 0; if (p->left==NULL) return calcHeight(p->right)+1; else if (p->right==NULL) return calcHeight(p->left)+1; else return min(calcHeight(p->left), calcHeight(p->right))+1; }
LRESULT OptionsCanvas::doSize( WPARAM /*sizeType*/, int newWidth, int /*newHeight*/) { int optimalWidth = 0; // Pass 1: calculate the appropriate value for optimalWidth, the needed // widht for the widest float/long option. calcHeight(newWidth, optimalWidth, false); // Pass 2: update the locations of all of the controls. calcHeight(newWidth, optimalWidth, true); return 0; }
void RenderSVGRoot::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); // Arbitrary affine transforms are incompatible with LayoutState. view()->disableLayoutState(); LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout() && selfNeedsLayout()); int oldWidth = width(); calcWidth(); int oldHeight = height(); calcHeight(); SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(node()); setWidth(static_cast<int>(width() * svg->currentScale())); setHeight(static_cast<int>(height() * svg->currentScale())); calcViewport(); // RenderSVGRoot needs to take special care to propagate window size changes to the children, // if the outermost <svg> is using relative x/y/width/height values. Hence the additonal parameters. layoutChildren(this, selfNeedsLayout() || (svg->hasRelativeValues() && (width() != oldWidth || height() != oldHeight))); repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); view()->enableLayoutState(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
void RenderSVGImage::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout()); SVGImageElement* image = static_cast<SVGImageElement*>(node()); if (m_needsTransformUpdate) { m_localTransform = image->animatedLocalTransform(); m_needsTransformUpdate = false; } // minimum height setHeight(errorOccurred() ? intrinsicSize().height() : 0); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); m_localBounds = FloatRect(image->x().value(image), image->y().value(image), image->width().value(image), image->height().value(image)); m_cachedLocalRepaintRect = FloatRect(); repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
int main(void) { initializeTree(); while(1) { printf("1. Insert item. 2. Delete item. 3. Search item. \n"); printf("4. Print height of tree. 5. Print height of an item. \n"); printf("6. PrintInOrder. 7. Range Search.\n"); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertItem(root, item); } else if(ch==2) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); deleteItem(root, item); } else if(ch==3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct treeNode * res = searchItem(root, item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch==4) { int height = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("Height of tree = %d\n", height); } else if(ch==5) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); int height = calcHeight(item); printf("Height of %d = %d\n", item, height); } else if(ch==6) { int h = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("\n--------------------------------\n"); printInOrder(root, h); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(ch==7) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%d\n",rangeSearch(root,l,r)); } } }
int MySBBST<Elem, Key, EEComp, KEComp>::calcHeight(MySBBSTNode *&sr) { if (sr -> lc && sr -> rc) sr -> height = max(calcHeight(sr -> lc), calcHeight(sr -> rc)) + 1; else if (sr -> lc) sr -> height = calcHeight(sr -> lc) + 1; else if (sr -> rc) { sr -> height = calcHeight(sr -> rc) + 1; } else { sr -> height = 0; } return sr -> height; }
void KasmiMassonHill::calcAll(){ // init and fill height list: heightTable_ = HashTable<scalar>( a_ / resolution() + 1); for(label i = 0; i < heightTable_.size(); i++){ scalar d = i * resolution(); heightTable_.set(hkey(d), calcHeight(d, 0., a_)); } }
int main(void) { unsigned int i; int sum = 0; int current = 0; int hgt_percent = 0; int degrees = 0; STATE = IDLE; initClock(); initADC(); initYaw(); initMotorPin(); initDisplay(); intButton(); initConsole(); initPWMchan(); initCircBuf (&g_inBuffer, BUF_SIZE); // Enable interrupts to the processor. IntMasterEnable(); while (1) { //double dt = SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICK_RATE_HZ; degrees = yawToDeg(); // Background task: calculate the (approximate) mean of the values in the // circular buffer and display it. sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) { current = readCircBuf (&g_inBuffer); sum = sum + current; } int newHght = ADC_TO_MILLIS(sum/BUF_SIZE); if(initialRead != 0) { hgt_percent = calcHeight(initialRead, newHght); } if (STATE == FLYING || STATE == LANDING){ PIDControl(hgt_percent, SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICK_RATE_HZ); PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_1, period * main_duty / 100); PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_4, period * tail_duty / 100); } displayInfo((int)initialRead, hgt_percent, degrees); } }
Elem MySBBST<Elem, Key, EEComp, KEComp>::remove(Key k) { Elem e = zero; if (k && root) { e = remove(root, k); calcHeight(root); } return e; }
void RenderIndicator::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout()); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); layoutParts(); repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
void ItemUser::updateValues( af::Node *node, int type) { af::User * user = (af::User*)node; permanent = user->isPermanent(); if( numrunningtasks ) setRunning(); else setNotRunning(); priority = user->getPriority(); annotation = afqt::stoq( user->getAnnontation()); hostname = afqt::stoq( user->getHostName()); numjobs = user->getNumJobs(); numrunningtasks = user->getRunningTasksNumber(); maxrunningtasks = user->getMaxRunningTasks(); hostsmask = afqt::stoq( user->getHostsMask()); hostsmask_exclude = afqt::stoq( user->getHostsMaskExclude()); errors_avoidhost = user->getErrorsAvoidHost(); errors_tasksamehost = user->getErrorsTaskSameHost(); errors_retries = user->getErrorsRetries(); errors_forgivetime = user->getErrorsForgiveTime(); jobs_lifetime = user->getJobsLifeTime(); if( numrunningtasks ) setRunning(); else setNotRunning(); strLeftTop = QString("%1-%2").arg(name).arg( priority); if( false == permanent ) strLeftTop = QString("(%1)").arg( strLeftTop); if( isLocked()) strLeftTop = "(LOCK) " + strLeftTop; strLeftBottom = 'j' + QString::number( numjobs) + '/' + QString::number( user->getNumRunningJobs()); strHCenterTop.clear(); if( maxrunningtasks != -1) strHCenterTop = QString("m%1").arg( maxrunningtasks ); if( false == hostsmask.isEmpty() ) strHCenterTop += QString(" H(%1)").arg( hostsmask ); if( false == hostsmask_exclude.isEmpty()) strHCenterTop += QString(" E(%1)").arg( hostsmask_exclude ); strHCenterTop += QString(" %1").arg( user->generateErrorsSolvingString().c_str()); if( jobs_lifetime > 0 ) strHCenterTop += QString(" L%1").arg( af::time2strHMS( jobs_lifetime, true).c_str()); strRightTop = hostname; if( user->solveJobsParallel()) { strRightBottom = "Par"; } else { strRightBottom = "Ord"; } tooltip = user->generateInfoString( true).c_str(); calcHeight(); }
void RenderSlider::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); RenderBox* thumb = m_thumb ? toRenderBox(m_thumb->renderer()) : 0; IntSize baseSize(borderAndPaddingWidth(), borderAndPaddingHeight()); if (thumb) { // Allow the theme to set the size of the thumb. if (thumb->style()->hasAppearance()) { // FIXME: This should pass the style, not the renderer, to the theme. theme()->adjustSliderThumbSize(thumb); } baseSize.expand(thumb->style()->width().calcMinValue(0), thumb->style()->height().calcMinValue(0)); } LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout()); IntSize oldSize = size(); setSize(baseSize); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); if (thumb) { if (oldSize != size()) thumb->setChildNeedsLayout(true, false); LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(view(), this, size()); IntRect oldThumbRect = thumb->frameRect(); thumb->layoutIfNeeded(); IntRect rect = thumbRect(); thumb->setFrameRect(rect); if (thumb->checkForRepaintDuringLayout()) thumb->repaintDuringLayoutIfMoved(oldThumbRect); statePusher.pop(); addOverflowFromChild(thumb); } repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
void RenderReplaced::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout()); setHeight(minimumReplacedHeight()); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); adjustOverflowForBoxShadowAndReflect(); repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
void RenderReplaced::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout()); setHeight(minimumReplacedHeight()); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); m_overflow.clear(); addShadowOverflow(); repainter.repaintAfterLayout(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
scalar KasmiMassonHill::height(scalar dist) const{ // simple cases: if(dist >= a_) return 0.; if(dist < resolution()) return maxHeight_; // chop to resolution(): label hi = dist / resolution(); scalar hdist = hi * resolution(); // check if already calculated, calc otherwise: word k = hkey(hdist); if(!heightTable_.found(k)){ heightTable_.set(k,calcHeight(hdist, 0., a_)); } return heightTable_[k]; }
void RenderSVGContainer::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); calcViewport(); // Arbitrary affine transforms are incompatible with LayoutState. view()->disableLayoutState(); IntRect oldBounds; IntRect oldOutlineBox; bool checkForRepaint = checkForRepaintDuringLayout(); if (selfNeedsLayout() && checkForRepaint) { oldBounds = m_absoluteBounds; oldOutlineBox = absoluteOutlineBox(); } RenderObject* child = firstChild(); while (child) { if (!child->isRenderPath() || static_cast<RenderPath*>(child)->hasRelativeValues()) child->setNeedsLayout(true); child->layoutIfNeeded(); ASSERT(!child->needsLayout()); child = child->nextSibling(); } calcWidth(); calcHeight(); m_absoluteBounds = absoluteClippedOverflowRect(); if (!parent()->isSVGContainer()) { SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(element()); m_width = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(m_width) * svg->currentScale()); m_height = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(m_height) * svg->currentScale()); } if (selfNeedsLayout() && checkForRepaint) repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded(oldBounds, oldOutlineBox); view()->enableLayoutState(); setNeedsLayout(false); }
int main() { freopen("","r",stdin); int casen; scanf("%d\n",&casen); while(casen-->0) { n=0; m=255; char tmp; memset(rank,0,sizeof(rank)); while(scanf("%c",&tmp)!=EOF) {if(tmp=='\n')break;s[n++]=tmp;} long long ans=n*(1+n)/2; s[n]=-1; da(); calcHeight(); for(int i=1;i<n;i++) ans-=height[i]; printf("%lld\n",ans); } return 0; }
void RenderReplaced::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); IntRect oldBounds; IntRect oldOutlineBox; bool checkForRepaint = checkForRepaintDuringLayout(); if (checkForRepaint) { oldBounds = absoluteClippedOverflowRect(); oldOutlineBox = absoluteOutlineBox(); } m_height = minimumReplacedHeight(); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); adjustOverflowForBoxShadow(); if (checkForRepaint) repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded(oldBounds, oldOutlineBox); setNeedsLayout(false); }
void Hill::init() { calcHeight(); }
void ExportDialog::recalcRatio() { if (cbRatio->isChecked()) { calcHeight(); } }
int main(void) { initializeTree(); while(1) { printf("\n1. Insert item. 2. Delete item. 3. Search item. \n"); printf("4. Print height of tree. 5. Print height of an item. \n"); printf("6. PrintInOrder. 7. Calculate Depth 8. get MinItem. 9. get MaxItem.\n10. Range search. 11. Delete. 12. exit.\n"); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertItem(root, item); } else if(ch==2) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); deleteItem(root, item); } else if(ch==3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct treeNode * res = searchItem(root, item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch==4) { int height = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("Height of tree = %d\n", height); } else if(ch==5) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); int height = calcHeight(item); printf("Height of %d = %d\n", item, height); } else if(ch==6) { int h = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("\n--------------------------------\n"); printInOrder(root, h); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(ch==12) { break; } else if(ch==7) { int i; scanf("%d",&i); printf("depth %d\n",calcDepth(i)); } else if(ch==8) { printf("min item %d\n",getMinItem()); } else if(ch==9) { printf("max item %d\n",getMaxItem()); } else if(ch==10) { int item1,item2; scanf("%d%d", &item1,&item2); printf("Item number %d",rangeSearch(root,item1,item2)); } else if(ch==11) { int a; scanf("%d",&a); deleteItem(root,a); } } }
ExportDialog::ExportDialog(int w, int h, int wsel, int hsel, QString filename_, bool nosel_, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setCaption(tr("Export graphics")); dwidth = w; dheight = h; dwidthsel = wsel; dheightsel = hsel; svg = false; noselected = nosel_; filename = filename_; lblFilename = new QLabel(tr("Save to file (Graphics format by extension)")); lblResolutionX = new QLabel(tr("Width in pixels")); lblResolutionY = new QLabel(tr("Height in pixels")); lblRatio = new QLabel(tr("Scale factor: ")); lblFormat = new QLabel(tr("Image format:")); ExportButt = new QPushButton(tr("Export")); connect(ExportButt,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(accept())); CancelButt = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel")); connect(CancelButt,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reject())); SaveButt = new QPushButton(tr("File")); connect(SaveButt,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(setFileName())); editFilename = new QLineEdit(filename); connect(editFilename,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(setSvg(QString))); editResolutionX = new QLineEdit(QString::number(dwidth)); QIntValidator *val = new QIntValidator(0,64000,this); editResolutionX->setValidator(val); editResolutionX->setEnabled(false); editResolutionY = new QLineEdit(QString::number(dheight)); editResolutionY->setValidator(val); editResolutionY->setEnabled(false); editScale = new QLineEdit(QString::number(1.0)); QDoubleValidator *val1 = new QDoubleValidator(0,20.0,2,this); editScale->setValidator(val1); cbxImgType = new QComboBox(this); QStringList lst; lst<<tr("Colour")<<tr("Monochrome"); cbxImgType->addItems(lst); cbRatio = new QCheckBox(tr("Original width to height ratio")); cbRatio->setChecked(true); connect(cbRatio,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(recalcRatio())); cbResolution = new QCheckBox(tr("Original size")); connect(cbResolution,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),editResolutionX,SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); connect(cbResolution,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),editResolutionY,SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); connect(cbResolution,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),cbRatio,SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); connect(cbResolution,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),editScale,SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); connect(cbResolution,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(restoreOriginalWtoH())); cbResolution->setChecked(true); connect(editResolutionX,SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),this,SLOT(calcHeight())); connect(editResolutionY,SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),this,SLOT(calcWidth())); connect(editScale,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(recalcScale())); cbSelected = new QCheckBox(tr("Export selected only")); connect(cbSelected,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(setSelectedWH())); cbSelected->setChecked(false); if (noselected) cbSelected->setDisabled(true); //cbResolution->setEnabled(false); cbRatio->setEnabled(false); top = new QVBoxLayout; lower1 = new QHBoxLayout; lower2 = new QHBoxLayout; lower3 = new QHBoxLayout; lower4 = new QHBoxLayout; top->addWidget(lblFilename); lower1->addWidget(editFilename); lower1->addWidget(SaveButt); top->addLayout(lower1); lower4->addWidget(lblFormat); lower4->addWidget(cbxImgType); top->addLayout(lower4); top->addWidget(cbResolution); //top->addWidget(cbRatio); lower3->addWidget(lblRatio); lower3->addWidget(editScale); top->addLayout(lower3); top->addWidget(lblResolutionX); top->addWidget(editResolutionX); top->addWidget(lblResolutionY); top->addWidget(editResolutionY); top->addWidget(cbSelected); lower2->addWidget(ExportButt); lower2->addWidget(CancelButt); top->addLayout(lower2); this->setLayout(top); this->layout()->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); this->setWindowTitle(tr("Export schematic to raster or vector image")); this->setSvg(editFilename->text()); }
int main(void) { //freopen("in2.txt", "r", stdin); initializeTree(); while(1) { //printMenu(); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch == 1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertItem(root, item); } else if(ch == 2) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); deleteItem(root, item); } else if(ch == 3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct treeNode * res = searchItem(root, item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch == 4) { int height = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("Height of tree = %d\n", height); } else if(ch == 5) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); int height = calcHeight(item); printf("Height of %d = %d\n", item, height); } else if(ch == 6) { int h = calcNodeHeight(root); printf("\n--------------------------------\n"); printInOrder(root, h); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(ch == 7) { printf("%d\n", getSize(root)); } else if(ch == 8) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); printf("%d\n", calcDepth(item)); } else if(ch == 9) { printf("%d\n", calcNodeDepth(root)); } else if(ch == 10) { if(root == 0) { printf("tree is empty\n"); continue; } printf("%d\n", getMinItem()); } else if(ch == 11) { if(root == 0) { printf("tree is empty\n"); continue; } printf("%d\n", getMaxItem()); } else if(ch == 12) { int left, right; scanf("%d %d", &left, &right); printf("%d\n", rangeSearch(root, left, right)); } else if(ch == 13) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); //printf("Del : %d\n", item); //deleteItem(root, item); printf("%d\n", deleteItem(root, item)); } else if(ch == 14) { break; } } }
/** Retain size and translate to a new center location. */ inline void setCenter( const Vector3& newCenterLoc ) { Vector3 halfSize = Vector3( calcWidth(), calcHeight(), calcDepth() ) * 0.5f ; m_Min = newCenterLoc - halfSize; m_Max = newCenterLoc + halfSize; }
int minDepth(TreeNode* root) { return calcHeight(root); }