Exemplo n.º 1
DS_ElapsedTime::DS_ElapsedTime() {

    connect (DS_Timers::getInstance(), SIGNAL (timeout100()),
             this,                     SLOT   (calculateElapsedTime()));
Exemplo n.º 2
int DeviceDriver::checkForTimerEvents(ClientReporter *r) {
  int status;
  int result = ESUCCESS;
  for (int lun = 0; lun < logicalUnitCount; lun++) {
    LogicalUnitInfo *currentUnit = logicalUnits[lun];
    if (currentUnit != 0) {
      for (int timer = 0; timer < 2; timer++) {
        if (currentUnit->intervalTime[timer] > 0) {
          currentUnit->deltaTime[timer] = calculateElapsedTime(currentUnit, timer);
          if (currentUnit->deltaTime[timer] >= currentUnit->intervalTime[timer]) {
            status = this->processTimerEvent(lun, timer, r);
            currentUnit->previousTime[timer] = currentUnit->currentTime[timer];
            result = (status == ESUCCESS) ? result : status;
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
			int		argc,
			char*	argv[])
	// Just hoist everything...

	MemoryManagerType& theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr();

	XalanFileUtility	h(theManager);

	// Set the program help string,  then get the command line parameters.

	bool setGold = false;

	const XalanDOMString	processorType(XALAN_STATIC_UCODE_STRING("XalanC"));

	if (h.getParams(argc, argv, "PERFT-RESULTS", setGold) == true)
		XalanTransformer xalan;

		// Generate Unique Run id and processor info
		XalanDOMString UniqRunid;

		// Defined basic constants for file manipulation and open results file
		const XalanDOMString  resultFilePrefix("cpp");
		XalanDOMString  resultsFile= h.args.output;
		resultsFile += resultFilePrefix;
		resultsFile += UniqRunid;
		resultsFile += XalanFileUtility::s_xmlSuffix;

		XalanXMLFileReporter	logFile(theManager, resultsFile);
		logFile.logTestFileInit("Performance Testing - Reports various performance metrics using the Transformer");

		// Get the list of sub-directories below "base" and iterate through them
		bool foundDir = false;		// Flag indicates directory found. Used in conjunction with -sub cmd-line arg.

		typedef XalanFileUtility::FileNameVectorType		FileNameVectorType;

		FileNameVectorType dirs;
		h.getDirectoryNames(h.args.base, dirs);

		for(FileNameVectorType::size_type	j = 0; j < dirs.size(); j++)
			// Run specific category of files from given directory
			if (length(h.args.sub) > 0 && !equals(dirs[j], h.args.sub))

			cout << "Processing files in Directory: " << dirs[j] << endl;

			// Check that output directory is there.
			XalanDOMString  theOutputDir = h.args.output;
			theOutputDir += dirs[j];

			// Indicate that directory was processed and get test files from the directory
			foundDir = true;
			FileNameVectorType files;
			h.getTestFileNames(h.args.base, dirs[j], false, files);
			XalanDOMString logEntry;
			logEntry = "Performance Directory: ";
			logEntry += dirs[j];

			const long	iterCount = h.args.iters;

			for(FileNameVectorType::size_type i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
				// Define  variables used for timing and reporting ...
				clock_t startTime, endTime, accmTime, avgEtoe;
				double timeinMilliseconds = 0, theAverage =0;
				int transformResult = 0;

				typedef XalanXMLFileReporter::Hashtable	Hashtable;

				Hashtable attrs(theManager);

				attrs.insert(Hashtable::value_type(XalanDOMString("idref"), files[i]));
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("Iterations",iterCount, attrs);
				if (h.args.skip)
					if (checkForExclusion(files[i]))

				XalanDOMString  theXSLFile = h.args.base;
				theXSLFile += dirs[j];
				theXSLFile += XalanFileUtility::s_pathSep;
				theXSLFile += files[i];

				XalanDOMString  theXMLFile; 
				h.generateFileName(theXSLFile,"xml", theXMLFile);

				XalanDOMString  outbase = h.args.output;
				outbase += dirs[j];
				outbase += XalanFileUtility::s_pathSep;
				outbase += files[i]; 
				XalanDOMString  theOutputFile;
				h.generateFileName(outbase, "out", theOutputFile);

				const XSLTInputSource	xslInputSource(theXSLFile);
				const XSLTInputSource	xmlInputSource(theXMLFile);
				const XSLTResultTarget	theResultTarget(theOutputFile);

				attrs.insert(Hashtable::value_type(XalanDOMString("href"), theXSLFile));
				cout << endl << files[i] << endl;

				// Time the parsing(compile) of the XSL stylesheet and report the results..
				startTime = clock();
				const XalanCompiledStylesheet*	compiledSS = 0;
				xalan.compileStylesheet(xslInputSource, compiledSS);
				endTime = clock();

				if (compiledSS == 0)

				timeinMilliseconds = calculateElapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
				cout << "   XSL: " << timeinMilliseconds << " milliseconds, Parse" << endl;
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("parsexsl",timeinMilliseconds, attrs);	

				// Time the parsing of the input XML and report the results..
				startTime = clock();
				const XalanParsedSource*	parsedSource = 0;
				xalan.parseSource(xmlInputSource, parsedSource);
				endTime = clock();

				if (parsedSource == 0)

				timeinMilliseconds = calculateElapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
				cout << "   XML: " << timeinMilliseconds << " milliseconds, Parse" <<endl;
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("parsexml",timeinMilliseconds, attrs);

				// Perform One transform using parsed stylesheet and unparsed xml source, report results...
				startTime = clock();
					transformResult = xalan.transform(xmlInputSource, compiledSS, theResultTarget);
				endTime = clock();
					timeinMilliseconds = calculateElapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
					cout << endl << "   One: " << timeinMilliseconds << " w/Parsed XSL." << endl;
					logFile.addMetricToAttrs("single", timeinMilliseconds, attrs);	
					cout << xalan.getLastError();
					return -1;

				// Do One eTOe transform with no pre parsing of either xsl or xml files.
				// And output metrics to console and result log
				startTime = clock();
					transformResult = xalan.transform(xmlInputSource, xslInputSource, theResultTarget);
				endTime = clock();
					timeinMilliseconds = calculateElapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
					cout << "   One: " << timeinMilliseconds << " eTOe." << endl;
					logFile.addMetricToAttrs("etoe", timeinMilliseconds, attrs);	
					cout << xalan.getLastError();
					return -1;

				// Perform multiple transforms and calculate the average time ..
				// These are done 3 different ways.
				// FIRST: Parsed XSL Stylesheet and Parsed XML Source.
				accmTime = 0;
				for(int j = 0; j < iterCount; ++j)
					startTime = clock();
						transformResult = xalan.transform(*parsedSource, compiledSS, theResultTarget);
					endTime = clock();
					accmTime += endTime - startTime;

				theAverage = calculateAvgTime(accmTime, iterCount); 
				cout << endl << "   Avg: " << theAverage << " for " << iterCount << " iter's w/Parsed files" << endl;
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("avgparsedxml",theAverage, attrs);

				// SECOND: Parsed Stylesheet and UnParsed XML Source.
				// This is currently how the XalanJ 2.0 is performing transforms
				accmTime = 0;
				for(int k = 0; k < iterCount; ++k)
					startTime = clock();
						transformResult = xalan.transform(xmlInputSource, compiledSS, theResultTarget);
					endTime = clock();
					accmTime += endTime - startTime;						
				theAverage = calculateAvgTime(accmTime, iterCount);
				cout << "   Avg: " << theAverage << " for " << iterCount << " iter's w/UnParsed XML" << endl;
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("avgunparsedxml",theAverage, attrs);

				// THIRD: Neither Stylesheet nor XML Source are parsed.
				// Perform multiple etoe transforms and calculate the average ...
				avgEtoe = 0;
				for(int jj = 0; jj < iterCount; ++jj)
					startTime = clock();
						transformResult = xalan.transform(xmlInputSource, xslInputSource, theResultTarget);
					endTime = clock();
					avgEtoe += endTime - startTime;						
				theAverage = calculateAvgTime(avgEtoe,iterCount);

				// Output average transform time to console and result log
				cout << "   Avg: " << theAverage << " for " << iterCount << " iter's of eToe" << endl;
				logFile.addMetricToAttrs("avgetoe",theAverage, attrs);

				logFile.logElementWAttrs(10, "perf", attrs, "xxx");



			logEntry = "Performance Directory: ";
			logEntry += dirs[j];
 			logFile.logTestCaseClose(logEntry, XalanDOMString("Done"));

		// Check to see if -sub cmd-line directory was processed correctly.
		if (!foundDir)
			cout << "Specified test directory: \"" << c_str(TranscodeToLocalCodePage(h.args.sub)) << "\" not found" << endl;

		h.reportPassFail(logFile, UniqRunid);
		logFile.logTestFileClose("Performance", "Done");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void vehicle() {
	//calculate interval between vehicle spawns, in seconds
	float nextVehicleSpawnTime = (rand() % maxTimeBetweenArrivals) / 1000.f;
	struct timeval timeOfLastVehicleSpawn;
	gettimeofday(&timeOfLastVehicleSpawn, 0);
	int vehicleId = 1;
	while(1) {
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, EXIT, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			//captain says kill program, send acknowledgement
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
		float elapsedTimeSinceLastSpawn = calculateElapsedTime(timeOfLastVehicleSpawn);
		//check if its time to spawn a vehicle
		if(elapsedTimeSinceLastSpawn > nextVehicleSpawnTime) {
			//determine whether we should spawn a truck or a car
			int spawnNumber = rand() % 100 + 1;
			message.vehicleId = vehicleId++;
			//spawn a truck
			if(spawnNumber <= probabiltyOfTruckArriving) {
				//place truck in arrival lane
				message.mtype = TRUCK_IN_ARRIVAL_QUEUE;
				msgsnd(idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue, &message, messageLength, 0);
				printf("Truck number %d has arrived at the dock.\n", message.vehicleId);
			} else {//spawn a car
				message.mtype = CAR_IN_ARRIVAL_QUEUE;
				msgsnd(idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue, &message, messageLength, 0);
				printf("Car number %d has arrived at the dock.\n", message.vehicleId);
			nextVehicleSpawnTime = (rand() % maxTimeBetweenArrivals) / 1000.f;
			gettimeofday(&timeOfLastVehicleSpawn, 0);
		//check if captain wants ferry to load
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, FERRY_READY_TO_LOAD, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			//move all vehicles to loading queue
			while(msgrcv(idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue, &message, messageLength, TRUCK_IN_ARRIVAL_QUEUE, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
				message.mtype = TRUCK_READY_TO_LOAD;
				msgsnd(idMessageVehicleLoadingQueue, &message, messageLength, 0);
				printf("Truck number %d is ready for loading.\n", message.vehicleId);
			while(msgrcv(idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue, &message, messageLength, CAR_IN_ARRIVAL_QUEUE, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
				message.mtype = CAR_READY_TO_LOAD;
				msgsnd(idMessageVehicleLoadingQueue, &message, messageLength, 0);
				printf("Car number %d is ready for loading.\n", message.vehicleId);
			printf("Swapping arrival queue and late arrival queue.\n");
			/*swap the arrival queue and the late arrival queue.
			the queues are swaped here, instead of after the ferry finishes loading because if a vehicle arrives while the ferry is loading
			it needs to go to the late arrival queue, which means a separate flag needs to be checked when a vehicle arrives in order to
			determine if the vehicle should be placed into the arrival queue, or the late arrival queue.
			if we swap the queues here then we can always put new vehicles in the arrival queue since 
			late arrivals automatically end up in an empty queue*/
			int temp = idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue;
			idMessageVehicleArrivalQueue = idMessageVehicleLateArrivalQueue;
			idMessageVehicleLateArrivalQueue = temp;
			//tell captain vehicles are ready for loading
			message.mtype = FERRY_READY_TO_LOAD_ACK;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
		//if captain calls a vehicle to load, then send a confirmation
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, START_LOADING_TRUCK, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			message.mtype = FINISH_LOADING_TRUCK;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
			printf("Loaded truck number %d into the ferry.\n", message.vehicleId);
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, START_LOADING_CAR, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			message.mtype = FINISH_LOADING_CAR;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
			printf("Loaded Car number %d into the ferry.\n", message.vehicleId);
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, FERRY_FINISHED_LOADING, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			printf("Confirming ferry finished loading\n");
			message.mtype = FERRY_FINISHED_LOADING_ACK;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, FERRY_ARRIVED_AT_DESTINATION, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			printf("confirming ferry arrived at destination\n");
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
		//received request to unload a vehicle, send confirmation
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, START_UNLOADING_TRUCK, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			message.mtype = FINISH_UNLOADING_TRUCK;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
			printf("Unloaded a truck\n");
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, START_UNLOADING_CAR, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			message.mtype = FINISH_UNLOADING_CAR;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
			printf("Unloaded a car\n");
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, FERRY_FINISHED_UNLOADING, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			printf("Confirming ferry finished unloading.\n");
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
		if(msgrcv(idMessageFromCaptain, &message, messageLength, FERRY_RETURNED, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) {
			printf("Confirming ferry has returned.\n");
			message.mtype = FERRY_RETURNED_ACK;
			msgsnd(idMessageVehicleToCaptain, &message, messageLength, 0);
	/* create a timer
	while(forever) {
		if captain sends terminate message
			send acknowledgement
		if its time to spawn a vehicle
			determine what type of vehicle to spawn
			spawn vechicle by sending message to vechileArrivalQueue
			reset spawn timer
		if captain says ferry is ready to load
			move vehicles from arrivalQueue to loading queue
			swap the arrival queue and the late arrival queue
			the queues are swaped here, instead of after the ferry finishes loading because if a 
			vehicle arrives while the ferry is loading it needs to go to the late arrival queue, which means a separate flag needs to be checked when a vehicle arrives in order to determine
			if the vechile should be placed into the arrival queue, or the late arrival queue.
			if we swap the queues here then we can always put new vehicles in the arrival queue since 
			late arrivals automatically end up in an empty queue
			tell captain the vehicles are ready to load
		if a message to load a vechile arrives
			send a confirmation indicating the vehicle finished loading
		if captain says the ferry finished loading
			send a confirmation that message was received
		if captin says ferry arrived at destination
			send a confirmation that message was received
		if captain says to unload a vechile
			send a confirmation indicating the vehicle unloaded
		if captain says ferry finished unloading
			send confirmation
		if captain says the ferry has returned
			send confirmation
	} */